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Little business -was transacted on. the Stock Exchange on Saturday morning. la standard ■;-; stocks National Insurances were done at 26a 94. and' more were wanted at 26i 6d,- there being no sellers offering. New Zealand Portland Cements sold at 24a 3d, 24s 9d, and 255, closing with buyers at 24s Ski, and sellers at 25s 3d. In mining lines Waihis sold .at £9 2s and £9 2s 6d. and more were wanted at £9 2s, sellers holding out for £9 3s. Sales in Talismans took place at 463 and 453 Bd, closing with buyers at 45s 3d, and sellers at, 46*.: Crowns were done at 6s 3d and 6s 2d. and more were available at 6s 3d, buyers offering 6s Id. Waitangis were firm, and sale* took place at 4s 4d, 4s sd, and 43, 4d, and more were obtainable at the latter figure, buyers offering 4s 3d. Old Haurakis sold freely from 2- ' 6d to 2s Sd to 2s 7d to 25 6d, closing with sellers at 2s 6d, and buyers at 2j 3d. Consolidated Gold T fields were done at 15s and 15.-, 3d, and more were obtainable at the latter figure, buyers offering 153. Tairua Colder Hills (od paid) were done at 3s 6d, and more were sought after at that figure, sellers holding out for 3s 9d. Tairua Broken Hills were done at 3s, and closed with buyers at 2s lid ami sellers at 3s Id. Waihi Grand Junctions sold at 33s 6d. and closed with buyers at 335, and sellers at 55s 3d. Tairua Triumphs sold at Is 2d; Golden Beits (paid up) at 2s 2d: Waiotahis at 2s lid: Phoenix (6d paid) at lOd ; Brilliant Blocks (3d paid) at 3 l d. AUCKLAND STOCK EXCHANGE. BUSINESS DONE ON SATURDAY. Previous day's closing sates. National Insurance—lst call, 26? 9d ... — New Zealand Portland Cement— call, 24s Sd, 24b 3d, 25s 14 3 Waiotahi— cull, 2s lid •-. ••• — Waitanjri— call. 4s 4d, 4s sd, 4* 44 0 4 2 Consolidated Goldtields--Ist call. 18*; 2nd call, 15s 3d 0 14 9 Old Haurakl—lst call, 2s 6d, 2s od ; 2nd call, 2s 6d, 2s 7d, 2s 6d 0 2 6 Brilliant Block (3d paid)— 2nd call, SUI Crown— call, 6s 3d, 6s 2d 0 6 3 Glodcn Belt (paid up)—2nd call, 2s 2d 0 2 1 riKßilix (6d paid)— lst call, lOd; 2nd call, 10d 0 0 10t, Tairua Broken Hills—2nd call, 3s ... 0 3 0 Tairua Golden Hills (6d paid)—2nd call, 3s 6d. 0 3 1 Tairua. Triumph— 2nd "1!, Is 2d ... 0 14 Talisman— lst call, 465; 2nd call, 40«, 455. 3d • ... 2 5 9 Waihi—lst call, £9 2s; 2nd call, £9 2s, £9 2s 6(1 • 9 2 6 Waihi Grand Junction—2nd call, 33a 6d 1 13 9 CLOSING QUOTATIONS. Sellers. Purer* £ b. d. £ a. d BANKS— New Zealand 9 10 0 - INSURANCE— New Zealand 3 16 0 3 15 0 National — 16 6 Standard 12 6 — FINANCIAL— N.Z. and River Plate ... 1 12 3 1 12 0 COAlA-.Hikurang-i .: — 0 9 0 Taupiri .Mines, Ltd. ... 019 6 — West port Stockton ... 0 9 9 0 8 o Drnry ' 0& 0 03 6 GAS— Auckland 15 10 0 15 7 6 Thames 1 18 0 — Oisborno — . 2 14 0 SHIPPING— Union S.S. 1 16 0 1 IS 0 Northern, con. ...... 0 a 3 0 '6 0 • TIMBERKami, con ... 0 11 9 0 11 3 Parker-Lamb, Ltd. ... 1 6 0 15 3 MISCELLANEOUS— Auckland Tramways, pref. 13 6 — Auckland Tramways, ord. 12 3 116 D.S.C., Limited 0 5 5 0 4 9 Grey and . Mensdcs, prcf. 0 11 0 — Grey and Meimes, ord. 0 9 0 — Kill and. Plutiuncr, Ltd. 12 0 10 0 11.51. Arcade 'i'heatte Co.. pier • 10 6 0 19 6 H.AI. Arcade; Theatre Co., oid. 0 18 6 — Miinc and Choyee, pref. 1 3 6 — N.Z. Portland Cement: Co. 1-5 3 14 9 New Zealand Paper -Mills 12 6. 120 Union Oil 110 — Wiseman and Sons. ord. 013 0 012 6 Wlf son'a Portland Cement Co., pref 22 6 2 0 0 -. Wilson's Portland Cement Co., ord. ... ...216' DEBENTURES— ' ' New Zealand Government 4 per cent. — 88 0 0 MINING— Bonanza, paid 0 0 9 — Bonanza, con 0 0 4 0 0 2} Halevou 0 0 4i — Kuranui ..008 00 4', Kuramii-Caledouum ... 0 0 9 0 0 8 May Queen 0 111., 019 May Queen Extended ... 0 0 6 0 0 3 New Moanataiari 0 0 6.00 5 New Sylvia 0 16 0 14 Old Alburnia, paid up... Old 012 Old Alburnia, con. ... 0 0 7 0 0 4' , .j-i.uxon ... '• 0 0 9 0 0 6 .Scandinavian 08/'- 0 0 4 Southern Queen 0 0 4} 0 0 4 Thames 0 0. ii 0 0 6 Victoria 0 10 DOS Waiotahi 0 5 0 0 2 10 Waitangi 0 4 4 ■ 0 4 3 Watchman ... 0 I) 35 0 0 3 Blackwatcr 1.1-0. 0 19 6 Consolidated Goldtields ... 015 3 0 15 0 Progress .NCr.e-; ... ... 0 9 6 0 8 6 Golden Pah 0 0 5 0 0 4 Maura!;! Freehold ...0 0 5 004 Old liauraki Gold Mines 0 2 6 0 2 5 Old Kapansa 0 0 2 0 0 1 Tanglaro, Is paid ...020 19 Tangiaro, 6d paid ... 0 1 10 0 19 Tokatea. . 1.. 0 0 4 — Ngatiawa — 0 10 Sunbeam Gold and Silver, Is 6d paid 0 0 4 0 0 21 Brilliant Block, 3d paid 0 0 4 — Comstoek-, con ... ... 006 004J Champion, paid up ... 0 4 3 0 4 1 Champion, con. ... ... 0 3 6 0 3 3 Crown 0 6 5 0 6 1 Dominion, 4d paid ... 0 0 5j 0 0 4J, Golden Belt, paid up ... 0 2 3 0 2 1 Golden Belt, con... ... 0 0 10 0 0 8J Golden Cross 0 0 7 0 0 6£ Kirikiri, paid up ... 0 011 — Kirikiri. eon 0 0 9 0 0 6.1 Karaujrahake 0 0 6 0 0 5 Komafca Reefs 0 14 0 11 Maoriland, paid 0 0 6 0 0 4 New Waitekauri 0 0 7 0 0 .V, Phoenix. 6d paid 0 010 0 0 91 Ready Bullion, con. ... 0 0 3 0 0 2 Rising Sun 0 0 8 0 0 t;.', Silver Hill 0 0 5 0 0 3', Taihoa 0 0 2 _ : Tairua Broken Hills ..051 0 2 11 Tairua Consols ... ... 0 0 3 0 0 1 Tairua Golden Hills, 9d paid 0 3 10 0 3 7 Tairua Golden Hills, 6d paid 0 3 9 C 3 6 Tairua Extended ... 0 0 6.1 0 0 4 Tairua Triumph 0 14 0 12 Talisman Consolidated ... 2 6 0 2 3 3 Waihi 9 3 0 I) 2 0 Waihi Beach . ... 0 0 7 0 0 5 Waihi Consolidated ... 0 2 3 0 1 10 Waihi Extended 0 3 9 0 3 6 Waihi Grand Junction ... 1 16 3 1 13 0 Mountain King, con. ... 0 0 6 0 0 3 CALL AND DIVIDEND LIST. Dividend!!. £ a. d. Talisman 0 13 June 25 Komata- Reefs 0 0 2 July 10 Calls. New Sylvia, June 4 0 0 1 -Now Waihi Beach, June 11 0 0 1 June 25 Golden Cross, June - 0 0 1 June 25 Old Kapanga, June 10 0 0 1 June 19 Vanguard, June 19 0 0 1 July 10

DEVONPORT FERRY COMPANY. The annual mooting of the Devonport Ferry Company will be held 011 Tuesday at Devonport. The directors have prepared the following report: —The net profit for the year, after adding £600 to the insurance account, and making allowance for depreciation, is £4150 15s Id, which, with the balance brought forward last year, £5913 5s M, makes a total of £10,064- Gs sd. 'An interim dividend was paid for the half-year ending October 31, 1907, absorbing £2000, leaving an available balance at date of £8064 0s sd. Your directors recommend thai, this should be disposed of by payment of a dividend for the half-year ended April 30, 1908, at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum, absorbing £2000, and that the balance, £5064 0s sd, be carried forward to next year's accounts. During the year the company purchased the paddle steamer Lyttelton from the Lyttelton Harbour Board. In accordance with the articles of association it will bo necessary to elect, a director in place of Mr. D. W. Duthie, who - retires, but. being eligible, offers himself for re-election. The retiring auditor, Mr. W. H. Churton, offers himself for re-election.

BUTTER AND EGOS. Thn MYo-fing arc th« quotation* for butter and «g'K* for the vtttU finding: 2atiit "27, as quoted by' the' local Produce : Comnnttf-e i—Butter; Fat:-' tor)% la ]|d per ib; separator And farmers' (best), Sd. Egg*, Is S<l per dozen. TALLOW MARKET. The N"ew Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company,- Limited, have recurred the following cablegram from . their London house:—Tatlo«; We ijaote present spot value* Eat the following description* of tallow: —Fine mutton, Ji's M. Good beef, 30? id , mixed, '23* M. Marbe? turn. LONDON' FINANCIAL NEWS. [FROM otnt OWN C*nP.KS.FOXDEXT.]' I.OJTOOS-, May 15 The Union Bank of A«i«tr*'tia n»tifie« thai the Karl of .CliichMttr has joined the board of ditrctot*. The polMfiiig'rii the Cullman diamond ha.* now proceeded o far that various n:odei» ftilt kksii b« submitted to the Kicg, who will tlnfflily 6x tlie definite form to be given to the si eat stone. Tile directors of the National Bank of Australasia for tin: half-year ended Jiait-ii 21 anitounce a dividend 011 the ordinary flureu at the rate of 5 per cent- {<-. an aura. The *t»m of £10.000 is added to Hie reserve fund. A grant of £1000 was irsiide. to the officers' provident fund and £6000 applied to reduction of the bank premises' account, iind £4575 carried forward. It is mentioned to-day in connection with Renter's Telegjam Company that the balance far distribution for 1907 amount* to £4884, including £IGS hroujtiit forward from the la»t account. The directors now declare u dividend of 4* per share. e<iua! to 2$ per cent., nuking a tola! distribution, free of income tax. of 5 rw:r cent, tor the year. This will leave £143 to 1* c.otied forward. It is announced in connection with the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Aseney Company that an amended return \va? tiled on April 28 with reference 'to a mortgage, dated Match 6, 1908 (a collateral security to a trust, deed, dated December IS, 1894}. The amount secured is £2,7.17,600, but the amended return add.< the words " but to that not more than £2,350,000 shall he, outstanding 'it any one time." It. is announced that British export* for the past lour months were nearly sis and a-half millions sterling below the. fiyure for l»»t, your. That is the outstanding feature of the trade returns. British manufacturers and British workmen must. have shared this toss between them. No wonder Manchester cotton ttrnisi are putting the mills on short time, while other works are turning men off in thousands. Tlie reduction of trade is, at the rate of about 20 millions a year, and no nation in the world could stand such a fluctuation. Put in another way, the change means that working men have had three millions uterling less wages to spend this year th.-m last. The (■lump, moreover, affect* 'all classes of workers. Iron and steel exports have fallen by two and ahalf millions, other metals one million mid si-half, cotton over half-ir-iuillioii, woollen goods nearly a million, and other textile materials one million and a-ha!f. Mr. Arthur Flower presided at, the meeting of sliareboldcrs in the Australian and New Zealand Mortgage Company, held at the Cannon-street Hotel. This company is in the course of gradual li'iuidatiou, and the chairman stated that in purfinance ot that plan, taking December 31 in each year, and beginning with the year 1301. loans on mortgage had been reduced from £190,000 to £111, in 190?, £97,000 in 1903. £56,000 in 1304. ' -354.C00 in Z9Cf). £47,000 in 1906, and £9000 on December 31 last, l'ropertiea on hand in 19ta stood at £459.000, in 1902 at £463.000, 1903 st £450,000, 1904 at £443.000, 1905 at £426.000. 1306 at £38,3,000, and in December lust at -.1349.000. showing a total reduction undoc tho two headings in the seven years of £291.000. During the .same period debenture debt had been ieduced from £619,000 in 1901 to £359,000 in 1902. £518.090 in 1903. £489X00 in 1904 £475,000 in 1903, £443.000 in 1906,' and £372.099 in December last, showing a total reduction during the. seven years of £247,000. Since December 31 last a very considerable further reduction had been made in the amount of the company's properties on hand owing to the, sale of a cattle property in Queensland, and the reduction of the amount of the ..debenture sleek was also progressing.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13782, 22 June 1908, Page 3

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COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13782, 22 June 1908, Page 3

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13782, 22 June 1908, Page 3