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V- (FALLING-OFF IN ENTRIES. B'/ ( . ; ti V EXCELLENT QUALITY. The ninth annual show held under the iS auspices of . the Auckland and Suburban it-,:''. Poultry, Pigeon, and Canary Association, I"' .was opened in the Royal Albert Hall yes- * terday afternoon. The entries, which numbered close on 800, showed a fallingoff as compared with last year, but this " • was made up lor in the quality ot Die birds exhibited, which in many instances \'f • were equal, if not superior, to anything previously seen in Auckland, ihis applies particularly to the silver Wyandotte and buff Orpington classes, which were strongly represented, and which, in the opinion of the judge—Mr. I*. Dacre, of V- ■ Christch'.irch —were as line a lot as he had seen in Now Zealand. In Leghorns : the white, division was particularly good, and the. birds were much admired. .. The pigeon and canary sections also attracted considerable attention, and were generally regarded with much approval. Oi fancy pigeons, comparatively only a . few were shown, but these, were of good quality, and made up for any disappointi:' ment .which might otherwise have been occasioned. The opening eeSemony was performed by the Mayor (Mr. A. M. Myers), who >' congratulated the society oil the excellent , ."display. A new departure had, ho said, been made this year, by the institution of an amateur judging competition. He ' ■ supposed that .in connection with birds, ' as with other matters, most people felt themselves qualified to pronounce an authoritative judgment on other people's ' • achievements; so this competition should prove both popular and instructive. The ■committee were also offering fifteen prizes jjjf:' to the public school pupils of the city \V and suburbs for essays on the show, and ho hoped that this offer would attract a largo 'number of entries. It would not, ! only help to diffuse among the rising generation an interest in and knowledge of pure-bred birds, which no doubt was the primary object of the committee in ;; holding this competition, but it would ■;t." also do something towards cultivating in '' •>. them the habit of close and accural® observation, and the capacity for stating f- and describing .what had been observed, <" '. .">vhich were very useful acquirements, ky" Special trophies were awarded as follows:—The president's cup, for the best ;• ' cock 'or cockerel in the show (bantams ESv', excepted), Mr. A. Hedley, of Mount Rosf . kill; the patron's, cup, for the best hen V- or pullet, Mr. A. Nixon, of Nelson-street; >1 . silver cup, for the best bird in the Asiatic VV> and Wyandotte- classes, Mr. H. A. Hanson, of Mount Eden; silver cufe for the ' best black Orpington, Mr. A. Hedlev, of v ;V Mount Roskill; trophy, for the best British Game, in the show, Mr. W. B. Starf(. , key, of Morrinsville; trophy, for the best bird in the Wyandotte classes, Mr. W. A. Hanson, •of Mount Eden; trophy, for A the most points in brown Leghorns, Tonar ' Bros., of North cote; trophy, for the best Wyandotte, Mr. W. A. Hanson, of Mount Eden; trophy, for the best bird in Polish or Hondans, Mr. A. C. Bollard, of Avondale ; trophy, for the best pigeon in the ,5',.' ehow, Mr. J. "Walker, of Mount Albert i'v 'trophy, for the best canary,' Mr. C. R. Duncan, of Grey Lynn; trophy, for the best bird in the Leghorn classes, Tonar •.£*- Bros., of Northcote; association's trophy, for the best silver-laced Wyandotte cock!%h erel, Mr. J. B. Patterson, Grafton, v The results of the challenge shield com- , petitions will not be - available until to'.V ' day. ■ In the competition tor the North Island ; * championship, for the best- Pekin duck, ■? ' Mr. H. A. Contes' drake' was successful >; .in r winning this distinction. The chief > honour fell .to Mr. R. E. Widdows' f; . pigeon in the competition for Homers of ftjji;.any, colour .which have .flown 200 miles. 7 'The fhow. Whs largely attended "through-. out" the. afternoon and evening.. It will ; / remain open until to-morrow night, when ,'• * plucking competitions, for both professional and amateur classes, will take place. -- The following is the prize-list' ' . . POULTRY. . .. '•.. Judge;.; ■ Meurr. F. Dacre (Christchurcli) anil S. f: • / , Johnson (I'ahnerßton North). i t ■■ Wyandottes.—Silver-laced cock: W. A. Han's son *1 and special, Wm. Scott 2, W. A. Hanson 6. Silver-laccd hen: W. A. ' Hanson 1, 2, and 3. iY V ; Silver-laced cockerel: John B. Paterson 1 and as- . sociation trophy, F. Connor 2, W. A. Hanson 3. f, ' Silver-laced puiiet: W. A. Hanson 1 and special, . F. Connor 2, W. A. Hanson 3, very highly com- .■ mended, and highly commended, F. Connor commended, 1). W. Lovelock commended. White cock: A. C. Jones 1, J. J. Bos 2, Tonar Brothers 3. White hen : J. ,T. Box 1, Tonar Brothers 2. H ... . H Tuttersall 3. White, cockerel: 11. Tattersall '■ .. lftnd special, B. H. Clow 2, Tonar Brothers 3. - - White pullet: H. Tatters;dl 1 and special, E. J. 1 Co'pas 2, H. Tattcrfcall 3. Tonar Brothers very i highly commended, F. A. Gibson highly commended, A.' C. Jones commended, Gold-laced Vcock: A. C. Jones 1, John B. l'aterson 2. Goldlacetl hen: S. Brittain Bull 1, A. C. Jones 2, X: John B. Paterson '3. Gold-laced cockerel: A. C. Jones 1 and special, H. Tattersall 2 and 3. GoldV , laced pullet: B. H. Clow. 1 and special. A.'C. rV 1 : Joncfl.2, Win. Dunn 3. Partridge cock: C. H. S. l . : . : McKinney 1, 11. KneeboiK; 2. J. Prickett 3. Partridge hen: Wm. Dunn 1 and special and 3, .1. , Prickett 2. Partridge cockerel: Wm. Dunn 1 and y, H. Kneebone. 3. ■■ Partridge pullet: Wm. Dunn 1 and 3. J. Prickett. 2.

Orpingtons—Black cock: A. Hedley l and ' special and 2, D. W. Lovelock 3. Black hen: T. *' ' - , J. Nlcholis 1 and special, A. E. Stones 2," A. lied- . ley 3. Black cockerel: A. E. Stonex 1, 2, and 3, ■. - ;"T. J.. Nieholls.very highly commended and con;1 mended, A. Hedley highly commended. Black pu.Uet: T. A. George 1, K. J. Tremain 2, A. tied- "",'■ ley 3 and highly commended, T. J. Nieholls very highly commended, A. E. 'Stones commended. Buff or cinnamon cock: G. It, Hutchinson 1 and special and 2,"/. Whit-chouse 3. Buff or cinnamon hen: G. R. Hutchinson 1 and'special, D.MV 1< f Lovelock 2, J. Whiteliouse 3. Buff or cinnamon '■"..- cockerel: D. W. Lovelock 1 and 2, J. Whitehouse '3. Buff or cinnamon pullet: D. W. Lovelock 1, 2,' 3, and two very highly commendeds. White : '■ cock: D. W. Lovelock I and 'special, G. R. Hut- •' cnineon 2 and very : highly commended, S. T. '•-''• -Hutchinson 3. White hen f G. R. Hutchinson 1 and 2, H. K. May 3. White cockerel: G. B. "'•■ Hutchinson 1, 2, and highly commended, H. K. ;':} May 3. White pullet: A. Hedley 1, D. W. lovelock 2, G. 11. Hutchinson 3- : : ; Leghorns.—White cock: Tonnr Brothers 1 and • ;',.; special, James Fin lay 2, W. -J. Wernham 3. '; "White, hen: Tonar Brothers 1 and trophy, John }}'. l'a'terson 2, 1". Hanson 3, Thompson and Porter highly commended. White cockerel: C. M. Thrana. 1, F. Hanson 2, W. J. Wernham 3. White. ;. •pullet: T. Hanson 1 and 3, Tonar Brothers 2, tinmen Fiiilay very highly commended and highly commended, George Knight commended. Brown cock: Tonar Brothers 1 and special, W. H. Neale 2. John B. Taterson 3. Brown hen: Tonar Brothers 1 and trophy and 2, John B. Patereou 3. V Brown Cockerel: Tonar Brothers 1 and 2, W. J. Ooffey 3, Tonar Brothers very highly commended, 'fSft-;.' Thompson and Porter highly commended and commended. Brown pullet: Tonar Brothers 1 and ■' .'' 2, G. ,T. Carter 3. Any other variety, cock or cockerel: C. V. Langsford 1 and 2. Any other variety, hen or pullet: C. V. Langsford, 1, 2, and highly commended, A. L. Watts 3. Minorcas.-— hen: J. Coleman 1, G. 15. ■■":, Hutchinson 2, Tonnr Brothers 3, A, K. Stones very highly commended. Black cockerel: A. Grainger I,' J. Coleman 2. Black pullet: .1. Coles' main 1 and special and 3, Tonar Brothers 2, A. Moreland very highly commended. ; . •V Andalusianc Hen: 0. R. Hutchinson 1 and special. Cockerel: G. It. Hutchinson 1. Pullet:' G. B. Hutchinson 1. v='"„ Spanish.—Cock or cockerel: Win. Scott 1 and 2. Ken or pullet: J. D, Pttgh 1. C°. British Game.— Black red cock : W. B. Starky 3. and special. Black red hen: Adam Nixon 1 »""■:'"-." and 3, ; W. B. Starky 2 and very highly com- ;■■.. mended. Black red cockerel: Adam Nixon 1. Black red pullet: Adam Nixon 1. Duck-wing cock or cockerel: W. G. Mason 1. Adffni Nixon 2 and very highly commended, C. F. Puckering 3. jr.; Duckwing hen or pullet: W. G. Mason 1 and special and very highly commended, Adam Nixon 2 and S.Indian Game—Cock: E. J. Copas 1, George ", . Knight 2, P. Hanson 3 and very highly com- ■ f ':f mended. Hen: E. J. Copas 1 and 2, George ;'• Knight 3, P. Hanson very highly commended. (, : Cockerel: Adam Nixon 1 and 2, P. Hanson 3, • S. J. Crawford very highly commended. Pullet: ' ' Adam Nixon 1 and special, F. Hanson 2 and ' very highly commended, E. ,T. Copas 3. Plymouth Rocks.Barred cockerel: W. .G. .• ■-■■ Mason .1 and special. White cockerel: H. Win--stone 1. White pullet: H. Winstone 1 and jjicctal and-2. fe;--iKi ■' Langshansßlatk cock: Thomas Grcsham 1. Black hen; Thomas Gresham 2.;, ■ Houdans.--Coek: A. E. Bollard 1 and special, 2 and 3. Hen: A., E. Bollard 1. 2, 3, and very highlv commended. Cockerel: A. E. Bollard 1 and 2. Pullet: A. E. Bollard land trophy, 2 and 3, A. V. Jlacdonald very highly commended. Black Hamburg* (North Island Championship). . - —Cock: 8. V. Wearing 1. Hen : S'. Y. Wearing 1. - Cockerel: 8. Y. Wearing 1. Pullet: S. Y. Wear- - ■ 'lag I*' , ' ' ;: ..■,'. ' : '-''..' - ■ : ■ '.' : . '

- Hamburg*.—Silver or gold-*pangk*y or pencilled, cock or cockerel: J. D. Fugfc 1.. Silver or gold-spangled or pencilled, hen or pullet: J. D. J'ugh 1. . ■ * ■ ■ ■- _ „ Bantam* (Game).— red cock: John Walker 1, B. A. Tucker 2. Bla*:k red 1 hen: John Walker 1 and 2.- J. Nixon 3, E. A. Tucker very highly commended. Black red cockerel: E. A. Tucker 1 Black:red pullet: F. Walters 1 and 2, E. A. Tucker 3. rile cock: John Walker 1 and- special, .F. 11. Clarke 2, J. Nixon 3. Pile hen: John Walker 1, J. Nixon 2, F. H. Clarke 3. Tile cockerel: John, Walker 1. File pullet: John Walker 1. E. A. Tucker 2. F. 11. Clarke 3. Duckwing cock or cockerel: John Walker 1. Duckwing hen or pullet: John Walker 1, 2. and 3. Bantams (other than Game).—Black rote comb, cock or cockerel: J. Cummins 1, A. Kimber 2. A L. Watts 3. Black rose comb, hen or pullet: J. Cummins 1, A. Kimber 2, Victor 0. Parsons 3, F. H. Clarke very highly commended. Scab-right, any colour, cock or cockerel: J. Cummins 1. Scabright, any colour, hen or pullet: J. Cummins 1. Bantams' (auv other variety).—Cock: John Walker 1. J. Cummins 2, W. ,B. Starfcy 3, E. M. Tapp very highly commended. Hen : E. W. Tapp 1, J. Cummins '2, F. 11. Clarke 3, W. B. Hall verv highlv commended. Cockerel: K. M. Tapp 1, John Walker 2, ,1. Cummins 3. Pullet: E. M. Tapp 1 and 3, W. B. Hall 2, J. Cummins very highly commended. 'Ducks (North Island Championship for best Pekin) Pelvin, old, drake: 11. A. Coates 1 arid North Island championship and 3, Kemp Brothers 2. Pekiri, old duck: 11. A. Coates 1 and special and 2, Kemp Brothers 3, G. SI. Howe very highly commended. Pekin, under 32 months, drake: JI. A. Coates 1, 2, and 3. Pekin, under 12 months, duck: 11. A. Coates 1, 2, and very highly commended, G. M. Howe 3. Rotten drake, any .age : J. 1). Pugh 1. Itouen duck, any age : .J. D. Push 1. Aylesbury, old drake: F. 11. Bodle 1 and cup. Indian Runner drake: 11. A. Coates 1, T. Dow th wait 2, S. Doeherty 3. G. M. Howe verv highlv commended. Indian Runner duck: H. A. Coates 1 and 3, 11. K. May 2. T. Dowthwaito very highly commended. Indian Runner, under 12 months, drake: T. Dowtlwrtite 1 and trophy and 2. 11. A. Coates 3 and very highly commended. J. Whitehouso very highly commended. Indian Runner, under 12 months, duck: T. Dowilnvaitc 1, 11. K. May 2, 11. A.' Coates 3. Any oilier variety, drake:'it. K. May 1. Sirs. Scott. 2. Any other variety, duck: 11. K. May 1. Turkeys.Any variety, gobbler: J. Whitehouso 1, T. Vivian 2. Any variety, hen: T. Vivian I, J. Whitehome 2- .' KELLIXQ classes. Wvandottes.— pair: '• W. A.' Hanson 1. Golden, pair: B. 11. Clow 1, (i. R. Hutchinson 2, : A. 0. Jonca 3. 'Partridge, pair: G. 11. Hutchinson 1, Wm. Dunn 2. White, pair: B. 11. Clow 1, Tonar Brothers' 2. Orpingtons.— Black, pair: E. .1. Tremain 1, A. Medley 2. T. , J. NichoU* 3, B. J. Copas very highly commended. Buff or cinnamon, pair: D. W. Lovelock 1. J. Whitehouse 2, T. J. Nlcholls 3. White, pair: G. R. Hutchinson 1. 'Leghonis.—Brown, pair: James Porter 1. W. H. Noale 2. White, pair: A. .Moreland 1, C. M. 'Xhra-na 2. Bantams Any other than game, pair: -Arthur. Shaw 1, A. Kimber 2, Miss D. Parkinson' 3. Pucks.—lndian Runner, pair: B. 11. Clow 1. : Pekin, pair: 11. A. Coates 1. Any other variety, ; pair: Mis. Kelly 1 and 2. Wysudottes.—Any variety, cook or cockerel : W. Hovrarth 1. Any variety, hen or pullet: W. LA. Hanson 1. Orpingtons.—Anv variety, cock or cockerel: G. ' R Hutchinson 1. T. J. Mi-bolls 2, J. Box 3, T. J. Nieholls very highly commended. Any variety. ; hen or pullet: G. R. Hutchinson 1. Any other variety, light breed, hen or pullet: P. W. Lovelock 1. . : Exhibition. Class.—T Vivian (three bronzewing , gobblers) 1. ' ] PIGEON'S. Homers (North Island Championship).—Blue cock: M. Fletcher 1. D. Craigie 2, P. Hay 3, J. Mason very highly commended. Blue, hen: C. V. Johnson I, M. Fletcher 2, D. Craigie 3. Blue or black chequer cock: John Shaw 1 and 3, S. Hunt 2, P. Hay two very highly commended?. Blue or black chequer . hen: R. E. Widdows 1 and special. 2 and 3, W. A. Hill very highly commended. Red chequer cock: John Shaw 1 and. 3. 11. Stowcll 2, J. Mason two very highly commended*, Red chequer lien:''J. Mason 1, It. E. Widdows 2 and 3. W. A. Hill .verv highly commended. Pied cock: W. A. Hill 1." D. Craigie 2. R. E. Widdows 3, C. V. Johnson very highly commended. Pied hen: H. Stowell 1, i\ Hay 2 and 3, D. Craigie very highly commended. Any other colour, cock:. John Shaw 1. W. A. Hill 2, J. Mason 3. Any other colour, hen: J. Mason- 1. Flying Classes.—Any colour (for - birds -that •have flown 400 miles), cock: P. Hay 1, 11. Parviii 2, E. Osborne 3, D. i Harvey very highly commended. Any colour (for birds that have, flown 400 miles), hen: P. Hay 1. Any colour (for birds that have flown 300 miles), cock: C. F. Bell 1 and 3,>. J. Mason 2, Any colour (for birds that have flown 200 miles), cock: ft. E. Widdows 1 and special and North Island championship, If. Parvin 2, W.. A. Hill 3, R. E. Widdows very highly Commended. Any colour (for birds that have flown. 200 miles), hen: S. Hunt 1. Any colour (for birds that, have flown 100 miles o'r over), •cock: 11. Parvin 1. Any colour (for birds that have flown 100 miles or over), hen: J. Nixon 1, C. F. Bell 2. Any colour (for birds bred 1907-8, that have flown 80 miles or over), cock: J. Nixon 1, John Shaw 2, 11. Stowell 3 and very highly commended,, C. F. Bell very highly commended, P. Hay very highly commended. Any colour (for birds bred 1907-8, that hove flown" 80 miles or over), lien: 11. Stowell 1, C. V. Johnson 2. Show Homers.Any colour cock: Joseph Clarke 1. . Magpies —Black cock: Ivan Tattersall 1. Black hen: J. Walker 1 and special and 3.-7 Ivan Tattersall 2. Red cock: J. Walker 1, Ivan Tattersall 2., Red hen: Ivan Tattersall 1. Any other colour cock: Ivan Tattersall 1. Anv other colour hen: Ivan Tattersall 1, J. Walker 2." Owls (English).—Any colour cock: W. E. Grecu 1. • Any colour hen: W. E. Green 1." i Tumblers.—Short-faced, any colour, cock: J. Walker 1 and special and 2. Long-faced, cleanlegged.- black, cock: Ivan Tattersall 1. W. J. Catchpole 2. 'Long-faced, dean-legged, black, hen: Ivan Tattersall 1, W. E. Green 2, W, J. Catchpole 3. Long-faT-ed, clean-legged, red or yellow, cock: W. J. .Catchpole 1 and special, W. E. Green 2. Long-faced, clean-legged, red or yellow, hen: W. J. Catchpole 1 and special, W." E. Green 2. Long-faced, muffed, any other colour, hen: A. P. • Webster 1. Lcng-fa'ced. featherlegged, black cock: W. J. Catchpole 1, W. E. Green 2. Long-facc-d. feather-legged, black hen : W. J. Catchpole 1. W. Coster 2 and 3. > l.ongfaced, feather-legged, blue or silver cock: W. J. Catchpole 1. Long-faced, feather-legged, blue or silver hen: W. J. Catchpole 1. Feather-legged, anv other colour, hen: W. E. Green 1. ': Fantails -White cock : J.- Walker 1 and special and 2. White hen: J. Walker 1 and 2.

• CANARIES. ■' ; Judge : Mr. Clem. Bartley. Scotch Fancy.—Yellow, cock or hen: A. ,T. Vercoe 1 and special, J. M. Thomson - 2. Yellow, ticked, marked or variegated, cock or hen : A. J. Vori'n« 1. Yorkshire.Yellow, cock or hen : C. It. Duncan 1 and special. J. M. Thomson 2 and very highly commended, A. J. Vercoe 3. Yellow, ticked;, cock or hen: J. M. Thomson"l, C. R. Duncan 2,' A. J. Vercoe 3. Yellow, marked, cock or hen : W. A. Hanson 1, E. G. Houghton 2, A. J. Vercoo 3. Yellow, variegated, cock or hen : W. A. Hanson 1, C. R. Duncan 2, A. J. Vercoe 3. Green, any colour, cock or hen: A. ,T. Verves 1 and 2. Buff,' coyk or hen: C. R. Duncan 1 and special, E. G. Houghton 2, A. J. Vercoe 3, J. Williamson very highly commended. Duff, ticked, cock or hen: E. G. Houghton 1, C. R. Duncan 2, A. J. Vercoe 3. Buff, marked, cock or hen : A. J- Vercoe 1, C. R. Duncan 2- Buff, variegated, cock or hen : W. A.: Hanson 1, A. J. Vercoe ?.. Cinnnrhon, yellovy or buff, marked or variegated, cock or hen : W. A. Hanson 1 and 2. Norwich (PJainhead).— cock or hen : J. M. Thomson 1 and special, 2 and 3, 11. E. Elliot* very highly commended, C. R. Duncan very highly commended and highly commended, P. R. Syers highly commended. Yellow, ticked, cook or hen: J. M.- Thomson 1. Yellow marked or lightly variegated, cock or hen: 1". It. Syers 1, J. M. "Thomson 2, 3, and very highly commended. Yellow, heavily variegated,- nock or hen : V. 11. Syers 1. Buff, cock or hen: C. R. Duncan 1, special and cup and very highly commended, J. 31. Thomson 2. 3. and very highly commended, E. G. Houghton highly commended. Buff, ticked, cock or hen: J. M. Thomson 1 and 2, C. 11. Duncan 3, J. Williamson very highly commended. Buff, marked or lightly variegated, cock or hen: J. M. Thomson '1, C. R. ■ Duncan 'Z and very Highly commended, .1. Williamson 3. .' Buff, heavily variegated, cook or hen: ,1. 31. Thomson 1, P. R. Syers 2, C." R. Duncan 3. Green, any colour, cock or hen: T. Shcwring 1. J. Williamson 2, T. Shewrjng 3. Pair of Norwich plainheords. in cage, any colour, cock or hen: J. it. Thomson 1, J. Wlllianwon 2. Norwich (Crested).— Buff, dark crest, cock or hen : J. M. Thomson 1; Buff, ticked, marked or variegated, dark crest, cock or hen : ,1. M. Thomson 1 and special and 2. Buff, light crest, cock or hen : ". M. Thomson 1 and 3, .). Williamson 2. Norwich ('Crest Bred).— Yellow, rock or lien : ,J. >r. Thomson 1 and 2. T. Shewring • 3. Yellow, ticked, marked, or lightly variegated, cock or hen: J. SI. Thomson 1 and 2. Buff, cock or hen : ,1. Williamson 1, .T. M. Thomson 2. Buff, ticked, marked, or lightly variegated, cock or hen : J. M. ■' Thomson 1 and 2. T. Maeready 3. Buff, heavily variegated, cock or hen : ,T. M. Thomson 1 and special and 2. Cinnamons.—Yellow or huff, cock or hen : P. R. Syers 1, ,T. M. Thomson 2 and 3. Yellow or huff, marked or variegated, co-'k or hen : Y. R. Syers 1. Lizards.Golden-spangled, cock o>. hen B. Lee 1. Colour —Norwich plainhead, clear, cock or hen : G. It; Duncan 1 and special. .1. jr. Thomson 2 and 3. Norwich plainhead, marked or variegated, cock or hen: J. M. Thomson 1 and 2, P. R. Syers 3. Yorkshire, clear, cock or lien: C. R. Duncan i and special* A. J. Vercoe 2. Yorkshire, marked or variegated, cock or heu: C. It. Duncan 1, A. ,T. Vercoe 2. Selling Class.Any variety, colour fed or otherwise, cock or hen: B. Leo 1. Mules.— cock: V. O'Brien 1 and 2. Dark, cock : J. Williamson 1. ; DUNEDIN SHOW. [BY TELEGRAPH. —PRESS ASSOCIATION.] Dunedin, Thursday. The Dunodin Fanciers' Club's show was opened to-day. The entries totalled 550, a considerable increase on last year's figures. The judge expressed the opinion that the black Leghorns exhibited were the best yet shown in New. Zealand. In Wyandot'tes splendid birds were shown by Double- and Wilson (Invercargill) and E. L. McGregor (Fairlie). Competition was keen in bulldogs, Cocker spaniels, arid fox terriers, some splendid animals being shown. A. E. Nicholls (Clrristchurch) won in the novice and open bulldog classes, and T. W. Richmond (Christchurch) was • successful in Cocker spaniels. The South Island Wyandotte Club's special prizes were awarded as follows: — Silver Wyandottes—Cock,- Double and Wilson. Hen : F. L. McGregor. Cockerel : Double- and Wilson. Pullet: Double and Wilson. Golden WyandottesCock: F. C. Hock. Cockerel: A. Kerr. Pullet: W. J. Oinand. • G. H. Blair secured the prizes for white Wyandotte cock, hen, cockerel, and

pullet, and H. Roberts was .first *in partridge Wyandotte cock or cockerel and hen or pullet. Best in any other variety Wyandotte: J. O. Wilson. Gold medal for best Wyandotte in allow: F. L. McGregor. SOUTH ISLAND ASSOCIATION. [BY TELEGRAPH.— ASSOCIATION.] DrNKDTN, Thursday. At the half-yearly meeting of the South Island Poultry Association the appeal by Mrs. Symons,"of Christchurch, against the decision of the Orpington Poultry Club re-, garding the award at last year's Invercargill show was upheld. The question of judges refusing to award championships when thev considered exhibits did not merit such distinction was referred to the annual meeting. _____ NEW ZEALAND ORPINGTON CLUB. [Er TKI.KGR.UMI. — I'ItKSS ASSOCIATION.] Dckedix, Thursday. At a meeting of the New Zealand Orpington Club it was decided to disband, owing : to lack of support.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13780, 19 June 1908, Page 8

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THE POULTRY SHOW. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13780, 19 June 1908, Page 8

THE POULTRY SHOW. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13780, 19 June 1908, Page 8