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-—«. ■ -. ■■ Sbvibai, transactions took place on the Stock Exchange yesterday, but the general tone of the mining market was weak. In invent lines New Zealand Insurances sold at 765, ■ " S further buyers at 76s 3d, sellers 76s 6d. !■; - ; " Westport Coals sold at £7 2s, at winch price 11 were offered at closing time with buyers at £7 Is 6d. Grey and Men«6B icr&u*-*) *«™ done at 8 * 10(1 ' and New Zea " " fend Portland Cements at 33-. mining ■ U„os Waihis declined a shade, selling at £9 8s 6d. £9 Ba, and £9 8s 6d, with more on offer at £9 8s 6d, buyers £9 8. 3d. Talis- ! mm * were also weaker, sales being recorded M from 51s 6d to 50. 6,1, late sellers asking 51 • 3d with buyers at 50s 9d. Waihi Grand • Junctions eased slightly, selling at 36* .and 35s M, and more were quoted at 35s 6d, With '•I Overs' at 355. May Queens sold at Is lOd; New Occidentals at 3Jd; New Sylvias at 1, 6d Is sd, and Is 6d. Old Albiirmas at 7id and Bd. Old Haurakis eased, with sales a t 2g Bd. 2s 7<l. and 2s 6d. late sellers asking 2s fid, with buyers at 2s 7d. Champions • Ltd) sold at As and 4s Id; Crowns'at 7s 2d 7s Id. and 7 S 2d; Golden Belts at Is 9d : ea hakes at Is 4.1; Komata Reefs at Is 3d- '• «<ly Bullions (cont.) at 9d and 3id; '. Tairua, fioldou Mills (6d paid) at 2s sd; ' Tairua Evtendeds at 6d, 6id, and 6«i; Tairua Triumphs (out.) at Is 8d; Waihi Beach at " 8<1; Dominions at s£d '• and Mountain Kings r. (cent.) at lOd. We are glad to bo able to report that the general distributing houses are still kept • bus}, order-; coining in freely from country . storekeeper!-, and the near approach of the Easier holidays is causing more trade in town for the "likely requirements of holidaymakers, who will, no doubt, make their usual visit to town at this lime of the year. The < ■ • goft goods bouses are particularly busy. ■•■■J": Building is going on apace;; in fact, a geneb- ral atmosphere of prosperity is being experienced in all branches of trade. The s.B. Devon has arrived from Liverpool, Capetown, and Australia with a general cargo. The Weir liner Aeon is also in the harbour, with the usual American lines, and these boats,.together with usual Sydney and "East, Coast steamers with their general cargoes, will keep the wharf hands busy until dosing down time for the Easter holidays. "■ The price of tobacco has been under debate for some little time past, and the climax came on April 9. when notice was received from the manufacturers of some of the ' -' principal brands that, owing to the very 'high prices ruling for leaf, an advance of Id per lb had been determined on, consequently a meeting was called of the Auck- :.; land merchants handling this line at the Chamber of Commerce rooms, and it was unanimously decided to put the price up in ■ accordance with the manufacturers advance. Hides- Market continues very firm,, with : /good inquiry for all well-saved, good-con-ditioned lines. ■ ■ ■ •-1 -' Sheepskins: Market remains the same, late 1 quotations being realised, but competition is :-' not very brisk. . . Tallow: Good competition forthcoming tor • -all classes, late rates being well maintained. Arrowroot: Tendency seems to l«3 for higher prices to rule for some time. Sicily Almonds: The market for forward * parcels shows signs of hardening, and spot ,' holdings should therefore command higher Value*. , ■■'•■. ' ; Tartaric Acid: Although an easier ten--5 . dency is in evidence at present moment, so ' '~ far as future is concerned the local position . must maintain its strength. Citric Acid: Prices are easier for prompt shipment, but market should firm up at any time. , - i * • Castor Oil: Cable to hand advises that ? price is easier for July shipment. Cocoa Beans: Market firm, with probable advance. ■■'. : ■■■-. Dates: Carton and bulk are selling freely';.. .; and there is likely to be a shortage owing to shipment on Star of Japan. Desiccated Cocoanut: The market is very - -uncertain, and prices may possibly go lower. Figs: Likely to be in short supply owing to shipments being on Star of Japan. Haricot Beans: Demand beginning to set in supplies in first hands very light. . Mildura, Fruits: Quotations have resulted in business, and the demand for sultanas has been much in excess of supply, due to the fact that the crop is about 50 per cent, short ■'■ of last.year, and 'Only the higher grade "of ' fruit (in limited" quantity) is available for

, export.. Jute Goods: Market after having been fair- : ly steady has firmed up ; considerably, chiefly -owing to the rise in raw material. Resin: The market has shown an upward '. tendency. Wax: Market continues very. firm, and - . sales have been made for 1909. Salmon: Stocks moving freely and com- ' manding good prices, which will be fully maintained till new pack reaches this., mar- -■■■ ket. . White Lead • Business lias been done on V parity with present price, and advance in •'?' market is expected. ■- Potatoes: The Manuka from Sydney only brought 266 sacks and the Mokoia from ' South 405 sacks, but the Koromiko is due . here about Thursday, which will actually /mean Tuesday, as most of the wholesale places will be closed up during Easter. There is hardly sufficient to keep the market going, '• ':'■'-,' and the next shipments will be anxiously- ■ looked for. A firmer feeling exists in the •; South, and prices have risen slightly. Today's > quotation is £6, but it is likely that /f .next week higher rates will be wanted. Onions: Two hundred and one sacks ar- ■ * rived by the Mckoia from the South, and 208 by the Manuka from Sydney. This is about enough for market requirements until ; the arrival of next week's steamers. Prices ' are very firm both in the South and in Mel- .'",- bourne. Holders here are asking £8 ex '„;;/ Oats: The market is very firm. Stocks '■'■•■:.. are only moderate, but the Koromiko is • '. bringing good shipments from the Bluff; - - 2s lid _to 3s is still the ruling price, but I there is very little doubt that this quotation will have to be increased, as merchants cannot land them to sell at this price at a pror ;, especially as Southern reports are to the :v effect that markets are firm, and likely to remain so. i; Chaff: Stocks are now ample to meet the : demand, but holders are unwilling to quit -? at less than last week's rates. Both local i and Southern farmers are holding very tightly. Local is being quoted at £6 and South- - ern at £6 10s. Maize: Tiie Aupouri brought 32 sacks and . the Mangapapa 33 sacks from the Coast, „ ; which was rapidly snapped up. as the market : ■■':;. is absolutely bare. The nominal quotation .;- Li about 5s Id on the wharf, but as supplies are so small fancy prices are being paid for small lots when they can be obtained. Fowl Wheat. Owing to the scarcity of maize there is a good demand. Stocks are only light, and supplies are rather difficult to obtain from the South at anything less "than 5s laid down cost : 5s 3d ex store is ■■■■',:- the ruling quotation here. Bran is in short supply, and the demand is good: £6 2s 6d is the ex store price. '." Pollard is worth £7 15s. Stocks are on the low side. There is no falling-off in the inquiry. Barley: The demand for feed barley is • : .'fairly good. Stocks of this are not heavy. ,-/ ■ The ex store price is 4s 2d. Seed, Cape, is ■■{~\. .worth 4s od. Stocks are small, and inquiry is now commencing. ;■: --.■'■'" Fungus is coming to hand slowly. All lots are moving off as they come to hand at 4|d. Prices are likely to hold firm now. .:.;■'. Flax: The deliveries for 13 days of April consist of 1042 bales, equal to about 173 tons, which is about up to the usual for this time of year, but taking the shipments for , the Dominion as a whole for the first three months of this year as against those of last -' rear, there has been a decrease of 14,000 bales, which is equal to about 3000 tons. The , latest advices from London show the market there improving, and it looks as if there is » likelihood of steadier prices ruling. Whether it is on account of the low values for * Manila and other hemps causing a reduction m supplies or whether it is only a shortage in New Zealand flax, there is no doubt '. • . that the demand for the last few days has -1 •-•'- rreatly improved. Good fair is now quoted : at £23, and f.a.q. at £22. Common is only tforth about £19. "'".::-. Tow is not reaching here in any great quantity. The demand for this is rattier (lack. "Small sales are taking place for local requirements, but the best price that can be given for export is £4 a, ton. Ceylon Tea: At the Colombo sale of the 20th ult.. 1,60?,3671b were offered. The selection of teas proved as uninteresting as ever, there being little improvement in high-grown sorts, while low-grown kinds remain poor and uninteresting. Although the :/' London market is cabled rather deader, with • V a good general trade demand, there was not H much inquiry for the class of tea ottering locally. With the exception of orange Peakocs and some of the better mediums at t abwt 40 cents, prices all round were in- . . -"dined to be very irregular. Leaf tea ■is : ..hilly a cent cheaper, while teas for price way also be quoted a cent down, To-day s . .Elsies arc:--Broken Pekoe, for price, 61 jeots.; broken Pekoe, some tip, clean : liquor., 39 cents; broken Pekoe, black leaf, ' ' 'W»9 tiji, useful coloury liauor. 40 cents; •V- -• ■■■; -- : - -..--.■■'. ; .' -

broken Pekoe, choppy, black : leaf, flavoury, good quality, 42 cents; broken Pekoe, fair tip and quality, 42 cents. KAURI GUM. The arrivals from mail to mail consist of 543 tons, as against 460 tons for the same period of last month. ■"■-■.. EXPORTS. Am'r'a. Eu'o'e. To'al. Tons. Tons. Tons. Per s.s. Mokoia for Fydrsey, ■'- March 16 — ' .7 7 Per s.s. Manuka for Sydney, March 30 ... — 71 v. 71 Per s.s. Tokomatll for London, April 2 ... ... ... 214 54 268 Per s.s. Victoria for Sydney, April 6 ... _ 16 16 Per s.s. Star of England, April 8 ... — 20 20 Per s.s. Ayrshire for London, April 9 30 50 80 Exports to America and Eu-rope-since March 18 ... 244 213 462 Exports to America and Europe for March — 143 143 Production for March _- — 511 STATISTICS. • Imports. Prod action. Jan. Ito March 31,1908. ' .lan. Ito Mar, 31,1908. Year. America. Europe. Total? Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons 1903 ... 543 492 836 1469 1907 ... 1402 . 769 2171 2098 1906 ... 1302 745 2047 2284 For Hie 14- clays of April 293 tons have reached here, which shows a falling-off of 724 tons up to date, as against the same period of 1907, 1762 tons having arrived from January 1 up to March 14 this year, as against 2486 tons for the same time in. 1907. There lias been, very little alteration in the market, although inquiries are getting more frequent, both from America and Europe, and in some cases counter-offers have been made, giving an indication that if brokers were willing to meet them extensive business might be done. It, is encouraging to note that the. inquiries are not confined to any particular grade. Palo select is not in favour at present but supplies have not increased. Ordinary: There is not much doing in rescraped ordinary at the present time. Offerings of (his are only limited, (rood three-quarter-scraped is meeting with > more demand, and exporters are more inclined to increase their quotations. Stocks in the hands of brokers are not excessive. There is also a better inquiry for medium ordinary, and for good, hard washed nuts, free from dust; but chalk and swampy sorts aro not very salable just at tho present time. East Coast: There is steady business doing, unless where exorbitant prices are demanded. Some brokers have reserves on their holdings, and shippers aro disinclined to pay them. The arrivals are only moderate. Black: Re-scraped is not in request, but well-cleaned bold lumps have been asked for more frequently of late. Business has only been of a limited character. Three-quarter-scraped steel is not meeting with any great demand. Stocks of this are fairly heavy. Medium blacks are being nibbled at, but the price that shippers are willing to pay is very low. The same remark applies to good black nuts. Shippers are not eager for black sugar. ■ Bush: The position remains without change. Supplies coming forward arc very light indeed, but no sales have taken place, and bled bush is quite a dead letter at present.

Chips and Dust: Bright chips and dust are selling. Ordinary chips and diggers' ordinary chips and dust are still accumulating without finding buyers. There is a moderate business doing in black riddlings, black seeds, and coarse black dust, if in dry condition. AUCKLAND STOCK EXCHANGE BUSINESS DONE YESTERDAY. Previous day's closing' sales New Zealand Insurance—2nd call, 76s — Westport Coal—lst, 2nd, and 3rd calls, £7 22 — Grey and Menzies —3rd call, 8s lOd — New Zealand Portland Cement—3rd call, 33s — May Queen—3rd call, Is lOd ... ... 01 10 New Monowai —Ist call, 3d ... ... — New Occidental—3rd call, 3£d ... — New Svlvia—lst call. Is 6d; 3rd call, Is sd, Is 6d — Old : Aiburnia— 3rd call, 7.] d, 8d ... — Old Hauraki—3rd call. 2s Bd, 2s 7d, 2sßd 02 9 Champion (con.)—lst call, 4s; 2nd call. 4s Id : 0 3 11 Crown— call. 7s 2d; 3rd call, 7s 2d. 7s Id, 7s 2d ... .- 0 7 1 Golden Belt— call, Is 9d 019 Karangahake—2nd call, Is 4d 014 Komata Reefs—3rd call, Is 3d ... 0 1 3 Ready-Bullion (con.)—2nd call, 9d: 3rd call, 9£d 0 0 9 Tairua Golden Hills tod paid)—3rd call. 2s 3d 0 2 11 Tairua Extended—2nd call, 6d, 6£d. 6d 0 0 54 Tairua Triumph (con.)— call. Is 8d 0 2 0 Talisman—lst call, 51s 6d, 51s 3d; 2nd call, 50s 6d 2 12 0 Waihi—lst call, £9 8s 6d; 2nd call, £9 &*; 3rd call, £9 8s 6d 9 9 6 Walhi Beach— call, 8d — Waihi Grand Junction—lst call, 365; 3rd call, 35s 6il . ... — Dominion—3rd call, s|d ... 0 0 5 Mountain King (con.)— call, lOd ... 0 0 10 CLOSING QUOTATIONS. Sellers. Buyers. ; - £ s. d. £ "*. d. BANKS— New Zealand 9 12 0 National 5 7 6 ,560 INSURANCE— New Zealand 3 15 6 3 16 3 South British 2 17 0 — Standard ' — 12 0 FINANCIAL— N.Z. and River Plate ... 1 13 6 1 13 0 COAL— Hikurangi 0 10 0 0 7 9 Nort. Coal, 10s paid ... 017 0 016 3 Taupiri Mines, Ltd. ... 1 0 3 10 0 Westport 7 .i 0 7 1b Westport Stockton 0 10 6 — Drur/ 0 4 o — GAS— Auckland : — 14 16 0 Birkenhead and Northcote — 1 5' 3 SHIPPING— Union S.S. 1 15 9 1 14 9 Northern, paid up ... 0 18 0 0 17 6 Northern, con — 0 8 2 Devonport Steam Ferry... — 1 11 6 TIMBER— Kauri, con. 0 12 1 — MISCELLANEOUS— Auckland Tramways, pref 15 0 — Auckland Tramways, ord. 14 9 — D.S.C., Limited 0 4 7 0 4 2 Grey and Menzies, ord ... 0 9 0 Hill and Plummer. Ltd. 110 — 11. M. Arcade Theatre Co., v • pie 10 6 0 19 9 11 If. Arcade Theatre Co., ord. 0 19 0 , — Milne and Choyce, pref. — 12 0 ' NZ. Portland Cement Co. 1 12 9 New Zealand Paper Mills 13 5 13 0 ' Tonson Garlic!;, Ltd. ... 019 6 — Union Oil .... ■;• — 12 0 Wiseman and Sons, oro. 012 11 012 V Wilson's Portland Cement Co., pref 2 9 6 2 8 0 Wilson's Portland Cement Co.. ord. ? S 6 2 6 0 DEBENTURES— Auckland Harbour Board. 4 per cent. 97 0 0 _ Auckland Lias b\ per cent. 53 10 0 — MINING— Kiiraiiui-Caledouian ... 0 0 Hi 0 0 9 May Queen 0 1 10 0 19 May Queen Extended ... 0 0 6 New Dart, paid 0 0 6 New Moanataiari 0 0 5 New Monowai 0 0 5 0 0 5 New Occidental 0 0 4!. 0 0 s'. New I'r.a 0 0 :V, New Svlvia 0 17 0 16 Old Aiburnia 0 0 10 0 0 7 £„ xon 0 0 8 00 5 Scandinavian 0 0 7J 0 0;; Southern Queen ... 0 0 2 — Thames 0 0 11 0 0 H. Victoria 0 10 0 09 Waiotahi 0 3 0 0 2 9 Waitangi 0 22 0 19 Watchman — 0 0 64 0 0 rA Mount Zcehan. con. ... — 00 3 Consolidated Goldfields ... 0 19 0 0 18 6 Blackwater 16 0 14 6 Golden Tab 0 0 4 0 0 3i Hauraki Freehold 0 0 o 0 0 5 Old Hauraki Gold Mines 0 2 8 0 2 7 Old Kaoanga ... .... 0 0 4 0 0 2 South Kapanga .. ... 00 lj 00 1 Tanginro 0 0 & 0 0 3 Tokatea. ... 0 0 44 — Sunbeam Gold and Silver. la 6d paid 0 0 41 _ Ngatiawa -• 0 10 auS,. ::: ::: ::: J; °?i = Auckland ,1 ft T fi Comstock, con 0 0 10 0 0 6 Champion, paid up ... - „5 i Champion, com. 0 4 3 071 Crown 07 J ° __ 1 Durbar ° V J n ~ q Golden Belt 0 1 10 0 1 9 Golden Cross ... . 00 7 °° &i Kirikiri, con 0 " •Si — Karangabake 0 15 0 1 3 Komata Reefs , 0 13 0 12 New Waitekaun 0 0 7 0 0 6 Frida of Waihi 0 0 4 0 0 2 Ready Bullion, con. ... 00 10 00 9 Silver Hill ° 0 'a 0 0 04 Tairua Broken Hills -038 035 Tairua Consols .... 0u 4 — , T S a Golden Hills. 8d 0g 10 02 & Tairua Golden Hills, 6d Q2 & „2 5 -rii'nm Extended Z Zo* 64 00 6 Tairua Triumph, con. ... 0 1 9 Oil Talisman Consolidated ... 2 11 3 210 9 : W-jilli ... 9 3 0 WO ... w» I, Beach 0 0 8< 0 0 74 Waibi Consolidated ... 01 11 016 Waibi Extended ... ... 03 11 0 3 9 Waibi Grand Junction ... lb 6 1 15 0 Dominion .. ••• -" % j>? "" 10 Mountain King, con ... 0 0 10* 00 10 Laaisao's Antimony Mines 000 em

CALL AND DIVIDEND LIST. Calls. '■' „ . May Queen Extended, March 16 0.0 0i Now May Queen, March 16 ... ... 00 1 Now New Occidental, March 31 ... 0 0 0$ Now . New Dart, March 23 ... " 0 1 April Za Rising Sun, April 10 ... ... 00 1 May 6 NEW ZEALAND LOAN AND MERCANTILE AGENCY CO.'S, Ltd., REPORT. Horses: On Friday, at the Durham Yard*, horses were varded in average numbers. H-'i.;. draught* sold at from £20 5s to £33; medium do., £16 10s to £28; hacks and light harness, horses, £5 10s to £21; weeds, £2 10s to £o las . spring trap, £10 10s. At Pukekohe on Wednesday there was a good muster of stock of all descriptions, which met with a ready sale at late rates. We quoteDairy cows, "from £4 .Os to £9 ss; do., belters, £3 10s to £7; empty cows, £1 IS* to £3 l*. The advertised grown steers were a well-bred lot. Cut small, and sold at from £4 6s to £6 2s. Two-year-old steers realised £2 2s to £2 12*; yearlings, £1 10s to £2; calves. 15s to £1 4*.. Beet, of which there was a. good muster, sold hignei than Newmarket rates. " The Newmarket Yards on Tuesday were well rilled with cattle of all description. Dairy cows sold at from £3 10s to £6; heifer*, £3 6» to £4 17s 6.1; empty cows, £2 to £3 7s; calves, las to £1 Bs. There, was a full yarding of beef, which sold at advanced rates, oxen realising to 24s and cows 20a to 22a per 10011.-. Steers brought £6 10s to £11 17.) 6d; cows, £4 5s to £2, the quality of the cattle was good and competition keen. Sheep were penned in full numbers at Newmarket, on Tuesday and sold at an advance on last week's rates. Wethers realised from lbs 6d to £1 6s 6d; ewes, 1.3s 6d to £1 3s 6d. Lambs were in full supply and well fatted sold at from 14s 6d to 19s ad; other sorts, 8s to 12s fed. A draft of well-fatted ewes from the Karaka band Company averaged £1 Is. and a draft of lambs from the same estate brought 19a 3d. figs were in full nitpplv and sold well. Porkers -realised £1 Is to £1 18s; v.caners, 10s bd to 14s; baeoners. £3 5s to £3. Wo submitted an. extra large catalogue of hides, (skins, and tallow on Tuesday, all lines meeting with good competition at late rates. Hides : Market firm. We quote—Extra stout ox, 7d to 7Jd; stout do., bid to bid: medium do., bjd to 6d; light do., 5d to 5Jd: cows', best lines 43d to 4Jd, good to 4|d, scored Zid to 4d; kips, 3d to 4id; calfskins, 3Jd to jd; stags', 2£<l to 3d; damaged hides, 2d to 3d. Sheepskins : Market firm. Best butchers' lambs and pelts, Is 6d to Is 9d ; others, Is to Is 3d. Tallow: Market firm. Best mixed, to 265; good, 22* 6d to 24s 3d; inferior, ISs to 20« bd; rough fat, ljd per lb. JJoues, £4 15s. Cowtails, Is 8d per dozen. Horsehair, Is to Is 4d. Owing to the Easter holidays our next sale of hides and skins will be held on Tuesday, the 28th hist. Maize: The market, is still lightly slocked, supplies coming to hand finding ready sale at. Os Id for wholesale lines. Wheat is in good demand at, 5s 2d to 5s 3d ex store. Oats are selling steadily at 2s lid to 3s exstore. flutter: The market is slightly easier, choice separator selling it 10U1 to lid. first-class lOd, second-class 9td, and poor BJd to 9d. Cheese : Factory is selling freely at 6d to bid. Farmers' is slow of sale, at. sd> to std. Fungus is in good demand at 4Jd, i THE WHEAT MARKET. By Telegraph.Press Association.— London, April 13. The wheat ami flour afloat for the United Kingdom is 3.985,000 quarters and for the Continent 2,920.000 quarters. Atlantic shipments total 95,000 quarters and Pacifies shipments 30,000 quarters. Renter's Agency stales that the stocks of wheat in the country and elevators of Canada is 2.500.000 bushels, against 19,000,000 bushels in 1907.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13725, 15 April 1908, Page 5

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COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13725, 15 April 1908, Page 5

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13725, 15 April 1908, Page 5