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A busy week is reported from the Stock Exchange. In banks thero were no transactions. Bank of New Zealand are offered at £9 16s and Nationals at £5 8s 6d. There are buyers of the latter at £5 6s. In insurances New Zealands sold at 80s, and more can be had at the price. Nationals are offered at 27s 9d. There are buyers of South British at £5 15s, sellers j asking £5 17s 6d. Standards have sellers at i 24s 6d, and buyers at 23? 6d. New | Zealand and River Plates sold at 30s j 9d, at which figure sellers are still - ! quoting, with buyers as '30s. In coals j | Hikurangis are wanted at 17s, with sellers i at 18s. Northerns (10s paid) have buyers at | 16s and no declared sellers. Taupiris sold I at 20s 3d and 20s, and sellers ask 20s 6d. with I buyers at 20s. In gas Auckland sold at j £14 3» 6d and' £14 10s, and there arc sellers |at £14 10;, and buyers at £14 7s. Gis- ! bornes are looked for at 52=, sellers asking 535. In shipping Northern Steamship? (paid up) so id at lis 2d. There are sellers of ditto contributing at 8s 3d. Devonport Ferrys have sellers at 345, and buyers at 325. In timbers Kauris (contributing) '.old at. from 9s Id to 9s 3d to 9s 2d to 9s 7d, and i there are sellers at 95 sd, buyers at 9s 2d. j Parker-Lambs are wanted at 25s 6d. Auckj land Tramways (pref.) are in demand at | 24s 3d, and ordinary at 24s 6d, and there are j sellers of each issue, at 255. D.S.C. s have | sellers at ss, buyers 4s 9d. Grey and Meuxies (pref.) are offered at 12s 6d, with buyers at. lis 6d. There are sellers of lI.M. Arcades at 21s 6d (prof.) and 20s (ord.), with buyers at 20s and. 18s 3d respectively. For Milne and Choyeo ipre'.) 23s 6d can be got, sel- \ lers quoting at 245. There is inquiry for ! X.Z. Drugs at 51s 3d. N.Z. Portland Cements { sold at 89s. and more are offered at 29s 6d. j with buyers at 23s 6d. N.Z. Paper Mills J are wanted at 23s . 6d, and sellers ask 24;. There are. sellers of Toa.-oii Garlicks j at 20s. Union Oils are offered at 20s bd, with buyers at 20s 3d. Wisemans have sellers at 20s (pref.) and 14s (ord.), with buyers at 17s and 12s respectively. Wilson's Portland Cements (ord.) sold at 4os, and more are looked for at 435, with sellers, at 44s 6d. Ditto (pref.) sold at -43s 6d, and more arc wanted at 435. N.Z. Government debentures have buyers at £98. with 110 declared sellers. Auckland Gas 5{ per cent, debenture.-, are quoted at £53 10s, with buyers at£s2. In mining lines market has experienced some fluctuations. Waihis sold at from £8 6s to £8 6s 6d to £8 6s to £8 7s 5d to £8 7s to £8 7s 6d to £8 7s 3d to £8 8s 6d j to £8 8s to £8 8s 3d to £8 7s to £8 7s 3d to £8 4s 6d, to £3 5s 6d to £8 5s 3d to £8 5s 6d, sellers closing at £8 5s 9d, buyers at £8 5s 6d. Waihi Extended® sold at 4s lOd; Waihi Consolidated* at. Is 7d, Is Bd, and Is 6d: Waihi Grand Junctions at 24s 6d and 255. Talismans sold freely at iroin 51s 6d to 52s 6d to 52s 3d to 52s 9d to 62s 3d to , 52s 6d to 52s 3d to 52s 9d to 52s 3d to 52s 6d, with closing sellers at 535, and buyers at 52s 6d; May Queens sold at Is lOd to 2s; New Sylvias at .Is 3d, Is 6d, and Is 8d; Thames at Is 4d; Old Albumins at Is 3d. Waiotahis showed a slightly firmer tendency, selling" at from ' 3s 2d to 4s to 3s 6d, sellers closing at 3s 9d, buyers at 3s 4d. Wai- : tangis sold at, from 3s 4d to 3s lid to 3s 5d to 3s 6d ,3s sd. to 3s 4d to 3s sd; Did Haurakis .at from 2s'6d to 2s 7d to ' 2s 5d to 3s to 2s 7d to 2s 9d; Champions (paid 1 up; at from 4s 3d to 4s lid, contributing at ' from 4s Id to 4s 3d to 3s lid ; Crowns at from 6s lid to 7s 5d to 7s 4d to 7s 8d to 7s 6d: I Golden Belts at from 2s 8d to 2s 6d to 2s 9d to 2s 6d; Karangahakcs at from 2s to Is 9d ' to 2s 4d to Is lOd to Is lid to Is 9d to Is ! lOd to Is 6d to Is 8d; Tairua Golden Hills 1 (9d paid) at Is and 11-Jtd, and (6d paid) ■ at lid to Is 3d' to Is -2d to Is 3d; Tairua ' Broken Hills at 4s and 3s lid; Tairua J Triumph (contributing) at 2s 4d; and Nga- ' tiawas at from 2s to 2s 2d to 2s to 2s 3d to 2s 2d to 2s 3d to 2s. Thero were also several . transactions in smaller-priced stocks. , j Reports which have reached its seem to indicate that the demand's 011 stocks held ' j by tho general distributing merchants are > not quite as brisk as could be wished for, - but, 011 the other hand, orders are coming ' along with a healthy consistency, which evidences a steady all-round inquiry in both 3 country and suburban districts. We feel > that there is every justification for the t feeling of confidence in the future volume > of trade which will fee handled in Aucik- ; j land provincial district during- the present year, and arrangements are being made in J | more directions .than one to cope with I 1 same.

The prevalent mercurial position of the various markets interesting the wholesale merchants must necessarily be the cause of some anxiety so far as _ operating U. concorned, but si&ns of a recovery are in evidence, and it is generally felt that after the recent depression a healthy buoyancy will assert itself.

The Sofala has arived from Eastern ports, and is now discharging a good cargo, comprising kapok, bone-meal, oil, etc. The Opawa find Indramayo are loading for London, whilst early expected arrivals comprise th.3 Elvaston, Tokomaru, Rippingham Grange, and Norchena. Salmon: Tlio position in San Francisco and Vancouver is ■ particularly strong, and it is fully anticipated that a very acute shortage will bo felt locally before many months are over; the new pack is 10 months away, and there is every reason to expect that it will be quoted on a high basis.

Currants: Advance has been established, and it is expected that prices will go higher very shortly. Linseed Oil: Market is firm, with upward tendency. Rosin: Opinion is held in well-informed quarters that price has touched bottom, and is fairly safe for operating. Sultanas: Everything points to higher prices being asked before long. News is now awaited as to prospects of the Mildura crop, and until this comes to hand operations in Mediterranean fruit will not assume very large proportions. Asparagus: Demand is steady an'd continuous at enhanced figures. Acids: Tartaric and citric are both quoted slightly lower for prompt shipment. Almonds: Sicilys easier, and Jordans unchanged, with stocks of latter in limited compass only. Anhydrous Ammonia: Cable to hand indicates that price is now ruling lower for forward parcels. Borax: Steady at present, with little prospect of change in near future. Bluestone: Firmer tendency is prevalent, and winter requirements could be placed to advantage at present time. Haricot Beans: Steady at last quotations, and orders are now being placed for March direct shipment. Kapok : Shipments ex Sofala are quickly going into consumption; forward market is fractionally easier. Cocoa Beans: Business has been done in both Coy lons and Trinidads for immediate requirements. Wo look for lower prices to come through in a month or two. _ Camphor: There is no reason to suppose that price will 50 lower than at present. Figs: The removal of the duty has stimulated the demand, and we look "for same to be maintained throughout the year. Prunes: Spot, holdings are not heavy, and demand is good. The forward market is slightly lower.

I Maize: The arrivals from the Coast consist of a small shipment of 55 sacks by the Ngatiawa and 20 sacks by the Victory. 4. fair-sized shipment is coming forward" from ixishorne, but stocks held here not being excessive, there is very little likelihood or prices weakening; in fact, maize being quoted at 5s Id to 5s 2d in oyihioy points to a firm market existing here for sometime, as the quantity on the Coast is not- nearly sufficient to meet tins demands of Auckland and the South. The quotation remains at 4s 7d ex store. Potatoes: There are still no importations. lhe market is fairly well supplied with locals, out the demand being good, the price has not undergone any alteration, and still remains at £13 ex store. Onions: Local-grown are coming in very freely. Prices are somewhat easier, as we foreshadowed !a% week, and holders are I flow asking £& 10$ ex store. Should growers i continue to forward thorn as freely as thev j have been doing the last few days, there I is not the slightest doubt but that the quota- ( ..ion will came down slightly. Oats: The market- does not. show much change; business is still of a hand-to-mouth character. Importers are keeping back their orders until there is some more reliable information about the growing chop. Nominally the present quotation is 3s 2d ex store for B grade. Chaff: Stocks in store are still ample, but therfe is vary 1 ittflo • business doing. Southern is moving off at £6 10s ex store, and local is worth £5 10s for prime lots. Consumers do not seem anxious to touch the new season's yet. Bran: The market is particularly firm, and it is very evident that prices must advance. as it is nov. impossible to draw supplies from the South, most of the mills having ceased working. The'present quotation is £5 10s ex store. Pollard: The same remarks apply to this i as to bran. There is a good demand; stocks t are light, and fresh supplies difficult to ob-

tain. Holders are asking £6 12* fid ex. store, with every probability of the price increasing. Fowl Wheat: .The demand is very good, and the market firm. Latest reports from the .South indicate that the same state of things exists there, with vert few lots offering. Merchants are asking 5s 4d ex store. Fungus: There is not a great- quantity coming forward, but the demand is not at all keen. Exporters are only offering 4|d, and th'i> inclination ic to bring the prices down still further. Flax: Rather a quiet feeling pervades tie market this week, inquiries from London are not nearly-'so good, the deliveries being just about, as usual, It is estimated that the market is about 5s a ton easier, the .nominal quotations be in a, £25 10s to £25 -15s for g.f.a.q., £22 to £22 5s for f.a.q., and £1S 15; for common. Tow is not feeing, scut forward in any great quantity. The demand is slack; £5 a ton is still the nominal quotation for export- purposes. Ceylon Tea: The condition of the Colombo market during December generally affords a very good indication of the probable course of common tea. Supplies of this class are then plentiful, and any weakness is .it once felt and reflected by a smart drop in prices, while, with the approach 01" the. closing-down of the Indian season, a fairly accurate estimate can . lie formed of t.lio j dimensions of that crop. Advices to hand J arc to the effect that it will bo just about ] equal to last season, while Coy lons .will probably bo eight to nine millions ahead, but, with the increased consumption" of British-grown teas, particularly in Great Britain and Russia, the excess will be readily absorbed. The outlook, therefore, points to a continued high market for common grades, and if it lasts through January there is little prospect of a drop until May next. During the week the s.s. Sofala arrived from Calcutta wjih 1411 chests of Indian tea, and practically the whole of this shipment; is for one of our city firms. To demonstrate the facilities we have here for handling large cargoes, the whole of this large shipment will be conveyed or 25 lorries through Queen-street this morning, at 10 o'clock. i KAURI GEM. The supplies are still decreasing in comparison with previous month's records. Only 179 tons , reached here for the 16 days in .January, whereas 416 tons came to hand the same period in January, 1907. and 261 tons for 16 days of Dec-ember, 1907. There is a failing-off of quit-" 400 tons in the last six weeks' supplies in comparison with the same period of 1906 and 1907, and it. must be understood that a large proportion of the supplies now coming forward consists of black riddlings and black dust, which grades are meeting with tho most demand at the present time. The market is exceedingly dull, but: the shortness of supplies, if continued, should certainly have a beneficial effect. Pale select is not. being sent in, but tlx 1 re ! is no demand. Ordinary: Rescraped is hanging fire., with very little offering. Superior ordinary rs not in good demaud, but the quantity held by brokers is very, limited. Medium ordinary and good'washed nuts sieved still find buyers where reasonable rates are accepted. There is very little doing in chalk or swampy sorts. East Coast;' The supply of this is still light,, demand remaining' much the same. Black: There is a small inquiry foi good rescraped, but bold lumps well-cleaned and • threequarer-scraped steel do not seem to be in favour with exporters, and stocks held by the brokers are fairly good. There is a little business doing iu medium blacks and black nuts at low rates. Sugar is also sal- : able,'' but at a reduced figure. Bush: There is good demand for pale rescraped, and a little more business doing in other grades of bush, but there does not .win to be any inquiry for bled bush. !' Chips and Dust: There ,is very little | change. Diggers' chips and dust are now I accumulating, with no inclination on the part of exporters to do business. Black [ riddlings. black seeds, and coarse black dust, if dry, still continue to move off on arrival.

AUCKLAND STOCK EXCHANGE. BUSINESS DONE YESTERDAY. Previous day's closing salea. £ 8. & Wilson's Portland Cement (pref.)—2nd call, 13s 6ct -- Halcyon call, 5Jd ... 0 0 5 New Sylvialst, 2nd, and 3rd'calls, Is 8d 0 1 8 Scandinavian— call, sid, 6d; 2nd call, 7d ; 3rd call. 7d, 7id 0 0 5 Waitangi.—2nd call, 3s 4d ; 3rd call, 33 5d 0 3 5 Haurnki Freehold—lst call, 'id; 3rd call, ~ t 7id• 0 0 7 Old Hauraki —let and 2nd calls, 2» 9d 0 2 8 Champion (con.)— call, 3s lid ... 0 4 0 Golden Cross— call, 3id —■ Karangahakc call, Is 7d, 1b 6d: 3rd call, Is 8d 0 18 Komata Reefs—3rd call, Is 8d ... ... — Tairua Golden Hill* (6d paid)— call, . la 2d, Is 3d; 3rd call, Is 3d ... 0 1 3 Tairua Broken Hillslet call, 4s; 3rd call, 3s lid ... — Talisman—lst call, 52« 6d ; 3rd call, 52s 3d, 52s bd ... . ... 2 12 9 Waihi—lst call. £8 53 6d, £8 ss, £3 4s 6d ; 2nd call, £8 4fl 6d; 3rd call, £8 ss, £8 5s 6d, £8 5a 3d, £8 5s bd ... 8 5 6 Waihi Consolidated3rd call, Is 6d ... — Ngatiawa— call, 2s Id, 2s 0 2 3 CLOSING QUOTATIONS. Sellers. Buyer#. ii s. d. £ 8. d. BANKS— New Zealand 9 16 0 — National ... 58b 560 INSURANCE— New Zealand 4 3 0 — National 17 9 — South British- 5 17 6 5 15 0 Standard 14 6 13 6 FINANCIAL— N.Z. and River Plate ... 1 10 9 1 10 0 COALIlikuiangi 0 18 0 0 17 0 Nort. Coal, 103 paid ... — 0 16 0 Taupiri Min?e, Ltd. ... 1 0 6 10 0 GAS— Auckland ... 14 10 0. 14 7 0 Gisborne ... 2 13 0 2 12 0 SHIPPING— Northern, con. * 0 ii 3 — Devon port Steam Ferry... 1 14 0 1 12 0 TIMBER— Kauri, con.* 0 9 5 0 9 2 Parker-Lamb, Limited ... — 15 6 MISCELLANEOUS— Auckland Tramways, pref. 15 0 14 3 Auckland Tramways, ord. 15 0 14 6 D.S.C'., Limited 0 5 0 0 4 9 Grev and Menzies, pref. 0 12 6 0 11 6 H.M. Arcade Theatre Co., pref. 116 10 0 H.M. Arcade Theatre Co., ord. 1 0 0 0 18 3 Milne and'Choyce, pref. 1 4 0 1 3 6 i New Zealand Drug, £2 ... — 2 11 3 N.Z. Portland Cement Co. 19 6 18 6 ; New Zealand Paper Mills 14 0 13 6 Tonson Garlick Co., Ltd. 10 0 — Union Oil ... 10 6 10 3 Wiseman and Sons, pref. 1 0 0 0 17 0 Wiseman and Sons, ord 0 14 0 0 12 0 j Wilson's Portland Cement Co., pref. — 2 3 0] 'Wilson'* Portland Cement Co.. ord. 246 230 ! DEBENTURES— New Zealand Government I 4 per cent. _ 98 0 0 Auckland Gas 55, per cent. 53 10 0 52 0 0 MINING— Bonanza, paid — 0 0 5 Bonanza, con 0 0 5 0 0 4£ Halcyon 0 0 5i 0 0 5 Kuranui 0 0 10 0 0 7 Kuranui-Calcdonian ... 0 1 0 — Magnet, paid up 0 0 7 — Magnet-, con. 0 0 3 — May Queen 0 2 1 0 1 11 May Queen Extended ... 0 0 6 0 0 5 New Dart, paid up ... 0 0 b| 0 0 4 New Moanataiari ... ... 0 0 9 0 0 6 New Monowai — 0 0 5 New Saxon ... ... 0 0 11 0 0 9 New Sylvia 0 18 0 17 Old Alburn ia Olb 0 12 Scandinavian COS 007 Thames 0 15 0 12 . Victoria ... 0 18 — Waiotahi 0 3 9 0 3 4 Waitangi 03 6 035 Watchman. 0 0 9 0 C 7 Black water, paid up ... 1 2 0 — Ilauraki Freehold ... 0 0 8 0 0 7.^ Old Hauraki Gold Mines 0 2 9 0 2 8 South Kapanga 0 0 3 .0 0 2J Tangiaro 0 0 7 0 0 5 Conistock, con 0 0 9 0 0 7 Champion, paid up ... 0 4 10 0 4 6 Champion, con 041 03 11 Crown 0 7 8 0 7 3 Durbar 0 0 4 — Golden Belt 0 2 7 0 2 4 Golden Cross 0 0 4; 0 0 3^ Kirikiri, paid 0 0 8 — Kirikiri, con. 0 0 6 0 0 3 Karanguhake 019 017 Konwta Reef? ... ... 0 1 7 0 15 New Waitekauri 0 0 7 0 0 5£ Rising Sun 0 0 9 — Taihoa 0 0 Si 0 0 7 Tairua Golden Hills, 9d paid — 0 13 Tairua Golden Hills, 6d paid 0 13 0 12 Tairua Broken Hills ... 0 3 11 0 3 10 Tairua Extended ... 0 0 5 0 0 4 Tairua Triumph, con. ... 0 2 7 0 2 3 Talisman Consolidated ... 2 13 0 2 12 6 Waihi ' 8 5 9 8 5 6 TVaihi Consolidated ... 0 1 6 0 14 Waihi Extended ... ... 0 5 1 0 4 9 Waihi Grand Junction ... 1 7 3 1 a 0 Te Puke Reefs 0 1 0 0 0 6 Ngatiawa .. 0 2.; 020 CALL AND DIVIDEND LIST. Colls. ." Old Ilauraki Gold Mines. Dec. 10 0 0 1 Now New MaraUito, December 9 ... 0 0 OA Now Rising Sun, December 10 ... 0 0 1 Now May Queen, December 23 ... 0 0 % 1 Jan. 20 'Bonanza, January. 8 .. 0 t> 1 Jan. Si

MESSRS. ALFRED BTJCKLAJS'D <\SD i SONS' RETORT. Harass: At the lUymirket, on Friday Im4 we j Iw.d » full yard, vragpon antt «prci<« sorti acre | wanted and sold at from £28 to £37: lighter i B>>rt«, ,£l6 to £25; aged draught*, £1* 1C» to- f £36-lisa-. bnrcy hcrw« Itns] pc-->;.i bai-'fes. £13 a* t to £22 109; iijtfit- hafwM and ordinary harVti. i £5 7* 6d to .CIS; medium unbroken three-year-old co't« and £16 to £21; heavy, to.'£s3 lft?. The trotter Ta'.hoa reftlifed 31 ?n:ne»». Wo yarded about the adwrM number of cattle at. Clwedon on Saturday. SprinsM* «>sd (rem £* V* to £6; backward. £5 to '£4 10». empty tit and forward eov.a and heifer*. £5 If-i to £5 3.»; loir •conditioned cow*. £1 '10? to £.1 10s; yearling* and 15-montU steers. £■?, 1 to. strong rA'.ve-s t > yearling?. £1 Pa. I" £.1 1' * : calves, It? Drl to £1 3s : pep. of n'#, ' 3d. Tlje Pok'nn yards on Monday wore »-e!I fi!!?d. and all elawea of>eSc were required ami sold fit ruling rates. Kichteen mmitli? to two-reap old *t*e»*. £2 IV* to £3 16#; no crown »te<»r» yarded ; yo-irlinyf. £1 lb* to -t* {id; fat ct/'s.a "arid heifer*. £5 12« fed *■■> £5 7s 6d : 'itirnv cow a, £2 1* to £3 '!* tjfl : dairy; row*. £3 15s to £',; strong cidvfi-', £1 2« to £1 ~t; other*. 10s "to la* 9<i At Tlutieinian 'dJ Wednesday wo bad * imr yarding in a!) el*«#<*/' I>»iry raws and lieiffr* near their profit were again in demand and *olil v.el!. Price (or ftor?;. ■•j'tlc .vcre atvsiit th" same as thr-te obtained !»' month. l>*:rv r"*«. £5 to £7 10s for be*!, others £3 t,. £4 'i. for- ' ward three to four-year-old bnil'jcks. £3 19* ! to £6 lf«; three and three and it-half year old*. I £4 IS# to £ i 10s ; tv.o to three-ycar-old's, £3 1.'?3 to £i 10*; fresh empty row* snd heiferi, £2 IP* to £3 13s; fat eowji, £4 to £ l.>. fxi; yr-irimcv. mixed. £1 13« to £1 ±':-\: i.\a!ve.«, £1 ,1* t,, £ 3a; sniall. 9? to 16«. Stock c; all ; ir-r< 'a"i f> -,\c'j tc|ire*ented at. Renmera on Tlittr<dar Da try <-riu» were required, -aetline from £5 to £<i' accordinj; to ago and, qualify; dry. £2 lfk t.> £-1 Vat and votttig calves. •»( it-irnl number#. nere d'.dl of «h!o. and sold from 1« to 4?«; 54 #o;d There w.>.< art n.vf;ras»c •••" fit -attle •■•- ehoW <jualitv. Pricey were easier St«•••»* »o]d from £j, to £3 12s 6:1; ce'.vp. £," jck to Do f«-. -,;v nobl. sherji. in full Slipn-V. .. etc »!--•' c:i- e: ■-. vain-. Post wethers »oM from 15* to 2lt> fd; lidt'er w-WghK IP* to 17* fed: heavy «p,-, to jr.« >{: others. lai feci to 16« . 1200 *o!<I. Store <•«•<>«, 7» to j4 % Lamb*, plentiful. *-'M from ch '.'I to lew nd ; i 000 sold. Sixty-seven piss yarded kept -es-cnt-quotations. Hide*, S\in*. Talbov. !lii]e< were held over until next week. Tallow, i:;w fed to 2S>; horsehair. 1* fed t< Is 7«i ; bone?. 4* 9d. skin* — liiirse, 4« (kI to .is 2d: medium. "3* to Is Id; small. Is to 2* ?tl; damaged, fed upwards. Stilted pelt* and )aml«*. Is fed to 2-.': dry. s<i to Is 4d. I MESSRS. G. W. BINXEY AND SONS' MESSRS. G. W. BINXEY AND SONS' REPORT. vMt. this week's sai«» we aßain submitted largo paUlogueii ol bides, -kin*, tallow, etc. Hide*; fix, extra stout 6Jd to 7jd. swiit, fed to fetd. medium bid to , licht 4;d to Jul; cows', best lines 37d to 4d. ?ood 3pf to 3jd ; #tag*', 2d to 2jd ; calfskins. 3td to 4d. Scored, sloppy, and damned hide* meet, with very little inquiry. Sheepskins: l.uree, to fes; medium, 4.< fed to lis fed; entail. 3s fed to 4,* 3d; pelt.; and lambskins. best to Is 7d. others Is t« . la 4d. Tallow: Rest mixed, to ;;fes ; Rood. -4s (<> 25*; medium, 22* to 23* fed ; interior, 18* to 21s nee cwt. Rough fat. IJd per lb. Cowtails. Is 3d per Bones, £4 If.s ton. FROZEN MEAT MARKET. [BT TEBEGItArn.—rHBSS ASSOCIATION.] Napier, Thursday. The Colonial Consignment and Distributing' Company. London, cable <ia follows; The frozen meat market continues very weak and prices are unchanged. LONDON. ' By Telegraph.-—Press' Association.—Copyright. London", January lb. METALS. Copper: On spot, £b5 17* fed; at three months, £64 ft*. Tin : On spot, £125 10?; at- three months. £126 ss. Lead, £14 7.* fed TALLOW SALES. At the tallow sales 1029 casks were olTered and 398 sold. Mutton; Fine. 34s 3d; medium, 335. Beef: Fine, 335; medium, 31s.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13649, 17 January 1908, Page 3

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COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13649, 17 January 1908, Page 3

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13649, 17 January 1908, Page 3