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i ... Nbw Zealand Hkbaid Office, ~!''!;...■..., ■ :: ..': ■■,■■. ■:■■-■ ■■ i ■ ' ■■ u . ' Thursday evening. ■ 'flow business has been .done on the shareLrket during tho past week. In bank stock £BZealand* sold at £10 4s and £10 ss, iin«ng with further"sellers 'at £10' ss. ■ Nationals sold at £5 ,9s, and buyers "ffer £5 8s 9d> and tbero are , ? i at £5 10s. ' In insurance New Zea'lands sold at £4 10s 6d to £4 10s -3d, more V-inc wanted at £4 9s, and sellors at £4 10 S South British-sold at £5 9s, and more wo offered at £5 9s 6d, with buyers at £5 Bs. There are firm buyers'of Nationals at 275, ■ l „ n d of Standards, at 23s 3d. River Plates arc wanted at 295; sellers ask 29s 6d. In Hikurangis wanted at 16s. Buyers !f Northerns offer 16s, and there are sellers at 16s 3d. Taupiris are offered at 203. '•'.'•' ."Westports are firmer, with buyers at £7 73 In gas stock there are sellers ; 0 Auckland* at £14 17s, and buyers at £14- 14s. Gisbornes are wanted at £2 14s, with sellers at, £2 15s. There are .buyers ' 0 f Wbangareis at 32s 6d,.and of Pahiatuas at 25s 6d. In shipping there were sales of Devonport Ferrys at 345; more are wanted t 34s 3d, with sellers at 355. Northern Steam (contributing) sold at 8s 2d. In tim- ; '-w Kauris (paid-up) sold at 20s, and: '"" more are wanted at 19s 9d. Contributing Sid a t 7s Bd, and there are further; ■ ' filers at 7s 9d. Leyl&nd-O'Briens are lanted at £2 4s, sellers at £2 ss. Parker- j Lambs sold at 265, and there are sellers at 26s 6d, and buyers at 25s 6d. Auckland Trams (ordinary) sold at 265, cum div., and • ' at 25s to 24s lOd, ex div. D.S.C. s sold ,t 6s 3d 6s 4d, and 6s Sd, with sellers at 6s 7( ] and buyers 6s 3d. There were buyers of Milne ami Choyce (preference) at 24s 6d, »nd sellers of ordinary at 23s 9d. Paper Mills !old at 24s 9d, and closed a shade firmer, ■„ it buyer* at 255, sellers asking 25s 6d. Wilson's Cement are firmer, with buyers of reference at 28s and ordinary 26s - 6d. There has boon considerable business m Waihi mining stock. Wnihis sold from £9 . £ to £9 10s to £9 9s, closing with sollora S£9 8« 9d, and buyers at £9 Bs. Grand , junctions sold at 42s 6d to 42s to 42s 6d, SS with sellers at 42s 6d, and buyers Is S Extendcds sold from 6s 9d .to; 6» lOd to 6s-7d- to 6s Bd. Waihi Consohdateds .' sold from Is 5d to Is 6d ; Waih Beachs ' *d at 9d. Talismans sold freely from 32s • to T3a to 32s 3d, and closed with sellers 2 32s 6d, and buyers at 325. Crowns &d from 7s 7d to 7s 3d. Komata Reefs • Sat is Bd. and New Waitelcauns sold at :,71d. Golden Belt (paid sold at lid. Tairua Broken Hills sold from 3s 6d to "fld to 3s 7d. Waiotahis sold at 26s 6d • to 26s 9d, cum div., and 25s 6d ex div. paid this week. New May Queens sold from 2s qd to' 3s to 2s 9d. Kuranui-Caledomans ■'■■ sold at Is 3d to is 4d-to Is 3d. . New Saxons • ' sold at 10id, lid, and Hid. Moanataaar.s sold 1 at6d to 6id- Waitangis sold at 2s sd. : Monowais sold at 7*d and Bunkers Hills so d . ' a'-lOid to lid. Old Hauraki sold at lid to Hid Old Kapangas sold from Is 2d to Is 6d to Is 4d to Is sd. Maharahara cop- ' '■'.. pers sold at 10s. ~,.,/ •' Consensus of opinion amongst distribut-| ing merchants evidences a feeling of satis- , •" faction with the maintenance of the demand from suburban and country districts on their stocks, and although no special activity is being experienced orders are. coming to hand with a healthy regularity and continuity. - i The Niwaru has completed her discharge of miscellaneous cargo; tho Wanaka has arrived with the, usual good cargo of Southern produce, and beyond this the work on the wharves has been monopolised by the ■well-known units of our coastal mosquito fleet. . .-'.'.- o- Canned Fruits: Confirming previous re- : marks under this beading further cable from San Francisco notifies that stocks of = Standard pears are exhausted, and that iU"'' apricots in this grade have advanced in - price 10 per cent. This intimation will have , the effect of diverting buyers' attention \to the. Australian article, the quality of which ."•' Hi all that can •be desired. •.■ . ■ • .Cream of Tartar: Price has again receded and we are of opinion that bottom, ' will be touched during the next week or Haricot Beans: Prices are a- little easier '' Tawket when the best demand is over it . " - cannot affect the price of local and *■' arriv- ?•'.-. ■> -'-'"-."ing " parcels. y t ;-. : :-^_ :■:■■./.;• ■■.•'■'"■ r Asparagus: We expect to see new pack quoted at high prices, and those who wish to take advantage of opening prices will s have to f go in early. The demand for this line -in America:-;fs a constantly growing one, whilst, as. is well known, the cultivas tion 'in large quantities is an occupation ; attendant with considerable- risks. Sweet Sicily Almonds: Advices before us at time of writing seem to point to the fact that the new crop will be quoted somewhere ~ ' on "a parity with prices ruling \ two .years ago'; it is, of course, early yet to accurately ."gauge dimensions of the crop. - ■ -;-.- ;' : Ceylon Tea: ißeports from the gardens : ; : ; show that rain is in all districts, and that ■ -a good deal of tea is being manufactured ' : and will be down for sale in the near future. The advanced musters from the estates are inferior and show a great falling off in quality. Tho shipments for March to the • ■ United Kingdom were 8J millions, but the estimate for April is 10i to lOf millions. ■We should not be surprised if this is ex-,:-,'.ceeded.■''■'.'.'• -■■■■■■ Castor Oil: Lower quotations have como ■ through,' but vendors do not- hazard . an , opinion as to the future of the market. • Linseed Oil: The local market is quite ,'?firm, and appears to have responded to the ■ ! increased- Home values. - '-■.''• . \ Pig Iron: The market has taken a sud- • - den move up, and operators will wait for lower.figures to come through. •. ; Metals: Cablegrams indicate 1 a still further advance in all lines, and there seems to be no prospect of lower rates. Tinplates; There is nothing fresh to re- '■•:■■-' '■' -port.. : ■ ..- -:' White Lead: In sympathy with the rates ruling for tho raw material there has been an advance of 10s per ton. • .' Fencing wire in several gauges is in short supply, and early arrivals are small and are mostly already taken up. The higher costs are now being felt. . . .. >~...., .» /■-","■. Cement: Stocks are very low and prices -firm. • - Potatoes: The Wanaka brought only a few sacks from the South. The stocks ■■ in the looal market are working off, as an unexpected demand 'sot in for the requirements of the large native meeting held at the Waikate. This has tended to keep prices _ fairlv firm. Onions: The quantity coining ' forward and being offered is quite sufficient bo cope with the demand; prices remain much about the same. ■ ■" • • Peas: There is a good demand, and the market is advancing both for Prussian Blue , • and Partridge. Beef: A fairly good yard of prime was , on offer at the sales this vfcek, and last prices were well maintained. " • Sheep realised about the same price, the _ yarding being about the usual. Oats The Wanaka has arrived from ■ the.South and brought 4937 sacks, which is not up to tho average shipment. Although . the market is fairly, well stocked at prownt, it is likely that stocks will. be very »ght before the next shipment comes to , hand. Advices from the Southern market show that a very firm- feeling exists there, - and prices are expected to harden. Fowl Wheat: Stocks arc light, and it is £*fy difficult to replenish them. Tho price has advanced a penny, per bushel in the South. ; - Milling Wheat: There is no great quan"ty being offered; an advance on last week's rates has taken place. The-Wanaka brought 3326 sacks from the South. Chaff is not coming forward very freely. >'• "rime lots move off on arrival without any alteration in price. The quotations for Australian fodder are about 10s per ton higher in Melbourne, and about- '15s' per *>" higher in Sydney. The demand for . this continues, but the higher cost may Militate against business in the future , Pollard; There is rather more business "fig, and an advance of 5s has taken Place. ' . -"Can 5 also firmer by 5 per ton, an( is : ; ln fair demand. • : -.:.: Mug©; , There have fresh arrivals y • 011 ? the. coast sinco our last report, and as 1 k l i demand continues very steady stocks Adhere are almost depleted. As the quotations ■ f T om Sydney show an advance it is '■ '*'. most likely that a higher nrice will bo Je- , ry< . mandod for any coastal coming to hand . "Wing the next week. . I Fungus continues to come to hand very ~ »jowiy, tie wet weather in the 'country 'stop-' ~- ■ fH supplies from being heavy. • A good I demand exists. ' b . '• . ~£ lax : Tho deliveries are not quite up to ' ■ ■ of A voraßC ' and although in the carlv part " IcL week a fair proportion of g.f.a.q. I, . e«me to band, latest arrivals are of very in'fiteft.'; ■'■ ■''.'.- ■-.'" '■■■■.■■' '.".,. ■■ ■ '.'••■ •Illll:;;:r •. ■'■: ;."" ' ' ' ' '■

different quality, -a large quantity only passing through as common. Latest London cables notify that the market there ha3.not retained the slight' advance that took place at; the beginning ofi the "week. Tow is being sold as it comes to hand. - , . Kauri ,Gum:, For, the nine days of May 173 tons have, come to hand. The market generally remains much about ,the same, and stocks held by the brokers are rather on the light side. : Pale select and rescraped ordinary continue to move off without any alteration in price, the offerings being very small indeed. Superior three-quarter scraped ordinary is also in light supply, and being in good request there is no difficulty in making sales. Medium ordinary is also wanted, but prices are stationary. Good .washed nuts .well sieved are in demand. Chalky and swampy sorts continue to move off as they reach here. There is no alteration in East Coast; the principal shippers are still holding off unless they can purchase at a slight reduction. Black: Rescraped and. hard bold lumps are saleable. There has been more disposition to buy hard steel, but prices have a weakening tendency. Medium is in fair request. Sugar and hard nuts free from dust are wanted. There is very little alteration in the position as far as bush is concerned. Rescraped moves off on arrival, but the other grades are being neglected. Chips and dust remain much about tho samo as they were last week, both ordinary and black. AUCKLAND STOCK EXCHANGE. The following aro Thursday's closing prices, the ealcs effected being .-—National Bank, £5 Da; South British .Insurance. £5 9s; Northern Steam (contributing), 8s 2d; Kauri Timber (contributing), 7s -8d; D.S.C., 6b 4d, 6s sd; Portland Cement, 37s 9d; Waihi, £9 9s 3d, £9 9fi; Talisman , Consolidated. 32s 3d; Kuranui-Caledonian, Is 3d ; New Dart, bid ; New Saxon, lid, lUd; Golden Belt (paid), lid.

■ ; ', " H.' L. Noakjes, Secretary; G. A. Buttle, Chairman.' ; 3.15 p.m., May 9,150 T. -Jy '. ; : ■ . ' CALL AND DIVIDEND LIST. ' Calls. •■■ - - •-■.'' Te Puke, March 27 ...... 0 0 1 Now Mav Queen Extended, May 2... .00 1 '~ Now . Waihi Beach, April 11 . ... 0 0 1 May 13 New Saxon, April 16 . ... ... 0. 0 01 May 13 Kuranui, April 20 ...... 0 0 1 May 13 Old Kapanga, May. 6 ... 0 0 1 May 16 New Bunltcr's Hiil, April 23 ... 0 0 .1- May 21 MESSRS. ALFRED BUCKLAND AND SONS' :,- /-•..., .- ." . REPORT. - • ' : • , Horses: At the Haymarket on Friday last we had a good eale. Aged draughts sold at from £22 to £46; active waggon and' express sorts, from £3*i to £46 10s; heavy unbroken three to four-vear-old colts and fillies, £38 to £41;-two to three-year-olds, £22 to £34; lighter class, £15 to £27buggy horses and good hacks, £15 10a to £22 light harness and ordinary hacks, £5 to £13 ss; butchers' and grocers' cart claw, £16 to £30; well-bred ponies, £7 10s to £12. The thoroughbred horse Conductor realised 30 guinea*. Pony, gig, and harness, £32 10s. . At waiuku on Saturday we had a moderate yarding of stock, which changed hands at late quotations. On Monday, at Kaipara Flats, there was a small j'aTding of cattle, which sold at recent values. On Tuesday, at Wellsford, there was a good' muster of cattle.and sheep, but competition, was slack. Fat heifers and cows sold at from £3 10s to £4 12s 6d; empty do., £2 2s 6d to. £2 ss; calves, 12s 6d; fat-eweo, 18s. We held our usual. monthly sale at Helensville ' on Wednesday and had an average yarding of ', both cattle and sheep. The former sold at• late rates. Sheep were better worth. ; Springers, £3 : 10s to £5; empty cows, £2 2s 6d to £3; fat cows j' and heifers, , £3 10s to £4 15s; yearlings, to £1 13s; calves, 18a* to £1 2s; smaller sorts, 13s. ! Several ponies sold at from £1. las to £4; fat ; wethers, 19s. 3d ; to 1 £1 Is; ewes, to 15s; store ewes. 9s to 11». ■ • , ■ ■ :. ■ ■ At Remuera on Thursday dairy and store cattle came forward in usual numbers. Cows near their, profit were better worth, .best selling from £7- to" £9 10s, others £3 103 to £6 10s; stores at recent quotations. Fat and roung calves, in small numbers, sold freely. There was ,a. full muster of fat cattle ■ of choice quality. Prices were easier all round .and, sold irregularly. Steers ranged in price from '£6'to £10 ss; cows, £3 10s to £8 ss; 354 yarded; 308 sold. The sheep pens.wore well filled with a good class of mutton, which met with a ready sale throughout,' best wethers sell-" ing from 22s to 24« 6d. lighter weights 18s to 22*; heavy ewes 19s. to 22a 6d,: others 16» to 18s. Fat lambs, met with, a better, demand, weighty selling to 203 6d. others 12s 6d to 16», store 8s 6d. Pigs, in full supply, met with a dull sale, prices being considerably, lower for all classes, small selling to 8s 6d, slips to 12s 6d. porkers to 30s, baconers to £3 2s; 152 sold. Poultry, Is 3d to 2s 3d. Hides, Skins, Tallow, etc. : Hides— easier, excepting for heavy ox. Ox, sjd to 9^d; cow, 4|d to s}d ; kips. 5d to s|d ; calf, 6d to 6|d; horse, 10s to 12s; tails, Is 7d; horsehair, Is 3d to Is 6d; damaged hides at late- values. Tallow. 24.« ' 2d -' to 255. Skins—Best lambs' and pelts, 4 to 4s 8d; others, Is 6d to 3s 9d; skins,-2a 6d to 5» M.. i : MESSRS. 0. W. BINNEY AND SONS' REPORT. On Tuesday-we submitted large catalogues of hides, skins, tallow, etc. Hides: Prices remain at last week's rates, all stout ox being keenly competed for. Ox, extra stout, to 8d; stout, 62d to 7Jd ; medium, 6d to 6id; light, sid to ojd; cow, best lines,. s|d; good, sjd to S^d; stags', 3Jd to 4d; calfskins, 6id per lb. ''■• Sheepskins: Best' pelts and lambskins, 4p 6d to 4s 9d; medium, 3.s 6d,to 4s 3d; small, 2a to 3s each. - ,'„.-, Tallow: Best mixed to 26s 6d; good, 24s to 25s 6d: inferior. 20s to 22s per cwt. Rough fat, ljd per lb. Bones: £4 15s per ton. Cowtails, Is 8d per dozen. NORTHERN . SALES. Messrs. Hunter and Wilson report: At Tajigiteroria sale a moderate muster of cattle eold at ruling values. At-Hikurangi, owing to the rough weather, few cattle came forward. At Whangarei monthly sale a good yarding of cattle, with few exceptions, sold, freely. We quote:—Beef: 40 sold, under brisk competitionSteers, £6 5s to £7 10s; cows »nd heifers, £4 to £5 14s; dairy cows and heifers, £4 to £6 1.55. The young Jersey heifers advertised sold from £212 a 6d to £4 3s, each, for a pen of eight; two to three-year-old steers, £2 15s to £4 lis one to one and a-half-ycar stecis, £1,16s to £2 7s 6d; store cows, £1 15s. to £3 sb; calves, 12s 6d to 245; fat sheep, 18s each. . ' 4 Privately we disposed of 180 forward wethers at 16» 9d; dairy cows, at £5 15s and £6; nine well-bred hacks" and light harness horses, £17 10s to £28 10s; two. draughts, £70; buggy harness, £4 10s and £7; sulky and harness, £17 sa.

WAIKATO STOCK SALES. ,'* , ' The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, Hamilton, report:— On Wednesday,; May 1, at Matamata, we had a good yarding of cattle. Brisk competition ruled throughout for all clashes, everything being sold at the hammer or afterwards excepting one pen of fat calves and a few aged store cow*. , Rood two and a-third year old steers realised from £3 15s to £4 3s Id 18 month steers, £2 7s to £2 12s 6d ; yearling to 18 month heifers, £1 13s to £1 17s; good calves, IBs to £1 2s 6d; others, 12a 6d to 14s; fat cowa and heifers. £2 5s to £2 17s 6d; three and four-year-old bulls, \ £3 ;5s to • £4. -"A[ large number of dairy cows were offered, due to calve in two or three months' time. s Most of them realised from £3 12s 6d to £4 7« 6d. Cows at profit or near calving brought £4 to £5 7s 6d. A medium draught, mare and foal realised £17; harness marc, £9 12s 6d; useful hack, £8 10a. : On Thursday, May 2, at Hamilton, we had an average number of" cattle. About 70 fat steers and heifers sold much better than at recent sales. Light-weight steers realised from £6 1S» to £7 17s fid;'fat heifers and young cows, £4 7a 6d to £5 10s; aged cows, £3 10s to £4 12a 6d; two and a-balf year old steers, £3 18s; 18 month steers, £2 7s to £2 12s 6d; good calves, 17s to £1 3s; springing heifers, near profit, £4 5j to £5 15s. .... v . / ', ■■ . ,'- ' •■-•; ,;•.; ':■ -'. _~ At Te Awamutu on Saturday, May 4, we had a full yarding of cattle and a large attendance.. Good calves realised from 18a to £1 4s; others, 14s 6d; 18 month steers, £2 3s to £2 8s; yearling to 18 month heifers, £1 13s to £2; store cows, £2 5s to £3 12s 6d; fat cows and heifers, £4 10s to £4 17s 6d ; fat sheep, 15s. A large number of pigs sold well. Good weanera, 8a 6d to 135.; small pig 3, 3s 6d to 5s 6d; porkers, 16s to £1 Is. A useful horse, buggy, and harness, £32 10s; cob, £3 5?. A lot of farm produce, poultry,.etc., sold at usual rates. i Me«3ra. McNieol and Co. report.:— • At Ohaupo on Tuesday, April 30. we yarded 200 head of cattle and 2300 sheep. The cattle were nearly all disposed of, but prices were low and much the same as those ruling lately. Forward threo and a-half year old steers, £5 6s; well-bred three-year-old steers, £4 3s to £4 10s; two-year-old steers,' £2 10s to £3 se; two-year-old heifers. £2 2s to £2 7s 6d; fresh empty cows, £2 12s;. 18 month heifers. 30s to 355; good calves, 20s -to 255. One thousand nine hundred and seventy-two four-tooth wethers from Karioi (inland from Patea) made from 13s 6d to 17a 3d ; woolly store lambs, 7s 6d to lis sd, according to condition. ' > At Cambridge on May 3 we had a yarding of 150 head of cattle. Aged fat cows, £3 to £4 10s; fat heifers, £5 to £5 ss; < calves, 15s to 20s; two and a-half rear steers, £4 2s 6d ; weaner pigs, 6s 5d to 9s 6d; fat sheep., 16s 6d. . •..'.,,,-.-•■ .* .• . '■''• FROZEN MEAT MARKET. [BY TELEGHAPH.— ASSOCIATION.] Napier, Thursday] . The Colonial Consignment and Distributing Company cabled from London to-day as follows— Frown meat: Mutton—Canterbury, 4d; Napier, Wellington, and North Island. 3|d. Lamb—First quality', s|d; second, sd. s Hindquarters, 3£d; fores, 3id. -■■ \ LONDON. By Telegraph.— Association Copyright. , , LOKDOif, May 8. Wheat: American visible supply, . 79,660,000 bushels. • . . _ ,- , At the tallow sales 1246 casks were offered and 1231 sold. Mutton: Fine, 36s 6d: medium, 34s 7d. Beef: Fine, 35s 9d; medium, 33s id. " Iron, 60s 6d.. - Lead, £19 12s 6d. Silver, 2s 5 15-16 d per ounce. LONDON WOOL SALES. By Telegraph.— Association.— '..'.. LONDON, , May 8. At the wool sales yesterday there was splendid competition and prices for all sorts advanced. HIGH COMMISSIONER'S REPORT. [BY TELEGRAPH. — ASSOCIATION.] Wellington, Thursday. • The High Commissioner - reports under date London, May 8:— , • . ' Tho mutton market is quiet, with no cnangc in prices to report. The lamb market is firm. Light weights. 5Jd for Canterbury; other than Canterbury, 4gd ;. heavy weights, Canterbury Sid, other than Canterbury Sid.-, - v■- ct „„ v< , There is a better demand for beef. Stocus of New Zealand on hand are light. The prices ruling are 3|d and 3Jd for hinds and fores respectively. '■ , ~ , , There 'is a fair demand for better grades of butter. Choicest New Zealand, 975; Danish, ■102s. The cheese market is steady, with an improved demand at 625. ••-. ?.'.-■•• ■■■ '■'.•.. . " The hemp market is quiet, but firm. Good fair grade, on spot, £33 103 per ton May to June shipments, £33 10s; fair grade, on spot, £30. .

■■. Sellers.: : Buyers. -,...,,„ - ' £ s. d. £ 6. d. BANKS— , ' , New Zealand ... ...10 5 0 — National ... 5 10 8 5 8 9 INSURANCE— ■• ■'■ ' New Zealand , ... • . .„• 4 10 0 4 9 0 National ... ... i ... _ , 17 0 South British ... ... "i 9 6 5 8 0 .Standard , ... ... ... 14 0 • 1 3-3 FINANCIAL— N.Z. and River Plate ... 19 6 19 0 COAL— ' Hlkurangi ... ... ' ... _ 0 16 0 Nort. Coal, Ltd., 10s paid 0 16 9 ' 0 16 0 Taupiri Mines, Ltd. ,...100 — West-port ...... r ... _ 7 7 0 GAS— . .''.•'■'. '.-." ... Auckland ... ... ... 14 17 0 14 14 0 Qis'oorno ... ; ... . 2 16 0 2 14 'Of Whangarei ... . ... '.'■ ... :'*■' —' :' 1 12 6 ' Tchiatua . ... , ... .... ; _ _. 15 6 SHIPPING— ' ' *'..''.*., Northern, paid up ■■'•"■'..-. 0 18 3 0 17 10 Northern, con. ......0-8 3 0 8 1 Devonport Steam Ferry... 1 15 0 1 14 3 TIMBER— . - ■■■'■■■■'• Kauri, paid up ... '■.:". 10 6 0 19 9 Kauri, contributing ... 0 7 9 — Leyland-O'Brien, Ltd. ... 2 5 . 0 2 4 0 Mountain Rimu, Limited.. — "10 6' Parker-Lamb, Limited ... 166 1 56 MISCELLANEOUS— ' ■/ Hibberd's Syndicate, paid 13 0 — Auckland Tramways Co.. pref .:. ... ..I 1 3 6 13 0 Auckland Tramways, ord. 1 5 0 1 4 0 D.S.C., Limited ... 0 6 7 0 6 3 Hill and Plumm?r, Ltd... 12 0 — H.M. Arcade Theatre Co., ord. '..'■' ... ... 10 6 ..'—".■ Milne and.Choycc, prof... — 14 6 Milno and ChovTc. ord... 13 9 "'.;'•: — New Zealand Drug, £2 ... 2 11 '0 2 10 0 N.Z. Portland Cement Co. 118 6 . — New Zealand Paper Mills 15 6 15 0 .', Tonson Garlick Co,, Ltd... 110 ■■.- — Union Oil ... ... 10 6 — Wiseman and Sons," pref... 110 — Wilson and Co., pref. ... — 18 0 Wilson and. Co., ord. ... — • 16 6 Wilson . and Co., new : i* .'. ■ . sue, premium ... ... .' — ; 0 8 0 MINING—. , Bonanza, paid '......0 0 9 •. „ — Kuranui ... ■ ... ... 0 0 6 : ' •' — ' Kuranui-Caledonian "... 0 1:4 ,0 12 May Queen Extended ... 0 0 9 0 0 7 New Dart ... ... : ... 0 0 7 0 0 6 New May Queen ..: ... 0 2 10 0 2 7 New Moftnataiari ... ... 0 0 9 0 0 6 • New Monowai , ... ... ' 0 0 10 .'••■ 00 8 New Saxon ... ... ... 0 10 0 0 11£ New. Sylvia ... ... ...* 0 0 5 0.0 4Old Albumin. ;......, 0 2 1 \ — Southern Queen ..." ... 0 0 6 — Thames ■'. ... ........ 0 0 8 0 0 6i Victoria ... •',...' 0 - 0 10 , 0 0 7 Waiobahi: ... ... ... 16 0. 15 3 Waitangi ....-'...... 0 2 6 , 0 2 2 Watchman .:. ... ... 0 0 3X — Bunker's Hill ...... 0 0 11 . \ 0 0 8 Hauraki Freehold ... ...006' • — Old Hauraki .■ ... ... 0 10 — Old Kapanga .;. ... 0. 16 0 14 , South Kapanga ....... 00 Si 003, Champion, paid up ... 0. 2 10* •■■■ 0 2 3 :''■ Champion, . con". ...... 0 1 3 '—" Crown ... ... '... 0. 7 6 0 7 0 Golden Belt, paid ... 0 0 11*. — " ..-' .■ Golden .,Craya,.,.:'s. ,., ■'.. ,.j. 0, ;fl .2.-i.^';.--. u -*aii"-V. ; ■ ■ Kifikiri,'contributing .£ 0-5' ,'0.0 .'3 : , K6mata'Reef« ... . ... 0 1 9 " 0' 1 8 ; Maoriland, paid ... '• ... 0 0 .6 ■ >— • Maorilar.d, ■ con. ... ... 0 0 4 ••:'■■ — >■ -New Waiteka.uri "... .009 007 Pride of Waihi ..." ... 0 0 9 0 0 6J Rising Sun ;. ...... 0 0 9 : 0 0 7 Tairua Broken• Hills ' ..." 0 3 9 0 3 7 '. Talisman Consolidated ... 1 12 6 1 12 0 Waihi ... , ... '..: ..... 9 8 9 . ' 9 8 0 Waihi Beach ... ... 0 0 94 — Waihi Consolidated ... 0 1 7 0 15 Waihi Extended ' •• — 0 6 8 0 6 : 6 Waihi Grand Junction ... 2 26 2 10. Maha,raliara' Copper Mines — • 0,9 6

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13484, 10 May 1907, Page 3

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COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13484, 10 May 1907, Page 3

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13484, 10 May 1907, Page 3