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S|:;|h'' " i^}::: ; •:■■' "\ ■", '-■ ./' '"^'.''./ /";'' : .-.' -:'', '■■■'.::.■■'•; 9v| / '>■;'•;■■--/ New Zbaiakd'Heejis,!) Office;'- ■ ■■ , • : ', i; ' '''"■■■ f: *'■ irxr- ■■ ";'■.'•'■-',;■ / . 0 Tuesday evening. ",'Ai taie amount of .business'; was transacted ,' on Iho sharemarket to-day. -In standards ' Kauri Timbers (paid .up) brought 20s, and closed with sellers'at'2os 3d, buyers 19s 6d. ' Gontributings made 7s Bd, with further sel- ■ lers at 7s 9cl, buyers /at 7s 7d. ParkerLambs sold at 265, late -inquiry being at 25s 6d, with sellers at 263 "6d. Auckland Trams (ordinary, ex div.) changed hands at 255, and were obtainable at 255, buyer 3 quoting 24s 6d. In mining stocks Waihis ■ were bought at £9 10s, and closed .with sellers asking £9 10s 6d, buyers at £9 9s 6d. Grand functions sold at 42s to 42s 6d, more V , : being wanted at 425,-sellers holding for 435. Talismans changed hands from 33s to 32s 9d, there being further sellers at 335, and buyers at 32s 9d. WaioUhis were dealt in at 26s . 6d, closing with.sellers at 26s 9d, buyers at 26s'3d. Crowns brought 7k 3d, late sellers asking 7s 6d, with buyers at .15.% Waihi Extcndeds sold from 6s 8d to 6s 7d, further buyers offering 6s 7d, and sellers asking 6s :. Bd. Kuranui-Caledonians were had at Is 3d, with late sellers at Is 4d, buyers at Is 2d. New Moanataiaris sold at 6d to 6id, late ■ ' sellers 'at: Bd, buyers od. Now Monowais wero had at 7id, lato sellers asking 7d; no declared buyers. New Saxons brought lOJjd to lid, closing with sellers at Is, buyers lid. Thames 7d, with late' sellers at Bd, buyers 6id. J Watchmans were done at 4d, late sollors 4d, buyers 3d. Old Haurakis found buyers at lid to Hid,, and closed with sellers at is Id, buyers quoting IOJd. Old Kapangas were bought at Is sd, at which , price ;morc were available/buyers at Is 4d. Now Waitckauris made 7i'd; lato sellers Bid, buyers U. Tairua Broken Hills were invested in at 3s 9d, there boing further sellers ' at 3s 9d, and buyers at 3s Bd. Waihi Consolidateds made Is sd, and closed with sellers at Is 6d, buyers offering Is 4d. Maharahara Coppers were sold at 10s, and further buyers offered 9s 6d; no declared sellers. The volume of general distributing business ~- is ..well sustained. The demand for seasonable, commodities is now being felt, and although the general position of tho various markets of late has made purchasing operation for merchants somewhat difficult the different lines, with on© or two exceptions, , which are specially called for in the autumn, are in good supply and moving freely. Shipping' during tho past few f days has been somowhat quiet, and wo have only to chronicle the arrival of the Niwaru f irom, ; oversea (with 3000 tons of cargo), Zealandia . from the South, and Victoria from Sydney,: :/ /both with good cargoes. The Aparima is due on Friday with the v usual miscellaneous cargo from Eastern ports, comprising bonomeal, juto goods, linseed and castor oil, pineapples, and kapok. . in connection with the dischargo of which general average deposit; will doubtless be ■'-... required. 1 "Haricot Beans: Price remains firm at last quotation, and, with tho > approach of ■the winter months, the demand will bo at its best. Local stocks are not heavy. Cream of Tartar: Cable to hand notifies -' . that the market has dropped a couple of points, and we should • not bo surprised to see buyers going in and covering futuro requirements. Canned ' Fruits: 'Frisco advises .by / cable that the stocks of standard canned poaches are exhausted, and buyers will, therefore, have to turn their attention to seconds. Wo expect to receive news shortly of a similar nature in connection" w.ith standard, apricots • and " pears, and 'everything points to the new pack, coming to an absolutely bare market " , '. '*''..'-' Cornflour: : With a, firming tendency in cereals s generally a, notification ■of advance in price would not a surprise. Canary Seed Moving up slowiy in price. Rioe: Market still extremely strong/with marked indications of a further rise. / ; /-'-v; Sago and - Tapioca: Market i strong ;i and active; 'supplies short, pending arrivals of Aparima due Friday next. .. ' " White Pepper: Cable quotations are shgnfcf'ly easier than last. / ') -* ~ / ." - Kapok Java advises that the market re- ' mains . very . firm, and : higher prices / likely 'ia rulA ■ I<*CJ.LIKddAP£%'M9 n,ot .-heavy, and; the new crop reaches this market. / .- Woolpacks to arrive July shipment are . quoted much higher than they have been for :. many seasons. past, and: the samo, remark applies to cornsacks. - :\ , . , - '■'■'■ Ore pockets are inquired for, and stocks are short. , ;1 ~,, , . Linseed Oil and White Lead: The market still-keeps very firm, and from, latest adr vices tfeero is a prospect of further advances. Castor Oil: We havo no material change in the market to report, the tendency being to slightly lower prices. -; . '•', ', . Metals still maintain their high, position, with no immediate prospect of any change. English Barbed Wire: The market is al- . most bare of ; heavier gauges/;- with orders very plentiful./: , ... Wire Nails: Stocks aro lew, with prospect ' of further . supplies for + some time, and consequently holders keep price? very 'firm'. , - : Sheepskins: .In consequence of wool being easier prices • are , not expected -to . advance this month. " * ' .. >. Wool: In sympathy with the London mar- .; ' ket prices are easier. . , . Tallow: Prices remain firm, all supplies being'rcadily quitted at auction. ' , -, ;Hides: 1 Supplies coming to hand in fair quantities. The market continues unsteady, ■*'-'\ and prices are likely to be lower. ~ '■) . "Leather: Latest advices from London ' in- . -.; timate ; that prices there aro lower, conse; quont on the: drop, in hides, but it is hot' anticipated that there is likely to be any', further drop nor is it expected that the' late ' high rates will be reached again, at , any rate, for some ■ considerable time. The I : local /market /so far : has not shown/any \\ signs of change. \ - i Butter: There is very; little movement in market, and prices remain unchanged. Cheese: At present : stocks: are on v thehigh side, but supplies are coming to hand . in "fairly regular quantities. - Some buyers are purchasing: for forward: delivery for the • next three months. ■ Prices-' remain much /' : - ; about the same. '' : ;, : • Potatoes -', Tho ; Victoria : brought 4064 ; sacks from Sydney, principally•; Tasmanian Redskins, and the Zealandia ; brought 50 sacks from the South. The demand is not quite '/''so strong this week, as the/ heavy supply last week fairly stocked most .of the distributors, and in consequence of which r there is not-- such a keen . inquiry for the. ■ / present shipment, but prices remain about the same and -are likely to continue "so for a little while. There does not seem; to . bi much probability of lower values being : ':'.-,,: accepted. - The Southern-grown are not com- ; ing forward in any quantity. : /., Onions: There is very little change in ■ '}':- t&a. market. Supplies 'are coming ■ forward j in fair quantities, but what aro offered re- • quire selling quickly, and-hayo to be picked over, -as-they do not keep. ; ; -".' ■■/.;'/'.- ; Peas: There is/a fair amount of busi- '.-. ' ness doing, without any alteration in price, in cither Prussian > Blue or Partridge./ ;;.,!"." Maize: The Victoria brought 406 sacks ~ from" Sydney, and the arrivals from the : coast aro 25 sacks by the Mangapapa and . 191/ sacks by tho Clansman. There being //steady business, and stocks in the hands- of distributors not being heavy, prices, as in- ' timated in our last, have had a slight. ad- / vance, the quotation this week being 3s 3d ex wharf for wholesale parcels. The Aus- - ; tralian importation is still, very difficult to move off. - - • > Oats: Stocks held hero at present are only fair, but tho Wanaka is expected this week / - and replenish them. Latest" advices From the South notify that the market thoie is most decidedly firmer. There are very ' - few lots offering from tho country, and " it is expected that until the winter months are over the supplies will be very light, consequently prices are inclined to .riseFrom latest Melbourne reports it is evident there is a strong inquiry for seed oats there, V and very heavy sales havo been made at advanced prices. The local market is most certainly firmer, in,sympathy with that of .'' the South. '--■-.* v . , ' Fowl Wheat: There is an increasing demand for this product, and it is very dim- ; , cult to obtain any, with the result that prices are now exceedingly firm, ■ and there is every probability of higher rates ruling.,-.-Milling Wheat: Both the London and Australian markets are firming, and prices //'/had an upward tendency, and, as holders : / are very firm, any further inquiries would cause the price to increase. Our Southern • report gives the market there as without; change, prices remaining about the same,as last week. Pollard: Thero is a better inquiry in the South, which has tended towards a firmer v market. 't ' Bran has also had more inquiries lately, v , , and prices aro advancing slightlv., V, ' Chaff: There is not to much local offonng, ' tut any prime lots corning forward find 'buyers at last-week's rates. Off-colour par--ss;s;/!//-: ' '■■/-'*/: "*:■■':/■'-■''"'■■."',''.l':';"^"':' '"':■ •'■" : .'- :, ' : -''-; Sfe.'s'.'.-vij''■.'.-■■ -...'■;.' ,; -' j .- : - ' ' --'/■ .v .'-•.'■'■'•''.'/;-..:.■

eels are entirely neglected. There is very little change: in '•, the .position -: with regard ito Australian fodder, -which . continues to sell, without any alteration in price. v Bonedust: There is a very light stock at the present time of Calcutta, but 'the Aparirna is expected to reach here about Friday with; a fairly good shipment. .There is not a very heavy. demand just now, as it is rather too early. ' " . Timber: The kauri mills continue* as busy as ever; there are plenty of orders coming forward, and the stock; of Jogs, is quite sufficient to keep things going for some considerable time. - , White Pine: There is such a strong inI quiry from Australia and for local requirements that-the millers-are holding; off, expecting to be able to obtain a rise in price. South Africa is ; now coming into the market, as their dairying business has increased to such an extent that they are likely to require a large quantity of this timber, and this will be opening up a new market. Iho inquiries from the United Kingdom are increasing, and it looks as if steady business will be done there in the near future. :. . Fungus continues to conio to hand in fair quantities, and,'as the demand is improving, prices have firmed. :■ '■ ,■' > ''■ Flax: The deliveries are : not . quite so heavy this week, only amounting to 776 bales, equal to 129 tons, for the first six days of May. The quality has shown a slight improvement, there : being; a larger proportion of g.f.a.q.. The, London market docs not show much change,' it being firm at present prices. . Locally, matters ate unaltered. '. t ' V . . '■ - '•■.' Tow moves off on arrival, , not a. great quantity coming to band. U:« • Ceylon Tea: The market reopened after tho Easter holidays on the . 10th ult., the total quantity catalogued being 2,306,2501b. ■ The selection offered showed 'a ; distinct falling-off in quality in all grades, the teas being weathery and undesirable. The accumulation of orders during the holidays proved quite equal to the quantity offered, and -prices were firm throughout. London advices were strong, and Home buyers were keen operators. The sale - generally went in favour of sellers', and the only descriptions that were at all easier were very commonest leaf tea and some of the very thin liquoring broken rekocs. We had expected to see a rather easier market after the holidays, owing to poorer quality and .tho prospect of larger -supplies, but inquiry from all markets, especially . Russia and ! America, continues on a large scale, and, ! as long as the former is a buyer of leaf tea, there does not appear to bo much likelihood of prices coining down. Ncwara Eliya kinds are losing _ their • quality, and finest of these descriptions is now very scarce. It is very difficult to say. what the course of - tho market is likely to be, but wo do not see any reason to. expect any important alteration one way or tho other. The market is very strong and the demand is a good trade one. The following are to-day's quotations: Ordinary leafy ■ tannings, .35 cents; tippy Savoury farmings/ 40 cents; Pekoe Souchong, for price, 37 cents; fair Pekoe Souchong, 40 cents; common broken Pekoe, ; some tip, poor liquor, 42 cents; broken Pekoe, fair, good leaf, ' strength,' and quality, 46 cents. . KAURI GUM. For tho seven days of May 149 tons have reached _ hero, showing a slight falling-off in ;■•■ comparison' with the t corresponding, period of last year. , The stocks in London also; show a . slight decrease on those ; of the provious month. - The market remains fairly steady for moat classes and grades. ° Palo select continues, saleable, only small lota offering. . Ordinary: Rescrapod is not procurable in any quantity, and for which there is : a steady inquiry. Superior ; three-quarter-scraped ;is not ) arriving freely, and the demand has not fallen off. There is more medium moving off just at present, and' - good washed ■■; nuts, if - sieved, ' are in request. Swampy and chalky sorts aro not accumulating. 1 ' "','-''■'\ •V^ *■ East. Coast: There are not many buyers at .the present high prices demanded; the principal shippers of this class are holding off" except for very good lots free > from bush, .weak pieces, and • chips and dust. Black: Re-scraped is in short supply, and is wanted. .Bold lumps, well cleaned and J hard, are in request. Good, hard, steel, three-quarter-scraped is saleable at a slightly v reduced; price, but mixed parcels are not so easily placed, still a drop of about 5s per cwt would probably lead to steady business. Hard nuts and' sUgar find buyers without any alteration in price. Bush: Re-scraiicd, - if V free ... from ; bled, I moves : off /readily,:; .but .with the - exception of nuts reo f from ■■ wood,; .which aro sale,«ble> all-othor grades . <»ro -. hanging < firo. "■• Thero;is\ still no inquiry for,'bled. ' Chips and Dust:- Ordinary chips do not sell, and chips ; and dust .are also slow, -of sale, ( but -coarse •: dust ;is in -good request. Black aro moving off more freely and black seeds • and. coarse dust find ready buyers. ''~•■.>. - ' ' AUCKLAND STOCK EXCHANGE. . . The closing prices for Tuesday are as follow, the . business done 'being :—; Timber , (paid up), 20s; Kauri Timber ' (contributing), ". 7s 8d ; Parker-Latnb, • 265; Auckland :''Jmmwava' : (ordinary, ex div.), 255, 255; Waihi, £9 10s," £9 10s, £9 10s; Grand Junction, 425, 42s 6d; Talisman Consolidated, 5 335, 335/ 32s 9d ;; Woiotahi; 26s 6d; Crown, ;7s ' 3d; '.-Waihi ' Extended, e« Bd,' 6s 7d; Tairua Broken Hills/ 3s 9d, 3s 9d; Kuranui'-Cale-donian, Is 3d; New' Moanataia'ri, 6d, 6jd -/.New Monowai, 7^d; New Saxon, 10id, 'lid; Thames, 7d ;■ Watchman, 4d ; Old Hauraki, lid, Hid, Hid ; Old Kapanga, Is sd, le sd; New Waitekauri, ; Waihi Consolidated, :is sd; Maharahara Copper Mines, 10s. :

NEW ZEALAND'- LOAN AND "■: MERCANTILE . V AGENCY; COMPANY'S, Ltd., REPORT. : :.■;■*. f Horses: On ' Friday, at the Durham Yards, horses were yarded- average numbers, most ol them changing hands under the hammer. Heavy draught* sold at ' from £23 10a to , £59; medium do., £16 159't0 £30 .109; hacks and light harness horses. £6 5» to £20 10s.; spring-cart, £20; taxcart, £10 10s. //:■ ;•■■, • , , , '//At . Papakura .on Wednesday ■/wo/. had ; a good muster -of stock. of all / descriptions, ''which . sold at' improved: rates. Dairy cows told at from :£4 &s to £7 10s; heifers, £3 10s to £7; empty cows, £1 15s to £2 13s; grown steers, £4 5b to £5 2s; : .'empty heifers, :.■ £2 Is to £3 7s ;J. : two to three-year-old steers, £2 IDs to £4 2*; calves and yearlings, 15s to £1 193. ' ; ' On Thursday we held a clearing sale of live and dead stock on account of Sir. S. Allport, of Tuakau. There was a very large attendance and satisfactory price* ruled. The farm horses sold at from £26 10s to £32; yearling, foal, £11 10s; cows in milk, from £4 to £8; single-furrow plough, £4 10s. '• /• ■■; ■-■ .>■ ' •; ■■■' -' ," ; Cattle: At the Newmarket Yards on Tuesday rattle of all descriptions were yarded in full numbers. Dairy cows sold at from £5 5a to £7 12s 6d ; empty d 0.,. £1 17s to £2 15s; heifers, £3 12s 6d to £5; calves, 15s to £1 8s; grown steers, £4 5s to £5 12s 6d. Fat, cattle, of which there was an - average muster ;of good ■• quality, sold under steady competition at improved rates, - ox beef selling to 21s per 1001b, cow 17s to 19s. Steers sold at from £6 5s to £10 12s 6d; cows, £3 15s to £6 10a. '-."- ■■• ■■"•' Sheep: At Newmarket on Tuesday sheep of all descriptions were yarded in more than average numbers and sold well at advanced rates, wethers selling at from 18s 9d to £1 3s 9d; ewes, 15s 6d to £1 0s 3d: hoggets, Ss 6d to £1 2s 3d for the first prize takers at the -Cambridge . show. 1 - Pigs: Porker* sold:: at from 15s 6d to £1 3s; baconers, £1 ; 4s to £2 lis; weaners,' 5s 6d■ to 108 W. -'•■ -, ' • , , , V>J " ' We submitted on extra large catalogue oi hide 3, skins, i and tallow, all. lines being sold at keen • competition. . . - ,'. ..*«,. Hides: Market firm at last week's prices, we quote— ox, B£d to 9d; extra stout do., 7d to 7Jd;. stout do., 6|d to 63d; medium do.. 6d to 6j|d ; light do., 5W to EJd ; cows', best lines bid to 53d, good 5|H to 5Jd, .-wet to SW; stags', 3Jd to 3|d; kips, 5Jd rto , 5Jd; calfskins, 6d;to.6id.'. ■.' „ : \ ■;. /'V ; '•■'." '■ S,"'' Sheepskins: Market firm. Best butchers pelts and iambs, large 4s to 4s lid, medium 35,6 d to 3s 9d. small 2i to 3s. * "; ' ' V Tallow: Market firm. Best mixed, for tanners use, 26s 6d to 28s; good mixed, 25s to 265; inferior, 23s 6d to 24s 3d; rough fat, l?d per lb. : Bones, £4 155.; Cowtails. Ik 8d a dozen. Horsehair, 9id : to Is 9d per lb. Maize: Stocks are almost exhausted of local, which is nominally worth 3s Ed ex store. There is a fair quantity of Sydney on hand, but owing to its weevily nature it is not much sought after. Present value is 3s Id ex store. ' •< . Oats: B grade are selling at'3s 2d ex store. Wheat: Prime samples are in good demand at 3s 9id. ■■■-*~. , ; - ■ " ' ■ •-,,:. Chaff: Compressed fodder is finding ready sale at £5 ss; Australian chaff, £6. Butter: Stocks are heavy and the market is dull, milling quality only realising 7id and prime separator up to Bd. , < ; Cheese: Prime factory is selling, up to 6Jd for medium size; farmers', 5Jd to 6'd. Fungus has "advanced to 5Jd. « • Kauri gum: Stocks are. extremely light and there is a keen inquiry for all sorts excepting white' chips.. There has been no change in value during the week. LONDON-WOOL SALES. - : . By Telegraph.— Association.—Copyright. ;■' ■■•'; ■■■"'>• -. London, May 6. ■At the wool sales yesterday there was a brisk demand for merinos "and prices were very firm. Crossbred prices are hardening. , -,

' "■■ ■ ' : .-:/'-:.- : '[': : : ' : :-. '•,■ ■ Sellers. ' Buyers. "_"'■ . £ s. d. £ a. d. BANKS— ;•. , .; ■ ;/■ '. New. Zealand .'-''■„.' ... 10 5 0" -'__,! National ,• ...■,...:■... ; 5,10. 0' ■.■•:/■ 5 8- 9 INSURANCE— :, : : ' • , New" Zealand ' - .if, ' ... 4 10:6 "49 6 ; National; ... , ... ..;.: — 17 0 . South Britisl ... ' ....; — 5 8 6 i Standard "... ' ... " ... — ; 12 6 .financial— ; ■ :. • ' ; N.Z. and River PMe> ... 1 9 9 19 3 COAL— i Hikurangi ..'.'■•' ... ... 0 16 6 0 15 10 , Nort. Coal, Ltd., 10s paid 0 16 9 0 16 0 ,' Taupiri Mines, Ltd. • ... 10 0 0 13 6 Westport ....... ... _ 7 6 6* gas— t '.':../; . -: ;.••. ; ;. , A 'Auckland .... ... ... 14 17 0 "•' .14 14. 0 '■ Gisliorn© ' ... ... . z 16 0 2 14 0 Whangarei . ... ... "... — . 1 12 6 Pahiatua ... ... ... — 15 .6 SHIPPING— '■'-':- . , _ , "Northern, paid up ■ ... 0 18 3 . 0 17 10 : :: Northern, con. . .„ 0 83 0 8 0" Devonport Steam Ferry... 1 15 0 ' — I TIMBER— .;.' '-''■.; j Kauri, paid up ... ... 10 3 0 19 6 Kauri,-contributing ... 0 7 9' '•" 0 7 7 Parker-Limb, Limited ... 16 6 15 6 I MISCELLANEOUS— ' , .. \. Auckland Tramways Co.. ! , Pref- ... ... J 1 3 6 13 0 ; Auckland Tramways, ord., • .'•' ..:•■.•.■•,'-. ex cdiv..,. ...../ 15 0 14 6 D.S.C., Limited 'i ..; ... 0,6 9 V-'O 6 3 Hill.and- riummer, Ltd... 12 0" — . II.M.' Arcade Theatre Co., - • ord.' ;..,. ...... 10 6 - — : Milne and Clioyce, prof... — 14 6 Milne and Chovce, ord... 14 0 — New Zealand Drug, £2 ... 2 11 0 '— ' i New. Zealand-;Paper Mills — :' 14 9 ; Union Oil . .... ... 10 6 ■/—-•'. •'* Wiseman' and Some, pref... 110 — ' Wilson and Co., pref. ... — 18 0 ;.'.■ Wilson and Co., ord. ... ■'•-'•' — 16b Wilson and Co., new issue, premium ... ... — 0 8 0 MINING- ' t ' - - Kuranui■-'■'»,... --... .... 0, 0 .6 '■■.'■ "■: Kuranui-Caledonian ; ... 0 1 4 0 12 May Queen Extended ... 0 0 8:: — ■< ■-.; New Dart ... ...... 0 0 74 0 0 5} New May Queen ... ' ... 0 2 10 0 2 8 New Moanatojari .;. ... 0 0 8 '0,06 New Monowai ... ... 0 0 7 — New Saxon .., ' ...■■.'■",„■ 0 10 0 0 11 New Svlvia... • ... ... 0 0 5 ■ 0 0 4 Old Alburnia-; ... • ... 0.2 1. — Southern Queen ..." ... 0 0 6 — „. Thames -...,, ...'... ,0 0 8 .00 6i Victoria ... ... ... 0,010 : 0 0 7 Waiotahi . ' ... ... v ... 16 9.16 3 Waitangl : ... .... ... 0 2 5 0 2 1 Watchman ... ... . ... 0 0 4 0 0 3 Bunker's Hill \.. %'..: 0 11 . 0 0 11., , Hauraki Freehold .. ... 0 0 7 ■>■' : . 0 0 4 Old Hauraki- .:.. ... 0.1 1- 0 0 104 Old Kapanga ... ... 0 1 5 0 14 South Rapanga .... ... O 0 6 V- — Champion, paid up", ... 0 2 9 0 2-4; Champion, con .... ... 0 13 ■'-....• ,0 10 Crown/-- .......'. ..; 0 7 6 07 0 Golden , Belt, paid . .1 ...• 0 : 0 Hi — Golden Crow ... ... .0 0 -2•.'■"'■ — Kirikiri, contributing' ,'...; 0 0.5 ':■■-, 0 0-3, . Komata Reef* ... ... .0 1 9 , 0 1 8; Maorilund, paid "... '...0 0 6 • — Maoriland, con. ... ... 0 0 4 — ' New Waitekauri ... :"<-,■ ..; 0 0 84 .0 0 7 Pride of Waihi - ... - ... 0 0 9 ■-:'--> Rising Sun ' ... .009 '0 0 7£ : Tairua Broken Hill* .."0 3 9 038 Talisman Consolidated ... 11 S3 : 0 ' 1 12: 9 Waihi..., .... .... 910 6 9 9-6 > Waihi Beach ... ... 0 ,0.94'--- — Waihi Consolidated ... 0 1 6 0 14 Waihi Extended ... ...068' 0 6 7 '■: Waihi Grand Junction ... ■ 2» 3 ; 0 -2 2 0. Maharahara Copper Mines ■■-}.;-—' : '" : , 0 9 6^; H. L. NOAKK3, 'Secretary;'/ G. , A..BuCTliB.. Chairman. '; : 3.15 p.m., May 7, 1907. "',.., : '- : . ' ;- ; : CALL -AND DIVIDEND' LIST. Calls. " ,/ '*' ■•'. Kapowai. April 16 ... ... _ 0' 1 0 1 Now ; ; Golden Cross, April 12 ... 0? fr: 1 Now Te Puke. March 1 27 .', v -.. ... 0 0? 1 May ■ 8 Mav Queen Extended. May 2... 0 ,01 May 8 Wa'ibi Beach. April 11 . ... 0 p ; l May 13 New Saxon, April 16 ... ... 0 0*'04 May 13 Kuranui, , April 20 : ...... 0-0 1 May 13 Old- Kapanga, May 6 .;. 0. 0, 1 May 15 New Bunker's HiiJ, April 23 - ... • 0 0, 1 May 21

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13482, 8 May 1907, Page 5

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COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13482, 8 May 1907, Page 5

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13482, 8 May 1907, Page 5