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The 67th anniversary regatta in commemoration of the foundation of the colony of New Zealand will take place on the Waitemata to-day, and if the weather is favourable some excellent sport may be looked for. The flagship will be the fine steamer Victoria, of the Huddart-Parker Company, which will be moored in midstream, aud from which all the races will be started, the finishing line being between the flagship and the end of Queen-street Wharf. The entries for the sailing races number 106, and all of the rowing races have also good entries. There are a number of side-shows, including greasy boom, umbrella and cigar race, tin-whistle race, duck hunt, etc., which will take place from a scow moored in close proximity to the flagship, and in full view of he spectators. (Jig races, which have not been on the programme for several years past, have been revived, and a special race for country dubs has l>een arranged for, clubs from Kaipara, Whangarei, Ngaruawhia, and Hamilton entering. All the crews for these boats have arrived! in town, and are being taken care of by the town clubs. The final meeting of the Regatta Committee was held yesterday afternoon, at which it was stated that "the finances for the carrying out of the regatta were satisfactory, \so that all prizes will be paid in full. Several post entries were received— the Endeavour for the trading vessels' race, and three for the No. 1 fishing boats' race. Although the entries for the trading vessels' race are not so numerous as those of lust year, keen interest is being taken in the event. The race is under sealed handicap, and Captains Jolin Elwarth, .1. McGurney, and J. Gibbs have been appointed handicappers by the masters of vessels engaged in the race, the committee having decided to leave this important matter in the hands of the competitors. There are seven entries for the open handicap yacht race (first class), and all the other sailing races have quite a number of entries. ihe crews in the rowing races are requested to note that the first race starts at five minutes past ten o'clock, and that ]K)sitious count from the north, so that No. 1 boat will be the most northerly position. In the event of the wind being from the north-east, the lowing events: -will be on the north side of the harbour, and a blue peter will b« hoisted on the. foremast of the flagship. The course will then be from east to west, the boats finishing on the north side of the flagship. The first race starts at nine o clock, and competitors in all the events are requested to be promptly on time at the starting line. The s.s. Pitoitoi will run throughout the day from the Queen-street Wharf to the flagship from nine o'clock. The following is the programme: —

TRADING VESSELS.—Allcomers, any rig, excepting cutters; 20 tons register and upwards. Handicap. To start at 9 a-in. Course: From south side of flagship. through Rangitoto Channel and Whanganaroa Passage, round Tiri Tin keeping outside of Shag Bock; returning through Rangitoto Channel, and finishing south side of flagship. Vessels must, keep marks on the starboard hand, and must keep outside of Saodspit buoy, off North Shore, and outside of Bean Rock Lighthouse; no notice to be taken of other fairway marks and buoys. All vessels to anchor in line, with headsails down at the start. No limit to finishing time. „ Vixen (red and black), Albatross, Ponnw. ' (red), Moonah (blue), Vesper (bine and white). Endeavour (post entry). OPEN HANDICAP YACHT RACE (first class). To start at 9.30 a.m. Course: From south side of flagship, round R. NZ Yacht Squadron mark, thence round niarkboat about one mile to the northward of the Rangitoto Reef buoy, thence round squadron mark, thence round markboat on Birkenhead Wharf, thence round squadron mark, thence round Rangitoto markboat, then round squadron mark, and finish south side of flagship. All rounding marks to be kept on the starboard hand, except the squadron mark, which is to be passed on the port side on the way out, and starboard side on the way back. About 30 miles. Ariki (blue and white star), scratch; The I ma (black and white diagonal), 5m.; Rainbow (blue, white cross), 5m.; Moana (blue and white), 25m.; Ngatira (green, white Maltese cross). 35m.; Aorere (blue and gold diagonal), 38m.; Matangi, 60m. FISHING BOATS (handicap). To start at 10 a.m Course: From south side of flagship round yacht squadron mark, thence round Rangitoto Reef buoy, thence round squadron mark, thence round markboat off Birkenhead Wharf, thence round squadron mark, thence round Rangitoto Reef buoy, then round squadron mark, and finishing south side of flagship. All rounding marks to be kept on the starboard hand, except the squadron -mark, which is to be passed on the port side on the way out, and starboard side on the way back. About 26 miles. Little Jim (white and red), scratch; Cooee (red). Dolphin, Victory, White Heather (post entries). MAIDEN FOURS (lOst and under).—Clinker boats. To start, at 10.5 a.m. * Course: About one mile, finishing between markboat and south side of flagship. St. George's R.C. (red and white), Waitemata B.C. No. 2 crew (blue and gold), West End R.C. No. 1 crew (black and white), West End R.C. No. 2 crew (black and white), Auckland R.C. (red and black), Waitemata B.C. No. 1 crew (blue and gold), North Shore R.C. (dark blue). BONA-FIDE CRUISING YACHTS (handicap), not exceeding 30ft 1.w.l To start at 10.45 a.m. Course: Same as No. 3. About 26 miles. Kotiri (dark blue, white star), scratch; La dye Wilma (bine, white star), Bui.; Ran {ratira (blue, gold crcs., and stars), Bm.; Thistle (blue, white thistle). lOini. ; Windward (white), Him.; (iloriana (light and dark bine), 19m. HALF-DECKED CENTREBOARD YACHTS, 26ft overall and under, tuck stern. Handicap. To start at 10.30 a.m. Course: From south side of flagship round Rangitoto Reef buoy, thence round south side of Southern Cross, thence round mark buoy off Birkenhead Wharf, thence round Rangitoto Reef buoy, thence round south side Southern Cross, and finish south side of flagship. Tere (blue and black), scratch; Emerald (green and gold), scratch; Gladv (blue and white triangle). 4im.; Seagull (blue), 5m.; lilora (white). 5m.; Maru (green and white), 61m.; Tiro (blue and white). 7*m.; Why Not I (blue), 3:, m.; Olympia (red and blue pennant), 11m.; Ka-mo (bine and white diagonal), 15m.; Mistletoe (blue, white cross), 20m. YACHTS (not exceeding 25ft 1.w.1.), handicap. To start at 10.45 a.m. Course: Same as No. 3. About 26 miles. Queenie 'bine and white), scratch; Wairiki (green and white diagonal). 6Jm.; Speedwell (green, gold diagonal), 7*m.: Kosina (bine, white star). I9m. MAIDEN FOURS (open weights). Clinker boats. To start at 18.55 a.m. Course: Same as No. 4. ' : Waitemata B.C. (blue and gold), Ngaruawahia R.C. (blue and white), North Shore R.C. (dark blue), West End R.C. No. 2 crew Mack and white). Hamilton R.C. (white jersey with bade*. Auckland R.C. Crted and black), West End R.C. No. 1 crow (black and white). St. George's R.C. (red and white). FISHING- BOATS. Handicap, tuck stern, centreboard. To start at 11 a.m. Course same as No 6. Mystery (blue, white cross), scratch; Lilian (blue, white lily), 12m. YACHTS (not exceeding 26 feet overall. keel), excluding yachts eligible for Races No*. 6 arid 11. Handicap. To start at 11.15 a.m. Course: From south side of flagship, thence round second, buoy round North Head (old chequered buoy), thence round south side Southern Cross, thence round mark-boat off Birkenhead Wharf, thence round second buoy round North Head, thence round south side Southern Cross, and finish south side of flagship. Wanderer (red, white cross), scratch; Bona (maroon and gold), scratch; Rose (red and black). 3Jm.j Niobe (white, red star), bhm.; Mavourneen (white, red cross)," 12m.; Mayo (blue and white), 19m.; Takare (maroon and gold), 27m. DECKED OR HALF-DECKED YACHTS. 22ft overall and under; bona-fide mullet stamp only. Handicap. To start at 11.30 a.m. Course: Same as No. 10. Mowai (red), scratch; Hetty (blue and gold) •Jim.; Essie (blue and gold bars), 6m.- Seahorse (red. white star), 9Jm.; Kowhai (red. white star), 9Jm. ; Maro (led). 11m.; Princes* (green), 11m.; Merlin (red, white cross), 12m - Roma (white, green shamrock), 12 l m.; Eileen. Igreea. white cross), .I3ru.; Rawhriti (red, white star), 16Jm.; Ventura (white), 22m. OPEN BOATS. 16ft and under. Handicap To start at 11.45 a.m. Course: Same as No. 10. Laurel (blue, red Maltese cross), scratch; Estrella (blue and gold), lm.; Lola, (green, white), 2ra.; Ailsa (white, green, cross). 5Jm.; Romeo (pink and blue), 6',m.; Mapu (blue and gold). 9m. : Veldt (all blue). Dm.; Isabel (blue and gold). 9m.; Else (white, gold bar), 9m.; Karere, 14ni.; Maud (yellow), 15m. YACHTS OF PATIKI TYPE. 26ft overall and ' under. Handicap. To start at 12 o'clock. I Course: Same as No. 10. j Mohawk (blue and gold', scratch; Doreen I (blue and white), lm.; Aoma (blue, white cross), lm.; Water Witch (blue and J'luie). 34m.; Valdora (red, white star), 9im.; WariUo I (blue and white), ICm. *

JUNIOR FOURS (10«t and under). Clinker boats. To start at 12.5 p.m. Course: fame at No. A. About li miles. West End B.C. No. 1 crew (black and. whit*). Waitemata B.C. (blue and gold), West End R.C. No. 2 crew (black and white), Bt.' George's R.C. (red and white), Auckland R.C. (red and black). PISHING BOATS (motor and sails). Handicap. To start at 1 p.m. Course: Same as No. 19. once round. Trial, In. Om. Os.; Vizajodion. lh. 7m. da. ; Hero, lb.. 9m. 585.; Kestrel, lh. l«ra. Os. JUNIOR FOURS (open weights). Clinker Boats. To rt*rt at 1 p.m. Course: Same as No. 14. About li miles. Waitemata B.C. No. 2 crew (blue and cold). North Shore B.C. (dark bine). Wert End R.O. 'black and white), Auckland R.C. (red a.nd black). Waitemu.ta B.C. No. 1 crew (blue and gold). West Knd R.C. No. 1 crew (black and white). MODEL YACHTS, models not exceeding 4ft 6in overall, built by amateurs. To start at 1.30 p.m. Course arranged by starter at side show scow. Bona. Edna, Resolution (bine), Irene (red). Scout (red), Lottie- (red, whne star), Tillia (blue). FOREIGN-GOING MERCHANT VESSELS* PULLING RACE. To start at 1.45 p.m. Course: South, side of Flagship, thenos round hulk Helen, finishing at flagship. Post entries. MOTOR LAUNCH RACE, over 10 knots (handi- ■ cap). To start at 2 p.m. Course: From south side of tkurship between starter's boat and flagship, thence round mark buoy near Iwilk Helen (flag), thence round mark buoy near hulk America, thence round Calliope Dock buoy, thence round mark buoy near mission vessel Southern Gross, finishing between mark boat and south side. of flagship. Twice round. Baby Loader. 2h.: Slim Jim, 2h. 7m. 605.-; Grey Witch. 21i. 10m. SENIOR FOURS (open weights). Beet and best boat- To start at 2.5 p.m. Course: Same as No. 4, about two miles. . St. George's Rowing Club (red and white), Waitemata Boating Club No. 2 crew (blue and gold), Waitemata Boating Club No. 1 crew (blue and gold). West End Bowing Club (black and white); Auckland Rowing Club (red and black).

MOTOR LAUNCHES (including steam). Open handicap. Over 7 knots and under 10 knots. To start at 2.50 p.m. Course: Same a.i No. 19. Zealandia, 2h. 50m.; Regal, 2h. 33m. Kauai. 2h. 33m. 208.; Alleyne, 2h. 34m.; Emerald, 2h. 35m.; Geisha, 2h. 36m.; Kaitero, ?.h. 36m. 205.; Kotiro, 21). 36m. 505.: Tawhiri. 2h. 37m. 20t.: Ripple, 2h. 40m.; Camper, 2h. 40m. 405.; Shadow. 2h. 42m. 405.; Ferro. 2h. 42m. 50s. BONA-FTDE YACHTS' DINGEYS (Handicap), 9ft and under. To start at 2.30 p.m. Course: From flagship round hulk Helen. .1. Mason, and post entries. GREASY BOOM. To start at 2.35 p.m. Post entries. MOTOR YACHTS (including; steam), under 7 knots (handicap). To start at 3 p.m. Course: Same as No. 19, once round. lugred. 3h.; Challenger, 3h. Om. 105..; loztat, 3h. om. 305.: Edna, 3h. liU:; Esma, 3h. 4m. 505.: Billy Richardson. 3h. sm. 10s.; Taahoa, 3h. sm. 355.; Bangatira. 3h. 6in. 20s; I/Aigloa, 3b. 6m. 455.; iEnona, 3h. Cm. 505.; Tempest, 3h. 6m. 50s. COUNTRY CLUB FOURS (in clinker boat*). To start at 5.5 p.m. Course: Same as race No. 4. About 1 mile. Kaipara Union Rowing Club (red, white, and blue), Whangarei Rowing Club (bine and white). Ngamawahia Rowing Club (bine and white). Hamilton Rowing Club (white with badge). MAN-O'-WAR AND CABLE VESSEL CUTTER RACK, all service boata (handicap). To start at 3.30 p.m. Course: From flagship thence (round Southem Cross, and finish south side of flagship. Post entries.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13398, 29 January 1907, Page 3

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ANNIVERSARY REGATTA. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13398, 29 January 1907, Page 3

ANNIVERSARY REGATTA. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13398, 29 January 1907, Page 3