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The first day's racing in connection with the summer meeting of the Takapuna Jockey Club wa-. held on the club'.- course, Dovouport, on Saturday afternoon. Ideal weather prevailed, and this, coupled with an attractive programme, induced a large number of people to patronise the gathering. In consequence of the recent rains the racing track was a trifle slow, but was otherwise in excellent order. The racing on the whole was interesting, some good finishes were witnessed, and in most cases the field- were large. Notwithstanding that several of the horses were unruly at the post Mr. C*. O'Connor got the fields away well together. The meeting was well conducted by the secretary (Mr. R. Wynyard) and other officials of the club. The totalisator speculation was not so brisk as expected, but the figures nevertheless showed an increase over the amount handled on the first, day of the summer meeting last year, a sum of. £9604 10s being passed through the machine (including the double event lotalisator), an increase over 1906 of £2069 10>. The double event totalisator was operated on the Takapiina Cup and Zealaudia Handicap, Scotty winning lie former and Black and Cold the latter event. There was £1391 on the winning double, and a dividend of £25 10s was paid.

The details of the racing are as follows

HANDICAP MAIDEN PLATE of 60*nve; second Inii-M! hi receive 10so\s out. of Hi" Make. One link'.

110— Mis. I-:. A. Call's I. g 1,..i,1 .Sonton. 6vir, liv Kenton Deia-val—Mim Lcttv, 'flat. 111. (Gray) .' ... 1 71i—Mr. ,1. I!. WilliuiiiPOii's ell in Aijua Hi'Kia. 4yi*. Bsl (Towers) 2 190i—.Mr. I). .!. Uiieli's br g Krecmount, nged. Bsl 41b (Julian) 3 75.'— Dogger Bank. 3yrs, Bst (Ryan) ... 0 30 —Lady Clements, sym, Ssl lb (J. i.luale) 0 l.V> —Cai-lim-ii, Syrs, Bst 21 b (Ma reliant) ... 0 31]— Catastrophe, 7st (McMillan) ... ... 0

From a good star!- Aqua Kegiu and Frepinniint. were the Hist Io show in front, and thai pair showed Hi" way down the straight, with Lord Seulon acting as whipper-in. Fioemount. shook himself clear of A.piu Regia at. the bottom turn, and ho had a two lengths' lead before the back stretch was entered 'upon. Lord Seutnn commenced to thread his way through passing the four-furlong post, and he was within a length of the leader when they made the far turn. Free mount, was indulged with the lead below the distance, whin Lord Beaton went up and cut his opponent down, .and the little son of Seaton Dehival coming along in nice style, he ran home an easy winner by three lengths from Anna Itegia, who was a length in advance of Fieeniomit, with Cachuca <i couple of lengths away in fourth place. Time, lin. 47 2-ss. Dividends, £3 14s and £,£.

CALLIOPE HANDICAP of lOOeovs: second horse •it) receive lC«ovs out of the stake. For twoy^.* )r ,"'''*■ '''"in' furlongs. 3524— Mr™ r Murphy's b i Quadroon, by MenscliiUt,'- ." ''"' SI ' IV( '. 3 ' s ' (SeeaU) ... 1 691— Mr. ('. \v. b f Tunewha, 7«t (Whittak'er) .--.■ ■•• _••; , ••• ~ ••■ 2 139 —Mr. .1. t.'coige's br , N> >'- 7st 12J1 ' (Gray) 3 20 —Waiotahi, 7st 61b (Brow*"' ° 93 —Leira, 7st 41b (Holme*) "... °

Quadroon was the. first to show out fro.*.? a good star!, with 'I'unewha close handv. Rui.'i mng through the back stretch Quadroon was a length in front, with Tunewha and Nev in close attendance and the remainder of the field close up. The positions remained unaltered as the horses turned into the straight except, that the daughter ol .Mensehikotr had increased her advantage to three lengths. Howling along freely, Quadroon won rather comfortably be over 'a length from Tunewha, who finished "the same distance ahead of Ney. Leira was fourth, a length away. Time, &2s. Dividend, £1 14s.

ZKALAXDIA HANDICAP of 75sovs ; second horse. to teceive out. of the stake . Five furlongs and a-r.alf. 95 — Messrs. I!, and I!. Duder's br g Black and Cold, aged, bv Cuirassier— Hune, B*l 101b (Ackrovd) 1 209 —Mr. W. Davies''b jn Te Aroha, 6vrs, bsi 2II> (Lindsay) ' ... 2 45i—Mr. I!. MeMiken's l> g Le Beau, aged, 7st 81b (Buchanan) " 5 171 — Miss Winnie, aged. 9st 21b (Bradv) ... 0 65 — Omali. 6vr», Bst 711» (Cress) .' 0 1214 -Duart, 3yrs, 7.sf, 121b (Uirt) 0 b2J— Engraver, 7st 41b (Tower.-) 0 37;.— Conductor, 3vrs, 7.-.I 41b (Conquest) ... 0 102 —Sweet Alice, 3yre, 7st (W. Chaafe) ... 0

Sweet Alice jumped very quickly into her stride when dm barrier shot, up, and she showed the way for a. furious; and n-half, when Black and Gold got on terms with her, thai pair being followed by Miss Winnie and Te Aioha. Bowling along in resolute style, Black and Uold showed the way into the straight, and, lho sou of Cuirassier keeping the opposition at bay, he ran home a comfortable winner by a couple of lengths from To Aroha, and then at a .short interval be Bean, Sweet Alice, and Engraver came borne in that, order. Time, lm. 105. Dividends, £6 7s and 19s.

TAKAPL'N'A CUP (HANDICAP) of 350sovs ; second horse to receive 4Qsovs and third horse lOsovs out of the stoke.. One mile and a-lialf. 491 —Mr. I). Stewart's b g Scottv, aged, by St. Leger—Janet, Bst 91b (Ryan) ... 1 285',—i11. .1. George'* b g l'ariiutu. aged, by Castor—Ynttaghan, 9st Sib (George) ... 2 3064—Mr. .1. Midi's l>r g Waipuna, 6vrs, bv Soult—Follv, Bst 71b (Buchanan) ... 3 316 — Akarana, ovivs, Bst 81b (Ackroyd) ... 0 113J,—Dolores, aged. 7st 71b (Holmes) ... 0 125.;— Baltimore, 6st 101b (Whittaker) ... 0 1633 There was a tiresome delay at- the post owing to some of the contestants refusing to line up properly, but at length Mr. O'Connor despatched them to a beautiful start. Akarana. was the first to gain prominence, with Paritutu, Scottv, and Waipuna next in order. As they ran out of the straight. Akarana had half-a-length'a advantage, with I'aritutu as his closest attendant, and a length away came Scottv. Going along the back stretch l'aritutu assumed the. lead, and as they swept round the top turn the Castor gelding showed the way to a compact bunch, and be was still in front when they reached the turn. In the Mm down the straight Baltimore went into the lead, and he was a length in advance of Paritutu when they ran round the bottom turn, Akarana, Spotty! and Waipuna following close handy in that order. These positions were maintained going to the back of the course, where Wnipunn ran up to Baltimore, and Paritutu and Scottv were lying close handy. As they raced past the home turn Scotty got on terms with Baltimore, with I'aritutu well up next. Scofty showed the way 'into the straight, a length in' front of l'aritutu, and. despite a resolute challenge on the part of the Castor gelding, the son of Si. Ix-gcr held his opponent at bin and won by a length from Paritutu, who was huif-a-lcngth to the good of Waipuna. Akarana was fourth and Baltimore tilth. Time, 2lil. 395. Dividends. £2 5s and £1 Ss.

FERRY HANDICAP of hOsovs: second horse lo receive &*nvs out of the stake. five furlongs and ahall. 1161— C. Winder's, jun.. b g Hikuai, aged, by Ta.-m.m. Bst 21b (Kyan) 1 143-', — Mi. It. It rough's br in Integrity, 6vrs, Bst 71b (.luliau) 2 152 —Mr. .1. llaiiuon'.J eh in Hiss Crispin, 4vrs. 7st 21b (Hiatlv) 3 1.-T — I'reemiiiinl. aged, 9-! (Buchanan) ... 0 204 The Sen, 3vrs, 8.-1. (Scea.ts) 0 Mi—Fretwork, Svrs. 7st. 101b (Towers) .. 0 191.1—Ladv Cressv, 3vrs, 7,1. 81b (Gray) ... 0 60.'. Pip,' 3\ is. 7,-t. 71!) (Brown) 0 14'—Wairill'ie, 4n-. V'.-t. 71b (Foreman) ... 0 47"—Master (.'lenient*'. 4vrs, 7.-t ftlb (Lindsay) 0 18;—Seabohm. 6yrs, 7s 21b (Whittaker) ... 0 14 —Sabine, 7st" (W. Chaafe) 0

llikuai was Hi' 1 Hist to show in Inn lead, with Lady Cressy and Integrity in immediate attendance. Going along the hark stretch Lady Cressy wont to the front and led llikwii by two lengths, with Integrity next, and lion came Miss Crispin. As the field swept round the far turn llikuai had again assumed command, with Lady Ciessy lying second, a length away, and thus they entered the might. Although Integrity challenged the leader the son of Tasman was not to ho denied, and. holding off the opposition, won by it couple of length*?. Miss Crispin being close up third. Pip a-as lourtli and Master Clements filth. Wairuhe wliipjied in the Held. Time, lm. 13 3-ss. Dividends. £o lis and £1 15s. OHKWW HANDICAP IIURDL,B HACK of Smovs ; second horse to receive lOsovs out of the stake. Over eight flights of hurdles. Two miles. 72',—Mr. .1. MclliiKh's br g .Sonllllsh, aged. by Soult—Fishgirl, 9st (Phillips) ... 1 334'.—Mr. 11. II union's b g Hautapu, aged, list ail) (Wilson) ... 2 36 Mr. J. Twohill's b g Pierre, 6vr», 9st. (Deeble) 3 281 —Silica, byre, ast 101b (.Julian) ... ... 0

Silica, Soultfish, ami llautapti took the first hurdle almost in line, and Hautapu then went to the front and was three lengths to the good of Soultfish when the second,hurdle came to be negotiated, Silica being about' the same distance back in third place. Passing the aland the first time Soultfish almost got. on terms with Hautapu, but, the latter soon drew away again, and he was two lengths in front when they rounded the bottom turn. a. wide gap separating the other two. The order was maintained until the horses entered the straight, where. IlauUipu was still bowling along in trout. The sou of Mitiora was (|tiiekest to the hist obstacle, but on landing Soultfish dashed up and took command, and, finishing strnnglv, won by .i length and a-half. Time, 3m, 50s. Dividend. £3 19.-. FIRST POXY HANDICAP of 70»ovs; second pony to receive lOsjivs out of the stake. Five furlongs and a-half. 125 —Mr. A. McMillan's 1> m La Annie, svrs, by Brigand—Small Gun, bst "71b (McMillan) i 126;— Mr. T. yuinlivan's br f Merrmuiuu, 3} rs, 7st (Kemp) ' ■> 543 —Mr. If. Thorpe's eh m Sonoma, 6vr«! 9st ( " 3 275 —Forth, aged. Bst bib (Julian) '. 0 119 -Paul Beaver, 4yrs 7st l.'lb (Foreman) 0 lo.:. — Cjloua ' 4 3'«*> &il 131b (Conquest) ... 0

After a lot of trouble at Hie poet, with 1.-i Annie, a fair start was effected. L.i Annie was the first to show out, with Forth next, tin- last to move twine Paul Beaver. When they i cached the back stretch La Annie hurl .1 lead "I three lengths, and a few stride* further on Mkrrimiimi had displaced Forth in »r.ond place, with the hat,nice of the field strung wit. The daughter "f Brigand continued in the van across the lop stretch and into the straight, where Forth was lying; third Olid Sonoma next in Older, two lengths away. La Annie held oil all opposition and won bv a couple of lengths from MeiTMiinnu, who was three-quarter* of « length to the good of Sonoma. Paul Beaver whipped in Ihe field. Time, lin. 11 4-! v. Dividend*. £7 b* and £2 Bs. STEWARDS' HANDICAP of lOteovs; second horse to receive lOeovs out of the stake. Six tinlons.-'. 404 -Mr. W. Handlers hr in Soultmaid, fjvrs, bv Soult — Merrv Maid. 7>l 1011. (liravi... 1 232 —Mr. .1. Ilaiin us til 111 Millie, aged, 8«t 211. (Kradv) 3 230i—Mr. W. Davie*' l> in Te Arohu, 6.MS. 8»t (Lindsav) 3 263 —LandlocK, aged, 9.-i (Si-eats) 0 198 — FoirmuH, 4yrs, 7s t bib (Ryan) ... 0 1327j Millie's colours were first into prominence, the daughter of Tiisinan being followed by Soultmaid. Te Aroh.i. and Landlock. (.'mug along the hack stretch Millie had a length'* advantage firm Soultmaid, stud the latter was a good length clear of Landlock, with Te Aroha close up fourth. Soultmaid got on term* with Millie at the hack stretch, and th» two marcs ran stride for stride to the head of the straight. Here Soultmaid drew awav, and the daughter of Soull having all the. best of the run home scored by half-ii-length. a length separating the second and thud horses. Time, lm. IBs. Dividend. £2 19*.

SECOND DAY. The following HiveplaneeH have beep received for lu-niorrow'i races:- ~~^ MdANA HANDIfAI*. five rurlmign and a half. —Iliku.ii 9.6, Frecinouut 9.0, Integrity 9.0, Tinbine H. 6. The Serf 8.4. Pip 7 8, Waiiuhe 7.7. Miss Crispin 7.7. Koselaw.ii 7.6. Lady Cressv 7.6, Master Clements 7.2, Seabollin 7.0, Catastrophe h.lO. Tito 0.10.

.MAIDI'.N III'RDI.K HACK, one mile and a half and JOOvds.- Soiihtish 10.4. Fretwork 9.12. Lady Uinta 9.12, llevwood 9.5.

SUBURBAN lIANDICAI". Hve turlongj and ahalf.—Black and liold 9.8. Miss Winnie 9.0. Oman 8.5, be Beau 7.10. FoiVnioJT 7.2, Conductor 7.0, lleniv Havclock 6.10, Sweet Alice 6.10, Syren 6.10.

TAKAPUNA HANDICAP. one mile and aquiirter.— Parittitu 9.6, Scoltv 9.2. Wuipuun 8.10, I.andlock 8.8. Akara.iia 8.6, Soultinaid 8.0, Claremont 7.10, llaeremai 7.0. Baltimore 7.0, Bully 6.12.

HOBSON HANDICAP, live furlongs and a half. —Quadroon 9.0, Port Light 8.0. Nrv 8.0. WanI'hnpo 7.12, Advocate 7.6, Tunewlui 7.4, W:iiut, 7.3.

SECOND PONY HANDICAP, four furlongs. Forth 8.2, Lonesome 7.10. Paul Beaver 7.10, Norma 7.9,, 7.6, Merrimanii 7.6, La Annie 7.6. Herculean 7.2, Hopscotch 7.0, Cyroiui 6.12. Mighty Atom 6.10.

ANNIVERSARY HANDICAP, seven furlongs.— Lundloek 8.12, Certainly 8.8. Millie 8.6. Sonoma 7.12, Uranium 7.8, Luminous 7.&. Bully 7.4. Foremost 7.2, Agrupus 7.0, Aqua Regia 7.0, S\ re 11 6.10.

The first race is timed to be started a! noon


THIRD DAY'S RACING. [BY telegraph.—press association*.] Wellington, Saturday. Lovely weather prevailed for the concluding day of the Wellington Racing Club's Summer Meeting, and the attendance was up to the average, about 5000 Wing present. There was very little use of the scratching pen, and the racing was of an interesting character. The sum of £22,423 • "tit through the machine to-day, including £224 1 'on the- double machine, which paid £7 14s 111 ''"' Wellington Racing Club Handicap all ,i Metropolitan Handicap. This makes i'fji ot-' for the meeting, makes °

MUNGAUOA MACK ;»-IHDIJS HACK of lOteovs: JMjM.AH >.\ IIAI.IV .. 15sovB liluJ | )lilc | |„ )16P .econd horse to S. , Jm . mil« aud „., |f lObovh tloin the sialic. \, 282-Mr. A. McPhcrson's I, m'"iV ■%'}• }'?' Handsome Jack—Makiuo . lU ' °' U (J ' i Delaney) :.•.-, "J ■;; x 189—Mrs. Watson's br g Wind, f#, Ji " l ? (11. Cairns) ' '" 190 Hon. J. 1). urmond's br m Outer, 6vk ' . * lOst, 61b (11 Can) , Also started : 233, l'awa, lOst 51b. Lavinia. and Wind led past the stand, with Pawn a. bad last. At. the bottom turn Lavinia took charge and was not again headed, winning with something to spare by two lengths, Outer bring half-u-doßen lengths behind th« second horse. Tune, 2m. 47 3-3s. Dividend, £2 17e. JANUARY HANDICAP of HOsovs; second horse to receive lbsovs troni the stake. One. mile. 360—Mr. A. Peter's b g Mollis, 3yt«, by Euroelydon—Santa Katarina, 7.-t 111b (S. Rcid) 1 810—Mr. (i. F. Moore's br li Fonteuov, syrs. 7st 1311) (C. Jenkins) 2 209—Mr. F. Armstrong's br li Probable, 4yre, Bst 711. (F. William*) 3

Also started: 203, YVirral, Bst 51b; 330. Blvthemaid. Bst 3I1>; 182, Grand Slam. 8»t lib; 198, Arc Light, 7st 131b; 204, De Witte, 7st 91b; 83, Dulctuea, 7sb 31b.

Dulcinea once more delayed be start, and when the barrier ruse was the slowest, off the mark. The colours of Blytliemaid were prominent, early in the race, with the others, except Dulcinea, bunched, After traversing hnlf-a-mile Wirral and Blythemaid were racing together, just clear of the Held, but the latter gave way to Wirral as they entered the top turn, and then De Witte came at the leader. The latter appeared a likely winner as they swept into the straight, but here Fontenoy ran through on the inside and ted until a hundred yards from the post, with De Witte at his girths. Then .Dolus, on the outside, came with a great rattle, and, wearing Fontenoy down, won by half-a-length, Probable beating De Witte for third position, lialf-a-length behind Fontenoy. Wirral was fourth and Dulcinea last. Time, lm. 41s. Dividends, £4 16s and 14s.

PONEKE HANDICAP of lOOsovs: second horse to receive 15sovs and third horse lOsovs from the stake. Seven furlongs. 163—Mr. li. Nieliolls' b in Silver Shell, aged, by Sylvia Park—Bombshell, 7?t 21b (U. Price) 1 1522—Sir tteorge Clifford's eh g Colden Cairn, 3yr«, Bst 121b (McCluskie) 2 202—Mr. W. Smart's ch m Kaiuku, 4yn, 7st bib (Cairns) .' 3 Also started: 451. Chatterer, Bsl 121b; 294, Kuku, Bst 61b; 115. Merriwai, 6st 121b; 195, Sandix, 6st 121b: 79. Flint Gun, 6st 71b. Kaiuku and Chatterer were in the van on turning for home, but half-way down the straight Silver Shell ran through in the centre of the course and won rather easily by a length and a-quartcr, Kaiuku being a poor third. Time, lm. 295. Dividends, £8 7s and 17s.

WELLINGTON RACING CLUB HANDICAP of 400,-ovn; second hone to receive 50.<Vivk ami third horse 25sovs from the stake. One mile and a-ipiarler.

1024—Mi. .1. Monk's ch h Achilles, aged. I.v Medallion- .Nereid. 9st 1111. (C. Jenkins) 1 398—Mr. F. Preston's b jr Apa, 4vi>-. liv Ad-dington--Muriwdi, 411. (L. Wilson).., I 230—-Mr. ({. (?. Stead's br f Eden. 4vis, liv Slepniak—Faraway, 6st. 101b (('.' Monk) 3 Also .-tailed: 194. Submarine, fc.l 311.; 191, Zimmerman. Bsl 21b; St. Joe (bracketed with Apa), 7,4 101b; 273. Douche. 7si 1011.; 123, Mvstt-heat-ion. 7.«t 31b: 296, ChuichalUn, 7st ; 318, Kifleni.iid, ost- 131b (including 41b over). From an even start Achilles, as usual, rushed to the trout, and on leaving the straight he wits clear ol Zimmerman Submarine, with the others a couple of lengths away. Achilles held his advantage all the way along the back stretch, and the order was very little changed, except that' Apa ran up fourth and Submarine gave way to Eden and Apa as the field approached the homo turn, while Zimmerman dropped back rapidly. Achilles was first into the straight, and, galloping on freely, he won rather easily by a couple of lengths, Eden being third, a length behind Apa and two lengths in front of Douche. Zimmerman was the last to pass the post. Time, 2ni. 7 2-ss. Dividends, £2 and £1 14s.

WINKERS OF THE WELLINGTON ltAt'lN'U CLUB HANDICAP (Since WO). Time. 18.10—Mr. <!. Ellis' Lady Florin. Sst Ulb 'i l.'i —Mr. it. Hunter's Uynisea, s.:i ... -J 12 3-5 1832—Mr. (i 11. Clifford's Cruehtield, 8.5... i 13 2-5 1893—Hon. J. I). Ormoud's yueeD at Trumps, 7.'J •> 13 1811—Mr. H. I,inn's Claiirmiald, 8.1 ... '.' 12 ]S!'.'._.Mr. V,. Marutnaru's llauiipuhi, 7.6... 2 11 1806—Mr. It. Allen's Saracen, 8.8 2 113-0 1817— U. Marumaru's Hansripubi, 7.12... 2 11 1818—Mr. -I. Chaafc's St. Paul. 10.2 ... 2 1" 1811— Mr. L. I>. Nathan's Explosion. 7.1"... 2 10 1-3 1000—Mr. D. Gordon's Boreas, 1.13 ... 2 13 l:iol—Mr. D. Gordon's Boreas, 1.10 ... 2 13 1902 Mr. K. .7. Watt's The Shannon, 7.7... -J 12 1303—Mr. V. Miehell's Pallas, 7.4 ... 2 8 1-5 l!)oi—*Mr. W. Young's Convoy, 7.12 ... _ 1!>0.-,Mr. S. W. Tatham's. d'Arc, 7.10 2 7 1906—Mr. W. Cragg's Lettierin, 6.11 ... 2 8 2-5 1907—Mr. J. Monk's Achilles, 9.11 ... 2 7 2-5 *Glnd*or:ie won~2m. 7s.—but an objection was entered against her on the ground that she was ridden by an unlicensed apprentice, and she was subsequently disqualified, the race being awarded to Convoy. METROPOLITAN HANDICAP of 200bovs; second borso to receive 20* ova and third horse lOsovs troni the stake. Six furlong*. 556—Mr. 10. V. Kullerton's Pink-'un, 4ms, by Strnwau— ManuUike, Bst 111b (T. O'Brien) r~ ... i 214— It. Sutherland's br m Replete, aged, Tst 41b (S. Rcid) ... ""... 2 214—Mr. 10. .1. Watt's br h King Billv, 4vrs, Bst 7ib (B. Deelry) ... "... ' ... 3 Also started: 408, Munjeet, 9»t 111b; 90. Signalman, Sst 101b; 73, Sol 71b; 276. Marguerite. Sst. 31b; 39, Delamere, 7»t lZlb; 150, Medallist, 7st. lllb. Replete was Ihf fir*>t. to move, while Signalman jumped back from the. barrier and look no part m the race. At the top turn Replete and King Billy were well in advance, of the field, but as the straight, wad approached Pink-'un, on the inside, collie with ,1 rush and won with « lot to spare, by a length and a-half, a length separating tin; second anil third burses. Marguerite wus tourth and Miiiijcci. last. Time, lni. M 1-&*-Dividends, iiJ 5a and £2 2i t 1

rTTZHEKRERT HANJDICAP of I,:f>ova: "-end orse, t.; receive l'«o\* and third horse Ttfovs firiiii he stake. For two-year-old*. Five furlong.".

363—Mr. W. fateifnii',- li c Prism, try Strjiniak —Rainbow, bet- 1011. IL. Ifilfnn) ... 1 'Sl— Mr. A. Ma ■f'hcMou «- 1. I Swallow, oat. 1011. (11. Price) 2

846—Mr. i;. -I. V>*lf» b c l.amsdorff, 7*t r-ib (It. Deeley) , 3

Also started- 341. Finer*-. 3*l : .'96. .Happy Maid. 7st 31b; 664. Ilngli-h Hose, 7»t ; 69. Signer. 0.-1 1011. : 10a. Tie, 6t 71b. Lam-dotTf was quickest away, with lln -s.i aid Kugiisli Erne next 111 older, bin at the turn lire Ibid was well bunched. In a splendid .or All the nay home, whip.* hem; out 011 all. Prism, 10 the 'centre Ol '.he course, jll.-t lasted long enough to Im-hI Swallow by I lie »b«rfe«l ol hexd*. with Lam.Hloitf right up 611 the leader.'. ICugll.di disc and Finerv followed. Time, lm. 3 4:-*. Dividend*, til 1* and £10 16-.

WELLINGTON STAKES ot 400*ov»; second |i.>r»e to receive JiOsovs. and lturd horse iasova Hem lie- stake. Five turloiigs. 1251—Sir lioorge Clifford's ill f Utiid Wife, ■ ..Sir. I.v ( lamaiiald— Safeguard, est til. (I-;. Miirlt'.i) t 705- Mr. W. i: Diuwill* oh c Klevniioii. 2yi~. bv S. 0 Fr.iiicieeo-Strnfeldt, 7*t Mb (S. Heidi ... 3 825—Mr. T. II Lov.ry's .li c Downfall. _.m>. In '•an Francisco- Canliitnce, 7-t (.11. Deeliy) ... 3 Al -o stalled. i,leu,oilo.h. 7*l Kit. (bracketed mho (luid Wit.-i: A'd. Id-ahst. 7*t 411, ; 119. I'ejrl Heel, 7sl ; .>.>. lend I'rest, V.-l. t.iuid Mile took charge at the Mart and rat) round the lop linn with a had of a couple of lengths from Idealist. The latter joon dropped ..ill ol the snuggle, and Klevtillon challenged the leader. Sir tieoige flifToid'.- ttllv, however, held her mil all the wav home and won i-omforUl>lv l.i three-quarters of a length. Downfall being a good thud ami Pearl Heel fourth. Ide*li«t rinishcl hist. Tune. lm. 1 3-bs. Dividend*, £1 lbs and £1 1-. WINNERS dl- THE « 1.1.Ll MMa>N STAKES. Time, m. * Is"- .I'a pi inn hii--. ll'.. Tj-res«. 7.1 ... 1 1 ]■:, IS'to.. Mr. (!. li. Stead's i'..iirtier. 7.1 ... 1 1 S-ft t'loo Sir W. i llffonl'n Canute chiel. 7.0 ... 1 1 1-S I'o! — Mr. ti. 1;. si. el- Menvelilkoff, i.l'J I S' t'".' Mr. (i. (I. Steel's leiform, !'.'.' ... 1 '.!)> l:>n:!„Mr. .1. Monk's \. .1!'. ■. ". . ... 1 I l-> Mail Air. t). '•■ Stead's Silkworm. 7.13 ... 1 S 2-5 l!ni3_Mr. li. W Pilersons Solution, 1 I 1906— .Mr. (i. ti. Stead's Cuueilorin, 9.;') ... 1 :: o :'i 1907— I.'. Clifford'* (Jiiid Wife, 6.7 1 13-.) rK\l'\KlitiU I1A(K HANDICAP of' lOOjOV* . second horse l« revive Jfiruvs and llutd hoise lOsov* Horn the Hake. Six furlong* 9.10- Mr. ti. Koieman'f. In g Full Kate, 4\ r«, In- The Ollicer—Kiuiiner, 8« 131b (S. Heidi 1 ,:73 — Mr. .1. Armstrong's hi I Chicane, 3vr«, 7.-1 ,:11, (1,. Wilson) i 631—Mr. .1. Monk's br g William, 3vrs, 7*t 111b, including 21h over (C. Je'nkine)... 3 Also started: 748, Tupono. fist 1111.: 311, F.rl King. 7*l . .'lO. Saga, osl 71b: 163. MoiUa, 6s» 71b; 184. llillsong. 7»t 31b (including 101b over). was the first to move and Full Kate the last, bill on 11 ding the bend the latter had taken charge, and won bv halt-a h. though lie had to lie shaken up to stall oil a challenge, hv Chicane. Time, lm. lbs. Dividend*, Hi 9s and £2 17s.

THE WINNING OWNERS. The following air the winning owners at Mi« meeting:- Mr. J. Monk, £89o; the lion. .1. D. Oinioiid. £39'): Sir George Clifford, £380; Mr. (J. 0. Stead. £300. Mr. B. ,1. Fullerton, £290: Mr. V Armstrong, £190: Mr. W. K. Bidwill, £170: Mr. A. Mael'lierson. £lbh: Mr. K. Preston, £123; Mr. 0. Mtiehel, £120; Mr. T. 11. Lowry. £100; Mr. A. Peters. £100; Mr. It. W. Patergou, £100; Mi. W. Smart, £95; Mr. A. Sanderson, £90; Mr. .1. li. Rcid, £85; Mr. 11. Nees, £75; Mr. 11. Nii-holls, £7S; Mi G. Foreman, £7b: Mr. (J. K. Moore, £40; Mr. li. Sutherland, £10; Mr.' A. ll.ill, £30; Mr. E. J. Watt. £30; Mrs. W,it*nn. £25; Mr. W. .1. Douglas, £20; Mr. 11. Mi-Man-imav, £15; Captain Brait-hwait*, £15: Mi. W. Cooper. £15: Mr. J. Armstrong. £15; Mr. ,T. H. Prosser. £10: Mr. R. Knox, £10: Mr. J. C. Skeet, £10; Mr. .1 If. McDonald, £10; Mr. Ross Allen, £10: Mr. 1). MeCorkindale, £10; Mr. L. Masters, £10: grand total, £4140. NOTES ON THE RACING. [UY TELKGRAPH, —OWN" CORRESPONDENT.] Wellington*, Saturday. ~ Beautiful weather was experienced' -{or the concluding day of the Wellington Racing Club's meeting. r ■ cj(,|i Lavinia, the lir>t day's winner, was best backed of tlu>. four ruiuwra for the Munga10a Hack Hurdle Handicap. She had charge throughout, and won comfortably from Wind. .1. Delaney made his reappearance in the saddle on the winner. Outer jumped . badly throughout, and extinguished h«r ...'lice home distance from home. {) «ccou.nt of the good race he put up -~ ' J'- Tristram in the Summer Handiwttn bit -...-., c Jenkins* services, Eoncap, and -havi..£ ,„ favourite for lht> tcuoy was made, a ~* ared h January Handicap, lie appcu. '■...,,. ~ ',;i nr ( everything settled at the distance, bat ia..,-.u. to stall otf a late run by .-Eolus (who wa* left several lengths at, the start). Considering this and the. time, the performance of the winner, who was successful at Ma.nawatu and Bulls, makes ..-Kolas out to be useful. Ho is held under lease from his breeder, and is the best of the Euroclydons so far seen out.

The Hawcra-owncd Silver Shell, who had failed on the two previous days, got home in the Poneko Hack Handicap. She defeated Golden Cairn fairly easily. Kufltu ran a good race, finishing fourth. Achilles won the Racing Club Handicap from end to end, and put up time that has only been beaten on two occasions. It was a somewhat similar race to the Cup, the same horses filling the places. , First. Douche, and then Submarine, and ' finally. Eden had a cut at Achilles, but all to no purpose. Zimmerman and St. Joe were never prominent. Ana was always in front of his stablemate, and got. in front of Eden in the last 100 yards. Achilles got a great reception. Achilles was well backed in doubles with Pink-'un for the Metropolitan. The latter won easily, and is one of the best sprinters in the colony at the present time. He had everything well beaten a furlong from home. ■'.*''■'.'• Prism, a member of the Stepiiiak— Rain, bow clan, won the Fitzhorbert Handicap .after a close finish with Swallow, who was purchased the previous day for 20gs. Lamsdorff, who was favourite, came fast on the rails when he got out of the ruck. Sir George Clifford won the Wellington Stakes with his second string, Guidwife, who put up a good performance for a maiden. Elevation made the winner gal-, lop, but at no part of it was Glcnculloch ,dangerous. After showing up for a bit Idealist dropped away and finished last. Tupona. who was fancied for the Pencarrow Hack Handicap, began on the rails, and had a bad passage throughout, finishing up fourth. Full Rate toot charge at half-way, but bad to be kept going at the finish to win from Chicane, a place-getter at Manawatu and Ashhurst. Mr. Stead's trainer, J'. J. Mason, to-dav expressed the opinion that Pink-'un ' was as good a- Munjeet. On the first 'day then- was 101b between them. To-day Munjeoi. met the North Islander on 41b lielfer term-, from which i( mv be. inferred that Munjeel was luekv lo win the Telegraph Handicap. The club has bad a most, successful meeting, and there can be no doubt; in future about, the success of a three dav'.s meeting. The most successful sires at the meeting wore: Medallion ( Nordenf«?ldt— Locket!, £900: Clanra.-.ald (St. Leper—Scottish U*mc). £500; Stepniak (Nordcnfeldt— Steppe), £435; San Francisco (St. Simon— lsabel), £305: Ktrowaii (Ixx-lu'el—Marion), £290; JSir Lancelot (Dreadnought— Idalia), £200. S. Iteid and D. Price were, the most, successful horsemen with three wins each. C. Jenkins, L. Wilson, and T. O'Brien each had two winning rides.

SYDNEY RACING. By Telegraph.— Association.-Copyright. Sydney, January 27. The Anniversary Handicap resulted as follows: Vanadium. 1; Ossian. 2; Arapiiii. 3. Seven starters. Betting: 5 to 2 apainft Aragain. 4 to 1 against Ossian, ft to 1 Vanadium. Won by a neck. Time, 2m. 38s.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13397, 28 January 1907, Page 7

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SPORTING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13397, 28 January 1907, Page 7

SPORTING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13397, 28 January 1907, Page 7