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New Zealand Herald Office, Friday evening. Business was rather quiet on the sharemarket to-day. In standard stocks National Banks changed hands at £5 7s 6d and £5 7s 9d, and there wore, further buyers at £5 7s, and sellers £5 8s 6d. Now Zealand Insurances were cone at 33s 6d, and closed with ! sellers at 85s, buyers 83s. In mining lines Waihis were a shade easier compared with the previous day's quotation, sales taking place, at £9 Is to £3 19s 6d to £9. There was further inquiry at £9, late sellers asking £9 Is. Waihi Grand Junctions sold at 525, and closed with sellers at 545, buyers quoting 51s. Waiotahig were placed at 32s 6d, and late sellers quoted 32s 9d, with buyers at 32s 3d. Talismans; made 32s 3d, and had further buyers at the same figure, sellers holding for 52s 6d. Crowns dropped slightly, and after selling at Bs, fell to 7s lid, at which price there was further inquiry, tellers holding for Bs. Waihi Extended* were firmer, sales being effected at 6s 7d. with | mure available at the same figure., buyers quoting 6s bd. Now May Queens realised 3s 4d, ana more were wanted at that price, sellers asking 3s 3d. Tairua Broken Hills were disposed of at 2s 9d and 2-- lOd, and closed with sellers at. 2s lid, and, buyers 2s lOd. Kuranui-Calodonians sold at Is 4d to j Is Ml, late sellers Is sd, buyers Is 3d. Old Hauralcis were done at Is 2d to Is Id, late sellers quoting Is 3d, buyers Is. South K'apangas were dealt in at lOd to 9d to 9i<l, late sellers lOd, buyers 9d. Golden Belts (contributing) realised Is 2d, late sellers quoting Is 4d, no declared buyers. AUCKLAND STOCK EXCHANGE. The- following" are Friday's closing juices, the sales recorded being :--National Bank, £5 7s 6.1, £'-> 7s 3d; New Zealand Insurance. £4 3? 6d ; , Waihi, £9 Is, £9, £--; ig 9 6d< £9 . ; Waihi Grand : Junction, 02s; Waiotahi, 33-t 6d ; Talisman Consolidated, Jis 3d, 32s 3d: Crown. Bs, 3s, 7.--. lid; Waihi Extended, 6s 7d, 6s 7cl ; New May Queen, 3s Id: Tairua. Broken Hills, :is 9,1. 2s 9d", 2-; lOd ; Kui-anui-Cnlodonian, Is 4,1. Is 3d; Old HauraUi, Is 2d, Is Id: South Kfliianga, lOd, 3d, 9}d; (foldeti Belt (coiunbntins;), Is 6d, la 2d; Pride ! 01 Wjihi. H.I.

11. \i Noakks, Secretary; G. A. Buttle. Chairman. 3.15 p.m., January 25, 1907. CALL AND DIVIDEND LlS')'. Dividends. His Majesty's Arcade and Theatre Company 6 p.c. Now Illkuiangi Coal — NowNew Waitekauri. January 17 .. 0 0 1 .lan. 28 Golden Cross, January 10 ... 0 0 1 Feb. 1 Old Kapnnga, .Taanunrv 22 ... 0 0 1 Feb. 9 Waihi Iteaeb. January 17 ..002 Feb. 11 New Monowai, January ..'J ... 0 0 1 Feb. 11 New Saxon, January 22 .0 0 0\ Feb. 11 FRUIT AND PRODUCE MARKETS. Business in the* local fruit and produce, markets has been fairly busk during the past, week, and throughout supplies have been very heavy. Potatoes were, sent forward in large quantities from all local districts, growei s having been forced to dig m consequence of the damage done by the recent heavy rains. Nearly all the consignments ivt-re in bad condition, requiring immediate forced sales by .metion at very low rates. At to-day's auction sales it. was only with extreme difficulty thai supplies were worked off. sonic lines selling us low as £1 per ton. Unions also came forward in Inrgo quantities and prices showed a .smart decline on late rates, and even then stocks were not cleared. Grain and fodder was very linn. About lie usual quantities of farmers' butter were sent in. but the bulk was oi poor quality. Fresh eggs were remarkably scarce. Cheese, hums, and bacon were sufficient in supply for immediate requirements. Poultry were penned in large numbers to a satisfactory demand. Fruit ha.-, been ill heavy supply daily during the week, bur, there was a marked falling oft at to-day's si'ms of peaches and plums, which advanced in vnhie. With the exception ol tomatoes, winch were in very heavy supply, satisfactory prices ruled. Vegetables were in short supply and high prices ruled. The following were the ruling prices at to-day's sales :— I Field Produce. —Potato's: Local, prime samples, j £4 to £5 ton; bad-conditioned lots. £1 to £2. I Onions: Local, £4 15s to £6. Chart: Local, £5 ss. I D.iii v Produce.—Farmers' and separator butter, I best 9d to IOJd lb, poor 6d to 6'd; nulled, in ! bulk, for export. lOd ; farmers' kr;r, 6c ; pastry. . 6d. Fresh eggs, Is dor."n. Cheese: Farmers', 5d : lb; factory, b-'.d : loaf, 7d. Bacon: Factory, 7Jd. : Hams: Factory, Bid. Fruit.—Apples : Local, dessert, 2s to 7s bushel [ case; cooking, 2s to 4s 6d. Pears: Hon Chretien, I 7s to lis; others, dessert, £« to 6s. cooking, 4; ' to ss. Plum.s : English varieties, 2s to 4s 3d ; Japanese, Is to 3c Peaches : Choice, coloured, ps to 7s; small, 2s to is. Grapes. 4d to la Id lb. ! Tomatoes, Is to 2s box. Nectarines, 2? 6d to ss. Lemons: Local, prune. 7,s to 8s nam: rough and coarse, 3* to 4s. Cape gooseberries, 4d lb. passion-fruit : Local, 5s to fcs box Watermelons : Svdnev, 7s to 10k dozen, R- ckmelons: Local, j 12s. P.amma.«, repacked. 2d lb. Pines : Queens- ! land, 7s to 8s ease. I I'oultrv.— Ileus Is to Is 9d each : table roasters, | he;,vv 3s to 4s, light Is to Is 9d ; ducks, 6d to Is 3d; geese. 3s to 4s: clucks, 6d ; turkeys, j gobblers 7s to &s, hens 3s to ss. MESSRS. C B. KINOSWELL AND CO.'S REPORT. 'm Tuesday we cleared a large catalogue of hides, skins," tallow, etc. Hides: Market tinner. Extra stout, to 7Jd ; Mont, 6|d to 6]d: medium. bid to b : tl ; liuht. o.'d to 6d ; cow. dry-salted bid to 6,|d. wet-sal ted 5Jd to 6d; calf, bid to bjd; kip, ssd to 5Jd; suns', 4d to 4jd per lb. Sheepskins: Larue. Ss 6d : medium, 6s to 7s 6d ; email, 4s to 4s 6d ; medium, dry. 4s to ss; shearlings, is 3d to 2s 6d ; lambs', 2s 3d to 2& be! each! T.i. ■ x : Good, in casks and packages, 25>s &d to 265; seconds, 23s to 25s 6d per cwt. Rough fat, I'd per lb. Cowl-ails. Is 7d per dozen. Bones : Dry. £4 15s per ton. CHRISTCHURCH GRAIN MARKET. [BY TELEGRAPH PRESS ASSOCIATION." Christchurch, Friday. There is no fresh business to report in wheat. A tail quantity of new oats, has been on offer and farmers are. asking 2s at country stations lor seed lines. Diners wiLl not, however, give, extreme prices unless for immediate delivery. Owing to the supply of eornsacks having only come to hand this week threshing has been delayed, and supplies of oats are expected to l<e larger next week. There is a fair amount, of barley changing hands at prices ranging fiom 4s to ss. accordiijir to Quality.

LONDON. By Telegraph.—Press Association.Copyright. London, January 24. There is a strong demand for Australian wheat cargoes at prices ranging from 29s 6d to 30s. Over a dozen shipments have been disposed ot at these lutes. Silver, 2s 7|d per otitic!. (Received January 25, 9.56 p.m.) LONDON", January 25. BANK OF ENGLAND RETURNS. The Bank of England returns for the week are : —Com, £32.516.000; reserve, £24.206.000: proportion of reserve 10 liabilities, 48.91 , notes in circulation, £27,846,000; public deposits, £8,749,000; other deposits. £40,672,000; Govt rnnient securities, £15,453,000; other securities, £28,927,000. MONEY MARKET. Three months' bills are discounted at 4£ per cent. CONSOLS AND COLONIAL STOCKS. Consols, BY. Victorian 4 per cent,*., 103.; 3} per cents., 99 ' ; 3 per cents., t'9. Queensland 4 per cents., 107; 3£ per cents., 93;; 3 per cents., B6C South Australian 3_'per cents.. 100t. West. Australian ii per cents., 93." The rest are unchanged. WHEAT. The wheat markets are very firm, the recent cold spell having caused much "activity in cargoes. Flour is tinner, but- there is small inquiry for Australian. Glasgow. 22s to 22s 3d. BUTTER. The butter market is steady and prices unchanged, although the. week's arrivals from Australasia total 167,000 boxes. The cold weather has had a stimulating effect on trade, .and retailers are taking Australian butter for a shilling cut. METALS. Copper: On frpot, £106 15s; three month.--. £108. Iron, 57s 9d. SUGAR. German, &) 10tl -, His;, marks, 10s 7d. j WOOL. ' The Bradford wool market is quiet. Forty. I sixes. 18id. At the. London sales theie is busk ! demand, with prices unchanged. There 1- k*eu ! competition tor the finest merinos. ! 1 WOOL SALES. I liy Telegraph.--Pi Association.—Copyright. j j Eo.vdon*. JantiAty 24. The Tukitnki clip ha.s realised 13d. : [BV TKLECKAI t'HESS ASSOCIATION.] | rsVEROABOILL, Friday. j The wool sales opentJ (his afternoon. Competition was not as keen as at last sales. The i wool offered was mostly crossbred, and was 111 [ rather lx:tter condition than nt tho corresponding I .-al.'S last year. Altogether BSSS bales were offered. { comprising .1 better selection than last year. The j best price pa.d was 14.'d per lb tor some fine hal/bred. Medium .sold from 112 dto 10' d, in- | ferior 10-U! to lOd. fine crassbied, 13i<l to 12.d, 1 medium 12.d to Hid. inferior 11.d to 10.d, strong I crossbred L.d to lid. merino 10id to 9d. Taken •dtogcther, fine wool? sold about equal to last ! !, wastv and faultv were id to Id luck, and ! j bellies and' pieces fully Id back.

Sellers. Buyer*. £ » (i. >; v. d. BANKS— j New Zealand 9 5 0 9 1 (> i National ... ;> !.i ft 3 7 0 J INSURANCE- | j New Zealand ...4 5 0 4 3 0 I New Zealand, new usisiie... 4 2 0 4 1 0 i ! National — ! ;, 3 ' Smith Biili»h j 10 0 :j i 0 j Standard - 10 FINANCIAL— N'.Z. and River Plate ... 19 6 _ j COALHikurangi ... . 0 lo " N'ort. Coiii. Ltd.. 10.s paid 0 16 0 0 1.. a Taupiri Mine*. Ltd. ... 0 19 0 0 19 0 West port - 7 7 0 Driirv 0 5 0 — GAS- I Auokland 1- a 0 — SHIPPING— i Now Zealand b J 6 :> IS 0 | Northern Strain, paid up 0 17 8 0 17 0 i Northern Steam. con. ... 0 8 4 0 8 1 j Devon port. .Steam l'rrt.v ,, — 11(0; TIMBER-- I Kauri, paid up 0 16 9 0 la 0 I Kami, contributing ... 0 Li 0 0 111 I Parker-Lamb. Limited ... -■ I a 3 I MlSCKLLANEOl'S- ■ Auckland Tramway,, i <,. 1 > 7 0 11 17 0 > U.N.C., Limited .' 0 7 7 0 7 0 . Hill and Hummer ..111) _ j N.Z. Portland Cement Co. •- 2 0 0 ' Northern Boot 0 11 u - i New Zealand Paper Mill* ._. loo I I'nioii Oil 1 0 'J _ ! mining— ; I Bonan;::i. paid ... 0 1 0 -•■ I Bonanza, eonl ribu;,.,- ... 0 0 7 0 0 6! Halcyon, contributing ... 0 0 .'. ... j \ Kiirauui ' ... 0 0 o — i ... 0 1 3 0 13,. j Magnet, ootrti Uniting ... 0 0 '.' — I I May Quern Extended ... 0 0 SI --- I ! New Hurt, 0 0 ;-'. 0 0 6 ; ; Now May Queen 0 3 3 0 3 4 ] [ New Moanataian 0 10 — j : Now Moiiowai 0 10 - ; I New Occidental 0 0;' 0 0 1'. i ! New Saxon 0 0 9 0 0 0 New Sylvia 0 0 5" 0 0 4 Old All.orrii.i 0 ? .', Southern Queen, con. ... 0 0, .'1 '11111)11.* 0 0 10 Trafalgar 0 0.".'. 003 VfotOI-KI 0 10 W'aiotdlii 12 I) 1 12 3 Waifansrl, fad paid ... 0 4 H 0 4 b Watchman ... ' 0 0 'l ' 0 0 31 Hunker's Hill 0 0 £~ -- " Hniirnki Freehold _. 0 0 4 Knpowai 0 0 10 Old Hauraki 0 1 3 0 10 South Knpanga 0 0 10 0 0 3 Auckland 0 0 61 0 0 6 Champion, paid up ... 0 1 0 0 10 Champion, contributing... (11! — Crown 0 a 0 0 7 11 Golden Belt,, paid ... 0 19 0 1 7 Golden Belt, con. ... 0 1 1 Kinkiri, contributing ..0 0 1". 0 0 7 Konmtii Reef.-' ... ...0 ?. 0 0 1 11 Maoriland, paid 0 0 11 Maonlaud, contributing... 0 0!', — New W:ut*d:auri 0 0 111 0 0 10 Pride, of W.ilhi 0 0 8.', 0 0 7 KifthiR Sim 0 0 4* 0 0 2 Tairua Broken Hills ... 0 2 11 0 2 10 j TahHinan Consolidated . . 11.' ft 1 12 3 , Waihi .910 900 Woihi Beach . ... 0 0 10 0 0 3 Waihi Consolidated ... 9 1 !-'• 0 1 :: W.aihi Extended Oft 7 066 Woihi Grand Junction ... 2 14 0 J 11 0 Sunbeam Gold ami Silver, Is bd paid — 0 0 9 j

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13396, 26 January 1907, Page 3

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COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13396, 26 January 1907, Page 3

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13396, 26 January 1907, Page 3