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SINGLES AND DOUBLES SCORES. [BY TKLKtJKAI'W. — PRKSS ASSOCIATION. ] Chris rem' h. Saturday. THE Exhibition bowling tournament was continued this morning under adverse circumstances, frequent adjournments in the face of vigorous hail and rain showers being rendered necessary. As might be expected the greens were not in particularly good trim, but as soon a- the sun appeared, shortly before noon; they improved wonderfully. A number of matches in the doubles and single* championship- were got off in the morning, also one of the ,-emi-hnals in the •'IV section of the rink competition, Victoria (Brackenridge) defeating Duncdin (Gillie?) without serious difficulty by 18 to 13. Victoria (Brackenridge) mcl Christchurch (White Parsons) this afternoon in the "IV section rinks final. Parson/ rinSi hold their opponent- until the 11th head, when they went completely to pieces. Brackenridge ultimately winning as be liked by 29 to 9. In the semi-final ("C" section) Green Island (Young) defeated Thorndon (Munro) after u finely contested game by 21 to 20. Green Island (McDonald) won easily against Victoria (Keith). The final between Young and Keith is to be decided on Monday.

Great interest i- centred in the semi-finals for the rink championship, Kaituna (Payne) meeting Duncdin (McLaren), and Taieri (Car-well) playing St. Albans (.Johnston). The first game was remarkable, chiefly for the wonderful recovery made by McLaren rink. At the 11th end they were. 10 down and playing most erratically. from this stage onwards they pulled themselves together wonderfully, and put up a stubborn tight, honours being easy at the 15th head, with the .-core- 15 all. At the last head McLaren required two to tie and three to win. Ho re-ted out hi- opponent's shot with the intention of securing four, but carried away one of his. With this shot ho secured one point, but missed with his second shot by an eighth of an inch. The game between Taieri and St. Albans was undoubtedly the gem of the tournament, being full of excitement from start to finish. The outstanding features of iho contest, were the exceedingly brilliant, play of .John-lon, the St. Albans' skip, and the steadiness, under adverse circumstances, of the Taieri rink. Up to the lOtli head each side scored alternately, the game then standing at B—V in Johnston's favour. On the 12th head St. Albans obtained four (13—8), and the gap was preserved until the 17th end. when 16 all was registered. At. the last head St. Albans were 21 to Taieri'.- 16, and Carswoll'ij task appeared hopeless. The Southerner, however, stuck to it gamely, and placed his bowls all round the jack. The St. Albans rink for once played miserably, and Taieri were lying «-ix when the skip went, down to play. .Johnston played a. good shot, and saved four, and Car-well replied with a .-hot. which again gave him six points. Instead of playing to save., Johnston attempted to draw the allot and bumped against one of his own side's bowls half-way up the green, Taieri thus registering a most, sensational win by a single point. The final between Payne, and Carswell is to be played on the Canterbury green on Monday afternoon. The doubles and singles events will also be continued on the Canterbury green, commencing at nine a.m. The tournament will conclude on Tuesday, and in the. evening a smoke concert (when the prizes will be presented) is to be. held at the Alexandra Hall.

The following tiro the- results of to-day's play : — DOUBLES CHAMPIONSHIP. Fourth Hound: Wallace ami Haiti, 13. Ix-at Longtou and Harry, 11; Fountain and Woddorspoon beat, Lehigh ton and Conliu. Fifth Bound : Craighead and Harrison, 17, beat. Rule and Taylor. 11; .1. .Johnson and H. Smith, 20. beat Thompson and Remington, 19; Mcllwriek and ball, I*, beat Pollock and Bright wel|, 7; Crawford and Sneddon, 20, beat Laing and Akhurst, 15; liarper and Smith, 17, beat Campbell, and Secular, 9; McDonald and Buchanan, 16, beat Oakley and Oakley, 10. SINGLES CHAM PIONSHIP. First Hound: L. Christie, 15, beat F. D. Aikin, 11; J. Conlin, 16, beat O. Murehison, 9; .1. B. Paterson, 19, beat F. W. Johnston, 16: J. Swindley, 16, bear, P. Anderson, 14; B. Hale, 13, heat. D. Cosgrove, 11; R. Bannister beat 0. T. Patterson by default; T. Laing, 16, beat A. Fowler, 7; T. Sneddon. 21, beat K. .1. Hill, 12; W. L. Scott, 16, beat R. L. Rule, 11; R, Young, 16, beat; C. Hill, 12; .1. Johnson, 13, beat J. C. Webb, 11; J. Taylor, 14, beat S. Woolf, 9; R. Yuill, 15, beat A. H. Crawford, 10; M. Sinclair, 20, boat Prince, 16; Kilgour, 15, beat Christie, 11; Bary, 16, beat, Wyatt, 10; McGregor, 18, boat Hill, 5; Dickson, 16, boat Anderson, 15; Maynard, 15, beat Stark, 13; McHutcheson, lb, beat Lindsay, 11; A. V. B. Bishop, 13, beat A. D. Miller, 12; Young, 21, beat Geddes, 17; Laurenson, 14. beat Greig, 11; Stone, 19, beat Stott, 14; Johnston (Lceston), 17, beat. Massey, 13; Wallace, 16, beat Murray, 7; Povteous, 16. beat Gillies, 7; Poole, 16, beat Nicholson, jun., 15; Skoglund, 13, beat. l'owley, 11; Gienfell, 14, beat Brown, 12; Shoddon, 15, beat Falck, 12; Crowley, 15, beat Bell, 10; L. Miller. 18, beat MeKinny, 14; Btiehan beat, Crowe; H. C. Clark beat Wylie; Durie, 17, beat G. Clark, 12: Tait, 18, boat, Ballinger, 14. Gibson, Mcintosh, and Waddell hud byes. W. C. Allnutt, 24, beat A. Baillie. 12: A. G. Dickson, 16, beat J. Anderson, 15; McHutcheson, 16, beat J. Lindsay; A. V. B. Bishop, 13, beat A. D. Bishop'. 12; J. S. Kilgour, 15, beat A. W. Christie, 11; Sinclair, 20, beat G. Prince, 16; W. Manson, 17, beat E. Harraway, 11; J'.. E. Bannister, 16, beat N. Herron, 8; G. Wcddorspoon, 13, beat, Keast, 10: R. MeKee, 21. beat A. " J earee, 5; W. L. Scott, 13. beat J. Nicholas. 12: T. Sneddon, 18. bear H. Young, 13: D. G. McPherson. 22, beat .1. Button. 16: H. Belt-. 22, beat T. Laiug, 3: A. V. Bishop, 15, beat 11. Gibson, 10: W. Waddell. 14. beat .1. Young. 11: A. 0. Dickson, 14, beat J. 11. Maynard. 12; F. Laurenson, 19, beat .1. Stone, 16.

Second Round: A. MeKee, 21. beat A. S. Gurnoy, 11: W. .McDonald. 19, heal C. Sneddon, 10; A. Lonisson, 19. heal ('. Ingram. 15: VV. Harnett, 18, bent Mickey, 12: H. Price, 15, beat F. Martin, 10; C. J. Goldstone, 12, beat, W. Martin, 11; W. J. Thompson, 15. beat G. Potts, 13: T. Mackie, 17, beat W. Harrison, 12: J. McLcod, 17, beat .1. Ronnie, 11: A. Pearoe, 16, beat. K. Frobarth, 9; J. Swindlev, 16, beat E. Coxhead, 14; J. Conlin, beat J. Pollock, 14; .1. Findlay, 17. beat J. Taylor, 15: T. H. Xeill, I*, heat W. C. Allnutt, 11; McDonald, 17, beat Gibbes, 8; W. H. Clark, 15, beat .1. G. L. Bartlctt, 12; C. W. Hardie. 17, beat G. .1. Sealov, 11; J. S. Evans, 20, beat A. Lowrv, 12: W. V. Allnutt, 14, beat Baillie. 12; '.I. Haiti, 15, beat -I. McMillan, 12; Kilgour, 12. beat Sinclair, 10; Dickson". 14. beat Maynard, 12; Waddell, 14. beat Young, 11; Laurenson, 19, beat Stone, 16; Wallace, 17. beat Johnston, 12; Porteous, 19, beat Pool", 14; Skoglund, 12, beat Grenfell, 7; Sheddon, 17. beat Crowley, 13: Miller, 20, beat Buchanan, 19; Tail, 13. beat Dime, 11: Mcintosh, 18, beat Ponsford, 14: Skoglund, 12. beat Grenfell. 7: .1. F. Bailey. 18. beat K. Soilitt, 14; W. Sheddon, 14, beat K. Growler, 13: T. A. Wallace, 17, beat S. Johnson. 11; Mcintosh, 18, beat .1. Ponsford, 14: T. Skoglund, 23. beat R. Powley, 11; Middleman. 12, beat W. G. Finn. 8; L. Miller, 20. beat A. Buchanan, 19; Tait, 13. beat W. Doric, 11; .1. Keith beat E. Gibbos: Bishop, 15, beat Gibson. Third Hound: W. H. McDotigall. 18. beat, A. Louisson. 12: W. McDonald. 17. boat F. Dill, 14; O. .1. Wilson, 15, beat J. E. Keith, 13; D. McDonald. 19. beat .1. Ogg, 17; .7. G. Evans. 22. beat .1. W. Scales. 9: W. H. Gaudin, 20. beat W. H. Clark, 7; J. Scott, 16, beat. .1. Wain, 15; C. W. Hardie, 15. beat Brinskill, 10; J. Findlay. 16, boat G. A. Simmers. 10; .1. G. Bentley, 15. beat D. Munro, 10: Miller, 32. beat Sheddon. 11; Skoglund, 15, beat Porteous, 12; Wallace, a bye;»W. Waddell, 12, boat F. Laurenson, 11; J. Kilgour, 12. beat Sinclair, 10: R. Torrance, 14, boat W. Manson, 13: T. Skoglund, 15. beat Porteous, 12; L. Miller, 12, boat S. Sheddon, 11; Wallace, 18, beat MeIntyre, 15; J. MoLeod, 14, beat J. A. Nash, 5; G. Middleman, 12. beat W. G. Scott, 10; Laurenson. 16, beat Waddell, 12. Fourth Round: J. Findlay. 19. beat (". W. Hardie, 14; 0. J. Wilson, 14, bear. W. H. McDougall, 13; .1. G. Bentley, 14, beat W. Gaudin, 13; J. G. Evans, 16. beat D. McDonald, 11. RINK CHAMPIONSHIP. Section A, Senior Final: Kaituna—R. H. Coltman, A. Baillie, T. Sneddon, C. J. Payne, (skip)—l7. beat, Duuedin—J. Johnson, H. Smith, T. Neill, W. McLaren (skip) —16. At tho seventh head the game as 9-3, and at the 14th head 13—12.

Taieri—W. Allan, .1. Tait, T. Mackic. W. Carswell (skip)- 22, heal St. Alhane—W. Henley. .1. L. Stubherfield, .1. A. Nicholson, F. W. Johnston (skip)—2l. At. the seventh head the earn* was 6—7, and at the 14th head 11—13.

Section 13. Semi-final for Second Place: Victoria — Hemingway, f/ongton, Btiry, Brackenridge (-kip)— lß, boat Dnncdin--Harraway, Gilmour, Hunter, and Gillies (-kip)— l3. At tli" seventh head tho score was 6-8, an.l at tie- 14th head 12—10.

Final: Victoria —O. Hemingway, .1, Longton. W. Barv, T. Bracken ridge (skip)— heat Christchureh— W. _ H<>U*woll, Dr. Thomas. S. Manning. V. White Parsons (skip)— 9. At the seventh head the score was 7- 6. and at the 14th head 20—8.

Play-off for Third Place: Dtmedin—K. Hariiiway, .1. Gilmour, J. Hunter. A. (.tillie." (ski]))— 26. heat Timaru— (J. Simmer!-, G. .1. Seley. M. White, W. McHutehe'son (-kipl—lT. At the seventh head the scors «a., 10-3. ami at the 14th head 16—9.

Grade C. Semi-final: Green Island— H. Stott, A. Smelh'e, I). Buchanan, W. McDonald (skip)—2o. beat Victoria—F. Fowler, G. Godber. (J. Snaddon, .1. Keith (.-kip)- 11. At the seventh head the score nit- B—4, and at the 14th head 19-11.

Croon Island— Lindsay. L. Miller, McMillan. A. young (skip) — 22. heat Thorndon — Conlin. W. K. Marram), V. Mv.Mimawav. 1). Munro (skip)—2l. At the seventh head the .-core was 7— and at the 14tli head 15 —10.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13391, 21 January 1907, Page 7

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NEW ZEALAND BOWLING ASSOCIATION. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13391, 21 January 1907, Page 7

NEW ZEALAND BOWLING ASSOCIATION. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13391, 21 January 1907, Page 7