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; Sigh Water' at'' Auckland—7.4o ■*«.; 7.58 p.m. . » ~, " ■ Manukau—9.39 a.m.. 9.57 p.m. ••. '}. V Sun—Rises, 7 a.m.«, sets, 4,56 pro. - - Moon— Sunday; 0.29 am, . ~',.. ' ,' , ';■s:;./.::.,; ■..; .;';; '. WEATHER "REPORT. . . __ '', '. The following is Captain Edwin's weather report *' 5 p.m. yesterday :—Mtnukau<H*adar Wind, ■ south, breeze; barometer, 29.69; 'thermometer, 67; crater, cloudy; bar, smooth. > New Plymouth ''■'■'■ < ! Wind, calm; barometer, 29.92; thermometer, 52; ■-..'•.- weather, fine; sea, smooth. Castlepoint: Yr'ind, :'"' . north-west, ■ breeze; barometer, 29.U0; ther- ■ mometer,, 56; ' weather, fine; sea, decreasing.•■] Wellington: Wind, north, light; barometer, 29.93; . :. thermometer, 83; weather, fane. Weatporl: Wind, " , "west,' light; barometer, 29.87;, thermometer,' ftlj.j weather, fine; sea, slight swell. KaikourtiWirrfl, < , . calm; barometer, « 29.89; thermom*tor, 50; i weather,- fine; sea, considerable swell. Bluff: j , -Wind, wait, light; barometer, 29,81 } thermometer, ] s>V ■■■'-■■ 45; weather, fine. .. _•■.. \\ &% : £%py£&K;r!''&p ;fi»-.'.-' , -.?-. :;■;■:.T'.-:" r -->~'; '.:•-vij;.' : '-;-.----.-.v-:----- : '-/-'^ : :\' :: ''.\ /PORT OF AUCKLAND. ,• " ■■'.'■••;'.. ARRIVALS. . ;•••. :;-, ' ■'■• Moura, *.«., 2027j J. Bernccl), from Southern I *nd Eaat-Coast porta. Passengers: Miss Hockley, ■ • * M'Sfidames Croft, r Ilea, Messrs. Hulett, ■> Lodge, l Worsley, Croft, (2), Ilea, Davis, Mac Lean,; j :'-■' ; Karris, - Rosenborg, Barton, and r fire steerage.— j '"-' fnion S.S. Co., agents. Clansman, a.e., 591,: W. Farquhar, from Russell, I Wliangaroa, and Mangonui. Passenger*: Mes-J dames Haigreaves, W. D. Tllaley, Nelder.Rlgden,; j Misses A. Decry, Florance, Anderson, Messrs. Allen, Anderson; Cutting," HttrßtliOtae, ;3. Ryan,; | - -Dive, Holtz, Bacon, H, M, JervotojA. Finkyaon,, ! '- i' 'I ] -■- Hargreaves, ■ Groves,' Whltehoufie, Florance, W. ] ■ ' ' IS. TiWey, Melton, Collins, MOore, sO, Ratjeiin J. A. Nicholson, J. Stacey. C. F. Baker, A. O. Qtiartley, O. F. Hill, flarrick, Sly, Constable Par-' ":'>: '.','.•'"-' sons, Masters Bacon, Rigden, and five steerage.— s Northern S.S. Co,, agents. .-,.,- Chelmsford, S.s., 70, H. Richards, from Awanui, 1 Waiharara, and Houhora. Passengers: Misses .-''..'. - Wilson (2), Mr. Shine.—Northern S.S., Co., agents. Kaco, auxiliary schooner, 155, J. H. Skinner, •■' *~, -' Ji'om Qisborne, via coast ports. .Passengers: Mr. in d Mrs. Mulhetn, Misses Mulherti,' Young, the ] 'i,'', J ', Rev. H. Young, Master Mulbern.—C. O. Caere, i agent, \ ■''' ■-'■■"'■ '•' '■ , Awaroa, s.s., 344, George Sellers, from Kaipara. : .'.".- .-L, D. iff .ban and Co., agent*. tt«sip:&:v^i, ;',;-,;'. 'I:^v■< ;■;■ -■ ■■ . DEPARTURES. . '' 1 Clan*nwa, «-?.. 591, W. Farquhar, for WhangaAupouri, **~ 240, T. Haultain, for Tauraiigs.. ,? Apanui,- As., 200, E. McLeod, for Mercury. Bay, C«rfc Charles, luaotunu, and Taituft. • : !>■■: --' ,;i - ■ '■ ■ .v." ■- ■■■::-■ ■-~>■■.-■'':.-■:--: , . ... , ■■:;- ■■■'■. S\ig.:-?.--^>i s ;j i ;.v:.,-.- , v. : .:, 1 ;.,:..;.;;.-.;.■■;;?;. •-:■-, ;.•,'„,, L ;,V ;I A■■■:;; ;■.'.■;;•.•..,■.',;:,'.■; j •:■■■'■• ■' : :'.'■■•: : UNION S'.S. Cp;'S MOVEMENTS. ■;.v East Coas*. To-day: Houn sails for Glsbome, Napier, iixid the South at 12 noon; Wanaka sail* for, the ■', Bluff, Oamam, and Timaru,,via Napier, at 5 p.m. "Sunday:. Mofcoia arrives from Southern ports;, v . Manuka arrives from Sydney. ■.V v Monday: Mokoia.sails for Sydney at .5.30 p.m. ; : JtiViGoa arrives from Weatport. , ; Tuesday Navtia'sails'for. Sydney, Fiji, Samoa,. itnd Tonga at 10 a.m.; Manuka sails for Southern ports at .4 p.m. ■ Taviuni arrives from Fiji and waves again for Wellington aoon after arrival. ,■■■ Wednesday: , sails for ; Westport at 5 .'"■'-.'• ' p.m. .-■■■ : ";".^A: :: '" :: .':r-:^''--:'' .Thursday,: Tarawera arrives from Southern • -porta,'.' • .: ' "'" . Saturday: Tarawera sails for Southern ports) » - ■'■-!■*. 12 noon.. L- ' '......■■'.;■■■'■■"■ ■■•■'';■■' coast. ■•' ■ ' Sunday: IV.kapuna arrives from New Plymouth.' : Mcmday: Takapuna sails for New Plymouth and ,Wellington at 3 p.m: (2.10 p.m. train). " '• ■.■.-■?■ '■ Wednesday: : * Rotoiti i; arrives t from / Wellington, Nelson, and New ; Plymouth, and sails again for , ins lame porta at 3 p.m. (2.10 p.m. train);Wai'nul rives from Greymouth.. •.'''■"'.'■' -, ' Tliuisday: Eoaainond arrive? from Greymouth'; ~ Wainui aailsi for Oreymouth.' - '■■■.. , . Friday: Takapuna arriveo from Wellington and ■'•••■ New Plymouth and Sails for New Plymouth only "' at 3 p.m. (2.10 p.m. Uain); Rosamond sails for .'- *.. K«ipat». - ':-:'-■■ j.;.;.: .•,:.;..'.: :'■ ■ v;' * ■'' ■■ '.''' NORTHERN S.S. MOVEMENTS. \',<-r': h ' -~' 'Co-Jay: Clansman alfrivea from Whangarei about -.'<} "5 p-sfi-; Apanui arrives from Mercury, Bay,, Kuao- >■■" ' • • .ttiiiu, Port CharJeu,. and Tairua about 8 p.m.; ; NKapnhl arrives at; Onehunga from ■ New: Plymouth about 1 9 a.m.; Waiotahi arrives from Opotiki ~ ■.'"..••early'.'. l ''.;'' ~. Sunday: ..'.<- leaves Onehunga for 'New ■Plymouth. at 3 p.m. {train, 2.30 p.m.); Aupouri arrives . from Taurauga; Kanteri • leaves for IVba-. ' iiirarel Town Wharf at; 9.30 a. in. , \ : ■'Monday: Waitangi-leaves for Tauranga at 5 p.m. :• Clansman ' leaves for Russell, Whangaroa, '''.-" nod iUangonui at 6 p.m.; Chelmsford leaves for I Houhora, Awanui, and Waiharara at ?J p.m.; . Aupouri leaves for iWhangarei- at 8 p.m.; Kia Ora V' 1 " ■ leaves Onehunga for Raglan, Kawhia, and Waitara i f «t*l p.m. (tram, 12.10 p.m.);; Apanui/leavea. for ' ' ' . ' Tairua, Whongamata, and Mercury i Bay at 7 ,i-• -, -(.m.;-Muritai leaves Onehunga for Opunake, and ' ..;: SVangan'ul; Rarawa, leaves' Auckland for Houhora, Hoklanga, J and Onehunga. . ~_*■■ . - ;' 'i- i '-.- Thames Servico: Steamers : aaavfcsfor;.: Thames and j Paeroa "daily. See advertisement daiiy '. psipe**^■ : ':".'.'■:''.' -},>/'-.-., " , i~ - ■ , • IMPORTS. Per Moura, from the South: 420 bags potatoes, 272 bundles straw, 608 bags chaff, 350 bags flour, : 28 stones, 120 drums oil, 80 boxes aoap, 250 cases 'tanned goods, and a large quantity of sundries.. • iosM'i%fc Per Kaeo,' ■'" from '< East •;..Coast ports:. 134 ■■ ■ sacks ■ maize, 250 sacks manure, 250 .'sacks 1 barley, 20 " piga, 51 fowl*, 29 tins fat, 38 bides, 12 rolls mat-; ,' - «ng, 14 sacks kumaras, 9 sacks fungusi, 2 sacks i' ' potatoes, 3 sacks bones. 6 packages furniture, , - sod » large quantity, of sundries. The Union Company'* steamer Moura leave* for ' ' Hiaborh© ami the South. to-day. The Northern Company's steamer Clansman ar- •■ , '/ rived from the North yesterday morning. with a ' number of passengers and a general cargo. Last night she left for Whangarei and returns from ■■*."■•"; ; that port this evening. :.', ..'.,' ,i ■ ._. ; The auxiliary ketch Endeavour leaves for Tau- ■ . "minga, Opotiki, ) and Wbakatanc to-day. , She has :"■ * ''•'•» large - cargo for theso porta. , ; .- . -, i" Last night the Northern Company'* steamer " Apanui left for Tairua 1 : and way ports. : * The steamer Stella is being cleaned and painted ';'■•'-■ : ' ," in the Auckland Dock.' ; - ■ - ..•'",■ ~ • . The Union Company's, steamer Wanaktteana for ,; ■ the 'South to-day. , L ' Yesterday -the Northern Company'* .steamer Chelmsford : arrived J rem,; the - North , with a . cargo-. .■'• ' , of kauri gum, etc. . x , - -■„.— .nm'ti;. ; ', . ■ !..»<— ■:'«•■.-;:•■.':.-. ; '*..y.-- ' > .' THB.KAEO. \. - The "auxiliary schooner Kaeo, Captain 3. 11. Skinner, arrived from Gisborne an<| coast ports . at 10 a.m. yesterday and beithed at Queen-itreet Wharf. The schooner left Gisborne on July 2 and worked all the bays south of the East Cape. She was work Opotiki owing to a big Wo';- VV ' easterly roll. She afterwards visited Opape, but >~:; could not work that port and left-" for Auckland. — THE SIERRA. The local agents for the Oceanic Steamship Company (Messrs. Henderson'and Macfarlane) are •'C;'-"•'" '- in receipt of cable advices stating that the mail .• learner Sierra left Honolulu for Pago Pago and Auckland on the of July 11. As this is ■ time-table date, the Siewa may be expected to reach Auckland on the evening of July 30. THE MOURA. The Union Company's ; steamer Moura,. Captain jJ. Berneoh, arrived Irani Southern and East Coast; , ports at 10.30 a.m. yesterday and berthed at - Quay-street Jetty No. 2, but subsequently changed her berth to Queen-street Wharf.- Mr. S. S. C ,',.. George, the purser, reports tliat the Moura left i Dunedin at 3 p.m. on the 13th inat. and called at Lvttelton,, Wellington, and Gisborne. Left '; v 1: 'f the latter port at 10 a.m- on u Thursday and art i' l , ' rived" as above; Experienced light variable with smootli.'sea,;unta s J arrival „at Wellington; on I the 16th inst., thence a heavy easterly gale, with high seas, which prevented Napier being worked.. j '.'" From. Gisborne light 'east-north-east winds,: with ! light swell, were met iwith. to arrival as above., ] . The'Moura leaves for East Coast ahd Southern j ports to-day. ' . , '.? 4W . >' ' :■■■ THE KARAMEA. I te'\ •- ' 'vltuk. A. S. Patcrson and Co., agent* for the I Shaw, SaviU. and Albion Company, Limited, liavc ' 1 'been advised that the s.s, Karamea will . load Jit 'this port for west coast of .England porta and London about.. Aurust 28, and will most .likely mak« Auckland tfio final port of departure. Hie ' Kartoea will be the second steamer which the m ■ Shaw, 'SaviU,' and Albion Company, Limited, will nave despatched under the new eervice.

THE AWAROA. The Northern Union - Steamboat Company's steamer Awaroa, Captain G. Sellar*. arrived from Kaipara at 10 a.m. yesterday and berthed at the ""• ■ Hobson-etreet Wharf. The Awaroawas bar-bound ■••' ".at Kaipara for 17 days, but managed to across' . ibe oar on Wednesday and arrived as above. She cttntea to Auckland ■■ in order • to be floated into ~ the Auckland Dock ..on Monday for a general overhaul.. The atcamer brought a. cargo of tim-. fccT, kauri gum, etc., for Auckland. •i;!.' ' ' . -. _ THE MANUKA. <, ;\. . The Union Company's steamer Manuka, which | left Sydney for Auckland at ; 6.30 p.m. on Wed- i • ' nesday last, is due at this port to-morrow morn- | "•' ,HP - . THE STAR OF AUSTRALIA. - "•' Tlie Tjser liner Star of Australia, in continuation of "her voyage from London and Australia, y left Sydwy for Auckland yciiterday and is due. ?&■&><'<;-, at this port on Wednesday, next. "... '..• « f *v■ ■■ r;".■,'.-;. >*'-i ' ■". . :'j" "■ • , ' , THE MOKOIA. Tl:<J Union Company's steamer Mokoia left Wei- , • lington for Napier, Glsborne, and Auckland yesterday and will not therefore arrive at this ';,.:, , \ porn until Monday. -.:.' PORT OF ONEHUNGA. .V"''.': ARRIVALS I'-V-'-,<.'/-.; \, C 'likapuaa,'- «.«.," 1036, Holford,'from" New Plymouth and Wellington. ;' Passengers ; Missea Rose, FOrd; C«rley» Crabtree, afesdames ton,' Carter "•' ; and child. Bishop, Champion, Symond, ■ Reynolds v -i, and family,' Barlow, Heath 7 and child, Hill, Baillie, :* Wclto. Messrs. Ashton; Carter, Earl, Whitley, . iuxford,. Gormley, Buxton, Vlcke.rman, Miller, , '' ' . Innes, McCubbins, Wilson, Broda, Osmond, Green, ' Phippe-WilliamarMcKay, Reynold?, Hart, Baillie. Pennington, Wells, Alford, and 21 steerage.— Union .S.S. Cc, agents. rpP r y'' "< '» -— •'' '<" DEPARTURES. ' : . ; T»k»punar*.s., 1036, Holford. for New Ply-. - ' raoirth. Passengers': Mr-, and Mrs; Harding, Misses ' Harding, Parsons, Forsyth. Bavraclougb, ; Mes- ' ' Gratis Coinrie, Ross and infant. Stevenson, Clover, ■'.' ; ,r Messrs. Martin, Brewer. Scott, Mcl'hee, Coikin, • ■". Comrie, Weddings, Goodhew, Wilson, Whit eh :«"■ Price, Stuart, Blackweli, Hunter. Solomon, "Lux. f#l?teg?^«a»*McClatel]|e; 0, . Robson, ,: Smithies, i Burrell, Oxford Pmdie, Kenned}, Galpin, Stevenson. . ■ ' « r .<( *3 steerage. . „ , , Ripple, >«. AII.OMI, for Wellington. <■- "i'K > •'", '.; . < ~- ' ' ' The Union Company's steamer Takapuna arrived yesterday morning from New Plymouth and. ■'■.'■' ; ■Wellington and ' left again in the afternoon for h, ,i i'', ' 3T«w Plymouth. * '

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 13235, 21 July 1906, Page 4

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SHIPPING New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 13235, 21 July 1906, Page 4

SHIPPING New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 13235, 21 July 1906, Page 4