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New Zealand Herald Office,

'' Friday evening.' A FAIR amount' of business was transacted on the sharemarkct to-day. In standard stocks Now Zealand Insurances were rather easier, and i fter sales, at £3 ,7s 6d, closed with inquiry it £3 Bs, sellers holding for £3 9?. D.;..C"s changed hands at 7s 8d; lato sellers 7s 9d, buyers 7s 6d. H.M. Arcade Theatro Company's preference shares wore done at 20s 6d, and more were wanted at 20:5 3d; no declared sellers "at last " call. N.Z. and River Plates sold at 305."6 d; late sellers 30s 9d, buyers 305.. Northern Coals had sales at -14s, and more could have been placed at the same figure: no declared sellers. In mining- lines Waihis sold at £8 10s 6cl, £3 lis, and £3 10s 6d, and. there were more on olio.- at.£B 10s 6d, late buyers quoting £3 9s. Waiotahis'sold 'at £9 2s, and closed with sellers at £9 2s 6d, buyers £9 Is 6d. Talismans were firmer, and changed hands from 26s to 26s 3d to 26; to 26s 3d; late, buyers offered 25s 9d, and sellers held for 26s 3d. Kurarmi-Galedonians sold at 2s 9d; late sellers 2s lOd, buyers 2s 9d. New May Queens sold at 3e 9d; late sellers 3s lid. buyers 3s 3d. Now Moanntaiaris sold at Is lid and 2s; late spllors 2s Id, buyers 2s. New Occidentals,. at-'s£d: late sellers b' 2 d, buyers 4£d. . New-Saxons sold at Is and Is Id; late sellers'ls 2d, buyers lljd". Now Sylvias sold from Is 2d to Is 3d to Is

to Is 2d to Is Id ; late sellers Is 2d, buyers Is. Old Alburnias sold at 2s: late 'sellers' "2s Id, buyers Is lOd. Southern Querns sold at 3£d; late sellers 6d, buyers 3d. Thames showed improvement again, and changed hands tfrom 2s 4d t0.25,,7d. to 2s 6d to 25,,7 d:. late sellers' wanted 2s Bd, buvers offered 2s 7d. Auckland* sold at Is 3d and Is 4d ;- late sellers Is sd, buyers Is 3d. Crowns'sold at -4s 6d;,latc fellers 4s 9d, buyers 4s 7d. Waihi Consols sold at Is Id; late sellers Is 2d, buyers Is. Waihi - Discovery* (contributing) • sold at 3d; late sellers 3JkI. Waihi' Extendeds sold at 6s 4d, and more- were available at that figure, late buyers offering 6; 2d. AUCKLAND STOCK EXCHANGE. The following' arc Friday's .--losing- prices Hie business done brine:—New land Insurance £3 7r 6d ; New Zealand and River Plate. 30s 6d ' Northern Coal (10s paid). 14s: D.S.C., Limited' 7s 8d : H.M. Arcade Company (preference - ). 20s- 6d ' Waihi. £8 lfM.6d. £8 lis. £8 l(h 6d ; Waiotahi!£9; 2s; Talisman Consolidated. 26?, ?&* 3d, 26.-, 3d, 2fo. 26s 3d; Kuranui-Oaledonian. 2s 9d •' New lloanntaiari. Is lid. 2s; New May Queen.' 3s 9d ; New Occidental. Sid: Now Saxon, Is. Is Id New Sylvia. Is,2d,- Is 3d. ls-2d. 1* 2d. 'Is -Id ;'• Old -\\- burnia, 2s: .Southern Queen. Sid: Thames 2s 4d. 2s sr). is 6d. 2s 7d, 2s 6d, 2s. 7d ; Crown.'- 4s f;d: Auckland. Is 3d. Is Id: Waihi Consols ]* id'Waihi Discovery (contributing), 3d; Waihi Extended, 6s 4d. Sellers; " [Invert £ «■ d. £ a. d BANKS— Now Zealand 3 11 6 3 7 6 National . ... ... 5 12 6 5 3 0 Union of Australia ... — 51 0 0 (NSUnANCENew Zealand '.'..... .*.. 3 9 0 - 3' 8 -0National ... .13 9 _ South British- , Sl3 0 - 510 0 Standard 0 19 9 0 13 0 FINANCIAL— '"-'."■*''■'' New Zealand and River ' riate ... 110 9 110 0' COAL— Nort. Coal Ltd., 10s paid ,-- 014 0 Nort. Coal. Ltd.. 7s 6d paid _ 014 0 Tsupiri .Mines, Ltd. ... 1 0 0 0 19 4 GASAuckland ... ... ...14 12 6. 14 8 0 Hamilton « ... 2.6 0 ... New Plymouth _ 3 5 0 SHIPPINO- '..-■'■, Northern Steam, paid ... 017 6 Northern Steam, con. .0 8 2 Devonport Steam Ferry ..206 _ TIMBER— - ■ . Kauri, paid up ..: ... Cl7O '. 016 6 Kauri, contributing ... 0 4 D 0 4 8 Leyland-O'Brien. Ltd. ... '. _ 22 6 Mountain Rimu, ■ Ltd. ... " — \0 18 6 MISCELLANEOUS- - Auckland Tramways Co. ■":'.' _ 11 5 0 D.S.C., Limited ... ■■•• ... 0 7 5 0 "1 6' H.M.. Arcade Co., prof. .— 10 3Milne and Choyce, pref. 119 110 1 Milne and Choyce, 0re!.... 10 0 _ . Northern Hoot " ... '.'.. ■ _ 0 3 6 New Zealand Paper Mills 13 6 — • J. D. Roberts and Co-, Ltd. 0 8-6 0 5 0 Union Oil ... ~ ..." ... ' .__-.• 106 Wiseman and Sons', pref., '0 17 0 . 014 0 . Wilson and-Co., pref. ■ ... '__~.' ' l'O 0 'ura'iNa — --.--vt* 11?: ,iV: ' Kuraiuu'...- ..'.Vii3).'..-i:'(,;j'ffl 0-'■!9 ■'''''C-'-O-' 44 Kuranui-Catedontaii ..-„ ~-. 0. 2 10" -0.2 ( 9 Magnet.., ~, .......... f> ; o» 6 -~ ■•,, ; — ■■,-, .'Queen Extended ..... 0 0-10 -'.--.- 6•0 • 8 New Dart ' ; ..-..' 0 .0' s'" ' o'"o'4A New May Queen 0 3 11 .038 New Moana'.aiari ..." ... o!2■ I''" ~0 2 0 New..Monowai : •'.,;' ... 0 '"o s•' ■'• ■ — ' New Occidental 0 0 6.i 0 0 44 New Una ... ... '.. 0 0 6 '• -■ ■_ '"*■ New Saxon .. "'...'-- ... 0 11 0 OHi New Sylvia ... :>•;,.. ... ,0 i •'_ ",010 Old AJburnia 0.2 1 0 1 10 Southern Queen ... ... 0 0 a r 0 0 3 Thames ... • ... -...028027 Vanguard 0 0 6 0 0 3 Victoria -... .'... .012. 010 Waiotahi ... 9 2 6' 9 16 Waitangi _ 0 0 6 . New Four-in-Iland ...,0 11 Old Hauraki, paid ... 0 0 9 _ Old Hauraki, "contributing — CO Pi . Auckland ' ....■ ... : ... 0 15-0 1 3' Champion — 0 16 - Grown ... 0 4 9 ' 0 4 7 liolden Belt, paid ... 030 0 2 10 Golden Belt, contributing — 0 22 Kiiikiri, con, ... ... 0 0 6- ~ . .-— ■ Komata Reefs ,0,23 0, 2.0 Oinshu; paid .... ■'.' ,1 '3' 6 "_ Oii'.ahu. contributing ... -0 : U 5 : '— Pride of Waihi .... ... 0 011 0 08J Rising Sun : ... ;0 0 7' "■■ • '— Tairua Broken Hills ... 0 2 10 0 2 7 Talisman Consolidated ... 1 6 3 15 9 Waihi ... .;. • ... ' ... 810 6 8 9 C 'Waihi Beach 0 12 0 0 V. Wait; Consolidated .'.. 0 2 3' — Wait.l Consols 0 12 0 3: Wail i Discovers, eon. ... 0 0 3 _ Wait-: Extended ... ■ ... 0 6 +-" 0 -. > WftiiM Grand junction ... 312 0 3. 7 6 Wsih! South -.-• ... ■ ... 0 .'.;' 6' .■• 0 0 54 W.. l r:a.ngu,,,ls paid ... 0. 0 11 . _■*!. Waimangn. 8d paid ' ... 0 0. 8 0 0 44 Sunbeam Gold and Silver 0 010 - — , Hidden Treasure, paid up — 0 0 3 '3.15 p.m., May 25. ISO 6. H. P. IIrjDLESTOS-. Secretary. G. A. Buttle, Chairman. CALL AND DIVIDEND LIST. Dividends. ' £ s. d. Due. Waihi '.. ... ■:..,■ .. .. 0 5 June 1 Mount Lyel! Mining ahd Railway 0 2 6 'June 15 Calls. ,<- . . . . , -.. Now Eclipse, May 14 0 0 0$ Slav 2) Golden Belt, May 14 ' 0' 0 1 May 30 New Moanataiari, May 14 ... ' 0' 0 04 May 31 FRUIT AND PRODUCE MARKETS.

Business on the local fruit and produce markets was very slow during the early part of the week and supplies were fully up to requirements. There were heavy shipments of potatoes, especially from Tasmania, which, were for in excess of the demand at exciting rates, and the market is overstocked. In addition to oversea shipments, fair quantities of very fine samples came to hand from the W.rlkJtc, tin majority of which realised up to and over prices for Tasmanian and Southern. In onion 3 the bulk of the heavy supplies previously held over were worked, off, and prices now show, an upward movement.. In vegetables pumpkins came forward in large quantities, and outside of special lots prices were low. A shipment came from Queensland via. Sydney on Monday,, also a. small consignment of kumaras from . the. same colony. . Local vegetables'were in ■shorter, supply at better values. Chaff, and grain, generally are firmly held at about last, week's values. In dairy produce very little farmers' butter was sent in, but values were unaltered, . tail, quantities of . Taranaki separator came to .lionJ. Very little cheese was sent in, the demand icing strong and values improved.. Fresh, egg-* were in fair, supply, the bulk'being ducks", and prices -were lower than last week. There was an unsatisfied " demand for pickled lota for shipment to the South. Bacon.-and hams showed no alteration • in values. The .fruit, market was.fully supplied in all lines. Local, apples were sent in in much heavier supply than at the same, date of lost year, but supplies were slightly better than last week. Lemon* were a,, complete drug and could only be quitted at the' auction sales to-day at a very low rate. All'other local' fruit sold at satisfactory'values. In Island fruits, 'the Huuvoto landed a fairly large cargo of oranges from Tonga on Thursday in good condition, but: owing 'to'i he cold Weather there was. little or. no demand. Bananas by the-same steamer were generally of a poor class and only met with a fair demand. The following were the ruling prices .it the auction sales to-dav :— Field Produce— : Waikato. mime. £11 to £12 ton: Southern, £11; seed. £12 to £15: Tasnlanian table. £11 10s,to. £12. Kumaras: Local. ,£6 to £7 ton. Onions: Prime, brown Spanish.' £6 10s 'to £7; others, £5 10s to £6. ChafT: Local, £5 to £3 10s. Vegea»!)les. — Pumpkins: Superior, up' to £5 10s ton'; ordinary. £1 15s £3 103. Citronmelons, 2s 6d to 3-s cwt. Dairy Produce.—Dairy and separator butter, special lots. 10.M to lid lb; ordinary, Did to lOd : pastry, &jd : farmers' keg, firsts Bd, .seconds 7d ; milled, in bulk.', for exnort,'- IOJd ;■ factory rolls,: lid. Eggs: Fresh, Is 6d to Is 8d dozen; pickled, l.ld to lid Cheese : Farmers'. 5Jd lb: factorv. 6d to 6,; d ; loaf, 7d. . Bacon : Firsts, 6Jd to "Id lb: seconds, 2d to sd. Hams: .Firsts, 6|d to 7-Jd; seconds. 4d to 6d. Fruit Apple's: Local dessert, superior." "s to Gs bushel case; good. 5s to 6s 6d; medium, 4s to ss; cooking, superior-5s to -65., ordinary 4s to ss. Pears: Local d»ssert, superior, ,12s ta'l4s; ordinarv, 4s"' to 6s; cooking, 4s to 65.. Persimmons. ?,« -d f(v'4s*b'rfx: ■' CrriiK*' "Indoor special. Is o.'l to Is 9d lb: good. Is 4d to Is 5d ; poor, 6d to Is. Oranges: Island. 4.s to ss' ca«ef -. Lemons 5 Local, prime, is to 4*; .medium, - 2s to 2s fid. ! Cape gooseberries. 4d to 4?d lb. Passion-fruit i Local, 2s ftd to-4s box'.'""- Walnuts: Local, ft.lri lb. Chestmils'. y'd 'W2i,(\': peanuts. ?M\. ' "Bananas, Is 9d U. as bundle-repacked,- to- 2d' lb. . [pine*: Queensland, eond, 13«, to 15s-case ; poor. 6s to 7s. Toiiltrv'.—Hen«. Is to. Is fid each: table roasters, heavy 2s 6d to 3s. light' Is 6d to Is 9d ; coci.ei-els. Is to Is 3d-, clucks, Is '3d'to'2s; geese, 2s' 6d to 3s ,Nai-.t)Jrkeys..jvefe., offered: Miscellaneous.— Young pigs, is tu 8s 9d each'.

HIGH COMMISSIONER'S MARKET CABLEGRAM. 1 ' [BY TELEGRAPH.— PKIJSS ASSOCIATJOS.] ■;, FridayThe Department of Industries and Commerce has received the-.following cablegram . from • the High Commissioner, dated London, May 24:— The wool Bales have clm-d. The advance ha* been partiallv lost. Medium and coarse eros.-!.-brerls of all grades are slightly easier; 90,000 bales of New-Zealand wool sold at auction. European competition was very keen. The Americans exercised great caution. ; ; Trade is good and manufacturers are very busy. *■• It is fully anticipated that the present.'priceswill-be maintained. The estimated values of wool are a? follows: —Fine crossbred?, all grades, Is 3d to Is 5d ;'■ medium, do., ls,(Ud to Is 2id ; coarse do., Hid to Is 2d: superior merino. Is 2Jid to Is 5d :, medium merino, Is Oid to Is 2.} d ; inferior merino, ICUd to Is. ■ '■■■" -.GRAIN AND PRODUCE.." [CY TE-EGP-iPH.— PRESS ASSOCIATION.] CnnisTcnVßCH, Friday. There is a fair amount of business doing in wheat at an advance on late rates, and a number of fairly large lines have changed hands, There is 110 good milling wheat, to be obtained at under 3s 2d at country station*, .only Hunters can be purchased" at the lower figure. There is considerable activity in the oats market .and largo sales .have been marie from merchant to merchant, the late rains having caused a recovery in the tone of the market. Oat sheaf chaff has firmed in sympathy with oats, there being no outside demand.

There i« still inquiry for potatoes. The.Der- I went crop is turning' out- very badly on account : of disease and the ' water-logged state of the ; heaviei ground.- After careful picking over, nnlv about one-iliird of Hip. potatoes dug are fit, 'for sale, and then there is no guarantee that they will keep. There is reported to be a good crop of Del-wen oil Chatham Island, and a consignment; is expected by the next trip of the steamer. Some of the Derwents to arrive have been 'sold at £10 per- ton delivered in Christ-' church. -• "V . '.'•„» There is also little demand for onions, and i,5 10s is all that is offered. LONDON.By Telegraph.'—Press Association—Copyright. '' (Received May.26, 1.10 a.m.) . . / Lo.voox,' May 25. BANK OF ENGLAND RETURNS. . Bank of England returns for the week are. :— Coin, £32,011,000 reserve, £23,187,000; proportion of reserve to liabilities. 44.11 : notes in circulation, £28,623.000: public deposits, £10.323,000; other deposits. Government securities, £15,977,000; other-securities, £31,234,000. CONSOLS AND COLONIAL STOCKS/ . Consols, £89 12a 6d.-.' New South Wales 3 per cents., S3. Victorian 3 per cent-a., SO. Queensland 3 per cents.. 88^. New Zealand 4. per cent*., 1061. Tasmania 3 per cents., 90. West Australian 3A per. cents., 091. • i Other stocks ate unchanged. -~ . -WHEAT.. The-English wheat market? are quiet and prices firm owing to moderate arrivals. Continental markets show 3d to 6d decline. American markets' are a shade weaker. 1 Cargoes' are dull and rather easier. ' Australians afloat are quoted at 30s 9d to 31s: May shipment. 31s 3d to 31s 6d. A cargo of Australian has sold at 31s :)d. Australian spot is scarce and fetches 32s 9d. Now Zealand is firm; shortb'erry. 3ls to 32s'; long-' berry, 31s 6d to 32? 6d. Flour is slow of sale at 23s 3d ex store London and 24s 3d to 24s 6d ■ Glasgow. BUTTER. . .'-■-.; The butter market is firm. Danish, 106s to 108s. 'All Continental sorts have advanced about 2s. Colonial has a steady, trade, with prices unchanged. , ■ -. CHEESE. There i-? strong demand- for New Zealand cheese at 65s to 64s METALS. . Copper: Spot, £85 ss; three- months. £34 15s. ■Tin: Spot, £190 three mouths, £188 10s. Lead, £16 17s 6d. • -. Iron, £03 lid. . Spelter, £27 7s 6d. , , - The New Zealand Loan and-Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, have received the following, cablegram 1 from their London house The wool sales closed, the maiket being firm for merino but slightly • weaker for crossbred, owing" to the. purchases being suftlcient to meet immediate re-

quirements. The. spot value for fine mutton tallow is ,30s; good beef, 28s 3d, and mixed 275. 6d per cwt. . ~'. ... : ;'.. WOOL SALES. ■ -." . ■ .'.:',,'.' TRICES LIKELY- TO BE MAINTAINED. ' r By Telegraph.—-Press Association Copyright.- .■/■ 'Lojtdon', May 25.-.' At the wool sales just closed 00,000 bales were ■ sold for home coimunotioii, 57,000 bales for the Continent, 9000, bine- for America, and 9000/ bates were-held over.,'.-, The departure. of .some of-ths-' chief buyers and diminished'. American compe-. tit-ion caused irregularity this week compared with the closing prices of the March sales. Best greasy merinos remained practically unchanged; medium 'and inferiors .were .5 per,,centum .higher • till 'Monday, and closed at par to 5 per 'centuna higher; scoureds, .were. in strong .request.jit 5 ' per. gentium advance.' • Medium cr&ssbveds,™sui"t-, able'., for, Ameijca. 7 some-times ..declined a halfpenny-.; line . crossbreds unchangetJ:','. 'i <>]>~ makers' sort* cloSed very firm at, opening vatcs, • but. lost t.lie_e_ prices of the middle.of the. series.. Lambs' -.were, unchanged. .The ontlqpk- ' is promising and there is small prospect, of 'aiiy alleviation of the ■ tightness of the market", 'till. the,new clip arrives. Supplies for the current rear are . likely to be altogether inadequate,.foi\ the present rate of consumption. Mot una .sold" at ; Rakio, 13£ d; Tuketoi, I2id': Okerse, 13i'i.. , ,'.-. ... ■•, -'-:-,?' The Bradford wool market is quiet. Forties, 182 d; forty-sixes, 20d ;' common sixties, 27{d; -super, 28] d. , - - ' NEW ZEALAND PRODUCE IN,LONDON'.; [from .our..own* CORRESPONDENT.") . >'~"/,'- ... Lontjos-, April 7. / ■ ; -. 'NEW:ZEALAND, MEAT. ' During the past fortnight 119,000 carcases of New' Zealand, have "arrived in London, and -Messrs. We'ddel say -that '-these' importations are very much in.excess of those for -any similar period during this year. The bulk of the sheep are not yet available for sale, however, and the market is still under supplied. Values are consequently still considerably inflated, and as-high as 4|d has been paid for Canterbury sheep. The arrival at one time of over 100,000 "carcases in the London docks has already! had a depressing effect mi the market,, and it is feared that present' rates will not lie fully maintained when these sheep arc- offered at Smithlield. Importations of lambs have been heavy, consisting of 176.000 e:;vc;.s»s fro/n New Zealand, 50,000 carcases from Australia, and 7000 carcases from the River Plate. There i.;

a satisfactory expansion of the demand in all parts .the country. Messrs. Weddel go on to say tint, a feature of the-trade-just now is the demand ■ for large lambs owing to the shortage of small-weight sheep, and sellers have rather encouraged this inquiry in view of the probable transference of the, public, .taste to small lambs after Easter, os usual. Pending the discharge of steamers,-now in dock, the supply of prime New Zealand-lambs is quite' moderate, but a number »f inferior lambs from the .North Island are ofj fering at very low prices, and adversely a;Vcting 1 the whole market. ■ -. - ' TALLOW,, - The demand'for tallow has been good during the past fortnight, and prices have advanced fully 6d per cwt. The demand has been general, but perhaps mutton fallow has been in more favour .than other descriptions. There is a. good demand for'edible sorts. Messrs. Weddel have "beard that New. Zealand tallow will be short this season, and should the edible demand continue this description may reach the" high range of prices ruling last year. The shipments from the colonies for March, cabled as 4900 tons, appears somewhat startling, but a, good proportion of this must be ready sold, and this also includes one or two' direct shipments to foreign ports. The National Mortgage and Agency Company inform me that 'at the three most recent c?l'?s of tallow 2346 casks were offered and 1638 were sold. The demand has been good during the past several weeks, and prices for most descriptions have improved 6d to Is per cwt.'i A fair- quantity has been purchased for export to the Continent, though in view of high prices consumers limit their orders as much. a-3 possible. Home-melt-continues in- very moderate supply, the sweet kinds having been,'sold largely for. export for the' edible trade which has lately somewhat recovered. For .arrival - offerings remain rather small, but there is a good demand for titre sorts and good colour stuff, while there is some improvement in the demand for. good" mutton. The market at the. close is firm..but operations are not. at the moment on a large scale owing to the comparative paucity of supplies. At the sales this week there was a steady demand, prices in sohie cases showing an advance of 3d to 6d per cwt. Imports for the. past, three weeks include 2104 casks from New Zealand. SKINS. According both to.the National Mortgage and Agency Company of New Zealand, and Messrs. Gordon, Woodroffe, and -C 0.,, the market for both sheep and lamb pelts remains very firm, with a strong* inquiry for all sorts., Values remain practically unaltered, and arrivals are still small. A saleof rabbit skins is to be held almost immediately, 1744 bales being catalogued. The National Mortgage and- Agency Company tell me that the'collections from New Zealand comprise only a moderate proportion of good season skins, while Australian and Tn'smanian arc chiefly represented by off-season and''poor qualities. ■-■ At the public sales of basils on the 30th tilt. 1944 skins were catalogued, all of which were sold. There is a good general demand in this market at steady rates. At the sale of leather on the same day 1508 sides were available, but only 248 sides found purchasers. The number sold realised about last sales', rates to \d per lb dearer. Privately, there has.' beer, little change in the demand,, but .values have been slightly easier: On the 29th nit. ■ a sale of hides, took place, when, of the 560 hides offered, 467 .were cleared. The National Mortgage and Agency Company say there has been". a. quieter tone, in this market throughout the past month, and values have been barely steady. Home slaughtered, and various imported hides have declined about id to id per lb. Dry salted ox and cow are practically unchanged. . . , . . ~'. NEW ZEALAND FLAN. The- market for New Zealand flax has been irregular at fluctuating prices since the date of the last report issued by, the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company three weeks- since, and only a .moderate business has -been passing. There is a dull feeling at the close, and rates fend in favour of buyers. There is a lair demand for tow at. £11 10s per ton c.i.f. The National Mortgage and Agency Company slate that during the past three, weeks" the market.. for New Zealand flax has been ouief, and-. consumers have consistently refrained from buying. There hrije been some'speculative.- purchases," but with little effect in raising prices, which remain at about, last quotations- with some inclination -to decline. The sales amount to about 4£o tons. For children's hacklnsr. cough at night.l Woods' Great Peppermint Cure. Is 6d and 2s 6d ner bottle.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 13187, 26 May 1906, Page 3

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COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 13187, 26 May 1906, Page 3

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 13187, 26 May 1906, Page 3