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NEW Zba» d Hbbax'd Office, I Wednesday evening. The eharemarke/vas quiet to-day. In mining lines ths/was a better filing for jWaihi Extended/which sold at from 8s 3d to 8- 6d, buye/still offering 8a 4d, with sellers at 8s bf New Moanataiaris were still in good d*and, selling at from 3s 8d to 3s lOd (cu/rights), more being wanted . 5 jQjj yfJ sellers at 3s lid. Komata Beefs chang/ hands at. 2s 7d, more being quoted at % ssme P ricc > buyers 2s 6d. Pride of whis sold at Is 3d and 13 4d. Kuranuis r° looked for at ls, sellers Is 3d. luiramii-QH on ' ans > B,t * s c '> na d buyers •nt If 6d. for Mahara Royals (contributing) A.'i was o/red. sellers Yd. Old Alburnias, at 2<? 'Od fa buyers at 2s 7d. Crowns were _a«,Vr'/ss, buyers is 6d. Waihis were firmly P d nt £5 16s i buyE>rs & 12s - Waihi r> ran d /unctions had sustained inquiry at 47s 6d>o llers 50s. Bunker's Hills were done It ls/d- In investment lines, buyers of Tt.-ltAf New Zealands optic in at £5 15s, colla/firm at £6. Auckland Gas had better den? d at £U & 6d - seJlers £U 7s 6d- In ot jj/jinos late prices ruled. AUCKLAND STOCK EXCHANGE. he following are Wednesday'* closing prices, J business done being:—New Moanataiari (cum Jhtß'i 3s 85, 3s Sd, 3s lOd; Komata Eps I *. 2s 7d; fide of waihi, la Sd, Is 4d; Waihi Extended, 3s fl, 8s id, 8s 6d; Bunker's Hill, Is 7d. / ' Sellers. Buyers. iuKKS— £ s - J * £«•<!• /New Zealand ... ».. 60 0 515 0 / INSTJBANOB— ' New Zealand ... ... 5 1 0 — South British 7 3 6 « 18 6 Standard • — 0 lb 3 FINANCIAL N.Z. 'and Hirer Plate ... 1 i,4 16 0 COAL— Tanpiri Mints, Limited ... 0 19 3 0 18 9 BAS— Auckland ... 3* 7 6 14 3 6 Whangarel ... .- ... — x ' u (SHIPPING— jSorthern Steam, paid up 0 17 G 0 17 0 northern Steam, con. ... 0 8 6 — ( TIMBER— „ ! Kauri- contributes ... O 4 7 0 * 3 tTyland-O-Briea Co., Ltd. 3 0 0 llb o Kiteheleon Timber ... ... oli 0 — Mountain Rimu, Limited... 1 a v 1 Jo j£IBCELLANEOUS~ Avondale Brick and Pottery 1 0 G — D 8.C., Limited 012 6 O 13 * H.M. Arcade Thontre, pref. 1 0 « — Milne and ChoycJ, preier. 12 6 — Milne and Choyae, ordinary 110 — irorthfe-n Boot ... — — « < 0 Biveroeatl Paper Mills ... - J3 6 Tonson Garliek, Ltd. ... — 10 0 ■Wiseman and Sons, pref. 10 8 — Portland Cement ... ... — * - u DEBKNTUREa— Auckland Harbour Board, 4 per cent 99 10 0 - MINTSQ— Kur.nui 0 13 0 1 0 Kuranui-Caledonian ... 0 1 s u i u Mahara Koyal, paid up ... 0 10 - Mahara Royal, contributing 0 0 7 0 0 0 May Queen Extended ... 0 0 4 - He* Eclipse ... . ... 00 11 J° 8 Sew Moanataiari, cum rights 0 i 11 u „ 1; Old Albania ::: ::: 83 10 •- h Victoria - » " ' " " "J Kew Saxon « 0 7 0 9 6 .srr z '::• :; o* f o*6 - Golden Belt, paid up ... 0 i 3 0 Jll Golden Belt, contributing 0 210 o J o Komata Reefs ... -J « ; «T a Pride of Waihi » 14 « 13 Star of Wain* " 0 4 — Tairua Broken Hills ... 0 i l — Talisman Consolidated ... 0 7 A 0 610 Waihi •• - 516 0 &13 o Waihi Beach United ... 00 5 00 3 Waihi Consolidated ... 0 1 - 012 Waihi Consols 00 4i 00 3 Waihi Extended 0 8 6 0 » 4 ■Waihi Grand Junction ... 210 0 - 7 o Waihi South - » » ** Waitekauri 0 3° » * 7 „ Bonker'a Sill ... ... 013 016 5w Ponr-in-Hanfl, paid, up 0 0 11 O o ' Hauraki Freehold 00 &4 00 J Barbour View » .» "" ? Old Hauriki. paid up ... O 3 o u x < Old HaurAki, contributing 0 l 9 o l » Boyal Oaii, contributing ... 0 2 3 - Hidden Treasure 0 3b 030 G. A. BATTLE, Chairman. W. H. O. Johsstos, Secretary. B.lft p.m., September 14, 190-4. CALL AJ7D DIVIDEND LIST. Calls Dae. New Una, September. 2 ..... 0 0 1 Sept. 30 New Nine-mile Greek, Sept. 1 ... 0 0 1 S*pt. 36 Mew Cheto»lord, September 13... O 0 1 Oct. 4 Waihi Extended, September 8... 0 0 3 Opt. *> Dividends. » a 0 Oct ', Bank of Australasia - » 0 uct- ' Mountain Eimu Timber Co. ... 10 p.c. Sept. 19

LIVE STOCK AND PRODUCE. HORSE SALE AX CAMBRIDGE. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Comaanr, Limited, report :-At Cambridge, on September 7. 8, and 9, we held our annual horse lair, and report one of the most successful horse galea we have yet conducted. The sale commenced on •Wednesday at ten a.m., and only concluded at midday on Saturday. Competition was brisk right up to the end of the sale for all classes, and out of the S4O unbroken and broken horses offered, only a few aeod draughts and some inferior draughts were passed in, these being reserved at too high • fignre Buyers were present from Christchurcn, Pending, Wairarapn, Taurauga, Te Puke, ftotorua, To Kuiti Paeroa, Te Arohi\, Raglan district and Auokland. Sixty - five strong cobs and useful backs were purchased br a buyer from Wairarapa, and' 46 good .arts by Mr. William Hawkins, of vJhrutehuroh. Moat of the heavy draughts were bought at high figures by Messrs. John Olarkin, of Paeroa, E. Pascoe of Te Kuiti, and local buyers. Lnbrokea heavy draughts, colts, and fillies, from E. Atkm60D, T. Davidson, Searancke, and others, realised from £36 to £42; medium draughts, unbroken, *.S6 IDs to £34 15*; unbroken hack and harness sorts, OiS to £10 10s; light sorts, £7 to £10 10s; 'weeds, £1 15b to £4 10s; heavy draughts, mares and geldings, from N. Banks, W. Gray, and others, £44 to *61 10s; heavy draught mares, £42 to «o0: fraught brood mares, £36 to £49 10.; S-year-old' draught fillies, from A. Potts and others, £3 > to £47 10s, .-year-old draught mares from N. Bunks and others, *45 to £50; active medium sorts, J-23 to £4.0, unending harness hordes from A. Hill and others, £18 to 523 10i<; upstanding hacks, by Freedom and other .ires, £10 to Mi 10s; useful backs and stock horses, £9 to £16; strong cobs, £7 10a to £12; polo ponies, £G to £10 10s; weeds, £2 to £3 Hi. A number of vehicle, and harness were sold tn Wednesday; a buggy realised 415 It's, sulky, «10 ICf, harness, £3 10s; double harness, £6, plough harness, £1 to £1 15s per set. OHATJPO STOCK SALE. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, report :_At our Ohaupo sale we jaruVd 370 well-bred cattle, mostly well-grown yewlines, end these were eagerly competed for it priMs equal to those ruling at sales of the last iso re-lea. Yearling steers realised from i.i os t» £3 12a- vcafliagH, mixed sexes, £3 18s to Hi 6s; .Wong calVes, mixed sexes, £2 is to £2 lis; others, £1 8s to £1 15s; 18-montlis and 2-year-old steers, £1 15s to £4 10b; low-conditioned 3-year-old steers, fcfe 2s; quiet yearling heifers, £3 to £3 ss; freshWBditioned cows and heifers, £3 10» to £4 ss; forward bullocks, £8; fat cows, £6. Dairy stock was ywtied in extra large numbers. . All good cows at calving elicited keen competition. Messrß. LivireetoLe Eros.' dairy of 45 cows and heifers Mid readily, the cows from £7 10s to £.9 17b 6d; 2-re»r-ol<s heifers, £4 10s to £■_> 12s 6d. Mr. Divert cows sold at from £5 10s to £8. trood »ow» from e!li»r vendors realised f.-orn £0 10a to e» 15a; heifers at profit, £5 Os to £7 10s; backed ro*s and heifers, £4 10s to £5.. Thf> milk »*ggca r»ali»«a £25 10s; cans, 183 ts JOs each; tad vh» harnc»s marc, £16.

ALDINGTON STOCK MARKET. {»! TBLEOEArH—VBB3B ASSOCIATION.] Ohristceurch, Wednesday. At Addition market there was a moderate yardIs* ii HI i.inds of. stock, with a good attendance •f bojsre. Vat oatvie: 170 head were yarded, m»stfy uv?f:il sorts. Prices for prime were equal te !c»t we?k'i rites, but unfinished beasts were e*sl«r. Extra prime beef realised 25s per 1001b; prime, 22« to ".'3s; cow and secondary, IDs to £1; •jlra pt'we »te*r* made *li to £12 17s Cd; prime, «a 17s M to £10 15s; others, £6 17s 6d to £7 10a; prime heifers, Xi 6s to £10; others, from £6; vws, £5 17» Cd to £7 15s. Fat sheep: The entry m »roall, an! tfce market opened with a further Om «n 1»«S week's prices. Extra prime wethers JMiifjV, 3ls to 355; prime, 22s fid to 23a Cd; Hhe..-, ISa to lis; prime heavy ew.'s, 21s to 255; others, lhs to 203 6d; merino wethers, 13s 8J to 2«« 4i. An en\ry of 36 new season'* lambs sold r»*.:ity at lis to 226. Pigs: The yarding was ltiy,, and the demand improved all round. Bactntm made 45s to 47s (equal to 4<l to i\i per lt>1; porkfr(, 28s to 30a (equal to 4Jd to ted per lb); Urge storm, 2is to 325; medium, 18s to 245; suckin rid weancrs, 8s to 15.?. GRAIN. [BY TBLEGKArH.-Pltr.S3 ASSOCIATION.] DUNEDIN, Wednesday. Wheat: Sn sales of consequence are passing. Prims milling only finds favour with millers. Medium is scarcely salable except as fowl feed. Vrime milling, 3s 7d to 3b Sd; medium, as 4ci to ,Ct Sd; •[)«•• fowl feed, 3s 2d to 3s 3d; medium and broken, 'it l(M to 3s Id (sacks extra). Oils: The market is quiet, with limited inquiry foe export. Stocks on hand are not large, and anything like steady export would readily absorb the bulk oi prime A and E grades. There is not ra'icb iny.nry for medium. Prime milling, Is id to It Hd; good to beat feed, Is 3d to Is Gd; interior to medium, Is Id to Is Id (sacks extra). DTJNEDIK STOCK EXCHANGE. 'IT TELEGRAPH PRESS ASSOCIATION.] Dunedin, Wednesday. Stock Exchange sales: Manaherikia, 23s Cd. AUSTRALIAN MARKETS. By Telegraph Press Association.— Copyright. Sydney, September 14. Wheat: Chick, 2s lOd to 3s OJd; milling, 3s 4W. Flour, £7 las to £8. Oats: Algerian, Is .lit! to Is 8d; New Zealand, 2s 4d; Tartarian, 2' Bd, Barley: Cape, 2s to 2s Id; malting, 3s •>« to 3s 4d. Maize. 2s to 2s 2d. Peas: Prussian blue, 4s to 4s 3d. Bran, Bid; pollard, 7d. lot*- ' toes: Tasmania, £2 6s to £3; New Zealand, Early Hose, £8 to £3 10s. Onions, £1 to £4 ss. Butter, jsset, W la SJd, Bj&»j &.<! to 3d,

MELBOURNE, September 14. Whe»t, 3s 4<l to 3h 6d. Flour, £8 5s to £8 10s. Oats, Algerian, la 2d to la 3d. Barley, malting, prime. 3s 9d. Maize, Is 9d. Pollard and bran, 6Jd to 7d. Potatoes, to £3. Onions, £3 103 to &i. ADELAIDE, September 14. Wheat, 3s 3d to 3s 4d. Flour, £8 6s. Oats: Algerian, 13 4d; white, la OJd. Bran find pollard, 7Jd. LONDON. By Telegraph,—Press Association.—Copyright. London, September 13, The wheat and flour afloat for the United Kingdom is estimated at 3,910,000 quarters; for the Continent, 1,675,000 quarters; Atlantic shipments, 47,000 quarters; Paoific shipments, 3000 quarters. Bank Shares: Bank of Australasia, £90; Union Bank of Australia, £44 10s; National Bank of NewZealand, £5: Bank of New Zealand, £5 10s. Copper: On spot, £57 7s Oct; at three months, £57 15.5. Lead, £11 IBs 10Jd. Wool: 87,952 bales have arrived for the forthcoming sales, whereof 24,500 hare been forwarded direct to the manufacturers, leaving 71,000 available. New currants: Quarter-cases are quoted as folProvincial, IG.h 6d to 17s Cd; Arruliss, 17s Ad to 20s; Patras, Sis; sultanas, 22s to 48?. Eleme Jigs, 25s to 28s. Hallowle dates, 9a to lis. Jordan almonds, medium, 220s to 2305. Wheat: An Australian cargo sold at "".'.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LI, Issue 12661, 15 September 1904, Page 3

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COMMPCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume LI, Issue 12661, 15 September 1904, Page 3

COMMPCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume LI, Issue 12661, 15 September 1904, Page 3