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AUCKLAND GRAMMAR SCHOOL. Is the Choral Hall this evening at a-quarter to eight o'clock, tho distribution of prizes in connection with the Auckland Grammar School will take place. The following is the j prize-list: — English Essay. Boys' side, S. N. Ziman; | girls' side, A. A. Welham and D. M. Seddon, eonai. . - . ; Workshop.— Sinel. . Drawing.—Boys' side—Mechanical: T. 0. Mikkelson. 1; H. G. Fry and H. C. Mealing, i equal, 2. Brushwork—Class I.: J. C. D. Toie. | prize; C. E. Tadchone, certificate. Class H.: R. Buddie, prize; D. R. Kirker, certificate. Class III.: R. H. Gutteridse. prize; L. A. ; Moody. certificate. Girls' side—Watercolour: D. M. Seddon, 1: A. H. Spencer. 2; A. Trevithick. 3; C. L. Beaumont, certificate. Outline from fiat—Class H.: A. M. Goldie, 1; N. A. Bell, 2; R. Becker, certificate. Class III.: U. Buddie, prize; 11. M. Wilson, certificate; Writing.— side: W. Hudson. P. L. Ross, E. K. Russell. Girls' side: L. Beehan, G. W. Walker, E. Gibbons. ■ FORM FRIZES. EOYS' SIDE. Upper Sixth.—English, Latin, French: S. N. Ziman,-1; R. R. Bell, 2. Mathematics and science: S. N. Ziman. 1; T. W. J. Johnson, 2. Lower Sisth.—English. Latin, French: W. G. Aldridge, 1; K. Sisam, 2. Mathem'atics and science: W. G. Aldridge, 1; M. T. Walsh, '£• Fifth.—English, Latin, French: W. Hudson. 1; A. M. Seaman, 2. Mathematics and science: A. M. Seaman. 1: J. Phillips, 2. Certificates: Latin, F. Wilks; commercial subjects. T. C. Mikkelson. Upper Fourth.— Latin, French: G. W. D. Mulgan, 1; N. A. Campbell, 2. Mathematics and science: J. E. Hopton.T; P. S. Bridson, 2. Certificates: French, A. G. Marshall; mathematics. E. C. Budd. Modern Fourth.—English, commercial subjects. French: A. J. Weir. 1; F. A. H. Parker, 2. Mathematics and science: A. J. Weir, 11; O. C. Tudehope, 2. Certificates: Commercial subjects, French, mathematics, science, and aggregate marks, H. R. Seddon. Lower Fourth.—English. Latin. French: W. R. Alexander, 1; H. 0. Mealing, 2. Mathematics and science: W. R. Alexander, 1; A. H. Gant. 2. Certificates: English and aggregate marks, 0. D. Handley; French. A W. Taylor. Upper Third.—English, Latin, French: D. L. Boss, 1: RE. Taylor, 2. Mathematics and science: F. C. Bacon, 1; A. Wallace, 2. Certificates: Latin and aggregate' marks, H. Powell; French, R. A. Ramsay. Middle Third.— Latin, French: R. Buddie, 1; G. deß. Devcreux. 2. Mathematics and science: H. E. Taylor. 1: L. M. Petrie, 2. Certificates: French. A. Leyland; mathematics, A. M. Cranwell; science. R. A. Adams; commercial subjects, L. M. Petrie. Lower Third.— and French: E. Blampied, 1; R. H. Macdonaid, 2. Mathematics and science: R. Middlernas, 1; N. R. W. Thomas, 2. Certificate Science, J. H. Wyatt.

Second.— and French: G. N. Hill. Arithmetic and brushwork: G. N. Hill, 1; D. McKinnon, 2. Certificates: French, W. Elliot; brushwork, A. G. Devore.

GIRLS' SIDE. Upper Sixth.—English, Latin, French: F. M. Lewis, 1; A. A. Welham, 2. Mathematics and science: I. L. Madden. 1; A. A. Welham, 2- ■ -~ -,

Lower English, Latin, French: B. G. B. Lynch, 1; C. Gray. '2. Mathematics and science: K. P. Edgerley, 1; E. G. B. Lynch, 2. Fifth.—English, Latin, French: 0. M. Rhodes, 1: V. I. E3lick, 2. Mathematics and science: ; S. G. Williams. 1; 0. M. Rhodes, 2. Certificate: Science, J. C. Fordyce. "Upper Fourth.—English, Latin, French: E. R. Dickinson, 1; E. in.. Harris, 2. Mathematics and science: I. I. Hutson, 1: E. M. Harris, 2. Certificate: English, M. E. Clarke. Lx>wer Fourth.— Latin, French: A. H. m. Spencer, 1. Mathematics and science: A. H. M. Spencer, 1. Certificates: English and. mathematics. K. W. Lougdill; Latin, French, science, E. Blacklock. Upper Third.—English, Latin, French: B. Withers. 1; D. K. Wallace, 2. Mathematics and science: B. Withers, 1; .E. I. Reynolds, 2. Certificates, English, G. W. Walker; Latin, V. M. Wallace. Lower Third.— Latin. French: H. M. Craig, 1. Arithmetic: H. M. Craig, 1; C. M. Tole, 2. Certificate: English, Latin, arithmetic, and aggregate marks. E. M: Carruth. Second.— and French: D. C. Nathan, 1; M. S. Hanan, 2. Arithmetic: M. M. Ward, 1. MOUNT EDEN COLLEGE. Yesterday was quite a gala day for the children attending the Mount Eden College (conducted by Miss Bews), the annual, sports and distribution of prizes taking place on the Domain Cricket Ground. ,1 The weather proved favourable, and quite a large number of relatives and friends attended to witness the sports, which were entered into with great zest by the pupils, and were 'very enjoyable to the onlookers. Quite a number of novelties were introduced in the- shape of tugs-of-war (girls v. boys), egg and spoon races, thread-the-needle races, maypole dances, etc. An item that provided much amusement was the girls' race, in which the competitors had to drive pets. The latter included goats, cats, fowls, geese, ducks, a lamb, and a donkey, and. had the last-named not decided upon steering a crooked course it would have won the prize, which, as it was, went to the lamb. A bicycle parade, in which some 30 young ladies took part, was very pretty, and the various evolutions ,jvere skilfully and correctly gone through. The foot races on both the girls' and boys' side were capitally contested, and everything passed off satisfactorily. Afternoon tea was provided, and at the close of the sports the prizes won by the pupils during the year were distributed by the Rev. William Beatty, as under: — "

Form Vl.—Scholarship (for year 1904;' highest, marks in English, French, and mathematics). Edith Macalister; Science, Beatrice Dawson; mathematics, Edith Macalister; composition {class work), Mary Sproule; prize essay, Stella McLean and Winnie Bodle, equal; Latin, Beatrice Dawson; French, Beatrice Dawson; drawing, Flora Petrie; needlework, Euth Whyte. Form V.—Scholarship, Vera Page; French, Mary Taylor; prize essay, Winnie Sproule; science and mathematics, Vera Page; drawing, Florence Powell; needlework, Eileen Barstow and Eva Go equal. Form Remove.—Scholarship, Gladys Erson; English (class work), Eileen Friar; Latin, Marjorie Hull; mathematics, Marjorie Hull; science, Frances Grierson; French, Marjorie Hull; drawing. Mamie Hesketh; needlework, Daisy Carter. ~- • . Form IV.—Scholarship, Phyllis Macfarlane; English (special), Bessie Thompson;'mathematics, Gladys Combes; science, Gwendolyn Beale: French, Phyllis Macfarlane; drawing, May Colegrove; needlework, Alice Barstow. Form III.—(1) English (class and examinations), Lesley Sanderson; (2) English, Veda Caldwell; arithmetic, Clara Moginie; arithmetic (class work), Mary McFarland; French, Lesley Sanderson; writing, Idaline ; Vaile; needlework, Wynfrida Thomas; special improvement, Cara Clark. • Form First division: English, Winnie Coles; French, Adeline Trevithiok; arithmetic (class work), Dorothy Newcomb; Scripture. Gordon Fordyce; writing, Cissie Baddeley; needlework, Kathleen Barstow. Second division: English, Leonice Wiseman; arithmetic, Mavis Morrison; English (special), Janie Williams; English (special), Doris Knight. Third division: Dorie Mac Stay. Music (presented by Mrs. St. Paul).— division: Hilda Bloomfleld, Kathleen Mair, Evelyn Kidd. Second division: Phyllis Macfarlane, Kathleen Barstow. REMUERA LADIES' COLLEGE. There was a large attendance of parents and friends at the breaking-up, ceremony and prize distribution at the Ladies' College, Remuera, yesterday afternoon. The weather was beautifully fine, making very attractive indeed the outdoor part of the programme, which included speech-making, selections by the college orchestra, and fairy-like exercises by the children, who were attired in their summer frocks and looked particularly charming. , The Rev. W. Beatty, who has not missed a prize-giving at the college for nine years, distributed the awards. In so doing he spoke in eulogistic terms of the management, and spoke of the earnest character-building work that was being accomplished. Mrs. Moore-Jones, in a graceful speech, described the work of the past year. , The syllabus, she stated, had been uninterrupted, and great progress had been registered in French and a good, beginning made in German. A special point had been made of pure English. Much ground had been covered in elementary science. Attention had been given to hygiene, physiology, botany, domestic economy, and needleworkall of which she considered essential to an educationa' course. Through the instrumentality of the Empire League the girls had been introduced to most suitable correspondents in first-class schools at Home, with mutual advantage. Attention to needlework had been stimulated by the effort that was being made in connection with the bazaar for the general hospital fund. Above all, thoy hac aimed at training and moulding the character of the pupils to the highest ideal. Whils* thoroughly unseetarian in their teaching, they took the Bible as their groundwork. Much pleasure was afforded by a drawingroom entertainment, wilier included cantatas, French dialogues, piano solos, and recitations. Afternoon tea was provided and greatly enjoyed. Specimens of drawing and needlework by the pupils—in all cases showing remarkable taste and skillwere exhibited. The following is the prize list: — Form 11. A.—Sybil Payton, highest examination marks for year (gold medal); Sybil Payton, Scripture; Mary Davis, highest daily marks for year; Eileen Schischka, arithmetic, algebra, botany, and general knowledge; Sybil Payton, French conversation and grammar; Maggie Frator, needlework (skirt and blouse), steady application, and progress; Mary Davis, typewriting; Eflio Abbott, music and history; Alice Court, book-keeping; Doris Waddell, French and book-keeping. Form 11. B.—Maud Norden, highest examination marks of class for the year (silver and gold medal); Phyllis Davis, highest daily class marks for year. • Scripture, and botany; Belle Jenkins, general good progress- Maud Norden, French grammar and conversationDoris Tewsley, general good progress; Hazel Nairn, algebra and mythology; Blaaoke Norden, shorthand.

Form 111. A.—Mavis Claris, highest examina* tion marks for year (.silver■ medal), highest daily class marks: Nea Tucker, Latin and! Gorman; Ada Macklow, steady progress; Isobel Clark, needlework (skirt and blouse), >: painting and drawing;:Meta Calleader,. general progress and drawing,- Ruby v SeUars. ■''~-, thorough work and progress, drawing: FTysio Macklow, grammatical French.; Mavis Clark, science; "■ . form 111. B.—"Dorothy Morton, highest examination marks for the year, German; Gladys Andrea. Scripture; Gwendolin Simons, highest daily marks, conversational and grammatical French; Frances ; Garner-Jones, music; Nellie Thompson, drawing; 'Iris Dunlop. composition, geography;-Bertha Cleave, English, conversational French; Lena Cleave, English, conversational FrenchForm IV. A.—Marjorie Clark, highest examination marks for year, French grammar and conversation: In' Banks.'highest dally marks for year; Mary "Foster, composition, reading, and drawls:; Hilda Kingsweil. recitation and reading. '■'-■'■■.■ * Form V. A.—Claire Btenkthorn, highest examination marks: Aye-Aye Walker, highest, daily marks; Gladys LittlejohH, English. music, arithmetic; Flossie Abbott, music audi general progress; Aye-Aye Walker, history; Beattie Galbraith, French. . Form V. B.—Sybil Mahoney, highest examination marks: The Una Norton, Scripture and English; Eiva Walker, arithmetic: Edna Mahoney. geography: Sybil Mahoney, Preach;; Thorold Clerk, music. SACRED HEART COLLEGE, -RICHMOND .-., ; ROAD. A very large gathering assembled at tho Sacred Heart College yesterday evening to witness the distribution of prize? and attend tho concert given by , the students. His Lordship Bishop '. Lenihan presided, and among those present wore : His Worship the , Mayor (tho Hon. E. '• MitcheUon). the Hon. W. Boohan, M.L.G., the Rev. Fathers Patterson, Benedict, Dr. Kgah, Fathers Furlong, Holbrook.- ; Duffy, and/McMillan, Messrs. if. .1. O'Brien, Gleeson, Foley, Sheahan, and .the Hon. J." A. Tole. A nicely-arranged programme was creditably executed by the boys. The first, item was an overture by tho college orchestra, followed by a chorus, i'; "Those Evening Bells," rendered by tho students. Master C. Dunn gave a piano solo. The next item was an exhibition in physical drill, the boys going through ; their movements in excellent time and order. Mas- ■'. ter J. Quintan sang Erin, My Country," and then came a parliamentary election," which excited great amusement. The boys threw much vigour, into their speeches. The second part of the programme began with tut overture, which was followed by a chorus in three parts, each of which was rendered in good time and tune. S. Dempsey gave. " Fontonoy" in groat spirit. .1. .'Fitzgerald and G. Eraser contributed a duct; then fol- , lowed an instrumental "trio— - . Higgiiia (piano), P. Amodeo (flute), and M. O'Brien ; (violin). Then followed " lift' in thy Stilly Night," which was much appreciated, and the programme ended by a French scene from " L' Avaro," the actors being P. Goldcnstodt and P. Amodeo. At the '.conclusion of the. performance the Bishop complimented the boys. .He also complimented the' Mayor, on the popularity he had attained, and thanked him for his presence. The Mayor, who was received with great applause, congratulated , the boys who took part in the 'programme. Ho was greatly pleased to sec such a manly tone'existing among the Iwys. The Hon'. W. Beehan proposed a vote of thanks to His Worship, which was carried with acclamation. Before the Mayor distributed the prizes, the director (Brother Basil) read a reports of the: work done during the half-year. Heexpressed, himself ■'. as greatly .-satisfied, and went on to say so far the work had proceeded satisfactorily. During the six months they had been resident there tho day boy« hud doubled, and the boarders had trebled their numbers. In building the college they had no other end in view than to afford , Catholic boys a means of acquiring an intermediate education equal to that supplied by the secondary schools of the colony, and, at the same time, place at their disposal an opj portunity of obtaining a : sound religious training. "- ■ > » - The Mayor then distributed the prizes, and congratulated the winners on their success. . A vote of thanks to His : Lordship the ■Bishop-was proposed,, by: Mr. Sheahan, and was warmly received and .carried..

The following is the prize list — Matriculation Class.—Good conduct (gold medal presented by His Lordship Dr. Lenihan); Peter Amodeo; Christian doctrine (gold medal presented by Rev. Father Patterson), Peter , Amodeo; aggregate merit (prize presented by Rev. Dean Hackett), Peter Amodeo; English, Paul Goldenstedt; mathematics, Thomas Little; science, Morgan O'Brien; French, Paul Goldenstedt; \ Latin, Peter. Amodeoj geography, Peter Amodeo; shorthand, Paul Goldenstedt. ; . Civil Service Class.—Aggregate merit, ''John SDonovan; English, Adalbert Beehan; mathematics, John Donovan; geography, Rnperfc • < Knight; orthography, Charles Dunn; shorthand, John Donovan 1, Florence Farrell 2; writing, Peter Cosgrove. Sub-Civil Service Aggregate merit: ; > Valentine Blake, 1; William Rawson. 2. Christian doctrine: William Rawson, 1; John Brown, 2. English grammar: Harold Heighton, 1; Valentine Blake, 2. Arithmetic Guy Heighten, 1; ■ George Fraser, 2. Elementary - mathematics: Valentine Blake, 1; George • Hansen, 2. Reading arid declamation: George Ricketts, 1; Cecil McDavitt, 2. English essay: Frederick Beehan, 1; George Rickstts,. 2. Latin: Valentine Blake, 1; William Rawson, 2. French: Cecil McDavitt, 1; Oliver Alley., .. 2. Shorthand: John Brown, .1; Oliver Alley, '-:•'. 2. Geography: Patrick Treacy, 1; Ignatius ; ; Fitzgerald, 2. Orthography: George Hansen. 1; Guy Heighten, 2. Book-keeping and', ' - drawing: George Fraser, 1; Frederick Beehan, 2. 'Writing: Ignatius Fitzgerald, l;l '■'•'■■ George Cole, 2....:■; ■...:■; ■■;: Class Vl.—Aggregate merit: Redmond Taylor, 1; Thomas Higgins, 2. Christian'doctrine: William McClellan, 1; John Taylor, 2. - : Writing and drawing: Thomas Higgins, 1; ' : Claude Quinlan, 2. Geography and book* "■: ■ keeping: Claude Quinlan, 1; Redmond Taylor. 2. English: William McClellan, 1; Redmond Taylor, 2. >'■■ Mathematics Redmond Taylor, ;•* ■ 1; Claude Quinlan, 2. Reading: Cornelius Little, 1; Thomas Higgins, 2. Latin: Red-; mond Taylor, 1; Thomas Higgins, 2. French i; . Claude Quinlan, 1; McClellan, 2. Shorthand Ernest Roberts, 1. . - .> /., Class V.—Aggregate merit: William Fisher, 1; John Quinlan, 2. Writing and ortho- ' graphy:.'■ William Fisher, 1; John Qnanlan, 2. Mathematics: John Quinlan, 1; William Fisher, 2. English: Everard McClellan, 1;. William Fisher, 2. Reading: William Hutch- ■ inson, 1; John Quinlan, 2. Drawing and ■ book-keeping: John Quinlan, 1; Everard McClellan, 2. Christian doctrine (sth and 4th):. Wynne Sheathe, 1; Ernest Fraser, 2. Class IV.—Aggregate merit: Ernest Frazer, - < 1; James Boy lan, 2. English, French, and Latin: Ernest Frazer, 1; James Boylan, 2. - Geography: Thomas Carroll, .1; ; Ernest Frazer, 2. Book-keeping: Ernest Frazer, 1; James Boylan, 2. Arithmetic: James Boylan, 1; Wynne Sheathe, 2. Shorthand and drawing: John Phelan, 1; Ernest Frazer, 2. General knowledge: Daniel O'Connor, 1; , Ernest • Frazer, 2. , "

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XL, Issue 12447, 17 December 1903, Page 3

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DISTRIBUTION OF PRIZES. New Zealand Herald, Volume XL, Issue 12447, 17 December 1903, Page 3

DISTRIBUTION OF PRIZES. New Zealand Herald, Volume XL, Issue 12447, 17 December 1903, Page 3