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Hisll Water at Auckland—6.4o a.m.; 7.1 p.m. Mannkau—B.39 a.m.; 9.0 p.m. Sun-Rises 5.1 a.m., sets, 7.6 l>tn. Moon—Full, to-day. 7.5 a.m.

WEATHER FORECAST. Captain Edwin telegraphed yesterday as follows:-" Wind: Moderate to strong, from north to west and south-west generally Barometer ■ Furthei rise at all places northward of Napier and New Plymouth; fall, but rising after 10 hours everywhere else. Sea: Moderate on both coasts. Tide: Genorally moderate.''

ARRIVALS. Tolosa, 8.8., 3269, K. D. Seaborne, from New York. St. Vincent. Melbourne, and Sydney.T. and 8. Morrin (Limited*, agents. Ngunguru. 5.3.. 64, (J. Hopkins, from Whakatane.—Northerh .S. Co., agents. CLEARED OI'TAVARDS Wellington,«s„ 279. E. Stephenson, for Whangarei.— Northern S.S. Co., agents. Muritai. s.s.. 225. Joseph Duthie, for the Great Harrier.— Northern S.S. Co.. agents. Wailangi. s.s.. 197, 11.I 1 . A. Stein, for Kuaotunti. Mercury Ray, Tairua. and Whangamata. —Northern 8.9. Co.. agents.

DEPARTURES. Wellington, s.s.. for Whangarei. Mm il:ii. s.s., for the Great Harrier. W.iitausi, s.s., for way ports and Whangamata.

EXPECTED ARRIVALS. LONDON: Pnkeha, s.s.. direct, due about to-morrow. Indraghiri, s.s.. arrived at Melbourne January 25; due about February 12. Papanui, ss, direct, sailed January 14. Leitrim. «s. via Melbourne and Sydney, sailed January 11. Indrampyo, s.s. via Melbourne and Sydney, loading. aAMKl'l'.'i: Rising Star, barque, sailed November 8. NEW V.iJJK : Hawl:e'< Ha v. s.s., via Melbourne and Sydney, wiled. Mary Ha-brotick. barque, sailed December 7. Queen Eleanor, s.s., via Melbourne and Sydney. early. I'omoana, s.s., via Melbourne and Sydney, early. SIN* FRANCISCO: Mariposa, R.M.s., February 14. BY INKY : IVaihora, e.s., Monday. SAMOA Hattroto, s.s.. February 2. Mariposa, R.M.s., February 14, FIJI: Hauroto. s.s., February 2. NEWCASTLE: Erapreza, barque, early. Neptune, barquentine. early.

PROJECTED DEPARTURES. LONDON: Bute-hire. «.s, to-morrow. Silvers!renin. barque, loading. NEW VHKK: , , St<r the East, barque, to load. Pcinine, to l('"d. SAN i'! 1 N'c'sri■: Alameda, K M.S.. February 18. SYI'M.V : Mokoia. s.s.. Monday. FIJI: Rakanoa. s.*., early . Vpolu, s.s., Tuesday. SAMOA : Hauroto, s s.. February 8. Alameda. R.M.s.. February 18. HOEroLK ISLAND: Envy, ketch, early. UNION COMPANY'S MOVEMENTS. To-day: Tc Anau arrive; from Southern ports; Takapuna leaves Onchnnsa for Southern Ports at 10 a.m. (3.55 a.m. passenger train). Fridav: Poherua arrives from South. Saturdav: Hotoiti arrives at Onehunga from South; Te Anau leaves for Southern ports; Poherua leaves for Bluff direct, and calls at Oamaru and Timaru coming North.

NORTHERN S.S. CO. MOVEMENTS. To-day: Muritai arrives from the Great Barrier; K?.nieri leaves for Waitara at 11.30 a m ; Chelmsford leaves for Whangapoua at 8 p.m ; Wellington arrives from Whangarei. Friday: Clansman arrives from Russell at 6 a.m., and leaves for Tauranga at 7 p.m.; Wellington leaves for Whangarei, Marsden Point, "and I'arua Ray, at 10.30 p.m.; Muritai leaves for Kuaotunu, Kennedy's Bay, and Mercury Bav at 9 p.m.: Chelmsford arrives from Whanganona: Waitangi arrives from Tairua and Whangamata; Gairloch arrives from New Plymouth. Thames Service-. Steamers leave for Thames daily. See advertisements daily papers.

VF.SSKI.fS IN lIARBOUR. Butesliiie. s.s.. at Railway Wharf. Tolosa. s.s.. at Queen-street Wharf. Southern Cross. Mission yacht, in stream. Silverstream. barque, at Queen-street Wharf. Star of the East, barque, at Quay-street Jetty. Peru, barque, at Quay-street Jetty. Handa Isle, harquentine, at Railway Wharf. Clansman, schooner, at Queen-street Wharf. Envy, ketch, at Breastwork.

IMPORTS. Per Tolosa. from New York: 57 cases axes and hatchets, 55 packages agricultural implements. 20 cases axle grease, 20 cases black lead. 9 cases curtain fixtures, 42 cases curtain pole o , 33 oases carriageware, 29 cases clocks, 6 packages corn shelters, 100 boxes clothespins, 19 cases oiled clothing", 48 cae? drugs and medicines. 407 bags soda, 91 cases chairs, 67 packages glassware, 9 cases handles, 8 cases shade rollers. 21 bundles oars, 24 cases lanterns, 35 packages lauipware, 11 case 3 machinery. 863 kegs nails. 10 cases preservaline. 24 cases prestoline. : 0 tons pig iron, 455 packages pipe, 2342 pieces pipe. 20 barrels resin, 30 cases paint, 30 care? ploughs, 26 crates sewing machines, 10 crate- blocking. 167 packages hardware. 20 case' turpentine. 28 packages wood ware, 200 reels wire. 900 spools wire. 700 bundles wire, 10 packages fence wire. 11 packageo enter? wheel s , 9 eases lawn mowers, 19 packages hardware. 5 cases handles, 10 cases lamp goods, 5 cases tartaric acid, 89 packages sundries.

The s.s. Durham is up on the Devonport Perry Company's slip at the North Shore for a general overhaul. The Northern Company's steamer Wellington left last night for ffbanearei. Last night the Nor! hern Company's steamer Muritai left for the Great Barrier. The Northern Company's steamer Waitangi left last night for Kiiaot.unu, Mercury Bay, Tairun, and Whanjr.imats. Yesterday the steamer Minnie Casey, which was recently purchased by the Devonport Steam Ferry Company, left Helensville for Auckland. The barque Wenona has arrived at Melbourne from the Thames after a long passage of 50 days. On discharge of her cargo of timber the barque proceeds to Newcastle to load coal for this port. Yesterday Ihe Government steamer Tuta.nefeai left the Bluff foi Picton. The ferry steamer Eagle is to be floated into the Auckland Dock this morning for cleaning and painting. At eight o'clock to-night the Northern Company's steamer Chelmsford leaves for Wlia-

ngapoua. The barque Silverstream, now loading general cargo for London, will receive prompt despatch at the' hands of the New Zealand Shipping Company. The Northern Company's steamer Ngunguru arrived last night from Whakatane with a cargo of maize, etc. A white-painted barquentine, bound west, passed Cape Maria Van Dieraen yesterday morning, supposed to be the Ysabel, bound from Mangonui to Sydney with a cargo of timber.

THE TE ANAU.. The Union Company's steamer Te Anau left Gisborne for Auckland at 9 a.m. yesterday. and should arrive about 10 a.m. to-day. She leaves for East Coast and Southern ports at noon on Saturday.

THE BUTESHIRE. The departure of the steamer Buteshire for London has been postponed until to-morrow ivening.

THE WAIHOBA. The Union Company's steamer Waihora left Sydney for this port last evening, and is due on Monday morning nest. She leaves for East Coast and Southern ports on Tuesday jfternoon.

THE TYBER LINE. The steamer Indragiiiri arrived at Melbourne I'rom London yesterday, and on discharge proceeds on to Sj'dnoy, and then comes on to Auckland. The steamer is due. at this port ahont February 11, and, on discharge, takes in general cargo for London, proceedIn? South to complete her loading. Messrs. Heather, Roberton, and Co. are the local

agents. The steamer Leitrim left London on the iltli inst. for Melbourne, Sydney, and Auckland, taking up the Hawke's Bay trip. , The steamer Indraraayo is now loading at London for Melbourne, Sydney, and New Zealand. The steamer Hawke's Bay lias left New York for Melbourne, Sydney, and Auckland with a full cargo of general merchandise, and will be followed by the s.s. Queen Eleanor. The steamer Toinoana. which loads at New York r or Australia and New Zealand after the Queen Eleanor, is the new steamer built for the Tyser line, and is named after the place of that name in Hawke's Bay, where Messrs. Kelson Bros, large freezing works are situated. The Tomoana is a Btoamer of 7000 tons, and is fitted up with all the latest improvements for the qnick loading and discharging of cargo.


The steamer Tolosa, undei charter to the Tyser line, arrived from New York and Australian porta last evening, berthing at the Queen-street Wharf at half-past seven o'clock. The Tolosa is purely a cargo-carrying steamer, having no passenger accommodation, but the quarters of the captain and officers, Bituated about amidships, aro both roomy and comfortable. The steamer Is one of the wellknown Blue Star line, and has great cargo capacity, she being capable of stowing away 6300 tons dead weight under hei hatches. On this, her first voyage iron) New York to the colonies the steamer had ovei 4003 tons of general merchandise, a portion of which was landed at Melbourne and Sydney, the balance being for N.ew .Zealand. For Auckland the * . steamer has about 600 tons, and about 900 v-' tons for Southern ports. Captain F. D. Sea- . borne is iii command, and reports: The To- , losa left New York on November 4, and soon . . after leaving port fell in with very heavy , weather, during which about 180 tons of coal fe.v which was carried on deck was washed oyerboard These conditions of weather prevailed S i: for three days, after which it moderated, and .the steamer had an uneventful run to St,

Vincent, which plac was reached on the -Oth. • Tile 6tay of the steainei at tht island was verv bjief. for, after taking in a supply of burikei coal, the voyage was resumed the . satno euninif. The equator ttas crossed on . the 27th. normal weather being experienced. In the Southern trade redan the winds blew "very strong, raising a high hep.d sen, and the steamer's progress was thereby greatly retarded. The Cape of Hood Hope was rounded on December 11. a- fresh gale prevailing and lasting for three days, whilst during the ran across to Australia strong westerly gale? and high sets prevailed almost without a break. 'Hie steamer arrived at Melbourne on the 7th, : inst., and, after discharging consignments, pro-' ceeded on to Sydney on the lltk, reaching that port on the 13th. and leaving for Auck- 1 land at 4.20 p.m. on the 19th. Light variable ' winds and culms were experienced on the run across the Tasman Hea, the North Cape being I passed at 920 p.m. on Tee-day. Thick rainy j weather was met with down the coast, the ! steamer being picked up in the Gulf yester- j day afternoon by Pilot Sainty, and making | port as above. Messrs T. and S. Morrin j (Limited) are tile local agents for the steamer. ] which will comm ;n?« discharging cargo this' morning, and will then take in woo!, kauri gum, etc.. foi London. The Tolosa is expected to leave for Wellington, on Saturday, proceeding thence to Lyttelton, the Bluff, and I'ort Chalmers, the latter being the final port of departure in the colony


DUNEDIN, January 25.-The New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Otarama. from London to thi° port, passed the Nuggets at 1.30 p.m. to-day.


DUNEDIN, January 25. —The ship Melville Island, from Rio de Janeiro, arrived off Otago Heads this morning, and was ordered to proceed on to Wellington.


The first of the cargo of the Shaw, Savitl. and Albion Company's ship Soukar, fnni Glasgow, is expected to arrive from the South by the s.s. Te Anau to-day. (in account of the accident to the ship dining the voyage, which necessitated her putting into the Mauritius for repairs, a general average of 75 per cent, has been struck. Messrs T. and 8. Morrin (Limited) are the local agents for the ship.


Tito Mildnro arrived at Wellington 'rom Hobart yesterday. The Tiiuranpii, which has been relieved on the New Zealand Division by the Mildura. leaves Wellington for Sydney to-morrow, where she will be docked for general over haul.


FREMANTLE, January 25.—Arrived: Barbarossa, It.M.S.. from London. Passer.;-is for New Zealand: Mrs. Train, Misses l.ysjn and Train, Messrs. Henley, Sharp, Train, Good.


The steamer Falls of Keltic, from New York, reported upon arrival at Melbourne that when in lat. s:)deg. 30m. south, lone 63deg. east, a large field of floating bergs was fallen in with, these obstructions extending at intervals over about two degrc-s of longitude and being of various dimensions. The largest was estimated to be about 120 ft high and half-a-mile long, the mammoth mass presenting a magnificent spectaclo as the sun shone upon it. The approach of the st en met toward! the ice mountain was remarkable for a great change in tlio temperature, and when the vessel was within three miles of the berg the thermo meter stood at, 7deg. above the freezing point. Naturally Captain Barr gavo the mass a wido berth, and until the vessel was well out of the reach of the field a vigilant lookout was maintained.

THE LARGEST PASSENGER STEAMER Mention was made recently of the launch of the Oceanic, now the largest strainer afloat. Another mammoth vessel, the Deutschland. is now being built for the Hamburg-American line at the Vulcan Yard at Rredon. near Stettin, and will tie the largest of passenger steamers. The vcsil has a length of 663 ft, a breadth of 67ft, and a depth of 44ft. In order to ho able to appreciate those dimensions, it may be men tioited that the Pennsylvania, belonging to the same line—which, when completed, was the largest steamer then afloat— has a length of 560 ft. When fully loaded, and her hunkers tilled with 5000 tons of coal, the Dontschland will have a draught of 29ft. She ivi 11 be fitted with two six-cvlinder miadntp eetpansion engines, indicating in the iggre gate 33,000 horse-power. The speed contracted for is 23 miles an hour. but. it is expected that 25 miles will lie revlvd. Km tile electric lighting of the five dynamos will lie provided. and the res-el will he equipped with 26 lifeboats. 18 rf sieel. two of wood, and six collapsible boats. The steamer will be launched in about six months' time, but it is not anticipated that she will be ready for service until 1900.



Takanuna, s. Q .. John Clrant. from Wellington. Nelson, and Sow I'h mouth. Passengers: Misses Edwards. llothnre (2), Gillies, Barlow. Small. Colson. Morris. Rannon (21, Che«vers, Young. Calvert. Shannon. Moore. Council (21. Sisters of Me'cv '31 Me-dames dray. Gillies, Blackloek. Small. Overton and family '4>. Ambury and family (5). Steele. Soonan. Gnrr, •lenkinson, I>n«tin. Darin-. Brown. Shearer. Stevenson. Murray. McSkinning, Upward. Messrs. Pittar, Hulse, Hannatyne. Shilling. Pownall. me. Robertson. Tindall. Styche. Gray Hawkins. Tainc. Barrett, Smvtlie. Gower. Moore. Rlacklock. Webley, Savage. Flannagan, Overton, Ma jor, Morris, Amburv. Drown. Walton. Vatighan. McLeod. RuncK Mirams. Jenkinson. Dnslin, Phillips. Smith. Lee Shear°r. Watkinson '21. Mnrrav. .latTrey. Ward. Ca,ptain Shaw. East, Jndge Butler. Colonel Templeton. Rev. Roys. Rev. Sharp. Rev. Urown, and 23 steerage-Union S.S. Coagents. , „ Kanier, Jr.. De Wolfe, from Raglan. Passengers. Mr. Mitchell and two steerage.— thern S.S. Co., agents.


Gairloch. s.s, W. F. Norhnry. for New Plymouth. Passengers : Misses Mitchell. Lawrie. Mesdames Deverell. Snowball and two children. Ourcnven. Fades. Sutton and child, Taylor. Foreman. Rh«rinfk. nilmour. Donoaghue, Smith, Asher. Pittar. Pnllen. Rev. Beattie. Messrs. Eadie (2). Mrßae. Sherlock. Perry. Kelly. Ryan, Fleming. Tavlor, Clarke, McCabe. Curcaven, and 20 steerage—Northern SS. Co.. agents. Glenelg. s.s. A. H. Austin, for Wt-nganni. Passengers: Misses Russell. Seller. Hooker, Mrs. Creamer, and five steerage-Northern S.S. Co.. agents.

The Union Company's steamer Takapuna, Captain Grant, arrived at 9.35 a.m. yesterday, from Wellington. Nelson, and New Plymouth. The Northern Company's steamer Kanieri arrived at 5.15 p.m. yesterday, from Raglan, with passengers, and a cargo of lias and Sundries. , „ , Yesterday afternoon the Northern Company's steamers Gairloch and Glenelg took their departure, the former for New 1 Iymouth and the latter for Wanganm.


CAPE MARIA VAN PIEMEN. January 25.—A barquentine. painted white, passed west at 5.30 a.m., and a barquentine passed South at 7.45 a.m. to-day.

KAIPARA HEADS January 25—Arrived : Huia, schooner, from Lvttcltoii • Annlo Hill, schooner. from Wellington. Sailed: Minnie Casey. s.s„ for Auckl!lnd' MARSDEN POINT. January 25 —Arrived: Rover. scow, Bason, schooner, from Auckland. Sailed: Ilunn Belle, ketch, for the Thames; Clio, ketch, Vixen and Irene. scows. for Auckland. WHANGARF.I. January 25,-Arrived- Chelmsford, 0.5.. from Auckland. Sailed: Chelmsford, s.s., for Auckland. (UPBORNE. January 25— Sailed: Te Anau, s.s., for Auckland Passengers: Mrs. Hayward and two children, Messrs. Dunk, Mawhenny, Webb. Greaves (2>. Lewis. Wainhouse.

HLUFF. January 25.—Sailed: Tutanekai, Government s.s., for Plcton.

WELLINGTON. January Arrived: Corinna. s.s., Rotomahana, s.s., from the South: Rntoiti, s.s., from Onelnincn and New Plymouth: Oouah, s.s., from Sydney; Mildura, 11.M.5., from Holiart. Sailed; Rotomchana, s.s, for Lyttelton. LYTTELTON.

January 25.—Sailed: Mokoia. s.s., for Sydney, via the North. Passengers for Auckland: Misses Harris and Hobbs, Mecdames Butterworth and Passmore, Captain Button. Messrs. Smith. Fell, Winstre, Aitkenhcad, Fell. Master Croll.

MELBOURNE. January 25.—Arrived; Indraghiri. ss, from London ;'Wenona. barque, from the Thames.

SYDNEY. January 25-Arrived: Talnne, s.s., from Wellington. Sailed: Waihora, s.s., for Auckland. MELBOURNE. Jantiary Sailed: Wakatipn, s.s., for the Bluff.

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 10970, 26 January 1899, Page 4

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 10970, 26 January 1899, Page 4

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 10970, 26 January 1899, Page 4