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New Zealand Herald Office, Thursday evening. The market for investment stock continues firm on the whole, although transactions are not numerous. Sellers of National Bank atk £2 0s 6d. All classes of insurance stock are unchanged. For Auckland Gas, old issue, buyers art still offering £14 12s 6d; and £9 17s is offered for new issue. Buyers of Thames Gas offer £1163; of New Plymouth at £6 12s 6d. Sellers of Devonport Steam Ferry ask £1 13s 6d; and for Northern Steam 7s 4d ex div. Buyers uf the latter offer 7s. New Zealand l)rug have sold at £2 8s 3d for fully paid, and buyers now offer £2 7s 9d. There are buyers of Northern Boot at Bs, and Union Oil at 15s 6.'. The mining market has not been so brisk during the past week, and most stocks show a decline upon last week's quotations. A fair amount of business is reported in the lowerpriced Waihi stocks. Waihi Extended sold at lid and Is, and Waihi South from 10d to Is, and Waitekaui'i stocks have been neglected. Grace Darlings dropped to sellers at 2s. PorUeas nave receded to sellers at 9d. In Knrangahake stooks sales of Woodstocke are reported at £115s. Talismans have sold at 17s and 17s 4d. Nnmerous transactions in Imperials from 2s to Iβ 9d; and Talisman Extended from Is 4d to Iβ 7d to Iβ 2d. Thames stock have been negleoted; and all prices show a decline upon last week's rates. Coromandel stock have also ' deolined in price, excepting Hauraki North, whioh have been in good request, non-contributing selling ut 4s 6d, and contributing from 2s 9d to ifa. Kuaotunu stock arc almost neglected. There has been a good Imsineiw in Barrier stocks. Great Barrier Gold and Silver, we understand, sold up to 8s 6d; tonus, Iβ 'Ml and Is id ; original Barriers from 4d to 1«; and Aoteas up to lOd. We are like the Jews wlitm they told the Egyptians they could not make brioks with.out straw. Trade is so uninteresting as te make comment on local matters needless, except in the case of oatmeal, which hub been put up £1 per ton. A large quantity wit* booked forward previous te the advance, the wholesale handlers being very quick in anticipating the rise which is due to the increasing scarcity of milling oats, and to the large Australian inquiry at this season of the year. Mail advices are without mnch interest American speculation in wool, and which advanced prices to some extent in London, was caused by the desire to get shipments into the States before the passing of the new United States tariff, but this clever move has been spoiled by the introduction of a retrospective clause making wool imported for a certain time prior to the passing of the Bill equally subject to the increased duty. The general report of distributors is one of extreme flatness. In the Waikato the farmers, are regarding the introduction of beet cultivation as the only thing of a bright character before them, for the returns from the soil with low prices for milk and potatoes, are incommensurate with the existing vuluation of land, on whioh eithemnt oriuterest iscalculated, Withasoil and olimate equally comparable with Austria, it would secin merely a question of capital, skill, and labour, to convert a very large, aud at present unprofitable acreage into a field of industry that would vivify the whole province, and keep iii the oolony a very large sum now annually paid for imports of raw sugar. There does not appear any insuperable dilhculty about obtaining the three requisites, aud in regard to labour we regret a general lowering value under the increasing difficulty to find manual employment, notwithstanding all that has been done politically to make labour a commanding factor. Capital can always wait, while labour cannot, and under existing social conditions must always have the whip hand. It is fair, however, toremark that there has been no grinding capitalist tyranny in this colony like in Europe, but as monopoly increases the disposition to take advantage of necessity ia growing into an evil that in countries ruled by the popular vote may be destructive of much of that security which wealth, above all things, requires. Maize has arrived In fair supply, with the market firm at 2s 8d to 2s BJd for old, and 2a 6d for new. With the upward tendency of alt fodder due to the strong Victorian demand for oats and bran, holders of old maize oim scarcely fear any drop, if they regulate the weekly shipments to the 500 or 800 bags per week that can be sold locally. Oats have become the strong lint of the week. Many Southern handlers are jo no position to ijive firm quotations for the farmers are unwilling aellere. Shipments to Melbourne are being made from tbe Bluff and Dunedin on an increasingly large scale. We quote the local price as '& 7d for B grade c.i.f,, which is on the basis of 2s 4d f.0.b., at whioh figure Australia is *> ready buyer. >Potatoes: The market is full, with mnch difficulty in finding an outlet for parcels. Distributors, however, having etore room would do well to secure lota during the eiWting glut, which mast soon terminate, u each shipment leaves a loss. Wheat is very firm in the South. Flour has advanced 10» per ton, and in good demand. Bran, owing to the demand from Australia, is.uplO*

Sharps are firm, and in nod demand. I Fowl wheat is unchanged. In the local produce market the prices remain unchanged, as follow .—• Best dairy fresh butter 6d, second quality ad, and third quality 4d per Ib wholesale. Eggs remain at Is 6d per dozen wholesale, and Is 9d per dozen retail. KAURI GUM MARKET. The following are the quotations for the kauri »um market for the week ending May 26.1897 1— . Poor ordinary, which comprise* weak aid rough-coated pieces, pickings, and washed nuts. £25 to £27. , , . , Ordinary, meaning hard, rough-scraped gum, varying in price according to the quantity of washed nits, £35 to £37. Good ordinary, meaning hard, unpicked range gum, price varying according to size, Bcrapiug, and freedom from weak pieces, from £40 and upward*. East Coast, £64 to £66. Re-scraped, £90 and upwards. Supplies for 26 days of May, 380 tons. There is a fair amount of business doing, and supplies being light, prices are maintained. Reports of last week's sales in Lonctoi are disappointing the majority of shippers. LONDON. Pfii»Auociation.-Bl«cttii!Telesraph,-C(ipJileht London, May 26. The total quantity of wheat and flour afloat for the United Kingdom is 1,010,000 quarters, and for the Continent 88,000 quarters, , , The American visible wheat supply is estimated at 39,987.000 bushels. The price of tallow is unohanged. THE TEA MARKET. Pros AMOclntlon.-Kleotrlc Telogutph.-Coprrltht. b'oooHow, May 26. The arrivals of the new crop of tea to date amount to 40,000 original half-chesta. The crop is better than last year as regards quality, but it is reported to be 20 per cent, leas in quantity. The market is expected to open at an early date. THE AUCKLAND STOCK AND SHAREBROKERS' ASSOCIATION. Business DONK.-Cardlgan, Is; New Alburnla 3910 d; Great 11 irrlov Hold and SiWer, &; Ion», Is 4d,1«5i1; Crown, ?4s; Imperial,; New Zetland Talisman, ITs til; Talisman Extended, Is 4«; Wnihl Extended, 10.1. MM; Wai hi Smith, lid, Iβ; Waitokauri King, 4Jd; Waiiekiyiri No, 2, 8(1; New Golcomla, OJd; llaipof Tata, id, <Jd. Buyers -National Bunk, 39a: National Insurance, 17«; Smith British Insurance, 44«; Auckland tins, nil, £14 129 lid; now, ii) 17s ; Gisborue fias, 3<lm ! New Plymouth Gas, £0 12 Cd; Northern Steamship, Os 10il: Taupiri Coal, 20s Oil; Now Zealand I)rUR, £2 shares, 4"» fid; Northern Boot, 6s; Union Oil, lbs Cd; Big Reef, 4(1; Cardigan, lid; Karaka Queen, 2jil; Kliwiiui-Caledonian, 4s Oil ; lone Hand, 0(1; Hay Queen Extended, 7(1 i New Alhurnla, 10d; New Whan, 6rt; Nonpareil, 8.1 i Occidental, 2}d; Royal, l«4il; Scandinavian, 7.1; Sli-ridan, 3» 4d; T*pn Fluke, In; Victoria, 2» 3d ; WaipuTii, lid; Ore»t Barrier Hold and Silver, is Oil; iona, Is 4.1; .tiiplter, Is Kapal-Vermont, 6s 0d: Prospect, {}d; Crown 11s (Id t Kxprew, 1W; Grace Darling, Is (id; IliiiMiUl, 5(1; Imperial, Is 8(1 ; Ivanhoo, 6d; Komata, Id; Now Zealand Talisman, lfliOd; Portßei\,od; Hieing Sun, 7.1; hovureign, lid; Stanley, 10ld; Sterling, 3d; Talisman Kxtonded.U Id; Walhi Extended, 9Jd; Walhi South, 10|d; WnltekauH Kin*. 4.1; Waitekanrl Prince, 2.1; Waitote, Id; Woodstock, 335; Britannii, 7id; Ooromandel Freehold Propriety, 4d; Cuirassier, 6.1; Four-in-Hand, la 8d; dent K.ip*nj!», 5d ; Haurnki No. 2, Is 3d; Hanraki North, paid up, 4s; Hiuirnki Smith. 4i; New Onlconda, 6J(I; Pro-pess-Onstle Bock, 7d| Queen Victoria, Id; Tiuidem, 4d; Welcome Find, is 2(1; Zealand!*, Cd; Fiery Cross, 6d; Sceptre, paid-up, 8d; Sceptre, contributing, 6d; Uarp of Tarn, BJU. .SKH.mis.-National Bank, 40» O.I; New Zealand Insurance, 735; National Insurance, 17s 0d; South British Insurance, 465; New Zealand and Blver Plate, 16s 6d; iWonport Hteiim Ferry, 83s fld; Northern Steamship, 7« 4d; N.irtliern Boot, Si »d; Adelaide, 10d; Alburnia Kant, 9(1 ; Argosy, 8d; Bell Bock, 3d: Bendigo, 3d; Bis tteef, Sd; Broken Hill, «d: Cardigan, Is; City of Auckland, is id; Club, 4d; Clunes, 4d; City of London, 4d; Bo»er Castle, Dd; Golden Horn, 0d; Golden Point, Bd; KaiMr, contributing, 6d; Kuraita Queen, 4d; Kurtnul, Is 3d ; KuranuCcatednaian, Cs 4d; May Queen, ft?; May Queen Kxtended, Is; MoanataiMl, m i J!oan»t»iari Kxtendeil, fld; Moanatatrl North, 4.1 ; Munowai, 2s 6d; NewAllmrnli,4Hld; New Whan, 6d; Nonpareil, lid; Occidental, 4}d; OrUndu, 4d; Pnriri, 4d; Punt Consolidated, 3a 3d; Royiil, Iβ 0d; Scandinavian, 10.1; Sheridan. 3$ Oil; Tnpu Fluke, In Id; Tararu Creek. 3« 6d; Ttiihpli) Bar, 4d; Victoria, 2s 9il ; Walotahl, 40«; Waipurit, 2J.1; lona, In 8d; Aj»it, 4d; Alpine Fluke, 4d; AoMre,lod| llHlfour, 4d; Golden Anchor, sd; Golden Link, 4d; Great Mercury, 4s; Juno, 6d | Jupiter, l.«8d ; KapalVermont, 6s (id; Kukotunu, Is; Maori Ureain, 10.1; Maorilaml, 8d; Phoenix, Oil; Premier, 3d; Prospect, 4d; Wnitala, 2.16 d; Alpha, 4s 3d ; Byron Bay, 4d; Central, 2s; Orescent, 8.1; Crown, 263; Kxcelsior, Cd; Itxpres3, 2Jd; Germanic, 3d; Golden Fleece, 3d: Grace DarlhiK, Si; Hercules, 3d; lluanul, 8il; Imperial, Iβ Del; Ivinhoe, M: Komatfa, 2d; Koraata Triumph, (kl; New Zealand TallmnMi, 179 0.1; Oceania, 7el: Ohlneiliurl, M; Pandora, 4d; l'ortsea, Oil; Queen of Walhi, ad; Kalnbow, 2s 3d; Mining Sun. 9.1; Itotlischlld, 3d; Russell, 8M ; Sir Julius, 3(1; South British, 3d . Bouthwn Cross, Hi: Soverelßn, 0d; St. Patrick, 4d. SUtnley, Is Id ; Star of Waihi, 3d; Sterling, Oil; Talisman Extended. Is 4d; Teutonic, 4.1; Union Jack 8d; Victor Wnlhou, Is 4il; Wnihl Consols, 81: Waihi Kredninir, 3d; W»ihl Eldorado, 0d; Waihi ICxtended, 10id; Walhi-Slltertoii, 21s 6.1 Wallrl South, la; Waihi Welcome. 4d; W.iihi Reef, 3d; Waltokauri, 655; Waiiokauri King, 8d; Waitakauri No, 2, 0d; Waltekauri United, 0s; Waitekaurl Prince, 4d; Waltekattri South, ed; Waitete, 4d; Wavertay, Is Cd; Woodstock, 37»; Youm; New Zealand, Is; Bay View, In; Britannia, Is ; Buffalo, 4d; Bunker* Hill, 3s 3d; City (if Gisborne, Cd; Conquering Hero, 6d ; Coromandel Freehold Proprietary, 8d; Criterion, 4d; Cuirassier, 6Jd; Four-in-Hand, 2s ; Great Kapanga, Cil • Uauraki No. 2, Is Oil: Hauraki North, paid up. Bs; llauraki North, contriliuting. 2s IOd; Haurakl South, & ; Hauraki Associated Reefs. 4d; Matawal, 3d; Morning Star, 3d; New Golcondu, 6Jd; Pro-rress-Caatlf Rock, 8(1; Queen Victoria, 8d ; Tanitem, 7d; Tokatea Consols, Is 9d; Welcome Find, 2i 8d; Zealandiu, lid; Atlas, 6d; Fiery Cross, 6d; Prince of Wales, 4d; Royal Shield, fid; Sceptre, contributing, Oil; Albeit, Is 9(1; Day Dawn, Cd; Harp of Thm, lid; Ptolemy,ld, J. M. LEfiNOX, Obaiimai. 4 p.m., Thursday, May 27.1897.

OAI.I. AND MVIDKND I.IKT. cau.s : Made. £'• d. Dim. Flrniinnton .. May 11 ..0 0 o|.. May 28 Walhl South ..May II .. 002 .. May 51 Ailrarnia Kast ..May 26 .. 0 0 1 June 7 Talisman Kxten... May 19 ..HO OJ.. June 7 WalMKxtendeu , .. May 17 ..0 0 1.. June 0 Jnpiter .. .. April 27 ..003.. June 9 Waitete .. .. May!) ..0 0 o}.. Jutw 9 Orion .. .. MayO ..0 0 Oj.. June 9 M.nmt Taylor .. May 8 .. ho 6.. .lime 9 CityofAnilcland.. May 11 ~ 0 0 J .. June 9 Alert .. .. May 11 ..0 0 <>}.. June 9 Ophlr .. .. May 10 .. ti 0 o}.. Jnne 9 lUtie .. .. Mayli .."01 .. June 0 Grainl Triple ..May 12 .. 0 0 oj.. June 0 Klectric .. .. May 13 .. 0 0 OS.. Juno 1) G.ild'nWaitekauri MayM ..DO of.. .Tune 9 Zion .. .. May 14 ..0 0 oj.. June 9 Oceania .. .. May 25 .. 0O 1 . June O Alpine .. ..May 27 ..10 o}.. June 9 Inki May 28 ..oo oL June 9 Boss May 27 « 0 0 OJ.. June 9 dividends: Elvira ti.M. Co. (in liquidation) • Jl- J<»«! J, Walhl G.M: Co 0 2 0 .. June 10 WaitekaurlG.M.Co 0 1 0 .. June 15

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 10454, 28 May 1897, Page 4

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COMMERCIAL New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 10454, 28 May 1897, Page 4

COMMERCIAL New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 10454, 28 May 1897, Page 4