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COROHANDBL, Thursday. Oue of the most important events which have taken place in this district for many years, and indeed for the whole colony, has been the striking of payable ore in the Kapanga shaft at 920 feet from the surface. The fact of striking picked stone at this depth must by of enormous importance and benefit to this colony. Uauraki: This wonderful mine still keeps up the average output, apparently without any special effort of the manager, Who, however is steadily opening up the mine in every direction. The shaft is still going down through splendid country, and there is every probability ot the rich channel of country going down to great depth. It is rumoured that work is t%- be resumed on the old Pali section- of the mine, and gold will almost certainty be got there, as good ore was earning to hand when the Coroirmndel shut down.

Hauraki South: This mine has been floated in London.

Albion: There is also a rumour that a deposit has been paid on this mine, and the necessary capital to fully develop the mine will be forthcoming shortly, ZealandiH : This company is making excellent progress in sinking the shaft, ami in a few months hence we shall look forward to their striking gold. Now Golconda: Good work is being accomplished in this mine. Tho little engine can easily keep down the water, and they have a film leader in hand, very highly mineralised, and certainly ought to get gold before long. Hauraki North: A very large quantity of machinery is being landed anil carted to this mine, and it will be erected forthwith.

Wynyardton : Steady work is made in this mine. The manager is gradually getting things into working order. Scotty's Hauraki: They are still staking in thin mine through fairly good country, and they are also driving to intersect reefs in the upper levels, I understand they have lately acquired Mnyn's battery and water-race. They will thus have the advantage of very cheap crushing, this waterright being the best in Coromandel. North Rnptinga : The Company are still driving ahead in their matn tunnel, with* out any material change. Britannia; The manager is sinking through splendid country in order to cut the dip of the Flying (/loud reef, and also the old Kathleen reef. J. think there is very little doubt if he cut 1 * those reefs in the same obes of country which he hag now he will have payable gold and perhaps very rich stuff.

Harbour View and Extended and North Licensed Holding; I understand these three are practically floated on the English market as one concern.

WAIKOROMIKO. This district is atL acting a gocd deal oi attention just now. Of course the Four-in-Hand leads the van. This is likely to be a very good mine. They have good payable stone and specimen stone for a long distance along the reef, and lately they also got gold in the Big Reef, which strikes right through their claim. , The Tandem is another good piece of ground which is likely to yield well. Forest Queen: This mino is being floated on the London market, nndSs likely to bo heard of in the near future; they have a large reef striking right through their olaira, which have yielded very good stone. Thore are a number of other claims in the district which will also be heard of soon, but they are not as far rdvanced yet. TIKI.

This district is coming to the front with long strides. The sate of the Oororaandel Freehold has burned public attention that way. MANAIA,

There is considerable more activity in this district, of late. The fact of a battery going up in that district is a good thing, though it is only a small one, bub it will be available for test crushing at any rate.


This district is forging ahead. The fact of striking payable ore in the new low level of the Kapai and Try Fluke mines has infused new life into the district, and will otherwise assist in many ways, as it goes to prove that, the gold does go down here. Both these mines are doing well; hh«y have very large quantities of ore available, enough in fact, to last .them many years. The Kapai-Vermont, has many hundrod feet yet to drive before reaching their, southern boundary. Waitai; This mine was said to have been taken up some time ago by an English syndicate, but we hear no more of it. In the meantime the manager is doing good work, and - thoroughly opening .up , the mine. The County is also making a road to their machine site. 1 Golden Anchor! This mine fa being prospected and quietly opened up,

OPITO. ! This district is also coming to the front. Ik la a fine district. They have a number of valuable reefs, which art likely to give good results when opened up. Perhaps the beat reof, oortoinly the most dertsloped, is the Carbine reef.


WAIHI : £11.847 , from 2850 TOM; - A ' better result even that than of last mouth's, : has attended ' operations at the Waihi Gold Mining Company's mine d«rin« the four weeks ending May 2.' In the period named, 2850 tons were, treated, for no lass a yield thau £11,847 worth of bullion, the

average number of stamps at work during the month 87.LMo:mont!vtheyie!d Wua £9203, from; '2220 tons treated the averase number of stamps then used being 80. It will tliua seen that in quantity treated, and in value per ton, there i$ again an improvement. ; In the four Weekly > period 'eiiding April; 4; the average-a f/jctt?n.aader £4 foper toil—wits the record for liftto and 1896; and had only twice been equalled before in history of , tii« mine. month, however, the average beats its _ preceding period, "working oilr,; is It does, ftMitlje utiuet£4 2d per ton. In March, 1910 tan* were treated, for £6802 yame-average £3 /* BJcl pef toil.' ;; 'JCliis, wnpwrifid company seems to be in luck'? .wayj Srs ,t|ipy have now internee ted the AVelcosiw lode in ail old prosjiedtitijj crosscut whloli had been driven a diataiico of about, 2M'feet about eleven years ago; atid then abandoned.- The Ideality of the Workings laV 011 the western side of the Martha Hill, and in order to show how near anil yet so far were the orijj-iihil holders of the ground when they suspended operations, it may be stated that the ; Waihi Company only, had to extend the faon 20 feet when the lode was met with. The ore body so fur lias been proved to be eight feet wide, 'and when developed it Bhoiild add additional payable quartz to the holders of the "round. i ■ Haoraki ; THK APRIL Ekturs—£636s 17s FKOM 300 Toss.—The rfaivit of the' last four weeks' operation* at the Hauraki Gold .Mining Company's _ property _is Again a splendid one. During the period iianied .300 tons of quartz were crushed for a yield of 21'210z 19(1 wts of melted gold, worth £3 per ounce, and giving a value of £6365175. - The average is a little over 7oz Idwt jlfirs per ton treated. Last month the return was 2119« lfidwt, value £6339, got from l 380 tons, the average then being soz lOdwts lSfjrs per toil. Hazklbank.—A crushing of 45 loads of quartz has been completed for this company for ft return of 350z retorted trold. A cablegram was received on April 27 by Mr. b\ A. White from Mr. T. Melville, to the effect that the Hazelbank and Comer's Rui-utmi properties combined had been floated on the Hoine market. The new company has a capital of £175,000, in £ share?, of which 130,000 shares form the present issue, 25,000 being reserved for future working capital, £2.5,000 working capital to be provided out of present issue. The present Hazelbaok holders will receive about Is per share in cash,, 85 fully paid-up shares for every 100 now held. The Kuruiuii section is the ground held by Mr. Coiner, on which lie has erected a 20 stamp battery. The new name of the company is the '* Kuranui'Caledouian," and 70,000 shares were offered to tlx public at par. Nxw Zkaland Crows Mms.—Crushing for this coinpauy has been completed for a yield of 1226 ounces bullion, valued at £2126. The quantity of ore crushed and treated during the month was 530 tons. Kapai-Vkbmon'T.— following telegram was received from the manager" KapaiVermont: Melted37ooz from 308 toes. Have not started on ore in low level yet." Last month the return was 330 tons for 4730z melted gold. Tliy Flukk.—Mr. (H. Uilfillan, jun., received the following telegram : — Try Fluke: Battery, 82nz s<(vft; cyanide, 7'2»z lodwt: total, 1550z gold. The usual quantity of ore was not put through owing to the battery having teen stopped for a week pending the opening of the low level. Last month the return was 2160z 15d wt.

Waitskauki.—During the four weeks ending 'iotli A)r '. 153 tons of ore were crushed and i.ieated at the. Waitekaari Gold Mining Company's property, for a yield of £531 worth of bullion, an average of £3 9« 5d per tea This was from the Golden Cross section and small 10stamper battery only. Last month the return was,£663l6s 6rf from 136 tons of ore. ftisw Moanataiari G.M. Co.— result of the month's operations was 2550z gold from 584 tons, and the value was £684 ss. In Addition to this there were crushed for tributers 123 tons for ft yield of 56ozs 19dwt, value £149 0s 3d, making the total return to be £833 os 3d.

VicroKiA. -During the month 158 loud* of ore have been treated for ft return of 17ojz 131 of gold, value £002 is 7d. W.aiotaßl. —This consistent old mine again furnished a good payable return of 1940z 14dwt, value £538 5s lOd, from 184 tonß of ore.

We append our tabulated lists of the returns of gold obtained during the month. There is an apparent decrease of 12560z I6dw6 of bullion, equal in value to £i 297 17s 84 as compared with the return for the previous month, but this is more than accounted for by the absence of any return from the Woodstock, the GreaP Mercury, and the Knpangu, also that' the sources of increase relied on, the Wairii-Silverton and the Talisman, have not yet come to hand. Thete two latter mines will in future be most important factors in the gold returns from the Thames. The following are the returns

QUARTERLY GOLD RETURNS. The Mining Inspector has supplied the Borough Council with the following return showing the yield of gold Within the Thames Borough and County during the quarter ending 31st March Thames Borough, 17350zrf 7dwts; Thames County. 22950 m Bdwts; total, 408lozs 15dwts.

GOLDEN' ROSE SYNDICATE. The Clirlßtohurch Syndicate, which have taken'up the Golden Rose and other adjacent property in the Manaia-Coromandel district, have placed their property under offer, and have sent home the necessary documents and plans through their Auckland agents, Messrs. Boylan and Smith. The area included is the Golden Rose of 30 acres, and the Golden Mountain 60 sores, adjoining the Golden Hill Extended. The terms oh which the property is offered is that * company be formed with a capital of fIOO,OOO, that the present shareholders receive £700 cash, and 16,000 fully paid up shares, and that £23,000 working capltal'be provided.


A few ago it was announced that the contract for the sale of the Goromandel Proprietary had been signed. A cablegram war received by Mr. H, Gilfillan, jun., stating that the deposit of £500 in connection with 'the purchase of the pro. perty had been paid. : Later on a further cablegram Was received to the effect that the sale of the property had been completed and that the agreement for the sale had been signed, A private cable subsequently was to the effect that the property had been absolutely sold. The terms of sale are that the new company shall have a capital of £200,000, in '200,000 shares, of which numher 40,000 fully paid up are to be allotted to present local shareholders, who also receive £12,500 cash. A working capital of £40,000 is also to be provided.

, All) TO PROSPECTING. Some five years ago toe Thames Borough iovefp^Mpectltiij beloW the6oo-feefc level, ty granting all the gold duty won from gold obtained bfllow such level within the Borough boundary for' a period of twelve months to any company, wha Undertook such an important work.' The offer, however, was never taken advantage of, bat the matter was again brought under ' the notice of the Council this week by the reading of »letter

from Air. . C. A. Harris, of the Thame, Hauraki GoUl; Mining; Company, in which application was made that the Council wonld assign direct to the said company all benefits accruing from .the above-mentioned resolution, as the- said company were now proceeding with the necessary works and machinery to test the deep levels. After a little , discussion on the matter the Mayor moved, ( and Mr. Whitehead seconded, , . the ~ followingmotion, .. which was carried . without dissent, " That the Thames Boroogh Council do hereby assign direct to the Thames-Ranraki Gold 'Mining Company (Limited) the benefits accruing from the foregoing resolution, that is to gay all- the gold duty or its equivalent in cash paid by the Government oil gold won durine the first twelve calendar mouths of mining operations carried on below the 600-ftet lev! of the Big Pump within the Thames Borough boundary.". .

UPPEH THAMES. Bullion. Value. . <• ozs. dwts. £ s. d. Wailii G.M. Co., 2850 . ions .. ,, ,, 9,009 0 .. 11,847 0 0 Wait»kauri G.M. Co., 153 tons 455 0 .. 631 0 0 N.Z. Crown Mines G.M. Co., 530 toils .. .. 1,226 0 .. 2,126 0 0 Total .. .. 10,690 0 14,601 0 0 LOWER T1IAMKS. Bullion. Value, ozs. dwt«. £ g, d. Hazellwuk G.M. Co., 46 loads 34 14 .. 94 12 6 Liitie Willie Claim, , VOlb 62 0 .. 160 0 0 May Queen G.M. Co., 109 loads .. 108 2 .. 303 11 7 Muanatatnri G.M. Co., 634 tons.. ... .. 255 0 .. 6SI 5 0 Moasataiari trlbuters, 123 t<nw 66 19 .. 149 0 3 New Walotahi Extended O.M. Co., 40loads .. 26 0 .. 69 0 0 Occidental G.M. Co., 11 loads . .. ... 3310 .. 102 19*9 Scandinavian G.M.'Co. 35 9 .. 95 0 U Victoria G.M. Co., If8 loads 175 13 .. 602 1 7 Walotahi G.M. Co., 184 torn 194 14 .. 538 5 10 Total 971 1 .. 2,688 16 6 COROMANDHL. Bullion. Value, oss. dwts. £ 8. d. Hauraki G.M. Co., 300 tons 2,121 19 „ 6,365 17 0 Waikoromiko test .. 2 8.. 10 0 Total 2,124 7 0,372 7 0 KOAGTUNU. Bullion. Value, 023. dwts. £ s, d. Kapai ■ Vermont G.M. Co., 811$ tons .. .. 370 0 .. 925 0 0 Tr/Fluke, 340 tons .. 165 0 .. 303 11 6 Total 625 0 1,233 11 6 Grand total .. 14,310 8 .. 24,733 15 0 Last month's returns 15,697 4 ,, 26,036 12 8 Decrease .. .. 1,280 10 .. 1,297 17 8

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10132, 15 May 1896, Page 2 (Supplement)

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COROMANDEL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10132, 15 May 1896, Page 2 (Supplement)

COROMANDEL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10132, 15 May 1896, Page 2 (Supplement)