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ANNUAL ST ATE NT. ;v Tjiamks, May 1. ; Thkouoh the courtesy of the Warden, Mr. H. Eyre-Kenny, I am enabled to place before your readers a copy of a tabulated statement prepared by Mr. Geo. Wilson,; Inspector of Mines, which shows the respective yields of gold and bullion obtained, value of sains, tegethsr with the quantity and class of ore dealt? with, and the mode. > of treatment to which it was subjected, in . the various mining districts of the Hauraki goldfields, during tho twelvemonths ending . with the 31st cf March last

In comparing the above returns with those of the previous year, I find the following results During the year 1894-5 a total of 64,731 boos of quartz were treated for companies and claim owners, whilst for tire year just ended 86,508 tons were dealt with, which is un increase of 21,747 tons. The gold won during the same periods was was 43,2660z 13d wt and 57,0170z Jdwt respectively, which is an increase of 13,7500z 14dwts; and the bullion won was 77,495qz ldwt and 129,9420z 9dwt, an increase of 52,447cz Bdwo. The total tonnage of quarts treated for tributers during the past year was 8403 tons, which is a decrease of 5772 torn upon the quantity treated during the previous year, when 14,175 tons were crushed, whilst the yield of gold from this source is also less by 9,G5'20z Sdwt, the return for 1894-5 being 13,9390z Bdwt, and last yecr 4'2870z. Of tailing, 34,157 tons were treated during the past year for a yield of 26210z 4dwt of gold, and 27,4200z 12dwt of bullion, whilst during the preceding period 37,160 tons were dealt with for 20210z 6dwt of gold and 19,9750z Sdwt of bullion. This shows a decrease of 3003 tons in the quantity of tailings crushed during the past year, but an increase of 5990z 18dwts in the yield of gold, and also an increase of 74450z 4dnt in the yield of bullion. All the gold won was obtained by the ordinary battery amalgamation process, and the bullion by the cyanide process.

Taking each district separately, the comparison for the two past years is as follows


For companies and claim-owners, a total of 17,942 tons of quartz were treated last year, as against 8316 tons during the previous year, which is an increase of 9626 tons, and the respective yields of gold wore 38,4200z 2d\vt and 12,9110z 4dwt, an increase of 2a,5130z 18dvvt, whilst the yield of bullion was respectively 62()90z and 10730z, an increase of 51360z. Tributers, however, only crushed 92 tons last year, as against 619 tons the previous year, which was a decrease of 527 tons, and the respective returns from same were 218oz lOdwt and G3470z 18dwt, a decrease of 61290z Sdwt. A total of 8830 tons of tailings were treated last year, as against 6518 tons of the preceding period, and the returns ol bullion from same were 35330z 15dwt and 230Q0z 6dwt respectively, which was an increase of 12330z

THAMES DISTRICT. For companies and claim owners a total of 23,443 tons of quarcz and mullock were treated last year as against 24,974 during the preceding year, which is u decrease of 1531 tons, whilst the gold won was raspectiveiy 16,5560z 6d wt and 13,3890z 12d wt, an increase ot 31960z 14dwt, in addition to which 24490z 17dwt of bullion were obtained as against G2oz 2dwt for the previous year. Tributers crushed last year 8030 tons against 12,934 in the previous year, a decrease of 4904 tons, and the yield of gold therefrom was 40060z 15dwfc and 7413nz odwt respectively, a decrease of 34060z lldwt. The quantity of tailings treated last year was 13,549 tons, as against 10,555 tons for the previous period, which is an increase of 2994 tons, and the yield of gold were respectively 21910z.13dwt and 19340z 13dwt, which was an increase of 2570z.

OHINEMURI DISTRICT. For companies and claim owners, 45,005 tons of quartz were treated last year, as against 30,630 tons during the proceeding year, whioh is an increase of 14,373 tons; and the total yiold of bullion won was 121,2830z 12dwt, as against 76,3090z 19dwt for the previous year, whioh is an increase ,0f44,0230z wt; whilst in addition to this, 1852dz I6dwfe of gold were obtained daring the year, as against 16,4130z 6dwt of the previous period, a decrease ol 14,5600z lOdwt in this latter respect. Tribaters crushed 281 tons last year, as against 590 tons for the previous year, a decrease of ' 309 tons, and the yields of gold obtained were 61oz 15dwt ana 158oz 9dwt respectively, a decrease of fiGoz 14dwt. A I total of 11,724 tons of tailings were treated | during the past year, as against 19,832 tons

of the year before, which is a decrease of 8113 tons, but the yield of bullion obtained last year was greater by 62010z 15dwt than during the preceding period, the respective returns being 23,806 pi 17dwt and ' 17,6650z 2dwfc, whilst'4l4u2 l3d.Wti,, of } ; gold Were also obtained, which were 3830z Bdwt more than was obtained during the previous year, when only 31oz odwb were secured,

| PIAKO DISTRICT. For companies and claim-owners 120 tons of quartz were treated last year aB against 840 tons during tho previous year, which is a decrease of 720 tons, whilst the gold return was only 153oz3dwt as against 5520z lldwt, a decrease of 3990z B,lwt. Thero were no tributcrs' crushings last year in this district, but 54 tons of tailings were treated as against 250 tons of the previous year, a decrease of 196 tons, and the gold obtained amounted to only lSdwtaa against oooz Sdwtof the preceding period, which is a decrease of 40oz lOdwt.

The combined tonnage and returns of gold and bullion from the four districts for the year ending March 31, 1896, are as follow

From tho above returns, it will bo soon that there was an increaso in the total quantity of quartz and tailings treated during the past year of 12,974 tons when compared with tho tonnage ol tho previous year, and that there was also the large increase of -JUPS-u -tilo of gold, and 59,59'20z 12dwt of bullion. The Coromandel district shows an increaso of 19,3840z lOJwt of gold, and 63U90z 9'lwfc of bullion upon the preceding year's return, and the Ohinemuri district; the large increase of 51,1450z Sdwt- in its yield of bullion, but a decrease of 14,273jz lGdwt in its yield of gold. The Thames district also shows an increase of 470z 3d\vt of gold, and 23770z 15dwt of bullion upon the previous year's return, but tho Pinko district shows a decrease of 4590z I,'idwt in its yield of gold for the past year when compared with the one of the previous year. In the matter of tonnage of ore, tailings, etc., treatod, Coromondel shows an increase of 11,411 tons, and Ohinemuri of .")951 tons; but the Thames and I'ialio ."hows a decrease, the former of 3441 tons, and the latter 947 tons.

The total estimated value of tho gold and bullion won during the past year is set down as be'ng £375,106 14s lOd, whilst for the previous year i? was estimated at £261,476, which gives a distinct and most satisfactory increase of no less a sum than £116,360 14a 10d. Of this large increase, Coromandel alone contributed no less a sum that) £7o,!)Ul 7* -1; Ohinemuri, £26,656 4s ; and Thames, £4373 '2s 6d. Piako shows a decrease of £769 ISs lOd. It is also a most satisfactory feature to uotice that the number of wages men and owners employed in the mining industry has increased from 1150 during the year ending March 31, 189 0, to 3381 for the year ending March 31, 1596, which is a very substantial increase of 2231 men ; whilst as regards tributers, there were only 101 men so employe! last year, as against 272 during the previous year, a decrease of 171 men, which is in itself a feature of great significance, and is a sign of the times.

The abore-mentioned results cannot be considered other than of a most gratifying character, and in themselves show that a great change has taken place in our goldmining industry during the past twelve months. One very encouraging feature about the substantial increase shown, is that it is wholly due to operations carried on by companies, and that where a decrease is shown it is principally caused by the falling-off in tributers returns, which in turn is due to the fact that not more than about one-third the number of men are employed tributing at the present time as was the case twelve months ago. Of course to the hauraki mine at Coromandel, and the Waihi mine at Waihi is due most of the credit for the increase in the gold and bullion returns in the present instance, but the Kapai-Vermont and Try Fluke mines at Kuaotunu, the Kapanga at Coromandel; the May Queen, Moanataiari, and Waiotahi at Thames, the Woodstock and Crown at Karangahake, and the Waitekauri mine at Waitekauri, have all contributed in a more or less measure to the success of the year's operations as well. Good, the returns have been during the past year, we can look forward with considerable confidence to securing still better results for the year now being entered upon, as a good many of the development works that have been proceeding in the various districts for some time past are now on the point of bearing fruit. Especially is this the case with tho Siiverton mine at Waihi, the Talisman at Karangahske, and in several instances at Coromandel and Kuaotunu. besides which, additional crushing power is being provided for by several companies. A large amount of capital is also being expended in developing the now discoveries made in the out-riistricts during the past few months, and in opening up those mines which have recently passed into the hands of English capitalists. It will be some time yet, however, before these will have reached their full development, but it is quite certain that there will be a great increase in the quantity of quartz treated during the ensuing year, and in the amount of bullion produced.

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Gold. Bullion. ToniWRe. Oz. tint. Oz. ilwt C rore.inilel .. ai,S(14 85,043 12 0,742 15 Thames .. .. 45,'I« 22,781 14 2,449 17 Ohinemuri .. 67,DOS 2,329 4 145,170 9 l'laku .. .. 174 ICS 1 nil T"tils.. .. 129,008 63,915 11 157,363 1 For the preceding year, ending March 31, 1S95, the results were as follow Gold. Bullion, Tonnage. Oz. dwt. Oz. dwt. foromindel .. 15,453 19,259 2 3,873 0 Tlunies .. .. 45,463 22,737 11 72 2 utimemuri .. 51,057 16,603 0 94,u25 I PiatO .. .. 1,121 627 14 nil Totals.. ..110,094 59,227 7 97,470 9

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10132, 15 May 1896, Page 2 (Supplement)

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GOLD AND BULLION RETURNS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10132, 15 May 1896, Page 2 (Supplement)

GOLD AND BULLION RETURNS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10132, 15 May 1896, Page 2 (Supplement)