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• '< ARRIVALS. April 17—Monowai, R.M. s.s., 31500, Carey, from Sydney. Passengers: Mesdames Motrin, Hoeder, Misses Phillips, Cutbush, Buisson, Messrs. Morrin, G. Kronfeld, Hoeder, H. N. Abbott, H. Hayr, G. F. Blandy, L. E. Ashby, Kongsberg, J. Stalcy Good, Ben. W. Burgon, H. Franks, H. H. Getty, D. H. Forbes, A. B. Roberton, Captain H.G. Fielder, and 7 steerage. For Apia: Mrs. Goward Misses Annie and Marjorie Ide, .Chief Justice Ide, Messrs. A Mahaffy, P. Schuster, and 1 steerage.' For Honolulu : Mr. John F. Legler, and 9 steerage. For San Francisco: Mesdames Douglas Own, - Riley, J. Clark, Andrews, W. Henry, Misses Mary Sheerin, A. M. Thurburn, Kiugsbury, Dayhew, Rev. Father Keating, Rev. W. Henry, Dr. James Kingsbury, Messrs. Halsey, Douglas Owen, J. I, Sheerin, Frank J, Lawn, Jno. G. Rowett, Schmeisser, John Campbell Whitehill, J. Thurburn, Martin Pollock, J. Clarke, W. C. McPlierson, Hamilton Willis, R. V. Webster, and 37 steerage. 20—Tasmania, s.s., 2552, T. McGee, from Sydney, with passengers aud general cargo. 20-bannuh Nicholson, barque, 252, Allen, from Newcastle. 21- Ysabel, three-masted schooner, 149, W. Ross, from Flint Island aud Tahiti. Passenger: Mr. A.'Gale. 23-ludrainayo. s.s., 4110, Saunders, from London, Las talmas, Melbourne, and Sydney. Alameda, R.M.8., 3000, K. VanOterendorp, from San Francisco, Honolulu, and Apia. Passeucers; — Mr. and Mrs. R. Garden and child, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Roberts, Messrs. R. Andrew, W. Atkiusou, R. P. Chatfield, F. Merricks, P. L. Foster, E. Jansen, T. M. Lonargau, H. D. Mackenzie, L. J. Nathan, G. B. Parker, M. Nolan, Frank Pearce, T. Tarbutt, and five steerage. For Sydney : Mr. and Mrs. N. Brewer, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Greasy and family (8), Mrs. Schwarzbach and son, Miss J. Shelley, Messrs. H. Hay, A. T. Alcock, H. S. Adams, C. Eyton. R. W. Dodge, D. Hollnduy, A. C. Kessel, Frank, W. Hedley, S. H. Levi, T. Guinan, W. Hamilton, R. Kuld, A. Locke, J. Jamieson, J. Schultze, J. T. Williams, and 24 steerage. .•' 27—Xarawera, b.s., 2003, W. C.' Sinclair, from Melbourne, Uobart, and Southern ports, with passengers and general cargo. 27—Waihora, 8.8., 2003, R. Neville, from Sydney, with passengers and general cargo. 29—rylades, H.M. composite screw corvette, 1420 tons, 1400 horse power, 14 guns, Commander Horaco R. Adams, from Sydney. 30—Ovalau, s.s., 1229, G. Crawshaw, from Sydney, Samoa, Fiji, ana Tonga. Passengers: Miss Fabricus. Mesdames Helgenberger, and ikendel, Dr. Bullen, Messrs. P. Fabricus, M. Rosenberg and two sons, Ilbert, Brendel, aud six steerage. May Burrumbeet, a.s., 2500, C. E. Hood, from Sydney, with passengers and cargo. 4-Upolu, 8.8., 1141, N. Beaumont, from Tonga, Samoa, and Fiji. Passengers : Mesdames Michael and three children, Burt, Nicholas and child, Miss Gell, Commander D'Albertis, Messrs. Davis, and McKinlay. an d three steerage. Tarawera, s.s., 2003, W, C. Sinclair, from Sydney. 11—Linda Weber, brigantine, 114, Owens, from the Cook Group, Palmerston Island, and Niue.

11—Richmond, 8.8., 700, K. G. Button,from Tahiti and Rarotoui;a. Passengers: Madame Keuk and son, Messrs. C. A. Edenborough, Hagasis, A. N. Sam.


April Richmond, s.s., 700, Hutton, for Rarotonga and Tahiti. Passengers: Messrs. (J. A. Edenborough, J. Liddon, G. Raea, Bellisont. 17—faviuni, s.s., 1465, R. Smith, for Tonga, Samoa, Fiji, and Sydney. Passengers: Mcsdames Ambler and child, Wall, Berkley, and three children, Worley, child, and servant, Tate, Beddoes and child, Miss Beddoes, Messrs. Watson, R. P. Carr, Pollock, J. Martin. Monowai, R.M.s., 3509, M. Carey, for Apia, Honolulu, and San Francisco. Passengers : Rev. and Mrs. E. V. Cooper and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Burrell, Mr. and Mrs. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. James Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. Mill, Mr. and Mrs. Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Wiclunann aud maid, Mr. and Mrs. Wright, Countess Wachtmeister, Meadames Avery, G. B. Francis, Goward, Palmer, Misses Betts, Campbell and maid, G. B. Francis, S. Holmes, Manchester, E. Mill (2), Taylor, Wright, Prior Vauelian, Revs. D. J. Steele, Father Keating, Father Kehoe, Messrs. Bell, Beckman, E. C. Chapman, Halßoy, Holeate, J. Jackson, B. Kent, R. Lewenberg, Lelievre, Manchester, 1). J. Napier, P. H. Nettleton, R. S. Rayner, Whitehill, 18 steerage, and original from Sydney. Anglian, 5.8., 2159, C. E. Hood, for Sydney, with passengers and general cargo. 22—Matatua, s.s., 3322, A. McDougall, for Loudon, via Southern ports. 23—Silver Cloud, barouentine, 292, W. H. He:iyß, for Sydney, via Mercury Bay. 25-Alameda, R.M.s., 3000, K. Van Oterendorp, for Sydney. Passengers: Dr. and Mrs. Hay, Mr. and Mrs. Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Edmiston, Mr. and Mrs. Field, Misses Howard, Remington, M. H. Wells, O'Neill, Hay (2), Captain Whitney, Messrs. G. B. Naukervill, L E. Ashby, White, Broomhead, Brown, Eseott, R. L. Holle, W. D. Holgate, ten steerage, and original from San Francisco. 28—Indramayo, s.s., 4110, M. Saunders, for London, via Southern Ports. 28—Tarawera, 8.8., 2003, W. C. Sinclair, for Sydney, with passengers and general cargo. May I—Taupo, s.s., 740. F.W. Macbeth, for Rorotonga and Tahiti. Passengers: Messrs. R. A. Carr. W. Dodge, A. J. Wilkie, F. Gaudin, T. Henderson, J. Marshall, G. Dunnett. 4—Tasmania, 8.8., 2552, Thomas McGee, for Sydney, with passengers and cargo. 6—Ovalau, s.s., 1229, G. Crawshaw, for Tonga, Samoa, Fiji, and Sydney. Passengers : Dr. and Mrs. Hill, Mrs. Hadfield and family (3), Misses Hill and Gearon, Messrs. W. Inglis, J. Hadfield, Masterton, A. Feist, and one steerage. 6—Pylades, H.M. composite screw corvette, for Fiji and the Solomon Islands. B—Ysnbel,8 —Ysnbel, three-masted sehoonor, 149, W. Ross, for Tonga and Nine. 9— A. C. Smith, barquentine, 628, Hooper, for New York. Passengers; Mrs. Hooper and family (4). Defiance, brigautine, 199, Johnson, for Sydney, via Kaipara. 11—Acadia, barque, 233, T. C. Herbert, for Melbourne, via the Thames. 13—Waihora, s.s., 2003, R. Neville, for Sydney.


The mail steamer Alameda, Captain K. Van Outerendorp, arrived from San Francisco and way ports with the English and American mails, shortly before nine a.m. on Saturday, April 25. The punctuality with which the Alameda has always landed her mails at this port is so proverbial that it was a matter of surprise that the steamer did not put in an appearance during Friday; but it appears that the delay was occasioned first by the steamer not getting away from the Golden Gate until about 14 hours after contract time. A longer stay than usual was made at Honolulu > (20 hours), rendered necessary by the coaling process at that port being slow work ; and two of the boiler tubes gave out during the voyage, necessitating the boiler being blown down, and causing a good many hours' detention. /

The Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company's steamer Tainui arrived at Wellington on May 5, from Loudon, Capetown, and Hobart. Mr. George Niccol has purchased the barque Woosung, which was recently towed from Haapalby the Taviuni. The German barque Commerzienrath Rod--bertus was sold by auction on May 1, by Messrs. Esom and Arthur, n,hd was purchased by the Union S.S. Company for £'260. The New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Kaikoura arrived at Wellington from London, Capetown, and Hobart, at seven a.m. on Wednesday, April 2*2, after an uneventful voyage. . On May 2 the American barque Charles G. Rice arrived at Wellington from Mew York, after a passage of 107 days. The vessel is under oharter to Messrs. Arnold, Cheney, and Co., and has a part cargo for this port, on discharge of which she loads kauri gum for Mew York. , On Tuesday the Shaw, Savill. and Albion Company's barqii" Hudson took on board a large number ot case*'of kauri gum'and a quantity of general cargo for London. On Saturday the new steamer Pania, which has' boon built by Mr. W. Holmes, of the North Shore, for the Wairoa-flawkc's Bay trade, had a preliminary trial of her engines, when everything was found to work smoothly and well. The engines have been fitted up by Messrs. Dunn, Smith, and Co.


There has been nothing of striking moment in shipping circles during the past month, the number of arrivals and departures of vessels being almost wholly confined to the intercolonial and coastal trade. With the coal strike on at Newcastle vessels will find it hard to get employment, and the result will be that a number of them will have to be laid up or seek other trades. In future the Auckland Gas Company are to receive their supply of coal from Westport, which will mean a falling off in the vessels heretofore engaged in the trade. The coastal trade keeps up its .proportions, and it is expected that in constqence of the coal strike at Newcastle there will be. a ,large increase in the consumption of the ' local coal, which will ' give . employment to a much larger" number of coasters. The movements of vessels in and out of the port have been as follow :*:On 'April 20 the barque Hannah Nicholson arrived from New-

astle with coal, which she discharged at Coromandel. j On the, 21st the three-masted schooner Ysabei arrived from an Island cruise, with copra,: cotton, eto. She sailed again for, the Islands on May 9, with a miscellaneous cargo. On the 23rd thi Tyser steamer Indr&mayo arrived from London and. Australian ports, with general, merchandise, and on discharge proceeded South'to complete her loading for London. The barquentine Silver Cloud sailed for Mercury Bay on the 23rd, to load timber for Sydney. The mail steamer Alameda arrived on the 25th from San Fraucisco, Honolulu, and Apia with the English mails, somewhat behind time, which iB a most unusual thing ;.and was owing to detention at way ports. On the Ist instant the Union Company's steamer Ovalau arrived from the Islands with fruit, etc., and left again for the same places on the 6th with general merchandise. The Union Company's steamer Taupo left tor Rarotonga and Tahiti on the Ist instant, to inaugurate the new service which the company has taken up between this port, the Cook Group, and Tahiti. She is due back on June 2nd. On the 4th the Union Company's steamer Upolu arrived from the Islands with fruit, etc., and leaves for Fiji next week. The brigantine Linda Weber arrived from the Islands the 11th instant, with pearlshell, copra, cotton, etc., for the Cook Islands Trading Company, and is now discharging into tty barque Hudson, for London. Messrs. Donald and Edenborough's steamer Richmond arrived from Tahiti and Rarotonga on the 13th with copra, fruit, pearlshell, etc,, ■ and leaves for the same ports again to-day. The barqucntine R. A. C. Smith is ready to sail for New York, with a part cargo of kauri g:tm, and will probably get away to-day. The German barque Commcrztetirath Rodbertus, which recently put into this port disabled, while on the voyase from Haapai to Europe with copra, was condemned and sold, the Union S.S. Company being the pur-' chasers at £260. She is to be sent across to Launceston, where alio will he utilised as a hulk. The barque Woosung, which was wrecked at Tonga, and afterwards towed to Auckland, has been purchased by Mr. George Niccol, of this port, who intends to re-tit her and place her in the inter-colonial trade. Tne Tyser Company's steamer Star of 'England is due from London and Australian ports next week. The barque Vanadip is now on her way from Melbourne to this port, to tranship the copra cargo ot the Commerzienrath Rodbertus for Europe.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10132, 15 May 1896, Page 4 (Supplement)

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10132, 15 May 1896, Page 4 (Supplement)

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10132, 15 May 1896, Page 4 (Supplement)