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Nkw Zealand Herald Office. Thursday evening. We have to record another active week in business on the Stock Exchange. Good investment stockr Me still in demand, but are difficult to obtain. In several instances sale? have been effected at an advance on previous sales, and there is itiil an upward tendency. For National Banks £1 10s is' still belli# offered, with sellers at £1 12s. In insurance, New Zealand! have sold at £3 14s ; South British at £2 9s W, and Nationals at 17a 7d ex div. There are buyers of Standards at 15s 9d, and Accidents at 16a. Gas stock are very firm, and Auckland, old issue, have sold at £13 and £13 2s 6d; buyers now offering £13 ss, and for new issue £7 ss. Thames Gas find buyers at £1 14s, with sellers at £1 15s. Coal shares are firmer. Taupiris are worth £12s j Ngunguru, £1; and Hikuranei, 8* (Id. Buyers of Nortbern Steam oiler 6s la. Mining : A very heavy business is reported in all classes of mining stock,». firmer feeling prevailing all round. Wailii'Silvertons receded a little, and have sold at £3 18s to £316s 6d. Numerous sales in Woodstocks up to£l7s. Talismans have also been dealt in Very freely and with sales up to 13s 6d, _ closing it shade easier. Alphas have been in request, and have shown a marked. advance, sales taking place from 4* 6d to 7s 3cl. The tone of the market is decidedly better, and the outlook most promising. The richness and permanency of our goldfieldn is dally becoming more established, and capitalists are satisfied that investments in mining stock will very speedily give handsome returns. For late quotations wo refer our readers to the Stock and Share List published in another part of this issue. . •The condition of trade reflects the energy that is now bping put into all our forms of industrial life under the hopeful prospects that are in front of us and under the influx ot foreign capital, and the general lowering rate fop money. We see no room for extended remark as in our summary columns we have referred fully to the chief points of trade interest for the month. The particular feature of the import market this week is the olever corner that has been fixed up in kerosene. All the principal stocks in bond, and the whole cargo of the C. G. Rice, to arrive early, has beeu bought in one hand, and asin outside markets little is known about the White Rose braud, which all-consumers here regard with remarkable favour, there is little possibility of escaping the tribute to the speculator. The season is just on for a large consumption, and buyers stare With astonishment at the advance that has been established for spot stook. In the metal trade there is a goner,u levelling up of prices. All heayy lines in ironmongery are up about ten per cent. Fig lead and white lead are firm and rising. Wrought piping has advanced about 7i per cent., and there is a rise of '25 per cent, in galvanized netting. Zinc has ' responded to the home strong advance in spelter. . The heavy expenditure determined on by the Imperial'and Japanese Governments on their navies, coupled with the general expansion of trade, appears to have been the main cause of these rises. _ i . - There have ? been heavy. arrivals' of all Southern produce, and except temporary weakness in potatoes, due < to the desire to save storage, the market* rule firm. Vluch of the large supply of 11,000 sacks of oats in the Te Kapo was for soea purposes. Farmers are evidently alert at the prosneots i of hay and chaff for next season, with' the rapidly increasing amount of road work, and are securing the sowing time vigor* oualy. • " '■ - r -' - -< - a ,

Maize is held firmly it 3s off wharf. Some ofjhe new crop has arrived this week, which is earlier than expected. • . ~ • Potatoes are easier, and are offered it laiddown cost, which it about £3 & fid per too. Flour: Deliveries , are good, and prices rm * * " ' i Bran: Owing to the cold weather the sales are better and prices firm. Vi: i-** 1 Sharp* are very scarce. v . Wheat: Owing to wet weather in the South, there ii not .coming forward, and ; prices are very firm. Of local | wheat there are good deliveries. . # • Id the local produce market the prices are: Best dairy fresh batter is 7d, second quality sd, and third quality 4d lb wholesale. Eocs 'are Is 6d dozen wholesale, and Is 9d dozen retail.

KAURI GUM MARKET. The following are the quotations for the xauri sum market for the week ending May 13,1896:- , , , Poor ordinary, which comprises weak and rough-coated pieces, pickings, and washed nuts, £27 to £31. Ordinary, meaning hard, rough-scraped gam, varying in price according to the quantity of washed nuts, ranges from £36 to £40. Good ordinary, meaning hard, unpicked range gum, price varying according to size, scraping, and freedom from weak pieces, from £44 to £50.

East Coast, £75 to £77. Supplies for thirteen days in May, 255 tons. Generally the market is very dull, present prices preventing business. For rescraped and East Coast there is fair demand, but all other sorts are stagnant, practically unsaleable. It is estimated that at present there are 600 tons held locally for sale. Poor ordinary and ordinary are decidedly weaker, a considerable line of poor ordinary having been sold during the week at £25.

LONDON. Prsss Issodatlon.-El«t«ic Telegraph.—Copyright. London, May 13. The total quantity of wheat and flour afloat for the United Kingdom is_ 2,280,000 quarters, and for the continent is 124,000 quarters. The American visible supply of wheat is 77,700,000 bushels. Australian and New Zealand Mortgage 4j per cent, debentures, 107. At the wool sales to-day competition was keen and prices firm.

THE AUCKLAND STOCK AND SHAREBROKERS' ASSOCIATION. Business Done.—New Zealand Inrar*n-:e, 74«: Cambria, la id, Is td; Cardigan, la id. Is 6d; Mar Queen, 7i fid; May Queen Bittnded, Bjd, 7d; Norfolk, Sa 8d; Para Consolidated, Is fid; Rangatin, 6}d ; Victoria, U id: Golden Link, 81 ; InrlcU, $Jd, fid; Juno, sjd; Kapii-Vennont, Ss Id ; Kuiwmna, li !A, la M ; Maori Dream. la <d ; Alpha, Ca to 7« 3d; British Umpire, W; Central, 10d, lid; Cbelt, JW; Crown, 37» 3d, 23«; Oraco Darling, la Jd; New Zealand**, 7d; Qusen of Waihi, 2a lid; .South Britl»h, M; Ho»«elnn, li =Jd, la W; Stanley, IIJ4 ; Talisman, 13*, ISa Id, 134 M ; Waibi-SilrertOD, 70s Cd ; Waitekauil King, 7d; Woodstock, Ms, Mi s>l, 275; Young New Zealand, It 7d ; Banker 1 ! Hill, 7s Id : Fnur-in-Hand, Is 6d; Golden Hill Kxieuded, 2d; Haaraki No. 2,1* 9d, la lOd; Haaraki North, paid op, 2a 2d; Ihuraki South, la Id; New Uoloonda, lid; Zealandla, Is 2d, Is 3d, la id, Is 3d.

liurERS. - National Bank, 30s; New Zealand Insurance, 745: New Zealand Accident Insurance, IGs; New Zealand att<J filter Plate, Oi 3d; Standard Insurance, lta 84; Auckland Ga«, oil £13 to. new £7 &s; Thames (las, 345; i)e?onport Steam Ferry, 30s; Northern Steamship, Cb Id ; Nguuguro Coal, 20s: New Zealand Drue, £1, Off* ; Alburnia East, 4JJ; Cambria, lit 4(1; Cardigan, U4d ; City of Dunedin, la Cd; Clunes, 4(1; Itazelbank, 'i* 9d; May Queen, 7» 3d; May Queen Extended, CJd; Moanat&lan, 103 Od ; Sloanatairi North, Cd; Monowai, 4s <Jd; New Alburnia, fa Sd; Now Wliau, 7}<l; Occidental, 4jd; Orlando, (id; Para Consolidated, Is 'A ; Sheridan, Is 4d ; Tapu Fluke, 4d ; Victoria, 3s ; Aorere, Is; Golden AncUor, led; Golden link, "Jd ; Inricta, 6d ; Jupiter, Si 2d; Kapal • Vermont, 8a; Kuaotunu, Is Sd; Maori Dream, Is 3d; Midas, Is 4d; Pbienlx, 4d; Alpha, 7s ; British Umpire. id ; Byron Kay. 9d; Central. 10} d; Cfielt, 3d; Crown, 37a; Day Dawn, Ijd': limes Darling, la 8d ; Hereules, 'Id; Imperial, \t Id; ltinlwe, Bjd; Karangahake, id ; King of Waihi, fld; Mariner, 3d ; New Zeaander, Old ; Oceania, 7d; Owharoa, 2s fld; Portsea, d; Queen ofWatbl, i* lid; Sowtien, Is 2d; Stanley, lid; Talisman, 12s 10d; Talisman Brended Is 4d; Victor, it Od; Waihl Conjoin, s; Waihi Extended, fld; Waihi-SUrerton, 75*; Vaihi South, aid ; WaMekauri King, 6Jd; Waite;auri No. 2, "a; ffaterley, 1* 4d; wealth of fationi, id; Woodstodc, K» »d; Young New Zealand, la 7d; Britannia, BJd ; Bunkers Uill, * 4d; Four-in-Hand, Is Sd ; Golden Lead, fit; lauraki North, paid up, 2»; Hauraki South, Is ; {arbour View, id; New Golconda, lOd; Pride if Tokatea, Is 3d; Tandem, 8d; Zealandia, Is 2d. SSLLBR.S.—National Bank, 3is 6d; New Zealand insurance, 755; National Insurance, 17* fld; <ew Zealand and Hirer Plat*, life; South British Insurance, (On ; Thames (las, 35s ; Hiknranri ;oal, Oh; Kauri 'limber, contributing, 2s 8d; Union Oil, IBs fid ; Album!* fast, CJd; Broken Jill, fld; Cambria, Is 8d; Cardigan, Is 6d; Jity of Dunedin, It lOd; Climes, 71; Comtek, Id; Freedom, 6<l; Golden Point, Is 7d; Inzelbank, 4s; Magazine, «d; May Queen, 7s fld ; Hay Queen Extended, 7M ; Moanatatari, lis doanataiarl Extended, fid; Moanalairi North, Id; Monowai, fc<; New Alburnia, 6s lOd; <ew Whan, Od; Norfolk. 4s; Occidental, Cd; Jrlando, fld ; Puru Consolidated, Is Od ; tttngatira, iI; Roy>l, Is Cd ; Scandlnatlan, 10(1 ; Sheridan, s 5d ; Tapu I'luke, fld; Victoria. 3* ta; Ajax, irt; Aorere, is id; Aurora, 4d; Al, 4.1; faliour, 7d; Diadem, Is; Umpire, fld; Oladyi, <| • Golden Anchor, Is; Golden Link, 0d; Great ; nlt«d, Od ; Inricta, Cli; In»icU North, 4d ; Juno, d ; Jupiter. 3s 8d; Kapai-Vennont, 8s 3d ; Kiuounu, Is Oil; Maori Dream, 1» fld; Maoriland, , ; Midas, 1* 7d; Monarch of All. 4d; ilount Aurum, (id; Mountain Flower, 4d; Phoenix, d ; Premier, fld ; Try Fluke, 8s ; Walula. Hi ad; Llpha, 7s 6d; Asteroid, 3d; British Kmpire, 7d; lyrou Bay, Is; Central, la; Chelt, 4d; Crown, 9s • Day Dawn, 7d; Excelsior, ii; Golden Heece, fld; Golden Spur, 7d ; Grace Darling, is; Ivitmann Freehold, 7d; llercules, 8d; Husnui. s (id; imperial, Is fld: hanhoe, Is ; Jewel, paid ip, lid; Jewel, contributing 8d; Karniuahake, d ; King of Waihi, 8d; Kins-lla'i Freehold, Is; ifarin«r, fld; Mount Walhi, 6d ; New Zealander, d; Nil Desperandum, 6d; Oceania, la; Ophir. d; Owbaroa, is fld; I'.iftsea. lOd; Queen of Vaihi, 8s; South British, srt; Sovereign. X* 4d; It. Patrick, (lid ; Stanley,ls: Sterling, 8d; 'fallsnan, 13*3(1; Talisman KxWnded, U fld; Teutonic, d; Victor, 3a; Waihi Consols, Is 3d; Waihi hedging, 4d; Wailii Extended, lOd; Wnilil ilonutneiit. fld; Waihl-Silfrton. 78s; W»ihl louth, Is; ffaltekauri No. fld: Waltekauri No. ,2i fld; Waltekauri South, 6jd; Waieriey, Is d ; Wealth of Nations, (Id ; Woodstock, 27s 3d; North, 3d; Vonni; New Zealand, Is d; Zion, 3d; Marital, Is Id; Britannia, lOd; Junker's Hill, 7sml; Conquering Hero, 7d; Corona del Freehold Proprietary, Is 7d; Fo«r-in-H»ii.l, i Oii; Golden Hill, 4d; Gulden Hill Kxtended, Id ; Golden I-ead. 3d ; Golden Tokatea, l(.-d; lauraki No. 2, Is lOd ; Hitnraki North, paid up, a 9d; Hauraki North,cnntrlbutlnn,2s3d; llau>afii louth, Is 2d; Harbour View, 7dj New Clniconda, Id; New; North, 8d ; Pipny.«Jd ; 'ride of Tokatea, Is Od; Progress-Castle itock, Cd; 'ukewhau, ,'iid; Tandem, Is ; Welcome Find, 2s Id ; Wynyartlton, lid; Zealand!#, Is 3d.

J. Friar Clark* 1). Mcl.eod it. Prater M. 'J'. N. Bluck ]), K. McDonald Duncan K. Clerk Altkeft Carrlck N. 1. Mxrkbam Francis Hull W, A. Ryan James E»ld J. T Armitage H. 0. Mackjr W A, Prim# (I. V. Hrlinblecorabe V. J. Ijrner Jaw en Frater Laurence A. Le»y 0. A. Buttle 11. S. Feiwick i Charles Alexander Charlen Clay forth John Mowbray Robert 15. Isaacs Phil li. Morris W. A. Knight H. S. Kuddock A. 11. Oarlick J. M. I.KNHOX, Chairman. 4 p.m., Thursday, May 1«, 18W.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10132, 15 May 1896, Page 4

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COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10132, 15 May 1896, Page 4

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10132, 15 May 1896, Page 4