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[BI TKIiMBAPH.—OWN CORRESPONDENTS.] Thames, Saturday. arret,—Alburnia East, sellers sd ; Cambria, sellers Is 6d, buyers Is 4d; Cardigan, sellers Is 6d, buyers ls4d; Golden Point, sellers Is 9d; Golden Spur, sellers 6d; Imperial, sellers Is 6d; May Queen Extended, sellers sd; Moanataiari, Extended, sellers sd; Moanataiari, sales lis, buyers 10s 9d ; New Whau, sellers lOd, buyers 9d; Sheridan, sales Is 2d, Is Id, Is 2d, Is 3d, buyers Is 2d ; St. Patrick, sellers 7(1; South British, sales 4£d, sellers sd ; Victoria, sales 3s 8d: Waihi Monument, sellers 6d ; Welcome Find, sellers 2s 6d.

Adelaide.—The shaft has reached a depth of 17 feet below the main adit level, making a depth of fivo foot sunk during the week. In addition to sinking, howevor, timbering and preparing the brace for winding was also accomplished. Pdru Consolidate.— The drive south on the Rimu roof lias been extended a further distance of four feet during the week, but although the roof has maintained its size, and has shown very favourable indications, still not so much gold has boon seen during the wook as previously. Rather tight country has been penetrated in the low level during the week, but nevertheless its extension has been advanced a distance of 10 feet. Nothing has been done this weok on the new reef discovered on the surface a fortnight ago, as the weather has been unfavourable for out- j door work.

Thames Hadraki.—The contractors for stripping and enlarging the Queen of Beauty shaft are making very satisfactory progress with the work, they having sunk and re-timbered a depth of no loss than 36 feet since they commenced operations a fortnight ago. This depth, added to the 50 feet accomplished by wagos men prior to the contract being let, makes a total depth of 86 feet to which the enlargement of the shaft has been carried.

Pakroa, Saturday. Ivanhoe.—The Crown lode driven for by this company was intersected in the early part of this week, and where met with it has proved itself to be two feet wide. Regarding the operations of this company it may interest outsiders to know that about 18 months ago Fleming and party, the previous owners of the property, wore operating on a reef which was supposed to be the Crown lode. When the present company placed Mr. Goldsworthy in charge, and the latter had time to look round and make bis calculations, he came to the conclusion that the reef being driven on was only a branch ot the main roef, and that the main body of ore was still ahead. With Mr. Goldsworthy to think is to act, and he at once continued the crosscut ahead, with the result that his theory was proved to bo correct, the lode having been intorsccted after about 30 feet of driviDg. When first met with the reef was of a decidedly promising appearance and showed that it) carried gold, bat the country encasing it got very bard, and bo pinched up the lode tha(j the ore won was not of a payable nature. In consequence of this unfavourable state of affairs operations in the face were suspended, and a commencement was mado to put in a ctosscut at a point about 700 feet north of the workings, and here again bad luck in the shape of nard country met the company almost torn the outset. The shareholders, however, proved that they were men of the right stamp, and with great pluck and perseverance they pushed ahead the work undertaken. Fully 300 feet was negotiated when the compauy were rewarded on Tuesday last by the lode so much desired, and according to its underlie, etc., there is no doubt in the mind of the manager that the reef is the Crown. Of course much cannot be said of the new development just yet, though the lode bears a most promising appearance. The country, however, is still hard, but a change in this direction appears to be making on the footwall side, where it seems to be a little easier. It is, however, to be hoped that the reef will more than realise expectations, as if a company ever deserved to be rewarded for pluckily keeping operations going in spite of difficulties that company is the Ivanhoe. The lode, it may be stated, runs right through the company's property, so that if it proves of a payable nature there will be a large and valuable block of ground to develop. Operations at No. 4 level have been successful in recovering the shoot of ore which was heaved by a break some time ago. This consummation will, no doubt, be bailed with delight by the shareholders, there being now also a certainty of having in hand in a couple of weeks time the same lode at No. 6 level, where the influence of the same cross course was similarly felt. Where picked up at No. 4 level the ore body does not show any alteration, its characteristics being maintained. The lode ie about; three feet wide, and produces payable ore. Driving on its course north and south is now to be commenced, while the crosscut going west at No. 6 level will be pushed ahead with expedition to get the lode in hand as quickly as possible. The workings below No. 6 level continuo to produce a high grade character of ore, gold being freely seen in some of the stone broken out. Thi» pleasing state of affairs certainly augurs well for future developments, and proves that the block underfoot will not ouly bo extensive but rich, so that the company can look ahead for yoars of prosperity. Favona-Bkiluant.— progress is being made with the enlargement of the old prospecting shaft, and about 25 foot have now been negotiated. The shaft will be used for the permanent operations, and is of a good size, being 14 feet by 6 feet in the clear.

Consols.—The Bhaft is down about 125 feet, and is passing through broken sandstone country. Waihi.— renowned company seems to be in luck's way, as they have now intersected the Welcome lode in an old prospecting crosscut which bad been driven a distance of about 220 feet about eleven years ago, and then abandoned. The locality of the workings is on the western side of the Martha Hill, and in order to show how near and yet so far were the original holders of the ground when they suspended operations, it may be stated that the Waihi Company only had to extend the face 20 feet when the lode was met with. The ore body so far has been proved to be eight feet wide, and when developed it should odd additional payable quartz to the holders of she ground.



AND MINISTER OF MINES. [by telegraph.-own correspondent.] Thames, Saturday. Mr. W. H. Potte, president of the Thames Miners' Union to-day, received the following telegrams from the Premier and Minister of Mines respectively, in reply to telegrams sent by him yesterday bearing che resolutions of the public meeting held on Thursday evening :—

" Your telegram re resolutions passed at public meeting in refereiico to Tairua licenses received. Have rent same on to Minister of Mines for his consideration, feeling assured that justice will bo done,— R. J. Seddok."

" Your telegram conveying resolutions of meeting to hand. Legislation dealing with such matters generally has been ready awaiting Parliament for time.—A. J. Cadman."

The latter telegram is considered to be a very unsatisfactory one, as it is thought that Government should take immediate steps to deal with the question at issue, and nob to defer tho matter until Parliament meets.

Thames, Sunday. Last evening the executive committee appointed at Thursday night's meeting met at the Miners Union rooms to consider the telegrams received from Hons.Seddop and Cadman during the day, and kb a result of their deliberations the following telegram was drafted,which Mr. Potts will forward to Mr. Cadman to-morrow morning :—" Your telegram received. Pending your proposed legislation will Government consent to withdraw circulars issued from Warden's office re proceedings about to be instituted by Inspector of Mines againsbpersons to whom licenses have been granted at Tairua r"

Mr. C B. Button, M.H.R., received on Saturday the resolutions passed at the meeting held at the Thames on Thursday evening, and already published in our columns. Mr. Button has communicated with the Miuister of Mines on the subject, but has nob yet) received, 4 reply. <


[BY.TELEQRAPH— ASSOCIATION.] Wellington, Saturday. Before the Chiof Justice this morning application was made for leave to apply to the patent officer to amend the patent in connection with the cyanido process as in England. The Chief Justice granted the application. The question of costs was reserved.


THE MONTH'S CRUSHING. The following telegram was received on Saturday:—" Kapai-Vermont : Melted 3700z from 308 tons. Have not started on ore in low level yet.' l Last month the return was 330 tons for 47302" melted gold.


RETURN FOR THE MONTH. On Saturday Mr. H. Gilfillan.juu., received the following telegram .—Try Fluke: Battery. 82oz5dwt; cyanide, 72oz_15d\vt: total, 1550z gold. The usual quantity of oro was not put through owing to the battery having keen stopped for a week pending the opening of the low level. Last month the return was 2160z 15dwt.


It is stated that in the offer made for the acquisition of the Maritana, local shareholders, it is proposed, shall receive 60,000 paid up shares, and £5000 cash; option to be for four months from June 1, £100 per month to bo paid for option; offer to be subject to reports of Messrs. Argall and Pond. In reference to this property Mr. J no. Bowler reports having visited the mine. In his opinion no better course could be carried ou than at present. Ho was very pleased with the strata of tho country discovered which auqureil well for the future of the mine. The Muriel section would, he thought, prove a valuable acquisition to the property.


Saturday saw a very good morning's business at the Auckland Stock and Sharebrokers' Assocwtiou, There were buyers of closo on a hundred different stocks, while in some lines transfers v/ere heavy. Insurance stocks were again dealt in, New Zealands being doue at 73a and 73s 6d, with further buyers at tho lower price, and no sellers under 755. South British were also bought at 49s (3d. In the Thames mining list Hazelbanks changed hands at ',k 10(1, Monowais at ss, and Shcridans at Is 2d and Is Id. Kuaotunu stocks were rather neglected. Byron Bays at 9Jd and lOd were firm, and Ivanhoes hardened after sales at 9d. Sovereigns were steady at lsGil ; there was good business in Stanleys at from lOd to Is Id ; Talismans were brisk at from lis 6M to lis 9d, with a demand at lis Bd. Thore were buyers of Waihi-Silvertons at 75s and sellers at 80s. \Vavorleyß were transferred a;; Is 2d and Is 3d, remaining firm ; and Woodstocks were steady after sales at 24s 6d and 24s 9d. Bunker's Hills at 7s were hard, as were Coromandel Freehold Proprietors at Is BJ, while there was a steady demand for Four-in-Hands and Hauraki No. 2's.


Waveklby (Paeroa, May 8).-Pelton wheol now in position, and acts well. We can now prospect on this level as far as our ground extends, and have good ventilation. flavu uncovered tlio cap of the Sir Walter Scott lode, and the stone contains the sulphides, whilst by pounding I can get a very good prospect. I sunk a few feet on the lode, anil the indications of gold continue, whilst a nice prospect can be got as far down as I went. When this lode is cut in the present level 1 consider we will find it carries payablo gold, as I have all along contended. Central (Waitekauri, May 6). — Little change to report. The low level crosscut tu cut the No. 3 reef: This level is passing through a fine class of sandstone country. The reef should be met with iu another 30 feet.


The following reports of two weeks' work at the Pokaka mine, near Waimate, indicates that those iu charge are pegging away. It seems strange that the wild excitement that was aroused in the district at first should have almost died away. Notwithstanding this, the promoters-local people—are pushing on with spirit, and seem to have abundant encouragement in the class of stone they are getting. There are several local circumstances, altogether disconnected from the merits or demerits of the mine itself, that accounts for the want of goneral interest. Fairly, even coolly considered, there aro reasons enough for believing that the undertaking is a very promising • oue—(1) The reef has been known for many yoars; (2) the present promoters are local people, spending their own money, and they know that by-and-by their work will be thoroughly tested; (3) they have carefully kept themselves posted up by trying the stone, and, as expected, there is improvement as the workings progress. The reports are as follow :—

Pokaka, Bay of Islands. Manager's report for the week ending April 2oSince last report the work has been going on satisfactorily at the mine. The air shaft is now down a distance of 30 feet, and poiuir through a favourable class of country, On Thursday night last we cut a small gold bearing vein from which we obtained prospects of gold by pounding. The shaft is closely timbered for a distance of about 15 feet from the surface; but as the ground is getting tighter, I think it will stand alone until we break through into the level, which we hope to do by Wednesday evening. Report for the week ending May 2: We broke through with the air shaft on F.iday morning into the low level. The distance from the floor of the levol to the of the shaft measures 90 feet, instead of 60 feet as I mentioned in my last. Since we have broken through, we have been engaged in securely timbering the level at the bottom of the shaft. By Monday morning I expect to make a fresh start in the face of the level.

Rumours of gold being found in this district are of a long-standing character. Yoars ago a company was formed, and lapsed without proving tne country. A new impetus has been given lately by the fact that goldbearing stone has been picked up in different localities, indicating that the precious metal is to be found over a wide area. Some parties are very enthusiastic over the manifestation, and are anticipating a mining success on it proving a rich field. It is needless to add that this is an anticipation most of us would like to be true. At the same time I think it would be a groat surprise—[Own Correspondent.!

A sample of stone, showing gold, from Kinsclla's freehold, has been brought town by Mr J. G. Ralph. An extraordinary meeting of the Comstock Gold Mining Company will be held at the New Zealand Insurance buildings on tho22nd instant at two p.m., and of the Talisman Gold Mining Company on same date, and at same place, at half-post two p.m. It is notified that an increase of capital in the Golden fleece Gold Mining Company has been resolved on. The mode adopted for the increase is by issuing 30,000 new shares of three shillings each, in addition to tho 70,000 shares now existing in the company. All shares iu arrears with calls duo on the Bth April, in Waverley and Sheridan Gold Mining Companies, have been forfeited, and will be sold by public auction.

[bit telegraph.—press association.]

Reeftom, Saturday. Gold returns: Drake, 1590z amalgam from 60 tons clean up ; Cocksparrow Dredge, 250z amalcam for 109 hours; Butler Dredgo, 51$oz gold for 180 hours.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10128, 11 May 1896, Page 6

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THE GOLDFIELDS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10128, 11 May 1896, Page 6

THE GOLDFIELDS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10128, 11 May 1896, Page 6