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New Zealand Herald Office. Thursday evening. Ox the Stock Exchange business has been fairly active all round during the past week. All first-class investment stocks have maintained their tendency, and it is almost impossible to quote sellers, National Bank have buyers at £1 10s, sellers £1 lis fid. Sales of New Zealand Insurance have beeu effected at £3 13s, and buyers offer £3 12s 6d, with lowest sellers at £3 13s fid. South British and National are rather quiet. Sellers of South British ask £2 10s, and Nationals at ISs 4d, cum div. Standards have been sold at 15s lOd. River Plate shares are in demand at 9s 3d. Auckland Uas shares, both issues, are very firm, there being buyers of the old at £13 aud of the new at £7. There are strong buyers of Taupiri Coal at £12s, with no sellers. For the first time Nguuguru Coal have taken their place on the list, and buyer* are offering £1. There has been a good feeling in the mining market, and transactions in certain of the stocks have been numerous, in Thames proper, Hazelbanks have had good business up to 4a; May Queens have also been dealt in up Co 7s 6d; Moanataiaris up to 10s (VI; Monowais, ss; Albarniaa, 5s lOd; Victorias have improved in tone, the market closing with sales at 3s Cd. Kuaotunu stock have been rather quiet, with the exception of Kapai-Vermonts, which have sola up ti 8s Id, and Try Flukes up to 7a 9.1. In the Upper Thames district Alphas have been sold up to 4s. Crowns have sold at £1 15s, and buyers still offer £114? 6d. Karangahake have had a slight run up to 7d; and lvanhoes up to 9d ; Queen of Waihra firmed up considerably, and sales were effected at 3s. A good business has been done in Sovereigns from Is 5d to Is 7d. A slight run on Stanleys took place up to Hid. A large amount of business is mparted in Talismans up to lis 6d. The publication of the cable message sent ta Loudio stating that the fair average assay value of the first 500 tous of ore put through the Waihi-Silveiton's new battery, was equal to £4 5s per ton, caused these shares to firm rapidly in the market, and numerous transactions hare taken place from £3 12s to £4. Waitekauris are offered at £5 ss. Waihi shares are now quoted once more, buyers offering £6. Several transactions have taken place in Woodstocks up to £12s, and a much better feeling exists in the market for these shares. In the Coromandel district Bunker's Hill hive had a fair amount ot business from 6s 6d to 7s. There have also been numerous transactions in Uauraki No. 2 up to Is lOd, aud Zealandias up to lid. Business continues to improve, and although there are in all trades seme who are insatiable, it is recognised that more trade is being done as a result of a variety of favomable circumstances thtt need no particularizatiou. Coincident with the extra demand, there is a less readiness to accept any price rather than lose orders, and there is less impatience of buyers to force their ideas upon handlers. There used to be a systematic play off of one wholesaler against another to chaffer figures to tlio bone. This is now nearly a thing of the past, and business is being conducted on the whole upon a reciprocity of intelligence between buyers and sellers, and with much more expedition.

The following report of the situation of business in Sydney so exactly reflects the position here that we uae it as to show the trend of commercial matters that we think applies to most places under telegraphic system with producing countries, aided by regular steum cargo boats \—

No observant business man can fail to notice the change that has come over this market since the Bank crisis of 18.13. It was this which initiated the system of buying from hand to mouth, which has ruled ever since. Smaller stocks and shorter credit appear to be the maxim* guiding the better class of country storekeepers at the present time, and the increased facilities of transit assist ii: putting these maxims into practice. Importers also find that holding heavy stocks does not pay. The punctuality of the steam-Hums has now become proverbial, and goods can now be imported to arrive at a certain da'e and be distributed direct ex ship. The days of heavy prollis appear to have gone-some think not to return—and the merchant now makes bis profit by studying simll economies which in the (.'lowing boom times would lis looked upo i with contempt. The llrma which will not alter their systems a>e simply left out In the competitive struggle, and now houses take iheir place to do the business in the manner which the changed times demand.

A case has just occurred that is interesting to readers of this column in which the local merchants, Me3-,rs. ; Seedier, Langguth and Company, sued a Melbourne dealer named Marks fur fradulent representation of unfair samples, which the plaintiffs accepted in good faith prior to examination. The evidence was 10 convincing to the New Zealand jury that with no defence a verdict for the plaintiffs was recorded, but as there is no recourse to levy in any place outside of New Zealand jurisdiction, the plaintiffs cannot recover. If the case were vice versa it would be the same, ami as we are so reforming everything, this state of Intercolonial law, now that attention has been drawn to it, may excite more Ministerial zeal so that verdicts of the colonial courts of justice may not be practically worthless as in the case referred to. It seems somewhat contradictory that a man cau be arrested In another colony for wife desertion and other offences, but in trade matters the arm of the law is paralyzed by jurisdiction limits. Everybody knows there is a commercial as well amoral value iu a good name. Messrs. Lee and Perriii'a patent rights to the words "Woicester Sauce" expired a few years ago, »nd since then nine-tenths of the saucemakers of England and the colonies adopt the name of " Worcester" to their productions, whether made from mushrooms or tomatoes. It is a little too much, however, to see so-called Worcester sauce marked as from London, packed in second-class kauri cases strapped with kshikatea. The quality of the sauce may be excellent, but it appears to us that everything tending to deceive the public should be condemned, and the recent Trades Mark Act in England, making it compulsory to specify the place of origin may be copied in the colonies with advantage. The main thing noticeable about the import market for the week is a general discovery that in consumptive goods there are insufficient stooks, for although late arrivals have been heavy in a wide range, tho daily trade needs have overlapped supplies, and contiuual shortages are the rule. A few

years ago this market could always rely upon Wellington or Duuedin to fill up gupj in merchant* stocks pending direct arrivals, but now this is all changed, for the above ports keep practically no reserve for outside their own requirements. The general increase in local demaud has apparently not been fully realised, and the necessity to order more freely recognised. We learn that the catch of mullet in the Raipara bus proved very disappointing; an advance is likely. The following paragraph, however, referring to Alaska salmon and taken from a late San Francisco circular, may be read with interest by those engaged in the mullet-canning business:— " Salmon : There are signs of impending trouble in the Alaska salmon situation this coming season. The Alaska Paokors' Association can look for considerable competition from outside plants. The abnormally large profits made in salmon-canning; in the last few years has induced the erection of a number of outside opposition plants, The expectation here is, that tho production will largely exceed the consumption this year." In the metal trade there is a scarcity of 1C tin plates 20 by 14. A sharp advanoo in rice is reported by cable from Japan. In the produce division, 6ata have followod the Southern upward movomout, but purchases are confined to immediate wants. it is a hopeful sign of the times to find the Now Zealand farmers under no financial necessity to sell, which has so far resulted in a Southern advance of about 8d per bushel within a fortnight. One effect of this advance is that oatmeal has been advanced further 10s per ton. Maize has arrived freely. Crop reports are to the effect that on the celebrated Opotiki flat there is every prospect of a heavy yield, but in the outside districts the crop is tho nearest approach to a complete failure. Potatoes : Arrivals heavy, with very free ordering from all points. The price is unchanged from last week. In the local produce market prices are as follow: —Beat dairy tresh butter is Bd, second quality 6d, and third quality 5d per lb wholesale, Eggs are Is Cd per dozen wholesale, and Is 9d per dozen retail. Mr. R. C. Carr sold by auction to-day a number of properties in the estate of the late Mr. W. Edgecombe, the following being the lots sold and the pricos realised;— Eighteen semi-detached houses in College Road, £1700; two semi-detached two storey houses on tho Great North Road, £500; Newcastle, lot 380, quarter-acre, £3; Newcastle, lot 400, quarter-acre, £2 15s. The Pukekohe properties realised the following pricos:—Lot 1, £13 per acre; lot 2. £13; lot 3, £14 10s; lot 4, £11 lis; lot 5, £8 ss; lot 0, £11; lot 7, £6 15s; lot 8, £0 15s; lot 39 (Southern part), £6.

KAURI GUM MARKET. The following are the quotations for the Kauri ?um market for the week ending May 6,1896:Poor ordinary, which comprises weak and rough-coated pieces, pickings, and washed nuts, £28 to £32. Ordinary, meaning hard, rough-scraped gum, varying in price according to the quantity of washed nuts, ranges from. £36 to £42. Good ordinary, meaning hard, unpicked range gum, price varying according to size, scraping, aud freedom from weak pieces, from £44 to £52.

East Coast, £76 to £77. Supplies for six days in May, 117 tons. The prices quoted are i.omiiml, as the market in utterly stagnant, and merchants refuse to buy until prices are reduced. Stocks held in Auckland are very heavy, and an American ship takes about half cargo, merchants refusing to give ruling prices. Owing to the disinclination of buyers to purchase and of the holders of gum to give way, little business is doing. A crisis appears to be approaching. Except in East Coast, re-soraped, and superior ordinary no business is beiug done.

LONDON WOOL MARKET. ProM Association.—Electric Telegraph. -Copyright.

London, May 7. Wool: Medium and best sorts slightly firmer; faulty, weak.

Per New Zealand Loan and Merc.ii tile Agency Co.

London, May 7. Wool.— the close of last sales, greasy washed and scoured merino, medium and inferior, are id to Id lb lower. Scoured merino super, fine washed, scoured, aud medium greasy crossbreds are Jd lb lower. Washed merino super, and fine greasy crossbred are Id lb lower. Medium washed ami medium scoured crossbred, greasy merino lambs super., medium aud inferior, are Jd lb 'lower. Greasy orossbred lambs are id lb higher. Meoiuin greasy crossbred, coarse greasy, washed and scoured crossbreds are par to .J,d lb lower. Slipo has declined Jd lb. Crossbred market easier. Competition by both home and foreign buyers is active, except wools of a faulty character are neglected. There is no American demand. Up to date 63,000 bales have been sold. The total quantity withdrawn to date is 9000 bales.


Pre.iß Association.—Electric Telograplj.—Copyright.

London, May 6. The total quantity of wheat anil flour afloat for the United Kingdom is 2,230,000 quarters, and tor the Continent 1,180,000 quartets. The American visible supply of wheat is estimated at 80,400,000 bushels. National Bank of New Zealaud shares are £1 ss; Bank of New Zealand 4 percent, guaranteed stock, 1051 ex interest -. New Zealand Loan aud Mercantile Agency Company's 4 per cent, prior lien debentures, 93. The wool market is unchanged. Home buyers are inactive, but those from the Continent are purchasing strongly.


BROKERS' ASSOCIATION. Businkss DOM!.-New Zealand Insurance, /3s; Standard Insurance, 15s lOtl; Cluniut, oil; Hazelbank, 3a lOd; May Queen, 7s 4il; New Alliuiuia, 6s 9d ; Koyal, Is Id ; Sheridan, Is Id, Is ; Victoria, 3s id, 3s 6d, 3* Oil; Golden Anchor, 0)d; Vermont, 8a 3d, 8s id, 8s ikl: Alpha, 4s; Uiaco Marling, Is lid; lluanui, is 4d ; ivanhue, id; Karaiitialiake, fid, iijd, (id, id, f. 1*1; New Zealander, 7d, Oceania, Sd; (jueun of Woilil, 2s lOd, 3s; Sovereign, Is sd, Is 7.1, la Bd ; Stanley, 10(1, h, lOjd, lid; Talisman, lis, tin 3d, lis *l; Thllmmui lixtended, Is 6d, Is ISA ; Wallii Consuls, Is id ; Waihi-Silvertiui, 76s to 78s; Waitekaurl No. 4,2< id; Waverley, Is lid; Woodstock, 22a; Young New Zealand, is 7.1, Is 8(1; bunker's Kill, 7s; (loliicn Lead, 7d; Haurakl No. 2, Is ldil; Pride of Tokateu, Is -id; Progress-Castle 4<l; Zealandia, lid. Buyers. -National Bank, 30a; New Zealand Insurance. 72s (id; New Zealand ami Hirer Plate, 9s 3d; standard Insurance, Irs 8d; Auckland (las, old £18, new £7 ; Thames Gas, 345; Taupiri Coal, 22s ; Kguuiiuru Coal, :l s; New Zealand Drug, £1 shales, 20s; Alburnia Kast, 6d; Broken Hill, Oil; Cambria, Is id; Cardigan, Is 3d; City of Duuedin, ls8d; Chines, id; Coinstock, 3d; Hazolbank, 3s Sit; May Queen, 7s 3d; May Queen Extended, id; Moauaialari, IDs id; Munowai, is od; New Alburnia, 6s 7(1; Norfolk, 3s Bd; Occidental, 3d; Orlando, fid; Puru Consolidated, la 2d ; Itoya 1 , Is; Scandinavian, 8d; Sheridan, Is; Tapu fluke, 4d; Victoria, 3s lid; Aorere, Is; (Jclduu Anchor, fljd; Golden Link, 7d; Juno, 6d; Jupiter, 3s 2d; Vermont, 8s 3d; Kuaotunu, Is 2d; Maori Dream, is 21; Monarch of All, 2d; Phienix, fid; Try Fluke, 7* 3d ; Alpha, 4s; Byron Hay, 9d; Central, 10il; Chelt, 3d; Crown, 34s ud; Day Dawn, 6d; Golden fleece, "d; Grace Darling, is lud ; Huanui, Is 2d; Imperial. Is fid; Ivanhue, 7d; KaMiijtaliake, fijil; King of Wallil, Oil; Kinsella's freehold, Oil; Mariner, 3d; New Zsalander, lid; Nil Desperaiidum, 3d; Oceania. 7d; Owliaroa, 8s; Portsea, "d; Queen of Wallil, 3s ; South British, Id; Sovereign. Is wl; Stanley, Bd; Talisman, lis id; Talisman founded, Is id; Walbl, £tt; Wallii Consols, Is Id; Walbi-Sliveitori, 78s; Waitekaurl No. 4, 2s 3d; Wiitekauri South, «d; Ward Proprietary, Sjsl; Waverley, Is ; Wealth of Nations, 3d; Woodstock, ii» Oil; Young New Zealand, Is 6d; Zion, 7d ; Maritana, Sd; Blinker's Hill, 7s ; Coromaudsl freehold Proprietary, I* 8d; Four-in-Hand, Is 3d; Golden Lead, 7d; Great Kapanga, 2d; llaurakl No. 2, I* 8d; Hanraki South, Is 3d ; Harbour View, 6d; New Oolcoiida, Oil; Pride of Tokatet, Is Id; Pukewhau, 4d; .Welcome Find, Is 8.1; yiiyardton, 3d; Zealandia, 9d.

--National Bank, 31s Od ; New Zealand Insurance, 73s fill; National Insurance, 18s 4(1; New Zealand and River Plate. Mi; South British Insurance, 60s; Thames Gas, 36* (Id; llikiirangi Coil, »i; Kauri Timber, contributing, 2f Sit; New Zealand Drug, ill shares, 2ls; Union Oil, IDs; Albumin iiaat, Oil; Broken Hill, KM; Cambria, Is (Jd; Cardigan, Is 6d; City of Buuedlu, Is lOd; Chums, 7rt; Com>tock, Oil; City of London, Del; Freedom, &d; Golden Point, Is Od ; Hnzelliank. in ; Magazine, (lit; May (Jueen, 7s Oil; May tjiuien Kxtonded, Oil; Moanaiaiari, lis; Moanaiaiarl lixlended, -'d; Moanaiiiiri North, fid; Monowai, 6s 3d; New AlburnU, Oh; New Wbau, lOil; Norfolk, Is; Occidental, (id : Orlando, 9d ; Puru Consolidated, is Oil; ii-tiiptira,6d; Kuyal, is 3d ; Scandinavian, KM; Sheridan, Is 2d; Tapu (fluke, 9d; Victoria, "M 7u; Ajax. Oil; Aorero, is 3d ; Aurora, Id; Al, id; JUlfour, OJd ; Diadem, Is; Umpire, Od; Gladys, (Id ; Golden Anchor, J'Jd; Golil«n Link, Od; Great United, Od; luylctn, 7u ; Innicta North, 4d ; JunO, Od; Jupiter, 3s 7d; iUnal-Vviiuont, 8sOil; Kuaotumi, is6il; Maori Dream, la Oil; Maorilaud, la; Midas, la 8d; Monarch of All, 3jd; Mountain Flower, id; Phoenix, Ujd ; Premier, oil ; Try Fluke, 7a Hid; Waitiiia, 3a od; Alpha, is od; Asteroid, ;)Jd; British Umpire, Oil; Uyrnn Hay, Is Cuutrai, 1«; Chelt, fid; Crown, 3'Js fed; Day Dawn, 7d; KxceUlor, Oil; Golden Fleece, Od; Golden Lion, id ; Golden Spur, 7d ; Grace Darling, is; Ueitmanu Freehold, Od; Hercules, 9(1; llit-ur-Mlsa, (Id: lluaiml, Is (Id; Imperial, Is 7d; lujdewooii, Od; ivauhqe, Oil; Jewel, paid up, od; Jewel, contriouting, Cd; Karaiißahake, Od; ICliijj of Wulhl, 7Jd; Khisella'a Freehold, la 3d; Manner, 6,1; Mount Wailii, Od; New Zealanc'kr, &\ ; Nil Desperandum, <jd ; Oco;inla, 9d; Opliir, 4d; o wliaroa, 3s fla; Portia, lOd; Puriri, 7d; uueeu of Walhi, 3s 2d; Sir Julius, 7d ; South llriiish, fid; Sovereign, Is fid; St. Patrick, 7d ; Stanley, lid; Talisman, Us94;Talisman Kxteudad, h Od; Teutonic, Od; Victor, 3a; Waihl Consuls, is 2d ; Walhi Dredging, 6d; Wailii KxtemUd, Did ; Walhi Monument, Od ; Waihi-Siherton, 80s; Walhi Bouth, od; Waltekami, 106s; Walt'okauri King, 7jd; IVaitekauri No. V, OJd; Waltehuiri No. 4, 2s ed; Wallokauri South, S'l; Ward Pioprietary, Od; WaYorley, is 3d; Wealth of Nations, id; Woodstock, 235; Woodstock North. 31; Young New Zealand, Is 8d ; Golden Crown, 7a; Maritana, la; liritairnia, Is; Bunker's Hill, 7s 3d; Conquering Hero,

B<l ; Cororaaudel FreelioltlPropriefcary, is 104 i Four. in-Hand, 1* Od; Golden Hill, 4di Golden Hill Extended, 2}d; Qolden Lead, 8d; Golden Tokatea, 10d; Groat Kapaiua, id'; Haurakl No. 2, la iOd; Ilauraki North, paid up, i* 9d; Hauraki North, contributing, & 34; Hautakl South, I? «4i Harbour View, 7d; Napier, 7d J New Gnlconda, lid; New Tokatsa, lOd • North, 8d; Pigmy, 6Jd ) Pride of Tokatea, la 3d; Princess May.od; Progress-Castle Itock, 6d; Pukewhau, Btl; Tandem, Is; Welcome Find, 2a 6d; Wynyardton, Is Zealandia, Is; Kaiser, Oil.

(No. of xi Paid 1 Ijwt| Company. Shares § upper s .i M Pats. I Issued & Share. m "' Banks- £,' Sb.i1. 6 «. d. Colonial .. 200,00!) I M I. - - N.Z,,old ..190,000 (If 6 0 - - „ new .. 50,000 7} 7 10 0 - - National ..100,000 7} 310 0 110 9 May 8 New S. Wales 100,000 20 10 0 0 - - Union of Australia .. 80,000 76 45 0 0 - IN8UIUNCB— New Zealand 100,000 10 2 0 0 318 0May7 National ..100,116 10 0 10 0 0 18 4 May 18 N.Z. Accident 20,000 1 0 6 ii - South British 04,053 10 l g 0 210 0 Apr. 23 Standard .. 100,000 10 0 15 0 0 16 1 M»y7 LOANN.Z.T..4M ..320,000 10 lit I - - „ Preference 200,000 8} 3 10 0 - - K»tVlM.*A. 100,000 10 % 0 0- - N.Z.*lt.P. ,.200,000 9 1 0 i' - - OiSAuckland, old 16,000 0 6 0 I 12 14 0 Apr. 28 „ lion .. 13,718 6 8 10 (. 6 8 0 Jan. 11 Gbrletckrch ( - m ° 6 0 0 - mnstcimu w<w _ 2 J0 0 Qlaboriie .. 12,000 1 1 0 i' 1 18 0 Jail. 80 l.yttoltou ., 3,000 5 8 0 0 — — ( 1,500 10 0 0 Napier.. { 500 10 5 0 0 - - I 2,000 l 0 0 New Plymouth 2,000 5 817 0 - - Pahuerstuu N. 6,000 6 210 0 — - Thames .. 9,030 2) 1 18 (, 113 0 Apr. 13 f 10 0 0 Wellington < 16,000 10 6 0 0 8 0 OApr. 6 I 10 0 1IMMERKaurl Timber 150,000 2 2 0 i — — „ ne«450,O0n i I 2 . 0 2 OMayl ShippingDcvoiinortS.F. 10,00u lio'.'- - N.Z. Shipping 69,689 8 8 0 6 — Northern 3,8. 12, l»j U/i OH i 0 0 2 May 6 „ new 104,2811 H/|! ii 7 i 0 « 1 Mar. 28 Union S.S, .. 69,09: 10 a 0 , - - Coal— Hikurangl .. 30,00' i 0 7 C 0 fl 0 May 1 Tuupirl .. 21,000 1 0 16 0 0 18 0 Mar.80 'I'aupirlltes'in- a.oou i I 0 u — - „ now 16,215 i 0 13 « - Weitpoil Coal OO.SiiO *( 3 11 0 — — Ngunguru .. 18,000 - 1 o 0 1 0 0 - MlsCKLUNK'llS Auckl'iid Fibre 18,946 1 I 0 " — — Colonial Sugar ,0,373 20 20 0 0 — — • „ „ 2,490 Kfl 10 0 0 - - N.Z. Drug .. 70,991 2 2 0 0- ,, „ — 1 l 0 0 1 0 8 Apr. 23 Northern Bool 12,64* 1 u 10 0 0 6 0 Mar.26 SliarlanilifcOo. 60,000 1 0 12 o - Union Oil .. 30,86u I 0 11 0 0 17 0 Apr.ll Q01.11viKi.nsI'AoinH. Adelaide.N.L.. 80,000 J 0 0 0 0 0 6Apr,22 Alburnia 60,00 3/ j 0 0 2 0 0 4} May 6 Broken Hill .. 65,000 3/ 0 0 2 0 0 8Apr,2f Cambria 60,iiju I 0 5 » 0 1 5 May 4 Cardigan, Ltd. 100,000 3/ - O 1 4 May 4 City Dutiedin 611,000 4 0 8 01 0 2 0 Apr, 14 City of London 80,000 2/0 _ - — Chines, N.l, .. 50,008:3/ 0 9 10 0 6 May 7 Excelsior, N.U 00,000; 3/ _ — — Freeiloiii.N.L.. 80,000! 3/ _ 0 OfiJKeb.S Golden Pi., nu 100,009 £1 10 001 s Apr. 23 linzullmnk .. u'.iiiui J 11 3 0 0 3 10 May 7 Kuranul, .. 60,00:1 J 0 0 10 1 6 May 6 Lone Hand, Lt 50,0j0 }i 0 1 0 0 1 0 Mar. 4 May ijueon .'70,0011 t 0 I II 0 7 4 May 7 May Queen Ex, 100,000 3/ - 0 0 OApr. 22 Momivat .. 60,Otin J 0 1 0 O 6 OMayO Mnanat'i'rl Ex. 00,000 2/8 0 0 1 0 0 6 Anr. 23 »ioana.N.,N.U 50,000 3 0 1 11 0 0 6} May 8 NewWhau.N.L 60,OUo 3/ 0 0 3 0 0 8 May 2 New Almuiiu Min , j 0 2 0 0 6 9.May7 North Star .. 45,11011 1-5 0 18 — — Moanaui-iti .. so.OO'i 1 9 6 0 0 10 6 May 6 Nor/oik . (1(1,(11)11 J 0 7 3 0 3 8 May 6 Orlando ,. 40,001- I021O 0 11 Apr. 18 Occidental,n.l 5370:1 I/O 0 0 4 - — Puriri, N.L. .. 55,0011 2/ 0 0 2 0 0 OApr. 1 Puru Consolid. go.OOJ 0/ — 0 14 May 1 Kaiuiatira .. _ - .. 0 0 6 May 6 Boy . .. .. 60,000 J 0 0 J 0 1 lMay7 Scandinavian.. 80,0,* 3/ 0 0 10 0 7 Apr. 27 Blierlilau, n.i„ 60,000 8/ 0 110 1 0May7 Tapu Fluke .. 45,000 2/002- - Victoria, N.L... uu,01* 10 2 10 3 0|May7 Waiotalil . o,0'" » J 10 Oil O Apr. 8 Zlou, N.L .. 80,000 3/ — 0 0 "1 Apr. 80 Upper Tlmmii. Alpha, N.L. .. 60,000 3/ 0 0 10 4 0May7 Asteroid .. - - - 0 0 3 Apr. 23 Byron Bay,n.l 70,0,10 } — 0 1 OMar.81 B. Krapire.N.L. 00,000 3/ — — — Central, N.L. ., 70,0u0 4/ - 0 0 11 May 2 Cbelt, N.L, .. 65,0i)O 2/0001O0 4 May 2 Crown .. wjom, 1 1 11 i, 1 16 OMayO Coinstock .. fio.OOt' 3/ 0 0 2 0 0 6 Apr. 22 Day Dawn,N.L. 00,000 4/ — HO 6 Apr. 10 Gulden Fleece 70,000 3/ - 0 0 7J May 0 Uold'u Lh.u.NL 70,000 3/ - - - Golden Spur.. 80,000 !>/ — 0 0 OMayO Grace Darling (10,000 0 8 0 0 lllMayT Horcules, N.L.. 100.000 3/ — 0 0 6Mar,20 lloitiuau Fihld 100,000 2/8 - 0 0 7 Apr. 15 lilt or Mis.i, HI. oo.Oiti 6/ — — - liuanui, «.L .. 00,000 3/ 0 0 1 O 1 4 May 7 Imperial, n.l. 56,oi;n 2/ 0 0 8 0 1 0 May 6 Inulewood.N.L 75,000 4/ — 0 0 BOIar.12 hanhoe, N.l.... 56,0'> 2/ 0 0 2 0 0 7iMay7 Jewel, paid-up 0 ',000 2 — 0 0 8}!May6 „ contr'blg 0 O U'May 6 Karauga'ke.NL 70,000 4/ _ 0 0 6} May 7 King of W-uhi 100,000 2/0 — 0 0 bj .May fl Kliuella'sPr,. I5»,00u J - 0 1 OMayl Mariner .. 70,0003/ _ 0 0 4j Feb. 22 N. Sliotover.NL 70,000 5/ _ — — NewZealander 76,000 3/ _ 0 0 7 May 7 N.Desp'raml'in 80,000 2/ _ u 0 3 May 1 Oceania, N.U. . 611,000 2/0 — 0 0 8 May 7 Ophir.N.L. .. 76,000 2/ - - ~ Uwharua .. 76,M)u J _ 0 3 o'May4 Hortsea .. 60,000 j 0 0 3 0 0 0) May 1 Qn. of Waihi 100,000 j _ 0 3 0 May 7 St. Patrick, 100,000 2/ - 0 0 61 May 2 S'tll British. 1. 70,0 0 4/ 0 2 3 0 0 i\ May » Sovereign, N.l-100,000 3/ _ 0 1 «May7 Stanley, N.l. .. 00,u/' 2/ 0 0 1° nil May 7 Sterling, N.L, .. 60 WO 2/ _ 8}d May 8 Talisman .. lOO.UOu 6/ 0 1 7 ° 11 0May7 TalUman Ext, 140,0* 3/ _ 0 1 6 May 7 Teutonic, N.L. | 85,o0o 3/ — — — Waihi Consols ,176,000 if i 0 0 0 1 2 May 7 Victor, N.L ..'150,000 2/ 0 0 2 0 3 2 May 2 Waitekauri K. 76,000 2/ _ 0 0 7 May 6 WatekariNo V 8>,i>00 3/ _ 0 0 10 May 8 Waluka'ri No.l; UO.IiWI 4/ 0 0 1 ° 2 4 May 7 Waitekaurl S. 0,000 4/ _ 0 0 6J Miy I Wailil-slWoriV 60,00' l 1 0 0 3 18 « May 7 Wullii .. ..150,'*- it I 0 I' — - Walhl Kxt. ..60,o:k) £1 o 1 oO 0 10 May 5 Waihi Smith, i.|150,oo 8/ 0 1 1 " u 6 Ma ? 5 Walhl Piopr'y.'160,000 3/ 0 1 0 0 1 Hilar. 7 Waihi Mon'm't 80,000 3/ _ 0 0 7 Apr. 3 Waihi Dredg.. 100,000 1/ _ 0 0 4 Apr.30 Ward Propri'ty, 100,0 2/ - 0 0 84 Apr. 27 Woodstock N. I 60,000 2/004 — ~ Wo..,l<..ek .,1',0,'W. 1/ i 0 0 1 '■! 0 May 7 Waitekaurl .. 150,000 1 _ 6 0 0 Apr, 29 W. Nations, NI. 70,000 4/ 0 0 1 " ° I May 0 Waverley, N.U 66,010 2/ 0 0 4 " 1 2 May 7 V, New/,., N.L. 75,000 3/ - 0 1 8 May 7 tiuaotnmt. rare, N.u .. 80,000 0/ _ 0 1 3 Apt. 20 Aurora, N.L. .. 60,000 2/ _ 0 0 8 Apr, 28 Balfour, N.L... 80,o0o 3/ _ 0 0 OMayl Diadem, N.L... SO.tOII 3/ - - - Inyicta, N.I.. .. 70,001) 2/ — O 0 6J May 6 Iinicta North 85,000 2/ - - - Gladys, N.L. .. 70,000 3/ _ O 0 M fob. 21 llolden Anchor 60,000 3/ — 0 0 0* May 7 Golden Link.. 80,000 2/0 - 0 0 84 Apr. 14 art. United, NL 70,000 •>/ _ 0 0 3J Apr. 14 Juno .. ., 90,000 2/8 _ 0 0 6 Mar. 26 Jupiter ., 40,000 4 - 0 3 lMay6 K'ipal.Verm'nl 100,000 { - 0 8 6 May 7 Kuaotunu.N.L w,000 2/ 0 0 1 0 1 6 May 6 Maori Dream. 60,000 3/ 0 g 1 O 1 3 Apr. 29 Maorlland,N.L. 80,000 8/ 0 0 1 0 1 oMay6 Midas, N.L, .. 70,000 8/ 0 0 1 0 J 7 May 4 Monarch of All - _ _ 0 0 4 Apr. 27 Mount Auruill 80,000 2/ - 0 0 4} Apr. 10 Pliteuix, N.L... 00,00' 3/ — 0 OejMayO Try fluke .. 8\0iih I n i c 0 7 May 0 Waitala .. 60,000 } 0 0 6j 0 8 3 Apr. i Coromaniel. Albion, N.U .. 100,000 i — - - Alert, N.U ,, 70,000 2/001 - - Bigileu,N.L.. 60,000 6/ - - - Britannia .. 80,000 2/ 0 0 2 0 0 7 Apr, 23 B'nkVsHlll.l.t 60,000 6/ 0 2 6 0 7 0May7 Con. Hero. N.L. 80,000 2/ 0 0 10 0 8 Mar. 7 C.K.Proprtary 160,000 2 0 - 0 110 May 0 Empress, N.U 85,000 1/ O 0 1 0 0 2 Feb. 20 Jour in Hand 00,000 2/ - 0 1 6 May 8 Qui.Hill NL 100,000 3/ 0 0 2 0 0 2jMar,23 Ooldenlllll.NI. 50,000 3/ 0 010 0 0 4[Apr.22 UuM'nLeail.Nl, 70,000 2/ - 0 0 7 May 7 Qold'nTokatea 100,000 2/ — 0 0 10 Mar. 11 (Vat Kapanga 80,000 3/ - 0 0 8 Fob. 29 Harbour View 80,000 2/ - 0 0 0May5 Uatirakl Spoc'l 320,000 2/6 — — — Hauraki 2, N.L 100,000 3/ - 0 110 May 7 llaurskl North 100,000 20/ - 0 2 3 Apr. 28 „ contrlb. 0 a lMayl Hauraki m.,n.l 80,000 4/ 0 0 10 1 6 May 0 Katie, Ufl. .. 100,wo 1/ 0 0 1 — _ N.Unlcouda.NL 76,000 2/ 0 0 8 0 10 May 5 N, Tokatea,Nl- 80,000 2/ 0 0 1 0 0 flMayl P.Tokatea, N.l, 80,000 1/6 — 0 1 2 May 7 North .. .. 80,i:00 2/ — 0 0 8} A pr.21 Pigmy, NX. .. 90,000 2/ — 0 0 6 Jan. 8 Princess May.. lOu.Oou 3/ — 0 0 4}. May 4 Pukuwhau .. 60,000 2/ - 0 0 «M»r.2t P. Castle Hock 66,000 3/ — 0 0 4 May 7 Wei. Find, Ltd. 70,000 5/ 0 13 0 1 9 May 4 Wynyardtun .. 70,000 3/ 0 0 3 0 O 7 lpr, 29 Ztalaiulia, N.L. 70,000 2/ - 0 0 11 May 7 DisngNxunus- Buyers. City of Auckland b% ' .. .. 108 - De»onport Waterworks 6J# ,, 107} - New Zealand Government 4}X ., — — Parnoll Borough 67. .. .. j 107} - J. Friar Clarke D. McLeod K. Frator M. T. N. Bluok 1), 11. McDonald Duncan B. Clerk Aitken Carrlck N. I. Markhain Francis Hull W, A. Ryan Jairn- Iteid J. T Annltago It. (i, Macky W A. Prima (1, K. llriinhlecombe V. J. Lamer James Krater lj\urence A. I.u»y G. A. Buttle II. S. Fenwiok Charles Alexander Cliarlee Clayforth John Mowbray Itobert K. Isaacs Phil B. Morris W. A. Knight H. S. Haddock A. It. Garllck ]. M. LuNNOX, Chairman, 4 p.m., Thursday, May 7,1888. CALL AND DIVIDEND LIST. culls: £ » rt. Date. N'ewWhauG.SL Co. ..001.. May 18 WynyanlUin (l.M. Co. ..008 . May 13 City of London G.M. Co, ..001,, May 13 MiiUstJ.M.C 0 0 1.. May IS Maorilaud G.M. Ci 0 0 1,. May 13 Ciiii|Uerlni; HoroO.M. Co... 0 0 1.. Miy IS Great Kapanga G.M. Co. ..001.. May 13 Katie G.M Co 0 0 1.. May 13 ' Kinotunu G.M. Co 0 0 1,. May 13 Kmprcss G.M. Co, .. ..001,, May 13 Umpire G.M. Co 0 0 0},. MaylS Walkaiiao G.M. Co, . ,.001,. May 13 Britannia G.M. Co. ., ..001,, MaylS Golden Hill Extended G.M. Co 0 0 1 .. M»yl3 Ivanhoo G.M. Co 0 0 1.. May 13 European G.M. Co 0 0 1 .. MaylS Portaaafl.M. Co, . ,. 0 0 0* „ May 21 Now Golconda O.M, Co. ..001.. Jane 10 Masazhie G.M. Co 0 0 1.. June 10 Adelaide G.M. Co 0 0 2.. June 10 Alburuia Eaet G.M. Co. .. 0 0 1 .. June 10

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10126, 8 May 1896, Page 4

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COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10126, 8 May 1896, Page 4

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10126, 8 May 1896, Page 4