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(by uleqbaph.— corbespondknt.] Thames, Wednesday. arret, —Alburnia 4s 9d, 4s lOd, sellora ss; Cambria Is, sellers Is 3d; Crown, 27s 6d; Waiotahi, sellers 28s j May Queen, 8s 6d; Monawai, 4s; Moanataiari Extended, 9d; Moanataiari North, 9d; Pariri, 9d; Sheridan, Is Id; Victoria, 3s 3d; Royal, Is 6d; Argosy, 6d.

Victoria.—Ten pounds of picked stone were obtained yesterday from new reef in the crosscut at No. 1 level.

Paeroa, Wednesday. Alpha.—The western reef recently intersected has now been proved to bo a little over four feeb wide, The ore is of a payable nature, and as there is a big back of ground available on this lode the company will no doubt have the reef systematically developed when the big plan of operations is entered npon. Jubilee,— on Christie's leader are being attended with success, the reef proving itself to be a nice compact body of stone, the assay value of which the manager informed mo, was about £10 per ton. A commencement has now boon made to prove the roef downwards, as a winze is being sunk a short distanco back from tho face, and if tho ore body maintains its promising-looking appearauce the intention is to open it up at a lower level.

NEW ALBURNIA. £1000 DEPOSIT PAID. A cablegram received yesterday afternoon from Loudon stated definitely that the sale of the New Alburnia property had been completed, and that the purchasers had paid the deposit of £1000 to the Bank of New Zealand in London. The sum named will be paid to the Auckland directors to-day. The sale must be regarded as a most satisfactory one. Local shareholders not only get a substantial sum in cash to recoup them for past efforts, but they retain an interest in a valuable property for the development of which ample capital is now to be found. On the other hand, the London purchasers may congratulate themselves _ on having secured one of the most promising mines on the Thames Peninsula. The negotiations havo been conducted by Mr. G. A. Buttle on behalf of the vendors, and by Mr. Moss Davis for the purchasers.

I AUCKLAND SHAREMARKET. I Somewhat more of briskness was apparent yesterday in the Auckland Stock Exohance. I Sales were reported in about a dozen diffeI rent stocks. There were buyers of National ' Banks at 30s, and no sellers, and there were sales in National Insurance at 18s 6d and 18s 10d There were offers for River Plates at 5s 6d; of Auckland Gas, old, at £12 7s 6d ; and of Auckland Gas, new, at £6 4s, without sellers in either instance. Northern Steamship were firm, and offers of the previous day, at 5s 9d, were continued. In some mining stocks there was a firmer tone. There was a call for New Alburnias, and several transactions were reported, there being further buyers at 4s 9d, and no sellers under 5s 6d. A strong demand, too, was apparent for Victorias, and business was done at from 3s to 3s Id, with still a demand at 3s. Grace Darlings were exchanged at Is 3d, and Talismans ran from 8s 3d to Bs, with no further buyers. Owharoas, Young New Zealands, and Day Dawns saw business, and there were offers for Kapai-Vermonts at 8s 9d. Try Flukes were sold at ss, Golden Links at Sid and 9d, and Four-in-Hands at Is 2d. Bunker Hills, Welcome Finds, and Hauraki No. 2's declined a point.

FREE STOCK EXCHANGE. The following sales were effected yesterday at the Free Exchange Sheridans 10id, Victorias 3s Id, Young New Zealauder Is Id, Pukewhau 6d, and Four in Hands Is and Is OJd. There were buyers in the following Monowai, 3s 6d; Victoria, 3s; Cardigan, Is 4d ; Clunes, 4d: Day Dawn. 3Jd; Ivauhoe, 3d; Central, 6d; Waihi Consols, Is Id; Young New Zealand, Is Id; Midas, Is; Try Fluke, 4s 9d; Aurora, 4d; Golden Link, sd; Bunker's Hill, 5s 3d: Hauralci_.No. 2, Is; NewGolconda,ls2d; Welcome Find, 3s; Four in Hand, Is. GENERAL MINING ITEMS. A telegram received by Mr. D. G. MaoDonnell from Mr, R. C, Greenwood yesterday, was as follows ;—Everything settled satisfactorily with Golconda (now Sovereign). Mr. J. J.,Macky yesterday received the following wire;— Victoria: In opening out the reef west of crosscut, lOlbs picked stone was obtained.

It is stated that the allocation of shares in new English Woodstock United will take place on Monday. It is notified else.vhero that all forfeited shares in the Tapu Fluke Gold Mining Company on which the eighth call remains unpaid, will be sold by public auction on the 3rd prox.

MINE MANAGERS' REPORTS. Golden Link (Kuaotunu, January 20).— No. 1 leader, known as the specimen leader: At different times good rich stone has been got here, and there has been very little work done on it. Have started to drive on it. This leader is from two to six inches in size, and is running in a splendid class of sandstone. No. 2 is a large reel, from four to five feet in size. 1 started to drive on this, and found in the first breaking down that it was payable dirt Have made a ground paddock to carry 100 tons of quartz. At this level we have 175 feofc of backs, with another 500 available, We have seven different reefs at this point, and when we extend the present level about 200 feet, we can crosscut and cut the lot from the present level. Occidental (Thames, January 20). —The drive in progress on the -Hague-Smith reef, North Star section, has been extended a further distance of 14 feet, making a total of 38 feet driven from the crosscut. The country penetrated during the greater part of the week has been of a very firm class of sandstone, intermixed with quartz stringers, some of which are carrying very fair minerals. On Saturday last a change took place, the country being softer than anything met with since driving operations were first commenced. The quartz broken from the hangingwall of the main reef continues to show minerals of a very favourable character, but so far no gold has been seen. Occidental section: The leading stope on the No 3 leader has been advanced a distance of 20 feet east of the main crosscut. The leader, which is encased iu a very good class of sandstone for gold, is currying good minerals.

Moanataiabi Extended (Thames, January 20).—The drive on the No. 9 reef has been advanced eight feet. The lode still maintains its usual size, about four feet, with the same favourable appearance. During the week another leader came in from the hangingwall about four inches wide. In the surface level we have cut the leader, but so far have not seen any gold. May Queen Extended (Thames, January 20).—Made good progress in driving the low level. The ground in the face is a firm white sandstone. We are not breaking much of the reef, as we are ( yet in the Lone Hand ground. Victoria (Thames, January 20). — The winze on the new reef, under the adit, has been sunk a further depth of 15 feet, making a total depth of 110 feet; there still remains a further depth ot 15 feet to he sunk to be on a level with the crosscut at No. 1 level. The leader continues about the same, varying from 12 to 18 inches in thickness, and a little gold is occasionally met with. The crosscut at No. 1 level cut through what I consider to be the new reef on Saturday, showing a little gold, the country on the hangingwall being of a favourable description. The crosscut was still continued ahead, and this morning another leader, about' six inches in thickness, was cut of a promising appearance. And a few pounds of fair picked stone was saved. Piiiknix (Kuaotnnu, January 17).— level is in 216 feet. Started work with trenching, one on the north and one on the south side of the range near the Invicta boundary. King of Waihi (Waihi, January 18). The drive has boen extended a further distance of 20 feet.

_ PoßTSEA(VVaitekauri, January 18). Sinking No. 1 winze has been continued and a depth of 40 feet has been attained. The water has become troublesome and 1 have decided to suspend sinking for the present. Hauraki North (Coroinandel, January 21).—Would like to have a visit from the directors as there is something to be seen. Have had a visit from the Hon. Cadmau, and also from Mr. Rhodes: of Hawkc's Bay, who is very much impressed with the mine. Mr. Cadman and Mr. McCormack have now promised to get the road in good condition from the mine to the beach,

Orlando (Thames, January 20).—Work has been confined to driving westward on Carpenter's reef, and extending the crosscut to intersect the Bendigo reef. Carpenter's reef continues 15 inches in thickness, and a little gold is frequently seen at each breaking down, The country encasing the reef at this point is of a tight nature but of a good description for gold. The crosscut has been advanced a further ~ distance of 11 feet, making a total distaueo of 26 feet from the hangingwall of Carpenter's reef. A splendid channel of country is being penetrated. Expect to have the reef in hand by the end of the week. : \ ' Grace Darling (Waitekauri, January 18). -Tho leading stope has boon carried along a distance of 18 feet north from No. 1 rise, iifho average width of the reef is about four

feet. The last few feet has been somewhat smaller, but is now opening out again, and gold can be seen in the face when breaking down. No. 2 rise is now up a distance of 20 feet; gold has been carried all the way and. is improving as we go up. The lode is about) four feet thick, and apparently sotting larger. Gold is showing in the stone freely, and excellent prospects can be obtained by mortar and dish. The ore from this portion of the mine will, I think, give a better average return than anything I have yet Been, as the gold is more evenly distributed through the stone. As there is something like 150 feet to the surface this should open up a large and valuable block of ground. Waihi Extended (Waihi, January 20). Have driven 10 feet G inches for the past week, total length of crosscut, 02 feet J leaving about 240 feet to reach the Waihi Company's northern boundary line. Course of drive very nearly at right angle to trend of country. New Albcrkia (Thames, January 20). — Work in connection with sinking the main engine shaft has been continued under the No. 2 level; the country is of a tight nature, still fair progress is being made. Four-in-Hand (Waikoromiko, January 17). —Driven about 18 feet in northerly direction and 7 feot in southerly along the whole of which the lode has continuously shown gold. Wired having got several pounds of stone, some of which was very rich. To day I had a breaking which was with occasional taking down of quartz has increased to 25ib of picked stone; 4 or alb of stone taken down to-day would, I estimate, go 2oz to the pounds, perhaps more. The leader on southerly drive is very strong, varying from 2 to 5 inches; on northerly direction it has pinched; a large mineral vein about 2 or 3 inches thick camo _in and caused a disturbance. The lmugiugwall being good, it has kept the course all right, and appears to be coming in all right again. The prospects of tho mine are excellent, gold being in the face after breakingdown this evening. Great Kapang a (Coronundel, January 18). —Have extended the drivo on the leaner a distance of 10 feet. The leader averages at present from 8 to 12 inches in thickness, and although no gold has been seen tho quartz coming to hand is of a first-class character for gold. Tho crosscut is driven a total distance of 17 feet. This will leave about 25 feet to get to the reef outcropping on tho surface. The country is of a good class of sandstone, but is getting a little tighter. Bunker's Hill (Coromandel, January 18). —The men have been engaged with the necessary surface work, which is rapidly approaching completion. The shaft is now ready. Four men are below engaged laying fiatsheets and doing the required timbering prior to commencing operations underground. Sterling (Karaugahake, January 18). The low level has been extended a further distance of nine feet, a total distance of 164 feot. In the early part of the week, the country was very tight, but on Thursday, a change for the better set in, the country changing from a blue into a splendid brown formation.

Eureka (Coromandol, January 20). The low level is now in 35 feet. The country is very broken. Conquering Hero (Driving Creek, January 20).—The rise ou the Conquering Hero reef is up 50 feet, having juuctioneu with the rise on Scotty's. Both leaders prospect well. See colours in the stone occasionally. Owharoa (Owharon, January 19).—Eliott tunnel is now in a total distance of 400 feet; the country is keeping much about the same. Am continuing the drives east and west from the prospecting shaft. The western drive is now in 80 feet; the eastern drive is in 25 feet; the country is much tighter than in the west drive, but both are in good class of sandstone.

Cambria (Thames, January 20). — The stapes ou No. 7 hangiugwall leader, below No, 3 level, have been in progress as usual. The leader still averages a width of about 20 inches, and carries splendid mineral for gold. The intermediate drive on No. 4 leader is still being extended. There has uot been much quartz broken from here during the week. In the stopes above this level a fair supply of crushing dirt is still being won. Crushing {or the company is proceedine. May Queen* (Thames, January 20).—N0 change to report as regards the drives going east and west on the No. 4 reef. The stopes on No. 4 reef from winze to eastern break still supply a fair amount of crushing dirt, and occasionally a few pounds of picked stone are selected. The stopes on No. 4 reef east and west of the junction are without change. The reef in the north-west stopes is now much smaller than it has been since starting the block; the reef is now three feet thick, and the quartz is a better grade, and also produces a few pounds of picked stone. Saxon section: A start has been made to open out on Hayes 1 leader at No. 6 level, and the drive coming west is in ten feet: the lode is six inches thick, showing nice dabs of gold so far as broken dowu. Going east there is a drive in on the lode about 20 feet, being filled up with mullock, which will be cleaned out this week. At the battery the quartz shaped a little better during the week. Have on hand for the 11 days run 400 ounces of amalgam and 40 pounds of picked stone. Cardigan (Thames, January 20).—The drive was extended 41 feet durin? the week, making a total of 272 feet. The country is still of afavourable description for gold and good progress. Mr. Adams, the surveyor, was down below, and he has laid off course past the old shaft, and driving southward towards the Queen of Beauty has been commenced. Broken Hill (Thames, January 18).— Still breaking down the reef in the southern face; the reef is from five to six feet in thickness, and is producing fair grade ore. Hauraki South (Coromandel, January 18).—Low level: The low level has been extended a total distance to date of 577 feet. The country in the face is of an improved character, ribs of quartz occasionally appearing. The winze has been sunk a distance of 12 feet and properly secured. Tiie leaders here—two—are larger and solid in tho bottom, and as sinking proceeds, improve greatly in appearance. Hauraki No. 2 (Coromandel, January 18). —Still trenching on the surface of the reef. Inqlewood (Owharoa, January 18).— drive has advanced 12 feet, the total distance driven being 139 feet. We are going through a nice blue sandstone country. The surface drive has been extended eight feet through a brown sandstone. Waihi Consols (Waihi, January 20).—Mr. Chambers's men have the boiler in position and popet heads under way. Alpha (Waitekauri, January —Cut through the western reef; it is a little over four feet thick, aud a fine body of good payable ore. It prospects well. Have taken samples for assay. Central (Waitekauri, January 18).—A new reef has been found carrying a little gold and fine looking quartz: it is on the central section near the Extended. To get the reef well in the solid, I will put in a drive to cub this and other reefs. Golden Lion (Waitekauri, January 19).— The contractors for driving the tunnel make a start on Tuesday. Quiuton, the contractor, I think, will carry it through all right. British Empire (Waitekauri, January 20),— have not yet got the reef in No. 1 drive. Have all the work concentrated in this drive at the present time. Crescent (Karangahake, January 18).— Started to drive a crosscut from the Ohinorrmri river side of the claim. There are plenty of loose boulders of quartz on the top of the hill just above whore we have started to drive. We get pood prospects of gold in them by the pestle and mortar and washing in the dish. Golden Spark (Coromandel, January 21). —Am continuing the driving ou the leader cut in the smithy level with two men. The country is rather hard and broken, but the reef looks well for gold. In the upper workings there is a result of 10 or 12 pounds of stone showing blotches of gold. Pride of Tokatea (Coromandel, January 18).— footwall lead continues to look well; have secured 21 pounds of specimens and picked stone this week, which makes a total of 83 pounds now on hand. In the low level the crosscut is now in 11 feet, in well mineralised country.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10035, 23 January 1896, Page 6

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THE GOLDFIELDS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10035, 23 January 1896, Page 6

THE GOLDFIELDS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10035, 23 January 1896, Page 6