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Ddkikg the past month there has been a steady development in the mining industry throughout) the whole of the ]iauraki district, and although there are no very sensational "finds" to record, yet good progress has been made in systematically opening up the numerous properties in which operations are being conducted. In several instances, however, developments of an important nature occurred,(but these are principally confined to the Upper Thames districts. The demand for new ground for mining purposes still continues to a considerable extent, bub thoro is a gradual falliug-off in this respect, the greater portion of the already proved auriferous tracts of country having now been taken up. The result of so much now ground having been taken up has been tho promotion of numerous companies with a fair average amount of capital, and many of the3a are now engaged in carrying out the necessary works for testing tho value of tlioir respective properties. In addition to the new mines already in course of development there aro also many others in which work will shortly be commenced, the drawback at present in the way being the non-comple-tion of the surveys required previous to the ground being granted by tho Warden. A very large number of surveyors are now at work, however, and every effort is being made to obviate the existing difficulty.

The operations oi the past month have resulted iu several very satistactory bullion returns from the principal mines of the Peninsula. That from the Waihi Gold Miuing Company's mine amounted in value to no less a sum that £10,020, for which 3060 tons of ore were crushed. Then in addition to this a quantity of tailings were also treated for a yield of £99 worth of bullion, so that tho Waihi Company is responsible for the fine contribution of £10,119 for the past four weeks' run. Thw return is less than the one obtained during the previous month, when bullion to the value of i'l 1,395 was obtained, but the decrease is due to the fact that 120 tons of era less were treated than during the preceding period, though the high average of a fraction under £3 5s &J value 'per ton crushed was maintained The to'ca.l value of the bullion won by this company up to date now stands at £337,031, a f . which not less than £102,580 have been obtained daring the present year.

The Hauraki return was also an exceptionally good one, tho value of the yield for the month beiug £7106, which brings the value of tho company's output for this year up to date to £79,912. The Waitekauri, New Zealand Crown, Woodstock, May Queen, Waiotahi, KapaiVermont, and Try Fluke mines, though not producing such brilliant returns as the Waihi and Hauraki, were successful in adding good average returns for the month, thus proving that where systematic operations are being carried 011 by the aid of unstinted capital the results have been of a very satisfactory character.

The monthly returns for the Peninsula will no doubt be considerably increased before many more months have passed over, inasmuch as the New Zealand Crown Mines Company is now adding an additional 20 head of stampers to its crushing plant, and the Waihi-Silverton and Waitekauri companies are each having 40-stamper batteries erected, the former company's battery being now near completion, and tho excavations for the latter company's battery are now underway. Then the Waihi Company also intends to ereot an additional 100 head of stampers on its freebold property at Owharoa, and it is also probable that the Woodstock Company will shortly be increasing its crushing plant by an additional 20 head of stampers, so that under these circumstances alone there should be a very marked increase in the bullion returns during the ensuing twelve months, apart from what may eventuate as the result of the operations carried ,on in the newly-acquired mining properties.

farther particulars, however, regarding the prospects of the mining industry in the various districts will bo found in our correspondents' reports, which we append below KARANGAHAKE. I'aeroa, Thursday, A large amount of work has been done in the mines of this district) during the past month, but the only new development out of the ordinary has been the decided improvement in the nature of ore won from the Maria lode at the No. 3 level of the Woodstock Gold Mining Company's property. Here the lode has increased in size to fully six feet, and the average assay of the ore broken out is £5 123 per ton. One of the most noticeable features is the decrease in the percentage of silver and increase in the gold. Some of the assays were exceptionally high, but theses were discarded and an average struck, with the result above stated. The development at all events is interesting, and it is to bft sincerely hoped that the marked improvement set in will bo permanent, which there is no reason to doubt. The stopes overhead are still being carried along, but there is no change to reporb from these workings, though it may be mentioned that the average width of the lode is four feet, and the assay value £5 per ton. The rise on Shepherd's lode, to connect with the winze sunk below the Jjo. 2 level, has now reached a height of 85 feet, so that another 27 feet should effect connection. The lode here varies from one to two feet in thickness, and for the last 20 feet of rising the assay value has been £19 10s per ton. In the Ivanhoe section a contract has besn let for driving 100 feet. The distance to drive in order to get underneath the Ivanhoe shoot of rich oro is about 80 ieet, while there will be something like 160 feet of backs available at the point where the intersection of the lode will take place, and a largo and valuable block of ground should be opened up for development in this portion of the company's mine. Among other new works undertaken was the cleaning out and repairing of the No. 2 level, which has now been completed, and a commencement made to drive on the Maria lode. The formation at preient is a little disturbed, though it carries a fair percentage of gold and silver. The excavations for the new battery are also in progress, and good headway is being made with the work. The mill is running satisfactorily, and during 24 days' crushing 240 tons of ore wero treated, for the payable yield of bullion valued at £86316s 7d. The operations at the New Zealand Grown Gold Mining Company's mino during the past month have been attended with success, and for the monthly period 442 tons of ore were crushed for £2120 worth of bullion. As far a? the works are concerned there is nothing fresh to report, the extension of the No. 6 level being continued, a distance of about 54 feet having been driven for the month. The average width of the lode for the distance stated is about two feet, this being the sizo in the face at. the present time, but the ore is of low grade, and is nob so good'as ib was some distance back. An improvement, however, is expected shortly. The stopes overhead hare been fully manned, and a good supply of payablo oro has been won. The No. 4 level is proceeding satisfactorily, a distance of twelve hundred feet having now been driven, and the lode averages about four feet in width, Stoping ib also being carried on above this level, and a block for fully 1000 feet in length is being operated upon. Perhaps the most important work is the sinking of the winze below tho No. 7 level, which is proving beyond doubt that the shoot of rich ore is living downward, as in the bottom of the winzo the lode shows a width of about four fcob and the ore broken out is carrying visible gold. The crosscut is being continued in the Abbey section of the mine, but no quartz has yet been met with. The Talisman, Ivanhoe, South British, Earl of Glasgow, Golden Fleece, St. Patrick,

Sob Roy. Wavorley, Sterling, Stanley, Imperial,. Victor, Karangahake, 'Excelsior, Talisman- Extended, Shotover, Woodstock North, Nimrod, Ruby, and Ravenswood mines are also being worked. OWHAROA.

The Owharoa district is now receiving more attention than has been the case for years past, and the exploratory works now in progress should result in developments which will re-establish theprestigeOwharoa once held for its gold-producing reefs. The principal works in hand are those of the Owharoa Company, and during tho month tho tunnel in Elliot's section has been pushed ahead as expeditiously as possible. The contractors have now almost completed their contract, and boforo another Summary is published a fresh cout&ct will probably bo let for continuing the tunnel a further distance of 300 feet. The face is now approaching a point almost directly underneath whore the loose stone was got on the surface, and as a consequonco it is thought that tho reef is nob vory far distant. During tho month two trial shafta havo been sunk, the first being put down in Thorpe's section with a view to ascertaining where the gooci sandstone country existed. A depth of 38 feet was attained, but at this point volcanic rock was struck, so that tho working was abandoned, and the second shaft commenced about six chains further westward. This shaft was carried clown a depth of 40 feet when a beautiful layer of sandstone country was intersected, so that the shaft will now be continued until tho water becomes too strong to work without pumps. Tho low levol from tho Ohinerauri river has also been commenced, and is being driven towards the shaft just referred to, so that on tho whole the Owharoa Company are displaying a considerable amount of enterprise in tackling these prospecting work«, and it is to bo sincerely hoped that they will be amply rewarded by golden results. The Inglewood, Rising Sun, Ophir, J. O. Ward, Maritana, Fern Spur, and Teutonic mines are also in course of development.

WAITEKAURI. Waitekauri is now the scene of very active mining operations, something like 22 mines being developed. In the majority of cases the work is merely of a prospective nature, but it serves to show that a large portion of undeveloped country must under the oxistiug state of affairs, bo explored. With what result the future can uloue reveal, though in quite a number of ity stances lately, operations havo been crowned with snccoss, gold-bearing reefs having been discovered in the course of fossicking. Altogether Waitekauri promises to become a very important district in tho Ohinomuri field, and as an ovidance of the fact that great faith is being placed in the locality, quite a number of permanent buildings are in course of construction in tho township proper. The principal works of tho district) are, however, being conducted under tho management of tho Waitekauri Gold Minirtg Company, who are going in for extensive works in order to thoroughly develope their fine property, 15S tons of ere having been crushed during tho four weeks ending November 9th for a yield of £775 17s Id worth of bullion, tho average being a slight fraction over £4 18s 2.W per ton. In comparing the return with those of the preceding two months, it may bo ftatod that the yield for September-October month was £723 from 136 tons treated and the previous month £749 from 129 tons. It will thus be apparent that the average keeps up to a good figure. The ore, of course, is all won from tho Golden Cross section, where the run of gold has proved itself to bo of considerable length, good oro having been obtained for a stretch of over GOO feet, so that the block opened up forstoping is an extensive one and should prove most remunerative. A leading stops has riurin? the month been carried along a short) distance, and the supply of ore from this working has met the demand at the 10-head stamper battery. The quartz broken out is of a promisinglooking nature—in fact the quality is good. The battery level, which was being driven towards tho big reef worked bo successfully at Corbett's level, had to be discontinued owing to a large influx of water from the face, and it was thon determined to put in a crosscut from this lode, as tho manager considered that there must be a largo body of quartz in the neighbourhood from which the water was coming. The result of this prospecting crosscut has been that) a largo lode has been cut which has been penetrated for fully 23 feet without any sign of the footwall. The oro broken out so far is of very low grade, butthis may only be a blank patch, and when development works are undertaken upon it it may prove to be of considerable value. As a result of the intersection of this reef the country south of the crosscut has been drained, but the country ahopd of tho level is still saturated with water, and operations in this direction cannot yet be resumed. The crosscut will therefore be continued, after the new reef has been penetrated, as by its advancement it will be the means of exploring the country ahead. The kiln level is being advanced satisfactorily, and will intersect the new shaft at a depth of aboiit 120 feet. Good progress is also being mado with the sinking of the shaft a depth of about 20 feet having been attained. The incessant rain experienced during the past month or so has militated considerably against speedy progress in connection with the surface works. Every effort is being made to get tho machinery on the ground, and despite the bad state of the roads and the heavy rains the boiler parts have all been conveyed to their destination, and the contractor is expected up during this week to put tho parts together. The low level is being pushed ahead as expeditiously as possible, but with a view to making more speedy progress it ia the intention of the management to use a rock drill here, while drills will also bo utilised in Corbett's and Kiln levels. The necessary motive power for working the compressor at the low level will be brought in by means of a race, which is now being laid off, but with regard to the upper workings steam Will be used for driving the drills. Splendid progress is being made with the tramway from the low levelto Waitekauri, and tho formation will be completed in a few months' time. The water-races are also being pushed ahead expeditiously, and the whole should be completed well within contract time, namely, two months. A flying survey is being made in conncction with rf tramway to connect the Golden Cross battery level with the tramway now being constructed between the low levol and the Waitekauri battery, and as soon as the survey is completed tenders are to bo called for the work of formation. The excavations for the new battery are nearing completion, while the greater portion of the timber for the battery is well underway.

The Waitekauri Extended Company's property, which is held by English capitalists, is now in course of development, under the superintendence of Mr. Ssaver, the main point of operations being in what is known as the " Blow" section. Here a crosscut has been driven a distance of about 180 feet, with the result that at the end of that distance a nice lode was intersected. At the time of writing the formation had been ponetrated by means of a drill for four feet, solid quartz being found all tho way. TIIO ore is of a very healthy appearance, a nico blue wavy streak running through tho quartz, in which specks of gold are sometimes discernable. The new development is one to excite satisfaction, and the shareholders will doubtless be gratified at being placed in possession of a reef which may turn out to be one of Considerable importance, so soon after commencing operations. The crosscut under the Gate tunnel lias been extended 04 feet for the month, and ib is expected that the Gate reef being drivon for will be to hand in about 30 feet of driving. •

Operations in tho New Zealand Jubilee Gold Mining Company's mino are being continued as usual, there being now fully 22 men engaged in pushing forward the works in hand. The crosscut which is being drivon about 200 yards from the mouth of the Homo levol is In a distance of about 70 feet, leaving 180 feet still further to go to cut tho sawpib reef being sought for. This lode is an extension of a supposed branch of Butler's reef, and as the latter body is well known for its bullionproducing qualities, it is hoped that tho same characteristics will manifest thein. selves in the brunch being driven for. Already tho manager has provod tho oxistence of tho reef for fully 300 feet, commencing almost from Home's level, and as tho quality of the oro was tested for that length, the crusscufc is being driven to cut the reef at a point where it give 3 the highest] value. One of the

mo3t pleasing features to record in connection with the Jubilee Company's _ works is the discovery of 'a new reef I which ' may prop's of considerable importance to the company concerned. The find took place not far from the boundary of the Jubilee and Waitakauri No. C mine, or about directly underneath the Waitekauri "blow." Tho reef where cut showed a thickness of about 18 inches,' and is oncased in nice solid country. The ore is' cold-bearing, and according to assay test is worth about £20 per ton. To prove tho reef, therefore, a crosscut was put in 21 feet directly underneath it, and at this point tho formation showed the same width as at the surface, and possessed the same promising-looking appearance. The company had about 360 feet on the strike of the reef; and wlion the manager saw that the reef was an important one, he lost no timo in seouring an additional six acres of [adjoining ground, thus giving about 500 feot on tho line. Therefore if anticipations as regards quality, etc., are realised tho company's property should be considerably enhanced by the new discovery. The Alpha property has now been acquired by a homo Company, all details connected with tlio purchase having been completed during the past month. The result has been that operations in tho mine have been resumod, a crosscut being now in progress for tho purpose of cutting the western reef the outcrop of which litis been trenchod upon for a short distance and found to carry good prospects. The size of the formation in the trench is bet ween live ani seven feet wide, so that if it maintains its size and quality downward',the company should havo another good lode for development. The property now consists of 99 acres, and includes the Rainbow No?. 1 and 2, We Three, Omega, and True Briton licensed holdings. The Grace Darling, Progress, Portsea, Central, Huanni, Oceania, Byron Bay, Waitekauri Extended, Waitekaurl Nos. 6, 4, and 2, Waitekauri South, Succejs, British Empire, lota, Young Now Zealand, New Zealander, and Golden Spur mines are in course of development, and in soveral of the properties mentioned the prospects obtained are of an oncouraging nature.

KOMATA. The Komata Reefs Gold Mining Company's property is opening up well, and bids fair to assume a promising position among the leading mines of the Oninemuri field ; and as the shares in the property are hold by English capitalists, there is nob the slightest doubt that financially nothing will be spared to bring this desired stato of affairs about. At all events the prospects are sufficient to warrant the expenditure of a fair amount of capital to develop tho proparty. This fact is evidenced by tho now developments which took place a month ago. Two now reefs had been discovered, and have been provod to be fully 18 fuet and 14 fees wide. The ore contained in each lode is highly oxidised and of a gold-bearing nature, so that the future beforo the Komata Reefs Company is indeed a bright one. The crosscut which is. being driven to intersect the Black reef is now in a distance of about 120 feet, and another 100 foot should intersect in this working Lavington's lode, and 100 feet beyond that point again the Black reef is expected to be met with. When th desired consummation has been effected there will be thceo good reefs to develop from this working. The country at present being passod through leaves nothing to be desired, being a nice fjrey sandstone, interlaced with numerous iron voins. Tho Komata reef Ins now been opened up for a length of 200 feet, the average width of quartz boing about threo feet. The formation, however, is really from six to eight feet wido, but it is split up into two sections, with a horse of sandstone running between. With rogard to surface works, the survey of the waterrace and the taking of levels are in progress, while all the timber has been cleared off the line for about threo miles, so that when the surveyors have completed their portion of the work, tenders will be called for the construction of tho race from the Ivomata Creek to tho battory site. Two men are also engaged clearing the dense bush from off the site intended for the battery, and when this work has been finished, tonders are to be called fur the necessary excavations. MAROTOTO. In this district the works being carried on aro of a limited character, though it must be stated the slacking off of labour is only temporary, the Alarototo-United, which possesses tho main mine of the locality, having determined to reduce tho staff pending negotiations which are in progress with Home capitalists for the acquirement of the property. Then, when matters have been satisfactorily arranged, no doubt works of a permanent nature will be undertaken, and the fine large lodes which traverse the mine will be systematically developed. Lately the low level has been continued with a view ta connecting with the winze sunk below the smithy level; while a crosscut has also been in progress through the large lode to ascertain its actual width at that point. That the reef in question is of a good size is beyond doubt, as where the rise holed through to the winze the hangingwall portion showed a width of nine feet, with the footwall portion still standing. With regard to the quality of tho ore being won, the manager informed mo that during the last CO feet of driving the stone broken out was of high grade, and tho improvement continued ns the drive advanced, with the result that at a point underneath tho winze some very good stone was grassed. The proprietors of the Retreat mine have also been cleaning out and repairing the collapsed workings,' in order to break out from the reef two tons of ore, which are to be forwarded to Friebnrg for treatment. If the results are satisfactory, it is intended to erect machinery suitable for extracting the highest percentage of bullion obtainable. WAIHI. During the four weeks ending the 16th Nov. 3000 tons of ore wcro crushed and treated in the Waihi mine for a yield of £10,020 worth of bullion in addition to which £99 worth of bullion was extracted from tailings treated, making tho total £10,119. One hundred and twonty tons of ore less were treated than during the preceding period, though tho high averago of a fraction under £3 5s 61 value per ton treated was maintained. During the period from the 2nd of January last 29,830 tons of ore have been treated in the Waihi for a return of £102,589, leaving over a month to spare to the end of 1895, the grand total of the value got from the mine since 1890 now being £337,051. Compared with tho corresponding period of last year tho return stands: Eleven.returns ending Novembor 17, 1894, £70,392; eleven returns ending November 10, 1895, £102,589. The following shows the returns from the mine since 1890 Bullion won- Tons & £ 111 1830 I] 20,'330 In 1801 » '23,931 Period ending Jan. 10,1892., OA!) 1,741 „ „ Feb. 13, 1892.. 1,07.1 1,992 „ „ March 12,189'! 1.221 2,591) „ „ April 9,18112.. 1,291 2,810 „ „ May 7, 1592 .. 1.380 4,11.1 „ „ June 4,1892.. 1,815 4,935 „ „ .luly 2, 159.! ~ l,Mi5 4,342 „ „ Ju1y3.1892.. 1,102 3,902 „ „ Aug. 27, 1892 1,077 4,3112 „ ~ Sept. '21, 1302 1.459 3,312 „ „ Out. 22, 1892.. 1,401 11,224 „ „ NOV, 19,1892.. 1,0 7 3,219 „ „ Dec. 31, 1892.. 1,773 a,703 -- 41,833 18,23K „ „ Feb. 11, 1891.. 2,013 4,099 „ „ March 11, 1893 1,180 4,101) „ „ Aprils, 1833.. 1,440 4,251 „ „ May 0,1893.. 1,070 4,997 „ „ Jun«3, 1893.. 1,545 5,887 „ „ July 1,1893.. 1,005 0,007 „ „ July 29, 1893.. 1,021 5,115 „ „ Aug. 20,1893.. 1,5112 5,07s „ „ Sept. 23,1893 1,005 1,823 „ „ Oct. 21, 1833., 1,509 4,708 „ „ Nor. 18, 1893.. 1,623 6,492 , „ Dec. 21,1893.. 1,929 5,708 01,895 • 19,805 „ „ Feb. 10,1891.. 2,279 0,59-8 „ March 10, IS M 1,818 4,751 „ „ April 7,1891.. 1,737 5,052 „ „ Mays, 1391.. 1,031 4,495 „ „ June2.lMl4.. 2,030 8,203 „ „ Juno?,(), 1891 2,103 O,ISO „ „ July 2S, 1894.. 2,107 fi,.',03 „ „ Aug. 2.i, 1891 2,070 0,1(55 „ „ Sep. 22, 1894.. 2,C7> 7,711 „ ' „ Oct. 2D,1894.. 2,100 7,701 „ „ Nor. 17,1894.. 2,130 8,80:1 „ „ Dec. 23, IS"!.. 2,790 12,438' — "T 82,820 21,804 Period from Jan. 2,1895, to Feb. 9,1895 .. .. .. 3,063 11,487* Period ending March 9.1595 2.1.M 7,070 „ „ Aprils, 1895.. 2,139 7,311 „ „ May 4,1395 ~ 2,1.1) 7,02,1 „ „ June 1,181)3.. 2,520 7,9.5:5 „ „ June 29,1891.. 2.9,',0 9,152 „ „ July 117, 1895.. 2,810 9,SSI „ „ Aug. 24,1895.. 2,700 0,519 „ „ Hep, 21,1895,, 3,000 1",733 „ „ Oct. 13, ISflj . 3,180 11,395 „ NoV. 10,1895 (including £99 from tailings) „ _ „ „ 3,040 10,119 ——102,0:9 I 29,830 ' 1 For period of oter Qv« *'eeks £337,160

Operations during the month hfivo beon of a progressive « character, and few; important changes have occurred to .disturb tho regular .course" of steady mining and steady returns. 'Of course a good ; .deal of interest attaches to the further developments in the No. 2 level, and a reference to these show satisfactorily. On the Welcome j lode at this level the drive has extended !)7J feet from the crosscut'. For the past week or so tho lode had been rather smaller than usual, reducing to a thickness of four feet, but it has now opened out, and the fact that the ore coming from it is of fair quality, is in keeping with the character of the lode where opened in other parts of tho mine. The eastern end has been driven on for a longth of 55 feet from the crosscut, and during the past fortnight the lode had been somewhat split in the face, but an improvement has sot in, and there is now a strong ore body of 2J feet in the face. Necessary timbering, etc., is now being carriod on to facilitate opening on tho right hand branch of the Welcome lode, whioh in tho upper level was a very important factor. On this No, 2 level the drive on the Martha lode lias been extended west by the contractors 49 1 feet, and the lode in tho face at present is 19 feot thick, and composed of medium oro. At the No. 1 level the western face on tho .Martha roef has been extended 46$ feot, making its total length from the crosscut 021 feet, and hero a rise has been started to reach the adit levol in order to promoto ventilation. The stopes manned from this level oil the Martha reef have beon four, bub there has been no change to report, tho ore coming to hand being of avorago quality. On tho Wolcomo lode, driving west has been oxtonded 41 feet, making 63 feot beyond the crosscut to No. 2 shaft. The reef is 11 feet wide and is turning out good class ore. Four stopes have beon manned, and all are producing firstclass oro. What is known as No. 2 winze has been started from a point 155.feet west of the crosscut on this reef, and it is now down 21 feot under tho levol. This will accomplish a double purpose, as it will provide much required ventilation as well as open other sections of the lodo for stoplng and working. The works at the adit level aro of tho ordinary character, and call for no special romark. Tho No. 2 shaft has boen sunk 16 fe6tor thereabouts during the month, making a total depth of 246 feot from the surface, or 38J feet under tho No. 1 levol, and tho country ad the bottom remains good nice sandstone. The water can still be kept under by means of a whim and bucket. On the surface, excavation is going on to mako more room for pumping machinery near the collar of the shaft. A contract has been let for the erection of poppet legs and bearers. Tho timbors for the legs aro specified to be heart of kauri, IS inches square at the base and 14 inches at tho bop. The bearers are to be 18 by 14 and tho pulloy bearers 18 by 9. The poppet legs when in position will be 36 foet apart, and will thus stand outside the pumping engino. The whole of the pumping and winding machinery are now in good order, and the water-rate is 12 strokoß per jninute. The tonnage forwarded to the kilns during the month is 3505 tons, of which 336 tons aro from the adit level, 2855 tons from tho No. 1 level, and 314 tons from No. 2 level.

Next to tho Waihi Company's property tho Waihi-Silvorton stands out prominently, and it is pleasing to record that during tho lattor part of tho current month a very interesting development took place in the mine, namely, the intersection of a new lodo in the main crosscut from the shaft. This reef has been penetrated for 13 teefc, quartz being found all tho way. The stone is of a most kindly description, and carries a very high percentage of bullion, according to assay tests mado, though this might bo expected when a free gold is visible in the quartz. The prospects ahead of tho Silverton Company are consequently most encouraging, and there is no doubt tho property has been considerably onhanced by the intersection of the now lode, tho possibilities of which are immense. When tho crosscut has penetrated tho reef for its full width, a start) will probably be made to opan out on it, anjl the crosscut will also bo continued with a view to prospecting tho country ahead. Tho Silverton lode itself is also looking well, payable ore having been won for the full length opened up, namely 244 feet. The construction of tho battery is being pushed ahoad with the greatest despatch, and it is anticipated that tho mill will ba ready for treating oro about tha latter end of January. The dam and three water-races aro aiso woll under way, while a third of the permanont way between tho mine and battery has been laid. A scene of great activity is now being displayed on the Union Company's ground. A number of men are engaged excavating the machine site, and the sinking of the shaft is also in progress. The shaft is about 14 by 6 in size, and will be sunk a good depth beforo opening out. The Union and Amaranth reefs will then bo driven for, and as] both oldes cirry a good porcontage of tho precious metal, their development should materially increase the bullion yields of the Waihi district.

Tho Grand Junction prospecting works aro being continued, the shaft having now reached a depth of about 130 feet. Hard rock is still being penetrated, bub a change is apparently manifesting itself, as the rook seems to be a little easier broken than hitherto, In the west section the shaft is down 140 feet, with a fine class of sandstone in the bottom.

Owing to the influx of water, sinking operations had to bo suspended in the Consols mine, pending tho erection of effective pumping machinery. In tho Waihi Proprietary Company's property, operations in tho face of the crosscut have boon mispendod, and boring from tho bottom of the shaft is in progress for the purposo of testing the depth of pumice country before commencing the now pump shaft which it is intended to sink further north. Tho bore has been carried down a dopfch of between SO and 90 feet below the bottom of the shaft, and though there have been two or three slight changes in tho nature of the country nothing permanent has made its appearance. The Waihi Monument, Queen of Waihi, Waihi Extended are, among others, carrying on prospecting works. TE PUKE. Prospecting operations are being aotivoly carried on at To Puke, and the reefs of the district will doubtless now receive tho attention they demand. Fleming's Freehold is considered to be tho main property at present being developed, and it is anticipated that tho works now in hand will in a moasuro prove tho worth of the main reefs. The To Puke, Hone, Lady Jncelyn, and Otawa properties are also likely to bo developed, and should tho large reefs which are known to exist in the Te Puke district realise expectations as regards quality thore should be a good future before the locality in question.


Thoro is nothing fresh to record as tho result of the works being carried out in theso districts, but a good deal of labour is being employed in developing tho various existing properties, and there is littlo doubt that tho capital being expended will have most beneficial results. The main works aro being carried on in the Premier and New Find claims (under the control of a strong English syndicate), Loyalty-Palace and Cadman mines, and the permanent nature of tho workings in hand should prove to be of a profitable nature. THAMES. Thursday. The works carried out in the minos of this district during tho past month, have been attendod with fairly successful results, bub no now developments of very much importance have transpired. Ib is gratifying to state, however, that a very hopeful feeling prevails in respect to tho mining industry, inasmuch as a larger area of ground is now being prospected than has been tho case for several years pasb, which thereby increases tho opportunities for new discoveries being made. New mining leases continue to bo taken up in different parts of tho district, but tho demand for them is now gradually diminishing, which is no doubt chiefly owing to tho fact that tho domand for them has to a groat extont bean satis lied, and also because the greater portion of the most suitable ground us far as is now known ha* already been secured. Tho urea applied for during the lust four weeks totals 3470 acres, which is 1923 acres less than the area taken up during fciio preceding four weeks. This includes 31 special claims and 10 licensed holdings, as against 54 special claims and 12 licensed holdings last month, but in addition to the above four special dredging claims, each having a mile front*

age, have also boen ' applied for, two of them situated on the fqroshoro at Tapu, one at Waiomo," and ono ati Tararu. 'v' This district is nob yet being benefited to much extent by the expenditure of English capital in the development of our mine?, but the outlook for, the futuro in .that respect is now vdry promising,, and before many more months have passed over ib is probable that several of our most prominent mining properties will be under the control of English companies/ At present the only mines in this district that are actually in course of development by means of English capital are the Tararu Creok Gold Mining Company's property (late Norfolk and City of Dunedin minds) and tho Fame and Fortune Gold Mining Company's property, but in addition to these the Queen of Beauty, May Queen, and Moanataiari mines havo already been acquired by English syndicates. whilst the Alburnia, Victoria, Whau, and Hazelbank minos aro also being negotiated for.

The latest advice to hand re the Queen of Beauty is to the effect that the necessary pumping and winding machinery required for deep-level operations is being arranged for, and it is anticipated that ib will be delivered at the Tharnos early in the new year, when its erection will be commenced without delay. A moeting of tho May Queen shareholders, which was held a fow days ago, confirmed the steps taken by the directorsfor the sale of tho mine to an English company, and a meeting of the Moanataiari shareholders is to be held in a few days for the same purpose. Bath those latter properties will probably be taken ovor by tho nlvt owners at an oarly date. So far as the actual operations of tho mouth aro concerned, those carried on in the May Queen Company's mine havo been the most successful. In this mino the results attending the works in progress at the new low levol are proving very satisfactory. The last crushing of 962 oads of ore from these sources yielded lßo3oz lOdwts of melted gold, valued at £2243 2s. Tributers have also crushed 14 loads of ore during the month for a return of IGuoz of gold, valued at £418. The Moanataiitri Company's operations are principally of a prospecting character ab present, so that the supply of ore being won just now for milling purposes is noithcr large or of very good quality. The chief drawback just now is the want of necessary capital to carry, oub tho requirod prospecting works, but this difficulty will be overcome as soon as tho new English company gets the property into its possession.

' The prospects mot with in tho Victoria Company's mine, in connection with the opening up of the new reef recently discovered in the Prince Imperial section, have been of such a satisfactory character, that the company has decided to at once take the necessary steps for systematically and extensively developing them nil lower levels, and with this object in view, bho purchase of 17 freehold allotments has just been completed in the vicinity of the Prince Imperial shaft, in order to provide tho necessary room for machine site, hoppers, and mullock tip. They aro now dismantling tho winding machinery and plant erected on the Tookey shaft site, for tho purpose of removing it to and erecting it at the Princo Imperial shaft, so that it will only bo a matter of a fow weeks before tho company will be in a position to commence tho development of tho reef in quostion, at one or moro levels. So far tho oro won from tho surface level baa averaged nearly an ounce of gold per lode, and as tho reef has averaged about 18 inches in thickness, this class of oro will pay handsomely when worked on a largo scale.

Operations in the Alburnia Company's mino havo been somewhat limited (luring the past month, as there has boon a good doal of dead work to accomplish at the No. 2 level, in tho shape of cleaning and repairing the old oastern drive upon Dixon's reef. This work is now comploted, and the extension of the drive has been commenced, in order to reach the junction with the Sons of Freedom reof, which is only a fow foet ahead. Tho manager is desirous of reaching that point as early as possible, as lie anticipates obtaining a supply of good grade ore in that locality, it being directly overhead where highly remunerative crushing dirt was obtained in the stopes worked above the 70-feet level somo time ago. A fair supply of ore for crushing purposes is now coming to hand, although chiefly of a low grade, and the battery commenced its treatment on Tuesday last.

In tho Fame and Fortune Company's mino the leader at the Australasian level, from which very fair prospects were being obtained at the timo of tho publication of last Summary, has not maintained its promising character. During tho oarly part of the month it became somewhat broken in its formation, and shortly afterward it junctioned with the main reef. Driving on the roof has since boon carried on, and a rise has been commenced at the point where the best gold was obtained. In the Pinafore section a start has boen mado to crosscut through the big reef with the object of intersecting the loaders on the hangingwall side which were worked upon with such good results in the adjoining ground, whilst in tho Fearnought section work is proceeding as usual with the object of intersecting the Luck's All roef, a body that yielded good returns of gold where worked upon at the surface levels somo yoars ago.

Tho operations in progress on behalf of the Tararu Croek Gold Mining Company are of a somewhat extensive character, and the results accruing therefrom are, in most instances, giving great satisfaction, An excellent grade of ore is being won from the Day Dawn reef in the City of Dunedin section, and also from tho Star of California reef in the Norfolk section, and 20 head of stampers are engaged in bhe treatment of tho output, but as yet there has boen no general clean up recorded. Sovoral important prospecting works aro also in progress, so that this company should soon be coming to the front as a gold-producer.

The Hazel bank company's operations are somewhat limited in character jusb now, and are confined to rising upon the cross roof abovo No. 1 level, and to stoping upon Kelly's leader. A crushing of about 30 loads from these sources is now proceeding. The Waiotahi company continues to broak out ft good class of oro from its mine, the last crushing of 210 tons having yielded 2020z lOdwC moltod gold. In the Cambria mine several leaders are being operated upon, but as they are rather small in size the supply of ore therefrom is somewhat small. A crushing of 45 loads in tho early part of tho month yiolded 38oz lOdwt of gold, A crushing of 10 loads for tho Occidental Company yielded 230z 6dwt of gold, whilst a crushing of 20 loads from the Waiotahi Extended mine yielded 3Go/. 16dwt, Operations in tho H'hau mine have not yet resulted in anything payable being discovered, but a good deal of useful prospecting work ia being steadily carried on, The works in progress in tho Orlando mine havo so far proved unremuneratire, but a chango for tho better has latterly been noticeable in tho reftf operated upon, so that a change in thia respect may occur any moment). A trial crushing of 17 loads of ore was, treated a few days ago for a return of soz 3dwt of gold.

Although no gold returns are yet coming to hand from mines that are now in course of development by several of the recont nowly-formed companies, still the prospects mot with in most of thorn are of a most encouraging character, and it will nob be long before some of them will be coming forward with regular monthly crushings. In others again a considerable amount of work has to bo accomplished before there will be anything like regular yields of gold obtained; but takon on the'wholo the outlook for the future is a bright one. Amongst the most promising of tho now mines in which operations have lately, been commenced are the Moanataiarl North, Moanataiari Kxfconded.Kurunui, Kaiser, Adelaide, May Queon Extended, dunes, Alburnia East, Freedom, Middle Star, and Magazine. In each of the mines mentioned a considerable amount of work is in progress, and in two or three instances trial crushings are shortly to tako place.

UPPER TARARU DISTRICT. A considerable area of new ground has recently been taken up for mining purlitis in thi» locality, and in two instances operations have been inaugurated, viz., in the Argosy and Scandinavian mines. Quartz in which colours of gold are seen is being broken in each of those mines, and the prospects are considered to be very good. It is probable work will be commenced shortly in two or threo otlior of tho newly-acquired properties, and tho district generally is likely bo receive a good deal of attention during, tho ensuing summer month'?, as ib is one which is deserving

of being well I promoted. The Scandinavian Company have .ft small- battery of fivo head of stampers , already p erected on their mine, but this has been found insufficient to doal with the supply of quartz 1 available, consequently the directors have docided to at onco increase their crushing power. - THE PURU DISTRICT.

Mining operations in this districb are nob yet very brisk, as the majority of the now holdings recently applied for have nob yeb been grantod by the Warden, as the surveys are not completed. In two or three instances, however, a few men are employed in carrying out prospecting work?, ana in most cases the results mob with have been of a vorv encouraging character. Especially is this the caso with the work in progress in the Puru Consolidated mine, where in driving upon what is termed No. I reef in the Rimu section a nice hangingwall leader has been discovered, from which some very fair golden stone has been secured.

THE WAIOMO DISTRICT. The principal feature of the operations in this distrieb during the past uionthjhas been the commencement mado in treating tho refractory ore that is being won from the Monowai Amalgamated Company's mine by means of a new process just introduced by 11 Gordon French. Tho plant commenced operations on tho 11th inst., so that it has now been running for over a fortnight, but as yet no official information has been mado public as to tho success or non-success of tho process, it having been decided to treat a full 100-ton parcel of ore bofore having a clean-up, so as to give tho process as complete a.test as possible, but it is satisfactory to state that the plant is working very smoothly, and Mr. French is very sanguine that tho result will realisehisfullest expectations. If it turns out a success, then tho future welfare of not only the Waioino district, but also of various other localities in our goldfields where refractory oros exist, will be ensured. The Monowai Company is breaking out an excellent class of ore from tho No. 2 reef in the open surface cutting, and the developments of the past month at this point have proved that the run of highly mineralised ore is of much greater oxtent than was at one timo supposed to be the case. The Hroken Hill Company is also breaking out a fair class of ore, but as yet no steps have beon taken for treating the same, the company's policy evidently being a " waiting" one, in order to see what success is likely to attend the Monowai Company's experiments. TheComstock Company is still carrying on prospecting work, bub no payablo ore has yob been discovered. THE TAPU DISTRICT.

Very little actual raining work is yet being carried on in this district, but it is anticipated that a change in this respect will shortly take place. The Golden Point Company is erecting a new pumping and winding plant on its mine, and such good progress is being made with tho work that tho machinery will probably be ready for operation by the end of another four weeks. The sinking of tho company's ehafb ha? been delayed somewhat by a considerable inflow of water, but notwithstanding this a depth of 70 feet has now beon attained. A limited numbor of men are at work in the Sheridan, Royal, and Tapu Fluke mines, but the work" in progress are chiefly of a prospecting character. On Friday last an important purchase of mining property in this (Tapu)' district was completed by Mr. A. 1). Douglas on behalf of the New Zealand Floatation Syndicate. Tho property purchased is what is known as Deeble's freehold, comprising an area of 375 acres, which is situated in what) is is supposed to be the heart of tho auriferous bolt. The purchasing syndicate is composed of colonial and English shareholder?, and Captain Argall, managor of the Kapanga mine at Uoromandel (who is also a member of the syndicate) is tho consulting engineer. THE PURIRI DISTRICT. There is very little to record from this district this mouth. The Puriri Gold Mining Company lias a staff of miners employed in driving upon the main reef at tho upper lovol and in driving a now low level. * The Hit or Miss Company obtained permission at the last sitting of tho Warden's Court to work for a period of four months with three instead of ton men, and absolute protection for six months was granted tho Central and the Joker mines. It was stated that a movement was on foot to amalgamate the three last-mentioned properties with tho view of placing them upon the English market. THE TAIRUA DISTRICT. When last month's Summary was published, an English syndicate was engaged in testing, by means of wholesale crushing, the value of the Golden Belt licensed holding, at present the property of Mr. F. McLiver. This test has since been completed, and although no public announcement has been made regarding the same, still it is generally understood that the results were scarcely satisfactory to tho representatives of the syndicate. Whether the syndicate will take over the property or not, is a matter of conjecture at presont, as it has up to tho 14th of December next to decide the question. The Day Dawn Company, in the same district, is meeting with very favourable prospects, and it has been publicly stated thab a Sydney syndicate has offered to erect a reduction plant upon tho mine. Tests are now being made of the oro, with a view to ascertaining tho most suitable process advisable to adopt.

THE WHANG AM ATA DISTRICT. As yet, very little work is proceeding in this district, as the surveys still stand in abeyanco. Trial parcels of ore from some of the reefs are, however, being broken out, with the viovv of ascertaining what process is bost adapted to their successful treatment. COKOMANDEL. Thursday. In another portion of this issuo wo publish extended reports of the loading Ooromandel mines by our special reporter. We append the following additional particulars from our own correspondent

The amalgamation scheme, I understand, has partly fallen through, that is so far as the Hauralci No. '1 is conccrned, bub the other part of the scheme will still be carried out, and I believe will be a very good thing, both for the shareholders and the community at large. I believo thero is plenty of gold in these sections, but thoy will have to go deep to get it, and only a powerful company can do so.

North Kapanga: The main level is still being pushed ahoad, and within the last week there is a distinct change for the bettor in the face. The ground is much easier to work, and is of a more kindly description. Thore is still a considerable flow of water in the crosscut.

Harbour View: The manager has connected the upper and lower workings with ft rise, and it now only remains to survey to get the exact position. Thore has been a good deal of work done here in the past, and it is expected this mine will come to the front again before long. MANAIA. This district in still a favourite, and is drawing a lot of attention. The Golden Hill is so far the leading mine, and the manager is getting it well opened up, and as soon as ho can get a battery ho will be in a position to have regular crushings. Tho Golden Rise and Princess May are also likely to send their quota. They have each good reefs in hand, and are thoroughly testing their value. Some prospecting work is also going on in this district. I understand there is erory probability of the Golden Hill and the Princess May being floated on the English market. If this is done it will supply what is very much required, viz., tho necessary capital to properly dovelop these mines. TIKI.; At the Tiki there in a good deal of work in progress. The Progress-Castle Rock, have made a very good starb, and will eoon be in a position to tutu out a considerable quantity of good crushing material. Tho mine is well opened up, and I understand they intend to take out a trial crushing and forward it to thoThames for treatment. The stuff being very much mineralised it will require special treatment, and it is intended to send a parcel to the School of Mines for experimental purposes. KUAOTUNU. This district is still very much in favour. Of course the Kapai-Vermonb takes first place. This mine lias shown itself to bo a , continuous gold-producer. The steady re. turns from it month by month must 'tell, and 1 have been rather surprised of late to hoar of theso good returns and yet no dividend declared. Tho manager is continually

opening up the mine. The southern face is pushed steadily ahead,' and also the intermediate level. The ore doos not appear to' lie as good in the main face as in tho level above, bab at tho same time it is payable, and there is sufficient quartz ;in Biglib to last the present plant for years. Tho new low level joint tunnel is being pushed steadily ahead, and will booh be within measurable distance of the reef. This will give another 100 feet of backs all along the line of; reef, and will necessitate the erecting of mora vats and crushing plant to treab tho ore. At present tho machinery in hand does remarkably well, and is very economically worked. Try Fluke: The manager is opening up the Venus section, from which he obtains some of his material; he is also stoping out the Mariposa, and obtains a large amount of material from this section. The stuff is comparatively low grado, bub profitable. The new .low level is being pushed in with all speed, and will be connected with the upper levels as quickly as possible. Invicta; The manager is steadily opening up the mine, and having got rid of the lawsuit, they will now be in a position to malto a vigorous start, and I expect to hear of something valuable there before long. Waitaia: The splendid return of gold from a few pounds of stone the other day. has rather astonished a good many people, most of whom wero rather sceptical as to getting specimens in Kuaotunu. Ib also opens up big possibilities in the future. This stono was got in tho floor of the lowest level; nothing approaching it in value was ever got in tho levels above, so the natural inference is that the reef is improving in quality downward. They have also carried payable ore for a long distance at the low level, and there is a shoot of gold considerably to the south, which when reached ought to be very good indeed. Maori Dream: This is one of the mines greatly in favour. Its sale in England is nearly an accomplished fact, and when tho mine is properly opened up there is very little doubt it will turn out valuable. Tho Maoriland is in much the same position. I think it is very probable this mine will bo amalgamated with the Dream, which will make them both more valuable than they would either be singly. Things in Opito Bay are very quiet just now. 1 presume this is owing to the surveys not being complete. However, this will be accomplished very shortly, when we shall probably bear more about them.

THE GOLD RETURNS. Thera is an increase in tho bullion return for tho present month as compared with the last, and it would have been greater still only that several important results have not yet come to hand, It will be seen that tho total value for tho presont month in £27,066 19s 9d, as compared with £25,630 7s 4d last month; thus showing a substantial increase of £1436 12s sil. Tho following are the returns UPl'Elt THAMES. nz<. dwts. Value, i WailiiG.M. Co., 3000 tons 7,710 0 .. £10,119 0 o Waitekauri G.M.C., laS tons 827 in _ 776 17 0 N,/,. Crown, 442 tons .. 2,000 0 .. 2,120 0 0 Woodstock United, 240 tons 1,500 0 _ 803 16 7 Total 12,142 10 .. £13,878 IS 7 LOWER THAMES. ozs.Tlwls. Value. Cumbria Co., 45 loads .. 38 18 .. 107 6 0 Kuranui trib., (i loads .. 317 .. 10 11 9 i.iitlß Willis Claim, 2511> Kill .. 43 0 O May Queen Co., 962 loads 803 10 .. 2,243 2 0 May (jjueon trib., 14 loads 1% 0 418 0 0 Moaualaiaritrib., 195 tons 23 5 » 02 10 9 New Waiotalii Extended, 20 loads 30 16 - 100 14 0 Orlando Co., 17 loads .. 5 3.. 13 18 0 Occidental Co., 10 loads 23 0 .. 61 0 0 Victoria Co., 32 loads .. 27 12 .. 72 IS 0 Victoria tributes, 2 loads 10 16 .. 28 1 8 .Waiotalii Co., 210 tons ~ 202 in 600 5 0 Total _ .. .. 1,357 4 .. £3,732 14 2 COROMANDKL. ozs. dwts. Value. Hauniti,2lotons.. .. 2.5U3 18 .. £7,106 14 0 Kapauga, 100 tons .. 101 5.. 312 15 0 Total 2,473 3 7,419 9 0 KUAOTUNU. ozs. dwts. Value. Kapai-Vermont, 311 tons 579 0 .. 1,395 0 0 Waitaia. 1911) .. .. 35 1 .. 105 3 O Try Fluke, 500 tons .. 231 0 ~ £530 0 0 Total 845 1 li £2,036 3 0 Grand total .. 15,817 IS ..£27,006 19 9 NEW COMPANIES FORMED DURING NOVEMBER, . During the month of November the following new companies were formed, with the capital as indicated in figures (>ood Enough, £6000. Zion, Waitekauri, £12,000. Waihi Dredging, Waihi, £5000. Balfour, £12,000. Monarch of All, Kuaotumi, £10,000. Alert, £7000. In September 54 companies were formed, and in October the number was '29.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXII, Issue 9990, 29 November 1895, Page 2 (Supplement)

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THE GOLDFIELDS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXII, Issue 9990, 29 November 1895, Page 2 (Supplement)

THE GOLDFIELDS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXII, Issue 9990, 29 November 1895, Page 2 (Supplement)