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WELLINGTON RACING CLUB'S SUMMER MEETING. THE CUP WON BY MAHAKI. [bt telegraph.—press ASSOCIATION.] Wellington, Tuesday. The Wellington Racing Club opened their Summer Meeting to-day under most favourable conditions, the weather being everything to be desired, a light southerly breeze tempering the sun's rays. The attendance, too, was better than has been seen on the Hutt course for many years, quite 4000 being present, including His Excellency the Governor and Lady Glasgow, and a party from Government House. The course was in capital condition, and the improvements recently effected by the club were greatly admired. The only drawback to the success ot the meeting was the miserable arrangements made by the Railway Department for the conveyance of the public to and from the course, first-cUss fares being charged for accommodation in open trucks, while there were great delays both in going and coming. Both Grey's and Crawford's starting machines were used, they being under the control of Mr. Andrew Young, sen., who was very successful in despatching his fields on even terms, though in one or two instances the horses lost their chance through being startled at the tapes. Grey's machine was worked at three distances, and ran very

smoothly, while Crawford's, which was worked at the mile and furlong post in front of the stand elicited loud applause as the ten horses in the Hack Race moved away almost like a line of cavalry. The racing throughout the day was of a very interesting character, and many of the finishes were exciting. All the horses on the card weighed out tor the Cup, and it is generally voted that seldom, if ever, has there been a better class or a better conditioned lot of thoroughbreds strip on, the Hutt course. . The race was a picture to witness, and the manner in which Mahaki shot through his field along the back of the course was worth a barefooted pilgrimage to see. Mr. W*i Pere's win was a very popular one, and he was heartily congratulated on all sides. Mr. Evett, the handicapper, also came in for considerable kudos for the manner in which he had brought the horses together. Speculation was brisk all day, and the sum of £2954, which was put through on the Cup, must be a record tor that race. Altogether the sum of £10,481 was registered on the machines, which is an increase of £1461 as compared with the first day of the summer meeting last year. Some idea of the popularity of the meeting may be gathered from the fact that something like £1000 in small sums was wired to the secretary from all parts of the colony for investment, chiefly on the Cup. Tne gathering, without exception, was the most successful held by the club. The following are the results:—

NNIVERSARY Handicap Of lOOsuvs; second horse lOsovs from the stakes. One mile.

331— J. I). Ormond's br c Spindrift, 3yrs, by Nordenfeldt—Spinnaker, 7st 81b (De119— Mr. Wi Hutana's' h Tuhitarata, 6yrs, (1,. Matthews) .. .. •• , ••,.•: i 254-Mr. J. Manor's b m Dreamland, aged, 9st 3H> (McGrath ) 3 162, Senator, 7st lib; 160, Revolution, 7st 81b ; and 199, Planet, 7st, also ran. . Though ihe machine was used the start was not a good one, Spindrift ha*ins all the worst of it, while Plft-.Bt and Senator, who were quickest on their legs, broke away at i sound pace, and led the Hem alone under the hill, but, in turning into the back stretch Senator fall back lev.d with Revolution and Dreamland, and allowed Planet to go on with a length nUge, Spindrift and Tnhitarata being a length away from the trii Rounding the bend Senator dropped back, while the others moved up to the leader, and as the hordes turned for home luhitarat* came with a fast run on the outside, an I soon having Planet in difficulty, his victory was lou.ily proclaimed, but when inside the distance Delaney shook up the Nordenfeldt colt, and catching i uhiturata about a chain from home, won by a length; Planet fourth, Senator last. Time, lm. 45Js. Dividend, £3 6s.

Nursery Handicap of lOOsovs, second t.orse losovs from the stakes. For three-year-olds, mx fur-

longs. 143— Hon .T. B. Ormond's b f Spruce, byNeckersgat— Ma itima, 7st 41b (l)elaney).. .. 1 339—Mr. S. J. Mercer's b c Black and lied, by , Maxim- Aqualate, 6st 121b (J. Rae) .. - 263—Mr. J. A. Holmes' b c St. John, by. St. George- Chain, carried 31b overweight (J.Smith) 3 180, Heavenly l"win (&t 81b), 61, Dissenter (7st) 89, Warn te also ran. When the machine's tapes flew up w.-irnote turned round and took no p .it in the race. Dissenter, too, was a little scared, and the others got away a chain bef re he wat set moving. St. John and Black and Red drew away from spruce and Heavenly Twin, and when half the distance was cove ed the latter was apnarently I .eaten. Spruce moved nearer the leaders as they entered the straight. hips were out on Black and Red and St. John, and the latter forced ahead about half-a-l-ngth when Smith stopped riding, but here Spruce put in a decided claim, and in a din? don* race to the post she mow than held her own, and won l.y a head ; the same distance between second and third, Heavenly Twin fourth. Time, lm. 19is. Dividend, £6 10s. Wellington Cup, piece of plate value lOCsovs, with 400sovs added; second horse 4t)sovs, and third horse 2'.'sova from the stakes. One mile and a-balf. 629 -Mr. 11. Te Kani Fare's br h Mahaki, 4yrs, by Ingomar- Steppe, Bst 61b (T. Taylor) ■• •• * 380— Mr. M. Hobb's b m lady Zetland, aged, Bjt 81b (Cochrane) .. ••.. •,.•■•" 430-Hon. J. I) Ormond's br g North Atlantic, Syrs, 7stlolb(P White) .. .. --3 351, Lottie Bst tilb ; 230, It .sefeldt Bst Sib ; 361, Golden Plover, Bst 3lb; 166, Rangipuhi, 7st 121b; 144, Westmere, 7Rt 91b; 123, Princess. May, 6st 121b; 60, Porepo, 6st 81b ; 91, Ariu.% 6st 7lb ; aUo ran. Owing to the crowd standing inside the rail by the startin : machine, it was impossible to see the horses from the stand, but when the first ghtnpse was caught of the Held Westmere and Hosefelilfc were in front, though they were immediately supplanted by Arius, who led by a length as they passed the stand ; then came Kosefeldt, Westmere, l.nttie Uoldtsn Plovr, and l*dy Zetland, about four lengths separating them from the leader; Rangipuhi, who was -low to move, bringing up the rear, and just in front of him was Mahaki. Racing along under the hill Arius was s ill in fr.nt, but Kosefeldt and Westmere began to drop away, while Princess May ran up second, and was just clear ■of the last-mentioned pair, the others, with the exception of Rangipuhi and Porepo being in a clu-ler. Going along the hick stretch Mahaki, Lady Zetloid, and Golden Plover joined the leading division, with North Atlantic and Lottie very handy. *s the field swept round the turn by the road Arius gave place to Mahaki, who had Lady Zetland, Golden Plover, and North Atlantic as nearest opponents, while the others, with the *xcepiion of .sefeldt, Princess May, and Porepo, who were tailing off, were only a couple of lengths off. Mahaki wad first to turn for home, with Lady Zetland on the outside within a quarter of a length of him, while North Atlantic on the rails was almost at the mare's girths. Golden Plover lying fourth, and Lottie fifth. When halfway down the straight Lady Zetland's victory was -hooted from hundreds of throats, but Mahaki running very truly under the whip, won all out, by half a length, with North Atlantic half a length behind the mare ; then followed Go den lover, Arius, Lottie, and Rangipuhi, the last two to pass the i>os'. being Rosefeldt and Princess May. Time, 2iu. 395. Dividend. £4 4s. As soon as the horses weighed in Lady Glasgow presented the handsome •diver cup to Mr. Wi Pere, and in a briet speech congratuUted the winner. Cheers were given for Lady Glasgow and the winner. Hurdle Handicap of SOsovs ; second horse lOsovn from the stakes. Two miles. 217 -Mr. J. A. Holmes' b g Clarence, aged, by Tekoa, list 31b (Stewart) .. .. .. 1 150-Mr. J. Freeth's ch h Revolt, Syrs, lOst 3lb (Arnott) •• ~. ■ •• •• 2 70— A. McKenzi -'s ch m Sedition, Gyrs, 9st 31b (Buckeridge) .. 3 100, Kapua, list 51b ; 51, Oddfellow, 9st ; 252, Aurna, 9st; also ran ~.,-. Auroa and Revolt led for about half the journey with Kapua handy, and Clarence 1} in*; close. On the second round Clarence moved up, and at the back of the course the order was, Auroa and Revolt together a length away from Clarence and Kapua. As they approached the last hurdie Kapua fell away, and Clarence closed up. Revolt was first into the straight, but Clarence soon had him in difficulty, and coming on won easily by a length. Time, 2m. 565. Dividend, £3 9s. Welter Handicap of lOOsovs; second horse 15sovs from stakes. One nile and aquarter. 276—Mr. It. Kingan's g g Musket, 6yrs, by Anna. ment-Leita, lOst 4lb (ft. Kingan) .. 1 304-Messrs. Cress Brothers' VonTempsky, aged, 9st 71b (Jackson) 2 143—Mr. Wi Hutana's b h Tuhitar&ta, 6yrs (Beale) 3 370, Dreamland (list), 04, Legislator (9st) abo Musket led past the stand but was stea lied under the hill, and allowed Von Tempsky and Legislator to carry on the running with Dreainlind on the outside at their girths. Along the back Legislator gave place to Tuhitarata, but as the honn-s approached the road Legislator and Musket came ag*.in and the former was first into the at aight. Von Teinp-ky still cut in in the straight and soon v, rested the lead from Legislator, but Jackson was caught napping by Kingan. who brought the little ,xrey with a great rush and won by half a-length. Tnie, 2m. 16s. Dividend, £3 lis. * Hack Handicap of 75sovs, second horse 15sovs from stakes. One mile one furlong. t 446— W. Douglas' br c Penrose, 3yts, by Torpedo— Primrose, Bat(Lindsay) .. .. 1 178— J. H. Proscar's ch g The Miser, 7st 121b (Matthews) .. .. .. • • - - 2 278—Mr. 11. Mcßae's br g Bouquet, 7sb 21b (Ayera) .. .. .. .... 3 147, Princess Cole, 9st 91b ; 252, Umslopogaas, Sst 21b ; 49, Vivacious, 7st 111b; 03, Fresh Dea , 7st IMb ; 19, Merryman, 7st 91b ; 26, Springtime. 7st 91b ; 92, Voltaire, 7st 81b, also ran. The Miser and Penrose led throughout, the latter winning by half a-length. Time, lm. 6bs. Dividend, £3 fis. Disposal Stak s Hanuicap ofßOsovs. 71—Mr. J. Freeth's ch m Parae. 6yr<, by The Premier— Field, est 101b (L. Matthews).. 1 135—Mr. H Knight's ch m Poinsettia, aged, Bsb (McL ughlin) .. .. .. •• 2 151— J. Cress' cii in Delusion, 6yrs, 7st IMb / (Jackson) .. .....'. ..3 These were the only starters. Para- slipped her field at the start and was never caught, winning easily by a couple ■of lengths.. No time taken. Dividend, £4 10s. The winner was bought in for i 25SOYS.

TELEGRAPH Handicap of lOOsovs ; second horse to receive lOsovs from the stakes. Six furlongs. 303—Mr. R. Allen's br h Saracen, 6yrs, by St, ...- ; Gerrge-Fair Nell, 9st 6lb (Cochrane) .. t Mr.'P. F. Tancred's ch k King's Bowman, by Forester—Princes Royal, 7st 81b (Ayers) t 319—Mr. S. J. Mercer's ch f Britomarte, Byrs (Campbell) .. .. ~ ~..-..; .3 341, Searchlight, Bst 31b; 94, Porepo, 7at 61b, also The start was delayed for some time owing to the fractiousness of Searchlight, who kicked Cochrane on Saracen. This also had the effect of further delaying the start, as the injured jockey had to dismount for a few inin t>-s. When thetapeii flew away Porepo was almost left at the post, and lost fully a dozen lengths. King's Bowman was the first to move, followed by Britoraane and Searchlight, and in this order they raced for four furlongs when Saracen made a forward movement. King's Bowman tUi-nea into the straight with Britoina't at his heels, hut Saracen was coming fast on the outside, and although the latter made a gallant effort he could not do more than make a dead heat of it, Britomarie a fair third. Time, lm. 16 3-sth s. Dividends : Saracen, £1 19s ; King's Bowman, £2 3a The owners agreed to divide. There is but little doubt had Cochrane not been kicked on the foot by Searchlight Saracen would have won. FOXTON RACES. Foxton, Tuesday. There was splendid weather and large attendance for the races. The results are as follow :— V Flying Handicap.— 1; Vagrant, 2; The Toad, 3 Time, lm. 19 3-bth s. Dividend, £8 14s. Trial HURDLES.-Catnrd, 1; Aotea, 2, Snapcap, 3. Time, 2m. 17s. Dividend, £15 Us. Handicap Hurdles.—Kohurangi, 1; Spieydon, 8 ; Narrate, 3. Time, 2m. 69 3-sth s. Dividend, £3 I lbs. Racing Club Handicap.—Lorelei, 1; Hotspur, 2 ; Flaneur, 5. Won easily. Time, 2m. 45 4-sth s. Dividend, £3 6s. • „■''..„ Anniversary Stakes. -Tuhina, 1 ; Vagrant, 2 ; Barman, 8 lime, lm. 58s. Dividend, £2. Electric Handicap—Puawai, 1 ; Marama, 2 ; Veracity, 3. Tim», )m. 6 1-6ths. Dividend, £7 Is. Stewards' stakes.—Bushboy, 1 ; Stiayshot, 2; Hotspur, 3. Time, vim. 18s. Dividend, £3. Welter Handicap. l; Dart, 2; Newmarket, 3. Time, 2m. Bs. Dividend, £1017s.


Napier, Tuesday. The following nominations were received to-night for the Hawke's Bay Jockey Club Autumn Meeting : — Hawke's Bay Cup.—Forme, Scot Free, The Dancer, Planet, King Cannibal, Dreamland, Princess Mav, Goosander, The Shrew, North Atlantic, Spindrift, Lyrebird, Martyrdom, Monte Carlo, Au Revoir, Liberator, Mahaki, Rangipubj. Boulanger, Westmore, Prime Warden, Lady Zetland, Saracen, Rosefeldt, Da. railway -takes.—lrish Twist, Forme, Knna, St. Kilda, The Dancer, Stepf Idt, Searchlight, Princess May, Kphimede, Goosander, Zanella, The Shrew, North Atlantic, Spindrift, Lyrebird, Martyrdom, Nxie, Orion, St. Cleme its, Au Revoir, Salvo, Pompom, Lady Zetland, Saracen, Golden Plover, Ua. * ; SCRATCHINGS.

Presi Association.—ElHcfcric Telegraph.—Copyrleh*. Melbourne, January 22. Patron has been scratched for the Australian Uup. Malachite and War Paint have been scratched for the Newmarket Handicap.



Everything in connection with the above popular fixture continues to shape most satisfactorily for a highly successful and enjoyable gathering at the marine suburb on Saturday and Tuesday next. The racecourse lias never previously been in the condition that it is at present, the arrangements for the using of the starting machine are in a forward state, and altogether it would appear only to require fine weather to make the meeting the most successful ever brought off by the T.J.O. The programme to be gone through on Saturday consists of eight events, and it is to be run off in the following order: —Handicap Maiden Plate, one mile ; Handicap Hurdles, two miles; Zealandia Handicap, five furlongs ; Takapuua Cup, one mile and a half; Calliope Handicap, six furlongs; Handicap Maiden Steeplechase, about three miles ; First Pony Handicap, six aud a-half furlongs; Stewards' Handicap, six and a-balf furlongs. The first race on Saturday starts at one p.m. . , Mr. E. D. Halstead will manipulate the lever at the starting machine... Mr. Wynyard notifies horse-owners that their quadrupeds will be conveyed free by the ferry steamers up to half-past nine, but after that hour they will be charged for Prioress is expected to arrive from New Plymouth today in order to fulfil her engagements at the Takapuna Meeting. •

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXII, Issue 9726, 23 January 1895, Page 5

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SPORTING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXII, Issue 9726, 23 January 1895, Page 5

SPORTING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXII, Issue 9726, 23 January 1895, Page 5