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[FROM OUR OWN OORKtISPONDKNTS. i Thames, Thursday. Since writing last month's summary, the report of Mr. R. A. F. Murray, the Victorian mining expert, who lately visited the Thames at the request of the Government for the purpose of reporting upon the prospects of finding payable gold at greater depth than yet attained on this field, has come to hand. In his report Mr. Murray says he has no hesitation in expressing the opinion, based on personal observation and reliable information, that exhaustive testa by means of deep sinking are most advisable, and that expenditure on necessary pumping, appliances would be fully warranted by general indications. A3 a precautionary measure, and in view of the great cost of sinking . a deep shaft and erecting necessary plant, he advises preliminary boring, not by any means to prospect for auriferous quartz, because no method is more unreliable with such an object in view, but to ascertain whether the soft tufaceous rocks really do continue to any considerable depth bolow what has been reached in the deepest mine. If this is proved bo be the case, then deep sinking will bo amply justified ; but if, on the other hand, hard breccias be shortly met with, the prospect of sinking will not wear a promising aspect. As a locality for such boring he recommends the vicinity of the Queen of Beauty shaft. From its position and size, it saems the most suitable to select for deeper sinking, provided ib bo in the proper condition. He also recommends the continuance of the Moanataiari tunnel, as this will afford a highway to, and facilities for prospecting a large area of likely ground, the upper portions of which are very rich. He says there is likely to be a diversity of local opinion as to the direction of the tunnel, but, from what ho saw, he considers the direction should be deviated somewhat to the north east, but local experience and judgment should carry weight in such a matter. He also recommends prospecting the country between Karaka and Hape Creeks by sinking through the post-tertiary deposits into the tufaceous rooks, and then cross-driving in the latter. If a deep shaft be sunk near the Queen of Beauty, exploring drives should also be extended southwards towards Hape Creek, and westwards towards the Gulf, as it is quite possible auriferous rocks extend far under the sea, and recent accumulations in its bed, and may be worked at such depths that no influx from water need bo apprehended. Mr. Murray's report has given satisfaction hero, so far us his opinion is concerned re the finding of gold at deeper levels, bub his suggestion that, before deep shafts be sunk and expensive pumping plants erected, the ground should first bo tested regarding its auriferous character downward by means of boring with a diamond drill, was at first received with disappointment, as it was hoped he would have recommended the sinking of a shaft at once. It is generally admitted now, however, that it will be wise to adopt Mr. Murray's suggestion, as boring operations would, as a matter of course, prove the character of the country downward, and then if the strata penetrated by the bore proved favourable for the existence of gold-bearing lodes, the probabilities are that no difficulty would afterward be experienced in obtaining the requisite capital to test the worth of tho deep levels by work of a more practical nature. It is nob yet known what aid will be forthcoming from Government to carry on this work, bub it is generally assumed that when Parliament j meets substantial monetary assistance will bo tendered to assist in both the development of the deep levels and to give effect to the other recommendations contained in Mr. Murray's report regarding this field. The result of the past month's operations in our local mines has not been of a very remunerative character on tho whole, but in a few instances payable yields of gold have been obtained. The May Queen Company's usual monthly clean up gave the satisfactory return of 3740zs 14iwts of melted gold, for which 329 loads of quartz were treated. The supply of quartz at present being won is of a somewhat limited character, as the company is now concentrating its principal effort to extending the No. 6 lovel in the Saxon section through to the May Queen section, with the object of opening up a new lovel with fully 100 feet of backs in the last-mentioned part of the mine. This work is now being carried out with the aid of the company's rock-boring appliances, and during the past fortnight no less a distance than 74 feet has been driven, which leaves about 970 feet further to drive before a connection is effected with the Queen of the May shaft. When this work is accomplished there will be a direct open connection with the Big Pump shaft, so that the same difficulty will not be experienced in getting the water away from tho new lovel as was the case with the previous level opened up. The tributers in the Saxon section have crushed 25 loads of quartz during the mouth for a yield of 107oz 9dwts of gold. The Moanataiari Company's yield of gold for the month is 130oz from 317 tons of quartz obtained from several small leaders operated upon in the mine and 630z from 1285 tons of surface dirt. Tho Hazelbank Company obtained 960z 3dwts from their last crushing of 88 loads of quartz; from Darby's leader, which is a considerable falling off upon previous roturns, and tho Cambria Company 71oz from 20 loads. Tho excellent return of 2750z of gold was obtained by the Waiotahi Company from the treatment of 250 tons of quartz, and the St. Hippo Company secured 230z 18d\\ts from a crushing of 24 loads.

The Albumin Company has taken over the Dixon mine, and at present are extending the Old Clunos level in that section for the purpose of connecting it with the battery level in the Alburnia mine, where large blocks of low grade oro are available for working. The level now in progress is being carried through the old stopes upon Dixon's reef, and as a consequence a sufficient supply of quartz is being won to keep ten head of stampers employed one shift per diom at the company's newlyacquired battery in the Tararu Creek, and the other ton head are operating upon tributers' quartz. The quartz being treated for the company is low grade, bub it is anticipated that sufficient gold will be obtained from ib to pay for the cost of opening up the new level. The Orlando Company is opening up an intermediate level upon the main reet about midway between the upper and lower levels. A contract has just, been lot for the carrying ion of this work a distance of 150 feet. The reef is carrying an excellent class of mineral, and the general indications are in favour of a payable run of gold being found shortly. In the Pride of Karaka mine a contracb has just been let for extending the main tunnel a further distance of 100 feet, for the purpose of intersecting other reefs. Two tribute parties are ab work in this mine, and they have recently crushed 11' loads of quartz between them, for a yield of 30oz Bdwta of gold. A party of tributers in the New North Star mine completed a crushing of 18 loads of quartz a few days ago for a yield of 330z lldwt of gold.

In the Fame and Fortune mine Mr. Cooper has gob men employed in five different faces, in each of which gold is seen. Two of these faces are upon the Caledonian reef, but about 300 feeb apart, 0119 upon the Golden Age reef, where a rise is being pub up for ventilation, one upon the hangir.gwall secbion of the lasb mentioned body, and the other upon a small hangingwall leader. The prospects ab each poinb are very promising, and the quartz that is coming to hand is being forwarded to the battery, where its treatment will probably be commenced in about a month hence. The Norfolk Company at Tararu have at lasb connected the Missouri low level with the old surface workings, and thereby obtained the ventilation required. A starb has now been made to stope upon the reef from which the good return of gold was obtained lasb month, and regular monbhly crushings are expected in future. The following is a statement of the gold purchased by the local banks during the quarter ending March 31 County. Borough. Total, ozdwtgr ozdwtgr m dwter Bank of N.Z.: .January .. 7*o 0 8 399 13 0 1,139 13 S February ... 1,470 10 0 580 3 0 2,050 13 0 March .. 1.620 18 0 BSO 9 9 2,510 7 0 • Total. 5.7000z 13ilwt Bgr. Bank of N.S. : January .. 113 112 26 15 0 138 1G 12 February .. 95 18 0 61 3 0 157 1 0 March .. 5? 14 12 2 0 0 64 14 12 Total, 850 os 12ilwt Ogr.

Thus making a grand * total of 6,0510z sdwb Bc*r. Of tho above 67 per cent, was obtained from the mines in the county, and 37i from 10 borough. • In the up-country mines good work is being done, and in the case of the older companies the results are of tho usual profitable character. The Waihi Gold Mining Company's return of bullion for the 28 days ending on the 7th inst. was valued at £5005, for which 1737 tons of ore won from the Martha lode were treated. Good progress is being made with the opening of the new No. 2 shaft level westward upon the course of the main lode, and the face is now pusb the point where the winze commenced some time ago upon the reef from the floor of No. 1 level would have connected, had not its sinking been abandoned through the influx of water. Strange to say, however, the drive ia still comparatively free of water, and has not yet drained the winze. What the exact size of the lode is at this point is not known, for the whole width of the drive is in quartz, without any sign of either wall, but the manager is of opinion that ib is quite 20 feet in thickness, and that it is comprised wholly of payable ore. The face is now being extended towards the old Britannia winze, where it will be remembered that ore of a high value was obtained whilst it was being sunk. The contractors for sinking the company's shaft a further depth of 80 feet, for the purpose of eventually opening up another level, have completed their contract, but the work of opening out has been adjourned until the No. 2 level is further proceeded with. At the battery everything is in splendid working order, and the work of erecting the new vats for the ultimate adaptation of the Cassel process in the treatment of the company's ore is fast approaching completion, Information to hand re the treatment of tho tailings purchased by the Cassel Gold Extraction Company from the Waihi Gold Mining Company some months ago, is of a most satisfactory character. The plant recently erected by the Cassel Company is working splendidly, the percolation process being a complete success, notwithstanding the doubts expressed by some people a3 to whether the tailings could be dealt with in that manner on account of the large amount of slimes that was supposed to be in them. The actual result is this, that during the four weeks ending on March 27th no less than 1400 tons of tailings were dealt with by the company for the handsome yield of 12400z of bullion, valued at £1500. This is indeed a very satisfactory result, and proves the wisdom oE the company's representative, Mr. A. James, in recommending the purchase of the large heap of tailings now at the command of the com-

pany. The contractors who are sinking the Silverton Company's shaft aro making very good headway with their contract, and havo attained a depth already of nearly 50 feet.

At Karangahake the New Zealand Crown Mines Company is breaking out a payable class of ore from its Nos. 5 and 6 levels on the south side of the gorge, the reef ranging from two to three feet in thickness. Last month's output and treatment -it the battery registered 480 tons, the bullion return from which was valued at £1130. The rock-boring drills that are being fitted up by the company, for the purpose of pushing forward the drives and stopes more expeditiously, will be ready for operation in a few days from now. The prospects in tho Woodstock Gold* Mining Company's mine have greatly improved during the past month. There is now a good show of gold a id silver-bearing ore in the No. 2 lode at the No. 3 level, the lode being about four feet in thickness, and good dish prospects of the precious metals are obtainable from any part of it. An excellent class of ore is also coming to hand from the winze which is being sunk upon the same body below No. 2 level, where its size ranges from three to four feet in thickness, and appears to be still further improving in quality as it makes downward. The block that is being opened up will be about 300 feet in length, with backs 180 feet in height, so that if the present prospects are maintained the company will have some very rich returns from it. In the Talisman mine the owners have lately discovered a new lodo that gives excellent prospects of the precious metal, and the owners of the Earl of Glasgow mine are pushing forward with considerable speed the excavations for their new batterysite, tramway, and water-race, and hope soon to have the machinery 011 the ground. Excellent progress is being made with tho new mining properties in tho Waitekauri district, and, judging from present prospects, the yield of bullion from that district will goon be of large dimensions. The low level tunnel in the Golden Cross mine is now in a distance of about 450 feet, which leaves about 230 feet more to drive to reach the reef. Tho drive is now well in through the ordinary surface formation, and is penetrating a fine description of firm sandstone. • The • contractors for tho fitting up of tho battery for the use of the Cassel process are making splendid headway, and expect to have everything completed in about two months hence, but it is probable the works will be far enough advanced as to permit of the treatment of the tailings on hand being commenced in about a month's time.

In the (3race Darling mine the development of the reef in the low level is being proceeded with as rapidly as possible. The reef is now about 10 feet in thickness, and shows gold at every breaking down, so that there is no doubt regarding its payableness. The company have accepted the tender of Messrs. Brown Bros, for the erection of their new reduction plant, which will comprise 10 head ot heavy American stampers, besides the necessary appliances for the use of the cyanide process in connection with the same. The contract piece, I understand, is about £2709, which also includes the erection of the buildings and the water-race. Messrs. Brown Bros, have purchased the 10 head of stampers for their contract that were formerly in use at the late Sylvia Company's reduction plant at Tararu, and have already dismantled the same and carted it to its new site at Waitokauri.

In the Portsea, Star of Waitokauri, Progress, Christina, and Jubilee mines, the work of opening up now levels is in progress, and in each case it is confidently expected that payable ore will 9hortiy be coming to hand. In fact the owners of the Progress mine' have already intersected a reef five feet in thickness which carries gold. A few days ago a prospector in the VVaitekauri district forwarded a small parcel of ore to the Thames School of Mines which he had obtained from a now reef ho has discovered. Mr. Park has Binco treated the same at the school, and has furnished a statement regarding the same, which shows that the ore contains bullion at the rate of 2520z ldwt 3gr per ton, yielding 520z Sdwb 14gr of gold and 200oz 12dwt 13gr of silver, or a total value of £224 12s 3d per ton. The return is a very good one, but the prospector declines as yet to give any information as to the exact locality of the reef from which the ore was taken, other than that it is in tho Waitekauri district.

Coromandel, Thursday. Sinking operations in the Kapanga mine are making capital progress. The country is still remarkably good. The men have a good deal of water to contend with, but moit of it comes from above. In the stopes, the usual work is in progress, but the result has not been very encouraging. The tributers in the Coromandel section are still very busy. Warner and party are driving on their main reef, and have very encouraging prospects. Warner sen. is opening up the little leader, and is likely to make a good thing of ib. Legge and party are crosscutting for Warner's reef, and Ross and party are also putting in a low level to cut the same reef. The country is exceedingly good in all these places. In the Just in-Time ground, Sullivan and party are driving on a very nice-looking reef. Unfortunately they were drowned out of their shaft, otherwise they had a very good show there, and ib appeared to improve downwards. Anderson is taking oub a trial crushing from a very fine-looking reef. O'Dowd is also testing a parcel from a mullocky lode, from which excellent prospects can be washed. Steward and Moore are prospecting on the western side of the Coromandel Company's ground, but) so far with little success.

On the Tokatea Range mining matters are very quiet. Some small crushings have been had from various places, but the only one of any note was that from Royal Oak tribute, 30ozs, by Luhr's party. The Queen of bhe North Company are driving in their low level, bub the ground is so hard they make very slow progress. Some 20 feeb now are expected ■to bake them up to the slide, whore gold oughb to bo found.

* 1 WAIKOROMIKO. Dyer's party have at last cub the reef for which they have been driving. The country near the reef is very good, # but tliey have not gob anything very rich yet. McGregor and party are prospecting in this district, assisted by Government. MANAIA. Jones and Hayes are prospecting in this district, and there are several other parties in this district, including Mr. Barron, but I have nob yob heard of any find of importance. : All agree, however, that the country is fine-looking for gold. WHANGAPOUA. Gale and party are still working away near Lanigan's, and are fairly well satisfied with their prospects. They lodged some 240z gold a short time ago, but they have not yet recovered the loss of a valuable heap of quartz which Was washed away some three months ago just as they were about to get it crushed. OTONGARtJ. Verron's party have had one or two crushings from their reef lately, which unfortunately did nob turn out payable, and there is likely to be a change in the ownership. _ MATERANGI. The battery'is nob quite ready bo start yet, and the mine is nob quite opened up either, but they are pushing it on. Application was made bo the County Council today for a road from the water's edge for coal, and from the mine to get quartz down, which was granted. KUAOTUNU. Things have been very flab in this district for some time, but there is a silver lining to their cloud. The Try Fluke Company have lately acquired the Marip6sa ground, and sob men to work there. They have erected an additional five stampers in the battery, and will have no difficulty in keeping it going, and having obtained the Mariposa ground they may find it necessary to erect even more stampers. They now hold a largo area of country, and will practically have an unlimited supply of crushing material for years to come. The Kapai-Vermont machinery has at last arrived, and the bulk of it is already on the ground. It consists of an Otis pulveriser. The stuff will be crushed dry and fed in cyanide vats. The working of this machine will be watched with great interest, as it is the first of the kind in this district. The mine itself is looking remarkably well, and ought to give a good account of itself when working. Great Mercury.— Of late very much better stone has been coming to hand, and the battery returns are considerably improved, and I am glad to find that through the discovery of a Mr. Walker the cyanide process has been made much more effective. Ib appears there has always been a difficulty in dealing with this ore, the returns nob being nearly up to the assay value. Some of the other mines on the field were also in the same position, viz., Red Mercury, Waitaia, Black Jack, etc., bub Mr. Walker has solved the difficulty and possibly rendered all these mines payable. Not much has been done lately in the Red Mercury. There are only a few men employed. There is a party in the low level driving through very hard country. Just-tn-Time. —This mine still holds its own. There is a small party tributing this ground, and obtaining payable ore. The tributers in the Waitaia have had some very decent stone since their last crushing. The reef is now pinched out, but they are sanguine it will come in again. They have done a considerable amount of dead work, and are now starting to open up a new block. MAHAKIRAU. This district is receiving a good deal more attention than formerly. The Council are assisting some parties who are prospecting there, and there are one or two parties who have a very fair show, and are likely to be heard of bofore long. Altogether there is a somewhat better feeling in mining matters than for some time past.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXI, Issue 9490, 20 April 1894, Page 2 (Supplement)

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THE GOLDFIELDS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXI, Issue 9490, 20 April 1894, Page 2 (Supplement)

THE GOLDFIELDS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXI, Issue 9490, 20 April 1894, Page 2 (Supplement)