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PARIS WINS THE CAULFIELD CUP. Press Aisociation.—Slectrie Telegraph.-Copynght. Melbourne, October 15. For the second day's racing of the V. A.T.C. meeting the weather, was all that could be desired. The attendance was enormous, and quite up, to that of previous years. Lord Hopetouu, Lord Northesk, and suites were present. Despite the counter attritions of totalizators in town, a large number of which do immense business quite openly, speculation was extremely spirited. The Sydney contingent landed a good stake over the victory of Calculus in the Maiden Plate. The winner was strongly supported, and at one time touched 5 to 4 on, but eased a little when the Victorians came for New Moon. The latter, however, got left at the post, which ruined his chance. Some dissatisfaction was expressed over Paris's victory in the Cup but the performance of the Grandmaster horse was really a brilliant one. A quarter of an hour before the race Paris was very firm,' at 100 to 8, but he receded a point just prior to the fall of the flag. The New Zealand-owned horse Freeman was running prominently in the Steeplechase when he struck a fence on the top of the hill the second time round, and came down. The following are the details of the racing:— The Maiden Plate of loOsovs; the owner of the second horse to receive 25sova. One mile. Mr. W. Forrester's b c Calculus, 3yrs, by Trenton— Rosary (Gough) 1 Mr. J. Wilson, jun.'s, b g Captaiu Cook, 3yrs (Kennedy) '2 Mr VV. R. Wilson's b m Taarna, 4yrs (Lewis) ... II Eileen, New Moon, Aberdaron, Outlaw, and Prior also ran. Betting: Even money on Calculus. 7to 2 against New Moon. Calculus won cleverly by half a length. Time, I in. 46£s. The Norsery Handicap of 2oosovs; the owner of the second horse to receive 40sovs, and the owner of the third lOsovs. For two-year-olds. Four furlongs and a-half. Mr. F. Wetitworth's br f Wanga.iell», by Marvellous— La Belle, Bst (Parker) ... 1 Mr. C. M. Lloyd ns b f Somniliquist, by Chester — White and Blue, 7at 21b (Dawes) 2 Fairfield, Sst 9lb (Lake) 3 Nineteen horses started. Betting : sto 1 each Currawang, Veatatia, and Salutation, 10 to 1 VVauganella, and Mueklebar. From a wretched start Wanganella and Mucklebar were the hist away, and the former galloping like a racehorse, never left the issue in doubt, winning easily by a length and a-half. The Dauphin was fourth, Lucid fifth, the last two being Salutation and La Gloria. Time, sSis. Tut: Caulvikld Cup, a handicap of 3000sovs : 20O0sovs of the said sum to go to the owner of the first horse, 700sovs to the owner of the second horse, and llOOsovs to the owner of the third. One mile and a-half. Mr. J. Monaghan ns b p Paris, Syrs, by Grandmaster—Enone, Sst 81b (Parker) 1 Mr. S. G. Cook's b h Yarran, 4yrs, by Epigram—Nellie, 7st7iii (Lewis) ... 2 Mr. J. O'Loughlin ns ch h Clonard, syrs, by Newminater— Queen of the Anglers Bst 211. (Harris) 3 Mr. J. Northern's eh g Buugebah, aged, 9st6lb ... - Mr. J. H. Davis' b h Fortunatus, 4yrs, Bst 111b, Including 141b penally .* - Mr. J. Mersey's ch h G'Naroo, 6yrs, Bst 81b - Mr W. Bailey's b h Annesley, syrs, Sat 51b - Mr. M. Carmody ns br h Glenloth, syrs, Sst 21b - Mr. E. H. Austin's ch h Enuc, syrs, Bst 21b - Mr. D. S. Wallace's cli g Titan, syra, Bst • Mr. VV. R. Wilson's br h Pygmalion, syrs, Bst - Mr. W. Forrester's ch g Forty Winks, syra, 7st 121b - Mr. W. T. Jones's b in Litigant, Syrs, 7st 111b .'. ... - Mr. S. Davis' b h Hartinjjton, 4yr«, 7st 91b - Mr. .7. Abraham's b h Little Bernie, tiyrs, 7st9lb ... - Mr. T. b Theodore,4yrs, 7st 81b - Mr. M.O'Shannessey's blk h Swordbearer, - 4yrs, 7st 7lb ... Mr. H. R. Falkiner's b h Hopetoun, syrs, 7st 71b Mr. 8. Miller's b h Norbert, Syrs, 7st 51b Mr. H. Giltina-i ns b h Chatham, Syrs, 7st 51b ..! •

Palliaer, syrs,7st 4lb - Mr. J. Whittingham'a b h Spokesman, aged, Bst 41b - Mr. W. L. Smith ns b h Althotas, syrs, Bsc 81b, including 141b penalty Miss H. A. .Lang's b h Pi<;eontoe, 6yrs, Bit3lb - Mr. H. Oxenham'a b g Pilot Boy, 4yrs, Tstltlb - Mr. W. Osborne's b h Leviathan, 6yrs, 7st6lb - Mr. S. H. Gollau'3 b h Sternchaser, 4yrs, 7at3lb ... - Mr. A. Brown'sb h Alexander. syra, 7st lib ... ... - Mr. E. Key's b a; E. K., syrs, 7st - Mr. J. Peppard's br g Mulgan, syrs, 75t... • Mr. J. Wilson's br c Ducrow, 3yrs, Gst I'ilb ... - Mr. J. B. Clark's ch c Ulrie, 3yrs, Gat 81b Betting: 5 to 1 each G'Maroo and Pygmalion, 10 to 1 Ulric, 14 to 1 Paris and Hopetoun, 15 to 1 Clonard and Spokesman, 50 to 1 Yarran. The field were despatched well away together, with the exception of Pilot Boy, who was left at the post. Once fairly in their stride, the colours of Fortuuatus, next the rails, were the most prominent, with Pygmalion, Glenloth, Ducrow, Little Bernie, Bungebah, and Sword bearer next, all in a cluster. Passing the stand Bungebah rushed to the front, and led Swordbearer by half-a-length, after whom came Fortunatus, Theodore, Glenloth, Pygmalion, and Ducrow, in the order named. As the field swept round the turn out of the straight, Pygmalion took command, his most immediate attendants being Fortunatus, Pigeontoe, Svvordbearer, Glenloth, Spokesman, and Buugebah, the others tailing off. Entering the back stretch, Pygmalion was still at the head of affairs, and led Swordbearer by two lengths; after whom came Bungebah and Glenloth, Ernie whipping in the field. Going towards the railway turn the field closed up, Ulric's colours showing prominently for the first time, and he, with Pygmalion, went pa in front, Swordbearer lying third. Pygmalion was still in the lead on entering the straight, where G'Naroo made a good run, but subsided immediately afterwards. When fairly in the straight, Clonard, Ulrie, Yarran, and Swordbearer appeared to be fighting it out, and the tussle eventu ating in favour of Varran, loud shouts proclaimed the latter's victory ; but just inside the distance Parker brought up Paris with one tremendous run, and the son of Grandmaster coming away in great style, won easily by two lengths, Clonard being a length behind Yarran, followed by Theodore, Pygmalion, Forty Winks, Litigant, G'Naroo, Enue, Norbert, Swordbearer, Hartington, Ulrie, Fortunatus, and Hope toun, in the order named, the last to finish being Palliser, E.K. , Spokesman, Bungebah, and Sternchaser. Time, 2in. SSJs. WINNERS OF THE CAULFIELD CUP.

I In these yews the race was 1J mile and a distance. Tub Skcond Handicap Steeplechase of 35030V8 ; the owner of the second horse to receive dOsovs, and the owner of the third, 25sovs. About three miles. Mr. J. Richards' b & Pilot, aged, list (Bolster) ... 1 Mr. A VV. Thomson's br g Kalydor, aged, 9at 71b (Ross) 2 Mr. J. Munro br g Esmond, 6yrs, lOst 31b (Keating) 3 Nine horses started, but Rebecca was the only other horse besides the placed ones to finish. Betting : 4 to 1 against Freeman, 3to 1 Pilot, 6to 1 the others. Pilot won by fifteen lengths, Esmond being a bad third. Time, Gin. 82s. The Selling Race of 200sovs. Five furlongs. . Mr. S. Milter's br or br f Submission, 4yrs(Ray) ... ... 1 Mr. A. Selman's b K Radoo, 6yrs (Osborne) ... ... 2 Mr. I. T. Carslake ns ch h Gladstone (Ettridge) ... ... ... 3 Eight horses started. Betting : Even money on Gladstone, 3 to 1 against Radoo, 6 to 1 Submission. Won easily by two lengths. Time, ltn. As. The winner was bought in for £135,

The Windsor Handicap of 250sovs ; the owner of the second horse to receive 40sovs, and the owner of the third lOsovs. .Six furlongs. :, Mr. I. T. Carslake ns b c Ascot Vale, by St. Albans—Solitude, 4yrs, 7st 61b ). (Traynor) 1 Mr. A. Taylor's b c Berrigan, 4yrs, Sat 21b (Thomas) ... 2 Mr. A. Summer's b c Lord Hopetoun, 4yrs, 8» 61b (Cleary) ... ... 3 Nineteen horses started. Betting : 3to 1 against Ascot Vale, 4 to 1 Lord Hopetoun, sto 1 Gresford. Ascot Vale won easily by a length, Cooza - was fourth, and Gresford sixth. Time, lm. 7s. PARIS' VICTORY, tar phaeton, The victory gained by Paris in the Caulfield Cup on Saturday last breaks the spell of ill-luck that has for so many years followed the heavy-weighted brigade in that race, for not since the year 1883 has a horse weighted at Bst or over scored a triumph in the V.A.T C. big event. Ever since the weights made their appearance in July last for the Caultield Cup, Paris has beeu considered one of the most dangerous horses in the race, and when at the beginning of September his party supported him to win about £12,000, he was quickly placed in a prominent plwe in the quotations : and subsequently when he achieved his brilliant triumph in the Wycombe Stakes, it was very clearly demonstrated that in a true run race at Caultield the little fellow would gallop the twelve furlongs in a manner that would puzzle his opponents. He got a true run race, and the account of the running demonstrates that he achieved his victory in a manner quite in keeping with the great brilliancy that he has long been known to possess. The Grandmaster horde was originally weighted at Bst 81b in the Melbourne Cup, but by his victory on Saturday last he will be required to carry 141b additional, which will have the effect of raising his impost to 9st 81b, and such a steadier in a two-mile race, which is sure to be run from end to end at a great pace, may be expected to extinguish his chance of achieving distinction at Fiemington on the Ist of November. The following are the full performances of Pans : — At 2 Rosehili February: Nowhere in Nursery Handicap, 6 furlongs, Tat Ulb, won by Ml tie Clar.', 7st 121b. Rami wick autumn. Nowhere in Doncitster Handicap, 1 mile, ost, won by ir William, Sst Bib ; third in the Se. ond Nursery Handicap, 6 fu. longs 7st 111b, won by Kmmie, 7st Ulb, Hawkesbury Autumn: Won Railway Handicap, 7 furlongs, 7st, lm. 30js., NeoUtteld, 7st 61b, second. The l-ifer, 7st 91b, third. Sydney T.C. May : Nowhere in Royal Stake:*, B furlongs, 7st 21b, won by Little lady, (Ist; won Farewell Handicap. 1 mile, est 61b, lm. 4315., The Bouce, Bst 4lb, second, Nonsense, 7at 811), third. Randwick Winter: Nowhere in June Stakes, 6 furlongs, 7st 121b, won by Karnest, Sst *zlb. At 3 years.—Rand wick Spring : Nowhere in Derby, 1J miles, Bst 6lb, won by Gibraltar, 101b ; owhere in Metropolitan stakes, 2 miles, 6st 10lb, won by Little Bernie, 6st Ulb; nowhere in Final Handicap, li mile, 7st Olb. won by Simon, 7st lllbs. Kandwick S miner: Nowhere in Summer Cup, mite, Hat 121b won by Sto-kwell, list 101b. Tatter-sail's January : Won Ulub Handicap, once round, 7st 21b, 2m. 22J5., Doncaster, 7st 11 ib, second. Southerly Buster, 7st 4lb, third. Randwick Autumn: Won D.mcaster H.ndicap, 1 mile, Tat 101b, lm. 40a., Helena, 6st 81b, second, Marvel, 9st 121b, third; won Rous Handicap; 1 mile s furlongs, Sat 71b, 2m. 2B|s,, Halo, 6at Ulb, second, Correze, 9sl, third. At 4 years. Klemington Spring; Nowhere in Melbourne stakes, li mile, Sst Olb, won by Marvel, 9*t 4lb; nowhere in Melbourne Cup, 2 miles, Sst •2'b, w.m by Malvolio, feat 4lb; won Veteran Stakes, li mile, Sat 7ib, 2m 375, Nor. ert, 7at, second, Correze, Sat 91b, third. Williamstown : Nowhere in Willi imstowit Cup, 1 milo three furlongs, 9st Sib, won by under, Tat alb. Sydney T.C, January; second in Anniversary Handicap, 1 mile 3 furlongs, Bst Olb, won by Wandsworth, 6st 71b. Klemliict n Autumn : Nowhere in Handicap, } mile, 9s(. 81b, won by Wild Rose, Bst lib. Randwick 'Autumn : Nowhere in D .ncaster Handicap, 1 mile, Bat 111b, won by .Marvel, lOst 4lb. At 5 years : At Randwick Spiing : Won Wycombe stakes, 1 mile a furlongs, lib, 2m. 88J3. ; random*, 911., .second ; St. Albans 11., Stst, third. Caulfield •spring : Nowhere in Caultield Slakes, 1 mile 1 furlong, Jiat lib, won by Camoola, Sat 111b ; won CaulHeld Cup, 1J mile, Sat 81b, 2m. 38Ja ; Yarran, 7st7lb, second ; Clonard, Sat 21b, third. Paris was well supported in Auckland both straight out and also in conjunction with other horses for the Melbourne Cup, and altogether he was one of the worst horses for the ring. Yarran, who ran second to Paris, is not engaged in the Melbourne Cup. A Wellington telegram states that Paris' win in the Caulfield Cup has struck most of the local metalliciaus, and the horse is laid in doubles with almost everything which has a chance in the Melbourne Cup.

Yr. ( Owner. j Winner. AiWt. Time. 1379 'Messrs ChirnsideNewminster .. 5 8 10 2 45V 1880* Mr. T. Jones ..Tom Kirk .. a|s 3 2 23£ 1881J Mr. H. Yeend ..Blue Ribbon 4|7 8 2 30 1831} Mr. T. Ivory ..Master Avenel 6 7 12 2 294 1882 Mr. W. Branch.. Little Jack .. 3J6 11 2 4! J 1883 Mr. D. Wallace Calma .. .. 4|8 2 2 *1 1884 Mr. R.G.Talbot Blink Bonny.. 0,7 3 2 40J 1885 Mr J. Q. Reid.. 'Grace Darling 6 7 10 2 40 1880 Mr. .Strickland Ben Holt .. 5 7 6 2 42 1887 Mr. M. toughlln Oaklni<»li .. 66 9 2 411 1888 Mr. O'ShannassyjChlcago .. 6 7 4 2 38* 1889 Mr. J. Cripp-s .. Boz .. .. 57 9 2 43 1890 Mr. Blackwood.. Vengeance .. 66 13 2 38 1891 Mr. Woodforde.. G'Naroo .. 5 7 13 2 36 1892 iMr.J. MonairhntiParui .. .. 618 8 2 38}

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIX, Issue 9011, 17 October 1892, Page 5

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THE V.A.T.C. MEETING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIX, Issue 9011, 17 October 1892, Page 5

THE V.A.T.C. MEETING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIX, Issue 9011, 17 October 1892, Page 5