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New Zealand Herald Office, Monday evening. The Customs duties to-day amounted to £674 7s Gd. . The following are the Customs receipts for the week ending April 11: — Duties JE8.861 2 10 Beer duty 205 15 i Light dues-Auckland .. 72 10 8 Onehunga „ 0 10 8 Thames .. .. 3 18 7 Whangaret .. 0 3 0 Wliangwoa .. 013 10 S. and S. Act and M.S. .„ 17 8 0 Port charges—Unehunga .. 8 19 0 Whangarei .. 0 11 0 Other receipts .. .. .. 4*o £7,333 18 9

WAIRAEAPA STOCK AND PRODUCE REPOBT. Messrs. Lowes and loh.vs , Bepoiit.—During the past mouth stock of all . liases have bean in good iltiuAnd, and prices, especially lor sheep, ruled higher than has been the case for several years, a fact due to various causes, th« principal otiu iieing the splendid season throughout the district for grass, the large areas in turnips, and their magnificent growth, the fast-incr«usiug export Iraile in frozen muttun, and the large areas of bush country brought under grass during tho Last two seasons. Cattle have improved in value and demand of late, mainly attributable to the abundance ••£ grass and high price of sheep, and we trust they will get up to a price that will pay breeders, which has not been the for two or three ye irs. Horses, also, of a guod class have been in fair demand. Ail pigs coming into the market have met with ready sale at good figures, as all poultry. In fact, the seasun lias been an unusually favourable one to stock and station-owners. In I'arta produce the results or yields have been much behind last season's, the causes being tho dry spring before the ripening of the crops, and the high winds and wet weather during harvesting operations, and apart from the small yields, the grain, especially oats, in most cases are rather discoloured samples, and not well tilled. The cocksfoot season suffered much by wet weather, and the supply is rather short, and high prices ruled in consequence but have fallen again owing to the Wr-t summer and autumn preventing good burns in the bush districts. In the Pahiatua district alone 20,<j00 acres were felled, and waiting a spell of dry weather to burn, but as yet the burn 3 have been failures, which means a great loss to settlers who took up land and growers of seed. Our salea of stock extended from Mastttrt-on to Woodtille, and at each place the yard 3 were well filled, and a great number of sheep changed hands, in all cases the demand exceeding th« t-upply. For fat weathers our highest figures obtained f..r heavy crossbreds were from 12s 9d to 13s ad, and medium mutton Us 6d to 12s; heavy crossbred ewes to 12s; medium and light, lls to 12s lid. Stores ruled relatively higher, they going: from Id (3d to 12s; store ewes, as to 10a. In breeding owes, for best J.incola-* of sound mouth, best price, 12s ; two-tooth Lincoln ewes, 10s 0.1 to 12s 6d ; ■jrosabreil e*e3, good mouth, 9s to 10s 6d; agud ewes, Lincoln cross, 8a to 9s ; culled ewes, 5s ed to 7s 6d; merino ewes, 3s to 6s, these being of good condition and sound mouth ; fat, merino wethuft', 7s 0d to Ss. In lambs the highest figure reached was 8s 3d to 8s Cd for picked Lincoln and Down cross and Lincoln respectively, while good woolly and early shorn strong lambs made 0* 6d to 7s; culls, 4a to 6s ea. In beef bullocks were poorly represented, only Hiiirtll wteers being yarded, weighing 6J to 7 cwt, these making 80s to 00d, while heavy cows went up to 90s; medium cows and heifers of good quality, C 53 to SOs; store steern were in good demand, ami made improved prices, two and three-year-olds {Toing tip to 60s to 60(i; yearlings, !JOa ; calves, good, •j(Js; weanera, 12s to 16s. JJairy stock has been rather dull of sale, only good young cows and springers filing, ami these only making from 60s to 755. In horses we held a special sale, having au ent.y of 00 station hacks from Hawke's Bay, broken and unbroken, and ft number of local hacks, besides yj fine young unbroken farm horses. The station hacks ranged from ,£2 17s 6d for unbroken to j£ti and £S for decent • looking broken - in hacks. For the unbroken farm horses there was good competition, prices ranging from £10 to £20 each. In pigs prices realised for bacoiiers, 40s: stores, 25s to Sue ; slips Us ; weaners, 6s to 9s. in oata we have placed some eOO aicks during the month at is 9d, retail price being 2d, al) prime sorts. Wheat, 3s 6d ; .sheaf chaff, 65s to 60s; straw chafl, 30s. Cocksfoot We have placed some 600 sacks. Prices for best machine dressed, 4jd, other kinds band dressed 3d to 3Jd. Ryegrass : Well cleaned, from old pasture, 6s ; medium samples, 6s to 6s ; poor, is Od. Onions, £0 to £7 per ton. In poultry the entries have been small. Turkeys, 3s to4s each. Geese, 2s 6d to 3s each ; fowls, table, Is Oil to 2s 0d ; ducks, 2s 0d to 3s 6d pair. Local prices for bacon, 6d; choeee, 5d ; butter, best, to 3d ; poor, 6d. Potatoes as yet iio not appear a first-class sample, and buyers are rather shy, but expected to rise, as the yields are light. The present price is £3 to £3 10s per ton. HAWEEa. Messrs. Nolan, Tonus, and Co.'s Stock Report.—Owing to the KasUfr holidays our usual sale at Hawera was postponed till Friday, the attendance being large. There was a good muster of both cattle and sheep. Bidding for the former waa remarkably spirited, reaultinK in every line being disposed of. sheep were rather slack of sale, owing to the quality not beint; Al, although everything was quitted excepting one pen. We quote : —Yearling heifers, 28s; cows and calves, £3 Is to £3 10s ; store cows, £2 5s to £3 8s; forward cows, £2 12s 6(1 to £2 15s 6d ; fat heifers (freezers), £3 to £335; eighteen months t» two year-old steers, £2 12s 6d; three-year-old steers, £3 6s; forward bul locks, £3 12s 0d; fat ewes, 10s (id; old ewes. 7s 9d shorn lambs, small, 5s ; rams, old, 1 to 1J guineas. J MANAIA. Messrs. Budge and Goon's Stock Report.—At our Manaia sale on the 31st ultimo there was a good attendance, and the bidding was spirited. Sheep were not so keenly competed for as of late, but cattle were in good demand, and sold fre<;ly, more coming forward than were advertised. About 600 cattle and 2000 sheep passed through the yards, nearly all of which were sold. Fat cows, £3 to £3 7f, 6d ; fresh covia, £2 6s to £2 14s ; heifers, 36s to 455; yearlings to 18-inonthe' heifers, 25s to 31s; three-year steers, £2 10s to £3 Ss ; two-year steers, i £2 15s; yearlings to 18 months, £2; calves, 10s to 15s. Sheep: Ewes, 10s 6d; two-tooth wethers, Bs 6d; shorn liunbs, 6s 6d; woolly lambs, 8s 7d. i


Joseph Newman, S. Vickers, J. Kriar Clarke, 11. Frater, J. M. Lennox, I). B. McDonald, D. G. MacDonnell, Aitken Can ick, It. Spratt, Francis Hull, James Reid, It. O. Macky, T. A. Meuiies, James Frater, G. F. Brimblecombo. C. Alexander, Chairman. CALL AND DIVIDKND LIST. CALLS. £■ H. <t. Just in Time G.M.C0... ..0 0 1.... Apr. 14 Wairoa G.M.Co. .. .. 0 0 <>£ .. Apr. 20 Consols G.M.Co. _ *. 0 0 2 ... Apr. 21 Lone Hand G.M.Co. «» ..006.. Apr. 23 Little Nell G.M.Co. .. „ 0 0 3 „ Apr. 23 Prosperity G.M.Co. .. ..003.. Apr. 23 Invicta G.M.Co. .. .. 0 0 1 _ Apr. 25 Puhipuhi Prospectors' Co. _ 0 0 2 _ Apr. 23 NewManukau .. .. „ 0 0 3 -. May 13 DIVIDENDS. South British Insurance Co.. 10% _ Now. Union Oil 0 0 6— Apr. 15 _ _ THE MAXIMS. - -.•■ ■ CHUCK POST OFFICK, AUCKLAND Mails will close as under : This Day. For Wftiwern, Kawau, Leigh, Lower Matakana, and Mullet Point, per Hose Casey, at 10 For Omapere, Rawene, and liokiangn district, via Onehunga, per Glenelg. at 11 a.m. For Wellington anil Southern Ports, per Taupo, at 11 a.m. For Westport, per Omapere, at 11 a.m. Per Tarawora, as follows : For India, China, Japan, Mediterranean Ports, and Continent of Europe, at 3 p.m. For France, East and South Africa (per French packet), at 3 p.m. For Russell, Kawakawa, Australian Colonies, and United Kingdom via Suez (for letters at Cd per Joz>, for letters, <fcc, specially so prepaid and addressed, at 4 p.m. For money orders, registered letters, and newspapers, at 3 p.m. Late letters for Sydney and Melbourne only, at 4.20 p.m. Mail will be due in London on May 27. For Thames, per Argyle, at 4 p.m. For Hicks' Bay, East Coast Ports, Giaborne, and Napier, per Australia, at 6 p.m. For Whaiigarei Heads, Parna, Marsden Point, Waipu, Whangarei, Kaiuo, and Mangapai, per ■Wellington, at 5.30 p.m. For Thames, per Lily, at 5.30 p.m. Wednesday. For Raroton#3, per ILMIs. GoldflncW, at —. for Coromandel, per Curoinandel, at 11.30 a.m» For Rarotonga, per Jessie Niccol, at 2 p.m. For Katikati, Taunuiga, and Opotiki, via Thames, per Argyle, at 4.30 p.m. For Thames, pet Argyle, at 5 p.m. Saturday, 25th ixst. Per s.s. Alameda, as follows :— For Samoa (Sandwich Islands, United States of America, Canada, and British Columbia, at Cd per Joz), Central and South America, British and Foreign West Indies, at 1 p.m. For United Kingdom (at 2jd per Job) and Continent, of Kurope, in 1 p.m. For money orders, registered letters, and newspapers, at 11.30 a.m. Late letters, bearing an extra fee of 2}d for United Kingdom, and 6d for all other offices, in audition to the postage, may be posted in the late letter box on board the .steamer up to the tim» of sailing. Mai' will be due in London May 27. The c::itract steamer Invercargill will leave Invercargill fo Coal Island and Mil ford Sound, on Thursday, 10th inst, at 4.30 p.m. The Wai para will leave llokitika for Jackson's B%y and intermediate ports on the 22nd April. S. li. Hiss. Chief Postmaster. TELEGRAMS BY MAIL For United Kingdom, and Continent of Europe, via Rio do Janeiro (for specially addressed correspondence only), close at Wellington to-morrow, per Otarnma, at 10 a.m. Ordinary telegrams at 0 a.m., and urcents not later than 9.30 a.m. W. S. FukßY, Officer in Charge.

DAILY MEMORANDA— April 14. SALES: Mr. A. Aitken—Poultry, Produce, Fruit, &c, 11 a.m. Mr. J. Jones—Produce, Fruit, &c, 11 a.m._ Messrs. Esaui and Arthur—Produce, Fruit, &c., 11 a.m. Mr. Gabriel Lewis—Furniture, &c, 11 a.m. Mr. K. C. Carr—Bedsteads, 11 a.m. Messrs. Arthur and iiuddla—Produce, Groceries, &c., noon. Messrs. Hunter and Nolan—Hides, Skins, Aα, Durham Yards, 9.30 a.m.; Cattle, Sheep, &c, Junction Yards, 1 p.m. Messrs. Alfred lJuckland and Sons—Hides, Wool, &c, Haymarket, noon.

Company. Business Closing Prices. , . — Buyer*. Sellers. Banks : ■ £ s. d & s d. New Zealand „. — 5 10 0 5 15 0 National .. .. — 1 19 0 — Insukakck : New /ealaitd 4. ■ »A ' ' ■ 3 1(J 0 —. ■ feotitti British .. — 19 0 — Standard .. .. — 0 14 3 -• Accident .. .. — 0 1 9 — SlISCKLl.*NKOOS: Auckland as .. — 10 10 0 - Thames Oas .. — — 1 13 0 N.Z.L. & Mercantile — 3 0 0 3 3 0 Tauptri Coal-Kxt... • — — 0 19 0 Coronmndel St-eam — — 0 14 3 Northern Steam .. — 060053 Mining: May Queen .. — 000070 New Moanafcaiarl.. 8/0 — 0 8 9 Saxon .... — — 0 4 9 New Alburnia .. — — 0 3 0 Magnolia .. -• 0/1,5/3 0 5 0 0 5 3 Trenton .. .. — — 0 2 3 Cam brlii .. .. 2/9 — 0 3 0 Victoria (T.) .. — — 0 14 Consols .. .. 1/8,1/7 — 0 18 Hazelbank, J/pd.up 1/10,2/3 0 2 3 — Woodstock .. . — 0 2 3 — Try Miiko .. .. — — 6 7 0 Red Mercury .. 2/9,2/10 0 2 9 0 3 0 Carbine „ .. 2/ 0 1 10 I) 2 3 Otania « ,. — — 0 0 8 Mariposa «... — —010 Sylvia .... — — 0 11 0 Puhipuhi « ,. — 0 fi 0 — Owera .. .. — — 0 10 Kuaotunu .. .. — — 0 12

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVIII, Issue 8540, 14 April 1891, Page 4

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COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVIII, Issue 8540, 14 April 1891, Page 4

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVIII, Issue 8540, 14 April 1891, Page 4