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A ball in honour of His Excellency the Governor and the Countess of Onslow was given by the members of the Northern Club yesterday evening, at the Clubhouse, Princes-street, and was a brilliarSt success} There were about 350 guests. Notwithstanding the fact that the ballroom was somewhat inconveniently crowded, the ball was thorough I enjoyable. The balcony of the club adjoining the dancing hall, was covered in, and was a cool and favourite spot, where a quiet chat could be greatly enjoyed. The supper tables were laid in the rooms at both sides of the main entrance, whilst the corridors were used as promenades, and were decorated with flags, Chinese lanterns, etc. The walls of the ballroom were also hung with flags, a number of mirrors adding a charming effect. Many striking costumes were worn by the ladies, whilst the officers of the warships appeared in their handsome uniforms, and the scene in tho ballroom during the dancing was therefore very attractive. Tho decorations were supervised by Mr. McMasters, of Winks and Hall's establishment, and Mr. Medland.

Tho Earl and Countess of Onslow, Admiral Lord Charles Scott and Lady Charles Scott, Miss Gardiner, Captain Guthrie, Mr. R. Walrond, and Flag-Lieutenant Fitzgerald entered shortly after nine o'clock, the band playing the National Anthem. Tho ball was then opened, the partners in the top set in the first dance, the Lancers, being as follow:—The Earl of Onslow and Airs. McMillan, Mr. McMillan and the Countess of Onslow, Admiral Lord Charles Scott and Mrs. Bull, Mr. Seymour George and Lady Charles Scott, Mr. A. Bull and Alias Gardiner, Captain Orenfell and Mrs. Upton, Captain Barlow and Mrs. Ware, Mr. Upton and Mrs. J. B. Whyte. The programme comprised sixteen dances, and there were also three extras. A capable string band, under the direction of Mr. Impey, rendered the music, which included as a waltz a fantasia from the opera " Dorothy," as well as other popular pieces. Messrs. James Coates, C. G. Andrews, and R. Rose were the masters of ceremonies. THE GUESTS.

Including: the vice-regal party, the following were the invited guests and subscribers :—

Mr. and Mrs. Alexander, Miss Klla Armstrong, Miss Anderson, Mr. C. G. Andrews, Mr. Alfred Elliott, Mr. T. Angus; Mr. Austin, H.M.s. Orlando. Mr. James Bailey, jun., Miss Bailey, Mr. llobert Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. H. Brett, Misses Brett, .Miss Boyd, Misses Bilker, Miss Brooktield, Mrs. Buckland, Miss Brijjham, Mr. and Mid. F. O. Bridgeman, Ilr. Bewes, Mrs. Bjwes, Mr. J. M. Brigham, Mr. G. It. Blooiutleld, Mr. and Mrs. A. Bull, Miss Bull, Mrs. .s. Browning, Mr. anil Mrs. W. It, Bloomtield, Mr. C. 1). Best, Mr. »nd Mrs. J. M. Bull, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Brassev, Mr. R. A. Bod It:, Miss Auckland, Miss I'hwbe Bucklmd, .Mr. J. 1.. Bloomfield, .Mr. G. Bewes, Mr. anil Mrs. W. F. Bnckl.uid, Miss Buckland, Mrs. Baume, Mr. F. K. liauiiie, Mr. C. Brown, Miss Flora Binnie, Mis. Banks, Miss Banks, Miss Edith Banks, Miss Blanche Banks, Miss Bursill, Mr. H. K. Bloomfleld, .Mr. 11. Brigham ; Captain Barlow, H.M.s. Orlando; LieutenanlCommander Bremer, li. M.s. Lizard Mr. Browne, H.M.s. Orliuido.

Lieutenant and Mrs. Cave-Browise-Cave, 11.M.5. Orlamlo ; Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Carr, Mr. Win. Cole man, Mr. J. F. Churton, Mr. F. C. CJluutoii', Mr. and Mrs. A. Clark, Mrs. M. A. Clark, Mrs. Ci.amberlin, Mr. .J. Cnisholm, Mr. anil Mrs. T. Chiiiß, Lieut.-Colonel and Mrs. i.'arrtS, Mr. Cotterill, Mr. J. Cotterill, Dr. and Mrs. Collins, Mr. J. H. Coates, Miss Coates, Miss Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. Cottle, Mr. A. F. Chamberlin, .Miss Churton, MisS K. Chew, Captain and Mrs. Co! beck, Miss Colbeck, Mr. A. K. Clarke, Miss Chambers ; Captain Castle, H.M.s. Rapid ; Mr. Campion, 11.M.5. Lizard; Midshipman Carver, H.M.s. Cordelia. Mr. and Mrs. P. 1,. J>ij>nan, Mr. H. 11. Davy, Mr. Dickson, Miss Dickson, Mr. I). W. Dutliie, Mrs. Buthie, Mr. .T. K. Uargaville, Mrs. Dargaville, Miss A. Dargaville. Mr. and Mrs. Moss Davis, Miss Davis, .Mr. K. Davis, Mr. W. J. Dodds, Mr. L. Dampior, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Donald, Mr. Dawson, Captain and Mrs. Daveney; Lieutenant DaCosta, H.M.s. Kupid : Mr. Deakin, H.M.s. Orland...

Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Kdmiston, Mr. L. Khrenfried; Captain Klbenliruck, 11.1.A.M.5.; Mr. Evans, 11.M.5. Orlando. Miss Kenton, Miss A. Kenton, Miss Firth, Miss Mary Firth, Miss Fairchild; Lieutenant Fox, H.M.s. Orlando; Mr. Frond, H.M.s. Orlando Lieutenant Feuwick, H.M.s. Lizard. Mis.-, J,. (.touchy, Miss I. Gordon, Mrs. Gordon, Miss Gordon, Mr. Goodhue, Mr. H. Green way, Mr. and Mrs. W. Gerrie, Mr. Andrew Gould, Mr. Gil. more, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Gorrie, Miss Gorrie, Miss Mary Gorrie, Mr. \v. X. Gamble, Mrs. Goodhue, Mr. P. 11. Gibson. Major Gascoyne, Mr. Grant, Mr. C. H. Gould ; Cap'ain Grentell, If M.s. Cordelia ; Lieutenant. Gordon, H.M.s. Cordelia. .Mr. \V. T. Holmes, .Miss Hull, Miss Nora Hull, Mr. and Airs. K. Hesketh, Miss M. Hesketh, Miss Emily Hesketh, Mr. and Mis. J. Haultani, Mr. A. G. Morion, Dr. and Mrs. dailies, Mr. mid Mrs. F. Hull, Mr. C. J, Hutchinson, Miss Henderson, Mr. J. C. Hmna, Miss Hardy, Mr. M. Herrol.l, Misses Hcrrold, Mrs. Hay, Mr. Heinitz, Mr. \V. K. Hull, Mr. C. Haringtou, Dr. Hun wo,d; Mr. Hinchliff, Mr. Hibberd, Mr. W. L. Puilan, and Mr. Hart, H.M.s. Orlando ; Mr. Hoclcen, H.M.s. Lizard ; J)r. Hackett, H.M.s. Goldfinch. Mrs. F. lieland, MUs Ireland, Miss E. Isaacs, Miss Kva Isaacs, Mr. Isaacs, Miss Isaacs. Mr. and Mrs. H. Johnston, Mr. F. Jervis, Miss Jervis, Mr. Johnson jun. Misses lvilg..ur, Mr. 11. Kissling, Misses Kisslinp, Miss Kempthorne, Mr. W. H. Kettlewell; Captain hingsmill, H.M.s. Goldfinch. Dr. and Mrs. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. W, F. Lawrv, Mr. and Mrs. E. Lewis, Mr. C. Lawford. Mrs. I.yell. Miss Lawfor-I,, Mr. Larner, Mr. Lectinsham, Mr. Lockhart; Midshipman Lambert, H.M.s. Cordelia.

-Mr. am! Mrs. C. C. McMillan, Mr. C. F. Minnitt, Mrs. Minnitt, Mr. E. .Maclean, Mr. T. A. Menv.ics, Mr. T. L. Murray, Miss MacDouald, Mrs., -Miss Mair, Miss Mulsan, -Mr. and Mrs. Damns Mornn, Mr. William Mowbray, Mr. E. Mowbray, .Miss Mowbray, Miss Murray, Mrs. Moss, Mr. I). J.. Murdoch, Mr. and Mrs. K. Mitchetao.*, Mr. John Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. JO. Mnhony, Miss Macdoiuld, Mr. and Mrs. John Murray, Miss F. Murray, Mi-sus Moss, Miss McGlashan, Miss Murdoch, .Mr. F. S. Maclean, Miss McDonald, Mrs. L. Myers, Mr. A. Myers, Mr. Masfen, Mr. T. A. Moresby, Mr. McCausland, Mr. J. Muefarlane, Miss MacdouaUl.

Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Nat.h in, Mr. and Mrs. A. 11. Nathan, Mr. and Mrs. S. ,1. Nathan, Mr. I). U. Nolan, Mr. and Mrs. 11. N,-„sh<>lski. Mr. William Owen, Miss Ellen Owen, Mr. B. Owen, Mrs. Owen, Miss Owen, Mr. .T. O. Owen, Mr. T. O'Sullivan, Miss O'Brien, .Mr. T. Otway, Mr. 15. D. O'llorke.

Mr. J. P. A. I'hilsoii, Mr. 15. K. Percival, Miss Mabel Philips, Mr. and Mr.-. T. Peacock, Miss Peacock, Mr. S. Philips, Mr. John Philips. Miss K. Power, Mr. Pollen, Mrs. Pollen, Mr. anil Mrs. O. P. Pierce, Miss Pierce, Miss P. Pucfcey, Miss C. Puckey, Mr. P. A. Philips, Mr. J. Paton, Dr. A. Ohallinor Porches, Mrs. Purclias, Misses Purch is ; Commander Pike, H.M.s. Orlando.

Mr. liobert Rose, Mr. and Mrs. Itigg, Miss Itees, Mrs. J. B. Russell, Mr. Kdward Russell, Miss Uussell, Miss Reeve, Mrs. George Roberts, Mrs. Ruck, Miss Ruck, Miss 11. Ruck, Mr. and Mrs. John Reid, Mr. Itobison, Miss Nina Russell, Mr. T. 11. Russell, Mr. L. Rich, Mr. and Mrs. Ryan. Dr. McheiiW, Mr. a-ul Mrs. F. O. Sharland, Mrs. Sliipherd, Miss Shipherd, Mrs. Saunders, Miss Stevenson, Miss Siewirt, Mr. O. S. Stafford, Miss Shepherd, Mr. and .Mrs. J. M. Shera, Mr. Stubbing, Mr. T. W. still, Miss Scherft', Miss s-teveiisnn, Mr. H. 'Sealy, Mr. Joseph Sykc.s, Mr. 1). H. Stewart, Mr. Sliariand, Mr. Shipherd, Mr. William Shera. Mr. W. Thomson, Miss M. Thomson, Miss May Thomson, Mrs. Taj lor, Mr. R. W. Toombes, Mr. (ieorgeS. Thome, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. 11. Thompson, Mrs. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Tewsley, Mrs. 11. «1. 'J'liiele, .Mr. Tonics, Mr. and Mrs. Willi Tail, Miss Kerr Taylor, Miss M. Kerr Taylor; Midshipman Thomas, H.M.s. Cordelia. Mr. and Airs. J. 11. Upton, Miss Upton, Mr. Upflll. Sir. C. Victors.

Sir l'\ Whitaker, Miss Whitaker, Mrs. L. Whitson, Miss \, Mr. John Webster, Mr. J. C. Webster, Miss Williamson, Mr. and Mrs. Header Wood, Mis. T. Wood, Mr. Warwick Weston, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Walker, Mrs. Hudson Williamson, Miss May White, Miss Wilkins, Miss C. Wilkins, Mr. T. C. Williamson, Mr. and Mrs. W. Ware, Mr. 11. Worsp, Miss Worsp, Mr. J. D. Williamson, Miss Williamson, Miss G. Wallnutt, Mr. Leslie R. Wilson, Mr. H. E. Whitaker, Mr. O. Wilkie, Mrs. Wilkie, Miss Wilkie, Miss While, Mr. 11. Wynyard, Miss Worker, Mr. Ivon S. Wansbrongh, Miss Mabel White, Mr. J. B. Whyte, Mr. George Wilkin, Mr. anil Mrs. F. T. Ward, Mr. Way, Mr. Norman Williams; Fleet-Pay-master l'\ U. Williams and .Mrs. Williams, H.M.S. Orlando ; Mrs. and Miss Waymouth. Mr. and Mrs. Younghuibami. THE DRESSES.

The following are some of the costumes worn by ladies, oat the list is not complete : —The Countess of Onslow, dress of migno-nette-green net over silk, bodice of velvet, and diamond spray and necklace, large bouquet of mignonette ; Lady Charles Scott, dress of white satin net, green bows, and white satin train, with painted tulips ; Mrs. Upton, black silk; Mrs. Haines, sea-green, spangled net; Mrs. W. Tait, black lace, blue aigrettes; Mrs. Kilgour, maroon plush and salmon pink; Mrs. John Reid, black lace, old gold trimmings; Mrs. J. M. Shera, Chantilly lace, cairngorm jewels; Mrs. Ireland, black silk Mrs. Brett, black watered silk Mrs. Moss Davis, black satin; Mrs. Clark, dark grey velvet and silk; Miss Coates, black silk ; Miss Anderson, white cashmere ; Miss Williamson, pink; Miss Kilgour, pink tulle ; Miss Kilgour, blue tulle ; Mrs. Ching, spotted net, over black silk Miss Wallnutt, pale blue: Miss Brigham, cream Liberty silk; Mrs. Hesketh, white silk, white net; Miss White, pink; Miss Philips, black silk; Miss Hesketh, pale blue; Mrs. W. R. Bloomfield, white tulle, with train and handsome fan ; Miss Chapman, blue spotted net; Miss Upton, white; Miss Ireland, white tulle, over white silk Miss Brett, cream satin; Miss A. Brett, pale sea-green surah silk; Miss Taylor, white silk ; Miss M. K. Taylor, white silk Miss Reeve, white satin ; Miss F. Sharland, gold coloured silk ; Miss Gorrie, pale salmon pink; Miss Power, pink silk; Miss Banks, pale heliotrope; Mrs. Alexander, white brocade, with heavy swarisdown and train; Miss ScherfF, white; Miss Hilda Ruck, pale pink figured net ; Miss Rees, white tulle; Miss Chambers, blue v silk ; Miss Macdonald, cream surah silk Miss Baker, pale green silk ; Miss Wilkie, whit(j silk and spotted net; Miss Firth, cream liberty silk; Miss Firth, pale blue surah silk ; Mrs. Edmiston. nale blue silk.

spotted net, pink roses; Miss Murray, pale pink flowered delaine; Mrs. Lewis, olive green plush and pink silk; Mrs._ Sydney Nathan, white corded silk, Medici collar; Mrs. Thiele, black, bead trimmings and lace, white aigrettes ; Mrs. Mahony, white satin, overskirt of net; Mrs. Gordon, black brocade, white lace; Miss Puckey, pale pink surah silk, tinsel net; Miss Buckland, black velvet; Mrs. A. H. Nathan, black velvet, scarlet aigrette Mrs. T. Morrin, dovecoloured net. THE SUPPER.

j The supper tables were tastefully laid by an efficient, staff of waiters, under the direction of the able manager of the club, Mr. J. Menzies, who worked well to make the ball a success. Mrs. Ellis, cook at the club, prepared the supper in perfect style. The following is the menu : — Fuoin: Dinde rOll et Lanjjues, Galantine de Piiule, Poulet et Canelon Mayonnaise, Galantine de Caimton it I'Aspic, Timballe <io Volatile li l'Aspio, PattS de Poulot ot Pata li la I'ique-nique, Rceuf rdti, Bueufbraise d la Mode. Entrees: Cdtelettesde Sauinon a la Itusse, Pilots de Soles Mayonnaise, Anchovies rux CKufs, Petits fates ue lluitres, C&telettes rt'Agneau Jardiniere, Boudins do Caneton aux petits Pois, Pates de Vt'laille, Petits Timbales foie eras, Ris de Veau a la Macedoine. Knthemkts : GeiCesde Fruits, GeliSes asaortis, Bavarois b. l'ltalienne, Charlotte Itusse de Vanllle et Chocolat, Trifle aux Fruits et Trifle aux Gateaux, Petits Choux & la Crfiine et Meringues ix la Crdme, Potits Gateaux assortls, Glaees la Vaniile, Glaces au CaftS. The ball programmes were admirably printed at the Herald Works, Wyndhamstreet.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVIII, Issue 8535, 8 April 1891, Page 5

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NORTHERN CLUB BALL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVIII, Issue 8535, 8 April 1891, Page 5

NORTHERN CLUB BALL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVIII, Issue 8535, 8 April 1891, Page 5