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High Water at Auckland—7.37 a.m.; 8.2 p.m. „ „ Manukan —1.17 a.m.; 11.42 a.m. Stm.Rises, 5.11 a.m.; sots, 7.14 p.m. Moon— quarter, February 2, 4.22 p.m. WEATHER FORECAST. Captain Edwin wired at 2.30 p.m. on Saturday %a followslndications strong northerly winds with falling glass after 24 hours from now. ARRIVALS. Alameda, R.M. s.s., 3000, H. G. Morse, from Sydney. Passengers :—For Auckland : Mr. R. Price, Mr. and Mrs. Mercwether, Misses Merewether ('2), Messrs, Mere wether (2), Charles Goodchap, F. Goodchap, wife, and infant, J. 1). Cox, Mrs. H. Thorpe, Miss Patterson. Mr. Ross. For San Francisco: Messrs. Jules Portweingler, J. F. Adair, Rev. and Mrs. Purtes,.Messrs. A. O. G. Moukhouse, E. Stahel, L. Rice and daughter. Mrs. McDonald and four children, Messrs. Phil Archibald, Ike Weir, Ferguson, Miss I). Jacobson, R. E. dc B. Lopez, A. G. Bissell, J. G. Berry, J. Hall, and 31 Bteerage. —Union S.S. Co., agents. Ganymede, barque, 5(30, <). W. RoHeston, from Oamaru. Passenger : Mr. T. White.— Northern Roller Milling Co., agents. Clansman, s.s., 33(3, Farquhar, from Tauranga Northern S.S. Co., agents. lona, s.s., 159. West, from Kuaotunu and Mercury Bay.—Northern S.S. Co., agents. CLEARED OUTWARDS. Taupo, s.s., 706, A. Cameron, for South. »-Union S.S. Co., agents. DEPARTURES. Taupo, s.s., for South. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. tiONDON" : Persian Empire, ship, sailed November 3. Blenheim, snip, loading. Lady Jocelyn, ship, loading. Akaroa, ship, loading. WtW YOKk: Essex, barque, via Dunedin, sailed Sept 20. Elinor Vernon, barquentine, sailed November S. Alice, barque, loading. Saraar, barque, to load. Capetown : Duke of Sutherland, s.s., about Jan. 24. feOCKHAMPTON : Scottish Admiral, barque, early. ADELAIDE : Linda Weber, brigantine, early. HOKabx ; Orlando, H.M.s., early. Cordelia, H.M.s., early. Royalist. H.M.s., early. Lizard, H.M.s.. early. Goldfinch, H.M.s., early. ttWCASTLE : Northern Chief, barque, sailed Jan. 24. Waitemata, barquentine, sailed Jan. 24. Three Cheers, schooner, sailed Jan. 24. Clansman, schooner, to load. Aratapu, brigantine, to load. Welcome, schooner, early. Madura, barque, to load. LTTTELTON ; Loongana, barque, early. SOUTH : Curacoa, ELM.s., early.

PROJECTED DEPARTURES. LONDON : Machrihanish, ship, to sail January 24. Hermione, ship, loading. Scottish Admiral, barque, to arrive. BZW YORK: Leading Wind, ship, loading. Prospect, barque, loading. NEWCASTLE : Ganymede, barque, early. SYDNEY • Kenilwortb, schooner, loading. SOUTH: Oamaru, ship, early. UNION S.S. CO.'S MOVEMENTS. To-day.Takapuna arrives at Onehunga from the South about 9 a.m., and leaves again at 10.30 a.m.; Alameda leaves for San Francisco and Honolulu at 2 p.m.: Mararoa arrives from Melbourne and the South. Tuesday.—Southern Cross arrives from East Coast: Te Anau from Sydney; Mararoa leaves for Sydney via Russell at 5 p.m.; Southern Cross for East Coast at 6 p.m. Wednesday.—Wanaka arrives at Onehunga about noon. Thursday.—Wanaka leaves Onehunga at 31..'J0 a.m. Friday.Taupo arrives from Wellington ; Te Anau leaves for Melbourne and the South at noon. NORTHERN S.S. CO.'S MOVEMENTS.

To-day.— leaves for New Plymouth and Waitaraat 1 p.m. ; Glenelg leaves for Hokianga at 1 p.m. ; lona for Mercury Bay and Kuaotunu at 9 p.m.; Clansman, for Russell, Whangaroa, and Mansonui at 7 p.m. ; Wellington arrives from Whanjrarei. Tuesday.—Wellington leaves for Whangarei, Marsden Point, and Mangapai, at 10.30 p.m. Wednesday.— arrives from Waitara ; Wellington arrives from Whangarei. Thursday. leaves for New Plymouth at 1 p.m. ; lona arrives foom Kuaotunu and Mercury Bay early; Clansman arrives from Russell early, and leaves on an excursion to Mahuraugi Heads at 10 a.m.; Wellington leaves on an excursion to WuiWera at 10 a.m. Friday —Clansman leaves for Tauranga at 7 p.m.: the Gairloch leaves for Opunake and Wanganui at 1 p.m. Wellington leaves for Whangarei, Marsden Point, and Parua Bay at 10 30 p.m.; lona leaves for Mercury Bay and Kuaotunu at 9 p.m. Thames Service.—Rotomahana or Argylc leaves for Thames daily. VESSELS IN HARBOUR. [This list (hjes not include coaster*.| Arawata, s.s., in stream. Hermione, ship, at Queen-street Wharf. Machrihanish, ship, in stream. Leading Wind, ship, in stream. Oamaru, ship, at Queen-street Wharf. Prospect, barque, at Queen street Wharf. Gazelle, barque, at No. '2 Jetty. ! Ganymede, barque, in stream. Silver Cloud, barauentine, at No. 2 Jetty. Southern Cross, Mission schooner, in stream. Kenilwortb, schooner, at Breastwork, Slencairn, schooner, at No. 2 Jetty. IMPORTS. Per Mararoa and Omapere 600 sacks oats, 150 sacks Meek's flour, 60 bags Duncan's flour, 20 cases bacon and hams.—T. H. Hall and Co. Per Doric :—1 case fishing tackle and gun implements.—D. Evitt, Queen-street. On Saturday morning the Union S.S. Co.'s Fiji steamer Taupo discharged her part cargo of sugar at Chelsea, and in the evening left port for Wellington, for which port she brought large consignments of fruit from Suva. The barque Gazelle has berthed at No. 2 Vetty and began to put out her Southern wheat there on Saturday for the Northern Roller Mills. At an early hour yesterday the Northern B.S. Co.'s Clansman reached port from Tauranga with general cargo and passengers. The scuttled ship Leading Wind still lies in the same position as yesterday to the westward of the Hobson-street Wharf. At the Quay-street Wharf the barquentine Silver Cloud has almost completed the discharge of her cargo of oats from the Bluff', and will shortly shift her berth to make room for the barque Ganymede. Cable advices from Newcastle announce that on Saturday the barque Northern Chief, barquentine Waitemata, and schooner Three Cheers sailed for Auckland coal laden. An interesting trial of speed should result beween the three craft. Mr. J. H. Spooner, chief officer of the barque Ganymede, which arrived from the South yesterday, had, just before he joined that vessel a fortnight ago at Oamaru, come out from home with the powerful new tug tug Mana for the Timaru Harbour Board, a craft which is said to be the best equipped of her class in New Zealand.

R.M.F. ALAMEDA. The out-going Sail Francisco mail steamer Alameda, Captain H. G. Morse, came into port yesterday atternoon, at 2.30 o'clock, after a good run from Sydney of 3 days 18 hours 56 minutes. As usual, this popular vessel had a large number of passengers on board, her list including 14 for this port, besides 50 in transit for San Francisco. Of the trip across from Australia, Mr. J. B. Sutton, the purser, who kindly furnished us •with exchanges, reports The Alameda left Sydney on the '21st instant, discharging the Port Jackson pilot at 5 p.m. on that day. She had variable winds but smooth sea throughout the trip, and picked up the local pilot at 1.30 p.m. yesterday, reaching the wharf as mentioned above. As soon as her mails from Sydney and passengers were landed, the Alameda began to take in a quantity of c»al from the Union S.S. Co's hulks, as well as the first of the 250 tons of general cargo which was awaiting her here for forwarding to Honolulu and San Francisco. The Alameda leaves at 2 p.m. to-day. THE BARQUE GANYMEDE. •This vessel, a fine specimen of New Zea-land-owned craft, is a clipper iron barque of 500 tons, belonging to Mr. T. White, of Hmaru. and under the charge of Captain J. W. ■ Rolleston. On her present trip she brings from a full cargo of about 1000 tons of grain consigned to the Northern Roller Milling Company. The Ganymede is not quite a stranger to these waters, having ■ - ;• - _ X j

loaded here about five years ago for London, she being then under the command of Captain Morgan. The present trip began on the morning of the 15th instant with a moderate breeze, which freshened at midnight to a moderate gale. During the next three days the vessel made splendid progress under the influence of a strong S.W. gale, which was, however, accompanied by very heavy seas, several of which broke aboard, without however doing any damage, to judge by the splendid condition in which she comes into port. On Sunday, ISth instant, the barque was off the East Cape, when the gale broke, and was succeeded by variable baffling breezes which retarded the vessel's progress. The Ganymede picked up the tug Awhina at 8 p.m. on Saturday, and was brought to an anchorage off the Queen-street Wharf at 4 a.m. yesterday. She will berth at the Quaystreet wharf to discharge. Mr. White, her owner, was a passenger by the Ganymede from the South.

PORT OF ONEHUNGA. ARRIVALS. Gairloch, s.s., McArthur, from Waitara. Passengers : Miss Skeet, Mesdames Ferguson, Muggins, Jefcoate, Messrs. Tate, Foreman, Eraser, Morian, Ferguson, Giddy (2), Stone, Wills, Stewart, Spikemau, Jefcoate, Hutchison, Swan, Goodard, Williamson, B. Wells, R. H. Cameron, and 13 steerage.—A. Barnes, agent. Takapuna, s.s., Grant, from the South. Passengers : Misses F. Coleman, Hazard, Ashby, Driver, Furlong (2), Whitson, Berry, Tunbridge, Drvbean, Mesdames Morris, Sole, Coleman, Mackay and 2 children, Piece, Wells. King, Johnson and 2children, Scampton, Falconer, Sheehan, Oipwood, Messrs. Maloney, Elder, Falconer, Dawson, Brown, Oipwood, Chambers, Savory, Wood, McLean (2), Colorough, Drybean, Tate, Maclaurin, Sargood, King, Fawcett, Carter, Mercer, Wlntson, Scanipton, Morris, Sole, Abbott, Petty, Gold water, Furlong, Parr, Newton, Pluminer, Mackay, Piece, and 30 steerage.—Union S.S. Co., agents. The Northern Co.'s s.s. Gairloch, from Waitara, arrived at 4.30 p.m. on Saturday with a cargo of stock and sundries, and several passengers as above. The Union S.S. Co.'s Takapuna arrived at Onehunga at 10 p.m. yesterday, bringing a general cargo and a good number of passengers. She also brought to hand the Southern portion of the outgoing San Francisco mail lor the R.M.s. Alameda to-day.

BY TELEGRAPH. LYTTELTON. January 24.—Arrived (yesterday): S.s. Jubilee, from Wellington. Sailed: S.s. Penguin, for Dunedin ; s.s. Takapuna, for Wellington : Beautiful Star, for Tim&ru and Dunedin; Waratea, for Westport; Kahu, for Chatham Islands. BLUFF. January 25.—Arrived : S.s. Rotomahana, from Melbourne, at 6 p.m. She left Queen's Wharf, Melbourne, at 3.15 p.m. on the 20th, cleared Port Phillip Heads at S p.m., and passed the Solanders at 9.30 p.m. She breasted Wilson's Promontory at 3.45 a.m. on the 21st, Swan Island at 1.10 p.m., and reached Hobart at 1.45 a.m. on the '22nd. After a stoppage of seven hours the passage was resumed, and the steamer arrived as above. Thick weather and rain and squalls was experienced entering and leaving Hobart, which continued with a rising sea to the 23rd. Thence had tine weather till arrival. Passed a barque standing to the north-west on the 24th. Passengers : —For Bluff : Mesdames McElora, Howie, and Gill, Messrs. Smythe, McElora, Lorden, Armstrong, Bailey, Mc- 1 Kee, Gill. Langton, Mitchell, Hon. Mr. and Mrs. Copley, Lieutenant-Colonel Feeze. For Dunedin : Misses Lawrence, Chesney, Potts, Dreyfors, Maroney, Brown, Mesdames Bishop and child, Nimmo, Lyons, Cooke, Reatty, Hulton and infant, Brands, Messrs. Bishop, Blake, McDonald, Smeaton, Nimmo, Lyons, Hamilton. Marks. Byrne, Short, Cooke, Hardy, West, Bartlott, Spencer, Henderson, Baker, Master Hutchinson. ForLyttelton: MissesMersonand Messrs. Just, Lessister, Parriti. For Wellington: Miss Hardy, Mesdames Soundy and Lucas, Messrs. Sutherland, Huntbridge, Nettie, Fox, Spring, West, Cox, London, Shaw, Sounday. For Napier: Misses Inglis, Messrs. Thompson and Home, Masters Thompson (2). For Auckland : Miss North. Mesdames North, Horton, Mr. Horton. For Sydney: Mrs. Hutchinson, Mr. Hamlyn, and 44 steerage for all ports.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVIII, Issue 8473, 26 January 1891, Page 4

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVIII, Issue 8473, 26 January 1891, Page 4

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVIII, Issue 8473, 26 January 1891, Page 4