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[FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENTS, Thames, Saturday. Mining matters daring the past month have been exceedingly brisk, which state of affairs was. partly brought about by the success attending the development of the new goldfield at Kuaotunu, and partly by the improved prospects in our own district, notably in the May Queen Go.'s property. This company completed a crushing of 45 loads of general dirt and 281b of picked stone on the 16th ult. for the handsome return of 'J'.Mo/, 4dwt of ' meltod gold, equal to soz per load. The effect of the return was to advance the company's scrip shares from 2s to 13s, at which latter price they now stand. The sudden advance on these shares caused an active market for all mining stocks, and consequently enhanced the value of several mining properties that wore held by private individuals, who wero doing littl" or nothing towards furthering their development, besides which it led up to the pegging out of numerous other claims upon ground that had lain unoccupied for years. The result has been that numerous new companies have been floated, all of which have subscribed considerable capital for the development of their properties. If this is expended in boiia Jide prospecting works, there is no doubt but that payable gold will be found in many instances, and the result will be that the output of gold from this district will bo considerably increased. There is one thing, however, that may tend to keep back the industry for a while, and that is the labour strike, which is now affecting the whole colony, in consequence of which almost the whole of the coal mines have been compelled tocoase operations. Of course a good deal of coal is consumed in one way and another in the carrying out of mining operations, and with us at the Thames the Bit; Pump, which is driven by steam power, consumes a considerable quantity every month. The supply that was on hand is now almost exhausted, but arrangements are being made whereby firewood will be used, if a further supply of coal cannot bo obtained, which will possibly avert a stoppage of operations in the mines that are drained by the pump. The following is a more detailed account of the mining operations carried on during the month : — Saxon.Good progress has been made with the opening up the new No. 6 level, and the prospects met with warrant the belief that the company will reap a rich reward as soon as the various reefs sought for are to hand. At No. 5 level the stopes upon the hangingwall and footwall reefs eastward of No. 2 break are now vll but exhausted, consequently the main supply of quartz is drawn from Nos. 2 and 3 reefs, hack near the shaft at .No. 5 level, and from what is termed the "new reef" at No 4 level. This latter body is a now discovery, and so far as can be seen from the amount of work done upon it, it is likely to prove of considerable importance in helping to swell the gold returns for some time to come. It averages about two feet in thickness, and a little picked stone is obtained at almost every breaking down. The quantity of quartz crushed during the month from all parts of the mine has been 712 loads, from which a yield of 5270z 19dwt of gold was obtained.

May Queen. — About three weeks ago this company completed a crushing of 45 loads of general dirt and 281bs of picked stono for the excellent yield of 2240z 4dwt melted gold. Of the quantity crushed 36 loads and 151b of picked stone were broken from what is known as No. 4 reef, which yielded at the rate of fully soz per load, whilst the balance was broken from what is known as the footwall branch. No. 4 reef is now openod up for a length of nearly 170 feet, and so far has averaged about two feet in thickness. There still remain about 800 feet to drive upon its course through virgin country before the Moanataiari slide is met with, with backs of about 300 feet in height, and it is also intact underfoot, so that it will bo seen the company have a good thing in hand provided the roef keeps up its quality, which there is every appearance of its doing so far as present prospects indicate. This reef is the eastern continuation of tho ono which yielded rich returns of gold in tho old City of London mine some years ago ; but the run of gold now being worked is a distinct one from that then worked, and it is to be hoped it will prove equally as good, if not better. A leading stopo u now being carried along, and tho drive timbered ready for commencing stoping operations with an increased staff of men, with tho view of keeping up constant crushing, as soon as large quartz hoppers on surface, which aro now under course of construction, are completed. In tho meantime the quartz broken is being stacked upon tho brace at the surface, and there are already sonic 60 or 70 loads on hand. The stope3 upon the footwall reef (recently known as No. 1) aro also turning out a considerable supply of crushing dirt, in which colours of gold are frequently seen, and occasional small parcels of picked stone are obtained. Driving eastward upon the continuation of No. 1 reof was also commenced a few days ago ; but, after breaking out three or four loads of quartz, it was deemed advisable to suspend operations at this point for a short time, as there was no room to stack the quartz. It will therefore be seen that the prospects of tho future for this company are exceedingly bright, ami that the returns of gold therefrom aro likely to be regular and of considerable quantity. Moanataiari. — As predicted in last summary, the rise above the tunnel level has been connected with tho workings upon the Reuben Parr reef at a height of 208 feet above the ttinnei level. Since the connection was made the rise has been closely timbered, and divided into three compartments, a large chamber cut out at the top, and rails laid down at the 100-feet level to connect with it. Tho accomplishment of this work will greatly facilitate the operations upon the Reuben Parr reef, for instead of having to haul the quartz up. to the Point Russell level, and then trucking it some hundreds of feet before passing ib down to the tunnel level, all the quartz will now be sent direct down to the latter level through one of tho passes formed in the ris-'e. Driving has been resumed eastward upon the reef at the 100 feot level, and also upon the footwall leader, whilst driving westward will also be resumed in a day or two. A good grade of quartz is coming to hand from the stopes, together with a little picked '!tono, 401b of the latter class being obtained on Thursday last. A crushing of 123 tons was completed a few days ago for the payable return of ,1320z sdwt The prospecting works upon the cross reef up at the Cambria end of the mine have been suspended, the results not having proved satisfactory. Lone Hand.—This company's prospects are daily improving, and it is hoped that before long regular monthly returns of gold will again be coming to hand. Tho eastern drive at the low level is penetrating a fine class of sandstone country with nice black mineral veins striking through it, and the rees, which averages nearly a foot in thickness, is looking very promising and shows colours of gold at every breaking down. During tho month trial crushings of quartz were broken from the reef at the western end of tho winze which connects tho upper with the lower level, at a point where tho reof changes its underlie, which is about 25 teet above the low level. From above the bend five loads broken from the reef yielded upon being crushed 17oz of gold, whilst seven loads broken from below the bend yielded 3oz Isdwt. Tho results are so satisfactory that extra men have since been put on, with the view of stoping the whole block out, and there is but little doubt that rich returns will be obtained as soon as the block is worked up a little above the bend. Victoria.—This is the name given to the new company which has been successfully floated for taking over the old Deep Level Cross mine. The company starts operations by crosacutting from thePrincelmporial No. 3 level into their own ground, with the view of intersecting the continuation of tho reefs wrought upon so successfully in the Waiotahi mine. This is a most important work, as the ground through which the crosccut will pass is entirely virgin, and it is thought that something good may possibly be met with. Cambria. — A considerable output of quartz is coming to hand from the several leaders being worked at and above No. 3 level, and the blocks in hand will last for a long time yet. A crushing of 60 loads was completed a day or two ago for tho excellent return of loßoz 14dwt of melted gold. Manukait.—The block on No. 5 reef below No. 3 level is now exhausted, and operations have once more been commenced upon

1 Mulligan's leader and another one running parallel with it. A crushing of 26 tons of quartz from No. 5 reef, which was treated recently, yielded 72ozs of gold. Dives.—Driving and stoping are in full swing upon the hangingwall roef at and above both No. 3 and tho intermediate levels, and the quartz coming to hand is of a payable character, the last 120 loads crushed having yielded 1440zs 12dwts melted gold. Driving has also been started upon .the main flinty at No. 3 level, to try and intersect other reefs. Trenton. -The stopes upon the footwall reef have connected with No. 4 level, and stoping has now been commenced above that point. Thirty loads of quartz broken from tho footwall and hangingwall reefs were crushed a short time back for the yield of 44ozs 2dwts of gold. Driving eastward upon the continuation of the hangingwall roef is still in progress. , There has been a great improvement in the reef lately, but it is not yet payable. The crosscut near the Saxon boundary has failed, so far, to intersect No. 2 roef, but it should be to hand soon. Orlando.—Preparations are now in progress for starting stoping upon Carpenter's reof in the tributers' workings, at the point whore payable gold was left. The drive being brought in from surfaco upon tho same reef is in a distance of 240 feet, but the quartz is not of a payable character yet. The Bendigo reef has been driven upon over 50 feet on the eastern side of the crosscut, and the reef appears to be improving as the drive advances. Caledonian.Operations upon No. 1 level are now confined to stoping above an intermediate drive opened up about 35 feet below No. 1 level. Tho leader averages eight inches in thickness, but so far it has not turned out so well as was anticipated. A crosscut has just been started at No. 1 level for tho purpose of intersecting the Young American leader. Freedom.—The drive upon the 23rd of June reof at tho upper level is in a distance of about 180 foot, the reef averaging a foot in thickness and showing colours of gold freely. From this drive severs, loads of quartz have been saved, which it is intended to crush soon. During the past month, the drive upon the same reef at the Sons of Freedom level has been cleaned out, and driving is now in progress upon the reef at this point also. From this level 170 feet of backs are available, and there remains about 500 feet to drive up to the boundary, so that should payable quartz be met with, there will bo a large block to operate upon. Alkurnia. — Operations upon Dixon's reef, at tho battery level are now fairly under way—the drives east and west being manned, and leading stopos following over both drives. The reef averages fully 18 inches in thickness, being a compact body of quartz, and shows gold pretty freely. A crushing taken from it recently yielded slightly over an ounce of gold per load of quartz. Prince Imperial.—Stoping operations are in progress upon a small leader above No. 3 level, and a limited supply of payable quartz is coining to hand therefrom. New Fearnought.—Operations in this mine aro confined to crosscutting to cut a reef which is yielding good returns of gold in an adjoining mine. Blanchi-:.—A considerable sized block has been opened up for stoping upon what is known as the Wade reef at the Triangle level. A crushing of 25 loads broken from it is about to be treated. Magnolia. —The low level is in a distance of nearly 600 feet, and a big slide is now being passed through, which is emitting a very large flow of water. Good sandstone country is expected to be met with on the other side of the slide. Marototo.—The result of tho three months' crushings from this mine ending with July, together with the value of each return, is as follows :—May, 40 tons, 1600oz of bullion, which sold for £624 73 ; June, 55 tons, 17330z, £754 15s; July, 46 tons, IGoOoz, £653 14s: total, 141 tons crushed for 49830z of bullion, valued at £2032 16s. Gold Returns. — ring the month of August the local branch of tho Bank of New Zealand purchased 23620z 2dwt of gold, tho quantity obtained from each respective district being as follows : — Thames Borough, 15200z 19dwt; Thames County, 4460z ldwt; Piako County, 1440z lldwt; Ohinemuri County, 1420z lGdwt; and Coromandel County, 107oz lodwt. New Companies.—The following now companies have been floated during tho last week or two for working ground in the districts mentioned: —Karaka district: Prosperity, Little Nell, and Pin (ire. Moanataiari district: Leopold, Alfred, Flying Cloud, and Hazelbank. Waiotahi district: Calliope, Pinafore, and Mount Edward, llape Creek district: Consols (late Dart). Tararu District. — Mining operations in this district are decidedly on the increase, and it is probable that ore many months the gold returns from tho mines at Tararu will bo something considerable. The Sylvia Company are erecting extensive reduction works, the buildings for which aro now far advanced towards completion. Operations in the mine, however, are only of a very limited character, as there is a very largo tonnage of quartz broken out ready for treatment, and tho mine is well opened up. The Norfolk Company have several prospecting works in hand, but the only payable quartz they are breaking out comes from the Norfolk reef, above and below No. 2 level. The state of the road ootween the mine and battery is in such a bad condition, that the efforts of tho company are not being pushed in the matter of getting out a very large tonnage of quartz, it being thought advisable to wait until more settled weather sets in, so as to dry up the mud on the road. Messrs. Darrow and party, owners of the Dixon mine, have completed the erection of a 20-stamper battery, at the junction of Tinker's Gully, with Tararu Creek, and the plant is now running upon quartz brought down from the mine by means of an aerial wire tramway nearly a mile in length. The City of Dunedin proprietors have broken out a trial crushing of 50 or 60 loads from a reef at their upper level, which they are now forwarding to Darrow's battery for treatment. No gold was seen in the quartz whilst breaking it, but fair dish prospects are obtainable by pounding, consequently it is hoped it will prove payable. Upper Country.—There is nothing particular to report from the up-country districts. At Te Aroha, mining matters are very quiet, there being very little work in progress ; but the rumours that were afloat re the To Aroha G. and S. M. Co. selling a portion of their plant, have been put a stop to by the company definitely deciding to refuse to entertain tho offers that had been made to them for their purchase. At YYaihi tho tributers in the Silverton mine aro still breaking out a supply of rich ore, and a parcel is now being treated at the Wnihi Company's reduction works. The latter company have dropped across some vory good ore in tho large reef operated upon in tho Martha section, and their returns of bullion are consequently improved. At Karangahako tributing is principally the order of the day, parties being,at work in the Woodstock, Konilworth, Adeline Amalgamated, Ivanhoe, andseveralothermines. The Crown company are getting out a good class of ore from the YVelcome reef at the YVaitawlieta level, but owing to the large landslip which occurred some six or seven weeks ago, and which endangered the safety of the Cassell Company's reduction plant for the time being, very little of the ore lias boon treated ; the landslip has now been removed, but it is probable the plant will, bo removed to a more suitable site soon. At Puriri the Prospectors Company have completed the erection of a 16-stampor bettery, which is now running upon quartz broken from their mine. Coromandel, Saturday. Castle Rock.—Considerable work is going on in this mine. The manager is opening it up in various ways, and some good stone is being paddocked. Coromandel.—This company had a very good crushing from the small leader lately got in the Pa ground. It is not very large, some ten inches thick, but it appears likely to turn out a good deal of fair crushing material. Very little work is being done in any other part of the mine at present. Kapanga.—A nice parcel of rich stone was taken out of the mine last month, some 230 odd ounces being the result, and it was hoped they were on a new shot of gold, bub so far it has not come up to expectation. However, there is a large block of solid ground, both ahead and above them, and it will be hard to say what ib is worth at present. There seems to be ; considerable doubt as to whether this mine will not have to Btop work for want of coal if the strike continues many days longer. Scotty's. —Since my last summary, this mine has been floated in Sydney with a very large capital, and 1 understand that some largo works are in contemplation. In

the mean time the old levels have been cleaned out, and driving is continued on the Corby reef, which looks first-class in the face. Corby Special. — Extensive work is also going on in this mine. Some old levels are cleaned out and repaired, in two of which some fairly good stone can bo got from a good-sized leader, and a few nice specimens have also come to hand. Tokatea —Very little work is going on. The men are all gradually leaving the mine, being unable to work at a profit on the tribute charged. Lanigan's (YVhangapoua).—Very extensive operations are going on in this mine A battery of 20 head is in course of erection under Mr. Lanigan's personal supervision. The frame of the building is already erected. The bed logs are on the ground, and will be in position in a short time, and I understand Messrs. Price Bros, have the machinery well advanced. There is a low level into the reef (somewhat too low, I think), and as the reef is large an enormous quantity of stuff can be turned out, and the hill rises some 400 or 500 feet at tho back. The waterrace is well under way, and the whole is expected to be in full operation by the middle of October. New Find.—ln company with Mr. Inspector Wilson, I visited this ground, situated about two miles up the Owera river, on the YVhangapoua estate. The reef strikes N.N.E. anil S.S.YV. It is a well-defined lode, having been cut and traced for something like a mile and a-half. It dips about one in two, and is apparently five or six feet thick, but at present only three feet have been cut into it. Where it is cut in tho Prospectors' claim (Toha and party, natives) it is about 30 feet from the surface, and about 20 feet into the hill. Wo took prospects from all over the face, and excel! Nt prospects of loose gold, and on pounding the rubble we got even a better show, showing that the gold is well distributed through the whole. I think lam within the mark when I say some of our washing would go from Goz to lOoz per ton. At the same time it must be borne in mind that we only saw a small portion of the roef, but if there is any considerable portion like what we saw, it will be very rich indeed. I understand an arrangement has been come to with the syndicate to form a company of 50,000 shares, the Maoris and-their backers getting 20,000, the syndicate 20,000, and 10,000 are to be sold for working tho mine and erecting machinery. The syndicate reserve 15 chains on each side of the prospectors, but I understand that several other claims are applied for beyond that. The country all around is excellent, and no doubt more reefs will bo found, as the ground gets worked. New Find at Tiki.—Quite an excitement was caused yesterday by the discovery of a reef on Mr. Lynch's property at the Tiki. It will be remembered that a few months ago, a small rush took place there, but nothing camo of it. Although some loose specimens were got, the reef could not be found. However, the reef has now been discovered by Mr. J. Lynch, jun., and some very rich specimens taken out. The reef is about 18 inches thick, of blue quartz. It is too soon to pronounce any opinion about c'.iis discovery, but it may be very important. Indeed, at various times rich specimens have been picked on both sides of the YVaihou River in this vicinity, but it has been always held that they came down tho river, but this discovery may prove that they did not, and may open up a new gold-bearing region. KUAOTUNU. This district is gradually forging ahead, and is proving tho early predictions made of it to be well founded. The Try Fluke claim is turning out very rich indeed. The battery has been steadily at work. - Three shifts have been worked for the last month, and have turned out nearly 1100 ounces of gold. The mine is still looking first-rate. In fact, it improves as it gets openod '.p. The wire tram connecting the mine and battery works splendidly. The Co3t of sending down quartz is only a nominal sum. Carbine. —This mine is looking first rate. The manager has been taking out a large quantity of quart;: from a small branch leader which is expected to crush well. He is also driving on the main reef in the low level which improves every foot driven. Mariposa.This company has been engaged for a long time putting in a low level through very hard country, and have now just cut the main reef, which looks first-rate. I have very little doubt when this claim gets opened up it will bo one of the best on the field. Homeward Bound.—This claim stands well, being close to the battery. They are driving on two reefs, from which excellent prospects can be washed, and at the junction something better should be got. It is splendid country, and will not be far behind some of the other good claims. Surplus.—The manager has a splendid reef in hand, and is vory sanguine of getting out some rich stone very shortly. Souvenir.—This claim is on the opposite side of the creek to the Surplus. They have one good sized reef, from which they can wash excellent prospects. They have also a small leader from which stone showing gold can be got, and the claims on each side have also got reefs striking right in. This will bo a valuable piece of ground when properly worked. Mary Ann. —I was shown some very nice golden stone from a small leader in this mine, but as it has only lately been taken up, very little is at present known. Eagle.—This claim is higher up the hill, and is likely to turn out well, but it is also new ground. Britannia. —This is an application/or a license. It includes the battery, and adjoins the Try Fluke mine. When cutting tho battery site a fine reef was uncovered, and two others have been cut higher up. Very little work has been done on account of the mine being in court, but now all is settled, and the mine will go ahead. Bonanza.—Ten tons from this mine were sent to the Thames, and yielded over 40oz of gold. Since then the drive has been extended on the reef, and at 30 feet a-head golden stone has been got, and there is every appearance that another rich run is in hand. They have still 400 or 500 feet to drive before reaching the boundary, and there is every appearance that this leader will turn out very rich, and there aro backs of 400 feet.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 8355, 8 September 1890, Page 11

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MINING SUMMARY. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 8355, 8 September 1890, Page 11

MINING SUMMARY. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 8355, 8 September 1890, Page 11