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SITGH WATER at Auckland—4.9 a.m.; 4.3S p.m. .' ~ ~ Manukau—7.49 a.m.; S.lB p.m. RUN.—Rises, 6.32 a.m.; sets, 6.28 p.m. JIOON.—FuII, 20th, 8.49 a.m. ARRIVALS. Mariposa, R.M. s.s., 3-208, F. W. Hart, from San Francisco, via Honolulu and Tutuila. Passengers for Auckland :—Mrs. H.J Nation and 3 children, Miss 8. E. Sharp, Messrs. W. D. Grant, John Darling, F. F. Bennett, F. Piper, and 5 steerage. For Sydney: Mesdames Burns, Durkin, Hood, Lynch, Satchell, Young, Wynne, Mrs. Dr. C. C. Vanderbeck, Messrs. W. Adams, R. R. Arndell, W. Balicock. W. M. Dohell. M. Durkin, W. Drysdale, Thomas Even, O. E. Foster, A. J. George, H. Hauge, jun., W. Hood, L. S. Lynch, U. C. Lynch, J. N. McArthur, P. Murphy, J. C. Patterson, F. C. Robertson, E. K. Satchel], W. B. Sharp, D. W. S. Stewart, W. B. Smith, J. H. Whcclock. H. F. Young, W.T. Brighatn, 0. W. Whitehead, R. Wynne, and 53 in the steerage. — Union S.S. Co., agents. Wairarapa, s.s., llfti, Chat field, from Melbourne and the South. Passengers : Misses Bacon, Walker, B.aylcy, Mesdames Bridgman nurse and child. Taint , , Baylev, Dixon, iDufaur, Lady Whit-more, Messrs Fenwick, Herbert (2), Grey, Corson, Boylun, Roberts, Brid'.man, Newton, Sew li.-v, Blundell (-), Dur op, Page, Atack, Lnvlcy, Lachman, 151 che, Dufr.ur. ilon. W, Reeves, y tsters Baylfty (4).—Union S.S. Co., agents. Wellington, s.s.. '2~i>, Stephenson. from Whangarei. Parser rs : Messrs Roodes, Dudley, McKenzic, Spear, Christie. Pensiu, Owens, Wood, Aldertou, Brookes, Rodgors, Buddie, Leister, Smith, Head, Jackson and son, Taylor, Wolfe. Siinson, Annitage, O'Donall, Thomas, Taylor. Braidenbury, Hcaley, Smith, Morris. Bcart, Masetield, Wrig'nt, Rowlands, Bain, Marshall, Davis, Mur.ihy, Lanigan, Simpson, Walker, Burroughs, Clendon, Haynes, Archdeacon Clarke, Maiter Thomas, Mesdames Haynes, Foster, O'.yens, Buddie, Brooke, Frascr, Walker, Misses Fraser, Walker, Hay t-), McLeod, and four in the steerage.—Northern S.S. Co., agents.

CLEARED OUTWARDS. Mariposa, R.M.s.s.. ;WX>. F. \V. Hart, for Sydney. Passengers from Auckland : Mr. und Mrs. E. W. Burgess, Mr. and Mrs. S. Jagyer, Messrs A. B. Donald. U. H. Lew in, Puppell, G. Lewis, J. .Marshal , ., and I'J steerage ; and 35 cabin and 53 ev.'erage in transit from »San Francisco.—Union S.S. Co., agents. Clansman, s.s., ,"v>t). Farquhar, tor Russell and North. —Northern S.S. Co., agents. Stormbird, s.s., -79, Chambers, tor Whangaroi and the North.—Jubilee S.S. Co., agents. lona, s.s., 150, Amodeo, for Tauranga anil iMerciu'y Bay.—Northern S.S. Co., agents. Piako, ship, 1075. Sutherland, for Napier. Passenger : Mr. A. H. White.—N.Z. Shipping Co., agents.

DEPARTURES. Mariposa, R.M.s.s., for Sydney. Piako, ship, for Napier. Clansman, s.s., for Northern ports. Stormbird. s.s., for Whangarei. lona, s.s., for Tauianga.

EXPECTED ARRIVALS. LONDON : Selembria, s.s., due about October 15. Waitanjji, ship, loading. Zealaiufia, ship, sailed August 3. SEW YORK : Rebecca Crowell, barquentinc, sailed June 30. Mary A. Greenwood, barque, sailed July SAN* FRANCISCO : Zeahindia, R.M.s.s., about November 10. SYDNEY : Mariposa, R.M.5..5., about November 5. Hongkong : Taiyuan, s.s., sailed October 9. KIMBERLEY : Clansman, brigantine, sailed August 3. TORT CHALMERS : Star of the East, barque, early. KIUE : Daisy, schooner, to sail September 27. HOBART : Jessie N.'.ccol, schooner, sailed Oct. 1. ■■MELBOURNE : Aratapu, brigantine, sailed Oct. 10. TONGA : Maile, schooner, early. ."Sarah Pile, schooner,"early. FIJI : Sharpshooter, barque, early. '; Excelsior, barque, early. Belle isle, barque, early. ■ CISEORNE : Gisborae, schooner, early. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. PORTSMOUTH: Diamond, H.M. s., on October 17. SYDNEY : Zealandia, R.M.s.s., about November 10. SAN FRANCISCO : Mariposa, R.M.s.s., about November 5. MELBOURNE : Rebecca, barque, to load. DCNEDIN" : Maud Graham, schooner, via TeEopuru, early. UNION S.S. CO.'S MOVEMENTS. This Day.—Omapere arrives from Westport; Takapuna leaves Onehunga 5 p.m., Wairarapa, leaves for .Sydney at 5 p.m., Maitai leaves for East Coast at 6 p m. W EDNESDAY. —-Mararoa arrives from Sydney ; Ornapere leaves for West Coast. Thursday.— leaves for South at noon. NORTHERN S.S. CO.'S MOVEMENTS. This Day.— Wellington leaves for Whangarei, Marsden Point, and Farua Bay at S p.m. •StaJi'a leaves for Opotiki at noon." Douglas arrives from Opotiki, Whakatane, and \\ hangarnata. Wednesday.—Gairloch arrives from Waitara. Thcesday.— leaves for New Plymouth and Waitara at 1 p.m. Wellington arrives from Whangarei. SWffa arrives from Upotiki. lona. arrives from Tauranga early, and leaves lor Great Barrier at Sa.m. Friday.—Clansman arrives from Russell at G a.m. and leaves tor Tauranga at 7 p.m. lona arrives from Great Barrier early, and leaves for Mercury Bay at 7 p.m. Wellington leaves for Whangarei, Marsden Point, and Parua Bay at 8 p.m.

VESSELS IN HARBOUR. [Tins list dues not include coasters , .] H.M. s. Diamond, in stream. Wairoa, ship, at Queen-street Wharf. Rebecca,, barque, at No. 2 Jetty. Johann Brodersen, barque, in stream. .Stavanger, barque, in Calliope Dock. Gleaner, brigantine, ac Hobson-atreet Wharf, lorea, schooner, in stream. W aireka, schooner, in stream. Maud Graham, schooner, at Railway Wharf.

IMPORTS. Per Mariposa from San Francisco :—For Auckland—'JO packages quicksilver. '.I packages, 6 packages machinery, 11 packages bone ash, 4/1 cases onions, 80 cases canned fruits, 110 cases canned salmon. 30 cases dried apples, 5 cases saddlery, 100 cases raisins, 40 kegs casings, SO cases dried fruit, 500 cases apples, 5 crates fowls, 4 cases drugs. For Wellington : 530 packages. For Napier : 50 packages. For Port Chalmers : 559 packages. Tor Lyttelton : 207 packages. For .Fiji : 48 packages. Per s.s. Wairarapa, from the South, etc. : 167 packages tea, 200 bags bark, 2.30 bags oats, 20!S bags wheat, 70 bags malt, 2-10 bags ilonr, 2,30 live sheep, 30 bundles willows, M oases fruit, 4 hhds and 6 barrels ale, 35 boxes candles, 20 hides, 1.30 cases currants, and 515 packages sundries. Per s. s. Wairarapa : 22 cases sewing machines.—E. Al. Hallett and Co. Inwards Coastwise.—Violet, ketch, from Thames, in ballast; -Mariner, schooner from Whangarei, with 100 tons of coal; Lagoon, scow, trom the Wade, in ballast; Hauturu, ncow, from Omaha, with 50 tons of firewood ; Ocean, schooner, from Opotiki, witli maize; Eleanor, cutter, from Tauranga, with maize ; Mary, schooner, from White Island, with sulphur; Fawn, cutter, from Whangarei, ■with coal; Moehau, scow, from Whangarei, •with coal; Lark, cutter, from Omaha, with (firewood; Katie an/1 Mahurangi, cutters, from Waiheke, with firewood : Rose, cutter, from the Jiarrier, with firewood; I'aku, Fanny, and Mana, cutters, from Whangapoua, with timber: Agnes Martin, ketch, from Russell, with coal. Early yesterday forenoon the N.Z.S. Co.'s line ship Piako, which has been a, prominent figure in our waters for the past month or so, was brought in from her moorings in the stream and hauled alongside the Railway Wliart to take in supplies preparatory to sailing for Napier, where she is to load wool lor London. About. V, m , die was cast off from the wharf, and proceeded out of the harbour in tow of the tug Awhiua, which took her outside Kanjntoto Re, whence she set sail.for her loading port with a favourable wind During their somewhat lengthy stay in poit Captain Sutherland and hisolhcers have made themselves deservedly popular, and quite a number of friends assembled to wish them bon voyage." Yesterday afternoon, about three o'clock, the Union 5.6. Co.'s Wairarapa came into port from Melbourne via the South She brought a large cargo of grain and general merchandise, and a fair number of passengers. To the purser, Mr. Tayler, we are indebted tor ♦•>>« delivery of Southern Hies and the following particulars of the trip :—The b.s. Wairarapa left I'ier at 5 p.m. on the 2nd; cleared Port Pliill.m Heads at 7.2Qp.m.; reached Hobart at 6 p.m. cvgrthmhuk« tb«

4th ; sailed again at 5 p.m.; experienced fine weather on the run over, arriving at the Bluff at 7 a.m. on the Bth ; made Dunedin at daylight on the 9th, where the Wairarapa remained until 5 p.m. on the 10th; called at Lyttelton 11th, Wellington 12th, Napier 13th, Gisborne 14th, leaving the latter port at 4 p.m. ; rounded the East Cape at 9.20 p.m. ; passed Tiritiri at 1.30 on the loth, arriving as above. The Wairarapa was busy discharging to a late hour last night, and this moruimr w iH take in freight and passengers for Sycfney, whither she is fixed to sail at 5 p.m. For her regular round to Northern ports the s.s. Clansman sailed as usual last night. In addition to her usual complement of passengers and freight, she took the European and American mails for Fiji, and also some few consignments which she will tranship to the Union S.S. Co.'s Arawata at Russell. The cargo of Greymouth coal brought up by the schooner Waireka under charter to Messrs. C. F. James and Co. has been purchased by Mr. F. E. Compton, and was yesterday* being discharged into the hulk Senator. The s.s. Stormbird sailed for Whangarei, Russell, and the North at 7 p.m. last night with a good number of passengers and a quantity of freight. At tlie No. 2 Jetty the barque Rebecca is taking in her outward freight of sawn timber for Melbourne. The stay of H.M.s. Diamond in our port lias almost drawn to a close, and the many friends of the officers and blue-jackets will shortly need to bid them a long farewell, as, when the warship leaves Auckland, she goes direct to Portsmouth, and does not again return to the Australian station, having been rVlieved by H.M.s. Royalist. The Diamond will coal on Wednesday, and sails either tho same evening or early on Thursday morning. The s.s. \\ ellington arrived from Whangarei at midnight, with a largo list of passengers and, besides, a quantity of gum and general cargo. Yesterday afternoon the s.s. Wairarapa spoke the American barque Star of the East, inward bound to this port, just oil' Port Charles. She is from Dunediu, in ballast, and will load here for Now York. Up to an early hour this morning she had not made the port, owing to the absence of winds. The American barque Abiel Abbott is shortly expected to arrive here from Adelaide to loud for New York. The following additional passengers booked at London per the R.M.s.s. Ballarat, which sailed on September (3: —For Auckland : .Mr. and .Mrs. Murrell, Miss Murrell, Mr. Murrell, jun. For Taranaki : Mr. and .\ii\s. \\. rlasluek. lor Invercargill : -Mr. A. MacCallum. ARRIVAL OF THE .MAIL STEAMER. The mail steamer Mariposa arrived in harbour from San Francisco and It iiolulu shortly before 7 o'clock yesterday morning. Captain F. W. Hart reports: having lett San Francisco ou September 24, -tt 4 p.m., tiireo days after contract date, owing to delay caused by the s.s. Aumnia, the vessel which brings the mails across tiie Atlantic, liavii, a breakdown of her machinery and putting back to Queenstown. The Mariposa arrived at Honolulu on October 1, ,it 1.-0 p.m., and left again at 12.35 a.m. the following day ; arrived otf Tutuila on October y, atO.-Hi a.m.. and proceeded again at 7.17 a.m.; ana arrived in harbour as above Fine weatiuv was experienced during the entire passage. The steamer brings a considerable amount of freight to Auckland, which is detailed above, and has on board a large quantity tor Sydney, for which port sue has also no less than UU) passengers, of whom SS were booked through Horn America, and the balance shipped in Auckland. The trip down was a most enjoyable one, and the passengers amused themselves with athletic sport*, concerts, &c, while the two newspapers published on board, the Flying Fish and .Mariposa Times, also served to prevent the voyage becoming tedious. Immediately on being bertned tho New Zealand portion of the mans was at once landed, and the cargo begun to oe discharged; Coaling was also carried on simultaneously, and me vessel took in a sufficient quantity to take her to Sydney and back, .-is in tiie case of the R.M.s. Alamedik a dozen extra duck hands were engaged to assist in unloading the steamer at Sydney, in consequence ot the attitude taken Dv the Seamen s Union in regard to the vessels of the Oceanic Co. s tiet-t. The Mariposa got away sharp at two a.m., her departure being witnessed by a large crowd. PORT OF ONEHUNGA. DEPARTURES. Wanaka, s.s., Meads, for the South. — Union S.S. Co., agents. Gairlocn, s.s., MeArthur, for Waitara. Passengers: Messrs. J. G. Chapman, Webb, G. Hetherington, L. Pendor, M. Phillips, Stackpole, BLunaell, Maxwell, Xing, Herbert, Mesdames Clark, Maxwell, Lewis, and eight steerage. —A. Barnes, agent. EXPORTS. Per s.s. Wanaka: 43 boxes candles. 81 bags potatoes, 1U cases drufis, 2 bales leather, 7 cases glassware, 10 keg:, nails, :■! bundles spades, 14 sacks oysters, "J crates crockery, 25 cases oranges, 4 cases iron, 10 bags rice, 13 cases drapery, and 49 packages. The Union Co.'s s.s. Wanaka, Captain J. Mead 3, for the South with the inward San Francisco mail, and cargo ami passengers as above, took her departure at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The Northern Co.'s s.s. Gairloch, for Waitara, left yesterday at 1 o'clock with cargo and passengers.


KAIPARA. October 15. —Stanley and Presto sailed for Melbourne yesterday. OMAPERE. October 15. —Sailed : The schooner Queen, for Auckland. RUSSELL. October 15. —Arrived : The cutters Janet, and; Terarawa and the s.s. Arawata is awaiting the arrival of the Clansman with the Fiji portion of the .San Francisco mails. BLUFF. October 15.—Sailed, for Dunedin, to-day : Tarawera, 5.15 p.m. ; Koranui,s.3o.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9186, 16 October 1888, Page 4

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9186, 16 October 1888, Page 4

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9186, 16 October 1888, Page 4