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High Waxes, at Auckland— a.m.; 4.22 p.m. „ JNlanukau — a.m. ; 8.2 p.m. PUN.— 6.55 a.m.; sets, 5.5 p.m. Moon.—New, sth, 5.52 a.m. arrivals. Coptic, R.M.s.s., 4448, G. Burton, from London, via Tenerifie, Capetown, and Hobart. Passengers .—For Auckland : First saloon—Rev. F. T. Ber-h, H. A. Bromley, Mr. R. H. Shakespear, Mrs. W. R. fehakespear, Miss Hooper. Second saloon—Mr. E. K. Cooper. Steerage—George F. Fowler, Caroline Stannard, Emma Smith. For Wellington : First saloon—Mr. W. P. Douglas, Lord A. S. Churchill, Lady Churchill, and Miss Butcher. Second saloon— Button, Patcrson, Plnlpot, A. Philpot, iMrs. l'aterson, Messrs. A. S. Patcrson, C. S. Rogers, T. Brassall. Steerage— John Campion, Mrs. Campion, John Armstrong, Robert Skipper, John J. Ginnan, James Stirling, James Wilson,_ Mr. Craig, Mrs. Craig, Mrs. Clements, Annie Clements, Charles Clements, James Clements, Alice Sparkes, R. W. Barcham, Mrs. Barcham, j blaster Barcham, Harry Whyte. _ Frances i ,1. Quimi, Herbert Palmer. For Napier :— Second saloon : Mr. E. Andrews, Mr. W. Mitchell, Mr. L. C. Sylvester. Steerage: ]Slrs. J. C. Brough, Miss A. M. Brotigli, Master S. Brough, Miss <>. Brough, Master F. Brough, Master W. Brough, Master B. Brough, ".Miss F. Brough, Miss A. Brough, Master E. l>rough. Master H. Brough, and infant, Annie \\ alsh, Michael alsli. For Canterbury : —First saloon : Miss Maxwell. Second" saloon : Mr. Baersclman. Steerage : John Renwick, Margaret Archer, John Robinson. James Pottel, Jabez Walker, .Mrs. Walker. Edith Walker. John T. Walker. Sarah B. Walker, Annie \\ alker. For Otago ■— First saloon : Lieutenant W. Stanhope. Dr. H. Bulstrode. Second saloon : Miss Hallidav, Mr. J. Wells. Steerage : John M. Walker, Isabella Black, William Armstrong. Mary J. Armstrong, Agnes Armstrong. Mary T. Armstrong, \\ alter Webber, Mrs. Webber, John Webber, Miss M. Williams, Miss Mary Williams, Patrick McCaughen, Samuel Smyth. For Westport :— First saloon: Mr. W. M. Jenkins, For Crcymnuth : — Steerage: Mrs. F. Jollitlc. For' ?,e'v Plymouth .--Steerage : Catherine —Cruickshank and Co., agents. Clansman, s.s., .'hW, Farquhar, from Russell and North. Passengers :—Mesdames Belgrove. Meßae, Carey, Bowman, Hare, M cf'herson, Luce, Misses Thomas Jaeeutho, Williams. Tangata. McLcod, Price, Bowman Messrs. Trimnell. Bramlev, McKenzie, .McPherson. Glass, Cleave, Wei by, Proctor, Peace. Burton, Davidson, Carter, Flood, Captain Rogers, Mr. Luce.Northern S.S. Co., agents. lona, s.s., 1.39. Amodco, from Great Barrier.—Northern S.S. Co., agents. Stormbird, s.s.. '217, Chambers, from Whangarei and Northern Ports. Passengers Misses Darlington, Coutts. Kendall, Howard, Robinson. Hill, Mrs. Rough ton, Mrs. Hoebom, Colonel and Mrs. Shepherd, Messrs. Cochran, Campbell, Lendan. McPherson, Hatchings. Wallace. McLean, Harp, Kennedy, Clark, Wigjr, Smythe, W. Allen, H. Allen. Henderson. Kingston, and 14 steerage.—Jubilee S.S. Co., agents. CLEARED OUTWARDS. Clansman, s.s.. SW, Farquhar, for Taul'anga.— Northern S.S. Co., agents. Wellington, s.s., '27!'. Stephenson, for Whaimarei. — Northern S.S. Co.. agents. lona. s.s.. 139, Amodeo, for Mercury Bay. —Northern S.S. Co., agents. DEPARTURES. Clansman, s.s., for Tauranga. Wellington, s.s.. for Whangarei. lona, s?s., for Mercury Bay. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. LOT'ON : Coptic, R.M.S.S., via Wellington, August 5. SYDNEY : Zealandia, R.M. s.s., about August 20. LIS DO S : Coulnakyle. barque, repairing. MELBOURNE : Welcome, schooner, to-day. Defiance, brigantine, loading. GKEYMOUTHWaireka, schooner, early. CALCUTTA : Bucephalus, s.s., to sail August 25. ISLANDS : Nautilus, brigantine, early. TONGA : Ika \ uka, brigantine, via Greymouth. UNION S.S. CO.'S MOVEMENTS., Sunday. — Australia arrives from EastCoast ; Rotorua arrives at Onehunga at S a.m. Monday.—Rotorua leaves Onehunga at S a.m.; Te Anau arrives from South. Tuesday.—' arrives from Fiji, and leaves for Wellington; Te Anau leaves for Sydney at 5 p.m.; Australia leaves for East Coast at (3 p.m. Wednesday. — Wairarapa arrives from Sydney. "Thursday.—Wanaka arrives at Onehunga at s> a.m.; Wairarapa leaves for South at neon. Friday. — Ohau arrives from South; Wanaka leaves Onehunga at 11.30 a.m. NORTHERN S.S. CO.'S MOVEMENTS. Monday.— Gairloch leaves Onehunga for New Plymouth at 1 p.m. ;_Glenelg for V> anganui at 3 p.m. ; Rowena for Hokianga at 3 p.m. ; Sta'Sa leaves for Opotiki at 1 m. ; iona for Mercury Bay, Tairua, and Tavraoga at 5 p.m. ; Clansman for Russell at 7 p.m.; Wellington arrives from nangarei. Tuesday.—Douglas leaves for Opotiki at 5 p.m : Wellington for Whangarei at 8 p.m. Wednesday.Gairloch leaves Onehunga for Waitara. Thursday.—lona leaves for Great Barrier at S p.m. ; Wellington arrives from Whangarei. Friday.Clansman arrives from Russell early, and leaves for Tauranga at 7 p.m. ; lona leaves for Mercury Bay at 7 p.m. ; VS ellinston for Whangarei at S p.m. Saturday.—lona arrives from Mercury Bay. VESSELS IN HARBOUR. [This list doeS not include coasters.] Coptfic, R.M.s.s, at -street Wharf. Presto, barque, at Sugar Works. John Knox, barque, in stream. Coulnakyle, barque, at Hobson-street Wharf. Ika Vuka, brigantine, in stream. C'«maru, brigantine. in stream. ?-'< autilus, brigantine, at Railway Wharf. Defiance, brigantine. in stream. Borealis. brigantine, at Queen-street Wharf. Torea, schooner, in stream. Waireka, schooner, in stream. Olive, schooner, in stream. IMPORTS. Per R.if.s.s. Coptic, from London : 3 cases machinery, 5 cases periodicals, 1 roller organ, 40 cases sauce, 4 eases cardboard, 1 crate bottles, 1 case crockery, 5 bales canvas, 18 cases books, 2 cases paper, 7 bales blankets, 3000 bags salt, 27 cases hardware, 1 case oil paintings, 2 cases pumps, 1 case ironmongery, 3 casks soda, 4 casks glass, 2 cases agricultural implements, 101 cases fruit, 100 cases milk, 10 cases confectionery, 440 boxes tin plates, 200 kegs nails, 45 cases tobacco, 3 cases scientific apparatus, 47 trunks boots, 120 kegs white lead, 95 bundles sheet iron, 255 bars and 521 bundles bar iron, 2 packages spikes and bolts, 100 steel sleepers, 9 packages medicines, G cases leather, 6 castings, 1 case brass foundery, 3 cases cutlery, 1 case saws, 200 cases galvanised iron, 1 case varnish, 2 cases tools, 5 boxes biscuits, 3 bales bags, 2 cases drugs, 6 cases chemicals, 2 cases elastic, 4 tanks seed, 407 steel rails, 4 boxes tobacco, 111 bars iron, 111 plates iron, 8 casks wedges, 2 packages gates, '2 packages cottons, 1 cask wine, 2 packages linens, 4 cases prints, 1 case fittings, 2 cases toys, 17 cases slops, 17 cases drapery, 7 cases umbrellas, 19 cases prints, 15 quarter-casks whisky, 100 cases whisky, 14 packages teas, and large quantity unnamed merchandise. Total for Auckland, G6S tons ; Wellington, 563 tons; Napier, 165 tons; Lyttelton, 224 tons ; Otago, 285 tons ; other ports, 68 tons. Total, 1972 tons. Inwards Coastwise.Seagull, cutter, with 8 tons quartz and 30 cases sauce, from the {Thames ; Agnes Martin, ketch, from Russell, with GO tons coal; Fawn, cutter, from Whangarei, with 50 tons fireclay ; Wear, cutter, in ballast, from Waiheke ; Wanderer, cutter, from Mahurangi, with 800 bushels lime; Ocean, schooner, from Mercury Bay, with 19,000 feet timber; Waitemata, scow, with 22 kahikatea logs, from Matakana. Outwards Coastwise.—Olive, scow, in ballast, for Paeroa; Pukapuka, scow, in ■ ballast, for Omaha; Rose, cutter, in ballast, for Russell; Margaret, scow, in ballast, for Mahurangi. At an early hour yesterday morning the s.s. Clansman arrived from her regular weekly trip to the North with a good number of passengers and a large cargo, comprising 392 sacks gum, 56 sacks oysters, 19 casks oil, 7 sacks bones, 7 hides, 2 bundles sheepskins, etc. Yesterday forenoon the schooner Welcome hauled into the stream, and sailed at an early hour this morning for Melbourne*with a full load of sawn timber. From Russell the schooner Agnes Martin brought down a cargo of coal, and was yesterday cleared out again for the same port. The s.s. lona arrived from the Barrier early yesterday, sailing for Mercury Bay at 5 p.m. The Northern S.S. Co.'s Wellington took her departure last evening at her usual hour for Whangarei, with both her passenger and • freight list well filled. From Mangonui, Russell, and Whangarei the Jubilee 6>.S. Co.'s Stormbird got in last night with passengers and a cargo of gum, hides, and produce.

Since the Coptic last visited this port there has been a slignt change in the personnel of her officers. Mr. Frodsham, late second officer, has joined the R.M.s. Arabic, a v\ mte Star liner, running betw China and .San Francisco; and Mr. Valentine, late third officer, has been transferred to the K.M.S. lonic. Mr. Jay, formerly second officer of the lonic, is now second or the Coptic ; whilst Mr. Taylor, late of the R.M.s. Baltic, is third officer. The s.s. Clansman left for Tauranga last night at 7 o'clock. R.M.S.S. COPTIC. Shortly after half-past seven o'clock yesterday morning the White Star liner Coptic, sailing under the flag of the Shaw, Saville, and Albion Company, arrived in port from London by way of Teneriffe, Capetown, and Hobart, after a good passage of 50 days, including detentions. Owing to her leaving London but a day before the despatch of the 'Frisco mail, the Coptic brings but a small amount of mail matter, but has a large quantity of freight for New Zealand ports, and her passenger accommodation in all classes has been well-patronised on the trip. As 011 her last visit to this port on lath March last the Coptic is under the command of Captain 0. Burton, R.N.R., who lias with him the following gentlemen as officers First officer, C. H. Kempson, R.N.R. ; second do., Hy. D. Jav, third do., J. L. Taylor; fourth do., John Thornton; first engineer, A. Morrison; second do., J. W. Peaseod; third do., G. McLellan; fourth do,, 0. McMahon; fifth do., E. Lloyd; boilermaker, C. Murphy; electrician, S. <'«. Guild; first refrigerator engineer, C. M. Thorn ; second do., H. Scouller ; purser, Mr. \V. J. Rao; surgeon, Dr. K. \V. Humphery, M.8., M.A., M.'R.C.S. ; chief steward, Mr. Frost. To Mr. W. J. Rao, purser, we arc indebted for the following details of the trip : — The voyage has been "a most pleasant one, more especially considering the season of the year for running between the Cane and Tasmania, where, at this time, bad weather is usually experienced for the greater part of the passage. Entertainments have been numerous, concerts, theatricals, waxwork exhibitions, cricket and football matches, athletic sports, etc.. being indulged in. All the passengers are in excellent health, and addition has been made to the list since leaving Hobart. .Mrs. Webber, a third-class passenger, having given birth to a son on the "2nd inst. The Coptic sailed from the Royal Albert Docks at o. 1- p.m. on the 14th June, and from Gravesend at 4.53 p.m. the same day. Passed Beachy Head at 3 a.m. on the loth; St. Catherine's Point at 7.45 a.m., and arrived at Plymouth at 7 p.m. the same day. Sailed from Plymouth at 12.40 p.m. on the 16th June with '27 saloon, -13 second cabin, and 105 steerage passengers. Passed the Eddystone at 1.30 p.m. on the 1 tit ult., and Ushant at 10.IW p.m. same day. Had light winds and fine weather to Cape Finisterre, which was passed at 5 a.m. on the ISth. Thence to TeneritVe, which place was reached at 11.50 a.m. on the 21st, had moderate westerly winds and fine weather. After having coaled and landed two passengers. the voyage was resumed at G.4S p.m. the same day. Had light winds and showery weather to the Equator, which was crossed on the 28tli June in long. 9deg. \Y. Light to moderate winds and head seas were experienced until arrival at Cape Town, at 5.42 p.m. on the 7th ult. Here three passengers were landed and four taken on, and the voyage was resumed at 10.58 a.m. on the Sth. Directly after leaving Table Bay stormy weather was experienced, a strong southwesterly gale and high seas being met with, lasting till the 10th, when moderate to fresh winds and squally weather continued until the Kith. On the 14th the wind shifted to the eastward, at times blowing strong and considerably retarding the vessel's progress, and continued in the same quarter, though latterly falling light and accompanied by tine weather until arrival at Hobart at 6.25 p.m. on the 27th July. At Hobart the Coptic discharged 379 tons of cargo and landed 83 passengers. The vessel was detained rather longer than usual, owing to there being a scarcity of coal. The voyage was resumed at "2.48 a.m. on the 20th of July, and for the first two days light head winds and fine weather were experienced. On the Ist August experienced strong head winds and heavy rain squalls, also thunder and lightning. Passed Cape Maria Van Diemen at 12.45 p.m. on the 2nd August, North Cape at 2.22 p.m., Cape Karakara, 3.45 p.m. ; S. 45 p.m.. Cape Brett abeam ; 11 p.m., Poor Knights abeam; passed Tiritiri at 5.33 a.m. yesterday, and arrived at the wharf as above. Before the steamer reached the wharf she was boarded by the Health Officer (Dr. Lewis) and Mr. D. B. Cruickshank, the local agent, and as soon as she was safely berthed and her passengers landed, the work of discharging the Auckland cargo began with vigour, and was continued throughout last night. Owing to her detention at Hobart, it is probable that the Coptic will not be able to leave for Wellington—her next port of call— as early to-day as was expected, but she will likely finish putting out her cargo this evening and sail on Sunday early. In addition to the list of passengers published above the Coptic landed 81 at Hobart, which were distributed as follows —Hobart, 34 ; Launceston, S ; Melbourne, 19 ; Sydney, 16 ; Townsville, 3 ; Brisbane, 1. PORT OF ONEHUNGA. DEPARTURES. Wanaka, s.s., Grant, for the South. Passengers : Messrs. Hargrove, C. Reid, N. McQueen, J. W. I'enn, Thos. Lonergan, M. Barry, Williams, and four steerage.—Union S.S. Co., agents. EXPORTS. Per s.s. Wanaka : 2 caskslimejuice, 5 sacks oysters, 40 mats sugar, 1 horse, 3 cases stationery. 20 cases spirits, 10 cases tea, 12 cases 2 bales drapery, and 70 packages. The Union Co.'s W'anaka, Captain J. Shepherd, for the South, took her departure at 3 o'clock yesterday. BY TELEGRAPH. CIS BORNE August 3.—Sailed : _ The schooner Gisborne, for Auckland, via coastal ports. WELLINGTON. August 3. —Arrived : S.s. Te Anau, from the South. Sailed : S.s. Te Anau, for Sydney, via the East Coast. Passengers —Miss Chisholm, Mesdames Williams (2), Finn and child, Captain Williams, Messrs. Finn, Oatwav, Patterson, Worrish, Graham, Chapman, 'Farming, Russell, Bullen, Manahan, and Cattanach, and 10 steerage. PORT CHALMERS. August 3. —Arrived Mercury, barquentine, Captain Thomas, 47 days from Mauritius. She encountered a heavy gale on the 23rd ult., which carried away part of the bulwarks on each side, smashed a boat, and did other damage. The gale lasted for three days. She brings 11,051 packages of sugar for Dunedin, and 11,322 packages for Nelson. Sailed : S.s. Grafton and Koranui, for the West Coast, via the North.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9124, 4 August 1888, Page 4

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9124, 4 August 1888, Page 4

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9124, 4 August 1888, Page 4