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New Zealand Herald Office. Thursday evening. The Customs receipts to-dav amounted to £1203 2s. Trade continues dull, and we can hear of no indications of a more lively state of business for the near future. The process of stocktaking at the various ipills being now transferred to the new timber compiuy, is necessarily laborious, and until everything is in proper train for a fair start in the proposed go-a-head full six-ed style of doing business, commercial circles will continue to feel the state of " suspended animation'' now being experienced in all distributing circles. With the advent of settled spring weather, it is generally regarded as certain that considerable mining work will be set going, and that the,present dullness of trade is just a passing quietness, not likely to be long sustained.

In the import market, although everything is " stale, flat, and unprofitable," it may be reported thar many lines of everyday requirement are scarce—theKillochan mishap upsetting the calculations of importers. Among many others, the following are the' discoveries of the week as regards shortstocks— viz.. Frv's cocoa, Nestles milk, Ne.we's food, Bell's 250 vestas, Colman's packet starch, Browns cornflour, best brands. of pints stout, Hennessv's brandy, whisky in bulk of leading brands, Derby and Column bin tobacco, also wire nails, and many lines 'in the hardware class of goods. The kerosene market continues stringent, but the arrival of the Albert Russell, at Wellington, with several thousand cases for this port, has kept the rise in check. The cargo of guano ex Olive has been sold ex ship at a satisfactory price. More than the usual stir lias been felt in the produce market by the quick advance in oats reported from the South. For short, stout, bright samples we quote from "2s 5d to '2s 61, bags in. Potatoes are also stiller, and prices point upwards. Oamaru's are well worth 90s, with a certainty of being 10s dearer a week hence. Maize is down to "2s 3d. Last season some 15,000 sacks of this grain were exported. This season the outlook for export trade is so unpromising that in view of increased yield the prospects of payable price are by no means bright. Wheat : Good East Coast samples have been quitted at os Id ; Southern, 3s 4d. The market is very bare of first and second class butter, and for the former very full prices are being paid. Mild cheese of really good quality is in excellent demand at improving prices. In the local produce market egsrs remain the same as last week. Sd per dozen wholesale and lod per dozen retail. Butter has advanced, and good qualities are reported to l>e scarce and in demand. Best dairy butter is quoted at Is '2d per lb. wholesale and Is 5d per lb. retail. " Anchor" brand is quoted at ] Is 4d, and " Crown " brand Is '2d per lb. wholesale.

KAURI GUM MARKET. The regrettable absence of other employment prevents any chance of a recovery in price, as production continues much in excess of consumption, and stocks are increasing both here and at home. In London, stocks on the Ist June were 814 tons, but calculating vals of vessels afloat, and allowing for average deliveries, London stocks on the Ist August would be about 1050 tons ; on the Ist September, about 1375 tons; on the Ist October, about 1410 tons ; and must gradually increase until something is found to furnish employment for the diggers, who, at present rates, can barely live. On the other hand, regular shippers to London state that the present Auckland prices would leave no margin to cover risk of loss, and indeed none but those who have bought their experience are aware how all but impossible it is, at this distance, to cope with the powerful London ring of dealers. Opinions are divided as to whether prices will go even lower here, but we regret, as above stated, we can see no near chance of any improvement. Supplies for the month of July are about 787 tons, and for the seven months of 1888 at the rate of 9000 tons for the year. Since the above was written the gravity of the situation has become more and more apparent. A fall of £2 in ordinary has taken place, and buyers are not able to gauge the future. They recognise that even present prices only furnish a bare living, and many of them are therefore reluctant to further reduce. Many of them, however,. are agents, and have necessarily to obey orders, and though they realise the serious results which must ensue from prohibitive prices, they know there can be no real recovery until production is checked, and the present surplus consumed, and that such suggestions as buying and holding back all the surplus sunply, even if practicable, would only be delaying the day of reckoning. We regretfully confess that we can see no solution of the stern and serious difficulty. .We qi ote (only nominally) the following price?: Fa,lnordinary, £28 to £29; best or dinar 3fe; and East Coast, 43s to 445. LIVE STOCK & PRODUCE MARKETS. AUCKLAND. Messrs. Hunter and Nolan's Weekly Report Grain, seeds, horse feed, etc. : There has been an ample supply of all descriptions and fair demand, with little or no alteration in value. We quote: Feed oats, 2s 3d per bushel ; maize, 2s 8d per bushel; oaten chaff, £2 10s per ton; carrots, £1 10s per ton. Horses : But a moderate number has been brought forward, principally medium hacks and light harness horses, which met fair demand, and sales were made at about the previous week's values. We quote: Hacks, from £5 to £12 10s: U«ht harness horses, £7 10s to £13 ss; draught, £!«. Hides, skins, wool, and tallow : Bather large quantities were pitched at the Durham Yards on Tuesday,and the competition wasspirited. We quote: Heavy ox hides, at from 4Jd to 4-jd per lb ; medium, 3Jd to 4*d ; cow, 2}d to 3Ja • calf skins, 3|d to 5d ; sheep skins, from 2s 4d to 4s 7d each. Cattle: An increased number have been brought forward. There was a slight advance in the value of stores. Dairy stocks remained at the previous week's values, and there was a decline in the price of fat beasts. There was a fair muster at the Newmarket yards on Tuesday, as also at Papakura on Wednesday. Dairy cows were well competed for, but there was no perceptible alteration in v;-hie. For store stocks of all ! description there was a decided upwa. I tendency m WiSfi ffbicb vr,3 SttSt SjSufced at Papakuia, <uj ul |

the lots were cleared. - We quote : Calves, at from 7s to 12s (xl ; yearling steers, if>s to 17s Gd ; eighteen months' old, 27s 6d to 32s Oil ; grown steers, £3 3s to £3 17s Gd ; beef ox, 14s to 17s Gd ; cow, 13s to 15s per 1001b. Some averages for steers were £5 4s Gd, £5 ss, £5 10s, £5 l. r >s Gil, £5 17s Gd, £6 5s 6d, £6 7s Gd, £0 13s Gd, £G 18s 3d: cows, £3, £4 2s Gd £4 10s. Sheep were again penned in limited numbers. There was a slightly upward tendency in values ; wethers sold at from lis 9d to 14s Gd each ; lambs, 9s 6d each. Pigs : Verv few were yarded; good porkers sold well, and there remained an unsatisfied demand. MK. ALFRED BUCK LAN D'S WEEKLY REPORT.— At the Havmarket, during the past week, meadow I hay has sold from Is yd to Is l)d ; oaten sheaves. Is SHI "to is; chaff, 2s to 3s ; kidney potatoes, 3s lOd to 4s 9d ; Hobart, 3s Gd ; bran, 3s Gd; carrots, Is 3d per cwt; oats, Is lOd to 2s 3d ; maize, 2s Gd per bushel. At the Hayuiarket, on Friday, a number of three-year-old unbroken horses, consisting of medium and heavy draught, in moderate condition, were brought forward. They sold at prices varying from £5 10s to £8; active and quiet farm horses, from £7 to £10 ; riding horses, from £3 to £11, and a springcart, £7 10s. On Tuesday, hides and skins were pitched in full number. Sound ox hides ranged from 3jd to 4Jd ; cow hides, 2jd to 3Jd ; calfskins, 3Jd to 4<id per lb ; tallow, 13s to 14s per cwt; sheepskins, lOd to 4s lid each ; wool, 7jd per lb. At the Piikekolie cattle sale, held on Monday bust, dairy cows were better worth, and store cattle of all kinds in improved demand. At liemuera on Thursday dairy cattle were dull of sale ; store cattle in demand ; fat cattle, yarded in full numbers, maintained last week's values; fat sheep, short of supply, advanced Is each; no store sheen yarded ; calves," in brisk inquiry, were better worth"; pigs, ill short supply, were also of more value. Some averages were: —15 steers from Opotiki, £5 17s ; 45 steers from Waitara, £7 ; 21 cows, £5. From Waikato: S steers, £t> 8s; 8 steers, £G 7s; 14 steers, £7 «is ; i> steers, jUG ; S steers, £6 Ss ; 1G steers, £0 2s Gd ; 24 steers. £5 10s ; lti cows, £3 3s; 5 heifers, £3 ss. From Awitu: 24 steers, £0 4s ; S steers, £5 lis Gil ; 5 cows, £3 Ss. 160 wethers from Waitara. lGs ; 300 wethers, 13s 4d. Messrs. C.. W. Binney ami son's Report.— the sale of hides, sheepskins, etc., on Tuesday last heavy ox and cow met ready sale: ox, 4jdto4}d; cow, ;yd to 4d ; medium weights, difficult to sell, from 3d to 3Jd ; wet, 2Jd ; kip, ;>Jd to 4d ; calf, 4J<l (o 4Jd per lb; local green ox, 22s to 2Gs; cow, heavy, 15s to 20s ; medium, 10s to lis ; kip, Gd to 9s each. Sheepskins: Demand good and prices firm: heavy longwool, 4s Gd to ss; a few extra, (is Gil; half-breds, 4s; local green, 4s Sd to 5s Gd each; pelts. Id to Od. Tallow, 10s to 13s per cwt. casks returned; bones, 4s to 4s Gd per cwt; rough fat. Id per lb. Potatoes : Southern, £o lis lid to £3 las ; Waikato, £3 5s per toil. Mui-fe: Best, 2s Gd ; ordinary parcels, 2s 4d; damaged. Is Gil to 2s per bushel, t'heese : Hood demand exists ; sold Canterbury, Id to Sd per lb. No local on hand, (.tats, 2s 3d to 2s 4d per bushel. THAMES CATTLE MARKET. Messrs. Banks and Co.'s Weekly Report (bv telegraph).— was about an average supply of fat cattle in the market on Wednesday, and a fair inquiry for them. Values were higher by 10s per head than last sale. The prices made were from £.'< to £6 Ills each : heifers, i' 3 2s Gd to £4 10s. being from 15s to 17s per HH'lbs. Only a limited number of sheep were penned, and they were well competed for. wethers averaging about GOlbs realising 14s 9d to los each. AUCKLAND MARKETS. [ {Corrected to m>«/i <>/ Thursday.)

J MESSRS. VICKERS AND HULL'S WEEKLY STOCK , AND SHARE LIST AND INVESTOR'S GUIDE, r cTIs j " " t ~~ ~ —— ' £ % SSVrJ oo»-co oo a? | | QOi^o ' _«J3 | 3 '$.*£ ssj;t-iQt-iojQOOOt- I OWNOOiQ I I est. 3 I HWr' CO I | • ' *~«r~cd * ' 1 JJ o oo fe © *r j** e$ &c;r~ •* r~~~x> c~ on ■*» -<r r~ —* ?•> oo I i 06 ° j c$ 0-> I I _ q I—4 (jOrtcmsmisoooHONHM O f-l l •*' g« o* o CO Oo" J" 3 W IO QJ b jooooooowoOMaxnoooa ,-„j - r* ft r* rH M r-l <3 "3 ijO««MM»OOOMOgHO«8H| O. ** r-» c: £ TjOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO § .C ocOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO © Dc'OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BJ'8 J ' - C^OOifIiOOOOOOOHIMCHOHON * O _ '""' " > r " < >• • <£> cur; omw «o mo o o -*< o »-. O rp, CM *—< I- Ci *0 Os *0 £5 »—< © r!. »C. at C C4J r-« I$ O r-. o OC' I !OOCOOO I ISb Jjg 3" SgW§ ss^- M ss •-3 i¥iiiil!iliiiiiiis~~ "'I lis 1111 lilies II |s O HHWOO"Hr-HHt-((M r-T ;Ts . © :, g-= S? :::: 5 :::::: :o I IJI 3 , I in * •• • * •• • .fcO. - -tSsS » „• © : : • ■ 8 • • -o •£ • c t**2 C =£3 =' S « wo s£ c,©i» CI srS oi «W> of! .5 *Z>o §• .s g55 s " 33.: : g .•« M, ® g c ojj ®Jn 5 ? a,' c c . .« o5 p U N -« ic*,* «So® > Cg r: « 3 £ G £££ t! 5:3 5 1 s4'2| o § § 1 gift's"S-2»5 b II o c X ccJ 2 -■ n) £'ESi V ° s 3 £"3. 5 Be si cvgrthmhuk• £ c rf s3 csiw «i a oIS £ ft y, y& & x '*£ XOU>Z. ■< p E-, fc 55 Auckland, August I,ISSB. "Ex div. STOCK AND MINING ASSOCIATION. Aucklamp, August a, ISSS. Company. Business. Closing Prices. u Buyers.'• Sellers. Banks: £ s d £ s d Now Zealand „ 10/10/0 10 10 0 — INSURANCK : I South British .. — 2 6 0 2 7c Accident .. .. — 0 7 0 Miscellaneous : I Devonport Kerry — 12 6 Northern Boot Co. -- — 10 11 0 Mini NO : Cambria _ _ — _I 0 6 9 Saxon „ .. 3/10 — '040 Trenton „ .. — 0 •> 5 _ Mamikau _ .. — 0 2 0 Paroquet _ ... — — 10 2 0 Hem l/l 0 10 0 12 Hold water 1/5 — 0 1 C Crown .. ._ — — 0 4 6 Kenilworth .. — — 0 3 6 Colonist .. .. _ — 0 310 A. Saunders, C. Alexander, S. Victors, J. F. Clarke, K. rater, J. M. Lennox, 1). B. McDonald, i). G. Mac Don noil, Aitken Carrick, It. Spratt, I'Vancis Hull, James Reid, K. G. Macky. Joseph Newman, Chairman. CALL AND DIVIDEND LIST. CALLS. £ 3. d. Due. Askliani-Molloy Gold & Silver Mining Co. " 0 0 6.. Aug. 10

FARM AND DAIRY PRODUCE. Wholksalk. Retail. ? ' s. d. ». d. s. d. ». d. ' Butter, fresh, dairy, lb 1 0-1 "J 13 15 , Do , Waikato " Anchor" brand .. .. 14 — 0 0 00 — 1 0 ■ Do., Waikato " Crown" • brand .. „ 1 2 — 0 0 0 0 — 0 0 Do., inferior salt .. ... 0 3 — 00 Milk, quart .. .. 0 3} — 0 4 Cheese, local, lb ... 0 4 — 0 4 J 0 5-1) 7 1 Do., best factory .. 0 4J— 0 5 Kgg-S dozen .. .. OS — 0 0 0 10 — 0 0 a, bladder, lb ..0 — 0 Gj 0 6 — 0 'J L Hams and Bacon, Pro. 0 6 — 0 8 Do., bare .. .. 0 7$ — 0 0 Cant. Bacon, new ..0 7 — 0 0 0 7J— 0 S , Hams 0 7>— 0 SJ 0 3*— 1 0 - Jams, case 5doz .. 25 (>"—27 6 , Fowls, each .. .. 06 — 10 10 — 20 Ducks, do „ 2 0 -- 3 0 Geese, do. ... _ ... 5 0 — 7 0 Turkeys, do. .. ... ... ti 0 — 7 0 Feathers, lb .. 16 — 10 HAY AND CORN. Per cwt. 0 Hay, ton .. .. 3 0 — 4 0 5 0 — 60 Lucerne, do 0 0 — <; 10 7 6 — SO Oaten, do 3 0 — 4 0 4 0 — 5 0 Chaff, threshed .. 1 10 — 2 0 0 — 0 0 Oaten Chaff _. .. 2 0 — 2 15 > Straw, load .. .. 0 IS — 1 10 4 0 — 50 Clover, ton .. ..5 0 — 0 0 : Potatoes local.. .. 3 10 — 0 0 3 6 — 4 0 Potatoes, Oaniaru .. 4 10 — 0 0 ■ Potatoes, Canterbury 3 15 — 0 0 „ s. d. s. d. Maize, bushel.. ..2 3 — 0 0 0 0 — 0 0 1 Barley, feed .. .. 38 — 3 3 3 3 — 40 Do., waiting .. .. 3 9 — 3 10 Oats, feed . . ..2 5 — 0 0 2 3 — 2 0 Oats, seed. Tartarian 2 3 — 2 4 2 6 — 2 0 Do.. dun. Southern .. 2 7 — 0 0 0 0 — 0 0 Do., black .. .. 2 5 — 2 7 0 0 — 0 0 Wheat, nulling ..3 1 — 3 4 0 0 — 0 0 Wheat, Southern ..3 4 — 0 0 0 0 — 0 0 Do., fowl .. .. 2 7—20 33 — 36 FLOUR. a £ Flour. Auck.roller, ton :o 0—10 5 _ Do., household .. 9 10 — 9 15 „ Do., Southern, roller 0 0 —10 0 _ Do., Southern, stone 8 10 — 8 15 _ Bran 3 10 — 4 0 Sharps 4 10 — 0 0 Cabin Bread .. .. 15 0 — 0 0 Oatmeal 25s .. .. 9 15 — in 0 Oatmeal 7s .. .. 12 0—12 10 _ Pearl Barley .. .. 20 0 —22 0 Patent Porridge Meal, 71b bags .. ..0 0—15 0 PRESERVED AND DRIED FRUITS. Dried Prunes, lb ..0 <»j— 0 7 OS — 0 10 , Preserved (.finger .. 0 7"—0 0 Shelled Nuts .. .. 0 9 — 0 10 10 — 16 Barcelona do. .. ..06 — 00 Brazil do 0 6 — 0 9 0 0 — 1 0 Pe units .. ..02 — 0 21 00 — 00 GARDEN AND ORCHARD PRODUCE. Apples, case, imparted 0 0 — 80 Do., lb, local .. ..0 2J— 0 4 0 3 — 0 6 Lemons, doz .. .. 10 — 13 13 — 10 Oranges OS — 07 10 — 13 Do., case .. ..60 — 70 Bananas, lb .. .. 0 1 — 0 2J 0 4—00 C'ocoanuts, each .. .. 0 2 — 03 Do., sack .. .. 10 0 — 0 0 Onions, cwt .. .. 5 6 — 6 6 0 ft J— 0 0 Garlic 04 00 0 6 — 0 0 Celery, bundle .. .. 0 3 — 00 Grapes 16 — 2 0 00 — 21 COAL AND FIREWOOD. Coal. Newcastle, ship's side, cargo, ton 16 0 — 17 Do., delivered .. .. .. 1 12 G — 1 35 0 Do., yard 170 — 110 0 Do., Bay of Lslands, yard .. 1 4 0 — 0 0 0 Do., delivered ISO - 000 Do., mine .. „ ... .. 0 13 0 — 0 0 0 Do., ship's side ... ... ... 1 0 0 — 0 0 0 Waikato, mine 0 8 0 — 0 0 0 Do., household 0 12 0 — 0 0 0 Do., in Auckland 0 18 0 — 1 2 0 Karuo, loading ground, ton .. 0 12 0 - 0 0 0 Taupiri. mine, steam .. .. 0 8 0 — 0 12 0 Do., yard, steam . .. .. 0 17 6 — 000 Do., household .. ... .. 140 — 150 Whajigarei, mine .. .. 0 9 6 — 000 Do., yard, steam 0 17 0 — 0 0 0 Do., household 120 — 130 Firewood, uncut, wharf,. cargo, ton 070 — 076 Do., delivered 0 10 0-0 12 0 Do., cut 0 13 0 — 0 15 KAURI GUM AND FLAX. Supplies for the month of July, 787 tons. ■C x. d. £. s. d Poor Ordinary, ton .. .. £0 0 0 —28 0 0 East Coast 43 0 0 —44 0 0 Fair Ordinary 28 0 0 —29 0 0 Best Ordinary 30 0 0 — 0 0 0 Flax 17 0 0 —18 0 0 Tow 500 — 600 Fungus, ib 0 0 3J — 0 0 0 Cocoanut Fibre, cut, cwt.. .. 0 15 0 — 0 17 0 Beeswax, lb 000 — 009 N.Z. FLAX ROPE. Prices subject to trade terms. Rope in all sizes, ton .. .. 38 0 0 -40 0 0 Tarred Yarn, do :}(} o 0 —40 0 0 Wool Tailings, do 35 0 0 —38 0 0 BUILDING MATERIALS. Boards and Scantling, 100ft .. 0 13 0 — 0 0 0 Do., best dressed 0 14 C — 0 15 0 Do., .second-class 0 7 6 — 0 10 0 Rustic weatherboards .. .. 0 10 6 — 0 14!! Mills, cargo, best .. .. 0 11 0 — 0 0 0 Flitches 0 9 6-000 Balk 060 — 080 Bricks, Whau 1 10 0 — 2 0 0 Do., town yards, 1000 .. .. 1 15 0 — 2 0 0 Do., delivered 2 0 0 — 2 5 0 Lime bushel 0 10—016" Drain Pipes, Gin bores, 1000 .. 15 0 0 — 0 0 0 Do., 4in 6 10 0 — 0 0 0 Do., Sin .. .. . 4 10 0 — 0 0 0 - Do., 2Jn .. .. „ 3 0 0 — 0 0 0' Do., 2in 2 10 0 — 0 0 0 English Slates, 1000 .. ..10 10 — 0 0 0 . Socket Glazed Pipes, foot .' 24 inches 060 — 000 21 inches 0 4 6 — 000 18 inches 023 — 000 15 inches 0111 — 000 12 inches 1114—000 9 inches 0 0 10 — 0 0 0 " 6 inches „ „ ... o 0 4J— 0 0 0 J 4 inches 0 0 — 0 0 0 3 inches 003 — 000 MANURES. Bonedust, Sydney, ton .. .. 7 10 0-8 0 0 Do., inferior ". 6 10 0 — 7 0 0 Boneflour .. .. „ .. 800 — 8 10 0 Do., Auckland 8 0 0 — 0 0 0 Peruvian Guano 14 0 0 —17 0 0 j Coral Queen do 5 0 0 — 0 0 0 Long Island do., bags included 4 10 0 — 0 0 0 Superphosphate of Lime, 26 to 28 per cent C 0 0-610 0 Do., 36 to 33 per cent 8 0 0 — 8 10 0 Ammonia Phosphate, Fison's 10 10 0 — 0 0 0 Special Potato Fertiliser ,, 31 0 0 — 0 0 0 Superphosphate .. .. „ 800 —C00 - Freezing Company'sSuperphosphate, 32 per cent 8 0 0 — 0 0 0 Do., 25 per cent 6 0 0 — 0 0 O(torn Manure 8 0 0 -000* , Root Manure _ ... „ 8 10 0 — 0 0 0 Potato Manure „ .. .. S 10 0 — 0 0 0 i Banc Manure .. .. .. 800 — 000 I Grass Manure 7 10 0 — 0 0 0 N.Z.F. Co.'s quotations are subject to liberal discount. BUTCHERS' .MEAT, _ _ , „ Per pound. r Roasting Beef, lb ... 0 3 — 06 Boiling do f.. 0 11—0 3 Mutton, hindquarter ... 0 3 — 04 Do., forequartar ... .. 0 1J 0 2" Pork and VeaJ. „ .. 0 3 0 6 Steaks .. .. .. .. 0 4 — 0 8 i Mutton C-ops ... .. 0 3 — 0 4 " Sausages . . .. 0 2 — 03 Mutton I allow, cv'-... IS 0—21 0 — Beef and iiixed dr. 15 0 —29 0 MIS CELL A EOUS. Kerosene, ir.'V teal, duty paid 0 i S — 0 0 0 Do., .. ., 020 000 Fencing wire. No. ton .. "1 " No, 7 -• .. VI) 10 —12 0 0 " No. c .... J Barb Fencing Wire .. .. 21 10 0 22 10 0 t Lime, slacked, bushel .. .. 0 10 0 0 0 Quick lime, in stone .. .. 0 10 — 000 New Zealand Pailings, 5ft .. 076 — 0 10 0 C £°> 6ft „ 0 14 0-000 »V 1 eatree Rails, 100 ... .. 2 10 0 — 3 10 0 Puriri Posts 600 — 700 Shingles, 1000 0 12 0 — 0 13 0 Ilobart Failings, 5ft .. .. 0 17 0 — 1 0 0 Do., 6ft -V _ .. .. 0 38 0 - 1 1 0 Hobart Rails „ _ „ 400 — 4 10 0

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9123, 3 August 1888, Page 4

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COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9123, 3 August 1888, Page 4

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9123, 3 August 1888, Page 4