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Snipping. « TTNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY Of NEW J, ZEALAND (LIMITED). I jj XJia TABLE—MAY. FOR TARANAKT, NELSON, PICTON, WELLING. TON. LYTTELTON, AND WEST COAST PORTS (Fbqm Mawpkap). Steamer. | Date of Sailing. | Tratn* Rotorha j Sntuiday, 29 Mav. 8 a m. I 7.15 a.m, (if mail arrived) Pexbl'lN I Tuesday. 8 June, 1 p.m. ! 12 noon FOR WELLINGTON AND LYTTELTON. R< t Ri'A I Tuesday, 1 Juno, 8 a.m. |7 15 a.m. FOR GISPORNE. NAPIER. WELLINGTON, LYTTELTON. AND PORT CHALMERS (From Auckland). Roti'M »hava 1 Thursday, 3 June, noon I — Waikak.ta I Thursday. 10.Tune, noon i — FOR MKLROITRNE. VIA BLUFF. Rot."m«H'N'a I Thursday, 3 Jnne, noon I — Wai ikaa I Tlnirs'lay. 10 June, noon I — FOR SYDNEY Alavkha I About Friday, "8 May | — Waihoiu I Tuesday, 1 .Tane 5 p.m. | — FOR (SIHKORNK AND NAPIKR. Maitai I Wednesday, 2 June.6 p.m. | — FOR SUV A AND LEVUKA. Arawata 1 Sand.iy, 30 May, 5 p.m. | — (Cargo till Saturday at noon) FOR HONOLULU AND SAN FRANCISCO. _ Alameda | Tuesday, 22 June. 2 p.m. I — FOR RUSSELL AND KAWAKAWA. AnawitA I Sunday. "0 Mar, 6 p.m. I — Waiiidiia I Tuesday, 1 June, 6 p.m. | — /■V Carpo must be booked and alongside TWO HOURS before advertised time of departnro. I'assage Tickets must be taken at the Company's Office. Auckland Branch, Corner Queen and Custom Streets. ,-NJL jg 8 - ROTORUA, FOR * SOUTHERN PORTS, smi'feia-jcfi.'Jlu w ;jj ] eaTe on arrival of 7.15 a.m. train on SATURDAY, 29th instant, should San Francisco Mail have arrived before that time; otherwise she will leave two hours after mail does arrive. UNION STEAM SHIP COMPANY OF NEW ZH'ALAN D. ,3v-V O rie — T IINE ' Under contract, with the New \J... South Wales and South Australian eSaaatJaiaiap Governments for the conveyance of Mails. The fo lowtrif Steamships bolocging to the ORIENT Co. and the PACIFIC Co. will leave SYDNEY and iIELBOURNB on the undermentioned dates for PLYMOUTH. AND LONDON, via ADELAIDE, DIEGO. GARCIA (at Company's option), SUEZ and NAPLES From Sydney. From Melbourne, ORIENT .. June 5 .Tune 11 GARONNE .. - Jnun 19 June 25 SOU A .» .. July 3 Ju'y 9 Ll'-ITANIA .. .. July 17 July 23 JOHN ELDER .. July 31 Aug. 6 And fortnightly thereafter. Through fares to London, £21 to £70 Passeneers secure special advantages by booking through from New Zealand, fares in saloon and sccond class being the same as from Australia Secondclass passengers by Orient steamer are provided with saloon pavsage to Sydnev or Melbourne. PASSAGES FROM LONDON.Special facilities afforded for bringitg out Friends and Relatives by prepayment of the passage-money hjere. EXCURSION RETURN TICKETS. Av»ilabl* 9 mon'hs—First-class, £105. Available 12 months—First-class, £115, Second, £65. PARCELS BOOKED THROUGH to LONDON at Reduced Rates. For further particnlars apply to UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND (LIMITED), Agent in New Zealand. JgTEAM TO LONDON. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL V ' STEAM NAVIGATION «6Ssaaß2e» COMPANY. FOR LONDON DIRECT (Via Colombo). q,Leavo I Leave > Steamer. Sydney. Melb'rne. VALETTA ... .. .. .. June 9 I June 15 MANIA., „ .. .. June 23 i June 29 SHANNON • July 7 ! July 13 BALLARAT [July 21 j July 27 ROME j Am. 4 j Aug, 10 CLYDE „ ' Aug. IS I Aug. 24 And thenceforward every alternate week. Passengers and cargo booked to London, Marseilles, Italy, Egypt, India, China and Japan at moderate rates Return tickets issued both to first and second class passengers at especially low rates. Cheap reserved accommodation can be obtained in this company's vessels. Passengers hooked at Auckland at same rates as Sydney or Melbourne. For all particular)! applv to CRUICKSHANK A CO., SI, Queen-street, Auckland. Agents. .qvl TEAM TO fJIHAMES, V , Connecting with V"VRIVER STEAMERS, «£iaiaSsi£iSfl2» FOR BTIP.LINGWORTH, OHINEMURI. WAITERAURI WAIHI. AND TE AROHA GOLDFIELDS, IIORRiNSVILLE, WAITOA PI AINS, and GRANT AND FOSTER'S SETTLEMENTS TIME TABLE. S.S. ROTOMAHANA, P.S. ENTERPRISE No. 2, FROM AUCKLAND. | Kotomahana. I Enterprise. Fridav 28 I 8 30 rm rning I 5 afternoon Saturday 29|9mcminc I — FROM THAMES. ] hOTOMAHANA. | ENTKRPRIHr. Friday 28 I2 30 fift«rnoon I — Saturday 20 | 3 afternoe tt I 5 afternoon Return Tickets will be issued from May 21 (available till May 29. 1886, exclusive). Saloon, 10s ; Steerage, 7s 6d : i hildren, half price. No cari;o received for Kotomahana within hour of advertised time of leaving. Not responsible for Shipping, Carrying, or Discharging Live Stock. GEO. FEASER, Agent. ~V~X T\AILY STEAM COM- ** MUN IC ATI ON WITH OHINKM URI AND TJS AROHA. jBSIBMaMC TIME TABLE. P.S. PATIKI. Latd-up on Friday and Saturday P.S. TE AROHA. For Paeroa. SAturday, 29tli, 1 afternoon Laid up 011 Monday From Paeroa. Friday, 2Sth, 8 30 morning Monday, 31st, 6 morning. FARES. « Single. Return. Turn* .. - ?■« 0d - Si Od Hikutaia .. .. 8a Od _ 6s Od Paeroa » .. 6s Od .. 7s Sd Te Aroha _ __ 7s (id „ 12s bd Weather and other circumstanccs permitting. H. C. GILLESPIE, Manager. A jplOR MATAKANA, AND WADE DIRECT. efiSSfcsaKsx TIME TABLE S.S. MAORI. For Wade: From Wade: Saturday, 29th. 10 a.m. Saturday, 29th, 2 p.m. For Maiakana: From Matakana; Monday, 31st, 11 a.m. Tuesday, Ist, 5.30 a.m. Matakana— Single, 6s; Return, 7s 6d. Not responsible for live stock. For further particulars apply to S. H. BURMINGHAM Queen-street Wharf. _ . OTEAM TO WAIROA O SOUTH. *£& Th,, ' , ' PLANET. FOR TURANGA CREEK. Leave Auckland ' Friday, 28th, 11 a.m., and re* turning to Auckland same day. Weather and other circumstances permitting. Not responsible for goods when stored. .rtvJL a TEAM TO MANGAIO WAI AND PUHOI. B.s7Tuby, For Puhol: Leave Puhoi:' Friday, 28th, 8 a.m. * Saturday, 29th, 2 p.m, llCargo for Puhoi Thursday. Not responsible for goods when stored. Office; No. 19, ferry Tee. 6. H. BURMINGHAM. Agent.'

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7649, 28 May 1886, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7649, 28 May 1886, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7649, 28 May 1886, Page 1