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New Zealand Herald Office. Thursday evening. The town trade remains very quiet,and limited to merely sorting up orders. Requirements for tho Arawata, for Fiji, and coastal orders, however, help to prevent things going into extreme dulness. The loading of the Orpheus for Port r Derby, also assists trade a little. We understand she takes a lot of frame houses, an undoubtedly good idea, as population must rapidly , increase at the shipping port contiguous to I suoh an extensive and rich field as the Kim- , berley la reported to be. Although the jwrali . wood is near Perth, its extreme weight and hardness to work will prevent it competing - with kauri, and the new export trade opened up by the Orpheus experiment may prove ot - great benefit to the timber companies hero. The advices per Kaikoura notify the departure of the Prince Albert from Hamburg , direct to this port, with the first cargo of . continental goods. This venture of the German ' merchants is an enterprising one, deserving of i success. In this age of keen competition, the saving of any percentage in laid down cost is ' appreciated, whether it comes from either ' American or German friends. We understand ' it is intended to open up tho Dutch and German [ markets to our many excellent furniture woods and our now famous meats, and the only wiy ' to do so well, is by the reciprocity of direot In the grain market, maize is worth 4s ; short oats, 2a Sd; long oats, 2a 6d ; fowl wheat, ds 9d ; milling wheat, 4s. Oamaru potatoes are £4 os per ton ; onions, £4 12s tid ; ryegrass, 6« per bushel. In the local produce market, prices remain the same as last week. Eags aro Is Sd par dozen wholesale and 2s retail. Butter Is quoted at 8d to lOd per lb wholesale, and up to la per lb retail. The following cable message from Fopchow on the 26th instant, relating to the opening of the tea market there, was received by an Auckland Hrm yesterday: —" Congous are gonerally better than last season. The market has opened 3 to 4 taels above last season's opening prices. Buyers are doing very little, owing to the prices being too high. Prices will probably decline soon. The a.a. Tamsui is advertised for New Zealand ports, calling first at Wellington. Freight, £3 10s; exohango, 3s 4d." KAURI GUM MARKET. There is no change in the gum market. Holders of East Coast still ask 52i, but are still unable to sell, as we understand that buyers consider that 4Ss should be the maximum for best brands. On the Ist of April London stocks were 1957 tons, against BSS tons at the same date last year. Meanwhile, though no improvement is anticipated, the inward mail is awaited with interest. Supplies for the 27 days of this month are about 355 tons. We quote : Poor ordinary (nominal), about 25s to 30s ; fair ordinary, 33s to 345; superior ordinary, 3S« ; and East Coast, no transactions. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company have received a London telegram, of date May 25, which reports that the market is steady. Good scraped pale brownish and amber is worth £4 13s per cwt. Good palish scraped, and three parts scraped garbled sorts, are worth £3 7s per cwt. From theN.Z.L. and M.A. Co.'s circular of the 9fch April wo take the fallowing respecting the London market:—At the public auctions held on the 25th ultimo, 884 cases were offered. The inquiry was restricted, and only 268 cases changed hands. Importers, however, were firm, and the prices obtained were about on a par with those recently current. At yesterday's public sales, 1141 cases were brought forward, and 503 cases were sold. There was & moderate amount of competition and prices wore steady for all kinds, whilst good lota of black and brown were Is to 2s dearer. We quote : —Fine pale, selected, £6 5s to £S os per owt ; clean, hard, good to fine, ehiefly amber, 90s tolOOs per cwt; good to tine, clean, hard, scraped, 74s to 85 per cwt; hard, half to three-parts scraped, 40« to 69* per cwt ; rough sorts, ordinary to good, 34s to 35s fid por cwt ; black and brown hard, scraped, No. 1, fine to sup., 55s to 59« per cwt ; black and brown hard, chiefly sornped, No. 1, 41s to 48« per cwt ; pickings, ordinary to fine, 25s to 27s fid per cwt; chips, low and ordinary to fine and superior, 7s to 64s per cwt; dust. low to fine, pale, chippy, 4s to 20s per cwt. We annex a comparative statement of stocks, landings, and deliveries to the -Jlst ultimo, and to a corresponding date in 1885 Stocks on the 31st March. 1886, 11)57 tons, as against 885 tons in 188$; landed January to March, 1886, 615 tons, as against 565 tons in 1885; delivered, January to March, 1886, 686 tons, as against 641 tons in 1885. THE AUCKLAND MARKETS. Farm and Dairy Pboduoi.—Wholetalt: Bntt. resh, Sd ; salt, 7d to Sd; Cheese, good local, 6d to 7d: Canterbury, do., none : Ecrs, vet doz.. Is 93 ; Lard, in bladder, per lb., tijd to 7d; Bacon and Hams, Provincial, 6d to Xd ; Hams, 6}d to BJd; Canterbury Bacon, Sd; equal numbers Hams and Bacon, Sid ; Hanu, 1' jd; Jams, per case, 6 do*., 30s ; Fowls, per pair, '2s to 3s 6d ; Feathers, baked, clean and, selected. Is 6d to Is 9d per lb. Retail .- Milk, per quart, 4.1 ; Butter, fresh, up to Is per lb. ; salt do., prime, Sid to 9.1; inferior salt, 3d to 7d ; Cheeso, per lb. (3d to 9>l; E;rs, per doz., Is; Lard, per lb. fid to 9d ; Fowls, each, 2s 6d to 4s ; Ducks, do., 2s 6d to 4i: Geese, do., 6s 6d to 8s; Turkeys, each, 5s to 7s 6d ; Bacon, por lb.. 7sd to Is ; Hams, do.. B*l to Is 3d. | Gardes* and Orchard Prodccb.—Whontah: Apples, 6s tid to 93 p»r case; 1J to 3d per lb. Lomons, por do*.. Is to Is 3d; Onions, per lb., Jd to 1 Jcl; Celery, per doz., la 3d to 3« 6d : Garlic, 3d to tid per ib ; Tutupkin, 2s to 5s 6d per cwt; Cocoar.uts, 7s to lCs por sack: Oranges, 6J to 7d per doz. ; Bananas, 2i to 3d. Retail: Lemons, Is 01 to 2s per doz; Onions, Der lb.. 2d; Apples, per lb., 4d to 6.1 ; Oranges, 10.1 to Is per dor.; Celery, per bundle, 2d co Cd: Pumpkin, per lb, Id to ljd Bananas, 4d to Cd ; Garlic. &d to Od Der lb.; Cocoanuts. 2d to 4<i each. Flour MARrrr.— Wholttale: Superfine Flour, aillc dressed, per ton, £1110s ; do., do., household, £10 10s to £9 10s ; hundreds ss, fifties 10s, per ton extra, sacks and bags tree: Southern, do., £9 5s to £915s ; Bran, per ton (sacks included), £7; Sharps, £7 lOi; Cabin Bread, do., £15; Oatmeal £14; I'earl Barley, do., £17 10s to £18. Kauri Gum and Flax Market.—Supplies for the month to date, 257 tons. We quote prices : Poor Ordinary, £2ft ; Fair Ordinary, £33 to £34 ; Superior Ordinary, £36 and upwards ; Kast Coast, nominal; Flax, per per ton, £15 to £19 : Tow, do., £5 10s to £8 10s; Fungus, per lb., 2Jd to ?Jd: Cocoanut Fibre, per cwt.. Los to 17s ; Beeswax, 7d r.o lOd per lb. Hat and Corn Market.—Wholciclt (selling ex store): Maize, local (new), 33 6d; Oats, 2s tid to 2s 8il; Barley, 2s 3d; Malting Barley. 4s to 4s 3d; Wheat, 4i; fowl, 3s 7d to 3s Od; Hay meadow, per ton, pressed £4 6s to £6 lOi; Lucerne, do., £6 to £8 10s (nominal): Straw, per load, 18s to £1. IDs; Chaff, mixed, £3 10a to £4 lOs; Oaten Chaff, £4 in to £4155: Hay. oaten. £4 to £4 103 ; Clover, £6 10s to £7 ; Potatoes. £4 5s to £4 10s per ton. Retail: Chaff, 5s to 6s; Potatoes. ns to 5s tid per cwt. : Maize, 3s fid to 4s; Oats, 2s 9d ; Wheat, fowl, per bushel, 3s 9d to4s ; Barley, feed do., 2s fid to 2s 9d ; Hay, per cwt., tis tid to 7s ; Lucerne, do., 7s Sd to 8s ;, 6s to 7s; Straw, do., 3s to ■!«. Preserved and Dried Fruits. — WhoUtale: Dried Prunes, 6}d to 7d; Preserved Ginger, S«I ; Peanuts, 2d to 3Jd ; Barcelona, 6Jd per lb.; Shelled Nuts, 9.1 to Is; Brazil, tid to 9d. Retail: Driol Prunes, 8d to lOd; Shelled Nuts. Is to Is Cd: Brazil. 6d to is. Building Materials.—: Boards and Scantling, 100 ft., 10s to 15s, beat dressed, 18s to 19s tid; second class, 9s to 12s - 6d; rustic weather boards, 17s to 18s. Mills : Cargo, best, 12s to 14« 6d ; second class, 6s to Ss, Balk, 6s 6d to 7s. Bricks (at Whau), 35s to 40s ; Town Yards, 37s fid to £2 2s per 1000. Lime, Is to Is 6d per bushel. Drain Pipes, per 1000, 6 inches bore, £15; 4 inches, £7 lOd; 3 inches, £5; 2 inches, £210 a per 1000; Socket Glazed Pipes, IS inches, 4s ; 15 inches, 4s tid; 12 inches, 3s; 9 inches, 2: 6 inches. Is; 4 inches. 9d ; 3 inches, 7d per foot; English slates, £1 1 por 1000. Seeds.- Swede and Turnip Seed, Is to Is 3d per lb.; Sorghum, Is per lb.; Planters' Friend, Is per lb. Retail: White Clover, Is 1.1 ; Rod Clover, 9d : Cowgrass—American, lOd ; Englis'i, Is; Alsyke, Is Id; Timothy, 8d ; Trefoil, 81; Lucerne, Is 6d ; Rape, tid ; Ryegrass (scarce), 6s 6d to 7s 6d bushel; Cocksfoot S3 6d bushel. N EW Zealand Flax Rope.—Prices subject to trade terms. Ropo of all sizes, per ton, £40; Tarred Yarn' do., £10; Wool Lashing, do., £88. Miscellaneous. 130* test (duty paid) from Is 7d ; 150 1 test (duty paid), 2s; Fencing Wire, No. 0, 7, and 8, assorted, £13, £13 10s, and £12 respectively per ton ; Lime, slacked, Is per bushel; Quick Li mo, in stone Is 6d to 2s. New Zealand Palings, sft., 7s tid to 13s ; 6ft., 14s ; Ti-troe Rails, £2 10s to £1 per 100; Puriri Posts, £6 to £7; Shingles, 13s to 10s 6d per 1000 ; Hobart Palings, 6ft. 17s to 20s; 6ft., 18s to 21s; Hobart Rails, 80s to 90s; Wire, Gin., £12 ; 7in., £12 10s ; 81n„ £13 ; Barbed Wire 30s per cwt. Buying and selling quotations. Manures.— Sydney, prime, £810s to £9; inferior, £7 15s to £8; Bonotlour, £9 to £10; Auckland, £8 ; Peruvian guano, £14 to £17 ; Coral Queen do., £5; Long Island do.. £4 10», bags .ncluded; Superphosphate of Lime, 26 per cent, to 28 per cent. £6 to £6 10s ; do., do., 30 per cent, to 33 per cent. £8 to £8 10s ; Hurst's Chomical Manuro, £13 ; ing Company's Superphosphate, 32 per cent., £8 ; do. do., 25 percent. ,£6; Corn-Manure, £8 ; Root Manure £8 10s ; Potato Manure, £8 10s per ton; Grass .Manure, £8 ; Bonctlust, £9. Coal and Firewood Market—Coal: Newcastle (ship's side), cargo, 22s 6ii to 25a por ton ; yard, 28s to 31? ; Bay of Islands, at yards, 22s 6d ; screened, 20s: ditto at the mine, 13a; ship's side, 20s; Waikato, steam Bs, household. 12s; in Auckland, ISs to 225. Kamo, 12s per ton at loading ground. Tau piri at mine, 8s to 12s; at yard (steam), 17s 6d, household, 225. Whang&rei. at mine, 9s 6d; yard (steam), 17s; household, 21s, delivered 255. Firewood: Uncut at wharf (cargo), 9s to 10s par ton; delivered, 14s; cut. 15s to 18s. Butchers' Meat.—Retail: Roasting Beef, per b., 4d to 6d ; Boiling Beef, do., 3d to 0d ; Mutton, hindquarter, do., 4d ; do., fore-quarter, do., 3d; Pork and Veal, per lb., do., 5d to 6d; Steaks do., tid to 8d; Chops and Sausages, 4<i to fid. Wholaale: Tallow, mutton, por cwt., 30s to 40s; mixed, do. 21s to 325. LIVE STOCK AND PRODUCE MARKETS. AUCKLAND. Mr. Alfred Kuckland's Weekly Report—At the Hsymarket on Fiiday, May 21, loose fodder was in full supply, and prices ranted from 2j 6d t® 3a 9d the cwt, oats 2s 6d tho bushel, potatoes from Is 6d to 88 6d the cwt. Horse stock was in full numbers and at lower values ; good medium draught, with trials, brought £14 to £15 each ; inferior horse stock at nominal pricea. At the hide and skin sale on Tu'Sday, best hides brought 4Jd the lb. medium from 34d and upwards, tallow 13s 9d the cwt, sheopaUins from 9d to Is 91 each. A moderate number of cattle were yarded at Papikur», principally quiet cows, and those sold freely at good prices. At Kemnera, on Thursday, dairy cows at their calving wsra in demand. Good animals brought from £7 to £10 each, and those of modium quality ana backward springers were also in hotter inquiry. , Other descriptions of store cattle wore at late values. Fat cattle, in average supply, were dull of sale, prices lower, and ranged from 10s to 183 the 1001b ; and about one-third of those yarded remained unsold. Well-fatted cows sold belter than

good steers. Shoep, in short supply, advanced in price from Is otl to" 2s each. Fat calves wore numerous, and sold woll. Pig* of *11 description were also in better demand, and advanced in price. Musses. Hunter and Nolan's Weekly Report.— Horses A largo number of a really good stamp have been brought forward, consequently thero linn been considerable activity in the market ; but youce liorsus that some timo ago would have reachod half a century found purchasers. The Durham Yards weie well filled op Friday. The shipment per Gairloch wore exceptionally good, and elicited brisk competition. Hacks sold at from £5 10s to £15 7« 6d ; light harness horses, £7 10s to £11 165,: light draught from £17 to £20, heavy draught £26 10s. Wool, hides, and *kins: There was an incroasod supply at the Durham Yards on Tuesday, and competition iris brisk : Wo quote : Hides at from 3d to 4jd per lb, skins from Is to la lOd each. Wool: Inferior 4d por lb, tallow £13 pel' ton. Cittle : The number broticht forward was below the average. The demand wis steady for dairy and fat stocks, but few stores offerod. Prices for dairy oow.i at their profit and well-fatted oxen were sustained, and in .exceptional instance an advance was given. The Newmarket Yards were fairly supplied on Tiles day with dairy cow?. Grown store steers were wanted, but not forthcoming:, and a larger nurabor of fat beasts would have found purchasers at fully the previous week's rates Dairy and stove stock unaltered. Sheep : The number penned on Tuesday at the Newmarket Yards whs ln>utfioient for requirements, and there was an upward tendency in value, Rest wethers sold at 16s each, lighter weights from lls6d to 15s 6d, ewes from 9* 6<l to 12s. Pigs in short supp'y ; demand good. Pricts ranged from 2d to 3jd per lb live weight. v Mfssks. G. W. Binnev and SONS RwPORT.—At their weekly sale of hides, skins, and tidlow, a good demand was experienced for all lots submitted, and sold at following rates .' Heavy hides 3J.1 to 411, modium old to 3Jd light and inferior from 2d to 3i<! per lb, sheepskins from 5d to Is 9d each, tallow 10s Od to Us por cwt, bones 4s per cwt. THAMES CATTLE MARKET. Messrs. Banks and Co.'s Weekly Report (by telegrauh)—At Parawal, on Thursday, an average supply of fat cattle was yarded, but on account of the very full markets for several weeks past buyers were somewhat slow, though, on the whole, prices wore rather better than last week. S'ecrH averaged £5 18s, cows £4 being from 17s to 19) par 1001b. Sheep wero in fair demand ; wethers from 12s 9d to 14s 9d, owes 7s 6d. A good draft of 00 Waltoa lambs met with a ready sale at 7s to 9s. Storo pigs brought from 7s to lis 3d. STOCK AND MINING ASSOCIATION.

LONDON COMMERCIAL NEWS. ITER N.Z.L. an* M.A. CO.] London*, May 25. W< 01.-There has bean considerable private inquiry since the cloie of Inst sale?, and 8500 hales have b«eu sold. SOOO of these have been tikon fo: export. The Continental demand is good, but the home tiado are purchasing sparingly. The demand on French account is activa : on German, moderate. Short staple mcrlne (.-rem. sorts are in demand, and have advanced J-l to Id per lb Scoured sorts are Id to ljd dearer. Other descriptions aro unchanged. Merinos «re in demand, but crossbreds are neglected. The Antwerp sales opened on 19th inst. at an average advance of about 15 tier cent on last salos' closing rateJ, and are progressing fnirlj well. Wheat and Flour—'l his market has been higher since we Jt telegraphed, but has declined, and is now quiet. Adelaide wheat is worth 36* 6d, and average New Zsaland Ms «M to 34s fid per 49Ulbs Victorian wheat, to -arrive per iron ship, is worth, c.i f. 34s 3d per 4Soitis, February • March 11.L. Reports are unfavourable concerning the trowing crop here, and the prospects uncertain, but the Continental crops generally aro good. Fair reports also come from America. Tallow.— market has an upward tendency, and there is a good trade demand for flno and good sorts. Goo mutton tallow Is worth '23a (id per cwt. Good beef tallow is worth 2l« 6d per cwt. Leather.— market is firm, lfcst sides are worth lljd the lb. Hemp.The New Zealand hemp market Is unchanged. Mors.—'The crop prospects here are fairly good. Nominal quotation for New Zoal&nd hops arc 21s per cwt. Mutton.—Scotch mutton, weighing 651b and 70!b, is worth 3d, and Hew Zealand mtlt'Oii of similar weight ft| 1, per lb. Prime Now Zealand lambs arc worth 7d por lb

Auckland. May 27,1886. Company. Business. Closing Prices. Buyer«. I Sellers. Banks— £ s. d. I .C a d. New Zealand ... — — 20 0 0 Insurance— Now Zealand _ — — 3 10 0 Sooth British .. — — 1 10 0 National .. ... — 0 13 6 — Colonial .. .. — — 0 4 9 MlflOKLLANBOU* — N.Z. Loan A Mer... — —400 Mining— Cambria .. .. 8,9 9/ — ? — Old Caledonian .. — — 0 7 0 Devon .. — 0 0 10 — Rons United .. 7/9 — — Alburnla .. ■ ..I — 0 2 0 — A. Saunders, C. Alexander, 3. Vlckera, J. F. Clarice. R. Frator, John Mowbray. J. U. Morpeth, J. M. Lennox, D. B. McDonald, D. O. MaoDonnell, Aitken Carrlok, R. Spratt, Francis liuU, Jamos Reld, R. G. Maclry. Joseph Nkwmam. Chairman. MESSRS. TICKERS AND HULL'S WEEKLY STOCK AND SHARE LIST AND INVESTORS' GUIDE. *2 S I iooTOOTZ | O 30 | in O CN | 1-r-j CO II I "" ~ J5 ! 2 as 00 I S2'° I "S 1 " w J © oo S-J ■N0ljjo0m«-'»'<*0»0lici0 0 |<NOt3 5 tjaMN + MHOOOHOHHHHejM rH •* O ** • flOOOQOOOOOOO>»OOOC ooo~So * cl Q m O O O O O O © \n O O OJ KJ t- O CO O O cm O O fl 2 " HHH r-4 •-« •5 2, C4J © <N C4 frl Ntl OOOHOgHtflO^COOHiCO O "CJOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO rt © 5 51 ■ © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © o © OJ3 H 003 *"* " H "<j . ©c"o~ Q <r> o"o"o" © © ©*©"ic o*of o"© ©"© © © & v0000Vv0000o5lcr-i(>l600Wfi> <• ©©©©© <5©©©© r-4 Oi r-» tH © rH CJ CJ ® 1-T ©I C« CO r-i fH r-T r-« r-* <N r-T 'wo JsJj? o a • « <« o . . '••• <* '.VJ? »' ! ' : :; : • ffl M . ' . o . to . : NN- '© . ® „ o . ■£ © . * w fcoS H § , 5r?.8 5 °a p'-r? 2. 1?:!sli?s"Id -S ■c-e*, a V °°(< at * 5 y»-«0 -| 6^S r? * £! J? a M !53h 0 -.n»OaM Jh D O * §g-0-e-S I 3 § 2 § 5 -3 - |?°515* J™ -2 Js J * 33-33 53 ~«jj „%Z. 2 * SsS-j^ o a.3•"'jo a <.2 = <i! e> a " — .S 4> N«?vj J(Ofl - OtJCS N -C^ ,:sN3 c3 ON g** S-2|n 2 S| 5" ** g if 5: eg t< Q • » g S» « p - 3 <y O O o y 33 O !/5 w £4 t - « Vh Auckland, May '27. lS8il. "Ex dlv. CALL AND DIVIDEND LIST. "AT.tR. & «. d. Date. Old Caledonian G.M. Co. ..010 — May 31 N.Z. SiuarCo 6 0 0 — Juno IS DIVIDENDS. N.Z. Land Mortgage Co. .. 7 p. c. — Now j

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7649, 28 May 1886, Page 4

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COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7649, 28 May 1886, Page 4

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7649, 28 May 1886, Page 4