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High Watsr at Auckland—o 20 a.m.: 0.45 p.m. Mannfeatt —4.0 a.m.; 4.-5 p.m. Snu.— 7.3; sots. 4.50. Moon.—Last (Quarter, to-day, 11.15 a.m. ARRIVALS. Julia Pryce, schooner, A. Clark, from llaro tonga. Passenger: Mr. R. T. Chatfield,— Master Agent. Saxon, schooner, 58, Jonas, from Russell. - Master, agent. Hawk, Colonial Government Eevenm schooner, Jacob, from a cruise. CLEARED OUTWARDS. Mararoa, R.M.s.s, 3000, James EJie, foi Honolulu and San Francisco, Passengers Messrs. Ellithorne, Marks, Wingate, N. Lynch, G. H. Aitken, Rutherford, Coombus, Homing ton, J. 11. Walsh, Rev. G. O. Barnes, W. C. Barnes, McKenuon, J. E. Mills, F. Patterson, Naughton, C. 0. Sherlock, Stewart (2), Petersen, Airs. McKinnon and two children and maid, Mr. Roberts and wife, Rev. Mr. Waddle, Mr. Smith and wife, Mr. Coombes and wife, Mrs. Barnes, Misses Rutherford, Barnes (2), Fireman, M. Hanley, Thomas, Mastor Stt'wart, and through passengers from Sydney.—Union S.S. Co., agents. Manapouri, s.s.. T. Logan, for Russell. Union S.S. Co., agents. Reward, schooner, 40, McDonald, for Whanga*oa. —Master, agent. Clansman, s.s., 331, Farquhar, for Riusoll. — Northern S.S. Co., agents. Wellington, s.s., 27'.', Stephenson, for Tauranga.—Northern S.S. Co., agents. Argylo, b.s., 129, Amodoo, for Mercury Bay. —Northern S.S. Co., agents. Macgregor, s.s., 150, Johnson, for Whangarei. Northern S.S. Co., agents. DEPARTURES. Mararoa, R.M.s.s., for San Francisco. Manapouri, s.s., for Russell, Clansman, s.s., for Russell. Wellington, s.s., for Tauranga. Argylo, s.s., for Mercury Bay. lUaci;rGgor, s.s., for Whangarei. Reward, schooner, for Whangaroa. KXPEOTED ARRIVALS, BAN FRANCISCO : R.M.s.s. Alameda, about 2Sth inst. LOHDOX : Allanshaw, ship, sailed February IS, NKSL; Akaron, barque, sailed March 11), Wi'KH. Falls of Clyde, ship, loading, scrj, Stracathro, ship, loading. GLASGOW : No. 121 dredger, sailed January 9. Zealandia, ship, early. &XIY XOUK : Wolfe, barque, sailed December 24, via Adelaide (May 10). Lapwing, brigantine, sailed Feb. 2, sln'D. _ Mary E. Rubsoll, barque, sailed Feb. 25, J ROT. Sorine, barque, sailed March 10, KQH3. Elinor Vernon, barque, loading. Nettie, brigmtine, loading. HAMBURG: Sidlaw, barque,, sailed February 4, KVSF. ARE.NDAL, NORWAY : Faust, barque, cleared January FROM ISLANDS : Three Cheers, schooner, early, SLNQ. Maile, schooner, early, QI'KT. Atlantic, schooner, early. I/ITTELTON : Devonport, schooner, early, NEWCASTLE : Wenona, barque, early. PROJECTED DEPASTURES, toydon : Gazelle, brigantme, loading. Waimea, barque, loading. Halcione, ship, loading, from Kaipara. Lutterworth, to load. SEW YORK: Thomas A: Goddard, barque, early, SIDNEY : R.M.s.s. Alamoda, about 2Sth imt, XIiIBERLEY : Orpheus, schooner, early: BOOTH SEA ISLANDS : Ryno, brigantine, early. VESSELS IN HARBOUR. STEAMER.—Explorer, Railway Wharf. Barque.?,—Rapido, Lutterworth, in stream; Waimea, at Queen-street Wharf. Briganiines. — Gazelle, Ryno, Oamaru, Queen-street Wharf; Look-out, at Railway Wharf ; Sarah Pile, in stream. Schooners. —Waitemata, at Queen-street Wharf; Glencairn, in stream, THE UNION S.S. COMPANY. To-day.—The Southern Cross leaves for Gisborne and Napier. Thursday.—The Manapouri arrives from Russell, and leaves for Southern ports and Melbourne at noon. Friday.—The Alameda is due from San Francisco, and leaves for Sydney, Tho Taupo arrives from South. Saturday.—The Rotorua arrives at Onehunga at 8 a.m. from Southern ports, and leaves again at 3 p in, IMPORTS. Par schooner Julia Pryce, from Rarotonga : 130,000 oranges, 200 bunches banana*. Per Manapouri: 10 cases hams and bacon.— Coupland and Co. Per Taupo : 105 sacks roller flour, 120 sacks potatoes.—Coupland and Co. EXPORTS. Per R.M.s.s. Mararoa, for Honolulu : 12 bagß oats, 120 sacks potatoes, 0 casks pelts, 33 bundles •whalebone, 140 bundles hides, 9 pieces frczen meat, 4 casks sheeps' casings, 1 case tongues, J and 2644 packages from Sydney. Inwards Coastwise.—Olive, barge, from Mangawai, with 18 logs ; Progress, barge, from T7fcangapoua, with 17 logs; Morning Light, utter, from Waiheke ; Mercury, cutter, from Tairua, with 26,500 feet timber; Mana, cuttor, from Tairua, with 27,000 timber; Waitemata, barge, from Whangapoua, with 17 piecjs timber ; Paku, barge, from Tairua, with 26,800 feet timber. Outwards Coastwise.—Olive, barge, for Mangawai ; Progress, barge, for Whangapoua ; Morning Light, cutiar, for Cabbage Bay ; Mercury, cutter, for Tairua; Waitemata, barge, for Whangapoua ; I'aku, cutter, for Tairua. At 2.30 p.m. yesterday the R.M.s.s. Mararoa gain got under weigh, and proceeded to sea bound for San Francisco. Upon the present trip the vessel was very fairly patronised by passengers, and in the matter of cargo her list ishowed a considerable improvement upon former tTipj, The day being fine had the effect of attracting a large crowd of people to theQueenatroet Wharf to witness tho sailing tit the steamer. Dariug the afternoon a large number availed themselvos of the opportunity to inspect t'nls tine steamship and her appointment, and the almost universal verdict whs that she whs •one of the finest fitted-up vessels that have as yet visited this port. It will be remembered that a week or two back we mentioned that there was to bo a change in the chief ofricat's and purser's departments, and whilst at Sydney this was made, Mr. Humphries, tho former purser, by desire, being transferred to the intercolonial trade. Ajr. Scott, the chief officer of the Tarawera, was appointed to the same position ou the Mararoa, and Mr. Dalgleieh, the purser of the Tarawera look Mr.Humphries' place. Yesterday morning a most pleasing ceremony took place, viz , the presentation to Messrs. Stott and Dalgleiah from the captain, engineers, and deck officers of the Tarawera, of Bouvenirs in remembrance of the kindly feeling that existed, and the ejteein in which the two gentlemen named are held by their former shipmates. Consequent upan the absence of the Tarawera from Auckland the presentation had to be made by proxy. Both the mementos have suitable inscriptions upon them. In the matter of the personnel of the ofiiceis of the Mararoa two or three other changes were made yesterday. Mr. McCaig, formerly chief engineer of the b.s. Rotomahana, now occupies a similar post on th«: mail steamer, and Messrs. Ed. Uonnell and J. G. Seed occupy the positions of second and third engineers respectively. Dr. Bernard Stevenson has been appointed to the office of surgeon to the vessel, vice Dr. HovulJ, resigned. The s.s. Wellington for Tauranga, Clansman for Russell, Argyle for Mercury Bay, and the Macgregor for Whangarei all took their departure last evening, with car«o and passengers. The schooner Julia Pryce came into harbour early yesterday morning from Rarotonga, with a cargo of oranges, and she was during the day berthed ar, the Queen-street Wharf. Captain Clarke reports too passage, which extended to 22 days, as having been of a very generally lino-weather nature. The schooner Coquette, from Whangaroa, arrived at Sydney on the 18th inst. The s.s. Explorer has been berthed at the Railway Wharf, there to land hor cargo of guano, preparatory to being docked for repairs, etc. The brlgantino Sarah Pile was yesterday taken alongside the barque Lutterworth, theie to take in a supply of ballast. The schooner Waiwera, is to proceed hence early in the ensuing week, for Gisborne. No sooner was the K.M.s.s. Mararoa taken off from theQueen-stroet Wharf yestarday morning, bound away for San Francisco, than Captain Burgess, the harbourmaster, had the steamship Kaikoura underweigh from her anchorage in the stream, and by 3 p.m. she was safely moored at the berth just vacated by the Union boat. Captain Nearing, the New Zealand Shipping Company's stevedore, at one commenced the work of landing the Auckland portion of tho Kaikoura's cargo from London, and good progress was made during the after-, noon and evening. The ship Stracathro, 1159 tons, Captain Eoyd, was un the berth loading at London for this port on the oth of April, under the auspices of the Shaw, Savlll, and Albion Company. The schooner Saxon, from Russell, with a cargo' of 100 tons of manganese, arrived in harbour yesterday morning. \ The Union Co.'s s.s. Manapouri left fir Russell last evening, She is to return froa

there on Thursday morning next, anil at noon that day will leave for Southern porta and Melbourne.

Yesterday at noon Mr. J. Holme*, shipbuilder, of the North Shore, launched a new Htenm yacht to the order of Mr. W. P. Featherstorjß, of Devonpoit. Tho new vessel ie a most excellent npuoiruen of the ship-, builder's art, and reflect great credit upon her builder. The work put into her ha« been of a most faithful charaoter, and the material used has also been of the beat. The vessel was christened the Nautilus, Mr*. Featheratono officiating. Tho Nautilus is of <0 feet length of keel, 13 feet 6 Inches be*m, and 6 feet depth of hold. Her emgines are to be of the compound eurface-oondoneing make, and are fr*m the well-known foundry of Messrs. Price Brothers, of the Tharaea. The high pressure cylinder is of 10 inchea diameter, and the lower pressure one of 19 inches diameter. Tho length of stroke in 12 iuohes, and her indicated horse-power will be 18 horses. Aβ the steamer is intended for none other than ple&aure purposes, the whole of the vesaol i» devoted to cabin, sleeping accommodation, eto,_ for tho owner and crew. In the afterpurt will be the main saloon, and it is to be most tastofully and comfortably fitted up with sleeping room for fully 1G persons. Forward will be the kitchen and crew's apartments. After the launch, which was a most successful one, an adjournment was made to the builder's residence, and there success to the new steamer was honoured, as was also the toast of the builder. In proposing that tonst, Mr. Featherstone remarked that he wna highly pleased with the veieel, and the faithful manner in which she had been built, and be complimented Mr. Holmes upon hie success in this his latest venture. The Nautilus is to be taken to the Thames, there to receive her machinery.

PORT OF ONEHUNGA, ARRIVALS. Hawea, e.g., Hansby, from the South. Passengers : Miss Brown, Meadames Brown, Campbell, Watts, Roberts, Brtster, Rev. Mr. Morris, Messrs. Brown, Campbell, Watts, Roberts, Brister, Seed. Bevenc, Smith, Waugh, Tyer, Hutchinson, Bsuchap, Weston, Falconer, McNicol, and 4 steerage.—Union S.S. Co., agents. DEPARTURES. Staff a, 8.5., Daniels, for Waitara.—A. Barnes, agent. Hawea, 8.3., 721, Hansby, for Southern ports. Passengers : Messrs. McDonald, Walters, O'Neil, JUolesworth, J. M. Chambers, Henare Kaihau, Tβ Rawhiti. F. A. Bishop, J. Montague, C. Maxwell.-Union S.S. Co., agents. Oroti, 8.8., Robertson, for New Plymouth and Wanganui. Passengers: Mrs. Dean and 4 children, Dr. Buvdett, Messrs. Ohnpman, Ransouie, Harris, Death, Lonsdale, Laurie, Pavitt, Bowen.— J. W. Waller, agent. EXPORTS. Per i.e. Oretl. for New Plymouth : 4SO bags New Zealand Company's sugar, 8 drums oil, 20 coils barbed wire, 2f> sacks oysters, 60 cases fruit, 5 cases drugs, 14 cases confectionery, and IGO packages sundries. For Wanganui : 1772 bags New Zealand Company's sugar, 60 cases oranges, 196 packages groceries, 37 packages hardware, and 114 packages sundries. The s.s. Oreti took her departure for New Plymouth and Wanganui, with a large cargo and passengers, as above. She is advert to leave again at 3 p.m. ou Saturday. The Union Co.'s s.s. Hawea, Captain J. Hansby, from the South, arrived at 11 a.m. yesterday, with the outward San Franoisco mail. She left Dunedin at 5.30 p.m. on the 17th; called at Lyttelton on tb# 18th, Wellington on the 19th, Picton on the 21st, and Kelson on the 22nd ; called at Wellington on Sunday, 23rd, for San Francisco mall, sailing at 7 p.m. for Manukau, via Taranaki, arriving at the latter port at 10 a.m. on the 24th ; sailed thence for Manukaa at 4 p.m. same day; crossed the bar at 9.30, and on the 25th arriving as above. Had light variable winds with fine weather throughout the passage. She left again at 1 o'clock for the South, with cargo and passongers. The Northern Co.'a s.s.'Staffa, for Waitara, took her departure at three o'clock yesterday, with 60 coils wire, 50" bundles hoop iron, 4 ovens, 5 cases iron, 10 gunnies sugar, 30 cases kerosene, 4 crates bedsteads, 7 bundles ridging, 1 bale leather, and 9 tone sundries. BT~TE~L~E~G~IiA P H. RUSSELL. May 25.—The whaliDg. barque, Petrel, Capt. Reid, which has been out ten months, arrived here to-day, with 800 barrels of oil. The barque lost one man overboard. The accident occurred during a gale of wind in January last. LYTTELTON. May 25.—Sailed : S.s. Tarawera, forDuntdin ; s.s. Rotorua, for Wellington. PORT CHALMERS. May 25. — Arrivnd: S.s. Waihora, frem Melbourne. 3ailed : Koranui. for Wcstport, via ; ship Lyttelton, for Lyttelton.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7647, 26 May 1886, Page 4

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7647, 26 May 1886, Page 4

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7647, 26 May 1886, Page 4