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Public Notices. Auckland gas company (LIMITED). All Accounts now due for Gag and Coke, which remain unpaid at five p.m. on TCTODAY, 25th instant, will become payable in full, without discount. E. B. PARSONS, Secretary. 'Y 0 T I C E. From this date the Comoany trading under the • name of " Bruce and Company (Limited), Flour Millers, "Minimi," will be known as the " TIMARU MILLING COMPANY (LIMITED)." J. B. RU i LAND, Manager. Timaru, April 22, ISB6. OE W. G. CONNOLLY (DECEASED). It is requested that all Claims against this Estate be sent in and all moneys owing to it be paid forthwith to the undersigned, at the office of their Solicitor, W. Coleman, National Buildings, 85, Queenstreet, Auckland. E. W. ALISON, For Self and Co-executors. "JJOME RULE FOR IRELAND. Subscriptions towards the cost of transmitting the Cable Message of thanks to Mr. Gladstone will be received at Mr. Canning's, Queen-street; Mr. Dixon's, Bookseller, Wollesley-streot; Evening Bell Office, and other places to be mentioned in the Evtning Papers. RE HAITI, KURUNUI, PATETERR, Oil RANGIJAUUKU LAND ASSOCIATIONS. Any Persons having any Claim in respect of Ihe acquisition or disposal of the Lands lately belonging to the above Associations, or any of them, are hereby requested to forward tlio same to the undersigned at once. T. AITKi'N CONN ELL,, Chairman Whaiii, Kurnnui, i'ateters, and RnnpiUuuku Arbitrators. Address: Fort-street, Auckland. May 20,1SSG. JPJISSOLUTION OP PARTNERSHIP. Notice is hereby given that the Partnership lornierly existing < I'iwo-n THOMAS GUIOK, JAMES SKI' I'lMuS Git ICE, and RICHARD PARKE 11, Station-owners, under the styl« of " Grice and Parker," has been dissolved, and that the Stations— recently belonging to the said Partnership-are now the sole property of, and will for the future be carried on by. the said Thomas Grice and James Septimus Oricß, under the style of " Win Grlce and Co." Dated at Auckland this SOihday of March, ISB6. HE-KI'TII & RICHMOND, Solicitors for Win. Grlce and Co. Australian mercantile union INSURANCE COMPANY. Messrs. F. ,T. Moss and Co. having resigned the Agency of the above Company, 1 have this day ai> pointed Mr. ,T» lingo llnriop as representative of the Company for the Provincial District of Auckland. .1. McVKY CAIRO. General Manager for New Zealand. Auckland, May 1, ISSO. JOT ICE OF REMOVAL. J. HUGO~HARROP, PUTI L! C ACCOUNTANT, Removed to Messrs. K. J. Mops ii Co.'3 Oflices, New Zealand Drug Company's Buildings, Shortland-street, Auckland. _ L.ncl J AND FOR THE PEOPLE, ON MUCH TUB SAME PRINCIPLE AS MR BIRTH'S EXCELLENT SCHEME (Now full), FOR INDUSTRIOUS MEN With a LITTLE CAPITAL, Who wish to make Comfortable Homes. MR. STEVENS is prepared to let Farms at Mata-mata-HarakeUe Block, with right of purchase, at £3 per acre. The Land is of rood quality, but uncultivated, it is situited between Port Charles and Ken nedy liiy, East Coast, Coroinandel. Cutter can make the trip in six li'ttri. and if a few settlers will join to rim a cutter, Mr. Stevens will be part j-roprie. tor. Water carriage is always cheaper than rail, and is one-advant'pe ; and Auckland a good market for everything that can he produced, Five per cent, interot will be pay.iblo on the sup. pose 1 purchasing by way of rent, which rent shall be so much paid off the purchase money. The Farms will be 20 acre 3to 50 acres each. In every case tho .Settler to choose from 40<.'0 acres-, subject to approval, and peg out his own a ction and no one approach his neighbour's section nearor than 1 chain. The steamer Argyle pa ses twice a week and will put down passengers on the land, which isoppesite the Gnat Barrier. Cotta;os of four gocd room 1; (framed here) can be erected Ultra at a small cost. Mr. Sterns ins erected one of two rooms for £-2 iron roof. Proference will be given to those who have save, d capita 1 enough to build a house and put up fencing. This c.fier does not contain all the advantages of Mr. Firth's excellent plan, yet has some infinitely greater. The Block comprises 4UUO acres and his six mil s of sea frontage. There are about 1000 acres near the coast pretty plough.ible afier cleaning low scrub and fi:ir. Advantages are: «atjr carriage; timber for building, fencing, and firewood free. Fish in 1 naless abundance and game. The climate is perhaps the finest in the world. The Land faces the north-east and catches the curly sunrise. Corn, fruit, hops, and vegetables will flouri.-h heroThe canning of tish and crayfish can lie carried on at once. Sj torn as ton or twenty approved applications are received the applicants will be duly notified and a putter (by arrangement) to talio the party to look over the Luid. 1 his property ha* been discovered to be a rich goldadd. A township will indue course be made here and will become a port of call for all steamers from the South, large vessels can anchor close inshore, in a small buy jr harbour. FRANCIS WORRALL STEVENS, Summer-street. Eden Road, Auckland. Confectioners. v ;TEAI\! CONFECTIONERY WORKS. O DURHAM-STRKET, AUCKLAND. IMPORTANT NOTICE ! GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES! HKEAT REDUCTION IN PRICES ! EDWARD WATERS, , [11 thanking the public for their liberal support In Lhe past, been to announce for the Information of merchants and storekeepers that ho has determined to ;ivo them the benefit of a still further reduction In jrices. and would respectfully direct their attention .0 tha following Pkn Peis Cknt. Discount Within Tniirrv Davs, 1 AND NO DISCOUNT AJTFI'. THAT DATE. ( His own Confectionery is made of the purest materials, and no poisonous colouring matter is introlucod in its manufacture. Storekeepers will find it greatly to thoir advanUfe ;o purchase their foods from him, as the price is conliderably below that at which they can be supplied slsewhere, while the quality of the locally.made ariiclf las been eulogised alike by connoisseurs and the ;onoral public. His renowned CONVERSATION LOZENGES need 10 recommendation, and all other descriptions now made ut ilia factory are fully equal to those in qualitj ,nd finish. Send for Price List 1 :Jhomlstß' Proprietary Lounges neatly and carefnllj stamped and prepared Always on hand, and made to order Loienges, Comfits, Jujubes, Paatiles, Medlcatod 'jozenges, Genuine Black Currant Lozengois, Cough [icsenges (equal to Keating's), Conversation Lozenym Peppermints, Double Extra Strong Mints, Powdered xing, and Boiled Sugars of every description. Sugar Candr. ill Goods Manufactured on the Premises, and of the i best materials. 1 Just Arrivod, Whdthno Cake Ornaments, Bonbons, Somebody's Luuoaok, Kindergarten, &c., &c., &c. [Testimonial.] Provincial Laboratory, Auckland, Octobor 28,1876. Mr. E. Waters.—l have much pleasure lb nformlng you that after havipg made a very careful ,nalysis of various samples of Sweetmeats manuactured by you, i find that they are free from all dulteration, and that the colouring matters are quite nnocuous. With regard to the Chocolate, 1 find that J tis quite equal to the best English or French pre- ' orations, and, being entirely free will orm an excellent article of diet for invalids, especially hose suffering from an impaired digestion.—l have ho honour to bo, Sir, your obedient servant, James M. Tunny, Provincial Analyst. Orders, accompanied by draft or good reference, dll receive prompt attention. The above goons may be had through any respectble wholesale house. N.B.—Empty packages only allowed for when re uraed in good condition. A R WATERS, WHOLESALE CONFECTIONER.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7646, 25 May 1886, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7646, 25 May 1886, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7646, 25 May 1886, Page 8