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I Gazette in Bankruptcy. IN THE OF BANK. EUPTOY, HOLDEN AT WELLINGTON. In the matter of the Bankruptcy Act, 1883, and the amendment thereof, and in the matter of the Bankruptcy of J. 11. WALLACE & O<J., of the City of Wellington, Auctioneers, Rank* rupts. Notice is hereby given that THURSDAY, tho 3rd day of June, 1886, has he»n appointed by tho above Honourable Court for hearing; the application of the i. Bankrupts for their discharges. Dated this 17th dav of May, 18S6. FITZHERBtRI & PEVINE,' Bankrupts' Solicitors. Brandon-street, Wellington. 1 Tenders. Jj"EW ZEALAND RAILWAYS. IRON CASTINGS. BRASS AND GUN METAL CASTINGS. General Manager's Offfce (Railway Department), Wellington, May 10, 1886. ■ Separate Written Tenders will be received at this office up to noon of MONDAY, Juno 7, 18S6, for tho Supply and Delivery at Auckland of r IKON CASTINGS BRASS AND GUN METAL CASTINGS. r Specifications and forms of tender may be obtaiued at the Railway Store Office, Newm irket. Tenders to be addressed to the General Manager, New Zealand Railways, Wellington, and marked out- « side '• Tender for Cystines." Tho lowest or any tender will cot recoasarily be accepted, and Telegraphic Tenders will not be enteri tained. By ordor. ,T. P. MAXWELL, I General Manager New Zealand Railways. HOSPITAL. Separate Tenders will be received bv tho Hospital and Charitable Aid Hoard for the Supply o' this undernamed nrtlcles to the Hospital and Refuges for one year, beginning on July 1 next, viz DRUGS (as per list) BDTCIIEKS' MEAL', at per lb. UKIOAD, at per lb. NEW MILK, at per gallon (twice daily) FISH, at per lb. GROCERIES las per list) FOWLS, des«nd, at per pair COAL AND FIIiEWoOD. at per ton Drug list and list of Groceries to bo seen at the Sicietary's Office. Wyndham street. All contracts must bo made subject to the general conditions. The best articles required, brands to be specified. The lowest or any temlor not necessarily accepted. Se-ile I tender* (in duplicate! to be sent to th* Secretary. Victoria Arcade, before noon on tho 31st May. 1356. Contractors must give security by bond. B> order of tho Board. H. N. GARLAND. Secretary. Auckland, May 19, 18S6. g"EW ZEALAND RAILWAYS. GREYMOUriI-lIOKITIKA RAILWAY. ARAHUHA BRIDGE CONTRACT, Public Works Office, Wellington. 17th April, 18-,6. Written Tenders will he received at this Office until noon of TUESDAY, the 2;') th May, ISSO, hi the above Contract. 1 hey are to be marked oh the outside "Tem'erfor Amliura B idge Contract," and addrested to the Hon the Minister for Pnblio Works. Wellington. Tolograpnic tenders, similarly narked and Addressed, be received if presented at any Telegraph Office by noon of the same date, provided that written tenders are lodged at any District or Resident Enjineor's Office by the siiue lour. Drawings, specifications, and general conditions may be seen at this offi.v, and at th- Public Works Offices, Auckland, Chri-tchurch, Dunodin, Greymouth, and at the -urvey Office, Hokitika 'lho lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. By command. JOHN BLACK KPT, Em;inoerin-Chief. Education Department, Wellington, Slay '.;0, IsSli. TENDERS will be received at this office up t.} n on of the 17lh of July next for the erection oi a Native Schoollioune and Teacher s Residence at Raukokokore, near C.ipc Runaway, Bay of Plenty. Plan &c., may l e seen and forms of tender obtafnod on application to tho Native ALrcnt. Auckland, or the Resident Magistrate at Tauianj;a, Opotiki, or Gisborne. Telegraphic tenders will be accepted, provided the original tender and deposit are lodged at the same time with ouoof the officers above mentioned. WAI. Jas HABKNS, Secretary for Education. IN THE ESTATE OF ROBERT BUI, RHLL. I)K FASKD. LATE OF WEL INGToN, BOOKBINDER. PRINTER, STATIONER. Tenders for the Purchase of the Lease and Goodwill of the Kusiress, and of the Machinery and Plant, etc., used therein, carried on by the late loh rl Burrell, Deceased, in th« «.ity of Wellington, will lie received by the undersiinod up to o'clock p ni. o. MOND AY, the 31 -t instant. Tenders t»> bo addressed " Tender," B. x til). Post office. Wellington. Particulars as to the liusinuss. Machinery, Plant, etc., and conditions as to payment cf the purch<s» money can bo obtained from the Accountant, Mr Hart, on the l're"-.ises, where the J.achiiirry and Plant, etc.. can be »ecn. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted, J. A. V. .SALMON*, „ JOSEPH SCOTT, Executors. W T ELLINGTON TF. ARO RECLAMAYy M ATI ON. CONTRACT NO. -J. PROPOSED EXTENSION TO CLYDE QUAY. Tenders, endorsed as above, will bo received at the office of tho und. rsigned up till half-past seven p m. of TIII'USDAV, the 3rd June next., for the 1 eclamatio'i of a further portion (about 12J acres) of the To Aro Foreshore. Specification, plans, &c., c«n bo seen at the office of tliu City Surveyor, Brandon-strao'.. Wellington. 'J ho lowest or any lender not necessarily accepted. THUS. F. MARTIN, town Clerk Wellington, May 14, ISS6. rjp O BUILDERS. Tenders will bo roceived until norn of THURSDAY. June 3. for Additions and Alterations to liesi donee, Devonport. E. HARTLEY, Architect, TENDERS given for Hay ward's Patent Jl Semi-prism Pavement Lights, ward's Patent Fiojr Lights, Hayward's Mica Flap Ventilators. llaywaid» Veri-tUu Ventilators, Hayward'a Circular and other Iron Staircases Bv the sole agents— MARK ABRAHAMS * CO., Durham-street East, Auckland, TENDERS Wanted for Painting, Paperlianginr, etj.—Parti.ulars from Mr. Herbert, New Zealand Timber Co. El ctor al. fjpo THE POLICYHOLDERS NEW ZEALAND GOVERNMENT LIFE INSURANCE ASSOCIATION. Gbntlemhu, —'Peinp a candidate for election to tho Central Board. I have the honour to solicit your support In favon> of mv candidature. Without -otiinß forth my reasons in detail I desirs to say briefly that the position of a uomin it-d member is to me an unsatisfactory position. One year's experience in connection with the i rocecdings of the Board has convinced me that for one who desires to effect the greatest pos'ible amount of good for 'lie Policyholders, for one who desires to be ent:relv free ' and unfettered—it is esential that ho should be an olected member of the Board. I feel that 1 should be greatly to blame if, for the purpose of gaining support I were to make any state- J ment regarding the pi oceedlncs of thn Hoard which could in any degree tend to injure the business of the ' Association. I have too great a regard for tho welfare of tha 'ssoclation to do that; but at the same time I feel bound to say, in general terms, that many of its , transactions have been of a very unsatisfactory character. This I attribute almost entirely to the defective constitution of the Board. Three proposals affecting the constitution of the Board will in a few days be submitted to the Policyholders, and upon these they will be called upon to vote. They are :—(1.) To hand tho Association back to the Government. To this lam very much opposed, as tho business of the Associatior has, 1 am glad to say, begun to asume the lines of a commercial under- ! taking. To take it back to the " official" groove of a Government department would to my mind, be a retrograde step. (2.) To create * Board consisting ' of Ihrte elected members and three official numbers —the -secretary of the Treasury, the Solieitor-General and the Public Trustee—the Government to appointone of these official member* to be chairman. I can not seo that such a Board would in any respect be an improvement upon *he existing Board, as it would still contain the objocti v ble official element, and would leave the door opc_ to the exercise of political patronage. (3.) To create a Board of seven members —four to be elected and three nominated, but the nominated members not to Government officials. The i Board to elect its own chairman. t lam strongly In favour of this last proposal, which f is the suggestion cf Mr. Fisher—because, while it a gives to the Government a fair proportion of repre- 1 lentation, it also gives to the Policyholders some rsal I power of control. The main object to be aimed at is 1 to place the affairs of the Association up*n a purely f business basis, and this end would, 1- think, be t attained by the carrying of Mr. Fisher's proposals. t Should you do me the honour to accord me your support 1 return you my earnest assurance that no eff.irt will be wanting on my part to secure the best possible results for the Policyholders as a body. i ■ 1 have the honour to be, Yours obediently, a G V. SHANNON. g*. : t BILLb OF LADING FORMS, in books of fifty, w- ' » obtained at the Herald Office*

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7646, 25 May 1886, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7646, 25 May 1886, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7646, 25 May 1886, Page 8