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{ New Zealand Rekald Office. • Thursday evening. There is little to report of the markets for the past week, business bovine been chiefly confined to the filling of orders for immediate wants. From the country fair orders have been received. ! In d&iry produce the only change we have to note is in eggs, which are now quoted at Is per a zen wholesale, aud Is 3d per dozen retail. I Butter remains as at last; wteic'a priced. In flour a decline of 10« per ton i« reported. j It in standing at from £S to £11 10s per toe. Tne lower figure is for Southern, and the higher price tor Auckland lininds. The kauri gum m irket has been no demoralised since eur last report that very little business has been <done, and prices are only nominal. Supplies from the let to the lGth of July, 101 tons. We quote, nominally, as follows :— Poor ordinary, 2oi to 30* ; fair ordinary, 30s to Soi; beet ordinary, ;>ss to oSs ; and East Coast (no demand), 4os ;o 'IS;. THE AUCKLAND MARKETS. Farm and Dairy Prodi'ce.— WholeiaU: Butter, fresh. Is to Is Sri; salt, SdtolOd : Cheese, good local, 5d to Ojd: Canterbury, do.. -1 j<l to s}d ; Regs, per dos.. Is ; Lard, per bladder, 7d; Bicon and Uiim, Provincial, 6d to Sd : Hams, Sd to 94 : Canterbury Bacon only Si; equal number* Ham 3 and Bacon, BJd ; Hams only ltid ; Jams, per case. 6 doe., 30s; Fowls, pur pair, '2s 6d to 43 ; Feathers, baked, clean and selected, la 6d to Is Od per lb. Retail: Milk, per quart, i<l : Butter, fresh, li 3d to Is Gil ; salt do.. 10d to Is ; Cheeao, colonial, cio.,bd to 'Jd; E?Jts, per doz., Is 3d ; Lard, per lb. 6d to 9d ; Fowls, each, 2s to 3s ; Ducks, do., ii to 3s: Geese, do., &s to 7s; Turkeys, do., each, 53 to 8s 6d ; Bacon, per lb.. 10<l to Is ; Hams, do., Is to Is 4d. Garden and Orchard Produce.— Apples, 7s to 9s per case: l£d to 2Jd per lb. ; Lemons, per Anz., Is to 'is; Pear?, id to 6Jd; Plums, 54; Onions, per lb.. id to Id: Celery, per doz., is to 4s; Garlic, 3d to 6d per lb. ; Pumpkin, 2s6d to os 6d per uwt; Cocoauuts, tie to 7s per 100: Oranges, Ss to 9s per case; Oranges. 6d to d por doz.; Bananas, 1$ to 2.} d; Pino Apples, 6j to 9s. Retail: Lemons, 2(1 to 3d each; Onious. per lb., Id to 2d ; Pine •pplos, 9d to Is 0d each; Apples, per lb., ?d to 6U ; Oranges, Is to Is 3d per doz.; Celery, per bundle, •.M'to Hi ; Pumpkin, per lb, lid to 2d; Bananas, 3d to 6d : Garlic, 8d to 9d pur lb.; Grapes, Is to 2s ; Pears 4d to id. Seeds.—Lucerne, Is 3d ; White Clover, per lb., Is to Iβ Id ; Red Clover, per lb., 8d to 9d ; Cowgrass, per lb., 10d to Is; Alnyke, por lb., Is to Is Id; Trefoil per lb., 7d to 8d; Timothy, per lb., 8d ; Rape, par lb., sd; Purple-top Aber. Turnip, por lb., Is to Is 3d; Green-top Aber. Turnip, per lb., Is 3d; Green Globe Turnip, per lb., In; Prairie Grass, per bushel, Ba; Ryegrass, per bushel, 6s to 6s; Cocksfoot, per bushel. 7s 6d to Bs. Hay and Corn Mark Wholesal« [selling: ex store): Maize, local (new). 3s 6d ; Oats, 2s Id to 2a 3d ; Barley, 2s 3.1; Malting Karloy. 4s ; Wheat, 3s ed: fowl, 2s 7(1 to 2s 9d; Hay. meadow, per ton, pressed, £Bto£tl sa; Lucerne, do., &i to £6 10» (nominal) Straw, per load, 18s tu £1 10»; Chaff, mixed, j*3 10s to £4 lOs; Oaten Chan", £4 5s to X.i 153; Hay. oaten, £4 to £4 10s : Clovor. £6 10a to J»7 ; Potatoes, per ton, £3 10s to £3 15a (sacks in,). lielail: Chaff, do., Ss to Cβ ; Potatoes, 4$ to 4s 8d per cwt. ; Maize, it to 4s 3d; Oats, *s to 6d 2j 9d; Wheat, fowl, per bushel, '2a 94 to 3s 3d; Barley, feed do., 38 to As; Hay. per cwt.. 6s ed to 7s; Lucerne, do., 7s Sd to 8s ;, 6s to 7s; Straw, do.. 3* to 4s. ' Masubss.—Bonedust, Sydney, prime, £7 15s to £a; j inferior. £616« to £7 10a; Bouefiour, £8 10s; Auck- ] land, £8 ; Peruvian guano, £13 ; Maiden Island, £8 ; Huon Guano, small lota, £5 to £ti, bags included ; Hurst's Chemical Manure, £14 10s. If lour BIARKIT.— Wholtial* : Superfine Flour. si!k diessed, per ton, £11 10s; do., do., household, £9 10s : hundreds on, fifties 10s, per ton extra, sacks and bags free; Southern, do., £8 to £8 10s ; Bran, per I ton (sucks included), local. £5 10a: Southern Jo., | £5; Sharp*, £6: Cabin Bread, do.. £18: Oatmeal, j do.. £13 10a to £14 ; Pearl Barloy, do., £vi to *22. ! Kauri Gdm and Flax Mahxix—Supplies for ' the month to date, 191 tons. We quote prices nominally : Poor Ordinary. £25 to £30 downward ; Fair ; Ordinary, £30 to £33 ; Best, from £35 to £38 upwards ; '■ Kast Coast, £4(1 tj £48 per ton. Flax, per ton, £16 ' to £20; Tow, do., £« 10s to £9; Fun&ue, per lb., : "id to Sd; Cocoanut Fibre, per cwt.. 15s to 17s ; Bees i wax, 8d to lOd per lb. I Coal and Jiiiewood Market—Coal: Newcastle i (ship's side), cargo, 25s to 28s per ton ; yard, 32s to 35?. j Hay of Islands, at yards, 26s 6<l, scarce : screened, ' 30s ; ditto at the mine, 133 ; ship's side. 26s to 26s Wnikato, team e, household. 12s; in Auckland, 18s to Us. Kamo, 12s per ton at loading ground. Taupiri at mine, 83 to 12s; at yard (steam), 17e tid., household, 223. Whangarei. at mine, 9s 6d; yard (steam), 17s; household, 21e, delivered 255. Firewood: Uncut at wharf (cargo), 9s to 10s per ton; delivered, 14s: cut, 15a to 10a. Preserved and Dried Fruits. — Wliolttale: Dried Prunes, 6Jd to 7d; Crystallized Pine Apples, Is to Is 3d per lb: Preserved Giugor, Is to Is 2d ; Peanuts, 2<l to 2}d ; Barcelona, Oid to 7d per lb.; Shelled Nuts, 9d to Is; Braril, 6d to 9d. Retail: Dried Prunes, 8d to 10d; Crystalized Pine Apples, Is 8d to 2s per lb»; Preserved Ginger, Is 9d to 2s; Peanuts, 3d to 6d ; Barcelona, Is to Is 6d; Shelled Nuts Is to Is 6d: Brazil. 9d to Iβ. BuTCHBJie' Mbat.— Retail: Hcastiug Beef, per lb., 4d to ed; Boiling Beef, do., Mto6d ; Mutton, hindquarter, do., 4d; do., fore-quarter, do., 3d; Lamb. 4s to 6s quarter Pork and Veal, per lb., do., sjd to 7d; Steaks do., 6d to Sd; Chops and Sausages, 4d to 6d. Tallow, mutton, per cwt., Son to 48s; mixed, do., 25s to 358. New Zealand Flax Rope.—Prices subject to trade terms. Rope of all sues, per ton, £40; Tarred Yarn do.. £40; Wool Lashing, do., £3S. Building Materials.—: Boards and Scantling, 100 ft., 10s to 15s, best dressed, 18s to 19s lid; second class, 9a to 12s 6d; rustic weatiior boards. 17s to 18s. Mills: Cargo, best, 12s to 14s ed ; second class, 6s to Bs, Balk, 6s Cd to 7s. Bricks (at Whau), 35s to 40e; Town Yards, £2 f,a to £.1 ios per 1000. Drain Pipos, per 1000, 6 inches bore, £16 ; 4 inches, £7 10d; 3 inches, £5 ; 2 Inches, £2 10s per 1000; Socket Glasod Pipes, 18 Inches, 4s; 16 inohes, 4s 6d; 12 inches, 3u; 9 inches, 2; (j inches, is; i inches, 9d; 3 inches, 7d por foot.

Miscellaneous.— from Is 7d to Is 8d ordinary brands ; Fencing Wire, No. 6, 7, and 8, assorted, £13, £18 10s, and £14 respectively per ton ; Lime, slacked, Is per bushel; Quick Lime, in stone Is 6d to 2s. New Zealand Palings, 6ft., 7s 6d to 10s; eft., ISs; Tl-tree Rails, £2 10s to £4 per 100: Puriri Posts, £6 to £7 ; Shingles, 13s to 16s ed per 1000 ; Uobart Palings, 6ft., I7e to 20s ; 6ft., 18s to 21s : Uobart Rails, 80s to 90s. Buying and selling Quotations. LIVE STOCK AND PRODUCE MARKETS. AUCKLAND. Mr. Alfred Buckland'b Keport.—At the Haymarket on Friday, Jolr 10, horse stock were in full numbers, and xbovo the usual proportion offered were sold. Prices for nil descriptions, including heavy draught, were low, the most saleable being active, medium draught. Prices for heavy draught ranged from £10 to £30 but th» greater number from £18 to £15 each. Loose fodder ranged from 2< 6d to 3< 0d per cwt. ; oats, Is lid to 2* *i : wheat. 2s 6d: barley, is 6 • ; beans. 2s 8d per bushel; potato**, £3 par ton At the Hay market, on Tuesday, hides maintained their value. Prices ranged, for the quarter part, between 3d and Sid per lb.; calf (kins, 4jd ; tallow, IDs per cwt. ; sheepskins Is 4d to '2s ■id etch. At Drury, a moderate muster of dairy cows and store cattle sold well, and at Pokeno, cattle, land »nd sundries all sold at satisfactory prices. At K (inner*, on Thursday, dalrr cattle were at loss values than for many weeks ; store cattle in limited number, and better worth. Arrivals of both fat cattle and sheep from the West Coast during , the past week have been unusually largo, and fat cattle have fallen in value in consequonce ; prices ranged from 17s to 20:, the 100 bi, but a draft would not average over ISs. A few pens were bought by the grazier', the butchers are unusually full. The large import nan checked the expected rise in the value of fat sheep, which are now at similar values to those rutin; a fortnight sincn. Crossbred wethers ranged from 12s 6:1 to 15s 6d; merinos. 5s 6d to 81 ; and good fat ewes, from 10s «d to 12e each Fat ctlves were in demand, aiid brought satisfactory prices, ranging as high as 555. Pigs were plentiful, but required and obtained higher prices than for several weeks. Messrs. Huntek and Nut.a»'« Weekly Report.— Horses : There was a continuation of the vitality exhibited the previous week, and about an average number changed hands at prices shewing a slightly upward tendency. The Durham yards were well supplied on Friday. Bidding was spirited throughout the sale, and although in some instances prices were much below the expectation of vendors, prices had u firmer tendency. We quote hacs fom £5 to £13 10s; light harness. £7 10s to £16; draughts, £) 7to £25. Wool, hides, and skins: A good many hides ivero pitched, but tho quality was not so good as on the previous week, 3Jd per Ib. being the highest price given ; .skins, from Is Oα to 2s 3d ; wool in grease, s>}d per lb. Cattle : Numerically, a good many cattle have been brought forward, but there has been a large preponderance of cows, consequently sellers had to submit to a lower rate per lOOlbs. than ruled the previous week, although well-fatted oxen (old relatively higher. Dairy and store stock were in less than usual numbers, wiih little or no alteration in value. The Newmarket yards were fairly fl led on Tuesday, competition was steady throughout the sale, and there was little alteration in value, except that the price for fat cows was in favour of the vendor to the extent of fully from Is to 2s per 1001b. Sheep : There was a very good muster at Newmarket on Tuesday, with improved demand, and prices advanced from Is to 2s per head. Pigs wer* junlcdiu average numbers, and sold at last week's values. THAMES CATTLE MARKET. Messrs. Banks *j>t> Uo.'s Weekly Report (by tel6|fr*i>h.l— The supply of fat cuttle at Parawal on Thursday was all that could bn desired as to quality, but scarcely up to requirement , and all the lot were well competed for and realised an advance on last week's prices. A lot of 32 sold for Messrs, Gould, m.ntly 3teer«, averaged full; £7 each, being in most cases from "'is to 25s per lOOlbs. Bhoep wore penned in above the average number, but last week's quotations were fully maintained, bc6t ewes making from 12s to 13s Sd ; second quality, 10s to 11s.

STOGK AND MINING ASSOCIATION. Auckland, Jolt 16. 1886. Company. I Budneii. Closing Price*. buyers, seller*. Inhuranckb-. a. s d. £ s d. South British ... — — 2 12 6 Union .. .. — — 14 0 Mim-Ki.i.tjJtoxiw— Thames Gas.. ... — 17 0 — Auckland Timber .. — — 4 17 6 N.Z Loan »ud Mer. — — 5 2 6 Dovonport Ferry .. — C 17 0 { 0 18 0 Accident Insur. .. — — {046 Taupiri Coal .. — 1 10 0 1 11 0 N.Z Timber .. — _ 4 10 0 Uistsn — • Jolden Crown .. 6/-5/6 — — Prince Imperial .. — — 0 3 6 Saion _ 009010 Cambria .. .. 12/ 0 11 6 0 12 6 lvanhoe .. .. | ._ 0 6 0 0 6 6 Karangahake Crown i — i0 3 6 — I 1 A. Saundere, C. Alexander, 8. Viekers, J. F. Clark*, R. Frator, John Mowbray, J. B. Morpeth, J. M. Lennox, W. Flood, U. B. McDonald, D, O. MacDonnsll, Altkea Carrick, R. Spratt, Fnncis Hull. JoaiPB Newman. Chairman. MBSSSS. VIGK.ERS AND HULL'S WEEKLY STOCK AND SHARK LIST AND INVESTORS , GUIDE. 4)|» I *-* —i r~* *»H 1 I »*• tO a° *-> jyjia»i«iioiaoi»t»© I I son «• r)» oeooeoooettssees oo« Si H*JJ »CJ I WW*OO«e**l*!0WOl3O I COON \S M rt CH kO fO ffi »H O O *"* v O u. ■-* *tf* 0*1 *"4 Xt O ™ (SI ij "O ooooooooooo^-eoooo teoojy 3 3 « S o_, ■sseooooiseoeijiNsnsctieei 2 . -3 o ooooooooo o »o ooo oo ooo 55 1 <0 O e OOO O O O O O OO O O OO O OO © I 33 "'SSSiSS °Si — kOW iHiOOHOlOtM i ll! :l:!,! : ii::ii: 8 i: I liiiJi'f-Hi! IJlillJjjIJlUllisii-i lll^il!ilnillfl !t» Auckland, July 10, 18S5. t ex dir"."" CALL AND DIVIDEND LIST. 0A '•'-"• £ «. <1. Date. Wanparei Coal Co 0 2 6 — July 2' Telephone G.M. Co .. ..004 — July 27

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7382, 17 July 1885, Page 4

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COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7382, 17 July 1885, Page 4

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7382, 17 July 1885, Page 4