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The ordinary meeting ef the City Council was held lart night. Preaeut: The Mayor (Mr. W. B. Waddel), Messrs Holland, Magkechnie, Davore, Dignan, Connoliy, Montague, Crowbher, Aickin, Kidd, Goldie, Barns, Garratt, Morrisop, La Roche, Minefield, and Opton. The minutes of the previoue meeting were read and confirmed. Headings of letters despatohed since last meeting were read. Gas Pbndants under Verandahs.—A letter was read from J. Kendell, Grey-street, asking permission to erect two gas pendants outride his window.—Granted upon usual conditions being complied with. Nokfolk street.— A. Verrall wrote asking when cnlverts would be put in this street as he intended building fonr cottages. He had been authoritatively informed that the work would be done at once.—Tha Engineer reported that works in were only authorised on October Iβ last, and it would be some considerable time before it was tendered for, as there were 17 works before it.—lt was agreed to grant £5 for the formation of the footpath opposite the property. Hobson-street.—Messrs. Whitaker and Russell wrote re ontting in Hobson-street at Mrs. Coombe's property, calling attention to the damage likely to arise through the same. —The Mayor moved the relegation of the letter to the Legal Committee, and this was agreed to. Ces«pit3.—A letter wag read from Mr. W. Scott, calling attention to the stench arising from the cesepits in Mount-street. — The Engineer reported that a man was constantly employed attending to this work. It was agreed that the applicant should, be informed in accordance with the engineer's memo. *

Wellington-street Contract. —A letter was read from W. Rirby, contractor, requesting that £200 be paid him this week for work and labour done on Franklin-road contract, in addition to the balance due to him on the Wellington-street contract, the £200 to be deducted from the balanoe due to him on the Wellington-street contract.—The Engineer reported that the balance due on the Wellington-street contract, including his deposit, was £123'9s sd. This amount was due to him after deducting fines, amounting to £170. for 17 weeks' overtime in completing the work. The Mayor moved that £123 9s 5d be paid to Mr. Kirby on account of work performed, and that his letter be referred to the Finance Committee.—Carried. Newton Gully Drainage.—A letter was read from A. Archibald asking if the Council would allow a premium for completing his contract Sve weeks within contract time.— The Engineer reported that,there was no allowance for completed contracts within contract time.—Letter to be received and acknowledged. Pekmit.—Bell Brothers wrote asking for extension of space allowed by permit (onethird of the width of Wyndham-street) for erection of their building. On account of the limit of time in pulling down St. Paul's Church and removal of material, extra room in the street was required. A number of the adjacent property owners endorsed the application. —It was agreed to allow the applicants to extend the hoarding up and down the street as far as requisite, but not to encroach more than one-ihird of the width of the street.

Bakbr-street.— J. Bruce wrote drawing attention to a smell arising at the foot of Baker-street. The cesspits were emptied by the Council employe's on to the road.—The Engineer reported that the channelling would be examined and attended to and if required be opened. The timber kerb for road was being prepared.—Reply to be sent in accordance with Engineer's memo., and letter to be referred to the Streets Committee. Qcjeen-stkhbtKerbing.—E. Bartley wrote asking that permanent kerb be laid down in front of new block of buildings at the corner of Queen and Wellesley Streets.—The Engineer's memo, was that the coet would be about £40.—Referred to the Streets Committee to report. Ckmetery Gully Bridge. —A letter was read from U. Giliiilan contenting to his right of-way being used for approach to the bridge upon conditions.—Referred to the Streets Committee. Sign Board.—A communication was read from Smith and Caughey asking permission to erect an improved sign over the verandah in Queen-street. —Referred to the Streets Committee. The Ddst Contract.—The dust contractor, M. Casey, wrote suggesting that on account of having to perform the contract throughout the city at one hour, he should be allowed to divide the city by Queenstreet, and clear one side on Mondays and Thursdays and the other half on Tuesdays and Fridays, the suburbs to be attended to as at present.—The Mayor thought that great difficulty was experienced in getting teams to perform the work, and moved, " That it be referred to the Streets Committee."—Mr. Montague moved as an amendment, "That the concession asked for be granted," and it was carried. O'Nsill-stbbbt. — A petition was presented by Mr. Devore, from residents in O'Neill-street, Poneonby, asking to have the street made a> uniform width by the Council purchasing nine feet of Messrs. Tole's property, abutting upon the street. They off-r to contribute £30 to the work.— Received and referred to the Streets Committee. College-road.—A petition was read from residents in College-road, calling attention to the drainage of Hargreave-street.—Re-ceived and referred to the Streets Committee. Streets Committee Report.—The Streets Committee recommended as follows :— Letter from E. Sqnirrell, re kerbing, &c, Howestreet : That reply be sent to effect of Engineer's report, viz.. cannot recommend this application at present, there is a heary steep grade in the street, and the dish channels are regularU flushed Id dry weather. Letters from W. G. Allen, F. Proebsting. and Te-idents 01 Altes Road, re dust curt : That applications for collection of dust, Ac, be refused in order to cany out previous resolution cf Council. Letter from W. Q. Allen, re water-tables, 4c, Jervoie Road : That reply be sent to effect of .Engineer's report, viz., water complained of comes from horse trough only, < here is no drainnge u[ houses into channel, surplus w»ter is now beiug diverted down King-street. Letter from J. Wniting, re l.awrence-etreet : That the Sanlurj Inspector be requeued to visit locality and report. I'eti ion from residents of Adelaide-street and others, re formation, c: That a woodrn kerb be laid in oi h street, with concrete channel and asphalt footpaths. Petition from residents Sheridan-street re formation. Ac.: That, reply be sent that t e work is authorised, and will bo done as sooi as possi le. Letter froni Seer tary Tramway Company re asphalt < rossings : Committee report that they have no ieason to doubt the estimate of the Engineer, and in cue the Tramway Company refused to p >?, the matter be referred to the solicitor. Letter from D. V. Evans and others re water supply Ring Terrace : That rep.y be sent that pipes will lie laid as soon as they arrive. Petition from resident* West-street re kerbing, 4c.: l'hat reply be sent to effect of Engineer's report—viz., that he cannot recommend the system of kerbing and channelling cross streets before the main thoroughfares are dealt with. Petition from residents WrlUsley-street West, re widening, ac: That the work be done when earth can be got near the locality. Petitiou residents John-street re condition, *c.: That same b,i deterred until works authorised of a s mllar character are completed. Petition residents I'ratt-street, re filling in, &c. : That Engineer be instructed to take levels and report. Letter from i>. Ornbb, re asphalting account, Karangahape : 'lhat charge be made only for crossing, balance to be remitted. Letter from j. Holloway, re feoca, - din-burgh-street : Committee report that the matter has been dealt with by Engineer, setter from A. K. Mnith, re gully, Htrcsford-street : That the work be done without liabil ty of Council, if the Engineer can get earth either from Howe-street or William-street. Latter from J. S. Johnstons, re Willow-street : Committee report that the work is proceeding. —W. Crowthek, Chairman. —The report was adopted. Lamp-posts.—Seven tenders were opened as follows for the supply of 50 lamp-posts :— VVayte and Bright, £221 5s ; C. Hawkeswood, £179 153 (accepted); J. Kelly, £199 193 9d; C. Judd, £212 ; Branaton and Foster, £220; George Fraber, £216 ; Paul and Schenck, £224 10s. The Steam-roller.—ln reply to a question by Mr. Devore, the Engineer stated that the steam-roller would be used on Ponsoubyroad as soon as available. Bobgess Roll.—A memo, was read from Mr. H. G. Wade, stating that he would be unable to complete the burgess roll this year, and suggested that Mr. Mountfort should do the work.—Referred to the Legal Committee. High-strket.—Mr. Kidd moved, "That the channelling in High-street, between Shortland-Btreei and. Chancery Lane, be relaid, also that kerbing be done."—Carried. Waterloo Quadrant. —Mr. Kidd moved, " That the question of plaoing gas-lamp at the junction of Symonde-street and Waterloo Quadrant be referred to the Streets Committee for report."—Carried. Watertrotjghs.—Mr. Burnemoved "That the Engineer be instructed to erect two water troughs with stand pipes and drinking caps attached in Karangahapa-road, one to be erected between Howe-street and Pon-sonby-road, and one between upper Queenstreet and Symonds-street."—The Mayor said there were no troughs in hand at present, but some could be ordered.—The motion ~ A carried,

Closing *hb Obmbtiby.—The consider*.tion of Mr. Devore's motion re closing of the cemetery (which wm adjourned at the last meeting of the Council) was resumed.—Mr. Mackechnie thought the Council ehonld proceed with «igour in this matter. —In »ply to a question, the Mayor said that tenders had been aoeepted for clearing sixty acre* of the new cemetery at Waikomiti.—Mr. Garratt aaid the gravedigger had tendered his resignation, and declined to act after the 31et Maroh. He told him (Mr. Garratt) that he could not now find room for a grave unless he encroached on che footpath. Mr. Garratt thought if the Council waited on the trustees —and he said this advisedly—they would wait almost forever, for there was a strong feeling amongst them that they were giving up their powers to the Council. The Council would have the whole control of the cemetery at Waikomiti.—The resolution was then carried in the following form : "That in the opinion of this Council burials in the Auckland cemetery should be wholly discontinued on and after the Ist of January, 1886 ; and that tha Governor be requested by Order-in-Council to direct that burials in such cemetery be discontinued accordingly, save and except all survivors entitled by ties of consanguinity to the use of the aforesaid cemetery, as provided by the 76th section of" the Cemeteries Aot, 1882." Local Boabd of Health. —The Council resolved itself into the Local Board of Health, and authority was given to the Inspector to abate a nuisance existing at Mrs. Christie's, Eden Crescent. The proprietor, Mr. R. Graham, bad agreed to bear the expense.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7269, 6 March 1885, Page 6

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CITY COUNCIL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7269, 6 March 1885, Page 6

CITY COUNCIL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7269, 6 March 1885, Page 6