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[ntcx rax o» april 16 j Tμ Maori ei«ba..y , ilited |he yesterday. A four-horse drag w M dema» r! V, Williamson b f Tattemir. King Tawhiao and hi. .uit e , who dr^7, fof their best, in biae fuck co*u and eJ»i nT , ilk T and weeing Urge bouquet. , n their batin* holes, mxU quite an impotinj appear™* they drove through the ci:y. The PrwH M the Exhibits, Mr. L. L. Lith J d i r ' Wood.. M.L.A., were waiting It the Lj h * th. Exhibition to do the hoeoar. , °* Th. King salaamed low, tMwd huh 4? '': courtly go..*, and «iiook haud. w 4nil l. „ round, including the doorkeeper, who w L for another potential magna'a. The miZn? annexe wt. the far.t to 6i>v the royalty, and the doctor, acting aa cicerl ** lecturer, wu fail of seal in hit congenial f»-t; King Tawhiao, with a giant .tnd.* and I & languid air, .tepped brukty put th. *-» h ' of Earopean ciriluation ai> if he w M Mi 0 , get the .how over — pa»t the d.rf U ' "* court., like Jack the Giant Killer in hi. «I' 6 * leagued boou-pwt hi. retina* aed iun,rn r .'u' -a long way paat everyo.e but the doctor . hn trotting breataleaaly iu his rear, strove to K ' on .eeaKing wan with HU Majwity', coat **?* while he lucidly explained everything m _ , ' known tongue to hi. unwilling iuiene- r*" King tnnnid the entire building, ,ij ,*• coming back in the quickwt exhibition t;m. r record, with tke doctor vi.ibly .;»? hit exertioa., when he pulled up abrupt', ,„ mam building, b*f. r . the firnt intereat he had aeec in hi. travel, l,' »' * trioyole, and the King, with a faacm,^ d " * gloated over it. He touched it Undwt! , with hu eye. all a-g| O w with a fond *' eicLumed the doctor, who had had «£, £ recoTer hu bre»th ;» we mu.t e et MB1 »o 0 , ? nd.thu uicycle.-' And when « w M Tudi the King « joy knew io bound.. But » elo 7J came over nim in the midit of hit bi iM n wa« touched on the shoulder. fl e i oo k»i toward, the door, and aaw an ap-»minn wh>.cK ckill«d him. It wn only the hgure of the genial Town Clerk of • 8 ..'* 8 lon l">«P»«»eI* thought, latent: ttu iignitiei were made known to th. &!. wb« he»rd them .adly. He appeared u, I afraid that he wu going to be preiented viU an addree., and melancholy ie ttl,d ni.on hueBat little reawured by Mr. gUnoe, Hi. M B j Ml y b. w J gravely, and awaited the won", The Town Clerk took the dusky monarch by the hand but stood a reepectfnl di.tance 'roia him aa if he feared that Kiu* Tawhiao woold want te •eal the bond* of fri.nd.hip by rubbing nOM . wuh him. Then, while th. Kmg an anxiou. brow for Mr. -V»tz,ibbon xo deelar. hu muaioß, the nr.t werd. of the intw*iew were tpoken. The interpreter trui»l»ted tin wordi, and a. it gradually dawned upon Hi* M*je.ty that, initeadof a dreaded oration froe the fluent oi»io repre.entat>ve, lie w** cordially inrited to dine with Mr. Fitigibben »t South Tarra, the cloud rolled away uotil tk« u.t *nadow of gloom departed from bi« fw* and he gra.ped the Towa Cierk't hand with iJ much greater w*rmth than before tnat »a»i gentleman apprehenelrely »tood further off thaa

How Km r Tawhiao finished his Exhibition sighj-seemg is e*«iy told. Hβ was very ekger to study everything, and showed an iodeßscdent tone. Hβ liked some thing,, » B d »*. disdainful about others, even if they were pointed out for his special admiration bj the President, who found that it w>. more thai ne oould to keep hit protege in leadinj. strings. When Mr. L. L Smith wanted him to look wUh veneration upon the fcrst plough made in Victoria, he turted aside to cast hu *aze upon a statue of the female form divine. Uβ took »peci*l interest in the work of t&e inmates of the Blind Asylum, and the present of a brush and a bouquet-holder made by there clever artisans before hu eyes made him a prourl man indeed. Hβ flourished that bit of basketware all day. After roaming through all the conrti witi unflagging aeat, the King and hii suite accoe pawed the Preaidaat and memben of the com mittee te the lußcheon-room. Mr. L, L. Smnb uncorked a bottle with tremulous haste. I was the happiest moment of hu life. He was about;U present a glass of Oieme de Bouzy to royalty. The glorious vintage of Champagne " cried the doctor, cutting the string and whip ping out the oerk. " Clear sparkling wme, the pure juice of the grape," added he, iUing Sve glasses with the greatest rapidity, and haudinc one towards the Hing. Another moment and the unsuspecting monarch would hare been easnared ; but hia outstretched hand wa* intercepted, and the glass taken by the interpreter Tv V * W . ae , ribbon m * n «" ,fcid Mr - Bkidmore. ine dootor ■ face fell aa be saw that the gorgeous decoration oa King Tawhiao's coat was no*, as be hoped, some Maori diatUetioa, aad he did not even try to oenoeal hit diaappointmeat, while the royal party regaled thernaelr*. ea giager ale, without knowing what they escaped. Where i{n«ranoe is bliss 'tis folly to be wiic. a-ing Tawhiao peasirely drank bia ginger sis. an* when Mr. L. L. Smith b«gau to make owt demon«tration«, denoting an impending oration, the monarch grew mere and more unhappy; » t r*A f« M "Unties.. If he would not take Creme de Bouzy, he would hare to iwaLow a spleen So, diaregarding all the appealing g l~ ■■•■?■ °V he Kln * and hu fo » l**ie»?y. the i resident, in his most portemtous tone*, beg 4. - Your Majesty and Cbiefe,- We an ia a yuung country, like your own, and we art strinni fry the encouragement cf the industrial arts and the oreation of natural products, to derelop the rewmroee of Victoria, in the hope that, by-jLcd-by, we may be able to raiie ear•elTM, aa producere and manufacturers, to the rl j*v the inh » bit *n*« of older countries." L And then, to the interpreter. •• Tell him that, and when you've dose, I'd giro you some more, j

The Ki»g saw that he wae in for it, aad tried to resign himself to hie fate, bat he moved impatiently on hit oh*ir.

, ***■ L - »«**, as soon as the interpreter hid finished, proceeded in the ume strain. Th« K-mgs impatience deepened a. th. speaker went on and before Mr. L. L. Smith had fully descanted upon the hiatory of the Kxbibitiw Building and come te the peroration, in which 7v? ? royal P" 4 ' <*«» speed, Tawhiao and hie friends seemed utterly dejected. Kreu the stolid visage of Tβ Wheoro looked cue-

. s?v* J Wi ? Weund U P with » concert, and exhibitions of acrobatism. and the immorki ranch and Judy," whereat the monarch snd hie fneadslaughed heartily, and forgot the pu» pranoial otatory.

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7005, 30 April 1884, Page 6

Word Count

TAWHIAO AT THE MELBOURNE EXHIBITION. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7005, 30 April 1884, Page 6

TAWHIAO AT THE MELBOURNE EXHIBITION. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7005, 30 April 1884, Page 6