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Tki Board held their fortnightly meeting ye*t«Tday. Mr. Oravet Aiekia, Cmairman, presiding. Present :—The Mayor ( W. R. Waddel), Masars. G. W. Owen, O. Mays, J. Winks, M. Nloool, J. Lamb, D. H. NcKensie, and J. M, OUrk. New kiMßiE.— The Chtirnain annoonoed that on F'lday a meeting of the ratepayers had been held, which resulted in the election of Mr. M. Nicool. woo was now invited to take bi* seat at *he Board. The Chairman said that Mr. Nioeol had previously been a member of the Board, aad pre«e4 himMlf te be a eseful memoer. Mr. Nioool teofc bis seat at the Board. MOtfAUl VVmH Tiki.—The Secretary read a ouHU*upi<Hti uu . l«W tne Chamber of Qommeree oalung attention to the defective arraegemeuts for signalling and telegrapbicf between Tiritlri and Auckland.—The Chaiimaa said this wu » matter of very eon.iderable imitertanae). Iβ bad come under the notice of the Chamber of Commerce, who teferred it to the Board in the hvpe th*t same improvement would take place. The Biat,w>r might be referred to the Work, and Tautf Cunmittee to report upon. The fa3t was that the pretended ooßoeotion M at present existing was s mere ibturdity. Only three messages appeared to bave come through. It ap|»e»red also that every nuiliU" would havn te go through Waiwera. The oSiaa at Waiwera opened at nine o'clock ».»■., and oloeed at hre p.m. That theie should be a limitation upon such mea&agea waa simply nonwß.e. The Government were at the aarne time uakiug *; claim on the Board for a contri bution to this work. But unless the Board obtained something like value, it was not to be expected that it would contribute. He would move, " That the matter be referred to the Werks and Tariff Committee."—Carried. G&LLIOPK Dock. —A letter was received from the solioiter of Sir. Jackson, contractor, aakiag for copy of plans and specifications under which he took hi. oentract. — The Chairman .aid that Mr. Jackion could receive the copies of plans at once, if the Board were dupoaed to order them to be so delivered to him. There would be no diffioulty in the matter. Mr. Jackson, however, had another claim. He referred to an angle in the dock, which he aaid it would cost something extra to excavate. He said if he were required to do that, he would be doing work merely for the contractor who aheuld fellow. But Mr. Jacifton was contractor to do work for the Bo»r<l, md not for anyone else Hβ (the Chairman) moved " That the tir.t reque.t be granted, interim of the application."— Carried.—With regard to the aeoond request, he moved, " I'hat i* be referred to the Works and Tariff Committee."—Carried. New Zeaxa*°d Timbsk Company.—A commuaicatien from the coat μ^uj made an application fur leave to ext.ud their wbtrf (North Sh-re) 200 feet.—Tl»e application was ruferred to the Works ao<l Tariff Committee , the company to be requested to torwaru plana, etc. Fiaa MASK.ST.—A letter froai Mr. Burrows re nsa market was read. The application was, that the site ahouii be as naar a. possible to the

railway station. It was considered that from 60 to 70 f«et frontage would suffice.—The Chairman said this was uot a very modest request— (» laugh)—and mor-"i, " That 1C be referred to the Worits and T*nff Committee."—Carried. Dock Plaxs. — The Chairman announced that, piane for the new dock had been received from Air. W. Emagtoo. N«w Offices.—Tbe architect advised that he had received the necessary permit from the city authorities. Doei Dd«s.—Tne Works and Tariff Committee recommended that single dues only be charged for the docking of the brigantine Ada O. Owen.—Adopted. Pilot Hβuse. — The same committee recommended that the rooms requiring it in the pilot house should be repapered, and a colonial oven be supplied and set.—Adopted. Feert Offices.— The same committee recommeaded chut, permission be granted to the Devonport Ferry Company to make alteration ia offices.—Adopted. Protection «Jf Lapt—The same committee recommended that the Marine Department be iuformed that providing oaaina to the whaif as suggested in the verdict of the jury would not effect the purpose indioated by such rider, aa in the case in question the person fell over the wharf while a»leep. —The Chairman said that he would make an amendment to the report, to the effect that the Engineer be instructed to report as to the means of lighting the wharf more efficiently. He believed that the light could be very muoh improved. He believed that improved light would ceatribut* to the greater oafety of the people having to go on the wharf at night.—The Mayor, in seconding the resolution, said the Engineer had been instructed to this efsct on a former oocaaion, so that if there was any neglect he was responsible.—Mr. Lamb thought the wharf should be as well lighted as possible. He would support the resolution as amended by the Chairman.—Carried.

Nxw Zzala.ho Timbib CoifPANT. —Tho same committee reoommen.de4 that a oopy of the Harbourmaster's memorandum be forwarded to the New Zealand Timber Company, and an explanation of the matter referred to be requested.— Adopted.

Pilot Exemption Ckbtificatb.—The Fiaanc* and Legal Commute? reuummended that, m the aolioitora of the Board are of opinion that pilot exemption o«rtino»t«a granted by the General Government for the pert of Auckland cannot loyally Hβ exchanged for certifioatei granted by tha Board free of chargt, ne farther action be taken in the matter ; and that fundi received for certifiou.tee of the description in question be not refunded. —Mr. MoKenzie thought it was very tinjuat to thoee who had to pay for exchange, that tney should hare auch certifioaws upon them. It wm unjust that wma should hare to par wXuochere paid nothing. It amounted to a tax upon a certain class of persons. He would move an amendment to tne effect that certificates of equal value of those held from General Government b* granted by the Board without charge, and that funds charged be refunded.— Mr. Lamb thought tue Board had to look to the legality <»f the whole question, was it legal or illegal?— Mr. D. H. Moifenzie :It ienot illegal. —Mr. Lamb thought the certificates should be granted to those who had paid tor them. The case which underlay air. McKenzie'e action was a special case, and might form the rreund of an exception. Bat the Board Must be guided by the legal aspect ot the subject.— The Chairman said that accoiding to ths opinioa of the solicitors, sees. 78 9 of the Harbours Act, 1878, were intended te keep alive all appointments, etc. Section 82 provided for extensien, but whether the β-ciion covered certificates issued before its passing might be a matter of argument. They were of epimon that exemption in the cases suhiaitteu was illegal — Mr. Mays thought ai the Board took over the liabilities of tne oider authority this matter might be regarded aa a liability. It seemed absurd that one roan sheuid have nothing to pay while another would have to p»y a considerable sum because he was unfortunate enough to get the certificate from the Government a few d»ye before.—Mr. M. Niocol inqaired wkeiher those fees paid to the Govorameuc were handed over to the Board ?—The S««cr«tary ; No.— The Chairman aaid wnat Mr. McKenz.e reqnired was that masters and mates who held certificate* from the General Government should be allowed to exchange them for Harbour Board certificates of equal value free of charge. —Mr. D. H. MoKenzie moved the amendment in the terms following, *' That all masters and taites of vessels who hold certificates of exemption, granted by the General Government, should be granted certificates of equal v*lue by the Harbour Board uuder the ac! of ißfc:> - , without charge, and that all money in future received from such exchangee be refuc Ud." — The amendment was put and declared to be carried.

SiWAQ*.— Mr. Lamt> moved, " That the resolution adopted at * nieetiu* of tn« Board heW on the In day of April, 18*4, to the effect That the main eewer be extended on the line marked A A on the plan,' be now reacineed with the view ef a reconsideration »f th* whole m ***? r '. Hβ thoueht that the direction in wAioh it waa proposed to tend the sewage would be very injarioue. He believed that tbe sewage nhould be taken where there would be further power to deal with it. The resolution o£ the l»t ef April proposed that it should be earned in the direction A A (due north), but that would empty the whole debris of tLe city iato the harbour.—The Chairman thou-ht it would be more convenient to take Mr. Lumb'i motion after a decision should be taken on that which stood in hie (the Chairman'.) name as follows :—" That a special committee, c >i:ei»t- «*^° f M#Mr «- W*ddel, Clark, Winks, L*mb McK-enzie, Owen, and the mover, be *pp .la'ed to enquire imto the matter of drainag- and dapoau of ..It a. affectlag the and that they be authorised to expend a sum not excelling £50 in acquiring the necessary data. " Ihis was ace of the most important questions of modern times, and engaged the attention of harbour authorities ia all part, -f the world. It did not require any great penetration to understand that the accumulation of ~(; would be injurious. It was speciaUy opportune that thu matter came oa now for con.ileration .oeing that the City Engineer was in preparing plans for a comprehensive extern of drainage of the city. (the Chai. rLn) be heved that there were plans in the office, towards £lS reP u atloD ° f r hloh the h.a oontri- ,, S o? °" oVer ! 1 Mr - M*ckechnie had meved in the City Council a similar resolution to that now propose*.-The Chairman's moUon for a special committee ww put and carried uaanitr. otttly.

Drlinasc— Mr. Lamb moved that his resolution re sewage be referred to the ipecinl committee.—Carried. Woaxs and Tariff CoMMimn. — The Lhairman moved, " That the names of Messrs. rT ,T, and M - Niocol be P kc ed upon the Cat',£d B * nCe, Leßal, * Dd T * rUf Com « i "««'" FINAHCI! AMD LSGAL COMMITTKB. — The Chairman moved, "That the name of G Aiokin be placed on the Finance an;J Leital Committee, and that the name of 3. \Y Owen «» on the Dock Committee. "—Carried FHUaCB.— The following statement was read • of aooounts . General acoount r ßot 4a J loan accouat, £908 4s 7d : toUl, JU7U

3s lid. Statement of eoont: Balance in bank, £4C 17.7Z??** 1 ,. *«• «33 2. M : towl £79 Itj W hA m above, £804 19, 44 ; balaiwet? dlLr\tf« 19.10 d ; eaab ou d.r*>.U. £«££• Balance in bank, l> 45fiO 4, 3d ; accoo^lT** 1 * <£*»). £19 4. 7u : total, ISUmi iS*'*** on deposit, £134,000. ' **• °*»a

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7005, 30 April 1884, Page 6

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HARBOUR BOARD. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7005, 30 April 1884, Page 6

HARBOUR BOARD. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7005, 30 April 1884, Page 6