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Houses and Land. pHAS. TT nSMONA LAND AND MONETARY AGENT, 116, ,QCKKN-STUEET. (Adjoining B. Tonki k Co.) TCLCPEOKK l>s. LBANKERS : NATIONAL BUNK OF NEW ZEALAND (LIMITED). MORTfiAGRS AND LOANS NEGOTIATED he:NTS A>D IvTKRKSTS COLLECTED MONEY INVEVTBD ViKST-CLASe SECCRITIE.S. V\ ITHOIJT CHARGE EsTA ' K.S MANAGED fOR » BSRN'TEES VALiATIONS AND ARBITRATIONS UKDERTAKEN" NATIVE LAJfD AFFAIRS SPECIALLY U2JDER--6T"OO HOUSK-; TO LET AND PROPERTIES FOR SALE PLA'ED ON MY LIST* FXIRK OK CHARGE ' EVEKY [>ESCRIPTION OF LA>DED PROPERTY BiilGin OR sOLD TO ORDER LARf.K SUMS TO LtND OX FIRST CLASS Si.CC RiTY. CITY FREEHOLD PROPERTY. IN THE CKNTRE OF THE CITY—A large »nd coinm >,'.iou« Store, built of Concrete ar.d Brick with large Dry Cellars, oa an Allotment *0 feet S-, feti t indies. Buildicgs valued about iloOO ; the allotment worth at least £iO pe» foot. Price, H.l-,hC, with tim-c'ajs termi. • A Grta:'"laiicefcraEy Pi-rson reqnirinf "v Bix-roomi'd llousd and Store ccnibioed, in the mo»t rapidly risir.; liislrift of HorjeLabr ; also, ea this valuable property ts a crst-claw riv«rootned House, let to a j{Ood trnan'.. This allotment has i good frontages. Th« ririe* for the whole, £1260. AttKCIutM.UH ■ SrREEI' — Large Houm and (■•oan.i - £l_'.'o. L'NIo.NI- .^:Ki-:ET—That moet cen'.rally - situated Store, top of Uoion and S*l« ; also, the wti.-tui.t and Snbhed Hou«« adjoioiDg the game. I 1:1.1 water laid oa. Pjice. fcjou, with terruj. TKJiRACE—Good A'loltuent, £0 10s ! p-rf.... CHCUCU PLACE-Gocd AUota»ent,£3 Ds per foot. SUBURBAN PROPERTIES. KK.V NOP.TK KOAD. Victoria Avenue-Eight rooir.fd House and good Allotment, for £350, with terras of paynitct. SYMONi — Allotment U3ft. by 100 ft., KwKiu'.e fnr shop. situ»te in best part of bymond*street JCI6 per foot. Mill NT JA)KS HUAD—Two Allotmerts. 80ft. by licit.. arid 40/t. by 120 ft. £7 10s u«r fcait. MoCNT EPKX— oeveE-rociDfd Home, Waih-housj and Fow;.h-)Use. 1 nilt on two Allotments, each :.r3'.. by Pzuft., with double frontage, i'rito, oniy tiCbj, very easy terniit of payment. MOL.NT LDEN—iSeveial choice AliotioenU, X.i per foot. Pu>'?.>.VßY — First-cJaM Urge Corner Allotment, <xmiuunding an extensive view of the harbour, tl pr fo-t A\ — Ten Atrei; a Market Garden c:mpl»te, witti House ar d every convenience , main road fronUje : for £buo. NuP.TH SHOKE-Two Good Allotments. Churehstreet. witfc 6Cft. frontage 1 117 ft. deep; pretty view of th? wiiter— JC3 lot psr foot. PENKOdE—O acres cornc lot, very near Railway sutlori. PEXROSE-Two and a half Acres, rich soil, coma view which cinnot be cxcel.ed. Price. £lvO. I.iKKKNHEAD-::eo Acre* level and rich Land: .!<■-;> landing place oa the property. A oarg»i:i. ft 11000. r>lKki:.NHi:Ali—Ten Acres, for £C 2 10« per acre. REV I'Kit <—Twelve Acre?, with House and i.->- £1400. .V'H'M r.i'.-KII-1,. View Iloid—Six-roomed Home. ci.l'jjivj 1:1 ci:ir\, t*itn-:e>or/i »nd scullery, iwo j '. iju»ar..l jailo.: briok four nr«-placcl. fir*!.liiss LUST t.-.iiM.iil/ v.i *cd .•■::ty rcrently balk ; ail nevetaary ov.touiidirgs aud a ncuid stable, ror th. , »h"!i (on al>rg-.- a;i:)Un»Bt). £cOO, with terms. Ml'VNI' (Wain Kn»d>-An exceedLnjly i-i.iijfortahlc sixroorued Hou?c. with every conveiietice. m«>t]_« l)ullt. Price £0-,. FAIMLY RfSIUEN'."]; of elevc: bfly Rocnn, pretty I>awn in front (-f ths Ilu use . i.ouse for gardener, I in.d oti'.cr Urge outbuildings ; orchard! and Cud puddock , cofjerete jiatin, larg* verandahs: two mile* from ceuire of tue cuy. l'i ice low, t;rn. s VJLLA Ri>IUEN.E of six Rooms. L»th room and sculler.', Terr . Tnveuieul outbuildings and pr«lty giidrr,, two-stall ttable aud bugtry-bouje ; clo«» to a good school : in a riling *ud pretty neijhboui- ' hood ; for Sale or to I-et. i IRK'Vf ROSKILL. Kenyon Avenue— Allotmente f.;Mt by -:<X)ft. £i 104 p«r foot, ; M'M M kOSKILI,. Main koad—Large end level i Ailo'.ni'nla. iUi 10.< i per foot. . J'.oI.ST RO?KILL-I have one or two Allotments, ; 7l't t<v 14 4ft ,at 10« per foot OBlv. The remainder 1 are sold. . hi:—About four acre* close to the School- . .Tj:se. <u the Uiid Iβ a Br»t clans House, with an j unr.Tal'ed view of the river. An adjoining tlve ac.ei cc-'jlit be purchased if required for an orchard or lor gr&ziug. This property will Oβ sold for » sum uiurh b«>w its valu». I (M'.ANO POeiriON FOR A HOTEL— HAMILTON ' - a SITE of nearly two acres, immediately opposite I new lUiiwiy Staii^n ; ha» unequalled frentajes ; and corjnmandirj pnitiu«. Price. Jd'iSU. i £10,0'*—ABOUT <K',ooO ACRES, adjoining several well-known stations. acres freehold, the haUnM Uasehold. Chltfly open fern Und, with • Batumi grasses : valley*, undulating : bush, estimated a: I.ViO acres of totara, rlniu.ilu:. Exoallent natural : boundariea, deep water oa three cides ; easily accessib:«, on the main road (south), in conjuoct:c.B wiiii the Freeiing Company, this estate would be invaluable. A WORD TO NEW ARRIVALS. Before purchasiej a prtpjrty or investing money, : consult a man who has been a resident la the colony ] for some time, and who will be pleased to give aoy information which may be required. ! n H AB, JXr ILLIAMSON, I HOTJSX. LAND, ANTS FINANCIAt. AOENT j HIGH-ST (nkar Sbortland-st., Auckland). { BANKERS-Nation ax Bajik or New Zbalajtv. RENTB and INTER BBT Celleoted. ! UONKT Inrened for Cej>ltall«t« o» fint-cUas ! B<K:uriU(n, wrmocrT ohassb. Bix pei oent allowed ' oa ilepositj until Inreeted. i MORTGAGES and LOANS Negotiated ! ISUILDING SOCIETIES' SHAKES Bought. i ISTATKS reanaeod for Ah ß «rn«e» ! UOLSES TO LET and PROPERTIES FOR SALE i placed on uiy lists free of charge. I iLLOTMi!Ms Uoogct and aonie* Built en the : W»r «ly Repayment Byitom or on other terms. I JJL'iLJLHNQ ALL,OTMtNTB for S*t. »t twr foot :- , In Caitom-houie-«t-*»t, Toresford-strot-i, Newinar- , ket, Howe-street, Shelly Beach Road. Ligar Ha<.«, William-ttreet, HepbuniStroet, Mt. k-den ltoad, Cuke- ' street, Lmmett-slreiit, CouqueH Plaoe, Handelphj street, Northcote. Alao. In other streots, at low 1 _____ I £5000 TO LEND in sums of £10 and upj wards, on good security ! TWO large new eix-roomed Houses for jm- ! mediate sa>, at a jicit s,acrl_cp, iu f'p;>er y.ieet- ! strret.> guarauteo lat £00 for ihree ye_is , LINCOLN-.STKtKT— Pretty Villa Kohij d> no for s-1a ; fc --3 and water ; range, etc. ; very j cheap. Terms. ; £.->OO. — GK>TLEMAN'S Villa Residence I for sale in nt>we-!i,reet, erery convenience. Lar»'e j ull tuierit, ami tine view of Western l'ark. j £5.10. —I'rctLv Villa R-?sidcuc« for »alo on I M. Mary's Road, Ponsou'jv, uiar Tiiree Lamp.. NOKTrICOTE. — For sale—Allotments near the Wharf; and several Villa Sites and Farm aet- ! tions. Hplandid soil and irrand views. I I I'.KMUKRA—TweIve acres for sale ; House, I I Stable, etc . for iIHoO. Also. Splendid Allotmoul near Newuu.rket SUtioD. £175. Fine view. ; ED bis DALE. — -New tour-rootn«d House I For Sale fer K2io. £U. cash, balance by instalments. £:<OO. — NEW tive-roomed Uoua« tor tale in Nowton. Hoa.lth7 position, ea«y terms. LIVERPOOL.>TREET —New House for sale, nicely finished ; city water laid on. Terms • j CHANCE FOR SPECULATOR.—4B acres I I of Suburban Property for sale, bounded by xhree j roads ; having creek for water power, railway itatioc ; ■ on the ground ComforUbl«i House, six-stall stable, : con-shed, etc. Land laiii down in gras.. CORNER ALLOTMENT for tale on Mount ! Eden Road on eaey terms. Price, £10 10b per foot. \ PON SON BY—riix-ro«med Heuee (new) lor , ' sale, ve.-y couveclent. I'rice, £360 j MOUNT EDEN —Villa Reeidence, now, i ! «i(,'ht roocie, and half acre ground. Price— £900. DTOTEL, STORE, OR BOAUDINGhouse. ; For SALE, at Mount Albert, the Large Freehold Allotment close to the Mount Albert Railway Station, on the New North Road, together with the Unfinished ; Building thircon erected, »u! table for a Store, Sjir.inary, or HoteL Price, £650. Terms to suit , purchaser. I FOR SALE, 6 acres of good Land at Mount Albert; , grand view ; well watered, and close to Station. Pilce, £600. Terms easy. i E- C. GREENWOOD. . 120, Queen-street Fl O R SALE, Fir3t-claes guarteracre Building Allotments [ adjoining the Orphan Homo, Parnell: also in Conquest Place and Strangers' folly, Parnell. All these 8 Allotments art. beautifully situated, within eair distance of town. Terms easy. Apply to E. F. BARNARD. i Shortfall d-street, _. Next_aoorjo_Me«gri. Brown, Campbell <k Co rpilE Underiigned, about to leave the Pro- -■- vlnce NOW OKFERS FOR SALE, On reasonable terms, •SOME ALLOTMENTS in MOUNT ROSKILL ROAD, Wot Kquallod Id Mount Eden District. AfFlj 8. EVINSON, Valley Koad ; OrJ'DW. WAYTE, 5, Mercan'ile Chamberi. For sale, bv order of the EXECUTORS OK THE LATE W. P. GORDON i EVERSLEY FARM, j adjoining the Hunua Railway-station, contalnJng SOO Acres of excellent Land, fenced and subdivided Into t p»ddocks. arjd In grass, with large dwelling-house and numerous outbuilaings suitable for a dairy or milk r w»ik. Apply to '. W. AITKEN, Land Agent. IIOR SALE, near Alexandra—3Bo Acrt-a Choice Land, fenced with puriri posts and barbed wre, and subdivided into 9 paddocks, 160 ac.-es beln* in potato, oat, and turnip cropi. the balaace In grass. The buildings are kauri, and consist of dwell-lng-hou,e of C rooms, cow »hed. stable, and rtalry. Tho \\aipo landing is within :iOO yards, and the Ngaroto Railway-statinn, only t> miles from the pro-l>erty.-Apply to W. Aitken, Uod Agcnk

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7005, 30 April 1884, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7005, 30 April 1884, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7005, 30 April 1884, Page 2