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Houses and LandD. H. L us K ESTATE AGENT AKD LAND SURVEYOR, NO. 13. N.Z. INtsCRANCEbUII-DISGa. FOR SALE. TAKAI'T'N'A -I_'9 Acre? tinimi'roTed land, close to tt.-:.- l!a.-:. :ur; v-rr cheap I'CKKK'iHK - UX' Avrc?, highly improved Farm, i »»r ir. r.*:!way ?lat;m VI :> . r»r —54-*cre fi:ji; capital grais ; w«-.i «»:c[f.i. feAii'A-iA ■■:«! Acres, ftmi daas Farm, Umestoae Ur.d, iu jrljrSj-! coc-.liti'.n. OKiAW.Ai.d- ~»i Acres; focd river frontage; 1.4 f Vi1...,-. J,. ,iu -~r . WKt-T !•( K KKcnt-5n era! excellent Srtall Farms, rlose to (. : f.u-.e t*. t -rr. Pt- N' — :>• 0 acres; very choice lard, partly im-pT'-rv-r) hi ore or two Ma.> i,i >.". L' i --. •'.; i-res ; unirriproTfd land, near the :.«r: 'ir a h\-.-»ir 01-THO I- TH VMS \V.\;!..->.\-.:co Acres : r:j;:erior gr&xiDg till). . i:!-.iiv s;i' El*r.:: .! lr:ip-( lvi:'.tri:;.3. MAl'Kt'-CiK acres. im;r v-i K<»rm , beautifully ► :']it<>i. (oi.i'i rul.r !.■«!.•>:.■».!. i fc-L KLAMi 4.".j hctcb , valuable improved Farm, i i.o»e '.. ruiv. ,iT t»ti.;n. ' UAIII'SAMiI-- "!!,; acres: vc-rr nicely improved tana ia U crdc-. ■ WAIt'KT 7 r : ■ i. r«s ; rr-ill-fencfcJ, part in grais. I Capita! . \:-<-x> (arm. VA.l'iiT—; . j , clioi'.e grass Ucd, near to a • ' .<••* Ku-torr. I'i. hr.K''UK Pi;yi-IGJ acres : very rich soi.'. ONI.MI :>( 3 A — Several geed lots in the Pt;K Kuw'iiK TOUNSKIP-1 acre in main street with !*'■ ■>':.- p«. LA!:.' i a:-' *.rcs ;! Lakcfront:>i- i .;* m-::.l- .-,.'.. .-. M"''.N"T AI.UKfiV —r.-:.-oTied House, larje catl.n..'l.::B.= . tv.o a.u.« of ;.,-. 1. OPAh/KK-H't acre- S oo : Kr.'l ; partly fenced, and li. : .! .*,i .-. O"A'.'..\T< A .:c; 4.-..1 1000 acre blu'.ks rich LimeI'Afl .VAll.jK- Two Sttali Fartts Ji-lendid lacd bOri'H Mm:kU-Vj acres"t:'ccd Land, Sne waterpower Mill. Full pirtif.:lars en atjblic&'^un. The h-.s irjinerous otiifr ir.-.perii«s on hie list, and jiisKjc-j his intimkte irj.-ic<! knowledge and ii yc*r»' ac.uaiiit.iice witn ::, K ;»i;dt of tiie i province, freely .it ti.e tervice of intending jjurj chasers, who may thus obtain much valuable and clia.Me a;!iiiance in selottiLg. SX. L. M ' T HoU>K, LANI», L>TATE. AND COM MINION Af-i-NT, PL'BLiL ALXOL'NTANT AM; AILUiOR. Kj. S. SIEV.rANTILK CIIAMHERS, oTKh-El (M;\r BANK OF >t'.F Z^ALa.ND). ri:nt- and i\tkp.i;-t< co;.r.K~r;-:n. B£i iT..iiKrt K..M. .\:> rot-. Invksiop-s Aμ bolt THE CAlii: AXI> MA.Nv.KMr.NT Or ESTATE LNLU.I'.IAKK.N. MORTGAGE. AND LOA.Ns NEGOTIATE.). Kar.t -:-.,-k« I ,fi«-irai ,•♦ Storks ) I :.1,-.. !;? .-:0..a« '- "I )O I.GHT AND O OLU. ' Xir,,»--r - ... -lorkva-.rl Ij O I a!i k;nl: of ' ' FOR SALT! : i.l".KK.\i!i:Al>-I)wfl!;r:; '.. y.xr. 7 t , n:,. w.ih ■_' j ; k ,:re.«. ,ur.i! ,i.r>-< ;. ~:,\y ui: .. J 1,..;r> w:i'.t i.o.a I i"!«ii ■■ ■>■ ■ ■ »r'.nj»d lo «uit t.uyer. 8i1... L.< li i.Ai' - 7■» " >: f. •> ih ;.■..»: fruit-prowicg ••)•'. -j tAi.iJ ■' i»;;< ii: : 10 *i;;i'.-. !.".« i esl r' -.';►(:. „: x.. and jl.-h wit ic miles of : •■ •:!«::' i !►si. i• r. »..<v to :i> I \\ANEM:[, ! ltn ;i'.-y) - ~r.iul Aiitmenl. ' h'litafiie Vr :i :.i H.Mfj.. •...:rr. i:: x 74 w,th coita^e M .. r:oi,.i 1': at ' >. . j.rr This freehold ] !.••['•!- .se. , . -Hi i..- :..-ri,-.. Ni- I '' I- , " NN —; *riu ut 4. *.Rtf a!i in ;rass ; will be • a t arpsi:i. : i.'.;■■'.■ -F- i iMn. Tmk-t;:, f'.r.-^i!* 1 . : CAMUKIIxJK 1.A.-r_ i,ov ... 4. cjLUininf 1 acre: wi.l ,',«■ »i.M » ba.-saiu M'l M VLLK.'.f -'. C f. ;n gooi grass, it £.S : » A. re•*:.('. Ho-js- <f - .■ !..- i<3. 1 , ot-e----third ..ani. ti-e ■•aiar.r* a; 7 per ecu!. 1 j dU.Mi 'Ji'i.M.NJ -lkite in «teiivni "stand f,ir a !• .-.:• iiiUf.- •!. ■+ gTi.J d.-t.'.f. v...i>rc litre is n.. ! ' :;i;. 4 imllj. :r< it l,s.;i . .. t ;!y ia ' 1!!r; "' ■Wn.iiui.; ;. ; "ii.iti]«ih«i:li j l'i>v)M;', .-1,,.u,t;..i5> I'-sXfmt .j! I■' roo:iu | ir.i.luoir:»- l:»U.-:o n. a..-'. K.t i •:;. »,ih .u.ri wiUr i.i-1 cri The fo-'u allot- • ii.eii'.« iu u!i«, au ! ccir.'ui:,.i' » u;*-j.:;:j vi«» u< ;i 1 ! l.r*T p ,rt;'n '.f the ..-:tv a: il l.r-.<-, ur . There are | • ■■ --I'-;a ic, fru:t. acl S .»?: vcithltwn ana Atir-tether a tv.:\g htue, Price, i'. , ' , .'). ar.d e*»v teru,». 1 PO.N6"M'.i-V;|!» Ke.idenl.e3 for Ei!e in Norfolk- I".. Mr»::*l<!-sue«t. hichnnuii roa<i. et.-. «; ] ]i i"«-s from flx). i-:'J'j,i.i 0 •. »na upwarnj. ; 1 \i.;T-.RIa AVKMK-Ur,'. liouMe Houae on bricV: f uii'lai;!.)-;. wail s«; ara'.ir.g ; eartj s:x r >oDit. or can oa ueed ai one res.'Jence ; iron roof, 1 with v.ricdah and baltocy ; bay wlr.Jcw «t ' ril ht.'>H!:.i.[)_( :aj:"l Ccrccr Allo'.aitLl on uiiiD r"V '. . .'• l r: (..<-.;. :■' * γ-l I .!• 1 ''1 t.--i he»y jla'.f.icre .Section near (.lie 1-n h- s. iMol. iilkht.N :ItAL) -Fir»t-c-:«s« ' TLi.ard. H'a) arrle treee, ti:i»l. Cotta?«. iuiujertUtriy Available, with J li *trei. ThU pn p-rly .4 1 oaftdeutly reuomri.e d».J ai k j rf,d ir,vc«iiuf;i,t. It is aiiuatcd near t<l the M-jf* r and U sure to rise in value i»r.ii«. *«>y. ! KH.KI.NtIK.Mt-.Vew Vi'U Te i.ieoro .-f :, rcorr-,, I wth »-i a::n of jrcv lL l. f fiiuii-.irrlitg a splemili! v t-r. 'l:.e u «(.:i built and is offered on eitv t:iu.« s'/. I invite att"Bt>,n ti Hi? rising Town.'hip =- — J. '■ .wouriaie, •!)•:« AMolm-nte hj the ' I : est P^" , '-""' '"■«' b« Railway i<r.r :: >t»iif-n. i'uti i<: s.-hool, I'ubllc Hall, and ;: —■" ''-. Ci'iin he« surrouL.!. <.- " ~ ; Mauu.'acl-iries ;ire s rowin ? in the dis'zi. / itrl. t. «n ; ■■:!■,.: r< »ll; up Teniu V_ - ( ,f purchase ai« lo per ce:.t. caih. Iho 1 — ' y I'llancn x* a^r»-ed ; MOI.NT KDiCV-rVetiy \ r ; f <; K0..1115. aliotrteut nn x l-_o. wiili aub.c »u'l w.irksoijj. k'rice *; tin M'\iin-.;.c:.\!. iima:> (.jpciitu in:.?;-.' , (b'_;. Al.'.i;:i<-n's, il!". i M'JL'NT AI.BKJ'.T -1 Acres fJrtnd Volcanic Lird i an.: Hgu.w <.f 10 Ho.jil.s fir *..,',o. : I'.M.T ALtU'.UT-Uiver View rurin, known as Dr I liii.'n . Icy-; fc'o: d l;*use. 41/ wr 1 fenced ami 1 in goo-i criJsi. 1 i:.i> fioia • «T.s!,i| , lami j.!l ulougl.I abir. Thr.r. ia WAinr .'.i..:.i*,{ e ami t,rcwoo-4 on j lHr Im.juultuiv.nrr. c*>y, viz.. I Old tr.irrj (,i.h ths Sicd fur 10 jciis »t I 1 .w r»te :.? interest. WAIKDMITI, near Railway Station-tw acree, at X 3 I per a< r< , . W AIKOMITI- Small Tarms from 5 to 10 acres ; very I cheap. AHU'AI'.A. near Mongonui — Part ut All draent a3 ! c-.r:tair.iT,j V_i> acri-x ; rhsaj). j FOR SALK, a »r,in>ily ntiutpd Site fnr a Suburban I kem.ieiic.i at T]i • |..,t coi.Uinit almost I two ai.r-H. iniine<:iat.dy o: poate ihe r<-M(i..i,c-> <•!" j Mr». Major, and ».!;'.iu" Sir W .-.r's 11 ,i ■«•■ »,m! i:ro:jn<i>i. It ii all lorr-r-i'. ard is lur:r,neit 03 o e I »irie t.-y a neve -failing, widi , , fresh w*t--r creek. It j Ik.'« beautifully 10 liie 'no, ami on an eminence j ai tj <• mi.lain a lUAitiiith-riit mc«- 01 Mourn Albert aa.. Ihe kiirroundiiii; c ..:;ur.f. 1 , in:utj a good mcl.illed UI4UI roaii. 'lh le iii i rtu.l of J a iid fer a I'niit '•arilen Ste u w< li lit si;r----1 pissed. Tills: Linl f«r Act. and tasy taruis. M..ney to ■nt i.-st-. Us* I'rcnliold Sco::rity. I i'lirUibrahijn n«j<fot:Ali;(i Aud every tJiAss of Coiuuiisj Uuiiues* undertasc^. i COOPER AN D VURC HA S, LAND, KaTATK. AND CyMMlsilON ai;k.\tj. 2'J, New ZtAusij Isii' it BciLLlNns, yuctn-jtri;:-, Auckland. F O K .- A I. E. THAMES VAUAY: KH HNb'.si) EI OCK.— Aboi-.t 10,00'j acrPi. c ■mi.iri.iiiifC 1 Arms of various s'Z»s, on ti.i: bun of i;i Iwav (now iu our e of i:oHKtniLt!".,) loniJcoLlne Auckland Willi Thaojea Col .Cel '.a .tuil the lAIUOUI Liliu district. T!.- »o;i f,r theinijit is of luii licucet dc«c:i|.tion ac.l w-il Witsre.-I. Coastdera.hU irnpr '»uin«r.t3 have bttn i;.ad" on surroiiivliiii' U-id«. This property wouM i)« c it up lo suit purrh-iser.'-. KAuAIU bL , -Ahoul iicO.i a':rtc, 14 milirM eu.»t I <.t KicQDioiid l:i<'i:ii, ijii.a-.iy Ic'.-I land; admirably hiuiptud for .".ealeLoen:. J - . is well w*tticd I.y nuiiieroui stream*, w.iii l.n\c fjor.taue u> ti.u 'rh*iiics Kivcr. Thn.-rj in a i.f useful timbri on part of ihU property, also a seam of Ugniie. Aho, Two ai'jo:nitijs proprrlics mtuatc in part of '.".). 2 of tnc 1 M.WilAii .MAI4MATA. aui >'••. .j of '.im 1 HUM.AHI NA i:i«:.» ii." lira', of IliJ.i. "r , wr.h a'i wo-.uoin '!', ifnge huu vij.. 111 gr*.-.-, fei.ced ; toe stconu olli. v'r., i,.<.i[ leu aud huif uiiiiii;irove>l. i icm' Kiidsliave .arjt fioi.;I to the Waltoa Uivm, and are aUo well wato.-c-.l by strcaiut. The übjvi: \i .11 be hold together a l.»iI b' u ' n - ou taiy t^rins. Wβ would call lh<- ..tletiticiu of intondiuj pjr-chi-,er« <.( Lan.l t . Lli«t.; iirojirrtiee as they aie s-iiie of the l.c ■■'. i-i lii'i l'ii»i/ic» \' ahey. AWlliri.', Ijnit. uninipjovtd land with valuabli 1 timber in'i vvi 11 wjtere'd. I i» about j miles Iroiu Minukau Harbour ; to bo nold rhxap. ONKIICM.A v.rv i.i:»ir*ii,u AMotmenti on Hardin£lor.'.<t Hat. :.lid in iji;icii. Hill, And Alay Streets, ar,.l tlie 1-a 1a iy .it«.'.i ju ; also, in . lirown-«tre-t. liillsivin/. und inany others. s L*r?» .-rui.i; ~iid Ali.-tnici. , . in a mis;; townthii:. Sii.(.U -a \al,'«ii'iTi. J-.iisy tur.:i<t Vaiualu.! H'.Kr. ;!ol.[i ;u.r{ LKASL'HOLD Properties in the C'it> > ! AiiLklanti. t 4l) Acts in OKA lit' Distric , in timber; well > watered. Kor particulars, price, terms, etc. , apply as above F. JL. P B l M *■ I HOL'SE AND ESTATE AGENT, PTo. 25, N.Z. INSURANCE BUILDINGS. BANKER'S—UANK OF NEW ZEALAND. RENTS AND INTEKKETS COLLECTED. ; MORTGAGES AND LOANS NEGOTIATED. I ESTATES MANAGED i'OK ABbENTEES. 1 iliOOO.—Kor Immediiite Sale—A Fice I'arm of .V.O acrt-s. all fenced and suitably divided int.-> DiLe I \)--id'lor'<s ; tlierc :\xv .ibout 2:'.U acres in )traa», :1O acre"biiah, and the remainder lei»-tree and tern. The Laid is iHvel and well-watered in the tlrien xeuon. There Is a cood residence of jsoveu roonii, dairy, cowshed I for lo <;ow«, sut.le for !ivi> hoists, ch.ilt house. <\i . H T:\'v.i fine proptity is, litu.itpd at Whatawhata, about two miles from the I'on-otluo, rn ilu: old roid to t Hamilton. Tcrmn K*»y — Kor further particulars I | ajji-ly 10 f. l. Triiie, Estate Ageat,-Ji r N-Z. Insunin.c Haiiilltiits. ~ IvIKJEIRIROA.-Lfct 34, containing iO acres o good hind. llAKlt-ipi, riRQNGIA.-Lots 129 and 130, con- . Uinlnc IUO acret. w ip'» k UK 24, 2.3, iZ. 27. Section 6 Section 10, Pagctl'a Road. ° I F. L. PiilME.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7005, 30 April 1884, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7005, 30 April 1884, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7005, 30 April 1884, Page 2