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AUCKLAND RACING CLUB'S AUTUMN MEETING. The Autumn Meeting of the A.R.C. has bean commenced under exceptionally favourable circumstances this year, opening as it did on Easter Monday, when all and sundry were at liberty to enjoy themselves to the top of their bent. The club was favoured with as fine a day as has been experienced this year. There could not have been less than 5000 people on the course. The club had sent an invitation to His Excellency the Governor to be present at' the meeting, but received a reply from His' Excellency, regretting that he could not attend owing to the recent death of H.R.H. the Duke of Albany. Tradesmen's Plate Handicap, of lOOsovs. Entrance, lsov. ; acceptance, 2sovs. each, to go to the funds. Distance, 1 mile and 240 yards. Mr. P. F. Tancred's b c Consul, 3yrs, Bst (Sutherland) ... 1 Mr. A. Standish's gr m Witiora, syrs, 7st . 71bs (Williams) „. ... 2 Major F. N. George's b c Wapiti, 3yrs, Bat 61bs (Taylor)... ... ... ... 3 Messrs. Lyons and Blaikie's b g Woodpecker (Byrsi Bst sibs, Farrell), Mr. W. Potter's br g Paramena (aged, 7»t 71bs, MeMiniman), Mr. A. Austen's br f Katipo (4yrs, 6at 71bs, Byers), and Mr. D. McKinnon's ch m Taipoari (4yrs, 6st and 51bs overweight, Hiekey), also ran.;; Consul won by a length. Time, Smins. OJseos. There were £677 invested on the totalisator, £164 on the winner, and the dividend was £3 14s. Mares' Produce Stakes of lOOsovs., added . to a sweepstakes or lOaovs. each, h. ft. - For : two-yeav-olds. Colts, Bst lOlbs;

fillies, Bat 81ba. Distance, six furlongs. « .The Becond horae to receive 10 per cent., -and the third, horse 5 per cent, from the -gross amount of the stakes. . Mr. John Marshall's br £ Necklace, by Musket, 2yrs, Bat 81bs (Sutherland) ... 1 Mr. Robertson's b c Krupp, by Musket, 2yrs, Bst lOlbs (W. JEdwards) ... ... 2 Mr. W. Brady's br c Carbineer, by Musket, 2yrs, Sat lOlbs (Dawson) ... 3 Mr. J. Gallagher's br c Revolver, by Musket, 2yrs, Bst lOlbs (McMiniman), and Mr. _W. Bobbett's br c Tetford, by Musket, 2yrs, Sst 101 ba (Fergus), also ran. Necklace won by two lengths. Time, lmin. 175sec3. The win was a very popular one, and Mr. Marshall waa loudly cheered when his mare weighed in. There were £679 on the totalisator, 179 on the winner, and the dividend was £3 Ba. Hubdi/e Race (Handicap) of lOOsovs., with a sweepstakes of 330 vs. each, to go to second horse. Entrance, 2aovs. each, to go to the funds. Distance, 2 miles and aquarter, over nine flights of hurdles. Mr. E. I). Halatead's br g Minuet, aged, llst(Heaton) ... ... ... ... 1 Mr. Walter Smith's b g B:lly-go-by-'$m, aged, 103t 101b (Warren) 2 Mr. A. Martin's ,blk g Fair Play, aged, 9st 101b (Hatfield) ... ... ... 3 Mr. J. Leonard's ch g Chandler (aged, lOst lOlbs, J. Rae, 21bs extra), Mr. John Lennard's ch £» .Shotover (oyrs, 93t 71b, Farrell), and I Mr. B: Thompson's g m Pearl (oyrs, 9st, Carey) also ran. New 3fear and Woodpecker were scratched. Easteb Handicap of 20030v5., added to a sweepstakes of lOsovs. cach; second horse to receive SOaova.; third horse lOsovs. out of the stakes. . Distance, 2 miles. The winner of any race of the advertised value of lOOsovs., after the declaration of the weights, to carry 3lbs extra; of 200»ovs. 51bs; of two such races 71bs extreme penalty. Mr. Trancred's r g Administrator (including Slbs penalty), 4yrs, 7st 51bs (Sutherland) ... ... ... ... + Mr. E. D. Haltead's b c Kadames, 4yrs, 6st (Byers) ... + Mr. A. Standish's br g Norman by (including 3ibs penalty), oyrs, 7st 71bs (S. Williams) ... ... 3 Captain W. L. Rnsßell's ch f Leonora (4yr», Sst. 101b3, W. Edwards), Mr. Robertson s br h Fitz-Hercules (syrs, 7st 121bs, McClusky), Mr. Thomp«on's b g Yuba Bill (aged, 7st lOlbs, Carey}, Mr. J. Barr Brown's b h Maori (aged, 7st Slbs, T. Taylor), Mr. W. Bobbett's br h Libeller (aged, 7st Slbs, Chapman), and Mr. F. N. George's ch c Nelson (3yrs, 7st 41bs, Vaile) also ran. Out of ten entries, only one, Fishwoman, was scratched, and the interest manifested in the race'waa most marked. The betting was 7 to 4 against Nelson, 2 to 1 against Leonora, 4 to 1 Normanby and Administrator, 5 to 1 Maori, and 10 to 1 the Others. After a splendid set-to the race resulted in a dead heat between Administrator and Radames. This was by far the best race that has ever been run on the Mleralie course, and we believe we are correct in saying that the time (3mins. 3Gisecs.).is the fastest in which the distance has ever been accomplished on this course. The owners of Radames and Administrator determined, instead of running oft', to divide the stakes, ao the totalisator paid as follows: —On Radames, on whom there were 54 tickets, £S 14s, and on Administrator, on whom there " were 163 chances, £2 17». Selling Race of 50sovs., added to a sweepstakes of 2sovs. each. For 2-year-olds, ! 6st lllbs; 3-year-o!ds, 83t 61bs; 4-year-olds, 9at; 5-year-olds and upwards, 9at 2lba. The winner to be sold by auction immediately after the race for 150sovs. If entered to be sold for lOOsovs., nllowed 71bs ; if for 70sovs., 141ba ; if for 5030v5., 211bs ; if for 20sovs., 201bs. Distance, 1 and a quarter mile. Mr. W. Potter's br g Parameua (50aova.), aged, 7Bt 61bs (McMiniman) ... ... 1 Mr. P. F. Tancred's Sham (late Constellation), syrs, 7sc 61bs (5030v5.) ... ... 2 Mr. J. Johnson's br h King Quail lOOsovs.), aged, Sat 91ba (Fergus) ... 3 Publicans' of lOOsovs., with a sweepstakes of 3sovs. each, to go to second horse. For two-year-olds, 6st lllbs ; three-year-olds, Sst 6lbs; four-year-olds, • 93t; five-year-olds and upwards, 9st 21bs. Distance, 1 mile and a quarter. Maidens at starting allowed—two-year-olds, 51bs ; tbree-year-olda, 71bs ; four-year.olds, lOlbs; five-year-olds and upwards, 141bs extreme penalty. Mr. P. J. Tancred's br c Consul, 3yra, Bst . 61bs (Sutherland)... — ... » ... 1 Major F. N. George's bo Wapiti, 3yrs, Sat Gibs (Vaile) 2 Captain W. R. Russell's ch m Leonara, 4yrs, Sst 121bs (W. Edwards) ... ... 3 Second Dat. The second day's races took place on the loth April, and a very good day's sport was the result, although the attendance was .not so large as on the previous day. The following aro the results of the raees. Flying Stakes, of SOsovs., with a sweepstakes of 3sovs. each, to go to second horse. For two-year-olds, 7st lib; three-year-olds, Sat Sib; four-year-oldß, 93t; five and upwards, 9at lib. Winners since August 1, 1883, of an advertised weight-for-age race of 50sovs., to carry 51b extra ; of lOOsovs., 71b extra ; of 20030v5., 101b extra ; of any two such races, 141b extra. Distance, 1 mile. Mr. P. F. Tancred's rn g Administrator, 4yrs, Bst 111b (Sutherland) ... ... 1 Major F. N. George's be Wapiti, 3yrs, Bat Sib (Vaile) 2 The betting was at first 10 to ' 6 on Administrator, but this shortened to 3 to 1 beforo the start. Time, Imin. 47fsecs. The winner, on weighing in, waa cheered. There was £446 invested in the totalisator, £275 on the winner, and the dividend was £1 9s.

Autumn* Steeplechase Handicap, of 150 aovs., added to a sweepstakes of lOsovs. each, 5 ft., second horse to receive 40sovs., and third horse 20sovs. from the stakes. Distance, about 3& miles. Mr. J". Lcnnard's ch g Chandler, aged list 121bs (J. Rae) ' 1 Mr. A. Martin's b g New Year (aged, lOat 121bs, Hope), Mr. R. J. Hoskins' b g Billy-go-by-'em (aged, lOst 101b, J. J. .Russell), Mr. Bishop's Plying Scud (aged, 10st, H. Taylor), also ran. Shotover, lOst. was scratched. The betting was 6 to 4 on Chandler, 2 to 1 against Billy-go-by-'em, 3 to 1 against New Year, and sto 1 against Plying Scud. There were £1135 invested in the totalieator, £5 15s on the winner, and the dividend was £1 19a. Ellerslie Plate of lOOsovs., with a sweepstakes of 3aovs. each, to go to second . horse. For two-year-olds. Colts, Sst lOlbs : fillies, Sst Slbs. Distance, three quarters of a mile. Winner of a two-year-old stake to carry 51bs penalty ; of two or more, lOlbs extra. Mr. Robertson's br o Krupp, 2yrs. Sst } lOlbs (McClusky) / . Mr. John Marshall's br f Necklace, 2yrs, f 9st 41bs (Sutherland) ... ... ... ; Mr. Stockton's br f Woodnympb, aged, Sst Slbs (Williams) 3

Mr. W. Brady's br o Carbineer (2yrs, 9st lib, Dawson), Mr. J, Gallagher's br o Revolver (2yrs, Sst lOlba, MeMiniman), Mr. J. Murphy's bk f Satanella (2yrs, Sat Slbs, T. Hodaou) also ran. After a splendid race it reaulted in a dead heat between Krupp and Necklace. Time, lmia ISaecs. The owners of Krupp and Necklace agreed, instead of racing off, to divide the stakes, and the totalisitor paid on both in proportion to the investments, £1 lis on Krupp and £1 la on Necklace. A.UTUMN- Handicap of 200sova., added to a sweepstakes of 7sovs. each ; second horse . to receive 30sovs. and third horse lOsovs. out of the stakes. For three-year-olds and upwards. Distance, 1 mile and a-half. Major F. N. George's ch c Nelson, 3yrs, 7st 71bs (Vaile) ... ... 1 Mr. E. D. Halstead's b c Radames, 4yr3, 6st 91bs (Byers) ... ... ... ... 2 Mr. Robertson's b h Fitz-Hercules, syrs, 7st lOlbs McLusky ... ... ... 3 Mr. P. F. Tancred's bo Consul, (3yrs, Sst 41bs, Sutherland), Mr. A. Standish's br g Normauby (oyrs, 7st lOlbs, G. Williams), Messrs. Lyons and Blakie's b g Woodpecker (6yrs, 7st 811)3, Thorpe), Mr. J. Barr Brown's b h Maori (aged, 7s c 71bs, Hickey), and Mr. W. Bobbett's br h Libeller (aged, 7st 41bs, Chapman), also ran. Time, 2mins. 40|secs. There were £881 in the totalisator, of which only £73 was on the winner, and the handsome dividend of £10 17s was paid. The Shouts, of .lCOsovs. Distance, 1 mile. Mr. A. Standish's gr m .Witiora, syrs, 7st lOlbs (Williams) ... . , 1 Major F. N. George's bo Wapiti.' 3vrs, Bst 21bs (Vaile) ... . ... ... ... 2 Mr. P. ,F. Tancred's r g -Administrator, 4yrs, Sst 61bs (Sutherland) ... ... 3

Mr. Robertson's blk m Fiahwoman (4yrs, 7at lOlbs, McLuaky), and Mr. A. Austens br f K&tip'o (4vtm, 6st, Huxtable), also ran. Yuba BUI, Libiller, arid Paramena were scratched. Tho betting to 4on Administrator, 2to 1 against Wifciora, 3 to 1 against irishwoman, and 5 to 1 against Wapiti. Time, Imin. 462secs. There were *627 on the totalisa4or, ISS on the winner, and the dividend was £3. Consolation Handicap of 30sovs. Entrance, 2sovs. Distance, 1 mile. Mitrailleuse, 7at slbs (Hickey) ... ••• 1 Sham, 7st lPlbs (Chatman) ... 0 Fishwoman, 7st 7ibs (McLusky) ... 0 Woodpecker, Sat 21bs (Farrell) ... ••• "

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7003, 28 April 1884, Page 2 (Supplement)

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AMUSEMENTS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7003, 28 April 1884, Page 2 (Supplement)

AMUSEMENTS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7003, 28 April 1884, Page 2 (Supplement)