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STEAM CONFBCtCIOHERZ WOBK&, DUBHAST-STEEET AUCKLAHD. EDWARD WATERS In thanjdng tho puDlie lor the liberal support tended to him. in his effcste to establish oa s flna basts a Sew local Industry, begs to announw for fch information of Merchants and StiWoWnen fh»t lie n»s now completed all arrangements to» tfcu njvno> Si" 8 <?f every descriotion of Confectionary The sum of money chat ts annually senieui ftha co.ony for importations of impure and deleterious sweetnmts (j oaon nons, and the advertiser woald respectfully caution purchssore of the noslonscompotajits which am now being extensively introduced terW». e l'£fl C £? tect ? oa ' stJ ' fa "»* e of the pnrosi nsar

j Cfcemist's Proprietary LorjEsrw, n «rtly and oarefnH? stamped and prepared. o*njrany Alsray- on Hand, and rn.tiio to order , , Lozeages, Comfit?, Jujubes. Fastile* ™ Mediai«s . Loaaifres, Genuine Black Currant Lownees (equal to Keating). ConverraUon lJ^2£ ■ Peppermints, Doable Extra Strong Mints, pVwdeSa' ; Icing, and Boiled Sap* ol every doacripHonT^e Candy, All Goods iiannfactnred on the Premises, anil of «,« tost materials.hand 63 of overj- description alway «s Waters' Chocolate, per doren. : ■Just Arrived, Weddiko Cake OitHAMaaia Soafi'.BODT'g LuoGA.Gr fei, &c, *<?: Testimonial. Provincial Laboratory,. „ . Auckland. October 29, 1575. Mr. Water* Sir,-I have modi pleisnre ta Informing you. that after having made a. very careful analysis of various samples of sweetmeats mannfac tcrea by you, I find that-they are free from all adulteration, and that the colouring niattejs are quits nnocuous. With regard to tho Chocolate, I find thai' it la qaita equal to the best English or French pro. parations, and, being entirely free from hnsS, it will form an excellent article of diet for invalids, especially those suffering from an impaired dig-estion.—lhavo she honour to be, sir, yonr obedient servant. James M. Tetnxt, Provincial Analyst; wi^^veTcm^tt? 1 " OT ««* ""*« , ■•:■■■}■■■ , EDWAKD WATERS, 1,-,,.WHOLE SALE COIN FECTI ONES Durham akd QnHFy-aTRKET3. AnraLAior ~ ~-,'■ Conveyances HOLLIS AND BROUGH'S LINE OF COACHE& : ■.: Loavee Auckland. Leaves Onehunea. »=> - .. 9.45 a.m. Ba . m . • .» 11 a.m. 9 a. m .. Eg \V-m. 8.30 a.m. ,gS 2 pm. 10 a.m. ** 4 p.m. 12.15 p.m. ~£ .. 6 p.m. i.3op.ini c= 0 p.m. 4 p.^,. KjS , ' 7 p.m. 5.30 p.m. Monday, 11 n.m, Monday, R p.m. ■. Saturday. 70 and 11 p.m Saturday, 6 p.m. Sundays. Sundays. ■, . . ■ 10 a.m. ■ B.SO a.m "' '.'■■. H pn> - 11.30 a.m. : <>p.m. 4 p.m. Bugfies, Brakes, and Saddle Harsei for Hire, at Manak m Stables, Lower Qneen-street, Onehnnea. HOLLIS k BHODGH, ;. ' Proprietors. mELEGRAPH Lift E OP MAIL J. COACHES BETWEEN TATJRANGA AKD OHINEMUTU, AND TAURANttA AND WATSK i.TVERY AND BAIT STABLES : V. DEVONPOKT SOAP, TAI7BANOA. ■ Tho Mail Coach leaves Tanranga every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday for Ohinemutu; rotumin every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. : Fare to Qhinemutn .. .. .. -..-.- The Mail Coach loaves Tanfanga 07 Katikati, every Taesdiy, Thursday, and N Satnrd»y mornings at 5 o'clock; rotnrning erery Monday. ..Wednesday, nnd Friday, at 3 p.m. : • ■ Faro to Waterfcrd, 10s. Return ticket, 17s 6d All earo taken but no responsibility. . Telegrams will receive prompt attention. ir E. EOBE UT S O N,- PiioPKiEtbß, Devonport Hoad, Tanransa. ."IffEWTOlf AND PONS ON EI . OMNIBUSES. EVEUY FIFTEEN MOiCTES from3a.m. to 7 p.m WEST END 'BUS COMPANY, pBOPWEioRa, Ofiico: 210,. Qneen-street TIME TABLS. 7IA NEWTON— JVom the Union Bank, from Ba. xn; to 7 p.m.; at tho hoar and half-hour. ■ VIA FREEMAN'S BAT— . From Union Bank, from 9.15 Q.m. to 6.43 p.m. ' ihe quarter to and nupHer uast. HOJrE BAY 'BUSES— . From Union Bank, via Victoriajtreet and Col lose Koad—, 11.53, 1.53, 2.53,3.83 4.53, 5.53. . . . From Home Bay to Union Bank—B.4s, 16.28, 11.20,12 20, 2.20, 3.20, 4.20, 5.20 6.20 XIGHT'BUSES- : ' .. •°-"-°;- u - S, 0, and 10 p.m.; SatDrday, 8, 9, 5.15,10.10.16, OR THE HOT SPRING?. A BovsJ Mail Coach will leave Devonport' for TValwera overy Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, era arrival of tho 0 a.m. Boat from Auckland, calling at Loess Creek, Dairy Flat, Wade, Orewa, arriving at Walwera, 'at half-past 3 p.m., and returns from Waiwera every Thursday, and Saturday it half-past 8 a.m., . niriviEgat Devonport at half-past 2 p.m. : ~ Fr-res to Waiweru: Single. 10a; Rotnrn, IBs. J AMES DO D D, ■ -'■ ''■'.. '_ PROPHIETOR. ■■■■•: \ if-:'■:'■ OR OW■T■ HE B, ♦ V. ■ a;-VICTORIA T.TVEKT&BAJT STABLES. ,'.,.'.■ ' xomer of Lorce and Wellealey streets. Patroniiied and appointed Livery Stable-koeMt to ' H.E.H. the Duke of Edinbar,,-!i and His Excel. . ;, .ilericy Sir «. V. Bowen. For Hire-j-A irreat variety of Cirrisges, open owl close'; Broughtcjs a> '. TTeciding Carri&g«.i, Day 'horses; '=Buegiet. single ai:d doable-scitcu, hooded snd open; sinjle or pair-of Horses; Four-wheeled .Doar-eirts;..Breaks for pirr.ic parties; Covered Coc wyiiii'cr" -.for. ririviu? . passengers to out-diaririo*r ■ L-tcliii.v and GecMemi'.n's Sa4tll» Horses, &c. &c. - ' CKsre f 9 3!mUni- , .. .■■ ■ W.J. KELLY'S TIME TAiBLE. * v -■ •:■ Leave Or.ehunga:' Leave Auckland: . .8.30 a.m.'. '. :'■ 10.30 a.m. 10.30 a.m.,- 12.10 p.m. ~. ' -.1 p.m. ':,'-' : . 3.15 p.m. ..■':■'. ,2.30 p.m. . 4.30 p.m, ..:■■-" Patnrday C.30 p.m. Saturday 11 p.m. ■' " Bugticsand Carriages for hire at the Exchange Uptel Stables, Princes-street. Onehnngi. "' ; ' ■ W. j. KELLY, Proprietor. • ROYAL MAIL LINE OP COACHES ' . ■ •■-■■.:., ALTERATION OF TIME-TABLE. : . ;:'. The"Eby»l Mall Coach (carrying passengats) irfll o and after Ist January, 18S3, and until farthor Lotice ran to the following Time-table :— Leave Cambridge for Hamilton Junction Eni'.wsy ' Station daily at 8.16 a.m.; Eetuming from Station ts ■Cambridee en arrival of Train from Auckland. ■ Leave Hamilton for Te Aroha on Tcesdaya, Thnrs* days, and Saturdays at 2.30 p.m.; Returning- fromTβ , Aroha ..on Mondays, Wednesdays, aaa Fridays at Iβ ■ ■".■,,■■•■ . ■~.'.. ", ■' Booking ome »:.....;: ' •■ Qwynne's. Hotel, Hamiltor est; Colersaso Hotel, Te Aroha; and at my Premises, Kirkwood and Lake-streots, Cambridge. - / ' -. . - , . . W.K. CARTES, •' ' • ■ •:.''...■ Propria '■■ ■ 'Cambridgo. 22nd.Pecomber, 18S2 .-.-. ' ■ rpELEGRAPH LLNE OF COACHES ft ■ ' - ■ • - ■ ■ .- , ,-LIVERY AND BATT STABLES, . . KIBKWOOn AUD LAKE-3TRSET3, CAJIBSIDOB, Waikato, New Zeaijsd. ■'" ; ' W. K. OAETEB, , , .... Proprietor. ' W. S. C. begs to return his sincere thiinks to hi* numerous friend; and the public generally for the liberal support lie has received commencing bus! ices, and has to inform them that in ordertomeex the reciTiirementa of this rapidly advancing dijstrici, hs ■ is at present building large additions to his premises, ■ whicS, when completed; will make them second to none in the North Island. ■'■■■' Tonrists for the Hot Laie Country supplied wito saddle horses ar.d bnggies on the shortest notice; also, experienced g-ttidc3 .ind careful drivers. Buggies nnd saddle horses always on hlr& Orders by telegram or otherwise jiractnally ttoncied to. Cambridgo, 22nd Decanbei-, ISS2. mELEPHONE LINE OF EOYAL MAIL. f| COACHES. NORTH SHOKE AND LAKE TAKAPUNA. ALTERATION OF HATE TABLE. WINTEK MONTHS. : • On and after Tuesday, ilay-l, and untU further notice, th Coaeh will run jo the following tlila '■' ve Poat-offlce, Devoiport, at B.SO a-m. *NX 4.20 p.m. -■ Leave Schorthooso, T&kapvna, at 10.30 a.n». an* 5.15 p.m. Sundays, at 10-20 a.m. and 3 p.m.; retnmtoSf ■ 11.15 u.m., and 5.16 p.m. . V Jareeachway-TONESsiiXIKa. -i'L, ' Should EuiDcient inducement offer, a Coacn VSU leave at any moment for Lake Takaptma at OKliniSEjr coach fares. ..._, Qmcß , ;

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6823, 29 September 1883, Page 3 (Supplement)

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6823, 29 September 1883, Page 3 (Supplement)

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6823, 29 September 1883, Page 3 (Supplement)