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1 Why Concrete has found but Jittla favour a w;th many is because it] is assumed to be an i antrud material, whieh ago may deteriorate • t bnt-tws is an sssutnption that will not bear . reflection, for, w nether formed with Lime or . Cement, Concrete isreaijy a random rubble- [ wail of Cement or Lime mortar, as the case : may be, ond in the construction of which the > materials are blended together and inter- . locked one witii aoother in a way th;it could . nos possibly be attniuert by the ordiuary [ method, ot iorining that eass of work, and with the additional advantage that the eemontnious ingr diont n.ust, for obv-ious i reasons, hi of tue best and purest descriptiou. With rtgaid to Conurete being a modern invention, history repeats itself in thi3 as ia mo>t other things, for the Greeks and Koinans undoubtedly used it, and it exihta now in thy foundations of many of their ancieuE buildiogs. As, howevur, Portland Cement was unknown sixty 3'earj since, all the ancient Concretes h: d L ma for a cemeatitious constituent ; but tlie excailenc qnaiity of the same, the regularity ai.d evenness with wtiieh ail the maltjii.ils v.ere incorpor;ittd, aiid the' app-.reiit kuuivlcdgo appiied iu the selection of the comp<>iH-n!; parts, resulted in tuo (jonsircotio'.i ot buildings equal to or superio.: iu st eJgth ."aad durability to any of modern erection. j./We were the firit in Ifew Zealand to risk our capital in erecting machinery (which we did four years to grind this Lime "and to ■ make any systematic attempt to introduce«ce generally. Before doing so, wesatistie.l ourselves, by actual experiment, that the materials were right. \Ve bavo had to copi with t> e Jcarmincd t pposition of t!u Uuveranunt, .tud List, but nos least, Mit!- pr.-ju.nce in at; its forms; but our material is g-jod. We liave an incxhaust.ibie supply, and knrw rhat we are right, aud right will We have now litteen ki us (st.irt'd ir'itli t«o), acd recently nave had to enlarge and lenew i.eariy the whule of our maoijiuoti, aud'cin suuply luige qaa.titi s of a wt.l-ground, uniform, jiiiit' ars.cle. We have ti\cteil nine Couci-ite buildings. One or them—Mr. J. C. Filth's granary, foot of Albert-street—we, beiieve is the large-t in the co.oay. After tnis experience, we have no ht-sitilion in adhering to our lormer ata'.emi-nt, that a wtll-fioislud Concrete buiMi-. g will uot cost more than 10 par cei t. over the same 'in timber.- ' Kirm-rs wou»d also find it very suitable for building Concrete diiiios, out-buildings, &c., ' or Liyiuj; Concivtu cow-ahejs, stock-yards, d-iiy, barn, piggery, or .»ny flooi* leqiund on a faiin Uraii.s may be formed in the Cjuci , te, without any additional ex ':■' penss, and cuiiuecterl v.lib the tanks, ■'■ thereby s.iving the I quid aianuie and preventing auy oilen-ive b'uyll. On receipt of 'lette- deiciibn g the niat-ri il avai'able, foi Conetete, dimeiiaioria of 'bi.ildings, , floors, &c, and puipas. s the> a.e to s-:rve, we will forward ehv.nUr explaining treatment ol Lime, and state what thickaess the-walls or floor shbtiU be aud qc.«nti:y of Lime required t> complete thi wtik, and oh per-' tonal .tppliu-.ttou will explain framing for. buildings, tiuks, &e. In distrijts were ueiLlier gravel bor ash can ,be got, rich ciay may be burned, and nukes a good acgregate—tggregate minus aay mitorial used to mix witti Ijimo or Ceircnt to form the body of the Concrete. •.- ' ,

'For., brick'. dr. stone, worky. plas£eriiig>buiid :,• ■ings, , :tau c;^'itAis : ;'a' :goo.ct..'subatic\ita for; .Portland; Cerdehj; ■ '"'" ■- t -!"'i- : ' ; j. ... A : ..ri'feVei.Ce ,-to;. Messrs.,, Woodward arid sHow'that' anyjun ■'■ .may.:carry out is'uiih works, as tanks,'.&c. *? •:"■''* j. ,, ■a.■. , pai■pL• , n ; lie^ , /'tf■ ■.cari , 3r■'.■t^^" t .'^i^ ; . oucrto\:u( vantage, a..d : d0.., o . jtaktJitlietim^'geoq.aHy.'supposed! ..v^'.V , ,',.:' "i%'\",. /-'We are. hriitririgty,this tnaif improved iron; staniia/d-. f'.-r'"Curicrete buildi ng frames doaigrieiiti)..combine case of .working,.'.'cheap- ■' ness,' durability', aiid liglitiies3;^:|'f: : i; .''/:*■ ■■ -' ~ ■ Thiao'irnproveruent is Well' wbrtHy'"of- a p;>ti.'ut, but we to present tbe-idea to .■the public.,'.;with tlie view/of .encouraging • Cbi'crtte generally. ~ ,: ■.-../;;;''iiVi ...All Mauuraugi Lirries are riot alike, and none of \Vison's'; is genuine'' without the Trade Mirki-'■:.; ' ~.,_ ' ' ...;V : : '.~S"- : . ', ■" ! . Also on silejliricks, Sand,' Pipes, &c. '■■ : ■■:;.'>,■ ■ Jkius. yyiLson & Co., ■■;..'. •;''.'!•.''■■':';'.'.■ «.-'*",■.■'■■■:■.;■ SljCJueen-street.";■' : '' : ;.< ■■.■':.:-■ ;.■■■ ; ; ;. Auckland Scptember'4;ißS2. ■Messrs.':J.'Wilson:&':Cp: : .: v ■■::.■■':■/:i^:^ : .:':- ■ . '■'■- '~. "Dear 703.11; request asking me to give .ypu. my ;6pjiiiou of Concrete as :i building material for.. 'dwelling-houses,' i.. : state' what ,, my; i.iniprcsaibnsaro^aftcrliviiigriii 'a'Concrete liouse .'.year; '■i'Smcro'.'e- houses .require., be-plastered ior, atuccoedpn.'theoutsidolb^ake.the^impervious'.to' , a.ijriviug. rain: be -more free froriidaihp, or healthier. Concrete'; houses 'b'eing/hpiiiogen'eousre'quire great'jpare,about ; ;Vent.i!a-,. ..iatioi^'«%-no:>iiir-'raii\get.:throiigli J jip'ywhei :^ :> bttt.'th'e ynndow-sftslies'aud.wood-franiing. C'oiicrete". houses larp'.warin'.'iV ■w'inter:. i fr , oni.the"game re.asbc , ; iHaving , . ; pc , ciisioa ; )atcly..,io' 'cut,-.a hole-:fqr ■a;'watcr'' , .pipe,ithe' 'Opricrete:Sy;is:s6:h'ard"it. toot two'/-inch'"nearly, a : day -put it throMgh.'..'■ j> amiso satisfied■ witii' Concrete : that allnSlil.i ireiiufre anotheriipuse"it. would' be built .of'jt.;—Youra.'y6ry-:iru]y;..■:'.;■:"., ■■'.. . ■"'■■■ ■ ■.* '■.'.;' '■'.:"'■.'''..■■' ■:■' .."■■''.; 'IX..\X\:' :. : ,':~ '~■•■'■''■'"' :.~'.^ 0 ¥- IS: '-9- llXy 'P^P^- :: '... ""::''. ..'"'.. .'. .-. .'■..' .''■.:,'."'..:Glynn; Pani'bridge: , .': , '.'.' , .'" "' - ' .'.: !, .' : -. '/' ■ ' !■■■■':■ 9th September,' 18S2;- '' J. Wiliori *:. Co V '' ~" .;', .;.:•;*■.■ '■•'">■. ■ 1 ;i , . , .-:--'. ."■';>- . '81 > .ftueen-street;.; ; .'i'Oeniijini'pn-.^T-I'n'reply.'to'y.puri.'favour,'. it affords mo: pleus>.tb. b.dar; testimony'.tp-ithe quality/of your. I'have just completed 'builiiing. : a>lirg'j Concrete culvert in which your, Lime. *was.' of the culvert nvas' i'nuncliVicd , on" , sovernl , accGUQt of heavy.'rains..whilst the; work .was.being done, notwifi-' stariiiiiig ■theCoucreEe'.set faithfully, ■;. : . ... .. .'■.".■ G.Pi'.Hos.KisG^Cml Engineer. ■£;'■. city , , Coy^:piii..pF . AiJCKtANi);i-:.; ::;v v ■'■*'■ ■..-. ■']. ' ■C'ity.'Snrveypr^.Office, , ,';'' '''~?M ' .. v.: : ; ,-' i .. Sir,— Yoiir'. liuae Concrete. Water; Caannels/.put do.wni fortiie'Auckland City'Cbunbllihayfipiyenmnch. .saii:= : f.>rit.i6n. , When prbpcrlj: : pn£ : downiprija soil-."'; fbundif on, with a to allow : it , set, U'WR'ara well, willVatand. the..ordinary?"cart! tr.iihd, and' water■■'dots:,""iibt' ■injure"it; but. nicher' iropr< ." ■' ?. ■:.' .■■ ~" ",' ...,'' ...■'■".'..'.'.' It. is very suitable for fla' s'radients.'.beiii'g' smooth;. , ■it enahifs tlie water toruioff easily.. and't.he'chaEnels: to be k'e'pS'clean.'iin if :usod:in'..yard3 where it is: subjected to' heavy ,'cai't .ti'affic'.witlibu.t' 'any' apparent' injury, and on tne 'whole think.hi;h.ry of it.., I believe, it ...would wear well as. a. .side...p"ayemeu.t: : in. ho.t'climiites, where asphalt is affecfed'by , heat.. r lt is-'. not slippery, and can be made agreeable •to jhe eye by giying it a light coat of tar.r^Yours.respectfully,■'■'.. ' ' ; . : "'' ■\VM."As'i>Eß.soN > .'.City:. Surveyor. ■ J. Wilson Co., Concretb Works, Auckland. . ; ■ MountAiberti ■' . '-'■'•• Auckland, March 17U5', 18-32.. : Messrs. Jn<J..'Wilson &...C0: ;. ;■. . .' ' Gentlemen,—The Concrete tanfc.'w'hich I .builtand' pliistered with 'Wiisph's Hydrsuliq limp contains. 20,003 gallons: ■ It' has been in uise ab'qut eighteen hipnths, and.'is in every'..way faithfully, ■''■'■• J> -.Vr-.M. WooDivAKp, Farmer. ■.' ' : ■'.' '■ Auckland Sep'ternber 1'3,?183b.. '. Messrs. J. Wilson & Co;, Auckland. Gentlemen,—i;have\rauch-pleasure in/testifying-to : the excellence of the Concrete mads by you frornjohr The..Qbor of the .large store at Suiiiley'which.-jou made forme last, year ..has.' stood remarkably well, a'nd'in overyre'spect has given! ■ni'o very great satisfiction.—Youi3'triily,. '■':.■■ .. ■■' '. ■ ■: ■ :■' J. C:'FIBTHv , ■" : . ■ ■Queen-i.treet, Auckland;. . ■,;,': ... : ■■ ■ pctdber'ts'thylSSO. ', : Messrs. Wiiaon & Co., ■.' ; ■'~,.■■,. ■■ ' " MahuringiHydraulioLime..JilorJ;ha..c:t3. ';■. Gentlemen,—l have greaS pleasure , in , , statirig , . that- ! tho three. Concrete houses yon have>ereuted.' with yonr 1 Hydraulic Ground Limet'"nnd'under iny supervision,;' 1 hive fully come'up tb'tny expectations, that'they are , I nowwithouteither flaw or urack of any kind, and I '■.cpiisider' tUcm' quite-equal, to ,the eminent. Concrete buildings I have seen'in AuckUrid. ■ ■ ■ .■ : ..:■.■.■■' : - 2nd. i'or listerns I have tp.'he , both cheap substantial and perfectly 'wateri.tlgh'tV . ■S. ■'r"'"i : ■■■■■' 3'rd;' :'b"ujlning purposes.'and especially for.stone. tforki I xl.nsider your Limo unequalled, particularly in.-d.mpsituationi. I have seeii it set;.voiy little. .inferior, to ; ' Portland Ciuisnt, and for"this,;purpose.r can siron , ; ly recoinmeiid it as one of the best Lime-. ; -4th The pUsterinu on walla, ehimnfcys.'.Vii'Cidpnp with'your liino about twelve .mouths ago , is;, , row. ■ ceiivlv ae hard ;ia Hortland Cement, and'with this, adyaiiiago, Us natural colour is the colour. ■b£ Bath :. ,, t6ne; ,,, ''.; '■■*'■■■■ ■*■'■■"' ■ ■'■ ■ ■'~"■■'4.h'tt&

■'•" Btlr For inside plastering—after the Lithe" has/ieen properly slaved-work done about twelve monthn.ago: "ir'-iow quite hanl. .smooth, and free from; flaws of' any description. ■ : ' . ■ - .;:. . ■' " ';*'■';'•'";■".■''" "■ "6th-'''For floors or;is, in rhy opinion," very -i-ucb super or to asphalting for this climate, both, "for rciii-t'li-'Uie a:tion-'of-water-.and wear of '■- %.-\, P ~:.'. '" .V: t-DWAitD BABTI.EY,-Architect.;,... '-.-■ ■ ■■:■'■■'''''' ■''■■ ■"' '' }■':"'- : '.'; ■-:. i ..■ '; Aiickland,' April ■'kosSr^'Wnson ! & : Co: ..'. ; ".'..■ '■ .■;.■ ■■■.'■■•■ ;, ; ■",.:■.:■':' " , '.." , ' , ' " : CJeutlciuea — Iliavenmcb plpasnre in recoa-.mencling 'tciurllyilraalic Lima as n'vury/Eiiitiblb anil inexpen..; siv"■ 'material to- : construc: -.Walls;. Retaimng-sWalls,-.. ''iviter Taiika; anfi;..thosb-built :bj; yonr.;.firm pn,my. ' v>rdner£y hivo given ■ satiafactiOJi.—l ■ remaih.i yours iiruly, -.-■■■■■:■■■■' V ,' ■■■■■■ ■■■■ ' ' -SAiiL^oiiE-iN.:';.;. ■.'i? o j-'-Wiisbh-fr'bo. ,, -' ' ■■■ ; ; : -> , .-'■'■:.Apra,icth,'.iSsq; i i :: ■■/■Ccntlemen,— Having , ■■■tlibroughly'.sattsacd^jnys.elfi-; ..iftereigli't months'- trial,:; : 6f the.■■roliablcoess ;ofyotu : ; ■'Gdpcfe to-'flooring ;i : "intend / :'at"pn(ib , . , . , tQ flay;.- , two othei,.; ' iloo'rVmi'iy ■Muble-.'Brid.ialtogethcr-.-'ddiaway with the asJhalt.-wlilbtf.l'havo found to be.up fce.on a stable. ■:ilod-:s'ibj'ect-.-to : the • amount .of-rpiigh u;e that mia .:• '&tl ":■ -The .concrete still remains sound and solid, an ." iuTiears'iust as Boodas when first lai<!:—Yours,...■'■;, ~ V)!; :..!,?,■■'.*;: ■■/;"...': ,-. . W,'CROWTHEK. ■': . vif .'".■■•'' ■ Pukeiohe, December 12th, ISSi 'Messrs. J. Wilson & C 0 . ,, ■'■ -. ■;• :■■ .. " 'Sirs -"ihe'cracrete'tankwhich Ibniltand piastered work before, but followed your instructions, and have Perfectly UgM. .

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6823, 29 September 1883, Page 3 (Supplement)

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[ADVERTISEMENT.] WILSON'S HYDRAULIC LIME. New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6823, 29 September 1883, Page 3 (Supplement)

[ADVERTISEMENT.] WILSON'S HYDRAULIC LIME. New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6823, 29 September 1883, Page 3 (Supplement)