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The regular weekly meeting of the City Council was held last evening. Present: His Worship the M&yor (presiding), and Messrs. Stevenson, Field, Dacre, George, Phillipps, Devore, Thompson, Crowther. Waddel, Harper, Fleming, Laßoche, Burns, Garratt, Aickin, Masefield. The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed, also the headings of correspondence sent since last meeting of the Council.

Present of Books for mb Library.— Mr. J. M. Mowbray forwarded the works of Dugald Stewart, the Scotch philosopher, in eleven volumes, as a present to the Free Library.—lt was, on the motion of the Mayor, referred to the Library Committee, as a matter of form. —The volumes were on the table. They were handsomely bound, and formed a very nice present. Crossing.—Mr. E. B. D.x, or Norfolkstreet, asked that when the cutting of Pon-sonby-road commenced, a few loads of earth might be placed before his gate, to form an approach for a cart to his prope.ty.—The application was referred to the Engineer. OHI.NEMUBI Library. — Mr. Charles Rhode" Secretary of the Ohinemuri Public Librarv, asked for a donation of books.—He understood that the new consignment included many works of which copies were already in the Library.—Referred to the Library Committee for their report. Symom>s-stkeet. — Mr. A. Tyer wrote calling attention to the necessity for the water cart in Symonds-street. —The City Engineer ' reported that since the date of the letter sweeping and watering had been done, and more attention would be paid to it in the future.—lt was agreed to reply accordingly. Rokkby-street.—Thorras Quoy and other residents in Rokeby-street sent in an agreement to have the water supply laid on to their premises. There were no mains in the street, and it was moved by the Mayor, to refer to the Streets Committee. — Mr. Crowther pointed out that it was a resolution of the Council that mains should should be laid in all the streets of the old portion of the city,—Mr. Fleming moved "Thatthe work be done."—This was seconded by Mr. Thompson, who spoke in support of it. In all fairness these people were ent tied to have the water mains laid.—Messrs. Harper and Crowther spoke in support of the motion, pointing out the necessity for having the water in such a thickly built district. The motion was withdrawn, and the amendment becoming the substantive motion was carried.

Te Aroha Library.—Mr. J. A. Dobson, Secretary of the Te Aroha Public Library, wrote asking whether the committee of the Auckland Free Library would dispose of some magazines, reviews, &c., second-hand, after they had been the usual time on the table.—Referied to the Library Committee.

Richmond-road.—Mr. E. Bunker wrote complaining of annoyance ciused by water flowing from Richmond-road through his garden.—The Kngineer reported that the applicant was a ratepayer to the Newton Highway District Board. It was only in general work the Council took coutrol of the road.—lt was agreed to refer the applicant to tho Newton Highway Board. Permit. —Mr. E. B. Reynolds forwardo.l plan of proposed residence to be erected on his leasehold in Hepburn-street, and asked permission for the came. The conditions of the lease were that the building was to be worth £150. That proposed to ba erected would cost £500. — I'he plans were approved. Fort-strk-t.—Messrs. E. S. Coombes, W. C. Daldy, and other property-holders in Foit-street, requested that the street may be kerbed and channelled, and the footpath asphalted, from its junction with Customsstreet, as far as may be considered advisable. —The Engineer reported that this work was to be done in connection with the drainage of Commerce-street in its turn, and it was agreed to reply accordingly. New Street.—Messrs. ,H. Atkinson, J. Waymouth, and John Buchanan wrote agreeing to give iand shown on a plan for the extension of Hepburn-street to the bend of Union-street, opposite Sale-street, 40 feet wide, on condition that the street be completed through between Napier and Uniou Streets the full width, and permanent level, and that tho embankment on the north side of Napier-street be filled out full width, the whole to be completed in two years.—The Engineer reported that there was something more tangible in this than in a previous letter, and it may be worth considering. Ho would report on the matter at next meeting. —The further consideration of the matter was deferred for the Engineer's report.

Removal of a Mo;;se.—Mr. Henry Neal asked to have the wooden house in Upper Queen-street, opposite the Turkish Baths, removed. He had not received any rent from it for months. It was blocked up with rubbish, causing him a serious loss.—The Engineer recommended the application to the consideration of the Council. The cost would be a'out £30.—Referred to the Streets Committee.

GRAFTO.v-RO.ip.—M. A. Rattray, Graftonroad, wrote intimating his intention to build, and requested the Council to remove a bank of earth to give him access to the house.— The Engineer's memo, ou the application was to the effect that he wonld require to inspect the place to see how much earth would have to be taken away, and whether it would interfere with adjoining property.—Referred to the Streets Committee.

Water Supply.—John Budge and others, of Ryle-street, Poiisouby, asked tu have the water laid on as BO'.n as possible, a3 they dreaded the itpproach of another dry season. —This was one of ?,tie streets iu which the mains were to be laid, and ic was agreed to reply accordingly.

Mr. Connop's I,ease.—Mr. H. J. Connop asked the Cfuncil zo iuvestigare the circumstances of his 'eif.e, believing that he got the lease for four years ; and although he lost his case, he still believed he had a moral right to consideration. —The solicitor sent in a memo, regarding the case. Mr. Connop, instead of accepting the oiler of the Council, as Mr. Roth had dono, elected :o defend the case, and refused a settlement.—Mr. Garratt mov.;d that the be i.Period to the Finance Committee, and Mr. Thompson seconded the saotiou. —Mr. Masefield thought it would be out of order, and l esides the Court had alreariy adjudicated on the matter. —The Mayor moved as an amendment, "That Mr. Connop be informed that he having appealed to the law, the Council could not now re - open the matter," and Mr. Masefield spoke in support of the amendment.—Several councillors spoke on both sides of the question. There was a good deal of discussion as to the terms on which Mr. Connop took over the lease from Mr. Payne, the purchaser, and his action in the matter.—The amendment was carried by 9tu 8. A division being taken, it was declared carried.

Nuisance. —Mr. B. Keane wrote regarding his brickworks in Ponsouby. He said he had gone to great expense in erecting chim-ney-stacks, &c., and was not aware that any nuisance existed.—The Mayor said that notice had been given to Mr. Keane to abate a nuisance which was complained of.—lt was agreed that further aciiou in this matter would depend on the action taken by Mr. Keane.

Water Supply to Schools.—Mr. Carr, Chairman of the School Committee, applied to the Council to make an average charge per quarter for the water supp'y to Beresfordstreet school. —The Town Clerk reported that an average could not be struck. Tho consumption varied from 13,000 gallons to 58,000 gallons per quarter,—lt wan agreed to inform the applicant that the charge would be by meter, and that tho meters be tested.

Wakefield street.—Mr. Phillipps presented a petition from Mr. Traffonl and 14 other residents in Wakefielii-street, drew attention to the dangerous state of tho footpath near Dampier's shop, which they pointed out was dangerous to life and limb. —Ri-ferred to the Streets Committee.

! The Hjllo'.v in* Gkky-strekt.—Mr. Phillipps pra.-euted a petition signed by Jauies Jackson and 118 others, askiDg tho Couueil to expend a portion of the loan to fill in the hollow in Grey-street, and on his motion it was deferred for the consideration of the Council at its next meeting. Swr'. ::?i.\'i; Footpaths.—T. B. Hunnaford and twenty otheis sent in a petition stating that they had received noiiee from Mr. Goldie, Inspector of Nuisances, not to sweep the footpath in front of their premisoa, and requesting the Council to asphalt the footpath.—Referred to the Streets Committee.

SPRING-STREET AND ALMA. PLACB.—A petition from the residents in regard to tho footpath was referred to tho Streets Committee.

Diversion of R.~ad.—The Mayor said ho had received a circular from Mr. Edgecombe relative to a meeting to be held in regard to the diversion of a road in Point Chevalier. —The Town Clerk was appointed to attend the meeting, and if necessary oppose the diveraion of the road.

Legal Committee. —This committee's port was as fellows : — "Re fire at City Market, that £20 be authorised for payment to Mr. Slator in full of all demands ; that telephone communication be authorised between the central and out fire stations at a cost of £100; that permission be granted to the Tramway Company to stack rails, &c., on the street near the dock subject to seven days' notice ; that the presentation of books from Mr. Samuel Brooking be accepted with thanks, and bound in half calf."—The report waß adopted. Finance Committee. —This committee reported re letter from Mr. Glasseom, that tenders be called for shingling, painting, and papering cottage Ponsonby-rnad. Re memo, from Town Clerk that the necessiry steps be authorized for preparation for £100,000 loan to be raised, debentures to be provided, &c.. Re petition from Hobson-street to cut down north end to permanent level of Custom-, house-street, the committee recommended that the Engineer be requested to prepare and show gradients, also quantities of excavation, and all other necessary particulars.— The report was adopted. Steeltj Committee.—The rtport of this committee was read and adopted. V;- ,: Water Main3.—Mr. Garratt, before the opening of tenders for laying the water, mains, moved that the tenders be hot opened, but that the specifications be' amended, so that separate tenders be called, for the work in each ward.—Mr. Errington, Waterworks Eugioeer, explained that the works had to go on simultaneously in all the wards.—Mr. Crowther opposed the motion. . The Engineer would see that the tertr.i of the specifications were carried out.—?Tlic Engineer said that not less than 40 men were to be employed, but no time was specified; —Mr. Waddel regretted that the work when let in one contract was not carried out by their own men. It would be very much cheaper.—Mr. Thompson hoped Mr. Garratt would not withdraw his motion. No time was fixed for the completion of the work;,and he was in favour of having ► eparate contracts, for each ward.—Mr. Harder spoke. .: to the same effect.—Mr. Devore asked for information as to the number of tenders received.—The Mayor said that there were ten tenders, and £100 deposit with each.r— Mr. Masefielc! supported the motion. He was in favour of the mains being laid by the: Council officials, and the trendies by tender..—Ifc would be impossible to supervise.; the jointing of tlie pipes if the work was dene, by contract. —The resolution of the Council ivas turned up, and it showed that separate: tenders were to be called, and Mr, Garratt's motion was then put and carried. Mills' Lane.—Tenders for works and. drainage in Mills'Laue were opened, as follows :— George Mullinger, £165; Allan Maguire, £140 ; Wm. Mason and Mcllraith, £90; S. T. Knight, £180; L. Bourke and, Co., £129 4s 6d ; Connell aud Regan, £153.; A. Archibald, £115 ; John Brown, £147. The Engineer's estimate was £140. .-.The lowest tender, that of Mason and Mcllraith, was accepted. Wellesley and Sale Streets.—Tenders for works in these streets were opened, , as. follows :—John Irwin, £249 ; S. T. Knight, £278; A. Maguire, £197 ; A. Archibald, £177 ; John Brown, £227. The Engineer's, estimate was £220. Mr. Archibald's tender was accepted. Grafton-road.—The levels of streets in. this ward were submitted. There was only one objection. The levels as advertised were fixed.

Covering Fire Plugs.—The Town Clerk drew attention to complaints as to builders 1 covering fire plug?. There was a complaint, on the same subject from the Superintendent of the Fire Brigade.—Mr. Waddel said that: there would be no complaints if their own; officials performed their duty. —The! Town Clerk's memo, was referred to the Streets. Committte.—ln regard to the dispute at the recent fire between the Fire Brigade and.the Salvage Corps, Mr. Garratt did nofr'think there was any necessity to send it to committee. The Superintendent of the Fire Brigade was by the Act constituted the chief at a fire.—Mr. Waddel coincided, and,said the Salvage Corp3 had no standing at a fire. —Mr. Crowther insisted that ,they had, and they rendered good service;- too, and not only that, but carried a small engine with them, which was of great ; use where the mains were hot laid. He referred; to the facts of the dispute. There was no doubt Captain Field had ordered the'removal of the goods, for it was a matter of grave doubt whether the house would for: would not be saved, and the firßt article: removed was a valuable piano. This; man Evans was carrying cut the orders of his captain. He supported the matter going to committee.—Mr. Garratt read the clause 274 of the Municipal Corporations Act defining the powers of the Fire Inspector.—Mr. Thompson, while agreeing with Mr. Waddel! that the Superintendent of the Brigade should have large powers, also thought the Salvage Corps had a position at a fire. They were paid by the insurance companies to save property in wnich the companies were interested, and he did not think the Superintendent should: interfere with them in the performance of their duty unless they interfered with hia opera-. tione. —Mr. Harper said there was no complaint from the Salvage Corpn ; they had only the report of the Superintendent of the Fire Brigade bofore them.—Finally the . motion to send the report to the committee was put and lost, nine voting against it and eight in favour.—Mr. Harper's motion that; the report be received was carried. Engineer's Report.—The Engineer furnished a report on certain works in Pcnsqdby and Richmond Road. —It was referred to this Streets Committee. —Mr. La Rcche moved , the following resolution: "That the-Engi-neer be instructed to prepare plans and specifications for cutting and filliDg for Symonds-. street and Kyber Pass to permanent levefs." —Mr. George seconded the resolution, .and it was carried.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6822, 28 September 1883, Page 6

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CITY COUNCIL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6822, 28 September 1883, Page 6

CITY COUNCIL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6822, 28 September 1883, Page 6