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EXPLANATION OP THE CHART. .p. - Khnws the weather over temperate latitudes in Australia and New Zealand. The dotted lines 1:1115 readings of fee barometer at- 9 a.m. on the above date, and thus indicate the general wi=d alway.-: following these lines, changing Us direction as they forco according to the amount of difference of barometer which they express. The arrows whfcralwsya ljlows in a contrar? direction to the movement of the hands of a clock, »-hi?area of' HIGH barometer, and with the clock hands round a low barometer or cyclonic area, wither chiefly arise from the eastward progress of these latter disturbances, at the rate of 300 to 600 nSes in hours. All local deflections of the Isobars, due to the shape of the land, are omitted. SYNOPSIS OF THE WEATHER. V PW 7 P oUnd • Light decrease of pressure generally, but fine weather, vrith "Westerly winds. Australia :.. TJirrborer Australia ; '.light Southerly winds on East Coast, and Easterly on West; gloomy with l?JftfihowCTfi Barometers: Now Zealand—Kussell, 30 '2; ft'ellin* ton, 30*0 ; Bluff, 29*9. Australia-Albany, 30*3 ; Portland, and Hobart, 3C-.2; Sydney, 30*0.

Bftu>zsg Materials. — Timber: Boards and Scamling, 100 ft, 10s to 15s, best dressed, 18s to 19 s 6d; seconcl class, 9s to 12s 6d; rustic weather boards. 17s to 18s. Mills : Cargo, best, 12a to 14s 6d ; second class, 6s to Bs, Balk, Cs 6d to 7s. Bricks, (at Whau), 35s* to 40s; Town Yards, £2 .5s to £2 10s per 1000. Brain Pipes, per 1000, 6 inches bore, 30s; 4 inches, 14s; 3 inches, 9s; 22 inches, £2 5s per 1000; Socket Glared Pipes, IS inches, 3s; 15 inches, 2s 6d; 12 inches, 2s; 19 Inches. Is 3d; 6 inches, 8d; 4 inches, 6d per foot New ZeAliAnd Flax Rope.—Prices subject to trade terms. Hope of all siies, per ton, £40; Tarred Yarn, do., £40; Wool Lashing, do., £38. Butchers' Meat.—Retail: Boasting Beef, per lb., 4d& o 6d; Boiling Beef, do., 3d to 6d; Mutton, hindquarter, do., 4d; do., fore-quarter, do., ,3d; Pork and Veal, per lb., do., sjd to 7d; Steaks do., Cd to 8d; Chops and Sausages, 4d to 6d. Wholesale: Tallow, mutton, per cwt., 4Ss to 60s • mixed, do.. 25s to 355. . - : Manures. — Bonedust, Sydney, £9 103 to £10 according to quality; Boneflour, £9; Auckland, £7 to £810s; Peruvian guano, £18; Maiden Island, £8 ; Huon Guano, small lots, £5 to £6, bags included Hurst's Chemical Manure, £1410s. Misoeixa2veous. —Kerosene, from Is 7d to Is Bd. ordinary brands. Woolpacks in quantity, 3s 3d to 3s Cdeach; Corn Sacks, 8s to 8s 3d per dozen. Fencing Wire, No. o, 7, and 8, assorted, £14 10s to £15 10s per ton; Lime, slacked, Is per bushel; Quick Lime, in stone sGd to 2s. New Zealand Palings, sft., 7s 6rt to • 10s; 6ft., 13s; Ti-tree Bails, £2 10s to £4 per 100; Puriri Posts £6 to £7; Shingles, 13s to 16s 6d per 1,000; Hobart Palings, sft., 15s to 19s; Gft., 17s to 21s; Hobart Bails, 75s to 853. Buying and selling quotations. .

LIVE STOOK AND PRODUCE MARKETS. AUCKLAND. Mb. Alfred Buckland'h Weekly Rbport.—; At the Haymarket, on Friday last, fod'der was in full' supply, but rallied in price, and sold freely from, Bs, to Gs 3d per cwt.; oats, at late values, 2s 8d; maize, 2s 9d to 3s Id per hushel. The vehicles advertised-' sold freely ai satisfactory prices, bringing from '£30 to £07 each ; second-hand buggy, £20 ; horse, buggy; and harness £35; omnibus. £37. Horse stock were, plentiful and sold freely. Tho entire, Clyde, brought 37 guineas; medium draught stock, from £11 to £28;: and the heavy draught entire. Lord Dalhousie, £150;. On Tuesday, fodder fully maintained the values of. the previous Friday. Hides and skins were in full. number. Hides barely maintained previous values,.' and tanged from lid to 2Jd per lb.; butchers' skins, 3s Od to 4s Jd; station skins, Is 3d to 3s 9d each : ; lambskins, 7d ; tallow, 27s to 28s per cwt.; bones,'4s Gd; cross-bred wool, 6d 3-10ths per lb. At Papakura, on AV edncsday, the usual muster of stock met with a steady demand at fully late values. Atßemuera' on Thursday the market was brisk throughout. Dairy: and grown store cattlo advanced 10s each, arid fat: cattle ranged from 25s to 28s the lOOlbs. Store sheep, were also in better enquiry. Medium quality ."ewes, with lambs at side brought 183 and 19s 3d each;;'prime fat sheep, 3id the lb. Lambs were abundant;. and of very variable quality, Prices ranged from; 2s Cd to 20s, but the greater number from 0s to 14s eachPigs, numerous and in good demand, particularly medium weight fat pigs. Averages were : 8 steers, Ed. Allen, £S 9s 6d; 4 head oxen, Kobt. Fisher, £9 6s; 4 cows. £6 as ; 7 oxen, Jas. Taylor, £10 16s; "2i steers, Waikato Land Association, £9; Gisbbrne wethers, Jno. Allen, 17s 6d; Waikato wethers, A. B. Suttor, 22a 3d ; wether hoggetts, 16s ; shorn wfethers, Robt. Noble, 17s ; Whangarei wethers, J. and-J.: .J* Powesland, 22s each. ~

Messrs. Hunter and Xolan'b Weekly P.EroitT. —Horses: The movement in tho market noted last week has continued. A good many ship-borne wero brought forward, and found purchasers at improved 1 prices as compared with irevious rates. At the Durham Yards, on Friday, there was a large muster, and corresponding attend&rce of buyers, consequently'' competition was spirited throughout the sale. Hacks, sold at from £7 103 to £16 6s; medium draughts,', from £18; heavy draughts, from .£27 5s to. .Clio. Wool, hides, and skins: Hides were in limited number, and of inferior description, 2Jjd being the maximum per lb. Skins sold at from Is lOd to 33'Sd. tallow, 253- per cwt. Cattle: The supply has; been limited, and demand brisk, and consequently, prices advanced, the exception perhaps stores which only maintained the previous webi.'s values. At Newmarket on Tuesday dairy and'.fat stock were in less than usual numbers, and requirements wero larger, consequently prices advanced—: for cows from 10s to £1 per head, and 2s to 3s per,loo lbs. for beef, 30s being readily given for good quality; Store steers of all ages ill fresh condition sold, well, but prices for female stock wero in favour of the',purchaser. Sheep were scarcely yarded in averag«>riiimbers. Prices were a shade higher than the previous, week. Wethers sold at from 17s to 23s 9d ; ewe3;,153 3d to 17s Gd ; lambs, this season, lis Gd. Pigs.: Very few yarded, and prices high.

THAMES. Messrs. Bases' and Co.'s Weekly P.kpop.t.—At Paiawai on Thursday fat cattlo were in average supply, and were all steers of choice quality. Prices 1 showed a slight advance upon last week's rates, ia'nd" ranged from-24s to 25s per lOOlbs. A draft of 39 steers from Waikato Land Association average £9 183 Bd. No sheep offered. Lambs were plentiful, and -brought 13s to 16s each. AUCKLAND STOCK AND MINING ASSOCIATION. September 27, 1888.

A. Saunders, C. Alexander, S. Vickers, J. F. "Clarite, R. Frater, John -Mowbray, It, Home, J. 11. Morpeth, J. M. Lennox, W. Flood, H. J. Wlckens, D, BMcDonald, 1). G. MacDonnell, Aitkon Carrick, It. Sjratt, Francis Hull. Joseph Newman, Chairman. MB. VTCKEKS'S WEEKLY STOCK AND SHAKE LIST AND INVESTORS' GUIDE.

Auckland, September 27, ISB3. CALL AND DIVIDfIND LIST. : Tha following aro the current calls and dividends of the companies named below, &a certified In our advertising columns O\l<Lß. £ S. d. ;,Dstft.. Northern Omnibus Co. .. 0 2 C — -Sept-20 Coro. Just-in-Timo G.M.Co. .. 0 1 0 — Oci- 10 lona G.M.Co 0 0 6 — .Oct- 10Darwin G.M.Co. .. .. C 0 3 — Oct * 30 St. Heller's and uorthcote L. 0 1 3 — Nov- T ; r»IVJI>END. • ' Bank of Australasia .. .. M per cent Oct. 5 B Y TELEGRAPH. , - CHRISTCHURCH. September 27.—The only changes in prices are Fresh butter, la 2d ; lamb, sa; both retail. Don't Die is thk Rouse.—"Bough on Hats" clears out rats, mice, beetles, roaches bedbugs,flies, ants, insects, molee, jack*rnbbits, gophers.— Moses, Moss and Co., Sydney, General Agents.

Company. Business. Closing Prices. Buyers. Sellers. Bakkb— £ s d £ s d New Zealand .. — — 2212 6 National „ .. — — 3 12 C Colonial ..... — — 2 5 0 Inhdbanoks— Colonial .... 8/3 — — MISCELLANEOUS— Auckland Gas .. — — 9 12 6 U. Sash & Door .. — — 7 12 6 Auckland Timber.. — — 6 5 0 N.Z. Loan and Her. — 5 ] 5 0 N. Z. Shipping .. — — .j 12 0 Devonport Ferry .. — _ 0 is 0 Mining — Taupiri Coal .. — _ <j ic 0. Moanataiari — 11/ . . _ , Queen of Beauty .. — 0 2 C , — Prince Imperial .. — 2 10 Hand of Friendship — 0 g 8. London .. .. 2/12/2 0 " " Waitoki .... — _ ' .0' ,3 9 Vulcan .. . — 0: 3 1 Canadian .. .. 2/3 — '' -4Werahiko .. .. — Q 6 O Premier __ — : 0 Id 0 Army .. .. 1/3 _ Colonist .. .. CIS 7/ 0 6 9 0 7 6 Wellington.. .. 2/ — 0 '2 0 Waitoki Extended 1/ — Vermont — .0 1 0.

3 o g Company. Capital. A >gountof Amount Current •=> £>S wiu/ ' " Share paid up. Rato. iip ~ g iS Ma £ £sd£ad£sd % '/ Bank of Now Zealand .. ... 1,000,000 10 0 0 10 0 0 22 12 6 16 6} National Hank of New Zealand 2,000,000 10 0 0 3 ]0 0 3 12 0 6 6} Colonial Bank of New Zealand 2,000,000 6 0 0 2 0 0 2 5 0 7 o • N. Z. Loan & Mercantile Agency 3,000,000 25 0 0 2 10 0 6 12 0 15 (ii New Zealand Insurance.. .. 1,000,000 10 0 0 2 0 0 3 17 0 15 7| South British Insuranco.. -. 1,000,000 20 0 0 2 0 0 2 17 0 10 7 National Insuranco Co 1,000,000 10 0 0 0 10 0 1 5 0 20 8 Standard Insuranco Co 1,000,000 10 0 0 0 15 0 0 13 6 7J 8 Colonial Insuranco Co 1,000,000 10 0 0 0 10 0 0 8 3 10 12 Union Insuranco Co, .. .. 2,000.000 20 0 0 1 0 0 1 4 0 10 Si Auckland Qas Co. 62,000 5 0 0 6 0 C 9 12 6 17 94 Thames Gas Co 25,000 2 10 0 1 17 0 1 10 0 8 10J U nion Sash & Door Co 130,000 500 500 J 12 6 12 8 . Day of.lBlands boalCo.,.. .. . 30,000 10 0 0 10 0 0 — — .A ucklar.d Timber Co. .. ... . 120,000. 5 0 0 10 0"' 5 0 0 16 111 New Zealand Shipping Co. .. .250,000 10 0 0 .5 0 . 0- -4.10 0 . 10 fs; ■ National Mortgage Co .. ... ■ —' _ — ISO 10 6\ New Zealand* Timber Co. .. - '6 0 0-5 0 0 5 15 0 15 . 12J

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6822, 28 September 1883, Page 4

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THE WEATHER. New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6822, 28 September 1883, Page 4

THE WEATHER. New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6822, 28 September 1883, Page 4